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Female Infertility

Endometriosis Yoga: Natural Treatment

By On 12/11/2020

Endometriosis is a gynecological disease in which the cells of the endometrium (the inner layer of the uterine wall) grow outside this layer, causing a number of serious consequences. Not all women understand the severity of this disease, ignoring the symptoms of the disease. But advanced endometriosis can cause a disease as terrible as infertility.





How to get rid of endometriosis naturally

How to get rid of endometriosis naturally?

By On 15/10/2020


Endometriosis affects millions of women every year. It can cause pain, bloating, and fertility issues, and it often goes undiagnosed or is misdiagnosed. Once you know you have endometriosis, many doctors don’t give you good options for treatment. However, you may be looking for how to get rid of endometriosis naturally, in that case, welcome to Africandoctor therapy. Read till the end to uncover the natural remedies that can help you manage endometriosis symptoms. More importantly, in this article you will discover the best herbal mixture to help you cure endometriosis naturally once and for all. The solution is in your hands.


Here is how to get rid of endometriosis naturally

Endometriosis natural treatment

The solution we offer to cure endometriosis is made up of herbal teas. This natural remedy is 100% made from plants. The plants we use have proven to be effective. They even enter into the composition of certain drugs. We offer you a definite advantage: the absence of undesirable effects and contraindications. Our natural herbal remedy for endometriosis will remove the pain you experience during menstruation and allow you to live normal cycles. In addition to herbs to relieve painful symptoms, this natural remedy also contains herbs that reduce the level of estrogen in the blood. This helps block the proliferation and bleeding of endometriosis lesions. Don't worry, it's the perfect herbal solution for treating endometriosis. You will heal quickly and without surgery.





To get this treatment, you can either pay directly on the site's herbal supplement (PayPal) for endometriosis or contact / WhatsApp our experts @ +229 62 79 67 67 for more information.

We ship worldwide !! Thanks to our partner DHL EXPRESS. In addition, delivery is free and your treatment will be delivered to you within 72 hours. We also have representatives in Cameroon, Senegal, Ivory Coast, Mali, Congo, Central Africa, Niger, Togo and Benin. We give the greatest satisfaction to our patients and support them throughout their treatment period with good health advice.

Don't forget to sign in to our newsletter for updates on health tips and herbal treatments for your health concerns. In addition, get a 5% discount on your order.



Endometriosis symptoms 

The most common symptom of endometriosis is pelvic pain, especially during the menstrual period. Instead of the annoying cramping many women experience during their periods, women with endometriosis often experience severe pain that can be difficult to manage. Other symptoms include:

  • pain during intercourse
  • pain with urination or bowel movements
  • excessive heavy bleeding during periods
  • diarrhea
  • constipation
  • bloating
  • fatigue

Finding relief from symptoms is important for women trying to manage the condition, especially if a treatment plan hasn’t been worked out yet. Fortunately, there are plenty of home remedies that you can use to help reduce symptoms fast.




Chamomile tea

Chamomile flower tea endometriosis

Chamomile, often embraced for its "calming" effects, has long been used as a home remedy for premenstrual syndrome (PMS). These same effects are assumed to be useful in providing the generalized relief of cramps and pain caused by endometriosis.


Research has suggested that the effects may be more direct than previously imagined. According to a 2018 study published in the Journal of Cellular Physiology, chamomile contains an isoflavone known as chrysin which appears to trigger apoptosis (cell death) in uterine tissues that have grown out of control.


The test tube study suggested that chrysin found in chamomile and other substances (such as honey) may one day lead to the development of drugs that can relieve endometriosis symptoms. Further research is needed to see if the same results can be replicated in humans.


Castor oil

Castor oil nd endometriosis

Castor oil has been used for hundreds of years to treat endometriosis. It can be used at the very beginning, when cramping is first felt, to help the body get rid of excess tissues. It’s important that this technique is only used before the menstrual flow, and not during.

Castor oil should be massaged directly into the abdomen. You can also mix it with a few drops of a relaxing essential oil like lavender to help relax the pelvic muscles, and apply it to a warm compress to place on the abdomen.



Turmeric endometriosis

Turmeric has strong anti-inflammatory properties that can be beneficial to people experiencing endometriosis symptoms. It can also be used to manage endometriosis in the long term. Some research has even found that it has the ability to inhibit endometrial growth.

You can take turmeric capsules, or make turmeric tea by boiling one cup of water and adding a teaspoon of both turmeric and ginger powder. You can also add honey and lemon. Drink this three times daily while experiencing symptoms, and at least once daily when you’re using it for maintenance.


Phone / WhatsApp: +229 62 79 67 67

To get this treatment, you can either pay directly on the site's herbal supplement (PayPal) for endometriosis or contact / WhatsApp our experts @ +229 62 79 67 67 for more information.

We ship worldwide !! Thanks to our partner DHL EXPRESS. In addition, delivery is free and your treatment will be delivered to you within 72 hours. We also have representatives in Cameroon, Senegal, Ivory Coast, Mali, Congo, Central Africa, Niger, Togo and Benin. We give the greatest satisfaction to our patients and support them throughout their treatment period with good health advice.

Don't forget to sign in to our newsletter for updates on health tips and herbal treatments for your health concerns. In addition, get a 5% discount on your order.

Herbal supplements for early menopause


By On 19/09/2020



It is a situation every woman will experience when it comes to menopause. However, early menopause is a situation that does not happen to every woman and what happens to her is not happy. Most people seek treatment in case of early menopause. But first, they look for a way to be treated at home. So is there a herbal supplement for early menopause? As with almost every ailment, there is a herbal treatment for early menopause. 


Get rid of prostatitis with this natural treatment

This herbal supplement for early menopause includes a proprietary blend of herbal remedies including apple powder, cranberry fruit, passionflower, schizandra berry, vitamin C, B, iron, calcium and magnesium to support the hormone balance and promote health and the welfare of a woman in general.

In essence, this natural treatment will help you in the following areas:

  • Promotes healthy urinary tract
  • Support healthy reproductive organs
  • Provides nutritional support for hormonal balance
  • Helps protect against free radical damage
  • Promotes a balanced mood
  • Helps maintain natural energy levels

To get this treatment you can either pay directly on the website (PayPal) herbal supplement for early menopause or kindly contact/WhatsApp our experts @+22990431725 for more information.

We deliver worldwide!! Thanks to our partner DHL EXPRESS. Also, the delivery is free and your treatment will be delivered to you within 72 hours. We also have representatives in Cameroon, Senegal, Ivory Coast, Mali, Congo, Central Africa, Niger, Togo and Benin. We give the greatest satisfaction to our patients and support them throughout their treatment period with great health tips.

Do not forget to sign in to our newsletter to get update on health tips and herbal treatments for your health challenges. In addition, get a 5% discount of your order.


At What Age Is Early Menopause Entered?


Early menopause is the menopause that occurs before the age of 45. In our country, the age of menopause is generally 50-52. The earliest age to enter menopause is uncertain. However, any menopause before the age of 45 is known as early menopause. It should be treated at home or with the help of a doctor. Early menopause is not something that anyone can be satisfied with.


Causes Early Menopause?

Early menopause is seen in a small proportion of women. It is a very sad situation. In case of early menopause, women do not have children and no woman wants to experience this. There are many reasons for early menopause. These are listed as follows:

  • Genetic
  • To smoke
  • Being too thin or too overweight
  • Not exercising
  • Vitamin D deficiency
  • Calcium deficiency
  • Stress
  • Chemicals
  • Vegetarian diet
  • Chromosomasal causes
  • Autoimmune diseases
  • Infections
  • Cancer treatment
  • Surgical reasons




Chinese Angelica (Angelica sinensis): known as women's medicine. It is used in the treatment of hot flashes, menstrual difficulty, absence of menstrual or intermenstrual bleeding.

Angelica Sinensis / DANG GUI / Chinese Angelica Root Cut - English
As a powdered root or tea: 1-2 g
Tincture (1: 5): 4 ml
Liquid extract: 1 ml

Chaste (Vitex agnus-castus):

Chaste Tree Berries (Vitex agnus-castus) - Herbal Healing Inc.

It is grown in the Mediterranean region. The dried fruits are used. Prolactin, which is one of the most common causes of absent menstruation, can be useful in certain cases of absence of menstruation due to an excess of the hormone prolactin. Chasteberry has been shown to have important effects on the pituitary gland. It is important because it changes LH and FSH secretions. Immediate results should not be expected. It may take about three months.
As a powdered fruit or tea: 1-2 g
Liquid extract (1: 1): 4 ml
Solid (as dry powder) extract (4: 1): 250-500 g

Black cohosh (Cimicifuga racemosa): Menstrual cramps and It has been used to alleviate menopause. It reduces hot flashes. It has also been shown to reduce depression and vaginal dryness.

Black Cohosh - Buy Black Cohosh
Powdered root: 1-2 g
Tincture (1: 5): 4-6 ml
Liquid extract (1: 1): 3-4 ml
Solid (as dry powder) extract (4: 1): 250-500 mg
Medicinal tea: One teaspoon (1.5 g) Boiling water is poured on the drug (the part of the plant used in treatment). It is kept for 10 minutes, filtered. It is consumed as 2 tea cups a day.

Yarrow (Achillea millefolium) yarrow and many of them has used up forty in Turkey. Due to its estrogen content, it is used in women with irregular menstrual bleeding or women during or after menopause. 

Growing along the River: Yarrow - Coastal Watershed Council

It balances the menstrual bleeding and reduces the menopause complaints.
Medicinal tea: A tea (1.5 g) spoonful of drug (finely chopped plant or flowering stem in this plant) is poured with boiling water and waited for 10 minutes, then filtered. It can be consumed as 3 cups of tea a day. It should not be used during pregnancy!

Sage (Salvia officinalis): It is good for night sweats and hot flashes during menopause.

Guide to Sage - Chowhound
Medicinal tea: Boiling water is poured over 1 teaspoon of dried leaves and kept for 10 minutes. It is then filtered. 2-3 cups can be consumed a day. If dry leaves are used, 4-5 minutes is sufficient for the brewing time.




Providing adequate and balanced nutrition and physical activity in menopause; It helps to maintain ideal body weight, protect bone and heart health, reduce the risk of diabetes, cancer and minimize the problems in menopause.
1. Food diversity should be provided. Foods in the milk group, meat group (eggs, legumes), fresh fruits and vegetables group, and bread and cereal groups should be consumed in the same meal and in accordance with the needs of the individual.
2. Ideal body weight should be maintained during this period.
3. Foods with low energy content and high nutritional value should be consumed. Simple carbohydrate consumption should be reduced and complex carbohydrate consumption should be focused on.
4. Consumption of pulp foods should be increased. Foods rich in fiber; legumes, vegetables and fruits and cereals.
5. Vegetable and fruit consumption should be increased.
6. Low-fat and low-cholesterol foods should be consumed.
7. Foods with high calcium content should be consumed.
8. Salt consumption should be reduced.
9. Fluid consumption should be increased.
10. Alcohol and smoking should not be consumed.
11. Physical activity should be increased.



To get this treatment you can either pay directly on the website (PayPal) herbal supplement for early menopause or kindly contact/WhatsApp our experts @+22990431725 for more information.

We deliver worldwide!! Thanks to our partner DHL EXPRESS. Also, the delivery is free and your treatment will be delivered to you within 72 hours. We also have representatives in Cameroon, Senegal, Ivory Coast, Mali, Congo, Central Africa, Niger, Togo and Benin. We give the greatest satisfaction to our patients and support them throughout their treatment period with great health tips.

Do not forget to sign in to our newsletter to get update on health tips and herbal treatments for your health challenges. In addition, get a 5% discount of your order.


Women's reviews of traditional remedies: Fibroid

By On 18/08/2020


Pincements aux ovaires : pourquoi ?

Dear readers, your opinion is important to us! Therefore, we will be happy to review the treatment of uterine fibroids with traditional remedies, recipes that helped, and the results, in the comments to the articles, they will be useful to other users!


Narea Wilson Shares Her Struggle With Fibroids And How Womb Health ...

Myoma was determined for me at 42 years old. I didn't want to have the operation and I was looking for traditional remedies. In the village, my grandmother who lived in the neighborhood was an herbalist and advised me to treat myoma with propolis tincture in alcohol. I had to drink five ten-day classes with three-day breaks and I drank seven courses. After the next appointment of the doctor, he said that the fibroids decreased, in addition, the bleeding disappeared and the lower abdomen stopped hurting. A year and a half has passed, myoma is in a single pore and I don't mind.


Nurse With Endometriosis Shares Painful Journey To Diagnosis ...

I was diagnosed with a fibroid, which was located in such a place that I could not do without surgery. I didn't want to go under the knife and decided to try to be treated with hollyhock. I started taking a decoction and, at the same time, carrying the doubling. After a week, the pain became much less, the bleeding stopped. A month later, at the next meeting, the doctor was very surprised, since the nodes of the myoma decreased, and could be removed without touching the uterus.


Eating For Fibroids: Foods That May Help & Foods To Avoid | The ...

I used for the treatment of fibro tinctures of pine uterus and red brush. He took six courses, strictly following the recipe. The control ultrasound showed that the tumor had shrunk.


Lawrencia Udife's Blog: Toke Makinwa Opens Up About Struggle With ...

I used calendula tincture to treat my fibroids. I finished three courses, but the result is poor. I will continue. At the same time, I did dubbing.


Natural Remedies for Uterine Fibroids - Wildwood Lifestyle Center

Myoma was discovered a few years ago. This disease in our family is hereditary - my grandmother also had a fibroid. Following his experience, I took propolis alcohol tincture in this way: five days of hospitalization, three days off. He has conducted seven such courses. As a result, the bleeding stopped, the pain in the lower abdomen disappeared. In the last two years, the disease does not manifest itself in any way, it is in a single condition.




Unlike a high estrogen level which promotes the appearance and formation of fibroids, the action of the natural remedy is different. Indeed, it quickly causes the disappearance of fibroids and reduces your pain. Thus, heavy menstrual bleeding usually stops at the end of treatment. Overall, the herbal tea also expels all the waste in your uterus. This natural remedy is, therefore, the miracle solution to permanently eliminate your fibroids.

Click on this link to find out more about this product for fibroid


Traditional remedies in the treatment of uterine fibroids

Treatment of uterine fibroids at home, when education has reached a large size, is possible. In this case, the therapy aims to eliminate hormonal disorders and stop the bleeding, if necessary. Choose herbal products that can cope with these symptoms.

These include:

5 things to know about stinging nettle | Loop News

  • Nettle is a well-known plant, rich in biologically active substances. Such as vitamins, formic acid, protein, protein, calcium, potassium, sulfur, phosphorus, zinc, iron, manganese. It has a calming and hemostatic effect. Grind the plant, strain the juice. Make a cotton swab, soak the nettle in the juice and insert it into the vagina overnight.
  • Buffers soaked in sea buckthorn oil are used.

Goat milk

The Main Differences Between Camel Milk and Goat Milk​Healing and tasty drink, very useful for both adults and children. Helps increase immunity in the fight against viruses and infectious diseases. Goat's milk eliminates toxins and intoxications from the body, has an antitumor effect.

It is recommended to drink milk in the morning on an empty stomach and before bed, 1 glass at a time. Previously, 12 hours before ingestion, specially prepare 1 cup of goat's milk mixed with 2 slices of minced garlic. Continue treatment for one year.

An equally good result is the use of goat's milk mixed with goat fat. For 1 glass of milk, take 1 tbsp. fat, drink a glass a day.

Goose fat

Homemade Goose Fat In A Glass Container Stock Photo, Picture And ...

The natural substance, goose fat - contains vitamins and important fatty acids, which have a strengthening effect on the body, helps strengthen human immune properties, heals wounds, promotes the resorption of formations.

Goose fat is treated with tampons. Melt 5 tablespoons over low heat. fat, add calendula flowers, cook for half an hour, then the mixture is cooled. At night I put infused swabs in the infusion for 10 days. Then take a 7-day break, repeat the course. It is necessary to follow 3 courses of treatment.

Goose fats can be used to make candles to treat uterine fibroids. To do this, they melt the fat, pour it into small molds and cool cold. The cooled fat becomes hard, it is easily removed from the mold and put in the vagina at night, 10 days in a row.

Fish fat

Fatty Fish That Are High in Omega-3s

The essential substance involved in all body processes is fish oil. The content of vitamins A and D in it has an antioxidant effect, omego acids inhibit the development of cancer, preventing the growth of formations. Swabs for uterine fibroids with fish oil are used daily until the desired result, 3 hours a day. This method in the initial stage can completely save the patient from small formations.

Quail eggs

Booths supermarket halts sale of quail eggs over farm footage ...

Quail eggs are rich in the presence of a large number of vitamins, beneficial micro and macro elements. Their benefits are due to the ability to maintain human health, as well as the content of vitamin E, which is a powerful antioxidant. In combination with other methods, egg therapy provides a faster and better effect of treatment. They recommend drinking up to 6 quail eggs a day. At the same time, it is necessary to use immortality broth.

Broth recipe: 10 grams of dried immortal flowers, pour 1 cup of water, boil for 30 minutes. Drink twice a day for 1 tbsp.

Cedar or walnut tincture

Black Walnut Hull Cut - Wildcrafted - Spirit of Health Store

Pine nut - a tasty and healthy delicacy, rich in vitamins and minerals. Walnuts are used in the treatment of various diseases - in gynecology, urology, cardiology and neurology. The product strengthens the human immune system, stops uterine bleeding, relieves pain.

In the treatment of uterine fibroids, pine nuts are used in the form of tinctures:

1 cup peeled seeds plus 500 ml. vodka, insist 14 days. Drink 1 tablespoon three times a day. Take until the infusion is complete, repeat the cycle 3 to 6 times.

You can make an infusion on the shell of pine nuts. It will take 2 cups of shell + 500 ml of vodka, insist 10 days. Eat 1 tablespoon. three times a day before meals. Duration of treatment 21 days.

In the treatment of uterine fibroids at home, along with other plant products, nuts are actively used. It can be called an indispensable product due to its content of about 80 types of useful elements, especially the amount of vitamin C, which is 50 times higher than its content in citrus. Everything is useful in a walnut - pips, shells, partitions, leaves.

The advantages of walnut for the female body:

  • recovery after birth, operations accompanied by high blood loss;
  • normalization of hormonal balance (walnut contains iodine, which is necessary for the health of the thyroid gland, which is responsible for the production of hormones);
  • relaxing calming effect;
  • treatment of uterine fibroids;
  • increase in immune properties.

As a treatment, use the tincture of walnut partitions. Take 30 grams of crushed partitions on a glass of vodka, insisted for 10 days in a dark place. Take 30 drops three times a day before each meal.

Click on this link to find out more about this product for fibroid


Uterine fibroids fb 1


By On 18/08/2020


The treatment of uterine fibroids with folk remedies has proven effective over the years. This is confirmed by both patients and doctors. However, it most effective during the early stages, hence, don't leave your fibroid untreated to avoid complications.


A fibroid is a benign muscle tumor of the uterus. Its size can vary from that of a pea to that of a grapefruit, and in some cases even invade the abdominal cavity. 

Tumor size

With a small neoplasm, the use of folk remedies in the treatment of uterine fibroids is justified. Effective facilitation of the condition of tinctures and decoctions of plants that have analgesic, hemostatic and anti-inflammatory effects. And that's not it. Using funds prepared according to herbal recipes, you can not just eliminate the symptoms of uterine fibroids. Treatment under the supervision of a doctor can help you get rid of the neoplasm.

It happens that women who rarely visit the gynecologist miss the moment when the tumor appears and seek help when it reaches large and sometimes gigantic. Unfortunately, in the treatment of large uterine fibroids, folk remedies are ineffective and can be used in addition to traditional treatment. Medicines with traditional medicines can help in this case to stop the growth of fibroids and slightly reduce its size.

Here are folk remedies and grandma's tips for fibroid

1.Herbal Tea For Uterine Fibroids


Unlike a high estrogen level which promotes the appearance and formation of fibroids, the action of the natural remedy is different. Indeed, it quickly causes the disappearance of fibroids and reduces your pain. Thus, heavy menstrual bleeding usually stops at the end of treatment. Overall, the herbal tea also expels all the waste in your uterus. This natural remedy is, therefore, the miracle solution to permanently eliminate your fibroids so you would not face difficulties getting pregnant.

This is Africandoctor's best solution for you! Trust us, it works!
Click on this link to find out more about this product for fibroid

2. Infusions and tinctures

10 natural remedies for fibroid

Effective treatment of uterine fibroids with folk remedies using infusions and alcohol tinctures. Judging by the reviews, such preparations based on ginger, pine nuts, propolis, mummy, rosehip, uterine boron, and other plants proved to be good.

Pour the walnut partitions (30 g) 1/4 liter of vodka and put in a dark place for two weeks. Take 40 drops before meals with plenty of water.

A swordfish is often used in the treatment of this disease, due to the large number of useful substances that make up its composition. To prepare the tincture of this plant, it is necessary to fill 0.5 l of alcohol with crushed raw materials (100 g). The composition should be infused for 21 days. Take the tincture three times a day, a teaspoon (teaspoon) a quarter of an hour before meals. The treatment is performed in several stages: 20 days of hospitalization, then a break of four days. There must be at least four such repetitions.

For those who are interested in treating uterine fibroids with folk remedies without surgery (in the early stages), we suggest you learn more about some herbs that have been proven in the fight against this disease.


3. Celandine

China Celandine Extract Chelidonium Majus, 2% Chelerythrine ...

This plant has long been used to treat various diseases. Celandine in uterine fibroids is known for its effective effect on myomatous ganglia. Especially effective in this case is the juice of the plant. Celandine should be crushed and juice squeezed from it (125 g). Then mix it with a glass of natural liquid honey and pour 125 grams of vodka. The mixture is infused for one week at room temperature. Take this remedy a teaspoon (teaspoon) three times a day half an hour before meals. The treatment lasts three months. Rosehip juice is toxic, so be sure to see your doctor first!

Quite often, a decoction is used to treat fibroids. Good results are obtained by doubling with a rosehip solution.


4. Burdock

Burdock Root: Benefits, Side Effects, and More

One of the most widely used medicinal plants, it contains many useful substances. It is often and effectively used to treat uterine fibroids at home. An infusion of burdock roots can not easily inhibit tumor growth, but can also reduce it.

The infusion is prepared from a tablespoon of crushed dry raw materials, which is poured with boiling water (500 ml). After 12 hours, you can take half a glass four times a day. Fifteen days after the end of treatment, the course may be repeated.

If you add the same amount of sea buckthorn oil and honey to the juice of burdock roots, you can get an excellent tool for soaking tampons. Add the mummy (0.2 g) to the prepared meal and mix well. A cotton swab is moistened in it and injected into the vagina overnight. This procedure is performed for two weeks each day. During this time, a small tumor will completely dissolve.

From burdock leaves, you can prepare an infusion. A tablespoon of fresh or dried chopped leaves should be poured with 200 ml of boiling water and insisted for 12 hours. The composition is filtered and taken in 100 ml four times a day.

The juice from the leaves is also used to treat large tumors. The leaves are washed well and passed through a meat grinder or chopped with a blender. Such a drug is taken strictly according to the scheme: two days - a teaspoon twice a day, two days - the same amount, but three times.

Starting with the fifth day, the healing juice is taken on a spoon (spoon) three times a day. The treatment lasts a month. After interrupting it for one month, the course may be repeated if necessary.


5. Propolis

Buy Bee Propolis 1000mg Capsules

In traditional medicine, the beneficial properties of this unique product are actively used. Propolis from uterine fibroids is used to prepare vaginal suppositories or to make alcohol tinctures.

Daily, for 10 days at night, inject propolis, rolled into a small ball, into the vagina. Then stop treatment for five days and repeat again. There should be six such courses.

Heat two tablespoons (tablespoons) of propolis, which are pre-frozen. Add two glasses of water. Heat the mixture for 5-7 minutes in a water bath, cool and pour into a dark glass jar. Store it in the refrigerator. The tincture is taken in 20 ml for two months twice a day.

6. Red brush

Adding ginseng to yogurt or milk may boost their health benefits ...

A rather rare plant is Sibiu ginseng. In Russia, it can be purchased in pharmacies in dry form. To prepare a decoction, pour a tablespoon (tablespoon) of chopped dried root with a glass of water and boil for 10 minutes under a closed lid over low heat. The composition should be infused for two hours. Take a decoction three times a day for half a cup half an hour before meals. The treatment lasts a month and a half.

The alcohol tincture is prepared from 50 g of crushed dried root, which is poured with 500 ml of high quality vodka. For a month, the raw material is infused in a dark place. As a result, you get a cherry liquid.

Before use, strain the tincture and take 30 drops a month three times a day. A red brush from uterine fibroids can be used for doubling. To do this, you can use a glass of broth or a teaspoon of tincture, which is diluted in half a liter of cooled boiled water. The procedure takes place in the morning and in the evening. The liquid should be kept inside for 10 minutes. The treatment lasts a week. If the tumor continues to bother and the symptoms do not go away, the course is repeated twice.

7. Pine uterus

This plant is used to treat many gynecological diseases. Helps cope with large and small tumors. The tincture of uterine boron from fibroids is prepared as follows. Pour two tablespoons (tablespoons) of crushed grass with alcohol (500 ml) and place the container with the composition for 10 days in a dark place. The treatment is carried out according to the scheme: 10 days - 1 teaspoon twice a day, then for 10 days - 1 tablespoon. After that, you need to take a break for ten days and repeat the course again. The drug is washed with sweet tea or water.

8. Flax seeds and oil

Organic Cold Pressed Flax Seeds Oil, Packaging Type: Bottle, Rs ...

The composition of flax seeds includes substances that stabilize the hormonal background, fight inflammation, and neutralize carcinogens. Therefore, drugs based on them are useful for myoma.

To prepare the broth, 4 tablespoons (teaspoon) of seeds should be poured with hot water (0.5 liters). The composition is boiled for about 10 minutes. Apply a decoction before meals ½ cup for 15 days, three times a day.

Click on this link to find out more about this product for fibroid Or Contact us on WhatsApp @ +22990431725




By On 18/08/2020


In this article, you will find out what brings about uterine prolapse and how it can be naturally reversed. You will discover the magic herbal teas that have proven effective in reversing uterine and vaginal prolapse. Uterine prolapse, medically called hysteroptosis means the lowering of the uterus into or out of the vagina, as well as the walls of the vagina, portions of the rectum and bladder. Along with uterine prolapse, vaginal prolapse also occurs, which can be three degrees, depending on the severity.


Pelvic Organ Prolapse - Is That My Uterus Coming Out of My Vagina?

Uterine prolapse, medically called hysteroptosis means the lowering of the uterus into or out of the vagina, as well as the walls of the vagina, portions of the rectum and bladder. Along with uterine prolapse, vaginal prolapse also occurs, which can be three degrees, depending on the severity.

There are 3 degrees: grade 1 when the uterus is inside the vagina, although it is lowered, grade 2 when the uterus is between the labia majora, grade 3 when the uterus hangs between the thighs. It usually occurs slowly. At first, there are urinary disorders, retention, incontinence, cystitis. Note that the disease is not life-threatening, but it is an embarrassing condition.


Uterine prolapse – Urogyn Specialists of Florida

Here are symptoms you can feel if you have uterine prolapse:

  • Pelvic, perineal, lumbar pain that increases during the evening
  • A feeling of heaviness, tightness
  • Vaginal discharge of abundant whitish fluid
  • Bleeding, leukorrhea
  • Urinary disorders (urinary incontinence) and defecation
  • The appearance of a formation in the vulvar region

HERBAL TEA TO Get Your Womb Back in Place Naturally

Africandoctor has a herbal tea for vaginal or uterine prolapse

Dawabio Group - YouTube

Treatment depends on the stage and severity of the prolapse. However, the herbal formulation and medicine we offer contain herbs like equisetum, elecampane, and other secret herbs. Together these herbs work to strengthen muscles and ligaments which support the structures and organs of the pelvis. Trust us! Following the treatment strictly for three months will guarantee a positive change. Furthermore, we have an extra package for you, our experts have healthy tips for you which have proven very effective over the years. Take advantage of this natural treatment for your uterine and vaginal prolapse.

Click here to find out more about this herbal tea Or Contact us on WhatsApp @ +22990431725



Vaginal delivery ups risk of pelvic organ prolapse | YaleNews

The risk of having a prolapsed uterus increases as woman ages and her estrogen levels decrease. Estrogen is the hormone that helps keep the pelvic muscles strong. Damage to pelvic muscles and tissues during pregnancy and childbirth may also lead to prolapse. Women who’ve had more than one vaginal birth or are postmenopausal are at the highest risk.

Any activity that puts pressure on the pelvic muscles can increase your risk of uterine prolapse. Other factors that can increase your risk for the condition include:


Uterine prolapse may not be preventable in every situation. However, you can do several things to reduce your risk, including:

  • getting regular physical exercise
  • maintaining a healthy weight
  • practicing Kegel exercises
  • seeking treatment for things that increase your amount of pressure in the pelvis, including chronic constipation or cough

Herbal teas for Uterine Or Vaginal Prolapse

From ginger to chamomile: Five types of herbal teas and their ...

Cretaceous tea

Drink 4 cups of cress tea a day, sip by sip. To make the tea, add a teaspoon of herbs to a quarter of the water. Scald and infuse for a few minutes.

Blueberry (Vaccinum myrtylis) - 4 tablespoons of leaves put in 1 liter of water and boil for 15 minutes. Strain and do vaginal washings twice a day. This treatment is very effective due to the fact that it contains a lot of tannins which is an astringent.

Anise (Anus incata) Put 2 teaspoons of chopped peel in 250 ml of water and boil for 10 minutes. Strain and do vaginal washings twice a day with the irrigator, because your tea is very astringent.

Cretisoara (Alchemilla vulgaris) - can be taken in the form of tea which is made from 2 teaspoons of your crushed tea in 250 ml of boiling water. Cover for 15 minutes then strain. You can drink 3 cups per day.

Tincture - 50 g of crushed tea will be put in 250 ml of food alcohol of 70 degrees. It is then kept for 15 days, often shaking the bottle, which will be sealed. Strain it. You can then take 3-4 teaspoons of tincture per day for long periods of time. It has a strongly astringent action, increasing the tone of the tissues, favoring the recovery of their elasticity, preventing and combating prolapse.

At the same time, wash with this cretisoara tea twice a day.

Oak (Quercus robur) - peel - 4 tablespoons put in 1 liter of water and boil for 15 minutes then strain. Vaginal washes are made with this tea twice a day. It can be consumed internally 1-2 cups at the same time.

Blueberry (Vaccinum myrtylis) - 4 tablespoons of leaves put in 1 liter of water and boil for 15 minutes. Strain and do vaginal washings twice a day. This treatment is very effective due to the fact that it contains a lot of tannins which is an astringent.

Anise (Anus incata) Put 2 teaspoons of chopped peel in 250 ml of water and boil for 10 minutes. Strain and do vaginal washings twice a day with the irrigator, because your tea is very astringent.

Cretisoara (Alchemilla Vulgaris) - can be taken in the form of teas which is made from 2 teaspoons of your crushed tea in 250 ml of boiling water. Cover for 15 minutes then strain. You can drink 3 cups per day.

Tincture - 50 g of crushed tea will be put in 250 ml of food alcohol of 70 degrees. It is then kept for 15 days, often shaking the bottle, which will be sealed. Strain it. You can then take 3-4 teaspoons of tincture per day for long periods of time. It has a strongly astringent action, increasing the tone of the tissues, favoring the recovery of their elasticity, preventing and combating prolapse.

At the same time, wash with this cretisoara tea twice a day.

Oak (Quercus robur) - peel - 4 tablespoons put in 1 liter of water and boil for 15 minutes then strain. Vaginal washes are made with this tea twice a day. It can be consumed internally 1-2 cups at the same time.

Click here to find out more about this herbal tea Or Contact us on WhatsApp @ +22990431725


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By On 17/08/2020




Have you been diagnosed with a prolapse?  Do you want to know what you can do to prevent it from progressing and your symptoms from getting worse? OR are you seeking to put your womb back in position? Having your womb out of position is not the end of the world, thanks to nature there are herbs that have been studied and scientifically proven to help women with uterine prolapse put their womb back in position.

The future of prolapse does not always have to be the operating room. In fact, in many cases, their prognosis is favorable by carrying out an adequate physiotherapy treatment and putting into practice the correct guidelines for daily life.

If you have doubts about how to face the day to day, in today's article I will tell you the keys to take care of your pelvic floor and prevent your prolapse from getting worse.



HERBAL TEA TO Get Your Womb Back in Place Naturally

Dawabio Group - YouTube

Treatment depends on the stage and severity of the prolapse. However, the herbal formulation and medicine we offer contain herbs like equisetum, elecampane, and other secret herbs. Together these herbs work to strengthen muscles and ligaments which support the structures and organs of the pelvis. Trust us! Following the treatment strictly for three months will guarantee a positive change. Furthermore, we have an extra package for you, our experts have healthy tips for you which have proven very effective over the years. Take advantage of this natural treatment for your uterine prolapse.

Click here to find out more about this natural remedy Or Contact us on WhatsApp @ +22990431725





The severity of the prolapse will also affect the treatment that your doctor proposes to carry out: in the mildest cases, physical therapy and the introduction of certain changes in your lifestyle may be sufficient. When the descent is more severe, surgical intervention may be necessary.

Whatever your case, you will need to know your pelvic floor and adopt a series of healthy habits to prevent your prolapse from getting worse. Let's see what they are!

1. Train your pelvic floor

Five ways to strengthen your pelvic floor | Health & wellbeing ...

The two lines to follow to avoid the worsening of prolapse are, on the one hand, to improve the support capacity of the tissues of your pelvic floor and, on the other, to avoid all those practices that suppose an excess of pressure on them. As for the first factor, improving the support function that our pelvic floor performs on a daily basis, nothing like getting your perineal muscles in shape by training them.

Kegel exercises, hypopressive abdominal gymnastics, postural reeducation, core training ... are some of the protagonists of the action plan that the pelvic floor physiotherapy may suggest the specialized professional you go to.

2. Stay in shape with exercises that respect your pelvic floor

​​Kegel Exercise Step by Step for Android - APK Download

Being in shape is much more than having a flat stomach and staying within reasonable margins on the scale. Being in shape implies a global training of all your muscle groups in order to achieve the right tone, strength, and flexibility.

But if you suffer a prolapse, and you do not want it to get worse, you should know that not all physical activities are advisable to get in shape.

The ideal is that you choose an activity that you like and that does not suppose you an ordeal every time it is time to train. Of course, it should be a low-impact and non-hypertensive sports practice, as one of the physical activities that I propose in this article to lose weight without endangering your pelvic floor.

A fit body will allow you to be more active and you will avoid excessive stress on your pelvic floor. So, come on, choose an activity that is respectful of your perineum, and… starts improving your physical condition today!

3.  Avoid constipation and straining when going to the bathroom

What to Eat, Drink and Do to Relieve Constipation | Wellness | US News

Constipation is one of the great enemies for your pelvic floor, especially if it already suffers from a dysfunction such as a prolapse.

As I told you in this article, we talk about constipation when the frequency of bowel movements is less than three times a week, but also when defecation is accompanied by significant discomfort, the stool is very hard, you need to make great efforts to expel them, or you have the feeling of not having completely evacuated.

If every time you go to the bathroom you have to push to expel the stool, you are subjecting your pelvic floor to hyper pressure that, maintained over time, will end up weakening the muscles and, in the present case, prolapse, you can favor its aggravation.

So take note: watch your diet, stay active, hydrate properly and modify the posture you adopt at the time of defecation, as we explain in this article, in which we review in depth a device called Squatty Potty that can help you promote evacuation.

4. Watch overweight

Opinion: The international debate weighing in on Carleton's scale ...

Your pelvic floor must support the weight of the interior of your abdominal-pelvic cavity as well as the excess weight that you accumulate in your abdomen.

When you suffer a prolapse, your pelvic statics are altered and the fact of overloading your pelvic floor with excess weight (overload that it has to counteract 24 hours a day, constantly and in any of your activities) is not advisable. 

If you are overweight or obese, talk to your doctor, and seriously aim to lose weight in a healthy and controlled way. If you are not overweight but have been diagnosed with a prolapse, watch your diet, and stay active to avoid weight gain.

Get to work as soon as possible in order to reach and maintain your proper weight, to stop unnecessarily overloading this essential part of your body, your pelvic floor, and thus prevent your prolapse from getting worse. To prevent your prolapse from getting worse, you have to eliminate impact sports and hypertensive exercises, but there are other options to keep in shape with aerobic activities such as swimming, elliptical, dance that does not involve jumping, etc.

5. Sneezing, chronic cough ... Reduce its frequency and learn to manage the moment

​​Why Do I Sneeze All the Time? (Causes and Reasons)

Every time you cough, sneeze, or blow your nose, there is an increase in abdominal pressure that is transmitted directly to the structures of your pelvic floor.

When any of the pelvic organs are lowered, this hyper pressure caused by coughing or sneezing is harmful, as it favors its worsening.

If you suffer from allergies and sneeze or blow your nose frequently, you are a smoker or have a respiratory disease such as asthma or chronic bronchitis and this results in repeated coughs or sudden attacks of cough, you should consult your doctor to properly manage these conditions and avoid episodes harmful to your perineum.

But you can't always avoid it, so when you feel the time to cough, sneeze, or blow your nose approaching, remember the second golden rule in this post to counteract hyper pressure ... one, two, three: contract with effort!

6. Be aware of the stages that increase the risk of worsening your prolapse

Prolapsed Uterus After Childbirth: What You Need to Know | Crystal ...

There are certain moments in the life of women in which the pelvic floor muscles, for various reasons (hormonal, obstetric, trauma, surgical ...), are less effective when exercising their important supporting function.

During menopause, the postpartum (immediate and delayed, and the subsequent period during which still carrying her up to your baby or porteándolo), time of postoperative after pelvic surgery or abdominal, when you suffer low back pain and/or pelvic, or when you are sick and, as I said in the previous point, it is inevitable to cough or sneeze frequently, you will have to protect yourself especially to prevent your prolapse from getting worse, both avoiding overloading your perineum and improving the support of your muscles.

7. Avoid lifting weights ... but, if there is no other option, learn how to do it

Women who suffer from prolapse should avoid lifting and carrying heavy loads, since both the high weight and the way you carry and carry it place an increase in pressure on your pelvic floor.

If you have no choice and you have to lift weights and/or transport them in a timely manner, it is necessary that you learn the correct way to do it so as not to put your pelvic floor at risk or aggravate your prolapse.

Try to listen to your body (do not forget that you are the one who best feels which activities aggravate and which alleviate the symptoms of your prolapse) and try to stop between one activity and another to regain strength and minimize muscle fatigue. And, if you have a chance, rest your legs on a raised surface ... your prolapse will thank you for disconnecting from verticality for a while 

This is everything I wanted to tell you about taking care of your pelvic floor to prevent your prolapse from getting worse. If you want to improve your quality of life, follow these tips and go to a professional specialized in the pelvic floor to help you in the process.



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6 folk remedies for Uterine Prolapse

By On 14/08/2020



Did you know you could put your womb in place naturally with folk remedies? Any kind of prolapse or prolapse requires quality treatment. There are several ways to treat this pathology. Here is how you cure uterine prolapse definitively.

HERBAL TEA TO Get Your Womb Back in Place Naturally

Dawabio Group - YouTube

Treatment depends on the stage and severity of the prolapse. However, the herbal formulation and medicine we offer contain herbs like equisetum, elecampane, and other secret herbs. Together these herbs work to strengthen muscles and ligaments which support the structures and organs of the pelvis. Trust us! Following the treatment strictly for three months will guarantee a positive change. Furthermore, we have an extra package for you, our experts have healthy tips for you which have proven very effective over the years. Take advantage of this natural treatment for your uterine prolapse.

Click here to find out more about this natural remedy Or Contact us on WhatsApp @ +22990431725


  1. Violation of the menstrual cycle;
  2. The appearance of a different type of discharge. Such discharge is very abundant;
  3. Often, with a loss, urinary and fecal incontinence is observed;
  4. The presence of pulling pain in the lower abdomen, which also affects the lumbar region, indicates a prolapse of the uterus or its cervix. The pain can take on an aching character. It intensifies with a long sitting in one place and subsides only after a change of position;
  5. Difficulty walking
  6. Varicose veins of the lower extremities also indicate the prolapse or prolapse of the uterus in a woman. Varicose veins itself appears due to a violation of the blood supply to the venous blood outflow;
  7. The woman feels the presence of a foreign body in the vagina;
  8. False urge to urinate is possible;
  9. Partial or complete prolapse is also characterized by inflammatory processes occurring in the small pelvis. Such processes often mean urolithiasis, cystitis or pienofelitis.
  10. Severe pain during intercourse.

Folk remedies for uterine prolapse

Phytopreparations are an auxiliary, but not the main type of therapy for prolapse. Herbal decoctions are used for baths, douching, impregnation of tampons, taken orally. Natural remedies can help strengthen muscles, relieve pain, and other symptoms.

An effective remedy for hair loss is to mix crushed shells from five eggs with mashed nine lemons. Remove the mixture in a dark place for 4 days, filter. Take 50 ml 2 times a day, continue treatment until the end of the medication.


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The herbal collection when omitting is prepared from an equal amount of linden blossom, lemon balm and lamb. Pour 220 ml of boiling water with 10 g of the mixture, cool in a closed container. Divide the infusion into 3 servings, drink during the day.


Quince Extract - Cydonia Oblonga Leaf Extract - Cosmacon

Quince is one of the best remedies for improving muscle tone in the rectum and uterus. Pour 10 dried fruits with 100 ml of water, simmer in a water bath for a quarter of an hour. Drink it warm instead of tea 4-5 times a day.

Quince properties and contraindications. Japanese quince - a tasty ...


Can Cramp Bark Could Help Relax and Support Feminine Issues ...

Prolapse is often accompanied by inflammatory processes in the genitals. An anti-inflammatory broth can be prepared from 6 g of viburnum inflorescences and 240 ml of boiling water. Simmer the mixture over the fire for 10 minutes, strain, take 45 ml of medicine three times a day.

Oak bark

Black Walnut Juglans nigra; (Juglandaceae)

Oak broth helps to improve muscle tone, eliminates inflammation. Grind 70 g of oak bark, pour 2 liters of water, simmer over low heat for 2 hours - this amount is enough for several douching, you need to warm up the broth a little beforehand. The procedure is carried out daily for 3-4 weeks.

Uterine prolapse in elderly women: what is dangerous and how to treat

Pine nuts

A bath of pine nuts helps with prolapse - pour 2 liters of boiling water over 180 g of nuts, cook for an hour on low heat in a closed container, leave for half an hour. Pour into a bath, the duration of the procedure is a quarter of an hour, the water temperature should be within 37-39 degrees during this time.

Uterine prolapse in elderly women: what is dangerous and how to treat


For the treatment and prevention of uterine prolapse, it is necessary to regularly do Kegel exercises, which is aimed at strengthening the muscles of the vagina. Simple exercises will help restore muscles after childbirth, avoid the development of gynecological diseases.

The exercise is based on alternating tension and relaxation of the intimate muscles. When straining them, you need to pull them in, fix the position for 15–20 seconds, slowly relax. Repeat the tension after 5 seconds, you need to do gymnastics three times a day for 10-15 minutes, gradually increasing the duration of the tension.

In addition to Kegel gymnastics, you need to walk more, more often climb the stairs. Bicycle exercises, exercise cycling, swimming strengthens muscles well.

Click here to find out more about this natural remedy Or Contact us on WhatsApp @ +22990431725
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By On 13/08/2020


Uterine Prolapse

The uterus (womb) is a muscular structure that’s held in place by pelvic muscles and ligaments. If these muscles or ligaments stretch or become weak, they’re no longer able to support the uterus, causing prolapse. Nonetheless, you will discover in this article some amazing homeopathy remedies for uterine prolapse. 

Uterine prolapse occurs when the uterus sags or slips from its normal position and into the vagina (birth canal).

Uterine prolapse may be incomplete or complete. An incomplete prolapse occurs when the uterus is only partly sagging into the vagina. Complete prolapse occurs when the uterus falls so far down that some tissue protrudes outside of the vagina.



HERBAL TEA TO Get Your Womb Back in Place Naturally

Dawabio Group - YouTube

Treatment depends on the stage and severity of the prolapse. However, the herbal formulation and medicine we offer contain herbs like equisetum, elecampane, and other secret herbs. Together these herbs work to strengthen muscles and ligaments which support the structures and organs of the pelvis. Trust us! Following the treatment strictly for three months will guarantee a positive change. Furthermore, we have an extra package for you, our experts have healthy tips for you which have proven very effective over the years. Take advantage of this natural treatment for your uterine prolapse.

Click here to find out more about this natural remedy Or Contact us on WhatsApp @ +22990431725

Stages of Uterine prolapse

Prolapsed Uterus Causes, Symptoms and Treatments | LoveToKnow

Uterine prolapse can be categorized as incomplete or complete:

  • Incomplete uterine prolapse: The uterus is partially displaced into the vagina but does not protrude.
  • Complete uterine prolapse: A portion of the uterus protrudes from the vaginal opening.

The condition is graded by its severity, determined by how far the uterus has descended:

  • 1st grade: descended to the upper vagina
  • 2nd grade: descended to the introitus
  • 3rd grade: cervix has descended outside the introitus
  • 4th grade: cervix and uterus have both descended outside the introitus

More severe cases may need surgery, but in the early stages, exercises may help.

What are the symptoms of uterine prolapse?

Women who have a minor uterine prolapse may not have any symptoms. Moderate to severe prolapse may cause symptoms, such as:

  • the feeling that you’re sitting on a ball
  • vaginal bleeding
  • increased discharge
  • problems with sexual intercourse
  • the uterus or cervix protruding out of the vagina
  • a pulling or heavy feeling in the pelvis
  • constipation or difficulty passing stool
  • recurring bladder infections or difficulty emptying your bladder

If you develop these symptoms, you should see your doctor and get treatment right away. Without proper attention, the condition can impair your bowel, bladder, and sexual function.

Are there Causes of uterine prolapse?

Rosh Review | Uterine prolapse, Obgyn, Reviews

The following conditions can cause a prolapsed uterus:

  • Pregnancy/childbirths with normal or complicated delivery through the vagina
  • Weakness in the pelvic muscles with advancing age
  • Weakening and loss of tissue tone after menopause and loss of natural estrogen
  • Conditions leading to increased pressure in the abdomen such as chronic cough (with bronchitis and asthma), straining (with constipation), pelvic tumors (rare), or an accumulation of fluid in the abdomen
    Being overweight or obese with its additional strain on pelvic muscles
  • Major surgery in the pelvic area leading to loss of external support
  • Smoking

What are the Risk Factors?

Geriatric Pregnancy: Is Getting Pregnant After 35 Risky?

Factors that can increase your risk of uterine prolapse include:

  • One or more pregnancies and vaginal births
  • Giving birth to a large baby
  • Increasing age
  • Obesity
  • Prior pelvic surgery
  • Chronic constipation or frequent straining during bowel movements
  • Family history of weakness in connective tissue
  • Being Hispanic or white

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Uterine prolapse is often associated with the prolapse of other pelvic organs. You might experience:

  • Anterior prolapse (cystocele). The weakness of connective tissue separating the bladder and vagina may cause the bladder to bulge into the vagina. Anterior prolapse is also called prolapsed bladder.
  • Posterior vaginal prolapse (rectocele). The weakness of connective tissue separating the rectum and vagina may cause the rectum to bulge into the vagina. You might have difficulty having bowel movements.

Severe uterine prolapse can displace part of the vaginal lining, causing it to protrude outside the body. Vaginal tissue that rubs against clothing can lead to vaginal sores (ulcers.) Rarely, the sores can become infected.

Here are some fantastic methods to help you reduce your risk of uterine polyps

Uterine prolapse may not be preventable in every situation. However, you can do several things to reduce your risk, including:

  • getting regular physical exercise
  • maintaining a healthy weight
  • practicing Kegel exercises
  • seeking treatment for things that increase your amount of pressure in the pelvis, including chronic constipation or cough

Top Homeopathic Remedies for Uterine Prolapse

Uterine Prolapse can be completely treated with the help of Homeopathy medicines. The medicines, which are made from natural substances, help in providing strength to the loose and weak muscular and ligament structure of the pelvis. As the muscles and ligaments regain strength, they tighten, pull back and hold the uterus at its proper place. Homeopathy remedies for Uterine prolapse can cure the early stages of Uterine Prolapse but in the last degree cases of Uterine Prolapse when the whole uterus comes out of the vagina, surgical intervention is the only way out. Sepia, Lilium Tigrinum, Murex, Lappa Articuma, Fraxinus Americana, Podophyllum, Helonias, and Rhus Tox are the top remedies.

Sepia: Top Remedy for a Prolapsed Uterus

Sepia: A Homoeopathy Medicine - HomoeoPlus

Sepia is considered the main remedy for women but men and children also need it at times. Sepia is a natural medicine that is highly efficient in treating Uterine Prolapse made from Sepia itself. Sepia is considered the best medicine for the cure of a prolapsed uterus. Go for this medicine if you experience a constant bearing down sensation in the pelvic region — that is, feeling the sensation as if the uterus is dragging in the downward direction and is about to come out. Crossing the lower limbs may prove slightly helpful to decrease the bearing down sensation. A few women with a prolapsed uterus also suffer from vaginal discharge with itching and such patients can also recover with the use of Sepia. This medicine yields excellent results in women at a menopausal age where the womb is in a relaxed condition with weak muscle support. Uterine Prolapse at menopause may be accompanied by hot flushes with excessive sweating.

Lilium Tigrinum: For Uterine Prolapse with Constant Urge to Pass Urine or Stool

413 Ovaries Videos and HD Footage - Getty Images

Lilium Tigrinum is the second-best herbal medicine after Sepia that proves effective in the treatment of a prolapsed uterus. This remedy is very beneficial in women suffering from Uterine Prolapse who have the constant urge to pass urine or stool. This is most of the time accompanied by a distended feeling in the pelvis. Women requiring Lilium Tigrinum also feel a dragging sensation in the pelvis. Supporting the vulva or taking rest brings about a slight relief in the dragging sensation. Lilium Tigrinum can also be used where the muscle supporting the uterus lacks the required tonicity, resulting in a displaced (retroverted or uterus tilted backward) or a prolapsed uterus.

Pay Attention to your Diet

Finding Your Perfect Diet - HealthyWomen

Add estrogen rich food in your diets such as flaxseeds, alfa-alfa, eggplant, dates, cucumber, oats, papaya, sunflower seeds, yams, red beans, plums, green peas, and eggs.
Add protein-rich foods in your diet- We all know that protein is known as building blocks of the cells. They provide strength and tones up the muscles. So add milk, legumes, lentils, pulses, and egg to your diet.
Add food rich in zinc, magnesium, and calcium in your diet.

Click here to find out more about this natural remedy Or Contact us on WhatsApp @ +22990431725

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By On 14/07/2020

Amenorrhea means the absence of the menstrual period. Apart from during childhood, pregnancy, breastfeeding, or menopause, the absence of the menstrual period may indicate a problem with the reproductive system. One of the most common causes of amenorrhea is a hormonal disturbance. The interplay of female sex hormones can be disrupted by a wide range of events, including diseases of the reproductive organs, weight loss, emotional stress, or overexercising. Frequently, there is no worrying cause found.


Infertilite feminine 1

The constituents of this tisane allow it to restore your menstrual cycle and dispose of any problem that may lead to infertility. Some of the plants that make this possible are Cloves and Acridoscarpus, these are very powerful plants, the mixture of these plants with other secret herbs have made it possible to bring back menstruation. In addition, Our natural remedy is the secret to cure any form of female infertility. We offer you a definite advantage: the absence of undesirable effects and contraindications. The natural approach is often the best approach to find a solution. Our natural remedies have allowed many women to have children. Nonetheless, it is more effective to find out the reason you developed this pathology, for better treatment.

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• Home remedies for amenorrhea include the use of various herbs and substances that are easily available at home.

• Angelica Sinensis: Angelica Sinensis has been traditionally used in labor problems such as delayed birth and in the removal of the placenta after birth. The root of Angelica has also been used in relieving from amenorrhea and dysmenorrhea. Recent scientific research carried out at the University Of Messina, Italy has proved that angelica has a significant effect on gynecological problems in women, especially with amenorrhea and dysmenorrhea.

• Blue Cohosh: Blue Cohosh is a plant that has been used in traditional medicine such as Ayurveda throughout the world. It is believed that blue cohosh is a very good uterine and menstruation stimulant. Its phytochemical calulopsonin provides stimulation for blood flow in the pelvic region. Recent scientific study on blue cohosh indicates that it really has the potential to cure amenorrhea and other gynecological diseases.

• Dill weed: Dill weed is another herbal plant that has been used traditionally both as medicine and also in cooking. Women who do not have regular periods can take dill and can have periods on a regular basis. For centuries, dill has been used by women in enhancing breast milk.

• False Unicorn: False unicorn is also a traditional herb that has been used very often as a medicine for women’s gynecological health. People believed that false unicorn has infertility curing properties. A recent scientific study proved that false unicorn indeed has some infertility curing properties.

• Lemon balm: Lemon balm is another herb that has been used historically in the treatment of amenorrhea and other menstrual-related problems in women. It promotes the menstrual cycle and eases menstrual cramps. It has also been used in amenorrhea related migraines and headaches. Research on lemon balm indicated the centuries-old claims were actually true.

• Sweet fennel: Sweet fennel is an herb that has a good effect on stimulating the menstrual cycle. Sweet fennel has been found to be effective in premenstrual syndrome (PMS). It helps in maintaining optimum fluid balance in the body.

• Fenugreek: Fenugreek is considered to be a one-stop solution for many problems faced by women related to menstrual cycle and reproduction. Fenugreek has been used with positive results in milk production, amenorrhea, relief from menstrual cramps and hot flashes, etc.

• Chasteberry: Chasteberry is one herb that provides a balance of hormones in the body, especially those related to estrogen and progesterone hormones. Hormonal balance is very important in correcting the menstrual cycle. The balance of hormones that chasteberry provides has a role to play infertility in women.

• Tomato Juice: Tomato is another fruit that helps in treating amenorrhea. Taking tomato juice every day is recommended for better results. Even Ayurveda, the ancient Indian system of traditional medicine recommends the intake of tomatoes as a remedy for amenorrhea.

• Cinnamon: Cinnamon is a spice originating in Asia. This spice has been traditionally used as a cure for different ailments, one of them being amenorrhea. A report submitted at Alexandria University in Egypt had found that adolescent girls were using spices and herbs and spices for treating amenorrhea and one of them was cinnamon.

• Saffron: Saffron is an antioxidant believed to act as a toxin flushing agent in the body. Boiling a pinch of saffron in water, cooling it, and taking the water all day is believed to clean up the body internally.

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Herbal Treatment on Endometriosis: Blocked Fallopian Tube

By On 14/07/2020

Lethal menstrual cramps - is it endometriosis?15 Reasons For Cramping Without Period

Have you ever felt such a deadly abdominal pain that it turns black in front of your eyes? Would you like to shout and cry or sink into a deep hibernation instead? Nothing helps anymore! You've already given yourself some of the painkillers, and you don't want to call an ambulance again so that they drip a miracle cure directly into your vein. Is this really normal or should you be worried about your health? And how to play away this pain with domestic means? I was in exactly this situation yesterday and shouted for help from IG stories! The holy storm that women's power immediately appeared behind me.



My days through the years

I was always the girl who didn't understand when the days were waiting at the door or they were already starting. No abdominal pain, breast tenderness, mood swings… even the blood flow was non-existent. The days were so minimal that when the tampon was forgotten, nothing happened! Now for the last six months, I have everything the other way around! Abdominal pains start as a "warning" a few days earlier, breasts are so sensitive that Roomet can only dream of seeing them, nausea runs to the pot, moods fluctuate up and down, the sense of smell is extremely sharp and the blood flow during the days is almost endless.

Causes of Abdominal Pain - Gastroenterologist in Livonia, MI




What are the best tips for women to fight menstrual cramps?

As mentioned, I got a lot of good and some very "peculiar" tricks from you on how to scare away stomach pain and end this nightmare. I will share them all with you, because not everyone is affected by the same thing, and I would like to hope that everyone will find something for themselves here. Keep in mind that not everything here is medical science. Some are funny. So take everything with salt:

  • hot water bag  - sold in pharmacies. In case of emergency, you can also use a thermostat or let the kittens swallow your stomach
  • seat heating in the car  - quite a few swore to it, but I was still immobile and sick and did not tend to try. Do you work?
  • hot tub or shower
  • Paracetamol with codeine
  • Dolmen  - a powerful painkiller. Especially good for muscle and menstrual pain
  • Solpadeine water-soluble tablets
  • rectal candle - if the pain is so severe that it causes vomiting and you vomit the tablet out
  • Ambulance analgesic injections  - Some people survive so cruelly that they have no choice but to call an ambulance who injects painkillers directly into a vein. Some wrote that making them yourself at home
  • drinking herbal tea - St. John's wort, rose flower, rosehip, iron grass, chamomile, linden flower, mung pepper, wild strawberry leaf
  • eating pickled cucumber or drinking liquid - not sure if it wasn’t confused with a cucumber, hehe
  • "Little sex and a man will end up in you"  - the last thing I want to do with abdominal pain and a bleeding uterus, but well - everyone has their own ways
  • movement  - menstruation, back cycling, running, walking, stretching, hanging
  • "Polymer film"  means a polymeric film in which an electrical charge of one thousandth of a pound per square centimeter is applied by special technology. In the electrostatic field of the film, the orientation of bipolar molecules of biofabrics takes place, which activates physiological processes in the field of influence and accelerates tissue regeneration, fracture aggregation, has a local analgesic effect, etc. Polymers increase the body's internal resources and have no side effects. I had never heard of it before. Does anyone have experience?
  • Livia  - Once you've done a Google Search for menorrhagics, you'll still be promoted. I myself have not used and do not plan to order. Does anyone have experience?
  • essential oils  - tea tree, lavender, sage, cinnamon, ginger,  clary common
  • stretching  - even though many recommend that curled just pull you seizure should straighten it. It also helped me insanely!
  • acupuncture
  • Sleep  - indeed the best medicine for any illness and anxiety. However, if the pain does not let you fall asleep, it is still useless. However, more sleep can reduce the intensity of the pain



If you are looking for the solution to your problem, below is the best African herbal tea that helps to shrink Endometriosis. 




This herbal tea is a decoction of African medicinal plants. This is the best natural solution very effective in unblocking the fallopian tube and getting pregnant.
Our tisane helps to kill bacteria like yeast, which are often the cause of infertility. This herbal tea enhances the transportation of spermatozoa and fertilization which will eventually improve fertility. It is also rich in antioxidants, antioxidants are advisable in the treatment of clogged fallopian tubes while taking this treatment our experts will be with you every step of the way to monitor the progress of the treatment and give advice where needed.






But what is it all about?   It is a very common disease among women and many are not even aware of it. How to recognize it? What are the consequences of the disease? How to treat and prevent it at all? The following text is a summary of reliable scientific information found on

Endometriosis is a disease in which tissue similar to the lining of the uterus is located outside the uterus and, like the uterus, goes through all menstrual cycles. The most common sites of endometriosis are in the pelvis and  ovaries , but also in other organs  (eg the gut). Regardless of its location, the lesion of enometriosis may function similarly to normal uterine mucosal tissue in the uterus, i.e., go through the same stages of the menstrual cycle. In young women, endometriosis usually causes infertility,  painful menstruation,  and bleeding. In menopause, endometriosis disappears as the uterine lining stops functioning.




What could be the Symptoms?

In some cases, the symptoms are completely absent.
Typically (approximately 80% of patients), abdominal pain occurs during menstruation, due to substances released by endometrial detachment (including prostaglandins), which irritate the surrounding tissues and uterine contractions during menstruation. Less commonly, pain may also occur in the middle of the cycle during ovulation or continuously throughout the menstrual cycle.
Endometriosis may be accompanied by painful intercourse (dyspareunia), pain when urinating (dysuria), painful bowel movements and defecation, especially during menstruation. A common problem is infertility due to joints caused by endometriosis - the fallopian tubes are wilted and impassable; hormonal shifts, changes in the composition of the fluid in the abdominal cavity, etc. Many women who are being studied for the causes of infertility are diagnosed with endometriosis, but not all women with endometriosis are childless.
Mood swings are usually associated with pain syndrome, as knowledge of recurrent pain affects the psyche, creating the conditions for depression, fear, increased irritability, helplessness, etc. Depending on the location and extent of the endometriosis, the symptoms vary.


Folk natural medicine to shrink endometriosis

You can try to treat folk remedies.

The useful remedies of some plants are well known. They can reduce inflammatory symptoms and pain, as well as normalize hormones that cause the cyst to break down.

  • Cabbage;
  • Borovera uterus;
  • Bar juice;
  • Kummel and akaatsiaõied;
  • Kalina;
  • Oak bark;
  • Geraniumid;



7 Diet Tips to Help Fight Endometriosis

8 Diet Tips to Help Fight Endometriosis

  1. Increase Your Intake of Omega-3 Fats. Share on Pinterest. 
  2. Avoid Trans Fats. 
  3. Cut Down on Red Meat. 
  4. Eat Plenty of Fruits, Vegetables, and Whole Grains. 
  5. Limit Caffeine and Alcohol. 
  6. Cut down on Processed Foods. 
  7. Soy May Be Beneficial.




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Discover more on how to treat uterine polyps




Obstruction of the fallopian tubes: causes and natural treatment

By On 13/07/2020

Let's Know The Concept 

The fallopian tubes, also known as the fallopian tubes - are a pair of tubular organs that connect the uterus to the abdomen, an important part of a woman's reproductive system. Period of ovulation Ovulation - How to define as accurately as possible?   The concept and fallopian tubes carry the egg from the ovary to the uterus.

The "immediate" fallopian tube will hit the egg, directing it into the tube and transporting it to the uterus. After fertilization, the sperm in the fallopian tube is sent to the fallopian tube. However, sometimes the process of fertilization is impossible due to blockage or damage to the fallopian tubes in which the egg does not fall into the ovaries of the uterus. This can happen in one or both fallopian tubes. If the tube is partially blocked, increasing the chance of called fallopian tubes or ectopic pregnancy.

Another type of blockage of the fallopian tubes called hydrosalpinx or fallopian tubes increases the diameter of the tubes and filling with fluid. This fluid blocks the egg and sperm, making fertilization and pregnancy impossible. If you have an infection in the fallopian tubes Fallopian tubes: An important part of the genitals of a woman's body begins to produce antibodies in the form of fluids that enter the tube to clog.


What are the causes of obstruction of the fallopian tubes?

The most common cause of blockage of the fallopian tubes is infections - such as pelvic inflammatory disease. Although these diseases are quite treatable because this disease can be a blockage of the fallopian tubes. By the way, the most common reasons are:

  • Suffering from an infectious disease of the uterus caused by abortion or miscarriage
  • Worn ruptured appendicitis
  • Uterine surgery or abdominal bowel movements
  • Last ectopic pregnancy due to when the embryo develops in the fallopian tube causing it to rupture or damage
  • Entered venereal disease - especially chlamydia and gonorrhea
  • Endometriosis

Do you know the symptoms of blockage of the fallopian tubes

Determining the degree of blockage of the fallopian tubes depending on the symptoms is difficult because the symptoms vary depending on the cause of the condition. Sometimes clogging of the fallopian tubes does not cause noticeable symptoms.

If the blockage is called tubal hydrosalpinx, the most likely symptoms are abdominal pain, abnormal vaginal discharge, and the whole truth about vaginal secretions. Endometriosis or pelvic inflammatory disease is observed pain during menstruation and intercourse.


If you are looking for a solution to your problem, African Herbal Tea would help to quench tube blockage. 




This herbal tea is a decoction of African medicinal plants. This is the best natural solution very effective in unblocking the fallopian tube and getting pregnant.
Our tisane helps to kill bacteria like yeast, which are often the cause of infertility. This herbal tea enhances the transportation of spermatozoa and fertilization which will eventually improve fertility. It is also rich in antioxidants, antioxidants are advisable in the treatment of clogged fallopian tubes while taking this treatment our experts will be with you every step of the way to monitor the progress of the treatment and give advice where needed.



If you take these natural remedies, you are sure to conceive.



Discover more on our product for fallopian tube blockage and get pregnant quickly
Discover more on how to treat uterine polyps




How can fallopian tubes blockage be diagnosed?

In general, to diagnose obstruction of the fallopian tubes the following methods:

  • Hysterosalpingography: The procedure by which the uterus through the cervix introduces an X-ray agent and an X-ray is performed. If the fallopian tubes are not blocked, the substance is introduced into the uterus, passing through the tubes, settling in the ovaries. If the substance does not pass through the ovaries, the doctor will find a blockage in the fallopian tubes. It should be noted that hysterosalpingography will always give accurate results due to the commonly used procedure and other diagnostic methods. Pregnant women undergo Hysterosalpingography - an effective examination of the uterus is not recommended.
  • Sonohisterografiya: a procedure in which the uterus passes through the cervix into a special salt and then by ultrasound examination of the diagnosed condition of the fallopian tubes. It is believed that the fallopian tubes are not clogged when the inlet material passes freely through the tube. The sonohysterography procedure is relatively simple and does not require anesthesia, but the results of the examination are not always accurate, so the final diagnosis requires additional tests.
  • Laparoscopy: A procedure that provides an introduction to the abdominal laparoscope (a thin optical device) to examine the internal organs. A visual image is transferred across the abdominal cavity to a monitor connected to a laparoscope to diagnose a blockage. Laparoscopy ensures accurate results, but compared to the previous two methods it is much more expensive and requires cutting.




10 Home Remedies for Blocked Fallopian Tubes

The fallopian tube is blocked due to many problems. It is also one of the most common causes of female infertility and accounts for almost 40% of couples who are unable to conceive. If you have been diagnosed with clogged fallopian tubes, here are some home cooking methods on how to naturally remove an egg block.


See the remedies below

1. Quit smoking and drinking

Quit Smoking and Drinking and save a Crore | Scripbox

If you are trying to use natural remedies to open your ovaries, you need to start eliminating variables that are known to cause health problems. Smoking and drinking are the cause of various diseases, and stopping them will improve your overall quality of life. One study published in the International Journal of Epidemiology shows a significant effect of alcohol and tobacco on female fertility and failure to achieve one result with blocked fallopian tubes. If you are a regular smoker or you have a habit of drinking, it is best to quit before you try to conceive.

2. Vitamin C

Sources of Vitamin C Other Than Oranges

Vitamin C boosts immunity and is important for the absorption of iron in our food. Infections of the fallopian tubes caused by infections can be improved by adequate vitamin C intake. Citrus fruits, such as oranges and lemons, are rich in vitamin C. 

3. Meditate out of stress every day

Stress Hack: 4 Things I Learned After Meditating for a Month ...

Stress is a major cause of health problems and is a major cause of infertility in women. Certain meditation techniques are effective in calming the body and balancing hormone levels and body functions. Therefore, find time each day to meditate a bit to relieve your mind and body. Mornings and evenings are ideal for meditation because the changes at night and during the day affect our natural rhythms.

4. Garlic

7 Surprising Health Benefits Of Garlic - NDTV Food

Several types of herbs have been used as ovarian infections for centuries. Herbs are mainly classified on the basis of their ability to perform certain functions, such as hormone balancing, antibiotic, anti-inflammatory and circulatory. Garlic is a natural antibacterial and fights microbes to boost the immune system. It is also useful in preventing blood clots and platelet aggregation by improving blood circulation. It also reduces friction and scarring, helping the mucosa to keep the ovary open.

5. Ginger, cinnamon and turmeric

Turmeric Tea with ginger, lemon and Eastern Shore Honey warms the soul

In terms of garlic-like benefits and effects, these herbs are also known to reduce inflammation, increase blood circulation and prevent fallopian tubes. You can make tea from these herbs or add them to your diet every day to benefit.

6. Try yoga

Health Benefits of Yoga: How Long It Takes to Truly See Results

Yoga is a holistic approach to good health and healing. Some of the main causes of ovarian obstruction are infections, inflammation and scar tissue. Yoga with gentle stretching exercises massages the internal organs and promotes healing. There are two effective yoga classes to help clear blocked fallopian tubes.

  • "Viparita Karani" is an exercise that works in the abdomen to get rid of eggs naturally. This is also known as "wall legs"; it involves lying behind a wall, where one of you is in contact with the wall. Raise the leg, which is on the same side of the wall, at a 90 degree angle. Pause for 2 seconds and lower gently.
  • "Setu Bandhasana" or "supported bridge image" is another effective exercise for clogged fallopian tubes. Start lying on your back and fold your knees. Using your lower back and abdominal muscles, slowly lift your pelvis while inhaling. Bring it out when you go back to the starting position.

7. Charcoal

Big Green Egg 100% Natural Lump Charcoal - BBQ's and More

Activated carbon is very effective in absorbing toxins from the body. It acts as a dry cleaner. Coal cleansing, when used directly above the uterus, can treat infections and reduce inflammation. It's even easy to do at home using some activated carbon to cleanse yourself of toxins. Follow these simple steps:

  • You will need to pack paper towels, activated carbon, flaxseed, plastic sheets and some rubber tape.
  • Mix activated carbon with flax seeds and place them on paper.
  • To make charcoal packaging, put more on top of the paper.
  • Place this pack in the area of ​​the pubic bone where your uterus is located approximately.
  • Cover it with a plastic sheet and secure it with a rubber band to keep it in place.
  • Allow the package to lodge overnight so that it can absorb toxins.

8. Herbal tampons

These Herbal Tampons Aren't Just Bizarre — They're Potentially ...

Herbal tampons are an effective way to allow your body to absorb the many plant extracts in the reproductive tract, especially if you do not want to consume them. Tampons are soaked in a number of herbal preparations known to treat reproductive diseases. To improve different conditions, they come in different herbal mixtures. Swabs soaked in ginger root extract are used to improve blood circulation. Uva Ursi and Hawthorn herbs are used to clean egg roots and reduce congestion. "Dong Quai" from China is used to get rid of fallopian tube spasms and Goldenseal root extracts are used as an immune stimulant to fight infections. It is important to remember that you only use these high-quality tampons.

9. Fertility massage

Fertility Massage Therapy - Yohemi

Massages improve blood circulation to a limited area, which promotes faster tissue healing and reduces inflammation. And yes, fertility massages can work for a blocked fallopian tube. You can try them all yourself or consult an abdominal therapist. Here's how to do a fertility massage to open your ovaries:

  • Start by lying on your back with a back support pad.
  • Relax your pelvis and massage your stomach gently with warm olive oil or other oils such as almond or lavender oil.
  • When massaging, gently pull the pelvic area upwards towards the navel. This is the area where the uterus is located.
  • Hold this position for about 10 seconds and release your hands.
  • Massage daily and repeat this workout 10 to 20 times according to your comfort.

10. Castor oil

Shay And Company CASTOR OIL | USP GRADE Shay And Company

Castor oil is great for massage and is used to treat many ailments of the body. The property of this drug is how it affects the circulatory and lymphatic systems, promoting good circulation. This improves flow by removing obstacles. In the lymphatic system, unlike the circulatory system, there is no lymph node pump around the body. As a natural remedy for improving lymph flow, there are not many that are as good as castor oil. Massage with castor oil under the abdomen is a great way to stimulate the lymphatic system around the uterus. It also works well when castor oil is used as a pack for your stomach when you sleep at night. You must use it for 2 months to see the therapeutic effect. It works best with fertility massages.



If you take these natural remedies, you are sure to conceive.



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Blocked Fallopian Tube- Herbal Treatment

By On 12/07/2020

How do closed fallopian tubes develop?

Scientists Have Started Growing Human Fallopian Tubes in The Lab

Pathological findings on the fallopian tubes are responsible for approximately 14 percent of sterility cases. The occlusion or the extreme tightness, as well as extensive adhesions around the fallopian tubes, are usually the result of an inflammation of the abdomen (rising infection). However, not every genital inflammation leads to involvement of the fallopian tubes, and not every fallopian tube inflammation leads directly to the fallopian tube closure. However, women with frequent inflammations have a significantly increased risk of blocked fallopian tubes.

Childlessness due to changes in the fallopian tube is referred to as tubal sterility. The preferred places where the fallopian tube is damaged by the inflammation are the exit from the uterus and the finger-shaped tube end (fimbriae) facing the ovary.



Problems with fallopian tubes and abnormalities in the pelvis

N.B: The fallopian tube may be blocked or damaged, preventing the sperm from reaching the egg or preventing the egg or the fertilized egg (zygote) from migrating from the ovary to the uterus to nest. Abnormalities in the pelvis can prevent the egg from nesting in the uterus and can block the fallopian tubes.

  • To determine what the problem is, an X-ray must be taken after injecting an X-ray contrast agent through the cervix, or the organs must be viewed through an observation tube (laparoscope) inserted through a cut just below the navel.

  • The fallopian tubes can sometimes be repaired, but in vitro fertilization is usually recommended.



Do you know the causes of a blocked fallopian tube?

Fallopian tube problems are associated with diseases that block and damage the fallopian tube, including

  • Pelvic infections (e.g. pelvic inflammation )

  • Use of an intrauterine device if it causes a pelvic infection (in rare cases)

  • A breakthrough of the appendix

  • Surgery on the pelvis or lower abdomen

  • Inflammation that causes damage to the uterus and fallopian tubes (e.g. in the case of tuberculosis)

  • An (ectopic) pregnancy outside the uterus in the fallopian tubes

Bacteria that enter the vagina during sexual intercourse with a partner with a sexually transmitted disease. From there you can spread into the cervix and infect it. There they can reach the uterus and sometimes the fallopian tubes. Some bacteria, such as chlamydia , can infect the fallopian tubes without causing symptoms. These infections can permanently damage the fallopian tubes, the uterus and the surrounding tissue. Scar tissue can develop and block the fallopian tubes.

Abnormalities in the pelvis can block the fallopian tubes and prevent the egg from nesting in the uterus. These include the following:

  • Birth defects of the uterus and fallopian tubes

  • Endometriosis

  • Fibroids or polyps in the uterus

  • Scar tissue ligaments (adhesions) between normally unconnected structures in the uterus or pelvis






This herbal tea is a decoction of African medicinal plants. This is the best natural solution very effective in unblocking the fallopian tube and getting pregnant.
Our tisane helps to kill bacteria like yeast, which are often the cause of infertility. This herbal tea enhances the transportation of spermatozoa and fertilization which will eventually improve fertility. It is also rich in antioxidants, antioxidants are advisable in the treatment of clogged fallopian tubes while taking this treatment our experts will be with you every step of the way to monitor the progress of the treatment and give advice where needed.




How to open the fallopian tubes naturally with herbs 

Nature's pharmacy: Herbal and food-based alternatives to ...

The natural treatment of blocked fallopian tubes gives significant results without side effects. 

1) Abdominal massage - this is a natural therapy to improve the health of the fallopian tubes. It increases blood circulation and is useful in removing adhesions. The massage cleans clogged tubes, reduces inflammation, improves blood circulation, and helps to relax tightly twisted tissues.

2) Purification of fertility by panchakarma therapy removes toxins from the reproductive system and improves blood circulation. Before starting any treatment, it is important to eliminate toxins for better absorption of the drugs and thus soon recovery.

3) Castor oil has been used to age certain problems in the body and mainly in the reproductive system. The cloth, soaked in castor oil applied to the skin, then improves blood circulation and heals the underlying tissues and organs. This is a better result when used with an abdominal fertility massage.

4) Quitting smoking and alcohol - both of which impair a woman's fertility.

5) Vitamin C helps treat an infection that causes the fallopian tubes to block.

6) Stress is the main cause of infertility. Morning and evening meditation balances hormone levels and gives peace of mind and body.

7) Consume garlic, ginger, cinnamon and turmeric. They are effective in reducing inflammation, improving blood circulation and thus preventing blockage of the fallopian tubes.

8) Marmaravi (acupressure) cleanses the body's channels by applying pressure to pressure points. therapy is useful for releasing the fallopian tubes, reducing inflammation, and thus promoting healing.

Treatment of fallopian tube obstruction in Ayurveda includes the use of natural herbs and panchakarma treatment. The benefits of Panchakarma treatment have been discussed previously. Ayurvedic treatment of tubular occlusion involves the selection of herbs with anti-inflammatory, circulatory, antibiotic, and hormone balancing properties. An herb with antibiotic properties helps to treat infections in the reproductive or fallopian tubes.

The anti-inflammatory herb reduces inflammation, pain, and thus improves the scar. A medicinal plant with circulatory properties increases the blood circulation in the reproductive system. Proper blood circulation is critical for fallopian tube healing.

Other amazing natural treatments may include:

  1. Vitamin C.
  2. Turmeric.
  3. Ginger.
  4. Garlic.
  5. Lodhra.
  6. Dong Quai.
  7. Ginseng.
  8. Vaginal steaming.



YOU MIGHT ASK ‘ Can I still conceive?’

If you take these natural remedies, you are sure to conceive.



Discover more on our product for fallopian tube blockage and get pregnant quickly
Discover more on how to treat uterine polyps


U polyps

Amazing herbs that dissolves Uterine Polyps

By On 10/07/2020

What are polyps?

These tumors appear in the uterus, growing from endometrial cells, as well as in the neck of the organ. They have a rounded "cap" and "leg" through which it makes contact with the mucous membrane. It makes it look like a mushroom. Appear in women of all ages from the onset of puberty. Especially often they are found in the premenopausal period when the probability of disturbances in the reproductive organs is greatest.

The diameter of the cap is usually no more than 1 cm, but neoplasms up to 3 cm in size are formed in the singular (singular) or in the form of a whole "colony" (plural). Have a benign nature, degeneration in a malignant tumor occurs in about one woman in a hundred.


What are the symptoms of these diseases?


Symptoms for uterine polyps are the same as in the presence of the diseases that caused them. These include:

  1. Uterine bleeding of varying intensity (from small blood impurities in the intermenstrual discharge to dangerous bleeding). The degree of manifestation does not depend on the type of polyp, but only depends on the degree of pathological changes in the cavity and the cervix.
  2. Strengthening of menstrual bleeding, due to the fact that the structure of the vascular network is disturbed.
  3. The emergence of painful sensations during sexual contact. This symptom should be taken very seriously, especially if it seems systematic, the pain is accompanied by bloody discharge.
  4. The appearance of blood in the discharge after menopause. This is due to damage to the polyps. During this period, it is especially important to be examined, as the formation of a malignant tumor can cause bleeding.
  5. The appearance of signs of anemia from constant blood loss. Such symptoms include pallor of the skin, headache, nausea, dizziness, and general weakness.
  6. Spasmodic abdominal pain associated with exposure to the surrounding tissue of the polyp.

The first signs by which one can suspect the appearance of such a pathology is a violation of the regularity of the arrival of menstruation, an increase in their abundance and pain. If the polyp is large enough, has a long leg, symptoms of complications can arise. First of all, it is a strong pain where the leg is turned, the temperature rises when an abscess occurs in the area of ​​damage to the polyp, and bleeding occurs when the polyp is detached from the wall.



Do you know the various types of uterine polyps?

Cervical polyps are located on the surface of the cervical canal. In the body of the uterus, they are usually formed in the area of ​​the bottom, in the corners and folds.

The composition of the cells that make up the polyp distinguishes the following types of tumors:

  1. Glandular. Formed from cells of the glands in the uterine lining. They resemble cysts filled with fluid. Endometrial hyperplasia of this type usually occurs in young women, because the growth and updating of the uterine lining in the uterus is more active there.
  2. Uterine fibroids. Develop fibrous tissue that separates the inner and outer layers of the uterine lining. Such polyps are more common in women over 40 years of age.
  3. Glandularly fibrous. The body of such a polyp consists of cells of both types. Similar tumors are found in women after age 35.
  4. Adenomatous. They consist of glandular cells with an atypical structure that can degenerate into malignant. The presence of such polyps is considered a precancerous condition and represents the greatest danger.
  5. Placenta. They are formed in the case of incomplete removal of the placenta after childbirth or miscarriage, abortion, as well as missed abortion. The appearance of such polyps is fraught with uterine bleeding and infertility.



If you are seeking for a solution to your problem, below is the African herbal plant which helps to shrink uterine polyps.



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Do you have difficulties in getting pregnant and your gynecologist diagnosed you with uterine polyps? Don’t bother, we have the "natural" solution for you. Our tisane is very efficient in getting rid of the uterine polyps without any side effects.

The herbal tea we are proposing to you is to definitely get rid of your uterine polyps on a long term basis by avoiding you to undergo any kind of surgical operations. This remedy is 100% natural i.e it contains no additives or chemicals that will alter your physical or mental health. Our treatment has proven its efficiency by curing many of our patients.

Would you like to get rid of these uterine polyps naturally, permanently with no side effects and get pregnant rapidly? If yes, then you are at the right place!!!

You just have to click here!!!  OR CALL/WHATSAPP +22990431725   we deliver worldwide!!




The 4 most important medicinal herbs for women and their applications

Of course, there are many medicines for women’s ailments, but these often have negative side effects. Women in particular mostly look for gentle, natural alternatives to the chemical cocktail. In this article I introduce you to four wild herbs that have long played an important role in gynecology.

You can collect wild herbs in nature or grow them easily in your garden. This gentle, but definitely medicinal medicine doesn't cost you a cent. I have got into the habit of always keeping a stock of herbs, so I have them at hand in every season.


Lady's mantle

How To Divide A Lady's Mantle: Tips For Separating Lady's Mantle ...

Lady's mantle is probably the most comprehensive lady's herb, it helps with many ailments and can be used universally. It has a general regulating effect on female hormone levels and can have a positive effect on mood fluctuations during the period and also on symptoms during the menopause.

In the case of painful, absent or excessive menstruation, lady's mantle has a balancing and relaxing effect. He can also help with premenstrual syndrome. For the treatment of Flour (White River) Lady's mantle is also well suited.

Lady's mantle has a beneficial effect on ovulation, which is why it is used when there is no desire to have children. Lady's mantle also helps the ice to nest in the uterus and prevents miscarriages. It can also have a healing effect in the case of ovarian weakness and inflammation of the ovaries.



Mugwort: Benefits, Side Effects, Dosage, and Interactions

Mugwort is another important herb. The ancient Greeks even praised it as the most important plant in gynecology, its positive influence comes primarily from its strong warming properties.

Mugwort helps with abdominal pain during the period and promotes ovulation in the absence of menses. After years of hormonal contraception, mugwort can help menstruate regularly.

Mugwort stimulates labor, its antispasmodic properties can also help with childbirth. Mugwort also helps with menopausal symptoms and premenstrual syndrome. For a tea, pour 250 ml of boiling water over a teaspoon of the herb and let it steep for three minutes. Drink a maximum of three cups a day.



Raspberry leaves

Red Raspberry Leaf and Red Raspberry Leaf Medicinal Properties

A tea made from raspberry leaves is one of the classics for birth preparation. It has a loosening effect on the uterus and cervix, which makes it softer and less often requires an episiotomy. However, raspberry leaf tea can also cause contractions, which is why it should only be drunk at the end of pregnancy.

Raspberry leaves have a regulating effect on the menstrual cycle and relieve menstrual problems. Before a planned pregnancy, raspberry leaf tea helps build up the endometrium.

For a tea, pour 250 ml of boiling water over two teaspoons of raspberry leaves and strain them after ten minutes. It should not be drunk in the event of premature labor or opening of the cervix.



Yarrow (Common Milfoil) | MDC Discover Nature

Yarrow counts according to Hildegard v. Bingen also to the warming plants. So it is particularly helpful for women suffering.

Yarrow has a balancing effect when menstruation is too strong and too long, as well as weak and irregular. It also has a relaxing effect on menstrual pain. Vaginal douches and yarrow baths can help with vaginal thrush.

The yeast's hemostatic and wound healing effects can be used after birth to heal injuries. Furthermore, it strengthens the connective tissue and helps with menopausal symptoms. Bean baths with yarrow can also help with cystitis and coldness in the lower abdomen. Boil 100 g of herb with 1.5 l of water, strain after 20 minutes, and add to the bathwater. For a tea, pour 200 ml of boiling water over a teaspoon of the herb and let it steep for five to ten minutes.


To get more information about this natural product You just have to click here!!!  OR CALL/WHATSAPP +22990431725  we deliver worldwide!!


Uterine polyps 4

Uterine Polyps: Treatment of folk remedies

By On 10/07/2020


A polyp in the uterus is a benign tumor that results from the pathological proliferation of endometrial cells. Externally, it is a rounded outgrowth resembling a fungus, burgundy-purple, or yellowish in color with a porous surface. The size of the neoplasm can range from a few millimeters to three centimeters. Polyps are single and multiple and can be localized to different sites (e.g., the anterior and/or posterior wall of the uterus). This pathology is most common in women 40 to 50 years before the onset of menopause, but in some cases, polyps can also form in adolescent girls.



Why do polyps form?

Where do these neoplasms come from? 

The most common cause of uterine polyps is hormonal imbalance, namely an excess of estrogen (a female sex hormone).

For a woman's body, it is only needed during the first two weeks of the menstrual cycle. When estrogen is constantly produced in large quantities, it causes the growth of the endometrium, some parts of which do not rub during menstruation but remain in the uterine cavity.

When this occurs over several cycles, there is an increase at this point in which connective tissue and vascular fibers grow, leading to the formation of polyps. Their active growth is affected by progesterone deficiency.

Uterine polyps have other possible reasons which are listed below and must be taken note of:

  • abortions: Tissue damage during treatment causes an increase in cell growth in certain areas of the uterine cavity.
  • inflammation of the genitals: This can result in pathological proliferation of the endometrium and the formation of polyps.
  • endocrine diseases: Diseases of the thyroid gland, adrenal glands, or diabetes can cause problems in the body and the formation of neoplasms.
  • hereditary predisposition: In some cases, growth potential is inherited.
  • overweight: Adipose tissue has been shown to be a major source of estrogen in older women, and its excessive levels cause hormonal changes and consequent growth.
  • blood stagnation in the pelvic organs:  It most often occurs as a result of a sedentary lifestyle. This is a prerequisite for ovarian dysfunction, which in turn causes hormonal imbalance.
  • diseases that cause circulatory problems:  Oxygen-deficient cells can divide intensively, becoming neoplasms,
  • taking certain medicines (tamoxifen, Dostinex): The drugs block the receptors responsible for sex hormone sensitivity. In some women, polyps begin to grow actively in the uterine cavity during treatment.

A neoplasm of the uterine cavity may be suspected if the following symptoms occur

  • menstrual disorders, heavy uterine bleeding,
  • intermittent lubrication,
  • lower abdominal or lower back pain
  • discharge from the vagina.

Symptoms of polyps in the uterine cavity are very often absent and neoplasms are accidentally detected during ultrasound (s).

Polyps differ in size, structure, and location. They may develop without symptoms but are more likely to occur with pain and bleeding. 

You can see what the polyp looks like in the photo below:

Polyp Pictures: What They Are And What Polyps Look Like

It looks like polyps in the female uterus. It is worth noting that the uterus has three types of polyps - glandular, fibrous and adenomatous. Glandular polyps occur due to high levels of estrogen. They are most common in young patients. The appearance of fibrous polyps is possible due to inflammation.

It mainly occurs in women after the age of 40, when there are strong hormonal changes in the body. Adenomatous polyps are more dangerous because they are able to degenerate into cancer in adulthood.




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Do you have difficulties in getting pregnant and your gynecologist diagnosed you with uterine polyps? Don’t bother, we have the "natural" solution for you. Our tisane is very efficient in getting rid of the uterine polyps without any side effects.

The herbal tea we are proposing to you is to definitely get rid of your uterine polyps on a long term basis by avoiding you to undergo any kind of surgical operations. This remedy is 100% natural i.e it contains no additives or chemicals that will alter your physical or mental health. Our treatment has proven its efficiency by curing many of our patients.

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Do polyps lead to cancer?

Adenomatous-type polyps may present with malignancy (spontaneous degeneration of benign cells into malignancy).

This process not only complicates treatment but also destroys tissues in the immediate vicinity of the growth and increases the risk of uterine bleeding.

Malignancy poses a direct threat not only to a woman's health but also to her life.



Do we know the treatment of folk remedies that helps to shrink uterine polyps?


Below are the folk remedies that help to dissolve uterine polyps  



Lesser Celandine - A Foraging Guide to Its Food, Medicine and ...

This plant is considered one of the most effective in combating various tumor diseases. It grows almost all over our country and is considered almost a weed. But in fact, celandine - is an amazing storehouse of nutrients that can help you solve the problems a wide range of diseases. As for the treatment of polyps in the uterus, then based on it as a means of preparation for home consumption, as well as assemblies for douching.

Take fresh shoots of plants, fold them in a half-liter jar, filling, and pour over only boiled water. Close the lid of the bowl, fill to the top with boiling water and wrap warmly in the structure. Leave infusion for twelve hours. The prepared infusion should be consumed three times a day, starting with one tablespoon and gradually increasing this amount to one hundred milliliters. Therapies as a remedy can last two to three weeks. The same infusion and effective during douching, which should be given once a day just before bedtime.



Golden mustache

Golden Mustache | site

This herbal remedy also enjoys a high degree of popularity among fans and connoisseurs of folk medicine. It is considered almost a cure for many diseases. On the basis of the golden mustache can be cooked and means for removing polyps in the uterine cavity. To prepare a miracle cure you need to take fifty sustavchikov plants and cover them with half a liter of vodka. Insist on funds for ten days. Prepared funds spend twice a day, at the same time, it is necessary to plant a third of a glass of water. At a time worth taking twenty drops of tincture. Admission must be carried out immediately before a meal. The duration of this treatment is one month, after which it is necessary to take a break - in ten days. Experts advise to conduct five cases receiving infusions, in this case.


Raising Forest Fruit Herbs

Grow your own fruit and low maintenance veggies/herbs with a food ...

The slightly less aggressive effect has a collection composed of rose hips and raspberries, as well as nettle leaves. Combine all these components in a ratio of 2: 3: 2, after a good cut and excitement. Four tablespoons spoon obtained composition should be made only one cup of boiling water and cover with waiting for four hours. The prepared infusion is recommended to be consumed twice a day in the amount of two hundred and fifty milliliters at a time.



Government completes disposal of 35,857 tons of imported onions ...

Some healers are advised to deal with polipovymi formations using garlic. It is recommended to break, wrap it in cheesecloth and tie tightly. Such funds are recommended to enter deep into the inside of the vaginal cavity and leave overnight. It should be borne in mind that this treatment is not for everyone. Garlic is able to break down the microflora of the vagina and cause burns to the mucous membranes. Therefore, the doctor more than skeptical about this treatment.


Borovaya uterus and wintergreen

Borovoy uterus with myoma reviews of doctors and patients

These two herbs are especially effective in treating polyps. Prepare an infusion of these two on the same recipe. A teaspoon of herbal composition should make a glass of just boiled water. Insist for an hour, then strain. Infusion of uterine height should consume about half an hour before a meal and medication based on wintergreen - half an hour after eating.


Sea buckthorn oil

Potential health benefits of Sea buckthorn oil - Phytexence

Some traditional medicine experts say that the removal of polyps in the uterine cavity is possible with the help of sea buckthorn oil. To achieve a positive effect to roll cotton gauze pad soaked in oil and put it in the vaginal cavity for the whole night. Repeat the procedure at intervals of one day for fourteen days. If necessary, repeat after a break of two weeks. We talked about how traditional medicine offers to remove uterine polyps. Treatment of folk remedies is quite different in the choice of funds that are developing simultaneously in different territories and different healers.

Over the years, these methods have improved and improved. It is important to understand that treating polyps in the uterus does not go far. These structures often become the cause of infertility, cause miscarriages, and can become carcinogenic, causing cancer. Timely treatment of polyps does not reflect the state of human health. If you do treatment with traditional medicine - it is not a reason to give up a visit to the doctor.





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Urinary incontinence shutterstock 612749906 600x390

Psychosomatic Aspect Of Female Urinary Incontinence- Best treatment

By On 24/06/2020

How does incontinence occur?

Urinary incontinence occurs when urine is accidentally lost: it is an increasingly frequent problem, given the rapid aging of the population and mainly concerns women. In fact, this problem grows with increasing age, although it can occur at a younger age, for example in pregnancy, it is also correlated with problems of psychological or sexological origin.

Urinary incontinence




Bladder functioning

The Bladder (Human Anatomy): Function, Picture, Location, Definition

The bladder is a urine storage organ that must be emptied from the first day of life onwards. Physiologically it is a very complex system that is very prone to disturbances; from the neurophysiological point of view, the behavior of urination is a hierarchically structured control ring with conscious cognitive and unconscious emotional components. Control of bladder function (release, emission, the arrest of urine) is learned in the first years of life. Unlike other mammals, humans learn in their early years to control urination (until they find a suitable place and time to perform the function in a socially acceptable way). During this period, the child experiences his power over his parents on the one hand by voluntarily holding back his excretions and on the other, he learns the sense of frustration deriving from the external compulsion of "urination on command", which could also lead to punishment. Urination in the right place and at the right time brings rewards, which support the learning of bladder and intestinal control. 







African doctor offers you a very effective product with no side effects to cure bedwetting. The treatment that we offer you is a herbal tea, the secret of which we know to permanently cure bedwetting. It allows the child or the adult to feel free by waking up in the morning with the certainty of not having wet the bed. If you are experiencing this condition, this herbal remedy was made just for you.


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Let's see the types of urinary incontinence 




Stress Incontinence

Female Stress Incontinence | St Pete Urology

With this type of incontinence, urine leaks are due to the weakening of the muscles and tissues of the pelvic floor. This can happen when the pressure on the bladder increases, for example when you train, laugh, sneeze, or cough. Stress incontinence is also due to pregnancy and childbirth to pregnancy and childbirth can stretch and weaken a woman's pelvic floor muscles), overweight or obesity, taking certain medications, surgery.



Urge incontinence

Urge Urinary Incontinence – The Physiotherapy Clinic Bondi ...

This is also called an overactive bladder. With this type of incontinence, there is often an urgent need to go to the bathroom and there is often the risk of not arriving on time. The causes of overactive bladder concern problems with the bladder itself, damage to other parts of the nervous system, muscles, multiple sclerosis, Parkinson's disease, diabetes, and stroke. Other bladder problems that can give these symptoms are infections, stones, and side effects from medications. In general, women are more affected by urge incontinence than men, probably due to the shorter urethra.




Regurgitation incontinence

Regurgitation and dysphagia – The Functional Gut Clinic

If you are unable to empty your bladder, you may experience regurgitation incontinence. Causes include weakened bladder muscles, conditions that block the flow of urine, such as tumors, constipation, some medications. If the bladder fails to empty, this can cause infections and other problems.


Functional incontinence

Functional Incontinence: Definition & Treatment |

This incontinence is due to mental or physical problems, such as dementia or arthritis, which prevent you from getting to the bathroom on time.


Mixed urinary incontinence

In this case, there are two or more types of incontinence. Many women suffer from stress incontinence and urge incontinence.




What do you think are the causes of incontinence in an elderly woman?

In the elderly woman the causes of incontinence concern the increase of activity or the loss of contractility of the detrusor muscle, with a reduction of the flow of urine, the degeneration of the muscle cells of the bladder wall, the collagen deposits in the interstitial spaces, the atrophy of the superficial and intermediate layers of the epithelium of the urethral mucous membranes (irritation, loss of compliance), the greatest elimination of fluids during the night. (Elbendawi A., 1993, Hendrix S L, Cochrane B B, Nygaard I E. et al., 2005, Kirkland J L, Lye M, Levy D W., et al., 1983).




Pregnancy after 35: What are the risks?

The problem can occur during pregnancy: it affects between 30 and 60% of all pregnant women; the phenomenon regresses in more than half of women after childbirth.

Life quality

Regardless of gender, incontinent people can be said to have a significantly lower quality of life, higher depression scores, and lower sleep quality than continent people.




Psychological causes of incontinence

Since 1980 various authors have tried to identify the psychological causes of incontinence, based on psychometric tests. In particular, we mention:

  • Norton et al. (1990) found no obvious psychosomatic difference between women with urge incontinence and women with other forms of incontinence.
  • Berglund et al. (1994) believe that there are higher values ​​for symptoms of physical and mental anxiety and distrust for women with urge incontinence.
  • Freeman et al. (1985), Macaulay et al. (1991), Lamm et al. (1986), Chiara et al. (1998) highlighted higher values ​​for anxiety and depression in patients with urge incontinence.

It has also been highlighted that women with urge and stress incontinence experience more frequent anxiety problems than women with stress incontinence and this is reflected in a sense of personal insecurity and fear of disease.




Psychological influences on the functionality of the pelvic floor

From a psychophysical point of view, the urogenital tract is an organ of desire, production, and reproduction. This can lead to psychological influences on the functionality of the pelvic floor, which consist of three effects in particular:

  • Involuntary release of urine, for example during a state of fear or anger
  •  Retention to the bitter end, until a suitable place for the function, has been found
  • The reduction of muscle tone, such as during a prostration state.


Other psychosomatic problems of bladder function are expressed in the painful bladder, overactive bladder, and recurrent urinary tract infections.

  • The syndrome bladder pain (BPS) is defined as a chronic pelvic pain that seems to be linked to the bladder. In addition, there is either a persistent urge to urinate or an increase in the frequency of urination.
  • The overactive bladder occurs when the smooth muscle that surrounds the bladder (detrusor muscle) is contracted in a spastic and uncontrolled. These involuntary contractions cause an increase in intra-bladder pressure and, on the clinical level, an urgent need to urinate felt by the patient (urination urgency).




The natural treatment of  urinary incontinence 

Treatment for urinary incontinence depends on the type of incontinence, the severity of the problem, the underlying cause, and which measures the best suit the patient's lifestyle. In addition, some therapeutic approaches are optimal for men, while others are more suitable for women. The goal of any urinary incontinence treatment is to improve the patient's quality of life. In most cases, the first line of treatment is conservative or minimally invasive. Medicines may be needed depending on the cause of incontinence. If the symptoms are more severe and all other treatments are not effective, a surgical approach may be recommended. Therapeutic success depends, first of all, on the correct diagnosis. In most cases.




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Effective tips to regulate your period naturally

By On 19/06/2020

Many women experience irregular rules throughout their lives without really knowing what these misalignments are. Let's start from the point that having an irregular period is not healthy for many reasons. Therefore, it is necessary to deal with this subject not only when you are looking for a pregnancy, but throughout your fertile life.

An irregular period is one that appears in cycles of more than 35 days and / or of different duration . That is, if your rule appears every 32 or 33 days, it would not be your case. Although the usual is 28 days, in reality each body is different and many women experience somewhat longer or even shorter cycles.


Traitement naturel pour tomber enceinte après 35 ans

The constituents of this tisane allow it to regulate your menstrual cycle and dispose any problem that may lead to infertility. Some of the plants that make this possible  are Cloves and Acridoscarpus, these are very powerful plants, the mixture of these plants with other secret herbs have made it possible to restore to normal the menstrual cycle. In addition, Our natural remedy is the secret to cure any form of female infertility. We offer you a definite advantage: the absence of undesirable effects and contraindications. The natural approach is often the best approach to find the solution. Our natural remedies have allowed many women to have children.

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READ ALSO: 10 AMAZING medicinal plants to get RID of UTERINE POLYPS

Within the irregular rule, we can find:

  • Oligomenorrhea : irregular rules between 36 and 90 days. Sometimes it is natural amenorrhea due to circumstances such as pregnancy or menopause.
  • Amenorrhea : Absence of period for more than 3 cycles.

Both oligomenorrhea and amenorrhea are related to problems in the sexual organs that secrete hormones such as estrogens or testosterone. In many cases, these imbalances are included in a diagnosis of Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (or PCOS).

If you have a clear diagnosis of PCOS or have just always had an irregular period, it is important to know that there are different natural methods to help your period to function regularly and naturally:


 Herbal teas have been used throughout history for different purposes. And one of them has been the natural regulation of the menstrual period .

For this and for various reasons and similar results, infusions of cinnamon, verbena, peppermint , rue or chamomile are famous 

If you also add a little ginger , you will help, among other things, to reduce inflammation, facilitate digestion and reduce premenstrual pain.


Omega 3

The Omega-3 fatty acids fulfill many functions in your body. Among others, they are anti-inflammatory and promote proper blood circulation .

You find Omega 3 in fish like tuna, mackerel or salmon; dried fruits like walnuts or seeds like flax or chia (remember to crush them for their effective benefits); or in soybean, canola or linseed oils .


Vegetables everywhere

Fruit and vegetables provide a significant amount of flavonoids , which promote the production of estrogens and help the body to function normally.

For this reason, daily intake of vegetables such as spinach, broccoli, arugula, yellow peppers and onions can be of great help to you ; and of fruits such as blueberries, skinned apples, strawberries and cherries.

Furthermore, cocoa beans are also a source of flavonoids, so an ounce of dark chocolate a day can also help regulate your body. It's great news, right?


Take care of your weight

In many occasions the maladjustments in the rule are caused or aggravated by an unhealthy weight . Whether overweight or extremely thin , the body tends to modify its normal cycles.

That is why if you have an irregular rule, you must know what is your adequate body mass index and adapt to it. In this way, in addition to looking better, you also feel better and your body appreciates it by fulfilling its usual functions.

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Top natural remedies for heavy bleeding

By On 19/06/2020

Excessive bleeding is a problem that many women manifest during their menstrual period and that can lead to various complications, such as anemia, fatigue or migraines. In addition to having an impact on our health, this type of bleeding can affect the daily routine and lifestyle of the person who suffers from it. 

Menorrhagia is menstrual bleeding that lasts more than 7 days. It can also be bleeding that is very heavy. How do you know if you have heavy bleeding? If you need to change your tampon or towel after less than 2 hours, or you have clots the size of a coin or larger, it means that bleeding is heavy. If you have this type of bleeding, you should see a doctor.

African herbal tea for menstrual disorders

​​Traitement naturel pour tomber enceinte après 35 ans

Birthing a child is the dream of every women but at times our uterus develops issues that hinders fertility. However, africandoctor has found the best medicinal plant to help you solve any uterine disease, severe abdominal pain during menstruation, dyspareunia, Menorrhagiaanovulation, irregular menstrual cycle and amenorrhea which are also linked to infertility so you can experience the joy of a mother. Stop your uterine bleeding without surgery. 
However, it is very necessary to consult your doctor for a better diagnostics to receive the best treatment. This is because, it might be due to diseases like; ovarian cyst, uterine polyps, adenomyosis and so on.

OR CALL/WHATSAPP: +229 90431725

Most common causes

• Problems with the lining of the uterus

•  Hormonal imbalances

•  Uterine tumors

•  Adenomyosis

•  Complications in pregnancy

•  Thyroid problems

•  Changes in diet

•  Consumption of certain medications (anticoagulants, steroids, etc.)

•  Pelvic inflammatory disease

Most common symptoms

• Long menstrual cycles

•  anemia

•  weakness

•  Mood swings

•  Severe cramps

•  nausea

•  Difficulty breathing



Natural medicine 

Fortunately, there are a number of natural methods that can help us control bleeding and alleviate the accompanying symptoms. If symptoms continue or worsen, we recommend consulting a specialist immediately.

chamomile tea

This infusion is known to reduce menstrual bleeding and relieve accompanying symptoms. Place some chamomile leaves in a cup of boiling water, add a tablespoon of honey and consume after 4 or 5 minutes. 


Cinnamon is a powerful spice that is used to treat various health problems, including menstrual cramps and bleeding. One of the most effective ways to alleviate these symptoms is to drink a tea with a teaspoon of cinnamon, twice a day until an improvement in the picture is observed. 

If left untreated, heavy or prolonged bleeding can prevent you from living your life fully. It can also cause anemia . Anemia is a common blood problem that can make you feel tired or weak. If you have a bleeding problem, this could lead to other health problems. Sometimes treatments, such as dilation and curettage (also called curettage) or a hysterectomy, are done when these procedures could have been avoided.

Aloe vera

Although many people know that aloe vera is an effective natural remedy for treating various skin conditions, few knew that it can also be beneficial in relieving excessive bleeding. Drink aloe vera juice regularly to reduce bleeding, cramps, and other symptoms.

Omega 3

It is recommended that women who have strong and long menstrual cycles increase their intake of omega 3, to reduce inflammation caused by bleeding and decrease breast sensitivity caused by estrogens. The main sources of omega 3 are fatty fish, such as salmon or tuna, walnuts and avocado.


According to the "Women's Association for the Advancement of Research and Education," sage contains antispasmodic oils and tannins that provide relief for menstrual cramps and prevent excessive bleeding. You can consume this herb as an infusion or incorporate it into your daily preparations.

Raspberry leaf tea

Raspberry leaves are medicinal plants used to alleviate the symptoms of menstruation. This infusion is believed to help tone the muscles of the uterus and pelvis, as well as acting as a natural astringent, reducing excessive bleeding and accompanying cramps.


The effectiveness of ginger root in reducing menstrual pain and bleeding has been proven on several occasions. Its anti-inflammatory and digestive properties are a great relief for these symptoms. Prepare an infusion with several pieces of fresh ginger and a teaspoon of honey and drink it in the morning and at night.


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Get Rid Of Heavy Menstrual Bleeding Naturally

By On 19/06/2020

Discover How To Terminate Heavy Menstrual Bleeding Naturally

Normally, periods shouldn’t be a problem for you from month to month. However , if it is so heavy, painful or unpredictable that it prevents you from doing your normal activities, you may have a medical condition that needs to be treated.

You need to go see a doctor, if this is your case.


Doctors check the following when they diagnose abnormal uterine bleeding ;


How heavy is your period?

Under normal circumstance, a woman in her period loses about 2 – 3 tablespoons (of 14ml) or 6 teaspoons (of 5ml). While that is the average, women have given varying reports from just a spot to over two cups (540ml!) in one menstruation.

However, 5 tablespoons are believed to be unusually heavy, but that’s had to judge.

How often do you have your period?

Your period should be fairly regular- the length of each cycle should generally not change by more than a week. And if it lasts less than 3 weeks or more than 5, that could be a sign of a problem.

How long does it last ?

A typical period lasts 4 or 5 days. If yours usually lasts less than 2 days or more than week, that could mean something is wrong.



African herbal tea for menstrual disorders

​​Traitement naturel pour tomber enceinte après 35 ans

Birthing a child is the dream of every women but at times our uterus develops issues that hinders fertility. However, africandoctor has found the best medicinal plant to help you solve any uterine disease, severe abdominal pain during menstruation, dyspareunia, Menorrhagiaanovulation, irregular menstrual cycle and amenorrhea which are also linked to infertility so you can experience the joy of a mother. Stop your uterine bleeding without surgery. 
However, it is very necessary to consult your doctor for a better diagnostics to receive the best treatment. This is because, it might be due to diseases like; ovarian cyst, uterine polyps, adenomyosis and so on.

OR CALL/WHATSAPP: +229 90431725

What causes It ?

Problems with your hormones are the most common reason for abnormal uterine bleeding. When one of your ovaries releases an egg (called ovulation), certain hormones tell your body to build up, and then remove the lining of the uterus (called the endometrium). With adolescents and women who are approaching menopause, the endometrium can accumulate too much, and that can lead to a period irregular or heavy or spotting between periods.

Other possible causes :

  • Birth control pills
  • Rapid weight loss or gain
  • Emotional or physical stress
  • Another possible reason is a physical problem with the uterus.
  • Millions of women have fibroid, a non cancerous benign tumour that gros in the muscles of the wall of the uterus.
  • A polyp is an other kind of growth that can form on the lining of the uterus.

These are much less common, but abnormal uterine bleeding can also be caused by :

  • Bleeding or coagulation disorder
  • Cancer of the cervix, endometrium or uterus

Home remedies for Menorrhagia

Red Raspberry

Red raspberry has astringent properties that soothes cramps during heavy periods. It is also compatible with the reproductive system by strengthening the walls of the uterus thanks to its bioactive alkaloiod components.  This infusion is believed to help tone the muscles of the uterus and pelvis, as well as acting as a natural astringent, reducing excessive bleeding and accompanying cramps.

Not only that raspberry leaves are rich in magnesium, potassium, iron and vitamin C. To stop excessive bleeding, dissolve the raspberry powder in a cup of hot water and let it sit for 15 minutes. Drink the solution three times a day throughout the menstrual period.


Being rich in fiber and antioxidants, tamarind helps reduce cholesterol levels and prevent excessive bleeding. Place 10 pieces of tamarind along with 5 dehydrated plums in a container with half a liter of water, and soak them overnight. In the morning, remove the seeds and crush the ingredients to form a paste. Incorporate two tablespoons of honey and consume the mixture daily, on an empty stomach, for 6 days.


Orange juice

The components of natural orange juice are beneficial to health. Its high content of vitamin C helps reduce the symptoms of excessive bleeding. For this reason, to prevent and alleviate this condition, we recommend drinking two or three glasses of natural orange juice per day.


Radish works wonders in relieving menstruation symptoms and normalizing irregular cycles. The only thing you need is to process two or three radishes together with a few tablespoons of water until you obtain a paste, add a cup of milk and consume several times a day. 


Pumpkin can work as a natural remedy to reduce excessive bleeding during menstruation. Take a piece of pumpkin and let it dry at room temperature. Then pass it on a grater and add two tablespoons of sugar. If you consume this mixture daily, along with milk or yogurt, you will begin to feel the difference.



To control menstrual bleeding, specialists recommend incorporating papaya in the daily diet of women. This fruit has an enzyme called papain, which is involved in regulating blood flow. Be sure to consume this fruit or its juice daily for good results.

Who does it affect?

Heavy bleeding (menorrhagia) is one of the most common problems that women report to their doctors. It affects more than 10 million American women each year. This means that about one in five women has this problem.


How can you care for yourself with menorrhagia?

  • Get plenty of rest.
  • Keep a record of your periods. Write down when your period begins and ends and how much flow you have. That means counting the number of pads and tampons you use. Note whether they are soaked. Note any other symptoms. Take this record to your doctor appointments.
  • Take your medicines exactly as prescribed. Call your doctor or nurse call line if you think you are having a problem with your medicine.
  • Take pain medicines exactly as directed.
    • If the doctor gave you a prescription medicine for pain, take it as prescribed.
    • If you are not taking a prescription pain medicine, ask your doctor if you can take an over-the-counter medicine.
  • Try to reach a healthy weight. If you are trying to lose weight, do it slowly with your doctor's advice.
  • If you are taking iron pills:
    • Try to take the pills about 1 hour before or 2 hours after meals. But you may need to take iron with some food to avoid an upset stomach.
    • Vitamin C (from food or pills) helps your body absorb iron. Try taking iron pills with a glass of orange juice or other citrus fruit juice.
    • Do not take antacids or drink milk or caffeine drinks (such as coffee, tea, or cola) at the same time or within 2 hours of the time that you take your iron. They can make it hard for your body to absorb the iron.
    • Iron pills may cause stomach problems, such as heartburn, nausea, diarrhea, constipation, and cramps. Be sure to drink plenty of fluids, and include fruits, vegetables, and fibre in your diet each day.
    • If you forget to take an iron pill, do not take a double dose of iron the next time you take a pill.
    • Keep iron pills out of the reach of small children. An overdose of iron can be very dangerous.


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Home remedies to control excessive menstrual bleeding

By On 18/06/2020

If you are one of the women who bleeds excessively during the menstrual period, this remedy is for you.

What is Menorrhagia?

Menorrhagia is a condition when menstrual bleeding occurs in large amounts (> 80ml of blood) and / or duration that increases (> 7 days) at normal menstrual intervals. Menorrhagia is a condition that generally occurs in women who are just experiencing puberty, or those over 40-50 years.

However, this amount cannot really be used as a benchmark because the amount of menstrual blood in each woman is generally different from each other. Therefore, to make it easier to recognize the signs of menorrhagia, you can observe the amount of menstrual blood that comes out - whether it's unusual or not.

Do heavy periods affect fertility?

Menstrual disorders are often experienced or complained of by women, both in terms of irregular cycles, menstrual periods that are too short or too long, appear bleeding outside the menstrual cycle, abdominal pain before or when menstruation, etc. Menstrual disorders will indirectly affect fertility because women are unable to determine when their fertility. Though to increase the likelihood of pregnancy is necessary to have sex in the fertile period. In addition, the presence of endometriosis, PCOS, myoma uteri will also affect fertility directly.

African herbal tea for menstrual disorders

Traitement naturel pour tomber enceinte après 35 ans

Birthing a child is the dream of every women but at times our uterus develops issues that hinders fertility. However, africandoctor has found the best medicinal plant to help you solve any uterine disease, severe abdominal pain during menstruation, dyspareunia, Menorrhagiaanovulation, irregular menstrual cycle and amenorrhea linked to infertility so you can experience the joy of a mother.
However, it is very necessary to consult your doctor for a better diagnostics to receive the best treatment. This is because, it might be due to diseases like; ovarian cyst, uterine polyps, adenomyosis and so on.

OR CALL/WHATSAPP: +229 90431725

Causes of Menorrhagia

Menorrhagia can be caused by various things, including:

  • Hormonal imbalance in women who have just started menstruating or approaching menopause
  • Ovarian Dysfunction
  • Myoma of the uterus
  • Polyps in the womb
  • Adenomyosis
  • Pelvic inflammatory disease
  • Blood disorders
  • Thyroid disease, liver disorders, or kidney disorders

Diagnosis of Menorrhagia

To find out about menorrhagia , the doctor will ask about the menstrual cycle so far, including the number of menstrual days and how many pads are used in a day. If true menorrhagia, then the doctor will find out the cause of menorrhagia.

Examinations conducted to determine the causes of menorrhagia, include:

  • PAP smear. In this examination, cells from the cervix will be taken and examined under a microscope to see the possibility of cancer that causes menorrhagia.
  • Endometrial biopsy. Doctors take a little tissue from the uterus to be examined by a pathologist with a microscope.
  • Ultrasonography (USG). This examination is needed to see the condition of the uterus, ovaries, and pelvic cavity.
  • Hysteroscopy. This examination is done by inserting a type of kemera through the vagina into the uterus so that the doctor can see the condition of the uterus more clearly and thoroughly.


Menorrhagia Symptoms

Signs and symptoms of menorrhagia that you can recognize include:

  • Excessive vaginal bleeding during menstruation (changing pads every 1-3 hours)
  • Menstruation lasts for more than one week
  • Daily activities are disrupted
  • Symptoms of anemia such as fatigue, weakness, and shortness of breath
  • Lower stomach pain


Menorrhagia Treatment

Treatment of menorrhagia depends on the cause. But in general, treatment can be done in the form of:

  • Iron supplements to prevent and treat anemia
  • Tranexamic acid can be needed to stop bleeding
  • Oral contraception to reset hormonal problems and menstrual cycles
  • Hormonal drugs that contain progesterone to overcome hormonal imbalances


Prevention of Menorrhagia

Menorrhagia is not completely preventable. But doing the following can reduce the risk of menorrhagia:

  • Sleep 6-8 hours at night
  • Avoid stress or fatigue
  • Doing exercise regularly 5 times per week
  • Eat lots of green vegetables and whole grains
  • Drink 1.5–2 liters of water per day

Menorrhagia Risk Factors

There are factors that can increase the risk of menorrhagia. Of the many factors, age is one risk factor that is quite vulnerable. For example, adolescents who have just menstruated and those in perimenopausal conditions are the age group that tends to experience menorogia.

In adolescents, menorrhagia is generally caused by ovaries that do not release eggs. Whereas in older women, menorrhagia is caused by uterine pathology, including fibroids, polyps, and adenomyosis.


Natural remedies for heavy menstrual bleeding

Mustard seed tea

Mustard Seeds | Descret Tradings Enterprise

• ½ teaspoon of mustard seed powder 
• 1 cup of warm milk


  1. Add the mustard seed powder to the cup of hot milk and mix well with a spoon.
  2. Drink tea twice a day, once in the morning and once in the evening.

Ginger tea

6 Key Health Benefits of Ginger Tea | THE FLOW by PIQUE

• 1 cup of water 
• 1 piece of about 1-2 inches of peeled ginger


  1. Put the water and ginger in a small saucepan.
  2. Heat it for 10 minutes, until it boils.
  3. Remove it from the stove and let it warm until you get an appropriate temperature to drink it.
  4. Stir the ginger and pour the tea into a cup.
  5. If you want, you can add honey to sweeten it.
  6. Drink tea twice a day, once in the morning and once in the evening.

Cinnamon tea

Cinnamon Tea: Spicy, Sweet, and Oh-So-Healthy | THE FLOW by PIQUE

• 1 cup of water 
• 5-6 cinnamon sticks


  1. Place the water and cinnamon sticks in a small saucepan.
  2. Heat it for about 10 minutes.
  3. Remove it from the stove and let it warm until you get an appropriate temperature to drink it.
  4. Remove the cinnamon sticks and pour the tea into a cup.
  5. Drink tea twice a day, in the morning and at night.

Coriander or recao tea and / or its seeds

Cumin Coriander tea / Cumin Coriander tea for weight loss - YouTube

• 2 cups of water 
• Approximately 4-6 coriander or recao leaves and / or their seeds


  1. Place the water and the leaves and / or recao seeds in a small saucepan.
  2. Bring to a boil until water reduces from 2 cups to ½ cup of liquid.
  3. Remove it from the stove and let it rest until you get a proper temperature to drink it.
  4. Strain it and pour the tea into a cup.
  5. Drink tea twice a day, in the morning and at night.

And remember that everything you need for your health, beauty and home can be found at home.

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Hormones and infertility: Best Herbal Solution

By On 18/06/2020

When you and your partner have been trying to conceive for several years, every added year makes it more difficult and painful. You feel your chances of birthing a child becoming slimmer as you grow older. 

However, no matter old you are getting, there are natural remedies that can boost your fertility process. Read to the end, find out answers you have searching for concerning infertility and the best natural solution to overcome infertility. 



How relevant is the problem of infertility today? Do couples often face the unfathomable task of having a baby?


“The number of infertile couples is growing - among spouses planning a pregnancy, they cannot conceive 15–20%, and the reason can equally be found in both women and men,” says the head doctor of the Center for Family Reproduction of the clinic “Mother and Child. 

Among all the causes of infertility, the most commonly identified are: tubal factor (15%), endometriosis (20%), endocrine (30%), male (25%) and 10% account for infertility of unclear origin, the causes of which can be identified with a deeper examination of a married couple. Often there is a combination of several factors at the same time on the part of a man and a woman (30 - 40%).


Endocrine infertility is one of the most common causes of female infertility. With endocrine malfunctions, egg formation is impaired, and the thyroid gland, adrenal glands, the pituitary gland of the brain and the pancreas affect the work of the ovaries. These same endocrine glands regulate the functioning of the male reproductive system.

- Most often, endocrine infertility develops with a violation of the thyroid gland and the pituitary gland, - said the endocrinologist Anastasia Obukhova . - The most common causes: a lack of thyroid hormones (hypothyroidism) and excessive production of prolactin by the pituitary gland of the brain in the presence of microadenomas . Congenital dysfunction of the adrenal cortex, which can also cause infertility, is less common .



African herbal tea to boost female fertility

Traitement naturel pour tomber enceinte après 35 ans​​

Birthing a child is the dream of every women but at times our uterus develops issues that hinders fertility. However, africandoctor has found the best medicinal plant to help you solve any uterine disease such as adenomyosis, endometriosis, uterine polypssevere abdominal pain, dyspareunia, anovulation, abnormal menstrual cycle and amenorrhea linked to infertility so you can experience the joy of a mother. The constituents of this tisane allow it to regulate your menstrual cycle and dispose any problem that may lead to infertility. Some of the plants that make this possible  are Acridoscarpus smeathmani, quad cissus, afromum melegueta and wild african plum. these are very powerful plants, the mixture of these plants with other secret herbs have made this possible.

OR CALL/WHATSAPP: +229 90431725


African plants and roots to treat male infertility

Male infertility

According to the World Health Organization, male infertility is "the inability to impregnate after at least 12 months of regular sexual activity and not protected by any contraceptive method, with a normally fertile partner." There are many situation that may cause infertility to a man and our natural can perfectly work on most of the causes. Is it that you are suffering from low sperm count, low motility or abnormal shape of spermatozoa? Here is a tisane that will help you regain your fertility so that you experiment the joy to be a father.

If you are interested in getting our natural remedy, click here!

Worldwide delivery

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The menstrual cycle is irregular, a year in marriage, pregnancy does not occur. The doctor said that you need to take tests for hormones. What will they show, and does my husband need to be examined too?

Having Another Baby After a Miscarriage

“The cause of the irregular cycle may be a violation of the functions of the endocrine glands,” says Olga Nikolaevna. 

 It is necessary to examine the function of the thyroid gland (in particular, for TSH hormones, T4 free), the level of prolactin, FSH and LH hormones that directly control the ovaries, and hormones with androgenic (male) effect - testosterone and DEAS, 17-hydroxyprogesterone are important. A man needs to examine sperm - if everything is in order and the husband does not have endocrine diseases, there is no need for other tests.



- When do you need to start worrying about infertility?

Not Pregnant Yet? When to Seek Help – Health Essentials from ...

“If the couple have been married for a year or two years, you can diagnose infertility,” says Olga Buldina. If people of older reproductive age (35 plus), then such a diagnosis is made after six months, because ovarian function begins to fade. 



Is it possible to get pregnant and give birth with endocrine disorders?

Know the pregnancy risks if you have Graves' Disease - Having ...

If infertility is caused only by this reason, it goes away against the background of treatment. If pregnancy does not occur against the background of successful treatment of revealed endocrine disorders, other reasons must be sought.

Read also: HYPOTHYROIDISM: how it affects conception and nature's cure



 How long before the desired pregnancy do I need to stop taking oral contraceptives?

Folic Acid and Pregnancy: How Much You'll Need

- With the cancellation of contraceptives, pregnancy can already occur in the next menstrual cycle, says Olga Buldina.



How to eat in order to get pregnant faster? How to feed her husband? Are there any products that increase the possibility of conception?

Eat more fruit to get pregnant faster, study suggests - 9Coach

It’s easier to say what you don’t need to eat. 

- It is necessary to avoid refined carbohydrates

- sweets, juices; foods rich in refractory, hidden fats, such as sausage, sausages, mayonnaise, canned food, pastries. All products that contribute to weight gain are best avoided. Enrich your diet with nuts and seafood.

Men should not drink beer

- it not only adds weight, but also worsens sperm counts. Also, representatives of the strong half who want to increase their fertility should avoid overheating baths, saunas. 

But it will be beneficial to increase the dynamic (light) physical activity - walking, running. So eat right, exercise and be healthy!


1. Ashwagandha

Ashwagandha Extract, Pack Size: 200 GM, Rs 699 /pack Navchetana ...

This is a plant widely used in traditional Indian medicine, also known as bufera or Indian ginseng, which seems to provide various health benefits for both women and men.

Ashwagandha appears to be quite effective in hormonal regulation in women, promoting better functioning of the reproductive organs, being used in many cases by women who have already undergone several natural abortions to strengthen the uterus.

In the case of men, this plant could improve the formation and quality of sperm, due to its nutritional and antioxidant power.


2. Peruvian Maca

The Amazing Health Benefits of the Maca Root

Peruvian maca is a powerful natural adaptogen that helps fight stress, in addition to balancing hormone production. It also contains many vitamins and nutrients important for pregnancy, it nourishes the woman's body to prepare her for a possible pregnancy.

In man, the use of this plant seems to increase sperm production and quality, improve sperm mobility and prevent erectile dysfunction.


3. Shatavari

Buy Shatavar/Shatavari 250 Grams Natural Herb Online at Low Prices ...

In addition to being a plant with an aphrodisiac effect, Shatavari, also known as Asparagus racemosus, has adaptogenic power that helps to balance hormone production, regulating the production of higher quality eggs and sperm. At the same time, this plant also nourishes the reproductive organs, especially in women.

In man, shatavari is a natural tonic and is often used in Ayurvedic medicine to improve the production of healthy sperm.



4. Chasteberry

Chasteberry (vitex) 50G - Blue Mountain Tea Company

Chasteberry or agnus castus is a plant with a long history of its use to treat various types of problems at the level of the reproductive system, being used mainly to increase the production of luteinizing hormone, facilitating ovulation and the production of mature eggs. .

For this reason, this plant can be used by women who have a disorder in the luteal phase of the menstrual cycle.


5. Saw Palmetto

Saw Palmetto Extract

Saw palmetto, also known as wild heart of palm or serenoa repens , can be used both in being used in both women and men, this because it contains fatty acids and phytoestrogens that promote the functioning of the ovaries, especially in women with syndrome of Polycystic ovaries, in addition to acting on sperm production and testicle health in men.


Worldwide delivery

Contact/Whatsapp: +22990431725


By On 13/06/2020

Abundant menstruation: what to do if you suffer from menorrhagia? Causes and remedies

Menorrhagia is a cycle disorder which consists in the manifestation of an abundant menstrual flow. Women who suffer from it are often forced to limitations in everyday life. Discover with us what to do in the presence of this problem, what are the most effective causes and remedies to deal with it.

Menorrhagia can be talked about if menstruation lasts more than a week , if blood clots are present in the flow and there is a need to change the absorbent even once an hour or frequently during the night. In fact, if a normal cycle foresees losses of about 30 ml, in case of menorrhagia it can even reach 80 ml. Unfortunately, those who suffer from this problem experience a certain limitation in their everyday life.

Let's explore the causes of this disorder together , what to do if you discover you are suffering from it and what are the most effective remedies to fight it or learn to live with it.

The causes of an abundant menstrual flow

Abundant menstrual bleeding can occur without any cause, especially in youth, but there can also be recognizable causes.

During menstrual cycles, the alternation of estrogen and progesterone causes a regular growth of the mucous membrane that lines the inside of the uterus ( Hormonal imbalance. • endometrium ). In this case the endometrium (not used for the implantation of a pregnancy) will be expelled at the time of menstruation without excessive blood loss. If there is no secretion of progeterone, as for example in cycles without ovulation , the irregularly grown endometrium will be excreted irregularly causing an increase in losses.

•  . As already mentioned, in the absence of ovulation, the endometrium, subjected to an estrogenic hyper-stimulation (absolute in young women and relative in perimenopause), will irregularly flake causing abundant bleeding during menstruation. The cause, in most cases, excluding perimenopause, is not Dysfunction of the ovariesovarian dysfunction , but the dysfunction of the mechanisms that regulate ovulation at the central level (pituitary and hypothalamus).

  • Uterine fibroids . These are extremely frequent neo benign formations of the uterus. They are more frequent after the age of 30, but although rarely some women may suffer from them earlier. Depending on the location, uterine fibroids can cause very abundant menstruation.
  • Polyps . These are small formations starting from the endometrium, typically one to three to four centimeters, which can cause both heavy menstruation and irregular bleeding. They are generally removed also to prevent, even if rare, tumor degeneration.
  • Adenomyosis . It is a condition whereby the normal boundaries between endometrium and myometrium (the muscle layer that is located under the endometrium and which is responsible for uterine contractile activity) are altered. This can cause very abundant menstruation and is more frequent in adult women who have had pregnancies.
  • Intrauterine device (IUD) . Also known as a spiral, it can have very abundant cycles as a side effect. In these cases it can be removed and replaced with a progestogen-medicated IUD which, on the contrary, reduces the amount of blood expelled with menstruation.
  •  . If abundant menstruation occurs after a menstrual delay, it is necessary to think about the possibility of a Complications in pregnancymiscarriage . If you have never seen the gestational chamber and the symptoms do not resolve spontaneously in a short time, or after medical or surgical treatment, you must keep in mind the possibility of an ectopic pregnancy that is not always easily diagnosed by ultrasound.
  • Cancer . Although the carcinoma gives irregular blood losses much more frequently, in case of doubts it will be useful to keep this possibility in mind
  • Congenital hemorrhagic diseases. There are diseases unrelated to the reproductive system that can give abundant bleeding. An example type is Von Willebrand disease (a disease that causes delayed blood clotting).
  • Medicines . One cause of abundant menstruation that can be overlooked is the intake of anti-inflammatory and anticoagulant medications.
  • Other medical conditions . Pelvic infections and diseases of the kidney, thyroid and liver can be a direct or indirect cause of heavy menstruation.


The classic symptom of menorrhagia is that which occurs during menstruation, a profuse blood loss sometimes accompanied by pain. A condition that can last for longer than normal.

In general, this situation is recognizable:

  • From a period of menstruation longer than a week.
  • From the need to replace the sanitary napkin even at night, waking up.
  • From the need to change the sanitary napkin every hour for several consecutive hours.
  • From blood clots in the menstrual flow.
  • From the symptoms of anemia, such as the feeling of tiredness and fatigue or from shortness of breath.
  • From a limitation of usual activities

If you bleed to impregnate the sanitary napkin after an hour, and it repeats itself for a couple of hours, seek medical attention. Go to the doctor even if you bleed irregularly between one cycle and another and, if you are in menopause, any vaginal bleeding must be checked.


Women who have abundant periods for long periods can have side effects. The first true indicator of the amount of blood lost is anemia, i.e. the hemoglobin value below 12.

The dosage of sideremia (circulating iron) and ferritin (storage iron) are, as a rule, low also in normal-menstruating women. Anemia can occur with:

  • Fatigue.
  • Depressive mood disorders.
  • Hair loss
  • Dry mucous membranes



Infertilite feminine 1

The constituents of this tisane allow it to regulate your menstrual cycle and dispose any problem that may lead to infertility. Some of the plants that make this possible  are Cloves and Acridoscarpus, these are very powerful plants, the mixture of these plants with other secret herbs have made it possible to restore to normal the menstrual cycle. In addition, Our natural remedy is the secret to cure any form of female infertility. We offer you a definite advantage: the absence of undesirable effects and contraindications. The natural approach is often the best approach to find the solution. Our natural remedies have allowed many women to have children.

OR CALL/WHATSAPP: +229 90431725

READ ALSO: 10 AMAZING medicinal plants to get RID of UTERINE POLYPS

Milk and mustard seeds

It is a traditional remedy that facilitates the control of abundant and irregular menstruation. The properties of milk and mustard reduce inflammation and help prevent malaise and menstrual cramps.


  • 1 cup of hot milk (250 ml)
  • ½ teaspoon of powdered mustard seeds (2 g)


Heat the cup of milk and add the mustard seeds powder.

Consumption methods

  • Drink one cup in the morning and one in the evening before going to bed.
  • Continue the treatment for the duration of the cycle.

3. Milk thistle seeds

It can affect in case of excessive menstrual flow. Its diuretic properties also help to reduce is useful for controlling hormonal imbalancesMilk thistle seed infusion water retention, a disorder that often accompanies the cycle.


  • 1 tablespoon of ground milk thistle seeds (10 g)
  • 1 cup of water (250 ml)


  • Heat a cup of water and, when it boils, add the milk thistle seeds.
  • Finally, remove from the heat and let stand for 10 minutes at room temperature.

Consumption methods

  • Drink 2 or 3 cups of infusion per day, until symptoms improve.

4. Apple cider vinegar and honey

In addition to facilitating the control of menorrhagia, this natural remedy based on apple cider vinegar and honey reduces inflammation, water retention, and cramps.


  • 2 teaspoons of apple cider vinegar (10 ml)
  • 1 tablespoon of honey (25 g)
  • 1 cup of water (250 ml)


  • First, dilute a spoonful of apple cider vinegar in a cup of warm water.
  • Afterward, sweeten with honey and drink.

Consumption methods

Drink one cup before each main meal for the duration of the menstrual cycle.


5. Licorice

With its content of phytoestrogens, antioxidants, and anti-inflammatory compounds, licorice root is one of the natural treatments recommended for alleviating cycle-related ailments, especially in the case of abundant menstruation.

The combination of these substances helps balance the levels of estrogen in the body, thereby reducing excessive bleeding and pain.


  • 1 cup of water (250 ml)
  • ½ teaspoon licorice root (5 g)
  • 1 tablespoon of honey (25 g) (optional)


  • First, put to heat the water in a saucepan.
  • As soon as it starts to boil, pour the licorice root, lower the heat and let it boil for another 2/3 minutes.
  • Then, remove the herbal tea from the heat and let it rest for another 10 minutes at room temperature.
  • Finally, filter and, if you prefer, sweeten it with a little honey.

Consumption methods

Drink 2 or 3 cups of licorice infusion per day, two days before the start of menstruation.

Note: avoid this remedy in case of hypertension, kidney failure, or diabetes.

Do you suffer from abundant menstruation? Try one of these remedies: they will help you reduce them naturally.

OR CALL/WHATSAPP: +229 90431725


Metrorrhagia: symptoms, causes and natural remedies

By On 13/06/2020

Heavy periods affecting your life? Read to the end to discover how to regulate this disorder naturally, effectively and without side effects.


Metrorrhagia is abnormal bleeding of the uterus other than a menstrual period. It is a disease of the uterus. This usually happens in fertile age or in menopause. In rare cases, they can occur in childhood, with early puberty and hormonal changes to be kept under close medical supervision.

To be clear, there is a difference between metrorrhagia and menorrhagia.

While Metrorrhagia is defined as a loss of uterine blood from the vagina, in a quantity and nature different from the bleeding typical of the menstrual cycle. The talk of " menorrhagia" occurs during the usual menstruation and is often described as " abundant menstruation ".

"Menometrorrhagia" is, however, the abundant loss of blood that continues beyond the duration of the cycle, in the intermenstrual phase. It can be a cause of apprehension for women of different age groups since it can occur in fertile age, during pregnancy or in menopause.


Infertilite feminine 1

The constituents of this tisane allow it to regulate your menstrual cycle and dispose of any problem that may lead to infertility. Some of the plants that make this possible are Cloves and Acridoscarpus, these are very powerful plants, the mixture of these plants with other secret herbs have made it possible to restore to normal the menstrual cycle. In addition, Our natural remedy is the secret to cure any form of female infertility. We offer you a definite advantage: the absence of undesirable effects and contraindications. The natural approach is often the best approach to find a solution. Our natural remedies have allowed many women to have children.

OR CALL/WHATSAPP: +229 90431725

READ ALSO: 10 AMAZING medicinal plants to get RID of UTERINE POLYPS


Metrorrhages are easily distinguished from the usual menstrual cycle by the symptoms that characterize them, among which the most evident can be:

  • menstrual irregularity with greater frequency of menstruation (menstruation less than 21 days after the last event, polymenorrhea);
  • extremely abundant bleeding (flow> 80 ml in 7 days, menorrhagia, hypermenorrhea);
  • greater frequency and irregularity between menstrual cycles, often anovulatory (metrorrhagia);
  • increased bleeding in quantity, frequency, and irregularity between the two menstruation with the ovulatory cycle (menometrorrhagia).

There is also a specific symptomatic difference between metrorrhagia during an ovulatory cycle compared to an anovulatory cycle.

The dysfunctional uterine bleeding ovulation occurs basically with excessive losses during regular menstrual cycles. In addition, the classic ovulatory or premenstrual symptoms may appear, including breast tension, cramps and abdominal pain in the middle of the cycle. There is a change in the post-ovulatory basal temperature followed, sometimes, by dysmenorrhea.


Heavy Menstrual Bleeding Causes, Symptoms, Diagnosis

The causes can be different. The disorder can originate at the level of the uterus, or from hormonal dysfunctions or the coagulation system, but also diseases such as diabetes or cardiovascular diseases. Generally, the most serious causes of metrorrhagia in adult women;

  • Trauma
  • Sexual abuse
  • Uterine cancer
  • Ovarian Cancer
  • Uterine fibroid
  • Endometriosis
  • Hormonal imbalance
  • Sexually Transmitted Diseases
  • Inflammation of the vagina

Types of metrorrhagia

As mentioned, metrorrhagia can occur in different ages of a woman's life: during development or in fertile age, but also during climacteric and menopause.

Therefore, there are specificities specific to each period that can be addressed in different ways and suitable for the reference period.

Metrorrhagia during the fertile age

During this period, the main cause of abnormal blood loss is due to pathological conditions in pregnancy. Abundant and abnormal uterine blood loss may occur, in conjunction with abortion  or an ectopic pregnancy. But also for a vesicular mole or a fibroid in an annoying position.

During this phase of female life, the causes that lead to metrorrhagia are related to alteration of the characteristics of menstruation (polymenorrhea, hypermenorrhea). Painful, abundant and abnormal blood losses during the cycle can, therefore, occur, which continues even beyond the physiological end of menstruation. This condition is called "menometrorrhagia".

The causes that determine the less-metrorrhagia in fertile age are organic causes from local or general anatomical lesion, or functional causes related to an altered menstrual regulation.

Metrorrhagia during menopause

During the climacteric and menopause periods, the hormonal structure changes. Therefore, abundant and irregular blood loss can occur even without any specific alteration. After the transition period, the bleeding losses tend to fade until they disappear.

If this does not happen or if it occurs with discontinuity, it can be a symptom of even serious pathological alterations, especially affecting the body of the uterus. In the face of a careful and timely diagnosis followed by early treatments, therapeutic success is often achieved.

The metrorrhagia in this phase of the woman's life is not, however, always a sign of serious problems. Sometimes it can be due to vaginal or cervical inflammation. These tissues, no longer stimulated by the trophic stimulation of the ovarian hormones, can weaken from the immune point of view and require greater care.

Metrorrhagia during puberty

The presence of abundant menstruation can manifest itself during the development of puberty. The hormonal picture is in the full solicitation to make the woman's body fertile and menarche is the first concrete evidence of the girl's maturation.

It may happen that the onset of menstruation occurs abnormally in which abundant losses follow one another without solution of continuity and without giving the possibility to understand when the cycle ends. In this case, he speaks of " pubertal hemorrhagic metropathy ".

This phenomenon may be due to excessive production of estrogen by the ovary overstimulated by the pituitary gland. The follicles try to proceed towards their maturation without producing a real corpus luteum. This triggers the appearance of a high concentration of estrogen in the blood and urine in the face of a progestogenic deficiency that leads the uterus to flake hemorrhagically.

At other times, however, the bleeding can be caused by insufficient production of estrogen. The uterine musculature, still underdeveloped, is unable to contract sufficiently energetically to produce hemostasis. In this case, the blood and urine and are poor not only in estrogen but also in progesterone.

Metrorrhagia: therapy and treatment

Metrorrhagia: Definition, Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment

The different types of metrorrhagia can be successfully treated by intervening, first of all, with the intention of stopping the bleeding, and then intervening on the triggering factors.

During puberty, to block abundant and abnormal bleeding, it is possible to intervene with blood transfusions (in severe cases) or administration of iron, vitamin C, and vitamin K depending on the specificity of the case. To regulate the mechanism and the hormonal panel that influences the behavior of the uterus, the cause of the dysfunction must be identified.

In the case of excess estrogen, progesterone is administered. In the case of estrogen deficiency, estrogen and follicle-stimulating hormone are administered during the proliferative phase of the cycle.

During the fertile phase of the woman, the triggering causes are often due to a termination of pregnancy. If the product of conception is not expelled autonomously, it is necessary to intervene with a scraping. In the case of problems that do not concern pregnancy, the choice of the type of treatment (and its success) depends on the results of the clinical tests necessary for a precise diagnosis.

In menopause, the treatment strategy can be hormonal or interventional depending on the cause of the metrorrhagia. In any case, the opinion of the specialist is always required.


Coriander seeds

Whole Coriander | Australia | The Source Bulk Foods

According to Ayurvedic medicine, coriander seeds contain active ingredients that can decrease abundant menstruation. Consumed in the form of an infusion, they reduce the inflammation of the uterus and help to rebalance the activity of the hormones.


  • ½ tablespoon of coriander seeds (5 g)
  • 1 cup of water (250 ml)
  • 1 teaspoon honey (25 g)


  • First, pour the coriander seeds into a cup of boiling water.
  • Then, leave to infuse for 5 - 10 minutes.
  • Finally, filter and sweeten it with a little honey.

Consumption methods

  • Drink this infusion 2 or 3 times a day, before and during menstruation.

Drink an alchemilla infusion. 

Amazing benefits of Lady's Mantle

It is a plant that is often used for menstrual problems. The infusion can help reduce abundant flow. 

  • This plant is also known as "lady's cloak" or "star grass". 
  • Its leaves are used in the production of drugs thanks to remarkable coagulating (blood thickening), astringent (reduction of blood vessels caliber), and stimulating muscle contraction capabilities. These features help restore the menstrual cycle to a normal level.
  • To prepare the infusion, put 30 g of dried alchemilla leaves in half a liter of boiling water. 
  • Drink the infusion three times a day until the symptoms subside.
  • You can find this plant in the main natural products stores and herbalists.


Can Dong Quai Help with Menopause?

This herb is also known as a female plant. Although it is known to regulate problems relating to female reproductive organs, a high dosage can cause serious problems. 

Prepare a decoction, made of 1 teaspoon of powdered Dong Quai root, and one cup of water. Drink it twice daily.

OR CALL/WHATSAPP: +229 90431725

How To Treat Fibroids, or Benign Tumors Of The Uterus with herbs

By On 12/06/2020

How To Treat Fibroids, or Benign Tumors Of The Uterus? 

Uterine fibroids are benign tumors / tumors of the female reproductive organ.

Uterine fibroids are common benign tumors of the reproductive organ. These are benign tumors that do not metastasize, and the risk of malignancy and transformation into a malignant sarcoma is very low (around 0.4%).

Myomas are derived from smooth muscle tissue that builds the uterus - they come from uterine smooth muscle cells and vascular muscle cells. They rarely occur singly, most often they are numerous and differ in size and location.

Myomas are spherical lesions located within the uterus. They do not metastasize and do not infiltrate normal tissue. They can be a few millimeters in diameter or grow to really large sizes and fill the entire uterus, and even overgrow it, which gives the image of the so-called myoma uterus , which can reach well above the height of the navel. These benign tumors (fibroids) are usually located in the womb.
Myomas are usually of genetic origin, occurring in the family - in mother, daughter, sister, grandmother.

Myomas are usually of genetic origin, occurring in the family - in mother, daughter, sister, grandmother. 


Symptoms of Uterine Fibroids 

In many cases, uterine fibroids have no symptoms. If they occur, they usually include heavy menstrual periods, bleeding and spotting between periods or after menopause, infertility, back pain, tightness and lower abdominal discomfort, urinary tract discomfort, including hydronephrosis due to ureteral compression. The occurrence of symptoms depends on the size and number of tumors, as well as their type and location.

The most frequently observed symptoms include:

  • Prolonged, heavy, painful periods;
  • Lower abdominal pain;
  • Pain during intercourse;
  • Lumbar spine pain;
  • Pressure on your bladder or rectum (urgency, constipation).

With rapid tumor growth, complaints may appear that indicate the development of inflammation caused by necrosis inside the large tumor and secondary superinfection. Small fibroids usually do not cause any discomfort. In contrast, large tumors can cause problems, cause pain and bleeding. Large fibroids can also be a source of problems with pregnancy, pregnancy and delivery. 


Herbal Tea For Uterine Fibroid 


Unlike a high estrogen level which promotes the appearance and formation of fibroids, the action of the natural remedy is different. Indeed, it quickly causes the disappearance of fibroids and reduces your pain. Thus, heavy menstrual bleeding usually stops at the end of treatment. Overall, the herbal tea also expels all the waste in your uterus. This natural remedy is therefore the miracle solution to permanently eliminate your fibroids.


This is Africandoctor's best solution for you! Trust us, it works!

Click on this link to find out more about this product for fibroid





Uterine Fibroids: Types

The fibroids have a spherical shape and are located in the uterus. Depending on their location, several types of fibroids are distinguished :

  • Subserum myomas are tumors located under the membrane covering the uterus from the outside. They can cause pain by pressing on adjacent internal organs. They can cause lower abdominal pain and sciatica-like pain. There is often a feeling of pressure on the bladder or rectum.
  • Intramural fibroids are tumors located inside the uterine wall. They cause symptoms such as painful and heavy menstruation with blood clots, prolonged menstruation and intermenstrual bleeding. Symptoms are associated with difficult contraction of uterine blood vessels and prolonged healing of mucosal exfoliated sites during menstruation.
  • Submucosal fibroids are tumors that penetrate into the uterine lumen, and sometimes they pass through the cervix (they are born) into the vagina. The emerging myoma makes itself felt with strong uterine contractions that resemble birth contractions. Severe pain and bleeding usually occur when the abdominal myoma is twisted. Submucosal fibroids are characterized by the most abundant menstrual or intermenstrual bleeding. 



Uterine fibroids: Causes

The causes of uterine fibroids are not entirely clear, because none of the theories finds 100 percent confirmation. The good news is that fibroids are benign tumors of the uterus . Just 1 percent of them undergoes malignant transformation into leiomyosarcoma.

The most frequently cited cause of uterine fibroids is excessively high estrogen levels or cell hypersensitivity to estrogens. However, not every woman with high estrogen levels suffers from uterine fibroids. When attempts were made to treat fibroids by giving progestogens, it turned out that in many cases it had led to their growth. Hence, it is suspected that progesterone may also cause uterine fibroids. 

It also happens that myomas occur after, for example, curettage of the uterus for other reasons. It is believed that this is the reaction of cells to trauma, similar to the reaction of the skin on which keloids are formed .

Some doctors support the theory that the reasons for the tendency to appear these benign nodules should be seen in abnormalities in the development of reproductive organs still in the fetal period of the girl . Certainly , genetic factors play a big role , because uterine fibroids often occur in families.

Many gynecological diseases, including uterine fibroids, are hereditary . Familiarizing yourself with your family history can help you effectively determine if you are at risk of developing selected diseases.

There are several risk factors that make a woman more at risk of uterine fibroids. However, none of them 100% determine the appearance of the disease. Uterine fibroids are favored by obesity and overweight .





Prevention of fibroids

Top 7 Foods For Shrinking Fibroids That Should Be A Part Of Your ...

The reduction in the chances of developing fibroids may be related to early pregnancy, a large number of children born , because pregnancy as well as the number of pregnancies affect the structure of the uterus. Another factor that can also reduce the risk of this disease is the lactation period. This is due to the level of hormones, which is then close to the level in the late postmenopausal period, which in turn translates into the formation and growth of fibroids. According to specialists, low levels of hormones during lactation can contribute to a decrease in the size of fibroids or even their disappearance.




Uterine fibroids: diagnosis

Uterine fibroids are diagnosed primarily on the basis of ultrasound. Another test used to diagnose uterine fibroids is hysteroscopy, which involves inserting a telescope with a camera into the uterus. The examination allows a thorough examination of the abnormalities in the uterus.

More advanced research includes computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging. In some cases, diagnostic laparoscopy is also performed, which is the most invasive test, but also very effective. It also allows samples to be taken for histopathological examination. 



Home treatments for uterine fibroids

Woman with uterine fibroids problem

Mand your uterine fibroids - this diagnosis does not necessarily mean surgery to remove the uterus, although most patients are convinced of this. Meanwhile, more and more non-invasive treatments for these benign female genital cancers are emerging. In some cases, it is even possible to treat uterine fibroids with herbs. Before we decide on a radical surgery, it is worth trying home remedies for fibroids.

Myomas are the most common benign uterine cancer . Tumors can appear at any age, but are most often diagnosed in women between 35 and 50 years of age. When they are small they only require constant gynecological control, when they grow up and are the cause of numerous ailments and require drug treatment and sometimes surgery. Although the surgery to remove the uterus is still the most commonly used method of treating fibroids in Poland, before we decide on such a drastic movement, it is worth trying other methods that save the reproductive organ of a woman, especially if the patient is in the reproductive period and is planning a pregnancy.




What herbs should I drink with uterine fibroids?

Herbal treatment of uterine fibroids - Part 4 | The Guardian ...

In the presence of fibroids, Father Klimuszko recommended a mixture consisting of nine herbs. Most of them can be bought at pharmacies and herbal stores. The mixture includes:

  • Horsetail herb (Equiseti Hb)
  • Cinquefoil chicken herb (Tormentillae rhiz.)
  • Herb mistletoe (Visci hb . )
  • Tasznik goals (Bursae pastori hb.)
  • Rdest ostrogorzki ziele (Polygoni hydropip. hb.) 
  • Coral viburnum bark (Viburni cort.) 
  • Chestnut flower (Hippocastani flor.)
  • Blueberry bilberry (Myrtilli fol.) 
  • Birch leaf (Betulae fol.)

You need 50 g of each herb type to make the mixture. After mixing, pour a tablespoon of the mixture into a glass of boiling water and leave it covered for 3 hours. After straining and slightly heating, the decoction should be drunk three times a day before meals. Herbs must not be sweetened. Treatments should be used for about 4 months. After this time you need to do an ultrasound and check the size of the fibroids.




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Uterine fibrroid 1

Burdens of Uterine Fibroid Vs Natural Remedy

By On 10/06/2020

Uterine fibroids

Uterine fibroids are benign tumors that originate from smooth muscle tissue. Fibroids frequently cause abnormal uterine bleeding, pelvic pain and tension, urinary and intestinal symptoms, and complications during pregnancy. Diagnosis is made by pelvic examination, ultrasound, or other imaging diagnostics. The treatment of symptomatic patients depends on the patient's desire for fertility and the desire to maintain her uterus. Treatment may involve the use of oral contraceptives, short pre-surgical therapy with gonadotropin-releasing hormone to reduce fibroid, progestagen therapy, as well as definitive surgical procedures (eg, hysterectomy, myomectomy).

Uterine fibroids are the most frequent pelvic neoplasms and occur in about 70% of 45-year-old women. However, many fibroids are asymptomatic and small in size. About 25% of white women and 50% of black women develop symptomatic fibroids. Fibroids are most common among women with a high body mass index. Potentially protective factors are childbirth and cigarette smoking.

Most fibroids in the uterus are

  • Subserosal (the most common)

  • Inpatient

  • Submucosal (less common)

Some fibroids are pedunculated. In most cases the fibroids are multiple and each originates from a single smooth muscle cell, making them monoclonal in the beginning. Because they respond to estrogen, fibroids tend to increase in size during the reproductive lifetime and to decrease in size after menopause.

Fibroids can have an overgrowth compared to their blood supply and degenerate. Degeneration is described as hyaline, myxomatous, calcific, cystic, fatty, red (usually only during pregnancy), or necrotic. Although patients are often concerned about neoplastic degeneration of fibroids, sarcomatous transformation occurs in <1% of patients.





Herbal tea For Uterine Fibroid 


Unlike a high estrogen level which promotes the appearance and formation of fibroids, the action of the natural remedy is different. Indeed, it quickly causes the disappearance of fibroids and reduces your pain. Thus, heavy menstrual bleeding usually stops at the end of treatment. Overall, the herbal tea also expels all the waste in your uterus. This natural remedy is, therefore, the miracle solution to permanently eliminate your fibroids.

This is Africandoctor's best solution for you! Trust us, it works!

Click on this link to find out more about this product for fibroid




Where fibroids grow.

Where Do Fibroids Grow? The 4 Different Types of Fibroids Explained

Fibroids can be

  • Intramural (in the wall of the uterus)

  • Submucosal (under the lining of the uterus)

  • Subserosal (below the outer surface of the uterus)

  • Pedunculars (growing on a stem)




  • Imaging techniques (ultrasound, sonography with an infusion of physiological solution or MRI)

The diagnosis of uterine fibroids is likely if the bimanual pelvic exam detects a dilated, mobile, irregular, and palpable uterus. Confirmation requires instrumental examinations, which is usually indicated if

  • Fibroids are a new finding.

  • They have increased in size.

  • They cause symptoms.

  • They need to be differentiated from other anomalies (eg, ovarian masses).

If the ultrasound examination, including sonography with physiological solution infusion (if performed), is not diagnostic, an MRI is usually performed, the most accurate imaging examination.




Fibroids and nutrition

Fibroid Diet Foods to Shrink Fibroids Naturally - This food diet ...
Some authors advise against the consumption of animal fats, meat, and dairy products, but there is no definitive evidence that these foods are influential since not all studies confirm this association.  As for me, the problem is not in these foods as such, but possibly in what they convey if they come from productions where drugs, hormones, pesticides, and preservatives are used. The excess of omega-6 fatty acids that characterizes the fat of animals fed mainly on soy and cereals could also have its weight. Also, I would especially worry about the excess of refined flours and sugars, seed oils, and hydrogenated fats that dominate our modern diet, more than proteins and animal fats.





Fibroids and overweight

Weight and obesity |
A certain relationship between obesity and fibroid formation has been demonstrated, although not confirmed by all studies.




Fibroids and stress
Fibroids and the Emotional Pain and Stress

Stress produces an excess of cortisol which inhibits the production of ovarian progesterone. In the long run, this leads to a relative increase in estrogen. When estrogen dominates, then fibroids can increase in size.




Fibroids and physical activity

Five Exercises To Ditch Arm Flab | The Guardian Nigeria News ...

A study has shown that intense physical activity of 7 hours or more per week reduces the appearance of fibroids by 30-40%. Physical activity seems to affect more on the appearance of fibroids than on the growth of those already present (4). Also, moderate daily physical activity helps to regulate the menstrual cycle and therefore hormonal flows that can influence the appearance or development of a fibroid.




Natural remedies for uterine fibroid

Fixing uterine fibroids with flaxseed

Take the remedy with a dilution 6D, 12D, 6C, 12C or 30C twice a day for three weeks. In the case of improvement, stop taking the remedy. It is always advisable to consult a homeopath.

Calcarea carbonica for overweight women who often have a cold and tend to feel fatigued. These people tend to get overwhelmed easily and have anxiety problems. This remedy is useful against uterine fibroids associated with hemorrhage.

  • Fraxinus Americana for the fibrous uterus.
  • Lachesis in case of hot flashes and symptoms worsen just when the subject is exposed to the heat. Women complain of abdominal and uterine pain, which are choleric and suspicious.
  • Phosphorus if fibroids cause abundant bleeding, characterized by bright red blood and clots. There is a strong desire for frozen drinks.
  • Pulsatilla for fibroids that cause pain and in the presence of irregular menstrual flow. The person needs companionship and comfort and wants to eat sweets.
  • Sabina is used in cases of fibroids characterized by pain in the lumbosacral region that extends to the pubic bones, associated with copious bleeding with clots.
  • Sepia if there is a feeling of heaviness in the uterus, to the point of inducing the risk of prolapse. The woman is irritable and wants to be left alone.
  • Sulfur for women who complain of frequent hot flashes. These people want to stay in a cool environment and drink ice cold drinks.
  • Aromatherapy: The essential oils of rosemary, marjoram, and black pepper promote circulation and bring relief from pain. Black pepper is also useful against constipation since it stimulates digestion. These oils can be used individually or combined. Add a few drops to the sitz bath or apply them with a hot compress.
  • Bach flowers:  Pour 10 drops under the tongue and wait 30 seconds before swallowing. The remedy can be used several times if necessary. Rescue Remedy is useful to restore calm in case of panic and great disturbance; Aspen is the remedy for those who have an intense and inexplicable fear or fear.


Click on this link to find out more about this product for fibroid



Can Uterine Fibroids Affect Your Chances of Getting Pregnant? Natural Treatment

By On 09/06/2020

Can Uterine Fibroids Affect Your Chances of Getting Pregnant? Solving 3 Main Questions


Wondering if uterine fibroids can affect your chances of getting pregnant? Fibroids are noncancerous growths that develop on the wall of the uterus and are extremely common. But if you have them and hope to start a family, you may wonder if they can be an obstacle in your plans to become a future mother.


Having uterine fibroids can affect your odds of getting pregnant? We will solve the three most common questions about this suffering and we will release you a very effective natural method to eliminate uterine myomas so you can get pregnant without problem!


Is it possible to remove uterine fibroids naturally, safely and effectively? Discover the method that will help you get rid of fibroids and get pregnant easily!


Here is africandoctor's herbal tea to help you shrink your fibroid naturally without side effects!!



Herbal Tea For Uterine Fibriods


Unlike a high estrogen level which promotes the appearance and formation of fibroids, the action of the natural remedy is different. Indeed, it quickly causes the disappearance of fibroids and reduces your pain. Thus, heavy menstrual bleeding usually stops at the end of treatment. Overall, the herbal tea also expels all the waste in your uterus. This natural remedy is therefore the miracle solution to permanently eliminate your fibroids so you would not face difficulties getting pregnant.


This is Africandoctor's best solution for you! Trust us, it works!

Click on this link to find out more about this product for fibroid



Here, fertility expert Julierut Tantibhedhyangkul, MD, explains what you need to know.

P: Can fibroids affect your fertility?

A: Most fibroids do not, but some may, depending on their size and location, interfere with the sperm's ability to reach the egg, fertilize, or implant an embryo.

Fibroids can also get in the way during a pregnancy if they are placed in the uterus where the baby needs to be. However, in most cases, doctors will recommend leaving fibroids alone and closely monitoring your pregnancy.


P: What happens when fibroids interfere with your fertility?

A: The good news is that there are many treatment options. But it is important to know that there is no one-size-fits-all solution.

Your doctor may recommend the safest and most effective option for you based on family goals, symptoms, and the location, size, and number of fibroids.

Your doctor may recommend a surgical procedure to remove the fibroids while preserving your fertility, called myomectomy.

Exactly how it is done depends on the size and location of the fibroids (also known as fibroids).

If fibroids grow significantly in the uterine cavity, the procedure can be done through the vagina using hysteroscopy.

If the fibroids are located on the wall of the uterus or on its surface, the surgeon may consider removing them by laparoscopy, through several small abdominal incisions.

Open surgery may be necessary if the fibroids are large or if there are many of them. After myomectomy, your uterus repairs and functions normally.

Your doctor will discuss with you the benefits, risks, and possible complications of any treatment option.


Q: How does having a myomectomy affect the chance of conceiving and any future pregnancy?

A: You will need to wait three to six months after your myomectomy to start trying to get pregnant so the uterus has time to heal.

The amount of fibroids you removed plays a role in the chance of getting pregnant. Research shows that women who have had more than six fibroids removed are less likely to conceive than women who have fewer fibroids removed.

Some women who have had a myomectomy may also need to deliver a baby by caesarean section, as the procedure can weaken the uterus.




Living with uterine fibroids


The Uterine fibroids are tumors that grow in the womb (uterus) of a woman. These tumors are not cancerous.

It is not known exactly what causes fibroids.

You may have consulted your healthcare provider for uterine fibroids. These can cause:

Many women with fibroids do not show symptoms. If you have symptoms, they may prescribe medicine or sometimes surgery. Similarly, there are certain steps you can take to help relieve pain from fibroids.


Click on this link to find out more about this product for fibroid

Uterine Fibroma: How To Cure Uterine Fibroids Naturally

By On 09/06/2020

How to Reduce Uterine Fibroids: Top 7 Recommended Foods

We are all born from a womb and yet it is one of the most unknown parts of our body because it contains the oldest and most sacred secret of life: the power to contain the universe, the power to house and develop Creative Energy and create life ... create life, create the world. This is the power that each woman holds and that many times she only manages to exercise through giving birth physically. Read until the end to discover how to shrink your fibroids naturally.

The womb is the guru -the light- of the woman ... a clear voice, direct and strange to the forms of the mind, which plays the music that creates its body, soul, and psyche. It is the door that opens inward for the seed to arrive and the door that opens outward to deliver to Earth (create) everything we have chosen to welcome from the outside world.

Unfortunately, the uterus tends to meet some obstacles along the way, which includes 'Uterine Fibroid'.

Here is africandoctor's herbal tea to help you shrink your fibroid naturally without side effects!!

Herbal Tea For Uterine Fibroids

Female Infertility

Unlike a high estrogen level which promotes the appearance and formation of fibroids, the action of the natural remedy is different. Indeed, it quickly causes the disappearance of fibroids and reduces your pain. Thus, heavy menstrual bleeding usually stops at the end of treatment. Overall, the herbal tea also expels all the waste in your uterus. This natural remedy is, therefore, the miracle solution to permanently eliminate your fibroids so you would not face difficulties getting pregnant.

This is Africandoctor's best solution for you! Trust us, it works!

Click on this link to find out more about this product for fibroid

Food can promote poor health but it can also promote healing. If you’re dealing with a health issue such as fibroids, it can be the extra motivation you need to start a fibroid healing diet. With that in mind, here are the top 7 foods for shrinking fibroids that should be a part of your diet.

Would you like to know how to reduce uterine fibroids? Food can promote poor health but it can also promote healing. If you are dealing with uterine fibroids, following a special diet to cure this condition will give you very good results.

As the saying goes, make your food your medicine. Sometimes all we need to do is make some changes or adjustments to our diet to improve our overall health.

Fruits and Vegetables
Fruit Free Vegetables Healthy - Free image on Pixabay
Fruits and vegetables are very healing not only for the vitamins and minerals they contain, but also for their fiber content that not only helps flush toxins and waste from your body quickly before they can cause harm, but that increasing fiber intake helps eliminate excess estrogen and helps with weight control.

Linseed Flaxseed Semi Di Lino - Free photo on Pixabay
Flaxseed contains many healing properties for fibroids, especially phytoestrogens, which can help replace some of the estrogen much stronger and more damaging naturally produced by the body, which can help prevent a state of estrogen dominance in which fibroids grow.

Frais En Bonne Santé Légumes Les - Photo gratuite sur Pixabay
Beans and peas contain properties that can help promote hormonal balance, which is important in reducing fibroids. Legumes are also a rich source of a very important type of fiber (soluble fiber) that causes waste matter and toxins, including excess estrogen, to bind to it when it leaves the body.

Garlic and Onion
D'où vient l'expression « se mettre en rang d'oignons » ? - Ça m ...
These can help promote gynecological health because they contain antioxidants that prevent free radical damage to healthy cells throughout the body, including the pelvic region. Free radical damage increases the risk of developing various diseases and conditions.

Coldwater Fish Coldwater
Pregnant women encouraged to eat cold-water fish
Deep-sea fish such as salmon, sardines, tuna, and mackerel should be an important part of your fibroid healing diet because they are a rich source of essential fatty acids that are anti-inflammatory and can help if it is fibroids to promote hormonal balance.

Gluten-Free Grains
Wheat Hands Grain - Free photo on Pixabay
Carbohydrates are necessary for the energy required to carry out daily activities, but you must make sure you choose the correct carbohydrates.

Eating grains that do not contain gluten, such as brown rice, wild rice, long grain rice, buckwheat and millet, on the other hand, maybe more beneficial.

These grains also contain many vitamins and minerals that can help shrink fibroids, but it should be noted that not all of them are allergic to gluten and that all cereals, including those containing gluten, may not be a problem.

Poultry Eggs
Easter Egg Eggs - Free photo on Pixabay
Eggs can be very healing because they are not only a great source of protein, but if they come from organically raised birds, your diet is usually supplemented with essential fatty acids, which means that the eggs obtained from these birds will be a great source of omega 3 essential fatty acids necessary to promote optimal health.

You are about to discover the most effective natural method to shrink your fibroid naturally without surgery!

If you or someone you love is living with Uterine Fibroids, consider ordering this natural remedy!!

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Natural alternation for uterine Fibroids

By On 09/06/2020

Fibroids (uterine fibroids) 


Fibroids or myomas uterus are benign growths, which often occur after pregnancy,  and aged between 30 and 40 years of age. These growths are not associated with the risk of uterine cancer and almost never develop into cancer. Fibroids develop in the muscular wall of the uterus or on its inner or outer side. 

Myoma size as well as myoma growth rate varies from case to case. Some fibroids take many years to reach the size of a pea, while others develop up to 7 cm in size in a very short period of time. 

Three out of four women are thought to have fibroids (fibroids) during their lifetime, which most women are not aware of because they often do not cause symptoms. The doctor may detect fibroids accidentally during a gynecological examination or ultrasound.


Herbal Tea For Utrerine Fibroid 

Diet, Herbal Remedies, For Uterine Fibroid

Unlike a high estrogen level which promotes the appearance and formation of fibroids, the action of the natural remedy is different. Indeed, it quickly causes the disappearance of fibroids and reduces your pain. Thus, heavy menstrual bleeding usually stops at the end of treatment. Overall, the herbal tea also expels all the waste in your uterus. This natural remedy is, therefore, the miracle solution to permanently eliminate your fibroids.

This is Africandoctor's best solution for you! Trust us, it works!

Click on this link to find out more about this product for fibroid


Symptoms of uterine fibroids

I've Got What? Facing Your Uterine Fibroids - Black Women's Health ...

In most cases of uterine fibroids, there are no symptoms, especially if the fibroids are small. Sometimes, however, heavy, prolonged, and painful menstruation is possible.

Large fibroids can usually be felt as hard painless bumps or bumps in the lower abdomen. A tumor can make it difficult to urinate if it presses on the bladder. In some cases, pain during intercourse may occur. Occasionally, bleeding between cycles may occur that may be either barely noticeable or pronounced. 

In women who have symptoms, they most often include:

  • Heavy menstrual bleeding
  • Prolonged menstruation - seven or more days
  • Pressure or pain in the pelvis
  • Frequent urination
  • Difficulty urinating
  • Prison
  • Pain in the back or legs

Rarely, fibroids can cause acute pain when they outgrow their blood supply. Deprived of nutrients, fibroids begin to die. Side effects can include leakage into the surrounding tissue, causing pain and fever.

In pregnancy, fibroids can cause recurrent miscarriages or premature births, and sometimes a cesarean section must be performed because of the fibroids.

Fibroids hanging on the stalk, inside or outside the uterus, can cause pain when turning or interrupting blood flow. Signs and symptoms depend on the location of the fibroid:

  • Fibroids (fibroids) that grow inside the uterus cause prolonged, heavy menstruation and can cause problems for women trying to conceive.
  • Fibroids (fibroids) that grow outside the uterus can sometimes put pressure on the bladder, causing urinary symptoms. If the fibroids are located on the back of the uterus, they can put pressure on the rectum, causing constipation, or the spinal nerves, causing back pain.

Causes of uterine fibroids

Fibroid Symptoms, Causes & Treatment | Peoria Women's Health Peoria IL

Fibroids ( fibroids ) develop from the smooth muscle tissue of the uterus (myometrium). One cell reproduces multiple times, causing the formation of a pale, solid, rubbery mass, which is different from the adjacent tissue.

Myoma growth characteristics vary. Some fibroids may grow slowly, while others remain the same size or even shrink over time. Doctors do not know the exact cause of uterine fibroids, but research and clinical experience link them to several factors:

  • Genetic changes - Many fibroids contain changes in genes, which are different from those in normal uterine muscle cells.
  • Hormones - estrogen and progesterone, two hormones that stimulate the development of the endometrium during each menstrual cycle in preparation for pregnancy, stimulate the growth of fibroids. Fibroids contain more receptors than normal cells.
  • Other chemicals - substances that help the body maintain tissue, such as insulin-like growth factor, can affect the growth of fibroids.

Treatment of uterine fibroids

There is no one best approach to treating uterine fibroids. There are several options for treating uterine fibroids:

  • Pregnancy Monitoring - Many women will not experience any signs or symptoms of uterine fibroids. If this is the case for you, treatment may only require monitoring your pregnancy. Fibroids are not carcinogenic and rarely interfere with pregnancy, grow slowly, and tend to decrease after menopause when reproductive hormone levels decline.
  • Medications - Treatment focuses on hormones that regulate the menstrual cycle and relieve symptoms such as heavy menstrual bleeding and pelvic pressure. Medications do not eliminate fibroids, but they can reduce them.
  • Hysterectomy - Removal of the uterus is the only permanent solution for fibroids. However, you will not be able to give birth after this procedure, and if the ovaries are removed, it leads to menopause and you may have to take hormone replacement therapy. However, in most women with uterine fibroids, the ovaries are not removed.
  • Myomectomy - In this surgery, the surgeon removes the fibroids, leaving the uterus in place. However, there is a possibility of recurrence after the procedure.
  • MR ultrasound removal of fibroids - is a non-invasive treatment for fibroid removal, which is performed with the help of high-energy sound waves, which are used to destroy fibroids. Since this is a new technology, scientists are still researching long-term effectiveness, but the data collected so far show that this procedure is safe and very effective.

Other minimally invasive procedures, which can destroy fibroids without actually removing them surgically, may include:

  • Myolysis - In this laparoscopic procedure, an electric current or laser destroys fibroids and shrinks the blood vessels that feed them. However, safety, efficacy, and associated risk of recurrence have yet to be determined.
  • Endometrial ablation - this treatment is performed with the help of special instruments, which are inserted into the uterus, and with the help of heat, microwaves, hot water, or electricity, they destroy the lining of the uterus. Endometrial ablation is effective in stopping abnormal bleeding but does not affect fibroids outside the uterine lining.
  • Embolization of uterine fibroids - an agent is injected into the arteries, which leads to a reduction in fibroids. This procedure is performed by a radiologist, and it has been proven to reduce fibroids and relieve symptoms. Advantages over surgery include no incisions and shorter recovery times. Complications are possible if the blood supply to the ovaries or other organs is endangered.

Natural treatment of uterine fibroids

List of 16 Natural Treatment for Blocked Fallopian Tubes

A diet rich in plant fiber and protein can help reduce the concentration of estrogen in the body, which is associated with the formation of fibroids. 

A gentle abdominal massage can relieve the pain and tension that fibroids can cause. Massage oil of 4 drops of nutmeg sage and lavender and 2 drops of lemon balm or rosemary oil in a tablespoon of almond oil can have a beneficial effect on pain. Do not use nutmeg oil during the first 20 weeks of pregnancy.

With daily exercise, you can increase the blood flow in the uterus, and thus perhaps alleviate the pain caused by fibroids. 

If fibroids cause pain when you have your period - twice a day, drink a cup of tea or take 15 drops of tincture of Turića, trillium, Konopljike, and leaves raspberries. If necessary, you can also add nettle, which is rich in vitamin C and iron.

With extremely strong symptoms of fibroids, drink tea twice a day from blue cohosh, black currant leaves, yarrow, raspberry leaves, and diarrhea. 

In general, fibroids rarely require treatment. Therapy and surgery can reduce or remove fibroids if symptoms cause discomfort. Rarely, fibroids may require urgent treatment if they cause sudden, sharp pelvic pain or heavy menstrual bleeding.

Is this a long term remedial therapy? Can it replace surgery?

"The drug allows the woman to have perfect and prolonged control over the disease, even while stopping therapy. Any subsequent choices are necessary to be customized: with further pharmacological options or any interventions (surgical or less invasive) which, however, must be assessed case by case, according to the number and size of fibroids, but also of life plans, such as maternity. In any case, the reduction of fibromatosis and the resolution of anemia allow patients to face surgery as well as pregnancy and childbirth in the best conditions of health and well-being ».

In which cases should surgery be used instead?

As far as surgical therapies are concerned, they can be conservative or demolition: hysterectomy is the second type, ie the removal of the uterus which radically solves the problem, but compromises fertility and perception of identity. Among the conservative ones, there is myomectomy, with which the surgeon removes the fibroid preserving the uterus and fertility, but with the risk of recurrence and the onset of new fibroids; embolization of the uterine artery (which determines its occlusion, reducing the flow of blood to the fibroid which reduces in volume), effective in selected patients; and the high-intensity ultrasound technique (HIFU), which is not invasive, is outpatient, has fewer risks and side effects than surgical techniques, less impact on sexuality and body image.

Click on this link to find out more about this product for fibroid



By On 09/06/2020



Uterine fibroids, much better known as fibroids, are the most common benign tumors of the entire female genital tract. They usually affect more than half of women of reproductive age: the prevalence is between 25 and 50 years, being the most frequent in this age range. One or multiple fibroids can develop, with different sizes and in different locations of the uterus.

There are several factors that favors this condition; genetic, hormonal, environmental and hereditary.

The most common symptoms of the disease are heavy bleeding and severe pain

Being able to appear in different dimensions and locations within the uterus does not necessarily manifest itself with symptoms. In fact, the specialist assures that 70/80% of cases can be asymptomatic. Meanwhile, the diagnosis is reached through the annual gynecological control. After the clinical review and a complementary ultrasound that provides details about the size, number and location of the fibroids.

The tumor can affect fertility , "but only in a very specific type," said Gracia. And also, compress the peripheral organs as a consequence of the enlarged uterus, thus affecting the intestine or bladder. However, all fibroids are treatable: there are surgical alternatives and also medications.

Stay tuned to find out how you can take good care of your uterus with yoga.

Here is africandoctor's herbal tea to help you shrink your fibroid naturally without side effects!!

Herbal Tea For Uterine Fibroids

Diet, Herbal Remedies, For Uterine Fibroid

Unlike a high estrogen level which promotes the appearance and formation of fibroids, the action of the natural remedy is different. Indeed, it quickly causes the disappearance of fibroids and reduces your pain. Thus, heavy menstrual bleeding usually stops at the end of treatment. Overall, the herbal tea also expels all the waste in your uterus. This natural remedy is, therefore, the miracle solution to permanently eliminate your fibroids.

This is Africandoctor's best solution for you! Trust us, it works!

Click on this link to find out more about this product for fibroid

Can yoga help for uterine fibroids? Discover 4 effective recommendations that will give you great help to combat the symptoms of uterine myomas and remove them!

The uterine fibroids may hinder your life and cause symptoms such as pain, heavy periods, and pelvic cramps. About one in five women develop uterine fibroids, a type of noncancerous tumor, during their fertile years, says Medline Plus.

Would you like to get rid of uterine fibroids naturally and effectively? Eliminate symptoms and improve your health in no time!


There is not much clinical evidence to support the idea that yoga, a type of mind-body exercise, can reduce fibroids. But in his book, "Integrative Medicine," Dr. David Rakel says that body awareness exercises can help reduce the growth and symptoms of fibroids.

Stay tuned!!

Consult your doctor before starting a yoga practice!!

Doing the Spin
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There is no evidence that twisted yoga poses reduce fibroids, but they can help ease discomfort by helping to open the abdominal area and massage the spine, two areas that are common problems in women with fibroids. uterine.

In an article for Yoga Journal, certified yoga instructor Iyengar Jaki Nett suggests trying Bharadvajasana, or Giro Bharadvaja's and Parivrtta Janu Sirsasana, to help open your abdomen.

Lean Back
A Couples Yoga Routine Your Guy Will Actually Love | Couples yoga ...
When fibroids become large and extremely uncomfortable, you may need to modify your yoga practice as needed.

Nett advises practitioners to include supported poses, such as Supta Virasana, or the reclining hero pose, Supta Baddha Konasana, or the reclining angle pose, and Salamba Setu Bandha Sarvangasana, or the supported bridge pose.

Use supports, like pillows, blankets, or blocks under your buttocks and lower back during your yoga practice to help ease postures and reduce feelings of discomfort.


Use Your Imagination
4 Proven Ways to Stimulate Your Imagination Throughout Your Day ...
Fibroids are a condition commonly associated with the second chakra, an energy center associated with power, physical security, and sexuality. Eastern doctors believe that the second chakra is located in the lower part of your abdomen.

Combining certain yoga poses with visualization exercises that focus on the second chakra can provide benefits for uterine fibroids.

According to Dr. Jeff Migdow in an article for the Kripalu Center, some women have even been able to avoid surgery for fibroids by combining yoga postures and visualization.

He suggests practicing postures like the five-pointed star or the frog while visualizing the healing energy that flows into your abdomen and shrinks your fibroids.


Just Breathe

Best Technique of doing Pranayam: Must Yoga Breathing Exercises ...
Yoga breathing exercises, or pranayama, can produce similar benefits for uterine fibroids like visualization exercises.

According to the pharmacist and complementary medicine expert Sherry Torkos in his book, "The Canadian Encyclopedia of Natural Medicine," stress management techniques, such as breathing, help reduce hormonal changes.They can worsen fibroid symptoms.

While there are numerous forms of pranayama, breathing exercises that focus on slow, deep breathing can help control excess stress.

Reducing stress also helps reduce circulating estrogen, the main hormone fibroids develop in, and supports proper liver function, which helps detoxify estrogen.

Consult your doctor before starting a yoga practice.

Is it possible to remove uterine fibroids without surgery?

No more annoying symptoms, recover your health now!

Discover the most effective natural method to reduce and eliminate fibroids without surgery, in a short time, safely and permanently!

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5 protective nutrients against fibroids: Natural treatment

By On 09/06/2020

What are the 5 protective nutrients against fibroids?

When fibroids give symptoms or impair fertility, it is convenient to act. There are complementary treatments that help control them.

Fibroids are benign tumors of the uterus. They grow in 1 in 5 fertile women and in about 50% from the age of 50. It is not clearly known what causes them, although it points to hormonal and genetic factors. The most advisable thing is to go to an integrative doctor to design and control the appropriate complementary treatment in each case since it must take into account various physical and emotional aspects.

H​erbal Tea For Uterine Fibroids

Diet, Herbal Remedies, For Uterine Fibroid

Unlike a high estrogen level which promotes the appearance and formation of fibroids, the action of the natural remedy is different. Indeed, it quickly causes the disappearance of fibroids and reduces your pain. Thus, heavy menstrual bleeding usually stops at the end of treatment. Overall, the herbal tea also expels all the waste in your uterus. This natural remedy is, therefore, the miracle solution to permanently eliminate your fibroids.

This is Africandoctor's best solution for you! Trust us, it works!

Click on this link to find out more about this product for fibroid



It is necessary to evaluate, regulate, and treat the hormonal axis: at the level of the sexual glands, but also of the thyroid, pituitary, and hypothalamus. To this end, it may be useful to take supplements or foods rich in nutrients that help this.


It acts as a hormonal regulator, reduces capillary permeability, and protects from cellular degeneration. It abounds in virgin cold-pressed first vegetable oils. Oral contraceptives hinder their action.


Protects the mucosa, acts on the epithelium of the uterus intervenes in the synthesis of sex hormones, and prevents sexual degeneration due to age. It abounds in orange fruits and vegetables.


Recent studies support vitamin D3 therapy as safe and effective. It intervenes in the female sexual hormonal health . Its main source is the sun.

4. OMEGA-3

The DHA has a specific action on neuronal tissue and regulating the reproductive system. It is present in blue fish and, for vegans, in Crypthecodinium cohnii microalgae. The body can also transform alpha-linolenic fatty acid, the omega-3 from plant foods, into DHA.


It contributes to regulating the sexual hormonal axis, it is antioxidant and antitumor. It is found in cabbages and turnips.


I advise you to include in your diet unroasted seeds and nuts: flaxseed (especially), pumpkin, sunflower, hemp, and walnut seeds, as well as cruciferous vegetables (broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cabbage, cauliflower).

It is also recommended that you eat legumes almost daily, including azuki beans, peas, and lentils. As for exercise, I encourage you to run, walk fast, and swim daily. They are beneficial activities. Weight training also helps balance hormones.


Some of the most used plants as hormonal regulators that can be useful to you are:

  • Chasteberry ( Vitex Agnus cas tus)
  • The Cimifuga racemosa
  • The Tripterygium wilfordii

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Top 6 Natural Remedies For Uterine Pain Fibroids

By On 09/06/2020

Uterine Fibroid Embolization (UFE) | Treatment For Uterine Fibroids

Natural Remedies For Uterine Fibroids Pain.

Natural remedies for uterine fibroids are another type of treatment that is safe and reliable. Uterine fibroids, also known as fibroid tumors, leiomyomas, or myomas, develop within the uterus. Women across the globe face this problem in their reproductive years. In recent years natural treatments specifically for uterine fibroids have become very popular.

Why natural methods?

Natural treatments for fibroids are usually much safer compared to traditional medicines because they have few side effects. This is because, unlike traditional medicines, natural treatments do not interfere with your body's internal mechanism. If you are looking for natural remedies for the uterine fibroids, here are some of the options available to you:

Tisane for Uterine Fibroid

Diet, Herbal Remedies, For Uterine Fibroid

Unlike a high estrogen level which promotes the appearance and formation of fibroids, the action of the natural remedy is different. Indeed, it quickly causes the disappearance of fibroids and reduces your pain. Thus, heavy menstrual bleeding usually stops at the end of treatment. Overall, the herbal tea also expels all the waste in your uterus. This natural remedy is, therefore, the miracle solution to permanently eliminate your fibroids.

This is Africandoctor's best solution for you! Trust us, it works!

Click on this link to find out more about this product for fibroid



Spice up Your Diet with More Herbs, Less Salt - Pancreatic Cancer ...

Herbal treatment for your fibers helps to balance the hormonal activity and strengthen the liver, reducing estrogen levels in the uterus. Herbs also help to deal with complications such as severe bleeding and agonizing cramps. Herbs like vitex, help lower estrogen level, and herbs like diesel root and thistle milk, help improve liver function. Other herbs such as thinner and yellow dock work towards detoxification of the body and help to control the heavy bleeding caused by fibroids.

An Appropriate Diet 

7 foods that can help you fight fibroids | Food, Fibroid diet ...

This is perhaps the most basic treatment of all-natural remedies for uterine fibroids. A diet rich in saturated fats will cause your liver to become dysfunctional and subsequently increase estrogen levels and create hormonal imbalances. The recommended diet would be one of several types of fat and high-fiber. Therefore, foods such as oats, millet, and brown rice, fish, nuts, fruits, vegetables, and soy are recommended. It is safe to avoid dairy products in general. The main factors to ensure that your diet has a predominantly alkaline formulation are to balance the acid content in your body and secondly, the food you eat does not go beyond your digestive system.



Curing uterine fibroids naturally | Rose otto essential oil ...

Aromatherapy uses essential oils to increase circulation in and around the pelvic region. This helps to relax the uterine muscles and in turn, reduces abdominal cramps. Ginger, rose and marjoram essential oils have great benefits for relaxing the body, stimulating circulation, and balancing hormones. These essential oils can also be used in therapies such as abdominal compresses.


Stress is an integral part of our daily lives. For women, stress can be a catalyst for uterine fibroids. Stress increases blood pressure and boosts hormone levels, contributing to the growth of uterine fibroids. Meditation can go a long way to relaxing the body and relaxing the mind. It also helps you better deal with the complications encountered with fibroids. In meditation, it is important that you inhale and exhale slowly through your tires only.


Fibroid Exercise: Recommended Exercises for Women with Fibroids

Exercises such as aerobic dancing, brisk walking, cycling, and running help reduce stress and blood pressure. Exercises also help to stimulate healthy blood circulation and relieve muscle tension. This gives great relief to people suffering from abdominal pain associated with menstruation and fibroids. It is advisable to avoid participating in sports such as basketball and tennis as they tend to increase stress levels and, therefore, enhance the growth of fibroids.

When using natural remedies for uterine fibroids, it is recommended to use a combination of remedies for a wholesome approach to the problem. A proper diet of meditation and exercise will, therefore, help to deal with the condition holistically. Holistic treatments work to strengthen your body from the inside out and to equip it with the force it needs to fight diseases in general and fibroids in particular. Natural solutions require some commitment and patience. However, it is important to remember that continuing after these treatments permanently will help to permanently restrain the fibroids and prevent the condition from occurring in the future.

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Can Uterine fibroids be removed Naturally?

By On 09/06/2020



Also known as uterine leiomyomata, uterine fibroids are abnormal growths originating from muscular tissue in the uterus. In size, the growths can occur singly or in number. It is estimated that the most common type of non-cancerous tumors occurs in women of childbearing age, uterine fibroids in three out of four women during their lifetime.

Uterine fibroids are not associated with an increased risk of uterine cancerThey also tend to decrease in size after menopause.



Now the real question is 'how can you get rid of uterine fibroid?'

Uterine Fibroid Embolization (UFE) | Treatment For Uterine Fibroids


So, How do you deal with your fibroids? Because let's face it. You can't exactly head down to your local evil villain supply shop and get your hands on a shrink spray and we don't have a time machine to reverse the growth of fibroids. There are things you just can't change. There's always the option of a hysterectomy, but what if you don't want to have a hysterectomy just yet?



Here is africandoctor's herbal tea to help you shrink your fibroid naturally without side effects!!



Herbal Tea For Uterine Fibroids


Unlike a high estrogen level which promotes the appearance and formation of fibroids, the action of the natural remedy is different. Indeed, it quickly causes the disappearance of fibroids and reduces your pain. Thus, heavy menstrual bleeding usually stops at the end of treatment. Overall, the herbal tea also expels all the waste in your uterus. This natural remedy is, therefore, the miracle solution to permanently eliminate your fibroids.


This is Africandoctor's best solution for you! Trust us, it works!

Click on this link to find out more about this product for fibroid




Here are additional ways you may be able to shrink those fibroids, potentially avoiding hysterectomy.


1) Green Tea

Magical health benefits of green tea – Business Sandesh

In an animal study published in 2010, scientists found that eight weeks of treatment with green tea extract reduced the size and weight of uterine fibroids among a group of mice. Another study was carried out to evaluate the efficacy and safety of green tea extract (epigallocatechin gallate [EGCG]) on UF burden and quality of life in women with symptomatic UF, in a double-blinded, placebo-controlled randomized clinical trial. 

Here is the conclusion of the findings:

EGCG shows promise as a safe and effective therapeutic agent for women with symptomatic UFs. Such a simple, inexpensive, and orally administered therapy can improve women's health globally.

Hence, taking green tea extract (EGCG) to shrink your fibroid safely. 




2) Acupuncture

Which Diseases Can be Helped by Acupuncture? –

For a research review published in 2010, investigators requested all randomized controlled trials that compare acupuncture with various other treatments (such as medication) in the management of uterine fibroids. The authors of the review found none of the well-available studies available, that "the effectiveness of acupuncture for the management of uterine fibroids remained uncertain."




3 Different But Proven Reasons To Take Turmeric

Turmeric naturally reduces uterine fibroids.

A study has shown that curcumin from turmeric helps to inhibit the excessive growth of the uterine tissues, which aids in controlling uterine fibroids.

'I’ve had a chestnut-sized uterine fibroid for 6+ years. Nearly four months after I started adding turmeric into my daily diet, the fibroid was nowhere to be found during my regularly scheduled check up with the doctor!'




Top 4 vitamins to boost immunity

Some types of vitamins may also help reduce the growth and size of fibroids. Research confirms that your risk for fibroids may increase if you have low amounts of vitamin D and vitamin A from animal sources, such as dairy.

Uterine fibroids may worsen menstrual pain, bloating, and cramping. A number of vitamins may help ease these symptoms:



What are the Causes of Uterine Fibrosis?

Although the exact cause of uterine fibroids is unknown, it is thought that there may be certain genetic and hormonal risks in their development. For example, the hormones estrogen and progesterone may stimulate the growth of uterine fibroids.

The following may increase your risk for uterine fibroids:

  • Obesity
  • Family history of uterine fibers
  • Not giving birth

In addition, African women have three to five times greater risks than white women for fibroids.


Treatment for Uterine Fibroblasts

Because uterine fibroids can lead to certain complications (including anemia from severe blood loss), it is essential to consult your doctor if you experience symptoms of this condition.

Standard treatment for uterine fibroids usually involves the use of medications that help relieve symptoms and slow the growth of fibroids. Treatment may involve surgical procedures like myomectomy, which removes the fibroids but leaves healthy areas of the uterus in place.


Using Natural Remedies for Uterine Fibers

Because no natural approach has been taken to safely and effectively treat uterine fibers, it is important to consult your doctor before using any form of alternative medicine in the treatment of this condition.

Dealing with and delaying or delaying standard care can have serious consequences.


Click on this link to find out more about this product for fibroid


Natural Treatment For Fibroids, Diet, Herbal Remedies And Lifestyle.

By On 09/06/2020

Fibroids - The Right Diet

A woman who has no fibroids smiles

Fibroids are benign tumors in the uterus. They affect 20 to 40 percent of all women over the age of 35. Fibroids can be very small (a few millimeters). However, they can also be over 10 cm tall. The conventional medical interventions are often stressful. Proper nutrition can help enormously in fibroids. What else can be done with fibroids from a naturopathic point of view?

Herbal Tea For Uterine Fibroids

Diet, Herbal Remedies, For Uterine Fibroid

Unlike a high estrogen level which promotes the appearance and formation of fibroids, the action of the natural remedy is different. Indeed, it quickly causes the disappearance of fibroids and reduces your pain. Thus, heavy menstrual bleeding usually stops at the end of treatment. Overall, the herbal tea also expels all the waste in your uterus. This natural remedy is, therefore, the miracle solution to permanently eliminate your fibroids.

This is Africandoctor's best solution for you! Trust us, it works!

Click on this link to find out more about this product for fibroid

Formation and causes of a fibroid

During pregnancy, the uterus, which is about eight centimeters tall and weighs less than 100 grams, grows by gradually depositing connective tissue between the muscle cells. The same thing happens when a fibroid develops, but only in one or more places. There a muscle cell grows faster than the surrounding cells, overgrows uncontrollably, and forms rounded thickenings of the muscle layer. Thanks to this "unscheduled" increase, the uterus can at least grow several times its normal size.

We don't know why such growths occur. Genetic factors are discussed as causes, but also stress at work, tensions in the partnership, and excessive desire to have children. Some assume that excessive consumption of nicotine, alcohol, and caffeine also plays a role. In addition, the consumption of a lot of animal protein and animal fat is said to promote myoma growth.

How does nutrition affect fibroids?

Can Some Foods Help You Shrink or Eliminate Fibroids?

The influence of nutrition on the fibroids and their development is particularly important. In the following, we go into more detail on individual food groups, so that in the end it becomes clear again how much you can influence your health independently - if only with the right nutrition! Sugary foods and simple carbohydrates may trigger or worsen fibroids. These foods spike blood sugar levels. This causes your body to make too much insulin. Excess insulin can cause weight gain and affect fibroid growth.

Does soy consumption lead to fibroids?

Soy and Fibroid Facts - Does Soy Contribute to Uterine Fibroids ...

Soy products contain so-called phytoestrogens, i.e. plant substances that can have an estrogen-like effect on the one hand (if there is a lack of estrogen) and on the other hand can weaken the effects of the body's own estrogens.

Therefore, soy products should not have any negative effects on fibroids - which was confirmed in a study in 2009. There was no connection between the consumption of soy products and fibroids.

In a previous study from 2001, soy was even found to have a protective effect, since women who consumed more soy products were less likely to be diagnosed with uterine removal (even before menopause).

Similar to breast cancer, it could be the case here that soy products have a protective effect for women who have been consuming these foods for the rest of their lives, while others do not have this protective effect. In addition, there appears to be an individual tolerable soy dose for every woman, which she should not exceed.

Small amounts of soy such as B. a glass (150 ml) of soy drink a day or a tofu dish (200 g) three times a week should not be a problem for any woman - with the exception of soy allergy sufferers, of course.

Does alcohol consumption lead to fibroids?

The Top 10 Health Risks of Alcohol for Women, According to an MD ...

Alcohol does not suit an appreciative, healthy lifestyle, especially not if you already have illnesses or symptoms. The above study from 2009 also showed that the more alcohol a woman drank, the more frequently fibroids developed.

Just one beer a day can increase the risk of getting a fibroid by 50 percent - according to a study from 2004. A review from 2017 also showed that alcohol consumption increased the risk of fibroids.

Does a meat-rich diet lead to fibroids?

Fibroids are most common in those groups who eat a meat-rich diet and where they drink the most alcohol (2004 study - see above for alcohol). Red meat is usually mentioned as a risk factor.

How do dairy products affect fibroids?

Studies have shown that milk products have no harmful effect on fibroids. On the contrary, they seem to have a certain protective effect - for those women who tolerate milk products - one suspects due to the contained minerals (calcium, magnesium, phosphorus) and the short-chain fatty acids (butyric acid).

Does a high-fat diet lead to fibroids?

A high-fat diet is generally associated with increased estrogen levels, which could now promote fibroid growth. However, as so often, the results of studies show that fat is not the same as fat.

In May 2014, a study appeared in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, in which data from more than 12,000 women (including 2,700 fibroid patients) showed that the risk of fibroids is reduced by eating saturated fats - one can hear and be amazed left. However, it was the short- and medium-chain saturated fatty acids, in particular, that had a positive effect on the risk of fibroids, i.e. not pork or beef fat, but rather coconut oil.

The next finding of this study is no less surprising for many people: women who liked to eat fish and therefore ingested a lot of long-chain omega-3 fatty acids (DHA and EPA) seemed to have a higher risk of fibroids. According to the study authors, omega-3 fatty acids could influence certain cell signaling pathways and also gene expression in such a way that the formation of fibroids is stimulated.

However, it could not be clarified whether it was actually the omega-3 fatty acids in the fish that increased the risk of fibroids or not the environmental toxins also contained in the fish, such as B. Polychlorinated biphenyls, carcinogenic organic chlorine compounds with hormone-like effects.

Of course, long-chain omega-3 fatty acids are important in the right amount and in the right ratio to other fats, but they do not have to be taken with fish. A purely herbal alternative is fish-free food supplements, such as. B. the algae oil capsules from Opti-3.

Nonetheless, experience reports show that a plant-based diet that occasionally contains some fish but no meat or dairy products can shrink fibroids. So it is not solely a question of whether you eat some fish or not, but it is a question of total nutrition.

Integrate helpful plant substances into your diet or supplement

High-Fiber Foods -

A plant-based diet is so effective in fibroids because their plant substances have a regulating, anti-inflammatory, antioxidative, and antiproliferative effect.

In a study from 2014, various plant substances are presented, all of which had a positive, i.e. inhibiting, myoma growth. So make sure to include the appropriate foods in your diet. In addition, one or the other substance can also be taken in the form of suitable nutritional supplements (discuss with a naturopath or holistic doctor).

These substances have been shown to inhibit myoma cells in cell experiments:

  • EGCG: green tea (see also under green tea extract below)
  • Curcumin: turmeric (see also under curcumin below)
  • Resveratrol: grapes, mulberries, peanuts
  • Isoliquiritigenin: Licorice root tea

An advantageous effect is suspected of the following substances:

  • Quercetin: onions
  • Ellagic acid: pomegranate, berries
  • Mustard oil glycosides (indole-3-carbinol): All cruciferous plants such as broccoli, cauliflower, all other types of cabbage, cress, mustard, arugula, etc.
  • Lycopene: tomatoes, watermelon, papaya
  • Allicin: Knoblauch
  • Sulforaphane: broccoli (raw) and broccoli sprouts

Take green tea extract

Drinking Green Tea On An Empty Stomach: Yay or Nay? | Yoga Digest

Green tea extract can apparently have a very positive effect on fibroids. Here we describe, among other things, a study from 2013, in which women took 800 mg of green tea extract with 45 percent EGCG content daily, and a reduction in the size of the fibroids could be seen after only four months.

Take curcumin

Turmeric Dosage: How Much Curcumin Should You Take Per Day? - Lyfe ...

In this overview study from 2015, two in vitro investigations are presented. In both could curcumin contain the Myomzellwachstum. It should therefore not be a mistake - also due to the additional anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties - to season with a lot of turmerics.

Reduce excess weight

Lose weight if you are overweight! The diet described above alone will help you achieve sustainable and healthy weight loss. If you are unable to cope with a change in diet or losing weight, this detoxification course will help you, in which you will be provided with instructions and base-based plant-based (vegan) recipes for four weeks.

Optimize vitamin D levels

Ensure a healthy vitamin D level! This can be done very simply by having your vitamin D level determined, then taking the vitamin D dose you need - and of course, always thinking about the necessary accompanying substances such as vitamin K2 and magnesium. Of course, you should also be provided with all other vital substances (vitamins C and E, B complex, calcium, selenium, zinc, silicon, etc.) because the body can only regulate and regenerate itself.

Check and regulate hormone levels

Have your hormone levels checked to uncover possible estrogen dominance? Only then can you take targeted measures to regulate your hormone balance naturally.

But the usual holistic measures (nutrition, exercise, sleep, liver regeneration, intestinal rehabilitation, etc.) also regulate the hormone balance.

Here you will find further measures that can help regulate the hormonal balance.

Avoid stress and high blood pressure

Stress always prevents a balance and is therefore considered a risk factor for many diseases. Chronic stress often leads to an unhealthy diet, a permanent increase in cortisol levels, high blood pressure, and long-term weight gain. However, all of these factors are considered to be the cause of fibroids and should, therefore, be avoided if possible.


Move! The organism can only degrade and remove harmful and superfluous things with regular exercise. Choose forms of movement that have a positive effect on the female organs, such as belly dancing - although of course, every sport is very useful.

Integrate pelvic floor exercises into your exercise program - like yoga or tai chi.

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Amazing natural cure for UTERINE FIBROID

By On 08/06/2020


Fibroids are growths that occur in the muscle layer of the uterus (myometrium). They are the most common benign tumors in women and can develop in any woman - in Europe it is estimated that every second to the fifth woman of childbearing age, depending on age, is affected. The benign tumors are not life-threatening, but they can significantly impair the quality of life. They usually develop between the ages of 25 and 50. They can either appear as individual muscle nodes or lie in large numbers in the wall of the uterus - doctors then speak of uterine myxomatosis. The size of a fibroid can vary, some grow up to 20 centimeters and in individual cases can simulate pregnancy in the 5th month. 





Herbal Tea For Uterine Fibroids


Unlike a high estrogen level which promotes the appearance and formation of fibroids, the action of the natural remedy is different. Indeed, it quickly causes the disappearance of fibroids and reduces your pain. Thus, heavy menstrual bleeding usually stops at the end of treatment. Overall, the herbal tea also expels all the waste in your uterus. This natural remedy is, therefore, the miracle solution to permanently eliminate your fibroids.

This is Africandoctor's best solution for you! Trust us, it works!

Click on this link to find out more about this product for fibroid






Fibroids: Causes 

Causes of Uterine Fibroids - Atlanta Vascular & Vein Center

The exact cause of the development of a uterine fibroid is still unknown. However, genetic influence is suspected. For example, fibroids occur more often in daughters whose mothers were fibroid patients. The increased occurrence in African women also indicates a genetic connection. In addition to genetic predisposition, other factors influence the disease. Like obesity, high blood pressure (hypertension), and diabetes mellitus can increase the fibroid risk. However, the influence of tobacco consumption, vitamin D, alcohol, caffeine, or diet is still unclear.

Fibroids usually develop in the vicinity of a blood vessel from a muscle cell in the uterus, which can grow by stimulating the normal female hormones circulating in the blood, estrogen, and progesterone. This growth creates the tumor over time. 




Fibroids, depending on their location, number, and size, can manifest themselves in a variety of possible symptoms. Indications of a fibroid can be heavy, long-term menstrual bleeding, or intermenstrual bleeding. This bleeding can be accompanied by labor-like pain. With increasing bleeding strength, more clots can form. The secretion of these clots can be accompanied by severe cramps.

Fewer myoma patients experience an increased urge to urinate or suffer from constipation. These symptoms arise when a fibroid puts pressure on other organs such as the bladder, urinary tract, or intestine and takes away space for them to perform their functions. With increasing size, fibroids can also press on nerve endings, causing back, side, kidney, sciatica, or leg pain. 





If a patient has pain, increased menstrual bleeding, or an increased urge to urinate, these symptoms often lead to the gynecologist. This uses various methods to clarify whether the cause of the complaint is a fibroid. After the patient has been interviewed (anamnesis), the gynecologist usually carries out a tactile examination and an ultrasound examination (sonography). If no clear diagnosis can be made, further examinations such as an MRI are necessary. If the patient complains of bleeding disorders, scraping or uterine mirroring is sometimes done.




As long as fibroids do not cause any symptoms, they usually do not need to be treated. This also applies to pregnancy. When fibroids cause discomfort, the type of therapy depends on several factors:

  • On the age of the patient
  • From family planning
  • From the symptoms
  • On the location and size of the fibroid.




Natural Treatment 

Isphagula husk, senna, and castor oil. Fibrous herbs such as spatula and senna are used as natural laxatives. Add these herbs to water or juice to help relieve constipation. Castor oil is an herbal oil that can be taken as a supplement to help occasional constipation

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Uterine fibrroid

Herbs For Uterine Fibroids

By On 08/06/2020

Herbs for Uterine fibroids

The uterine fibroid is the most common pelvic tumor in women - it occurs in about 20–50% of women between the ages of 35–45. Good news is the fact that it usually goes out after the menopause (it dries out, so to speak). The fact that the woman has a fibroid is usually only discovered during the gynecological examination in conjunction with the ultrasound examination, because in ¾ of the cases she has no complaints and symptoms , especially in the case of smaller tumors. In the remaining ¼ of the women with fibroids, the most common symptoms are excessive menstrual bleeding, spotting between cycles and anemia.. Sometimes it can also be expressed by painful menstruation, and when it sticks to his stem in the case of a submucosal fibroid in the cervix. There may also be pain or pressure in the pelvic area, with the fibroids that press on the bladder, more frequent urge to urinate, painful urination or even wetting. They can also cause infertility or repeated spontaneous miscarriages. The fibroids are tumors that arise from the smooth uterine muscles, and are benign in themselves. So far it has not been proven that they could “degenerate” later into the malignant stage - only in the case of the very rapid growth of the fibroid, which is sometimes accompanied by massive bleeding, one has to think of the uterine sarcoma, which fortunately is very rare. All of this has to be taken into account, not only for the prognosis of the disease, but above all for the termination of the further treatment procedure. It is not always the case that what is cut off no longer bleeds (elsewhere)! So that we do not spill the child with the bath and do not see the forest in front of trees, it is necessary to always use common sense and not to let ourselves be "bled out" unnecessarily.

Herbal Tea For Uterine Fibroid

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Typical symptoms

Manage the symptoms of uterine fibroids with these no-drug ...

Almost 1/3 of all fibroids cause no problems at all .

Mostly, however, be too frequent and   excessive bleeding first evidence that   tumor growth .

Here is a brief summary of the basic complaints that the remaining fibroids can cause :

  • The tumors can make themselves felt through pressure on the neighboring organs . Some fibroids, for example, press on the intestine or urinary system and cause pain or functional disorders here :
    • Is z. B. compresses the bladder, this manifests itself in problems with urination, frequent urge to urinate - or sometimes even in urine barrier .
    • Fibroids located on the back wall of the uterus (against the spine) press on the intestine. They can be responsible for difficulty with bowel movements and trigger an intestinal obstruction in severe cases .
  • When the fibroids grow into the abdominal cavity, they can press on the ovaries and cause abdominal cramps .
  • Stalked tumors also sometimes turn around and cause severe pain .
  • If the tumors protrude into the uterus, they often disrupt the cycle . The uterus contracts convulsively and tries unsuccessfully to get rid of the fibroids.
  • Fibroids stimulate the uterus to produce more mucous membranes. This may react with heavy monthly bleeding .
  • They develop into a special problem for younger women who want to have children, because it is not uncommon for larger fibroids to be at risk of infertility or miscarriage if they block the path of the fertilized egg, prevent it from implanting in the endometrium or reject it.

The diagnosis of a fibroid

These diagnostic methods are generally used to determine fibroids:

  • The tumor is primarily determined by the gynecological tactile examination .
  • The ultrasound confirms or refutes the suspicion.
  • In cases of doubt - for example if cysts have formed in the fibroid that cannot be distinguished from pathological findings on the ovary - the doctor will use computer tomography or magnetic resonance imaging .
  • If these procedures also do not allow the exact distinction, laparoscopy (abdominal mirroring) is indicated, which enables a direct view of these organs.

What to do with fibroids? - The treatment options

First of all, a brief overview of various conventional medical and naturopathic treatment approaches:

  • Medicinal herbs usually help amazingly well here - such as herbal tea with lady's mantle and yarrow.
  • Methods such as acupuncture and homeopathy often produce good results.
  • Visualizations can also shrink the fibroids.
  • In conventional medicine, hormonal antagonists of estrogen are used to curb the growth of the fibroids.
  • Of course, the surgical interventions , which have come up again and again too often, are also up for debate.
  • Embolization is used today for pronounced fibroids : in a small inpatient procedure, the doctors push a catheter up to the blood vessel that supplies the fibroid with blood. Then they inject small plastic balls into it. This stops the blood supply and starves the fibroid (see below).

Natural remedies for fibroids

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Natural medicine has a lot to offer against fibroids, but:

It takes patience and time.

If your fibroids do not cause you any or bearable symptoms, you can confidently rely on the motto "Wait and drink tea". But you can also help yourself with proven means from naturopathy .

It usually takes a little while for the effects to start ( you have to count on about 6 - 8 weeks ).

However, many women can use it to keep their fibroids at bay until menopause . Because often you only have to bridge a certain amount of time , then you will get rid of the pests by yourself.

Other natural aids for fibroids

  • You can achieve a similar effect with belly dancing and Luna yoga.
  • Antispasmodic partial teas made from lady 's mantle, yarrow and goose finger herb effectively combat painful menstruation.
  • In addition, a hot water bottle on your stomach helps you .
  • In case of cramps and pain, sitting baths with the addition of field horsetail, yarrow or lady's mantle are also very helpful.
  • Hemostatic plants such as shepherd's purse or bloodroot help you with heavy and draining bleeding. Shepherd's purse is available as a ready-made preparation or tincture in a pharmacy. Bloodroot is available as tea.
  • Nettle, dandelion and knotweed stimulate blood formation. Recommended hematopoietic preparations are Floradix herbal blood and Anaemodoron (from Weleda).

Herbal Remedy for uterine fibroid 

Herbs for Uterine Fibroids | Mother Earth Living

These phytoestrogens occupy part of the receptors to which estrogen normally docks. The pituitary gland receives the message that the hormone level is in balance.

Secondly, plants containing tannins such as lady's mantle, bloodroot and meadow button are used to prevent or even stop bleeding so that there is no secondary disease, anemia. Thirdly, salicylic acid compounds in willow bark and meadowsweet as well as phenolic acids and flavonoids in nettles are effective pain relievers, coumarins in goosefingers, bitter substances in lady's mantle and yarrow help with cramps in the lower abdomen.

You can get all herbal remedies in the pharmacy, and in our book you will find recipes for tea blends and tips for certain preparations.


Myome » 

Fibroids are benign, small tumors in the uterus in the area of ​​the uterine muscles. At the end of the menstrual cycle, they shrink. Fibroids occur in about 30% of women up to forty years old. Before menopause, they had a few percent more women.

This neoplasia is harmless , but it can cause uncomfortable symptoms such as increased menstrual bleeding, pressure in the area of ​​the bladder, frequent urination, sometimes pain in the area of ​​the pelvis and sacrum. It could be dangerous if the fibroid grows in such a place that it could close the cervix.

If the fibroids are up to 10 cm in size, no additional treatment is required. It is important to regularly monitor whether the fibroid is not suddenly growing significantly.

The main cause of fibroids is a hormonal imbalance caused by an excess of estrogen and a lack of progesterone. An excess of estrogen mostly arises in the body through the use of anticonceptives , hormone replacement therapies, reduced liver and intestinal function , which among other things also participates in the hormonal balance. A hormonal imbalance in the organism is also caused by a diet high in hormones, a lack of vitamins and minerals that cause thyroid dysfunction and, last but not least, overloaded adrenal glands caused by the influence of stress, mainly due to long-lasting emotional problems.

With hypothyroidism , there is an increased activity of the pituitary gland (as a superior endocrine gland and "main commander"). The pituitary not only stimulates the thyroid gland, but also the formation of estrogen in the ovaries.

Orientation test to detect an underactive thyroid: measure your body temperature in the morning before you get out of bed. If it is 36.4 ° C or less, you probably have an underactive thyroid. We recommend repeating the test a few days in a row.

Very important organs that participate in the development of fibroids are the liver and also the small and large intestine . Estrogen is first broken down in the liver and then it is excreted from the body. When the liver is weakened, the level of circulating estrogen rises, it disturbs the hormonal balance , which leads to the growth of fibroids.

If the estrogen gets from the liver into the small intestine, which works poorly and slowly digests, it can be reabsorbed into the organism. That is why it is very important to ensure proper bowel function , regular bowel movements and sufficient consumption of fiber and water.

Treatment with medicinal herbs can stop fibroid growth and often reduce its size. It depends a lot on the lifestyle of the woman. Hormones have a major influence on the formation and growth of fibroids, but not only in the form of tablets, but also the hormones that occur in the diet . Women who have fibroids should not eat bulk chicken that contains a large amount of growth hormones. When treating fibroids, it is very important to reduce the amount of chemicals in the diet , the supply of white refined sugar and white flour. Conversely, increase the intake of fruit and vegetables, preferably from your own garden or in organic quality, increase the intake of fiber. Obesity and smoking also have a major impact on the development of fibroids.

We recommend an appropriate form of exercise to support treatment. The best thing is a natural movement - walking, Nordic walking. There is also a special yoga branch for women, the so-called hormone yoga.

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Natural Remedy For Uterine Fibroids

By On 06/06/2020

How do fibroids develop?

The causes have not yet been researched exactly. A connection with female sex hormones is suspected. Family history also plays a role: fibroids are more common in women whose mothers are also affected. Being overweight also increases the risk of illness.

Anti-hormone therapy to shrink the fibroids

So-called GnRH analogs have a stronger effect on the hormone balance. They fake the organism that there is enough estrogen, the ovaries stop producing. Consequence: The fibroids no longer have "food" and shrink dramatically. The remedy transports the body into menopause, there are hot flashes, mood swings, circulatory disorders, and bone decalcification. Therefore, the treatment should last a maximum of six months.

With the help of “endoscopy”, operations can now be performed in such a way that the myoma is precisely localized by a mini-camera (“keyhole surgery”) and can be removed in a targeted manner. That means little blood loss, only a small wound, hardly any pain. Individual nodes can even be removed on an outpatient basis.


Infertilite ferminin 4

Unlike a high estrogen level which promotes the appearance and formation of fibroids, the action of the natural remedy is different. Indeed, it quickly causes the disappearance of fibroids and reduces your pain. Thus, heavy menstrual bleeding usually stops at the end of treatment. Overall, the herbal tea also expels all the waste in your uterus. This natural remedy is, therefore, the miracle solution to permanently eliminate your fibroids.

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What are the symptoms?

Manage the symptoms of uterine fibroids with these no-drug ...

Often none at all-around half of women with fibroids feel nothing of it. No treatment is then necessary. Regular checks by the gynecologist are sufficient. Depending on the location and extent, the tissue nodes, which can become extremely large (up to 20 cm), often cause severe discomfort in the other 50 percent of those affected: massive pain and bleeding. In addition, constipation, flatulence, and increased urge to urinate up to incontinence can severely limit the quality of life.

Where can fibroids grow anywhere?

Fibroid image

A distinction is made depending on the location and growth:

1 “Submucosal” fibroids grow from the muscle layer into the endometrium.

2 “Subserous” fibroids are located on the outer side of the uterus.

3 "Intramural" fibroids (the most common form) are found in the muscle layer of the uterus.

4 “Subserous” fibroids can also grow out of the womb in the form of a stem.

Fibroids and naturopathy

Uterine fibroids are common and benign tumors in the uterus. How can we counter the growths of the uterus with the help of naturopathy and what could be the background for this disease?

Abdominal pain

About 20 - 25% of all women over the age of 30 develop uterine fibroids that initially cause little or no discomfort and, depending on their location and size, require treatment. Fibroids are usually diagnosed accidentally during routine gynecological examinations (ultrasound).

A fibroid is defined as a tumor of muscle tissue. The uterus has so-called "smooth" muscle tissue, which - unlike the striated muscle tissue of the skeletal muscles - reacts involuntarily and autonomously. In the area of ​​these smooth muscle fibers, benign tumors with different growth characteristics develop from an as yet unexplained cause.

Some of the uterine fibroids that grow outwards or inwards anatomically have a stem extension , which can cause special symptoms. Sometimes such "pedicled" fibroids cause a so-called stalk rotation , which can be very painful and can often be mistaken for acute appendicitis and similar serious abdominal diseases .

Some women, regardless of the size of a fibroid, may experience additional complications that require early medical attention. For example, from a certain point in time, in addition to the symptoms already mentioned, there may be constant and frequent bleeding in the tissue area of the fibroid, which leads to manifest anemia . In the worst case, a woman has a so-called uterine myomatosus , which is interspersed with numerous fibroids and causes a variety of complaints.

Uterine fibroids are significantly dependent on the influence of the sex hormones in their growth . Above all, it is estrogens that promote the growth of the fibroids. The progestin , the hormonal "opponent", causes a reduction in the estrogen concentration and thus also a slowdown or reduction in the growth of the fibroids , which is also partially intended by means of a corresponding medicinal hormone therapy .

Since the hormonal influence of estrogen in women naturally wanes as they get older, the smaller and asymptomatic fibroids are now only regularly observed and not treated by many gynecologists , since they usually begin to shrink on their own when menopause begins.

Causes of Uterine Fibroids

There are certainly genetic causes, because they can occur more often in some families and are more common in African women than in European women. The fact that fibroids develop in the sexually mature phase of the woman suggests that the female hormones play a role. You can usually see a dysbalance between estrogens and progesterone . This can be seen most clearly in the fibroid cell itself, which has more estrogen receptors than a healthy cell. Other growth factors are known, such as those that occur with obesity and a disturbed sugar metabolism .

The most common symptoms are bleeding disorders, often associated with pain. Depending on the number, location and size of the fibroids, the woman may complain of urinary bladder pressure, low back pain, difficulty in bowel movements, bloated body and discomfort during intercourse. Also miscarriages or unfulfilled desire for children may be associated with fibroids.

Natural healing methods in fibroids

Natural Remedies for Uterine Fibroids | Blog | USA Fibroid Centers

Natural healing methods have their place when the patient is ready to help change the size of the fibroids by changing her lifestyle. Then, through an optimized diet, as explained below, she can ensure that less estrogen circulates in her body and more progesterone is produced. By normalizing sugar metabolism, it can even slow down the harmful growth factors. Herbal remedies that influence the hormone metabolism and the bleeding of women are also helpful.

There is growing evidence in the scientific literature that vitamin D is a very important regulator of estrogen and progesterone metabolism, so that a consistently good supply of vitamin D protects against fibroids. Have the 25-OH vitamin D determined in the blood . Values ​​between 40-70ng / ml serum are optimal.

Natural healing methods also have their natural limits: if the fibroids are large, have been in existence for a long time and are partially calcified, shrinking will make them difficult or impossible - but the growth of new fibroids can be restricted in any case.

Herbal remedy for fibroids

Herbal remedy for fibroids Archives - ital is vital

Here, too, we have a whole spectrum at our disposal. First, you choose phytopharmaceuticals that balance hormone levels: yarrow and shepherd's purse contain hormone-like substances that reduce or completely prevent the growth of fibroids. These phytoestrogens occupy part of the receptors to which estrogen normally docks. The pituitary gland receives the message that the hormone level is in balance.

Secondly, plants containing tannins such as lady's mantle, bloodroot and meadow button are used to prevent or even stop bleeding so that there is no secondary disease, anemia. Thirdly, salicylic acid compounds in willow bark and meadowsweet as well as phenolic acids and flavonoids in nettles are effective pain relievers, coumarins in goosefingers, bitter substances in lady's mantle and yarrow help with cramps in the lower abdomen.

Optimized lifestyle in fibroids

But you already know from our previous articles: healthy eating is important, but it is not everything.

  • Regular exercise that is fun is at least as important, as is special pelvic floor exercises that contribute to optimal blood flow to the uterus.
  • Every now and then put on fasting days so that the liver can recover and carry out its detoxification tasks undisturbed.
  • Stabilize weight and especially tackle the fat pads on the stomach.
  • Plan sufficiently long sleep and recovery phases in the day / night.
  • And always collect information on how you can protect yourself from hormone-active environmental toxins lurking in food, drinking water, plastic , clothing and hygiene articles
  • And with which methods you can detoxify again and again .

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By On 06/06/2020

It is no longer a public secret that smoking is the most real health threat. Even if you are not an active smoker, the risk of health problems can be even more dangerous for passive smokers. Diseases that can arise can start from malignant with symptoms that are very easily recognized, or even diseases that do not cause symptoms at an early stage such as myoma uteri . For that, if you are an active smoker, you should immediately stop this bad habit.

Uterine myoma can also be known as uterine fibroids is a benign tumor that generally does not have cancerous properties . Tumor sizes can vary, can be small or even large to affect the uterus. Women can also have several myomas at the same time, but there is also only one. Check out some of the facts about myoma uteri below!



Unlike a high estrogen level which promotes the appearance and formation of fibroids, the action of the natural remedy is different. Indeed, it quickly causes the disappearance of fibroids and reduces your pain. Thus, heavy menstrual bleeding usually stops at the end of treatment. Overall, the herbal tea also expels all the waste in your uterus. This natural remedy is therefore the miracle solution to permanently eliminate your fibroids.

This is Africandoctor's best solution for you! Trust us, it works!

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Things That Cause Uterine Myoma

Quite a number of things can cause uterine myoma in a woman to interfere with the female reproductive system. These conditions include:

  • Hormone Disorders. The hormone estrogen is a cause of myoma uteri which can interfere with the female reproductive system. This hormone is produced by the ovary (ovary) so that it can cause thickening of the uterine wall in the menstrual cycle. This thickening is thought to develop myoma. 
  • Pregnancy During pregnancy, the production of the hormones estrogen and progesterone also increases. As a result, can trigger the formation of myomas in the uterus.
  • Family history of illness. In many cases, this condition is an inherited condition. So if you have family members who have this condition, you should take care of your health so that the risk does not increase. 

So, What Increases the Risk of Uterine Myoma?

In many cases, myoma will be experienced by women aged 30 to 50 years. This condition is also common in those who are overweight , lack of vitamin D, have the habit of drinking alcohol, often consume red meat, smoke frequently and consume less fiber.

In addition to factors that enhance this condition, there are also factors that can reduce it. One of them is giving birth. Women who have given birth are thought to have a lower risk of having myoma, compared to women who have never given birth.

What Are the Symptoms of a Uterous Myoma?

Most women are not really aware that they have a myoma in their womb that interferes with reproductive function. However, you need to see a doctor if you feel the symptoms of uterine myoma. These symptoms include: 

  • Heavy menstrual bleeding;
  • Menstrual periods that can last more than a week;
  • Pressure on the pelvis or pain;
  • Frequent urination;
  • Difficulty emptying the bladder;
  • Constipation;
  • Back pain or leg pain.

Are there complications from myoma myoma?

Although the cases are rare, uterine myomas that do not get treatment can experience dangerous conditions. Several types of complications include:

  • Anemia. When menstrual bleeding occurs too much, this can trigger a woman to experience less blood or anemia. 
  • Barren. Myomas that are too large are also worth watching out for, because they can block the fertilized egg to attach to the uterine wall. It can also prevent sperm cells from reaching the egg, causing infertility.
  • Disorders of pregnancy. Myomas, especially large ones, can interfere with fetal development and complicate the labor process later. Not only that, myoma can also make babies born prematurely.

Vegetables and Fruits are Good for Uterine Myoma

A study published by the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition , states that eating foods high in vitamin A, including milk and eggs, can relieve the symptoms of uterine myoma. 

Not only limited to the types of vegetables mentioned just now, but also several other vegetable variants such as:

  1. Arugula.

  2. Bok Choy.

  3. Broccoli.

  4. Brussels sprouts.

  5. Cabbage.

  6. Cauliflower.

  7. Mustard.

  8. Radish.

  9. Rutabaga.

  10. Watercress.

  11. Wasabi.

Consumption Pattern Considerations for People with Myoma Uter

Earlier we mentioned the types of vegetables and fruits that are good for consumption with uterine myoma. It's a good idea when processing these foods, avoid cooking them too well to maintain most of the nutrients.


You also need to add some extra herbs like garlic when cooking. And if you want to take a multivitamin, some recommended are B1 (thiamine), B2 (riboflavin), B3 (niacin), B12 and B6. Vitamins C, D, E and folic acid must also be included, as well as a maximum of 15,000 IU of beta-carotene (Vitamin A).

It's good, if you want to consume additional supplements, consult your doctor first. You can ask Halodoc directly . Doctors who are experts in their fields will try to provide the best recommendations for you. To do this, simply download the Halodoc application via Google Play or the App Store. Through the Contact Doctor feature you can choose to chat via Video / Voice Call or Chat .

Earlier, the type of food and processing that had been good for the condition of myoma uteri was conveyed. So, is there any restrictions for sufferers of myoma uteri? Apparently, people with uterine myoma are advised not to eat processed foods, red meat, and high-fat milk. 

If you eat this type of food, it is expected to make the condition of the myoma uteri getting worse. The same thing applies to alcohol and caffeine consumption. It's good, in addition to eating healthy foods, you consider exercising regularly. 

Besides reducing the risk of worsening myoma uterus, exercise is also good for estrogen hormone fluctuations. For you who have never heard of uterine myoma, this condition can be regarded as a form of accumulation of benign growth (nodular) consisting of muscle and connective tissue in the uterus. 

Myoma is differentiated based on size, shape and location, which is also a determining factor for each symptom and complaint. Myoma uteri is common in women of childbearing age, but usually develops between the ages of 35 and 50 years. Myoma is closely related to fluctuations in changes in female hormones. After menopause there is almost no tumor growth, because female hormone levels decline. 

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Is it an ovarian cyst or an uterine fibroid? Here's how you'll know and home treatment

By On 06/06/2020

How to get rid of uterine fibroids, ovarian cysts and fibroids without surgery: recipes of our grandmothers


Are you in doubts? Not able to distinguish if you have  an ovarian cyst Or uterine fibroid?

Neoplasms in the uterus of a woman in the form of a cyst or fibroids are not as dangerous as it seems at first glance. However, neither one nor the other can be ignored and treated. Uterine fibroids and uterine cysts are the most common of the pathologies that women face.

Ovarian cysts and fibroids have many of the same symptoms and can be difficult to self-diagnose. You may experience pelvic pain during certain activities, dull or sharp pain in your abdomen, or no symptoms at all.

This article will clarify your doubts!




Ovarian cysts are fluid-filled sacs or pockets in an ovary or on its surface. Women have two ovaries — each about the size and shape of an almond — on each side of the uterus. Eggs (ova), which develop and mature in the ovaries, are released in monthly cycles during the childbearing years. 

arian cysts are cavities filled with liquid or semi-liquid contents that form inside the ovary or on its surface.

The process of transformation of normal ovarian tissue into cancer formation can occur from any cellular element contained in germ cells, which causes a variety of forms and structures of cysts.



Uterine fibroids are noncancerous growths of the uterus that often appear during childbearing years. Also called leiomyomas (lie-o-my-O-muhs) or myomas, uterine fibroids aren't associated with an increased risk of uterine cancer and almost never develop into cancer. The disease is diagnosed in 20% of thirty-year-old women. For a long time, myoma was considered to be a tumor of a benign nature, which can become malignant only under certain conditions. Until recently, the only method of treatment for diagnosing fibroids was the removal of a tumor together with an organ, that is, with the uterus. Today, experts consider fibroids as a reaction to damage to the uterus. Disease factors are:

  • endometriosis;
  • gynecological operations;
  • curettage;
  • abortions
  • inflammatory processes;
  • hormonal fluctuations.





Unlike a high estrogen level which promotes the appearance and formation of fibroids, the action of the natural remedy is different. Indeed, it quickly causes the disappearance of fibroids and reduces your pain. Thus, heavy menstrual bleeding usually stops at the end of treatment. Overall, the herbal tea also expels all the waste in your uterus. This natural remedy is therefore the miracle solution to permanently eliminate your fibroids.

Click on this link to find out more about this product for fibroid



This natural treatment with herbal remedies for ovarian cysts has proven its effectiveness with dozens of cases resolved. This herbal tea is the miracle solution to permanently cure ovarian cysts.
Indeed, it contains several plants that will mimic the action of estrogen in your body. The herbal tea is made up of several herbs that regulate hormone levels and the size of your cysts. Thus this natural remedy, will help you to relieve the pains of the menstrual cycle and to regulate your cycle.

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The causes of neoplasms, and the way they occur are different. A cyst appears in the enlarged and clogged glands of the uterus, in which secretions accumulate. Such glands increase in size, they can be easily seen with ultrasound. If the formation arose on the cervix, the doctor will be able to see it even with a gynecological examination. Cysts are white or white-yellow.

Uterine fibroids appear on the muscle layer of the uterus. Its structural feature - it consists of muscle and connective tissue. Unlike a cyst, a myoma does not have a cavity. Tumor cells simply lose control of their division.



The difference in the causes of pathologies is obvious. The appearance of fibroids is almost always associated with a violation of the hormonal background in the body, while the appearance of cysts is most often associated with inflammation in the female genital area. But such factors can also provoke the onset of a tumor:

  • Stress loads;
  • Physical stress;
  • Abortion
  • Frequent use of oral contraceptives.
  • The cause of the appearance of cysts is a blockage of the glands, which can occur due to the inflammatory process in the ovaries, as well as for a long time using the spiral.

Other causes of cysts are:

  • Complex births, which are accompanied by damage to the uterine mucosa. The work of the glands is disturbed, the ducts are blocked.
  • Abortion, namely, low qualification of the doctor who conducts the procedure.
  • A specialist woe can accidentally damage the epithelium, which will lead to its proliferation and cysts.
  • The age of a woman during menopause. The glands at this time become more vulnerable, and therefore the process of mucus production increases.



Here are some symptoms of these ailments:

• painful and heavy menstruation;

• breakthrough bleeding in the middle of the cycle;

• frequent urge to urinate;

• pain during intercourse;

• pain in the lower back, etc.

And some women may not have any symptoms, and they learn about the disease only in a gynecologist's chair.



These remedies saved our ancestors from women's health problems in just 1 month. And here's how to prepare and take them!

Recipe one

will need:

• honey - 1 tsp;

• bee pollen - 1 tbsp .;

• water - 1 tbsp .;

• lemon juice - from one citrus;

• aloe gel - 1 tbsp.

How to cook and use:

Beat the ingredients in a blender. Take 50 ml daily on an empty stomach for a week. Then take a week off and repeat the treatment.

The recipe is different

will need:

• beets - 1 small;

• honey - 1 tsp;

• garlic - 1 clove;

• carrot juice - 1 \ 2 tbsp.

How to cook and use:

Crush vegetables in a blender, add carrot juice, stir and strain. Add honey and stir again. The remedy should be taken immediately. Take it daily, taking a break once a week.



Final Thoughts

Women experiencing pain or other symptoms from either ovarian cysts or uterine fibroids should seek medical advice. Once you get an official diagnosis, your healthcare provider can help you decide on a plan for treatment.

Still have questions? Don’t hesitate to contact us with questions regarding your symptoms and possible natural treatment. A member of our trained staff will be happy to help you in any way possible.


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By On 06/06/2020

Vleesboom: 10 veel gestelde vragen over myomen

Myomas are benign growths in the muscle tissue of the uterus. They are very common, in 70 percent of women over the age of 40, myomas are seen when an ultrasound is made. But at most a quarter of all myomas cause complaints.


In this article, we are going to discuss natural methods to help you shrink your fibroid easily, stay tuned!





Unlike a high estrogen level which promotes the appearance and formation of fibroids, the action of the natural remedy is different. Indeed, it quickly causes the disappearance of fibroids and reduces your pain. Thus, heavy menstrual bleeding usually stops at the end of treatment. Overall, the herbal tea also expels all the waste in your uterus. This natural remedy is therefore the miracle solution to permanently eliminate your fibroids.

This is Africandoctor's best solution for you! Trust us, it works!

Click on this link to find out more about this product for fibroid




NB: If your uterine fibroid symptoms are mild, you may benefit from some at-home remedies. These remedies are in no way meant to replace traditional medical treatments; however, they may provide some needed symptom-relief. Unfortunately, there has been very little research to show that natural remedies and holistic treatment methods are successful at treating patients with uterine fibroids.





Below we’ve put together some of the most popular natural remedies for preventing fibroids and alleviating fibroid symptom pains.



    Studies have suggested that eating a lot of red meat or food that are high calorie, high fat, or high sugar, may contribute to the development of fibroids. If you are worried about the risks, its best to avoid eating too much of these foods.


    Foods like white rice, pasta, cereal, chips, or foods containing corn syrup, are all high in sugar and refined carbs. Consuming too much of these foods raises levels of sugar in the blood. Try opting for bright-colored foods like raw vegetables, fruit, whole grains, or whole grain pasta/bread.


    Green tea is high in antioxidants which help your body’s natural healing process. Drinking green tea or taking supplements could provide significant fibroid symptom relief.


    Also known as chasteberry, it is the fruit of a tree native to central Asia and the Mediterranean. This ancient herb was used in the middle ages to decrease sexual desire. However nowadays chasteberry can be used to aid menstrual problems like heavy bleeding or infertility. This herb is a great natural fibroid remedy because heavy bleeding is often an inconvenient symptom for women with fibroids.

    Some believe the herb has the ability to relive menopausal symptoms, however there is so sufficient evidence supporting it.


    Guizhi Fuling Wan is an 1,800 year-old traditional Chinese medicine. This herbal supplement was meant to promote circulation and remove any inactive blood cells from the pelvic region. Today, this herb can be used to relieve uterine fibroid symptoms like cramps or abdominal bloating, however there is very little evidence to support this.


    Also known as Manevac, Isphagula and Senna are natural laxatives. Senna works to stimulate the walls of colon and rectum and promote easy bowel movements. Isphagula is not absorbed into the body, it works by increasing the mass of the fecal matter which encourages the body to expel the fecal matter on its own.

    These herbs can be beneficial if your uterine fibroids cause uncomfortable constipation, which increases pressure on blood vessels of the pelvic region.


    Heightened stress levels can be harmful to your health and increase your risk for developing fibroids. Take measures everyday to relax and make sure you’re maintaining healthy habits. Some easy ways to manage stress starting today:

    • Take A Warm Bath
    • Do Yoga
    • Get Proper Sleep
    • Go For A Walk

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By On 05/06/2020

The uterus is an important female organ. That is why, women must keep their wombs in good condition and healthy. Unfortunately, this important female organ turned out to be very susceptible to benign tumors or also called fibroids. Although sometimes it appears without symptoms, there are three important signs that can lead you to fibroid disease. What are the symptoms of uterine fibroids? 

We we look at this symptoms in this article, so you can be able to identify them on your own. 



Unlike a high estrogen level which promotes the appearance and formation of fibroids, the action of the natural remedy is different. Indeed, it quickly causes the disappearance of fibroids and reduces your pain. Thus, heavy menstrual bleeding usually stops at the end of treatment. Overall, the herbal tea also expels all the waste in your uterus. This natural remedy is therefore the miracle solution to permanently eliminate your fibroids.

Click on this link to find out more about this product for fibroid


Signs and symptoms of uterine fibroids should be noted in women

The severity of uterine fibroid symptoms depends on the location, number, and size of the fibroids. If the fibroid tumor is classified as small, you may not experience any symptoms until the fibroid becomes enlarged. This is why, most women tend not to complain about anything, even though they already have fibroids in their uterus.

As the fibroids continue to grow, these three symptoms of uterine fibroids will usually start to appear, including:

Eight Facts About Fibroid Tumors Every Woman Should Know: Women's ...

1. Bleeding is not normal

Abnormal bleeding is one of the most common symptoms of uterine fibroids. All types of uterine fibroids generally cause excessive bleeding during menstruation . Because of the swift blood flow out, women with uterine fibroids can experience severe anemia .

However, the type of submucosal fibroids usually causes the most abnormal bleeding during menstruation. In fact, the small size of submucosal fibroids can make sufferers experience severe anemia due to bleeding.

If you experience very heavy menstrual periods from the previous months, then immediately check with your doctor to find out whether this is caused by fibroids or not.

2. Pelvic pain

Symptoms of uterine fibroids that are easily recognized are pelvic pain . Pelvic pain due to uterine fibroids consists of two types, namely cyclic and non-cyclic pelvic pain.

Cyclic pelvic pain is a type of continuous pelvic pain associated with the menstrual cycle. Because fibroids are formed from the smooth muscle of the uterus, this will obviously disrupt blood flow during menstruation. This is why, fibroids will cause stomach cramps known as dysmenorrhea .

In addition to the pelvis, pain in the lower back can also indicate the growth of uterine fibroids. Because the growth of fibroids tends to suppress the muscles and nerves of the lower back. Even sometimes, the pain will extend to the groin or upper thigh.

Uterine fibroids can also cause pain during sexual intercourse or also called dyspareunia. However, this also depends on the location of your fibroids.

3. Pressure in the lower abdomen

The larger size of the fibroid will affect the shape and size of your uterus. The bigger the fibroids in the uterus, the automatic shape of your uterus will enlarge.

Enlarged fibroids will compress the organs in the lower abdomen, including the bladder. The bladder will be encouraged to continue to "empty out" even though it has not been filled with urine. This is why, women with uterine fibroids often complain of more frequent urination.

In addition, fibroids also make the abdomen look bigger or swollen. This is because the fibroids come into contact with the rectum or large intestine. As a result, you also have difficulty defecating or even constipation. Defecation that is not smooth is what makes the stool continues to accumulate in the large intestine and makes the stomach look enlarged.

So, if you experience one or more of the symptoms of uterine fibroids, then immediately consult a doctor to get the right treatment.

Various natural ways to deal with uterine fibroids are:

Control the weight

For those of you who are overweight or obese, immediately lose weight until you reach normal weight. This can help to reduce the growth of the tumor in your uterus. According to a study published in the 2013 Asia Pacific Journal of Clinical Nutrition, obesity and exercise that is too hard can increase the risk of tumor growth in the uterus. This is because fat cells in a woman's body contain high estrogen, a hormone that can trigger cancer growth.

Adjust your diet

Everything you eat will affect your body, whether it triggers or actually inhibits the growth of uterine fibroids. Eating the right kind of food can help maintain weight so that it will eventually ease the symptoms of uterine fibroids .

Food that must be consumed

Consumption of foods high in fiber can help reduce inflammation due to uterine fibroids. Not only that, this type of food can also balance the body's hormones and prevent you from gaining weight drastically.

A variety of high-fiber foods that are good for you to consume include:

  • Vegetables and fruits
  • The fruit is dry
  • Whole wheat
  • Red rice
  • Lentils and beans
  • Bread and wheat pasta
  • Quinoa

Foods to avoid

A study revealed that eating mostly red meat can increase the risk of developing uterine fibroids. Likewise, when you consume a lot of refined carbohydrates (refined carbohydrates) and high in sugar, this can also worsen the symptoms of uterine fibroids.

When you consume a lot of refined carbohydrates and foods high in sugar, your blood sugar will jump dramatically. As a result, the body will produce more insulin and the body's hormones become unbalanced. Over time, this can trigger tumor growth.

Examples of processed carbohydrates that should be avoided in excessive consumption are:

  • White rice, pasta and flour
  • Soda and other high-sugar drinks
  • Corn syrup
  • Cereals
  • Kue,  cookies , donat
  • Potato chips
  • Crackers

Keep your blood pressure normal

To overcome this, limit consumption of foods high in salt to keep your blood pressure normal. In addition, do not forget to check your blood pressure routinely by seeing a doctor or using  a personal tensimeter.

Light exercise

A study has shown that women who exercise for seven hours per week can reduce the risk of uterine fibroids. This is likely because it is easier to lose weight, which can suppress the growth of uterine tumors.

No need to force yourself to do strenuous exercise. Just do light exercise like jogging, yoga, swimming, or any other type of exercise that you like. Most importantly, do it regularly and consistently so that your body becomes healthier and fitter.

Did you know?

Chicken can cause uterine fibroid. 

Click on this link to find out more about this product for fibroid



By On 05/06/2020

Natural Remedies for Uterine Fibroids - Wildwood Lifestyle Center

Here are the 7 NATURAL Remedies to get rid of in an easy way!

It is women who mostly face heavy situations from uterine fibroids and cysts, especially during the pregnancy years. Generally these conditions do not cause discomfort, although for some women, hormonal fluctuations can cause pain and swelling. Fibromas, also known as myomas, are non-benign cancerous tumors that grow on the uterine wall. Ovarian cysts, including polycystic ovary syndrome, are fluid-filled cysts that appear in the ovaries, are quite common.



Unlike a high estrogen level which promotes the appearance and formation of fibroids, the action of the natural remedy is different. Indeed, it quickly causes the disappearance of fibroids and reduces your pain. Thus, heavy menstrual bleeding usually stops at the end of treatment. Overall, the herbal tea also expels all the waste in your uterus. This natural remedy is therefore the miracle solution to permanently eliminate your fibroids.

Click on this link to find out more about this product for fibroid


7 Home remedies to get rid of fibroids naturally


Food energetics of ginger - South Scarborough Acupuncture

Ginger root is very effective in reducing pain and improving blood circulation. You can prepare tea by adding some fresh ginger roots to a glass of boiling water. Strain the tea and drink several times a day. Ginger root also helps reduce inflammation of the ovaries and uterus. 

Olive oil 

Extra virgin olive oil: Portugese olive oil omics for authenticity

One of the natural cures for fibroids is olive oil. It is known for blocking estrogen. It is obtained by taking a spoonful of olive oil with a little lemon juice on an empty stomach in the morning. You can also prepare olive tea made from the fermentation of olive leaves which help strengthen the immune system.

Epsom bath salts 

Epsom salt detox: Benefits and how it works

An Epsom salt bath will help to greatly reduce the pain and other symptoms associated with ovarian cysts. The magnesium sulfate content present in Epsom salt works as a muscle relaxant which in turn soothes pain. 

Lemon juice 

Fresh lemon juice Photograph by Anna Om

One of the other natural remedies for the treatment of fibroids is lemon juice. Add two teaspoons of lemon juice and a teaspoon of baking soda to a glass of water. Shake the solution well and drink. To reduce the symptoms of fibroids, drink this solution regularly.


Want to stay healthy? Drink beetroot juice |

Beetroot contains a compound known as betacyanin which boosts the liver's ability to eliminate toxins from your system. In addition, the alkaline nature of beetroot helps balance the acidity in your body. This in turn reduces the severity of symptoms from ovarian cysts. 

Flax seeds

Flax Seeds 101: Nutrition Facts and Health Benefits

Flax seeds help balance the percentage of progesterone estrogen in the body. This will help reduce cysts. In addition, flax seeds are rich in fiber which help the body eliminate harmful toxins, cholesterol and other waste products processed by the liver.  


 10.5 oz / 300 g of houseleek leaves 17.5 oz / 500 g of honey
Preparation method :
 chop the leaves of the houseleek and add the honey. Leave it for 2-3 days, until they are well impregnated.  Use: 
 It is recommended to consume this first remedy in the morning, on an empty stomach, and you should not eat anything for at least 2 hours.
This remedy is extremely useful for stimulating the metabolism and cleansing of the body of toxins

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By On 05/06/2020


 GNLD Products for Treating Fibroids | Evergreen Health Care ...

Uterine fibroids are growths in the uterus . They are not cancer. Fibroids can grow inside the uterus , within the muscular wall of the uterus, or on the outer surface of the uterus . They can alter the shape of the uterus as they grow. This can make it difficult for you to get pregnant.

Over time, the size, shape, location, and symptoms of fibroids can change.

As women age, they are more likely to have uterine fibroids, especially between the ages of 30-49 until menopause. Most have mild symptoms or have no symptoms. However, fibroids can cause severe pain, bleeding, and other problems.

The cause of fibroids is unknown. However, the hormones estrogen and progesterone can make them grow. A woman's body produces the highest levels of these hormones during the conceiving age. After menopause, when hormone levels drop, fibroids often shrink or disappear.



Unlike a high estrogen level which promotes the appearance and formation of fibroids, the action of the natural remedy is different. Indeed, it quickly causes the disappearance of fibroids and reduces your pain. Thus, heavy menstrual bleeding usually stops at the end of treatment. Overall, the herbal tea also expels all the waste in your uterus. This natural remedy is therefore the miracle solution to permanently eliminate your fibroids.

Click on this link to find out more about this product for fibroid



7 home remedies to get rid of cysts | ElReporterosf ...

Poor nutrition, stress, hormonal imbalance or overweight can be some of the causes of the appearance of ovarian cysts and fibroids. According to naturalistic doctors, when it comes to benign tumors or cysts there are several options to treat them naturally.

Remedies for cysts 

 Infusions. Herbal teas are used to dissolve ovarian cysts by taking them for at least six weeks. Among the most recommended are red clover, dandelion and sea thistle.

Vitamins A and E. Eating foods rich in vitamins B and E balances estrogen and progesterone levels. Among others, green vegetables, legumes and whole grains are a source of these vitamins.

Carrot, aloe, and beets also have nutrients that eliminate ovarian cysts.

Remedies for fibroids

Remedy 1

  • 1 teaspoon of honey
  • 1 lemon
  • 1 tablespoon of pollen
  • 1 glass of pure water
  • 1 glass cup of aloe

Blend all these ingredients and take them without straining on an empty stomach.

Remedy 2

  • 1 small piece of raw and fresh beets • 1 teaspoon of honey
  •  1 clove of fresh garlic
  • Half a glass of freshly squeezed carrot juice

Pass the beetroot and garlic through the extractor and mix with the freshly made carrot juice. Add the honey and drink this juice daily, resting once a week.

Purifying diet

The purifying diet is about consuming just two fruits for two days and drinking plenty of water. As its name implies, it serves to purify the body of toxins.

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By On 05/06/2020

What is a uterine fibroid?

It is the most common benign (noncancerous) tumor in women. One in 4 women may have it. The majority of patients who are carriers of are asymptomatic: only 10-20% require treatment. 

Fibroid, also called myoma or leiomyoma (or uterine myomatosis), is the most common benign (noncancerous) tumor in women. One in 4 women may have it. Most patients with fibroids are asymptomatic: only 10-20% require treatment. It all depends on the size, location and / or number of them.

The most frequent age of fibroid presentation is between 30 and 40 years of age, although they can occur at younger ages. Most fibroids are hormone dependent, that is, their appearance is due to the action of female hormones (estradiol) on the uterine muscle (myometrium), so it is rare to find them in adolescence or postmenopause. Instead, it is not uncommon to see them increase during pregnancy.

Fibroids are secondary to the growth of a group of cells of the uterine wall, interspersed with connective tissue. The location is varied and can be on the surface of the uterus (subserosal), in the thickness of its wall (intramural) or inside the uterine cavity (submucosal), and there are also combinations. The sizes can be very varied and range from very small to sizes that cover the entire pelvis and lower abdomen.



Unlike a high estrogen level which promotes the appearance and formation of fibroids, the action of the natural remedy is different. Indeed, it quickly causes the disappearance of fibroids and reduces your pain. Thus, heavy menstrual bleeding usually stops at the end of treatment. Overall, the herbal tea also expels all the waste in your uterus. This natural remedy is therefore the miracle solution to permanently eliminate your fibroids.

Click on this link to find out more about this product for fibroid



When they do occur, the most common symptoms are:

1) Changes in menstrual bleeding

+ Increased amount (hypermenorrhea)

+ Longer duration (menometrorrhagia)

+ Bleeding at non-menstrual times (breakthrough bleeding)

2) pain

+ During menstruation (dysmenorrhea)

+ During sexual intercourse (dyspareunia)

+ In the pelvis or lower back

3) anemia

4) Oppression

+ Difficulty starting urination

+ Urinate frequently and in small amounts

+ Constipation

5) In relation to pregnancy

+ Fertility

+ Sterility

+ Abortions, preterm deliveries

Often some of these symptoms are associated.


The diagnosis is made through the medical history and the gynecological examination, and can be corroborated with studies such as ultrasound, hysterosalpingography, hysteroscopy and laparoscopy.


Treatment options depend on size, location, symptoms, and possible gestational desire.

If the fibroids are small and remain stable, that is, they do not grow and the patient has no symptoms, the best treatment will be regular gynecological controls. If it is observed that during periodic controls the fibroids grow and / or begin to give symptoms such as: increased abdominal volume, excessive bleeding, pelvic pain, etc., certain drugs such as oral contraceptives, progesterone, GnRh analogues or uterine embolization Sometimes, to reduce the size before surgery and, lately, the Intrauterine Device (hormonal IUD), they can help control them.

When the uterus is very large or when symptoms do not respond to pharmacological measures, the best treatment will be surgery.

Surgical treatment consists of removing the fibroid (s), and this can be done in two ways: 1) myomectomy (open or laparoscopic) or the removal of the uterus (hysterectomy).

In the case of the coexistence of a pregnancy and uterine myomatosis, these may have an increase in their size, given the hormonal stimulus in which it is found. Pregnancy can go smoothly or cause fetal loss, preterm delivery, or abnormal presentations (that the fetus does not turn upside down at the end) and therefore the need to perform a cesarean section. In more rare occasions fibroids can also obstruct the exit of the uterus and not allow the baby to exit, in these cases it is also necessary to perform a cesarean section.
In the case of women who are close to menopause and who do not have severe discomfort they may not require treatment.


a) Trillium pendulum: it is mainly used in those patients who have bleeding and hip pain as accompanying symptoms.

b) Lapis albus: when the patient reports lower belly pain and uterine bleeding. It is useful in fibromas of elastic consistency.

c) Fraximus americanus : it is used if there is a feeling of heaviness under the belly due to the fibroid.

d) Calcarea fluorica : indicated in the case of multiple fibroids, with several lobes of woody consistency.

e) Phosphorus: it is used to stop bleeding.

f) Thuja occidentalis : presents selective action on the psychotic terrain.

 • Flower therapy

Cherry Plum : for the feeling of fear that makes you lose control, balances the energy flow. The lack of control can be evidenced in different ways depending on how it is considered, such as menstrual disorder.

Walnut : for people who are easily influenced by others, for great changes when adaptation is not possible. It is useful as a hemostatic in bleeding, as it helps to eliminate it.

Rock Water : for inflexible people, perfectionists (hardness, crystallization, rigidity). Hardness or stiffness are self-limiting. This remedy is useful in hard, non-invasive and benign tumors.

Click on this link to find out more about this product for fibroid


Lemon 1


By On 18/05/2020

Have you decided to expand the family but are you struggling to get pregnant? Then read this article. You will learn how to increase female fertility and will be able to get pregnant in a short time with lemon water. 

When is it legitimate, however, to start wondering about a possible infertility condition? The indications speak of six months of "unsuccessful tests" if you are over 35 years old. Instead, if the age of the woman is less than 35 years, the time limit is about one year of attempts. Apart from using lemon water, there are also other useful tips that can help increase your fertility. 



Infertilite feminine 1

Birthing a child is the dream of every woman but at times our uterus develops issues that hinder fertility. However, African doctor has found the best medicinal plant to help you solve any uterine disease such as adenomyosis, endometriosis, uterine polyps, severe abdominal pain, dyspareunia, anovulation, irregular menstrual cycle and amenorrhea linked to infertility so you can experience the joy of a mother. The constituents of this tisane allow it to regulate your menstrual cycle and dispose of any problem that may lead to infertility. Some of the plants that make this possible are Cloves and Acridoscarpus, these are very powerful plants, the mixture of these plants with other secret herbs have made this possible.

OR CALL/WHATSAPP: +229 90431725

Why you should use lemon fertility water

If you are trying to get pregnant and cannot conceive, doctors recommend different methods of remedying this. Some factors have been identified to reduce the chances of conceiving. Some of these factors are alcohol consumption, smoking, lack of exercise, poor diet, and many others. Due to the different scientific studies that establish the effects of diet on fertility, many doctors recommend maintaining a correct diet is the key to increasing fertility.

Have you heard of water and lemon? It has been said that this type of water is good for fertility. In fact, it has many health benefits. How does it work for more sterile couples?

For many years, lemon water for fertility has been gaining popularity among women who have difficulty conceiving. Lemon water for fertility is traditional Chinese medicine, which uses natural ingredients to treat and prevent disease.

it is a lemon fruit that is loaded with vitamin C, magnesium, calcium, potassium, and antioxidants. Firstly, drinking water works wonders for fertility. The water thins mucus and increases as well. And cervical fluid is very important in the design. No cervical fluid, sperm will not be able to reach the egg. Also, if the vaginal discharge is of good quality and quantity, it can help the sperm stay alive for a few days pending ovulation.

If lemon is added to your drinking water it is also increasing the likelihood of getting pregnant several times. The bodies are bombarded with pollution-free radicals and harmful food. And these free radicals can damage sperm, egg, and reproductive organs. This is the importance of antioxidants. The antioxidants in this drink will help you destroy these free radicals, therefore, better prepare their bodies for conception. That's why it is effective in treating infertility.

Another great advantage of lemon water for fertility is that it has no negative effects as it uses a completely natural ingredient. You can continue drinking this even if you are already pregnant. It is also possible to continue their water regimen, even if it is prescribed with fertility drugs or in combination with other fertility treatments

Other health benefits are Detoxification, hormonal balance, increased immunity, liver health, digestive health, and large skin. How does this type of water work? Simply add 1 or 2 tablespoons of freshly squeezed lemon juice to your hot water.

lemon water for fertility can be consumed at any time. Although many people believe that it is better early in the morning. Instead of drinking coffee or hot chocolate, drinking this drink is ideal for re-hydrating their bodies. In addition, it can help stimulate bowel movement in the morning.

How to get pregnant easily

To become pregnant, it is necessary to encourage conception by adopting a series of parallel strategies. For example, starting not to get caught up in anxiety and fears: stress, in fact, has a decidedly negative impact on the regularity of the cycle. And the latter is an important condition for being able to identify the fertile days of the month with greater ease.

An important indication concerns ovulation: to get pregnant easily, it is necessary to have relationships on so-called fertile days. To identify them, you can rely both on a calculation (ovulation occurs about halfway through the cycle), and on real tests for ovulation (you can buy them in the pharmacy but also in the supermarket). Then there are women who can perceive the ovulatory period with clear symptoms: sore breasts, pain in the lower abdomen, losses. Finally, it is important to adopt a lifestyle that is as healthy as possible: reduce any overweight, abolish alcohol and smoking, exercise.

I can't get pregnant, am I sterile?

Not being able to get pregnant, despite numerous attempts to conceive: it is not said that it is infertility, indeed most of the times the causes are to be found "elsewhere". For example, a simple reason could be the failure to identify the ovulatory peak. In this sense, it is advisable to proceed with specific tests for ovulation and measurement of the basal temperature.

But not only: at the basis of this unsuccessful research, there may also be a hormonal dysfunction, traceable through the so-called "hormonal dosage" prescribed by the specialist. Or, again, the lack of conception could be attributed to the presence of ovarian cysts, endometriosis or an infection.

In the latter case, for example, both candida and chlamydia are two pathologies that significantly interfere with fertility.

OR CALL/WHATSAPP: +229 90431725


By On 14/05/2020

Did you know urinary tract infection can lead to infertility?


There is no evidence that lower urinary tract infections (UTIs) in a woman affect her ability to conceive, but upper tract (kidney) infections could. What you do want to keep in mind is that infections in the male partner can affect his fertility. Also, once you are pregnant, UTIs can cause problems for both mother and baby.



Female UTIs and the ability to conceive

Urinary tract infections are common in women. Although the lower urinary tract - bladder and urethra - are on one side of the reproductive tract, a mild UTI in a woman is not a known problem for conception. There are no reports of bacteria spreading from the urinary tract to infect the reproductive tract, although the opposite may occur.





Male UTI and conception


Unlike women, an infection in the male urinary tract can affect male fertility and conception. Due to the structure of the male reproductive and urinary systems, organisms in the male bladder and urethra can spread to his reproductive system.

The spread of bacteria to the prostate gland and other reproductive structures can reduce sperm count, decrease sperm motility, and other semen factors, which can cause male infertility if left untreated.





Home remedies are a good option to complement the medical treatment of urinary infection and speed recovery and should be done daily to strengthen the immune system and increase urine production, eliminating the bacteria that cause the infection.

However, these home remedies should not replace the indications of the doctor, and in the case of pregnant or lactating women should consult the obstetrician before using them.



1. Ursi grape syrup with echinacea and Hydrastis

7 home remedies for urinary infection

Uva ursi is antiseptic and diuretic, echinacea has an antibiotic action and strengthens the immune system, and Hydrastis acts as an anti-inflammatory, making it an excellent combination of herbs to combat urinary infection.


  • 30 ml of uva ursi or bearberry extract;
  • 15 ml of echinacea extract;
  • 15 ml of Hydrastis extract.

Preparation method

Mix all these extracts very well, put them in a dark bottle, and shake well. Dilute 1 teaspoon of this syrup in a little warm water and then drink 4 times throughout the day. Totaling 4 tablespoons of syrup per day.

Attention: This extract is contraindicated in pregnant women.



2. Wild cranberry juice

How Cranberry Juice Can Help Treat A UTI | Vaya News

This is an excellent option to treat urinary infection in pregnancy, since bilberry has a high concentration of proanthocyanidins that make it difficult for the Escherichia Coli bacteria to adhere to the walls of the urinary tract, decreasing the possibility of contracting the disease. See other tips on treating urinary tract infection in pregnancy .


  • 250 g of blueberries;
  • 1 glass of water.

Preparation method

It is recommended to drink 3 to 4 glasses of this juice daily, while symptoms persist.


3. Goldenrod tea

7 home remedies for urinary infection

Goldenrod tea is also an excellent home remedy for urinary tract infection because this herb has a diuretic and anti-inflammatory action that increases urine production, thus decreasing the residence time of the urine in the bladder and therefore the development of bacteria.


  • 2 tablespoons dried goldenrod leaves;
  • 1 cup of boiling water.

Preparation method

Place the goldenrod leaves in the boiling water and let sit for 10 minutes before straining. Drink 1 cup of tea several times a day.


4. Horseradish tea

Horseradish: Nutrition, Benefits, Uses, and Side Effects

Another good home remedy for urinary infection is the use of horseradish since it has antiseptic, antimicrobial, and anti-inflammatory properties that alleviate symptoms and decrease the number of bacteria in the urinary tract.


  • 1 teaspoon dried horseradish leaves;
  • 1 cup of water.

Preparation method

Boil the water and then add the dried horseradish leaves. Let stand for 5 minutes, strain and drink 2 to 3 cups per day.



5. Nasturtium drink

Nasturtium Margaritas | Floating Kitchen

Another home remedy that can be used to treat urinary tract infection is nasturtium tincture that has antibiotic, antiseptic and diuretic properties, which decrease bacterial growth in the urinary tract and stimulate urine production.


  • 20 to 50 drops of nasturtium tincture;
  • 1/5 cup of warm water.

Preparation method

Mix all the ingredients very well and take next. This remedy should be ingested 3 to 5 times a day. Nasturtium tincture can be purchased at health food stores and some homeopathy pharmacies.


6. 3 herbal tea


An excellent natural solution for urinary tract infection is to drink a tea prepared with medicinal herbs that help fight the bacteria causing the infection.


  • 1 tablespoon of java tea (leaves);
  • 1 tablespoon horsetail (leaves);
  • 1 tablespoon of goldenrod (leaves);
  • 3 cups of boiling water.

Preparation method

Put all the ingredients in a container and let it rest for about 10 minutes. Strain and drink then, still hot, several times a day, without sweetening because sugar can lessen its effect.


7. Sitz bath with vinegar

I Put Apple Cider Vinegar In My Baths. Here Are 5 Reasons Why

This sitz bath is another home remedy to treat urinary infections due to its powerful antimicrobial power. To do this you need:


  • 3 liters of warm water;
  • 2 tablespoons of vinegar;
  • 1 clean bucket.

Preparation method

Put the vinegar inside the bucket with the lukewarm water and mix well, set inside the bucket without intimate clothes for at least 20 minutes. Carry out the vaginal washing with this same mixture.






By On 08/05/2020

Only 15% of couples who have no health problems can have babies during the period when the woman is most suitable for getting pregnant. In other words, it is not an easy task to combine sperm and egg in the woman's ovulation period. So, isn't there anything that can be done to make it easier?

Here is a natural treatment to boost your fertility, whether or not you have a health condition. 



Our natural remedy is the secret to boost your female fertility. We offer you a definite advantage: the absence of undesirable effects and contraindications. The natural approach is often the best approach to find the solution. Our natural remedies have allowed many women to have children. Being natural products based on plants and herbs, our natural remedies have no side effects, either on the body or on health. Our natural treatment is not dangerous. You can therefore cure female infertility without fear of the appearance of side effects. Also, it is important that you are patient. Even for a woman with no fertility problems, conceiving a child can naturally take time.


CLOVE TEA:  Herbal treatment for conception

Turkish Cloves Spice - Online Turkish Shopping Center

Every woman's dream is to get married and have children. The woman has a rootstock due to some innate genes. The man always wants to connect to someone and do something for him. Therefore, when the woman is born, she adopts the family in which she grew up, stays loyal attached to her family with strong ties. He then asks for a wife to mature and live on and reproduce. He makes great sacrifices for his wife. Then he instinctively wants to be a mother. Now he wants to give birth to a baby and connect to it, and he wants to strive for it. But being a mother is sometimes not so easy for some women. Because in order to become a mother, many conditions must be met. Both men and women are responsible for these conditions. In order for men and women to have children, their physiological reproductive systems must be functioning properly. In addition, even if there is no problem on both sides, sometimes breeding does not take place. The factors that cause this are very high.

When the woman reaches her reproductive age, she begins to produce eggs. This is understood by the menstrual bleeding that occurs every month. In other words, a woman with a healthy reproductive system lays eggs regularly every month. With FSH hormone secreted in women, the ovaries are stimulated to produce eggs and eggs begin to form. With the formation and growth of eggs, the secretion of estrogen and LH hormones also increases. When the LH hormone reaches the highest level, the maturing egg cracks and becomes free. This released egg moves into the fallopian tubes and if the egg meets sperm within 12-24 hours, fertilization occurs. When fertilization occurs, with the contribution of the hormone progesterone, the cell goes into the uterus and grows here and grows with the release of beta HCG hormone. The settled cell grows with sufficient secretion of hormones and forms the embryo. Meanwhile, the inner layer of the uterus has thickened so that the embryo can hold firmly. Failure in any of the stages of this pregnancy mentioned may prevent pregnancy from occurring. For example; irregular functioning of hormones, which are very important factors for pregnancy, problems with the uterus structure, ovarian problems, fallopian tubes clogged, eggs in sufficient number and quality, egg cell cracking, ovulation problems, baby's inability to hold in the womb, menstrual irregularity, polycystic ovary syndrome, uterus or ovarian surgeries, etc. Apart from all these, as other factors preventing pregnancy; problems caused by men, cigarette-alcohol consumption, stress, genetics, being overweight or underweight, unhealthy diet,

Being pregnant is the most special and sensitive dream of every married couple. Tiny feet running around the house are a sweet tongue that calls mom or dad. Who wants to be missing from this special feeling? When a baby that is the most beautiful fruit of love grows, it is an indispensable person for the family to take care of the family or for a voice that will make a call in old age. Babies are the joy of the house with their soft hands. It trembles on the whole family. Especially when he speaks new, everyone wants to listen. Here is such a nice feeling. Babies, I think there is no exaggeration if we say golden ball in every house. When this is the case, everyone wants to taste the feeling of motherhood and fatherhood. However, sometimes families may not have babies due to health conditions caused by various reasons mentioned above. Although they apply treatment methods by applying to various health institutions, sometimes still no results are obtained. In such cases, herbal treatment methods can be used by using alternative medicine. As a herbal treatment to conceive, it is used to consume various plants. In this article, we have included a few plants that will enable you to conceive easily. We have prepared this article to help those who do research in this direction.

Dried Fig Cure: This sphere should be started on the day the menstrual period ends. Boil 10-15 dried figs in 1 liter of water for 15 minutes. Consume it during the day after it is warm. A thin strainer is recommended for those who are uncomfortable with the sediment and fig seeds. You can consume dried figs not only as a decoction, but also by chewing between meals. Fig has the property of helping eggs grow, mature, crack and lay eggs in women.

Clove Tea: It  is a nutrient that makes it easier to conceive according to the research done by health physicians. If consumed regularly in the form of 1 tea glass after each meal; It has the feature of healthy functioning of the reproductive organs, performing your hormones duties and strengthening the uterus.

Ingredients for Clove Tea:

  • 1 clove
  • 1 tea glass of hot water

Making Clove Tea: For clove tea, first boil the water and then add 1 clove to the boiled water and let it steep for 5 minutes. Then, make your herbal treatment to get pregnant easily by drinking the brewed and warmed clove tea right after meals.

In addition to clove tea; other plants with the same feature; saffron, hops, shepherd's bag, lion's rivet, cinnamon, mint, rosemary, chamomile, zahter, fennel, sage, brewer's yeast, mustard, oatmeal, vanilla and pine nuts. You can also prepare herbal tea by making use of these herbs, and you can also use herbal methods to conceive easily.

These plants, which are recommended to be useful for getting pregnant, are generally benefited from the relaxing, stress-reducing and relaxing properties. In this way, women and even men feel more comfortable and increase the chance of having children. At the same time, these plants increase the chance of pregnancy by expanding the fallopian tubes and vessels of the ovaries.


Make Love Regularly: You might think it's a very “fraudulent” approach, but it's not. On the contrary, there is a very true truth that the more you make love, the more chances you will get pregnant. Under normal conditions, sperm can stay alive in your body for five days. Regular sex life will increase your chances of combining sperm and egg in your full ovulation period. There is another way to make it easier for women who want to get pregnant to detect their ovulation days more easily. They can use the Ovulation Test from Saliva to detect ovulation periods that increase the chance of pregnancy. The test, which has certificates of conformity to European Norms from America, is approved by the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Turkey.

Cut Caffeine: Studies show that caffeine is half the chances of conception. Do not consume more than half a cup of coffee, provided that it is decaffeinated.

Keep Your Partner Cool: The heat around the male's ovaries creates problems for the sperm. For this reason, ask your spouse to wear cotton underwear that is loose and not fit on your body. Don't let him wear tight jeans and trousers - anything like that anyway - at least in this period.

Stop Dieting: According to the results of a study conducted at Ohio University; When women lower their calorie intake, the level of reproductive hormones also decreases.

Add Rich Supplements to Your Diet: Take Zinc, Selenium, Vitamin E and Vitamin C.

Zinc and Vitamin E: These are for your partner. Zinc is good for cell renewal, while vitamin E supports cell renewal. The stronger your partner's sperm, the less likely your eggs will resist it.
Selenium: This is for your spouse. Selenium is an important vitamin to increase the number of testosterone and sperm.
Vitamin C: This is for him. Vitamin C will improve sperm quality and help you get pregnant.
Zinc to You: Of course you will also drink vitamins. You too for the zinc. Thus, you can get pregnant more easily as your condition of cell division and renewal will improve.

Stop Drinking and Smoking: Drinking and smoking directly affect the reproductive organs in both men and women. Especially in smoking, it decreases sperm count and impairs sperm motility. Excessive alcohol intake also impairs sperm structure.

Medication Use!: If you have medications, talk to your doctor first. Find out which of these medications you can continue to use and which ones you need to cut and how long before you can get pregnant.

Painkillers: Some painkillers - consult your doctor - when used during ovulation, the prostaglandin hormone in the female body is suppressed. However, you need this hormone because your egg falls into the fallopian tube thanks to this hormone.


Uterine cancer 1

All about uterine cancer: Causes, Symptoms and natural treatment

By On 08/05/2020

What is uterine cancer?

Uterus cancer is a type of disease that develops in the lining of the uterus. The uterus is a pear-like empty organ that lies between the bladder and rectum in a woman's body. The uterus is a place where the fetus grows and develops during pregnancy. The wall of the uterus is called the endometrium. At the bottom of the uterus, there are organs that connect with the vagina, the cervix or cervix.

Uterus cancer consists of several types, and one of them most often begins in the endometrium or uterine wall. This condition is also called endometrial cancer.

This disease generally appears after menopause. The most common symptoms are bleeding from the vagina and pelvic pain, even after menopause.

How common is uterine cancer?

Uterus cancer is a very serious disease. Until now, the number of cancer cases continues to increase by 1-2% each year. This disease is one of the highest causes of death in women. This type of cancer is more common in women after going through menopause. The average woman diagnosed with this disease is 62 years old. However, the number of cases of young women affected by this disease has increased.

In addition, scientists believe people who suffer from obesity have a higher risk of developing uterine cancer. Most cases of this cancer develop after years.

Fortunately, this disease can be treated if detected at an early stage of development. This disease can also be overcome by recognizing the existing risk factors.


Huge Tree Root High Up In Towards Sky Stock Photo - Download Image ...

We offer here a mixture of seeds, roots and bark from Africa which prevent and cure all kinds of cancer (breast cancer, cancer of the liver, prostate cancer, thyroid cancer, cervical cancer uterus, kidney cancer, ovarian cancer) and cardiovascular disease. These plants are very little known to scientists and they have extraordinary qualities against cancer. Their use against cancer is much more effective than chemotherapy.

The objective of this treatment is to;

  1. Fighting cancer cells.
  2. To prevent cancer cells from spreading to other organs.
  3. To strengthen the body's defense against other diseases by strengthening the immune system.
  4. To increase the effect of chemotherapy and radiotherapy.
  5. To reduce side effects such as dizziness, headache, nausea, vomiting and weakness from illness, chemotherapy or radiotherapy.

IF YOU ARE A VICTI¨M OF CANCER, YOU HAVE COME TO THE RIGHT PLACE!! Click here to discover the product against breast cancer

Worldwide delivery!!!
Contact/whatsapp: +22990431725 For more informations 


What are the types of uterine cancer?

Uterus cancer can be divided into two types, depending on the part of the uterus affected. Here are the types:

1. Endometrial cancer

The most common type of uterine cancer is endometrial cancer. As many as 90% of cases of this disease are classified as endometrial cancer.

This type of cancer cells first develops in the uterine wall. Endometrial cancer can be divided into 2 types, namely endometroid adenocarcinoma and uterine carinosinosarcoma.

Endometrioid adenocarcinoma is the most common type in endometrial cancer. This type is usually easier to cure.

Meanwhile, uterine carinosinosarcoma only occurs in as many as 5% of cases of uterine cancer. This type of cancer cell develops faster and tends to reappear even though it has been healed.

2. Uterine sarcoma

Uterine sarcoma is a type of cancer that develops in the cells lining the uterine muscle. The number of cases of this type of cancer is less common compared to endometrial cancer.

Uterine sarcoma is generally in the form of leiomyosarcoma, a type of cancer that attacks the muscles supporting the body's organ tissues.

Signs & Symptoms

What are the signs and symptoms of uterine cancer?
The signs and symptoms of uterine cancer are sometimes not felt by some patients. However, the most common symptom is abnormal bleeding from the vagina, especially if the patient has passed menopause.

Here are the initial symptoms of this disease that are most commonly found:

  • Bleeding after menopause
  • Too much bleeding
  • Bleeding occurs between menstrual cycles
  • Colored and odorless discharge comes out of the vagina
  • Abdominal pain that often appears
  • The uterus feels enlarged, until palpated in the pelvic area
  • Pelvic pain
  • Bleeding in the vagina generally does not necessarily indicate that you have this disease. Symptoms of bleeding can also be found in other health problems, such as endometriosis and fibroids.

However, if the bleeding is accompanied by some of the symptoms above, you should immediately see a doctor.

There may be signs and symptoms not mentioned above. If you have a concern about a particular symptom, consult your doctor.

When should I see a doctor?
You should immediately visit a doctor to conduct an examination if symptoms occur such as:

  1. Vaginal bleeding feels unnatural
  2. Experience additional symptoms such as weight loss, fever, muscle aches, or headaches

If you have any of the above signs or symptoms or other questions, consult your doctor.

The body of each patient shows various signs and symptoms. To get the right treatment and in accordance with your health condition, always consult the symptoms that you experience with your doctor.


What causes uterine cancer?
The emergence of uterine cancer starts from gene mutations that occur in the uterine cell lining. This gene mutation causes healthy body cells to be damaged.

Normal body cells will divide and grow at a reasonable rate, then die and be replaced by new cells. However, if these cells mutate and are damaged, their development becomes uncontrolled and lives on.

These damaged cells will accumulate and form tumor tissue. In fact, these cells can spread to surrounding tissues and other body organs. This process is called metastasis.

Until now, the cause of the mutation of cells in the human body is still unknown. However, experts have found several risk factors that trigger mutations in the body's cells, one of which is obesity and hormonal imbalances in the body.

Risk factors

What increases my risk for uterine cancer?
Cervical cancer is a disease that can affect every woman of almost all age groups. However, there are several factors that can increase a person's risk of developing this disease.

Having one or several risk factors does not mean you can be sure of having this disease. In fact, there is a possibility that you will still be stricken with this disease even though there is not a single risk factor that you have.

Here are the risk factors that trigger the emergence of uterine cancer, namely:

1. Age
The risk of developing this disease increases with age. Most cases of this disease are found in women aged 40 years and over.

Only about 1% of cases of cervical cancer occur in patients under 40 years.

2. Changes in the hormone estrogen due to menopause
After entering the menopause phase, the ovaries in a woman's body will stop producing the hormone estrogen. However, this hormone is still produced in very small amounts, especially by fat tissue cells.

Estrogen from fatty tissue can trigger cell mutations in the uterus, so the risk of cancer after menopause is higher.

3. Overweight or obese
Obesity is the most important risk factor and is closely related to changes in the body's hormones. This is because fat tissue can also produce estrogen.

In other words, the higher the amount of fat in your body, the greater the amount of estrogen produced by your body. This condition can trigger the development of cancer cells in the reproductive organs, especially the uterus.

4. Family descendants
If you have a family member with this disease, or have cancer in their reproductive and digestive organs, your chances of developing this disease are greater.

5. Never been pregnant and giving birth
Pregnancy can help balance the levels of the hormones estrogen and progesterone in the body. So, if you have never been pregnant and have children, your risk for suffering from this disease is higher.

6. Have had breast or ovarian cancer
You are also at risk of developing uterine cancer if you have had other types of cancer, such as breast or ovarian cancer.

7. Suffering from endometrial hyperplasia
Endometrial hyperplasia is the overgrowth in endometrial tissue. If you have experienced this condition, both mild and moderate, you are at risk of developing uterine cancer.

8. Undergo hormone therapy (tamoxifen)
Tamoxifen is a drug used to prevent and treat breast cancer. Tamoxifen acts as an anti-estrogen in breast tissue.

On the contrary, this drug actually functions like estrogen in the uterus, thus potentially causing the uterine wall to thicken. This condition can increase the risk of getting cancer.

Diagnosis & treatment

The information provided is not a substitute for medical advice. ALWAYS consult your doctor.

What are the usual tests to diagnose uterine cancer?
When you feel the signs and symptoms, immediately consult a doctor even though you are not sure if you have uterine cancer. An early diagnosis can increase the effectiveness of treatment.

The first thing a doctor will do in diagnosing this disease is a thorough physical examination. Your doctor will ask about your symptoms, your history, and family history.

After that, the doctor will examine your pelvis to check for irregularities. If the doctor suspects that there is a problem with your uterus, some further tests will be recommended. Here are the types of tests:

1. Transvaginal ultrasound test
This test is done by inserting a device into the vagina that emits sound waves. With this tool, the doctor can see a direct picture of your uterus.

2. Hysteroscopy
In this test, the doctor inserts a small tube called a hysteroscope 
into your vagina. The lens in the hysteroscope will show the inside of your uterus in detail.

3. Uterine biopsy
In the biopsy technique, the doctor will take a sample of uterine tissue and check whether the cell is cancerous or not.

4. Cancer staging test
Uterine cancer can spread to the bladder, rectum, and other organs. The doctor must do another test to determine the stage of cancer. This test can be a Pap test, CT scan (computerized tomography), MRI (magnetic resonance), ultrasound, and uterine curette.

What are my treatment options for uterine cancer?
The type of treatment given depends on the location of the cancer cell, its stage, type of cancer cell, and your overall health condition.

The main treatments given to treat cancer are surgery, radiotherapy, chemotherapy, and hormone therapy. The following explanation.

1. Operation
Surgical or surgical procedures are the main choice for the treatment of uterine cancer. Depending on which part of the uterus is removed, surgery is divided into 3 types, namely:

Hysterectomy (removal of the uterus)
Bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy (removal of the uterus, fallopian tubes, and both ovaries)
Lymph gland dissection (removal of the uterus and surrounding lymph nodes)
2. Chemotherapy
Chemotherapy is a treatment given with a syringe or pill to take. The goal of this treatment is to stop the development of cancer cells and kill them.

Some types of chemotherapy drugs given to treat uterine cancer are paclitaxel, carboplatin, and docetaxel.

3. Radiation therapy (radiotherapy)
This therapy uses high-energy radiation to kill cancer cells in the body. Radiation therapy can be done in two ways:

  • Internal radiotherapy (brachytherapy), by introducing radioactive substances into the body.
  • External radiotherapy, using a machine that emits radiation light to the body.

Treatment at home

What are some lifestyle changes or home remedies that can be done to treat uterine cancer?
Cancer treatment has uncomfortable side effects. However, you must remember that you can still have a normal and active life even if you have to undergo cancer treatment.

Here are things that can help you deal with uterine cancer:

  • Meet with surgeons and tumor specialists who are experienced in cancer therapy.
  • Find the right people to provide moral support during therapy, such as family, friends, and partners.
  • Stay in control during and after therapy to check for side effects and recurrence of cancer.
  • Return to normal activities and sexual activity 4-8 weeks after surgery.
  • Understand that if you have never had menopause, you will not menstruate again after surgery.
  • If you have questions, consult your doctor for the best solution for your problem.

IF YOU ARE A VICTI¨M OF CANCER, YOU HAVE COME TO THE RIGHT PLACE!! Click here to discover the product against breast cancer

Worldwide delivery!!!
Contact/whatsapp: +22990431725 For more informations 


By On 05/05/2020

Ovarian cancer is a common type in cancers of the vagina (uterine, ovarian, vagina, and vulva). This disease can sometimes be felt by the patient at an advanced stage, while sometimes making symptoms in the early stage.

Ovarian Cancer Causes, Signs and Symptoms, and Diagnosis | John ...


In ovarian cancers, as with all cancer, it is difficult to pinpoint the causative agent. Some factors that increase the risk of developing the disease are as follows;

  • The risk of ovarian cancer increases in patients with BRCA1 and BRCA2 mutations, which increase the risk of developing breast cancer. In addition, the risk of ovarian cancer increases in those with colon cancer due to Lynch Syndrome in their family.
  • Those with very long-term estrogen treatment
  • Beginning to see under 12 and cut over 52
  • Those who have never given birth despite their age
  • Hormonal treatment for getting pregnant
  • Smokers
  • Those with polycystic ovary syndrome have an increased risk.

In patients with a diagnosis of ovarian cancer, the treatment is determined by the oncologist, taking into account the characteristics of the patient. In the early stage, the treatment is carried out by surgical removal of the ovaries, uterus, abdominal and some lymph nodes in the abdomen.




Nature with all its wealth is a closed, fully functioning system. And the person in it does not take the last place. On Earth, everything is provided for existence, including maintaining health.

Of course, pharmacology has gone far ahead, but the natural components cannot be neglected either. Unlike medicines that have side effects, they plant the liver and kidneys, herbs growing in our taiga can adequately serve in the fight against serious diseases.

They can relieve pain, relax, help the body cleanse itself of toxins and so on. The question is what you need to know what herbs help.



Huge Tree Root High Up In Towards Sky Stock Photo - Download Image ...

We offer here a mixture of seeds, roots and bark from Africa which prevent and cure all kinds of cancer (breast cancer, cancer of the liver, prostate cancer, thyroid cancer, cervical cancer uterus, kidney cancer, ovarian cancer) and cardiovascular disease. These plants are very little known to scientists and they have extraordinary qualities against cancer. Their use against cancer is much more effective than chemotherapy.

The objective of this treatment is to;

  1. Fighting cancer cells.
  2. To prevent cancer cells from spreading to other organs.
  3. To strengthen the body's defense against other diseases by strengthening the immune system.
  4. To increase the effect of chemotherapy and radiotherapy.
  5. To reduce side effects such as dizziness, headache, nausea, vomiting and weakness from illness, chemotherapy or radiotherapy.

IF YOU ARE A VICTI¨M OF CANCER, YOU HAVE COME TO THE RIGHT PLACE!! Click here to discover the product against ovarian cancer

Worldwide delivery!!!
Contact/whatsapp: +22990431725 For more informations 



2. Hemlock

Can Poison Hemlock Be Deadly?

It helps to cope with a large number of diseases not only at an early stage of the disease, but also helps to overcome an insidious disease of hopelessly sick people. So the hemlock infusion cures up to 80% of patients with a fourth degree of cancer with metastases. It is especially successful in dealing with cancer of the stomach, liver, intestines, esophagus, thyroid gland, and mammary gland. In many countries of the world: in England, Germany, France, Spain and others, the plant is officially used for the treatment and prevention of cancer.


3. Liana of the Manchu kirkazon

Large-leaved circason planted in the garden. Kirkazon is large ...

Extremely rare plant. In Chinese and Korean folk medicine, Manchu kirkason has long been used to treat cancer, heart disease, and blood vessels. A single dose (once every 5-6 years) can significantly weaken the negative reaction of the body to many pathogenic effects, which is explained by a significant increase in the resistance of the body's immune system and the large cumulative (cumulative) property of this drug.


4. Trepang

Dry Trepang | Ocean Treasure

In eastern medicine, trepang has long been used as an effective tool against many serious ailments and, due to its therapeutic effect, was valued on a par with ginseng. In course application: it increases the body's resistance and vitality, activates the immune system; relieves malaise, the phenomena of general intoxication; It has a strong antioxidant effect - the prevention of cancer.


IF YOU ARE A VICTI¨M OF CANCER, YOU HAVE COME TO THE RIGHT PLACE!! Click here to discover the product against ovarian cancer

Worldwide delivery!!!
Contact/whatsapp: +22990431725 For more informations 


By On 04/05/2020



Ovarian cancer is the most common and difficult to treat cancer among female cancers. Ovarian cancer develops in 1 or 2 out of 100 women throughout life. Ovarian cancer is usually very advanced when diagnosed, and therefore the treatment process is more challenging than many types of cancer. For this reason, as in all other cancers, early diagnosis is very important in terms of treatment success. Ovarian cancer, which constitutes 4% of all cancers among women, can be seen after menopause and can occur at any age.


What is ovarian cancer?

Genetic Testing for Ovarian Cancer Patients is Underused

Ovarian cancer is usually very advanced when diagnosed, and therefore the treatment process is more challenging than many types of cancer. For this reason, as in all other cancers, early diagnosis is very important in terms of treatment success. Ovarian cancer, which constitutes 4% of all cancers among women, can be seen after menopause and can occur at any age.


Dyspareunia painful sex for women


By On 03/05/2020


Pain during intercourse is a very common symptom in many couples' intimate life and is usually related to a decrease in libido, which can be caused by excessive stress, use of certain medications, or conflicts in the relationship.

However, some health problems can also cause pain during intimate contact. Therefore, if it happens frequently or prevents sex, it is important to consult a gynecologist for a woman or urologist for a man. Identify the cause and initiate the appropriate treatment to enjoy the relationship.

Another possible cause of pain during intimate contact is the allergy to chlorine during sex in the hot tub or pool. This is why sex in the water is not recommended!


This natural treatment that we offer you contains natural anti-depressants, alkaloids and other properties that helps to fight against pain during sex. This herbal tea, is the perfect cure to your unsatisfied sexual relationship, It is reported to be an aphrodisiac, stimulant, mood enhancer, and a tonic as well as sexual stimulant. Be rest assured, it has worked for many. This natural remedy is 100% made from plants. The plants we use have proven to be effective. They even enter into the composition of certain drugs. We offer you a definite advantage: the absence of undesirable effects and contraindications. 

TO GET THIS PRODUCT CLICK ON THIS LINK  OR CALL contact/WhatsApp: +22990431725

What can decrease the couple's libido?

Help for Women With a Low Sex Drive
One of the main causes of pain during intercourse is the decrease in libido, which can affect both elements of the couple and can be caused by:

  1. Excessive Stress: Stress and other negative emotions such as fear or shame can prevent relaxation during intimate contact, demanding difficult arousal and causing pain during intercourse;

  2. Use of Medications: Some antidepressants and antihypertensive medications can reduce sexual desire and, therefore, affect libido, causing unpleasant intimate contact. 
  3. Marital Problems: Problems in the couple relationship can make erection difficult during intimate contact and cause pain during intercourse. In these cases, it is recommended to consult a general practitioner for drugs likely to hinder intimate contacts, if possible, or to go to a psychologist to eliminate excess stress or to find strategies for resolving the couple's conflicts.

Top 5 main causes of pain during intercourse among women

When sex is painful: 'A lot of women think it's their fault'
1. Dyspareunia or vaginismus
Dyspareunia is the intense pain during intimate contact that prevents sex, and vaginismus is the involuntary contraction of the vaginal muscles during intimate contact, which can even make penetration impossible.

How to treat:

The occurrence of such a disorder requires a gynecological examination. After the gynecological examination, you must send us the result. It is based on your results that we propose a product that will correspond to your case. The use of plants to cure dyspareunia very often gives excellent results. So you can have sex again without pain and fear of side effects. Before starting the natural treatment for dyspareunia, it is first important to know the origin of this disorder.

TO GET THIS PRODUCT CLICK ON THIS LINK  OR CALL contact/whatsapp: +22990431725

If the pain appears when crossing the vulva, it is a superficial dyspareunia. The origin of this dyspareunia is probably a vaginal mycosis. In contrast, pain in the vagina during intercourse often reflects an organic cause: ovarian cysts, salpingitis, endometriosis.

In other cases, the origin is, as, for vaginismus, sometimes purely psychological. It is:

-Lack of excitement related to your partner's clumsiness or anxiety that leads to vaginal dryness

- brutal penetration attempts

- previous trauma, which may follow a bad first sexual experience or sexual trauma (rape or other).

2. Allergy
Some skin conditions, such as contact dermatitis caused by the use of intimate soap or lubricants, can cause injuries in the woman's intimate area, causing itching and pain during intercourse.

How to treat: Avoid using products that may be irritating to the intimate area and consult a dermatologist or gynecologist to begin the appropriate treatment.

3. Sexually transmitted disease
Vaginal infections such as candidiasis or trichomoniasis are a major cause of pain during intercourse. They can usually be accompanied by other symptoms such as vaginal itching, a burning sensation in the intimate area or yellowish discharge.

How to treat: If a vaginal infection is suspected, it is advisable to consult a gynecologist to start antibiotic treatment. Besides, the intimate area should be kept clean and dry, wear loose cotton clothing and avoid intimate contact without a condom.

4. Hormonal changes
Hormonal changes induced by menopause or the use of hormone replacement drugs disrupt estrogen levels in the woman's body, decrease lubrication of the vagina and facilitate the onset of pain during intimate contact.

How to treat: The use of intimate lubricants relieves pain caused by a lack of lubrication. However, it is important to consult the gynecologist if you are postmenopausal to begin appropriate treatment and avoid other discomforts such as hot flashes or palpitations.

5. Postpartum
The postpartum period can be very uncomfortable for women, especially after a natural birth due to injuries that can appear in the intimate area. Also, postpartum bleeding can last for several weeks, making intimate contact uncomfortable.

How to treat: It is recommended to have sex after 3 weeks postpartum, because the risk of infection is lower and the bleeding less. The woman must decide when she feels most comfortable to have sex again.

Another way to improve sex is to use pompoarism, a technique that improves and enhances sexual pleasure through intimate contact.


Top 5 leading causes of pain during sex among men

Dr. Samadi: 7 reasons why men experience pain during intercourse ...

1. Erectile dysfunction
Erectile dysfunction is a male sexual disorder that can cause penile deformities in some men and can cause pain during penetration for men and women.

How to treat: A urologist should be consulted in case of problems related to erection. However, to improve results, it is recommended to follow a diet low in fat, sugar and alcohol, these substances can aggravate the problem.

2. Phimosis
Phimosis is the difficulty of exposing the glans of the penis when the skin covering it is not sufficiently open, which causes intense pain during sexual intercourse. This problem usually tends to disappear until puberty but can persist until adulthood.

How to treat: It is recommended to consult a urologist to assess the problem and to undergo a small surgery to remove excess skin from the penis.

3. Urinary tract infections
Although more common among women, urinary tract infections among men are a major cause of pain in intimate contact, along with other symptoms such as penile itching, burning when urinating or yellow discharge.

How to treat: An urologist should be consulted to start appropriate antibiotic treatment. In addition, good personal hygiene should be maintained, plenty of fluid should be drunk and any intimate contact without a condom should be avoided.

4. Inflammation of the prostate
Inflammation of the prostate is a common problem that can occur during a man's life. In addition to causing pain during intimate contact, especially during ejaculation, it can also cause burning when urinating.

How to treat: It is advisable to consult your urologist to start antibiotic treatment. However, during treatment, good advice is to take a hot shower or sitz bath to relieve pain during sex.

5. Sexually transmitted diseases
Sexually transmitted diseases, such as genital herpes and gonorrhea, can cause acute pain during sexual intercourse, and other symptoms such as penile spots, discharge from the urethra and redness.

How to treat: You must consult your urologist to correctly identify the problem and start the appropriate treatment. Besides, it is important to avoid any type of sexual contact, even with a condom.

Infection with the bacterium Mycoplasma genitalium is an example of a sexually transmitted disease that causes pain during urination and intimate contact.

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By On 27/04/2020

Change the frequency and style of lovemaking

To increase the likelihood of a pregnant woman, sexual intercourse should be done every three days. This makes the sperm produced healthier and anticipates the missed fertility, thus increasing the chances of conception. In addition, choose a missionary sex position with the pelvis tilted slightly. Avoid kamasutra positions if possible. For couples who want to make contact with a lubricant, double check the product used. Because the lubricant contains spermicide which can hamper the effort to get pregnant.

Consumption of iron and herbal tea

Research shows if iron deficiency can cause anovulation, a condition in which a woman does not ovulate. To avoid this, consume foods high in iron such as red meat and fish. Not only iron, omega 3 acids are also needed to support sperm mobility and motility and female hormonal balance. Foods that can be consumed include mackerel, sardines, salted fish, salmon, trout, oysters, and oysters. If you are a vegetarian, it is important to check for iron levels. Besides food, there are also drinks that help, herbal tea. Don't consume too much high-caffeine drinks like coffee because it can prevent ovulation.

Doing housework

According to one study, women who were more active in doing housework such as gardening and using a vacuum cleaner were three times more likely to get pregnant through IVF. That is because when the body's activity stops producing excessive insulin. Because excessive insulin levels can affect the development of healthy eggs. But also do not work too hard because the mind can be under pressure so that it slows or kills the reproductive organs temporarily. Other activities that can be done are yoga, pilates, and swimming.

Perform alternative medicine

Try to overcome fertility problems by doing acupuncture. This traditional treatment can help control ovulation and increase blood flow to the uterus thereby increasing the possibility of implanting fertilized eggs into the uterus. Conversely, avoid consuming certain drugs such as paracetamol and ibuprofen around the time of ovulation because it affects fertilization because it reduces the amount of hormones that help release eggs into the uterus after fertilization.

Vacation to warm climates

Exposure to sunlight and vitamin D can increase the chances of fertilization. In addition, sperm are twice as active in July and August.

Warms the stomach

Believe it or not, the uterus can become cold, making it difficult to get pregnant. The way that can be done is to wear warm clothes that help warm the stomach including the uterus.

Control your weight

For obese women, excess body fat can reduce the chance of pregnancy because it can cause excess production of certain hormones that interfere with ovulation. Meanwhile, too thin is also not good because it can interfere with the menstrual cycle so ovulation is less common


By On 27/04/2020

  1. Try milk thistle, a plant that helps cleanse the liver [1] , allowing the body to process estrogen more effectively and rebalance hormones. In this way it is possible to start ovulating more regularly [2] .
    • You can take 80-160 mg supplements up to 3 times a day. To make sure you can take them, first talk to your gynecologist [3] .
  2. Image titled Ease Muscle Pain from Chikungunya Step 14


    Prepare a herbal tea based on Job's tears, a plant used in India to promote ovulation. Although most of the evidence is anecdotal, it can prove effective. Infuse the leaves in boiling water. The seeds themselves are edible, so they can be taken as supplements: this method can also help promote ovulation [4] .

  3. Image titled Assess the Usefulness of Nutritional Supplements Step 5


    Consider the agocasto. Some women have noted that it positively affects the chances of ovulating. It appears to act by inducing the body to increase the secretion of the luteinizing hormone, thus promoting ovulation [5] .
    • Try taking 1000 mg once a day in the morning. Those who take the contraceptive pill or other hormonal medicines should avoid it.

  4. Image titled Deal with Sacroiliac Joint Pain Step 4


    Try to catch the tribolo near ovulation. This plant should be used only between the fifth and fourteenth day of the cycle. Some women find it effective for promoting ovulation. Try to take 750 mg per day, but only around the time of ovulation [6] .

  5. Image titled Cough Up Phlegm Step 11


    Consider a combination of Chinese plants. Many women find them effective for promoting ovulation. You should be able to find a mix of specific herbs for fertility in a herbalist provided. Look for ingredients like Chinese angelica, gan cao, bai shao and chuan xiong [7] .

  6. Image titled Get Rid of Pain Step 4


    Consider acupuncture. If you are not afraid of needles, it can be effective for promoting ovulation. It allows some women to lower their follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) values ​​if they are too high. For example, if you have polycystic ovary syndrome (SOP), it is possible that they are particularly high, which in turn can make your cycle and ovulation irregular [8] .
    • Do not worry. The needles used for acupuncture are very small and most people don't consider them painful.


By On 26/04/2020


What is ovulation? In medicine, there is a clear answer to this question: this is the exit of the egg outside the ovary due to the maturation of the follicle. There are two most common ways to establish the start of ovulation: to do an ultrasound scan or to conduct a test at home. Some female representatives are convinced that they are able to determine the onset of ovulation by well-being. 

Find out how to understand that you have ovulated?


Remède naturel pour guerir de la mycose vaginale avec des plantes

Female infertility can be caused by many gynecological disorders or dysfunctions: endometriosis, anovulation (absence of ovulation), uterine polyps, uterine fibroids, miscarriages, blocked tubes, obesity, ovarian cysts, stress, excessive alcohol consumption. 
For each of the causes of female infertility mentioned above, we offer a specific natural treatment. This is the secret to curing female infertility. However, it is essential that you consult a gynecologist or that you undergo a fertility check-up to know the main cause of your infertility.
The composition of this natural remedy is plant based and has been made available in form of tea. Our natural treatments are only made from plants whose effectiveness is scientifically proven. It contains plants like Chaste Tree Berry,  Lepidium meyenii, Tribulus terrestris which would regulate your cycle and get you pregnant.

So. it is the best natural remedy for annovulation with herbal remedies. They are the quick fix for curing virtually all forms of female infertility.


How to calculate ovulation?

In gynecology, there is such a thing as a fertile period. 

What it is? This is the best period for conception, which begins about 5 days before ovulation and lasts all day, that is, the duration of the fertile period is about 6 days.

Mathematically, the day of onset of ovulation should be calculated only if the menstruation is regular and arrives at about the same time. The first phase of the girl’s cycle can vary, while the second phase is more stable and lasts 2 weeks. In order to understand when ovulation occurs, you need to subtract from the total cycle length 2 weeks - 14 days. If we assume that a woman has an entire cycle of 28 days, then ovulation will come about 14 days.

If the cycle is short and is 24 days, then ovulation will begin on the 10th day of the cycle. In a woman with a long cycle, for example, lasting 33 days, ovulation will occur on the 19th day of the cycle. For girls whose menstruation is not stable within a few days, it is much more difficult to calculate ovulation - it is necessary to take into account both the shortest and the longest cycle and find the average between them. And even with such complex calculations, you can get the result with relative accuracy.

However, with this approach, you can easily make a mistake, because even with a very accurate schedule, ovulation can occur earlier or later in a particular month, so the calculation result will be incorrect. It is best to combine the counting method with other methods for determining ovulation, as well as pay attention to the signs of ovulation, which begin to appear a couple of days before its onset.

Signs of Ovulation

Did you know ovulation doesn't come alone? It is accompanied with some symptoms such as;

  • Pain in the lower back that radiates to the kidneys. 
  • Short bleeding in a week or two for menstruation is also a sign of ovulation. 
  • Explicit changes appear in the lining of the uterus. The glands located in the cervix are responsible for the production of mucus. Most often, it has a thick consistency and prevents various infections and bacteria from entering the female body. 
  • The ovulation process can be recognized by pain in the abdomen when it has no connection with menstruation. It can be localized both on the left, and on the right or in the center - this is due to the fact in which of the ovaries follicle maturation occurs.
  • The type of pain is most often sipping, sometimes accompanied by a sensation of bloating. The pain is caused primarily by an increase in the number of active substances - prostaglandins. They are able to dissolve the walls of the follicle and tissue in the ovary in order to provide the egg with an outlet. The question of pain is also purely individual, since in some women the pain is felt 2-3 days before the start of ovulation, while in others it is felt immediately on the day of ovulation or even after it.

To determine that the pain is really associated with the onset of ovulation and is not caused by other causes, establish the presence of three components:

  • The duration of pain is no more than 1-3 days and gradually disappears by itself;
  • It is repeated from month to month;
  • After 14 days, menstruation begins.

If the pain is too strong and you have to take painkillers, then it is better to visit a specialist. Symptoms should be disturbing such as profuse bloody discharge, fever, yellow-green discharge.

Technical means for determining ovulation

Using a test purchased at a pharmacy, you can easily determine the day of ovulation. The essence of his work is to identify the amount of LH (luteinizing hormone) in a woman’s urine. Its concentration depends on the day of the woman's cycle. A couple of days before the start of ovulation, the LH level is maximum. The test allows you to determine the peak production of LH. Accordingly, ovulation should occur in the next one and a half days. If the ovulation test showed a positive result, that day or the next day is a good time to create a family.

Another method of establishing ovulation is ultrasound. The study allows you to determine the increase in the size of the follicles, to trace changes in the endometrium and to establish the presence of ovulation. The size of the main follicle at which ovulation occurs should be 1.8-2.5 cm. If, at the time of the ultrasound, the main follicle is 1.8 cm, then most likely ovulation will occur in the coming days. If necessary, to confirm that ovulation, indeed, has passed, it is necessary to repeat the procedure after 3-4 days.

Thus, ovulation is an important process in the female body, by which you can determine the time favorable for the conception of the child. Ovulation, arriving at about the same time without severe pain and copious discharge, is an indication that a woman is in good condition with women's health.

Best Home Treatment to increase ovulation

1- Eat foods rich in omega 3 and 6 fatty acids

A diet with an appropriate content of polyunsaturated fatty acids (omega 3 and omega 6), favors the production of hormones such as prostaglandins and the metabolism of steroids in our body.

Polyunsaturated fatty acids are used as an input for the correct development of the egg and its preparation for conception.

As food sources of these nutrients we have fish, flaxseed, seeds and nuts. Adequate consumption of these foods, and decreased consumption of trans fatty acids, found primarily in industrially produced cakes and sweets, potato chips, food, fast food, powdered soups, and hard margarines, can be effective in preventing infertility. in the women.

2- Maintain a healthy weight


Scientific studies have studied the risk of infertility due to ovulation disorders in young women, discovering that very thin women and women with obesity are the most likely to present this problem.

The biggest problem, however, tends to be overweight and obesity. In these cases, because it is associated with insulin resistance and, in some cases, with polycystic ovary syndrome.

These situations are usually accompanied by ovulation disorders. Overweight and obese women have a 32% higher risk of infertility due to ovulation disorders than normal weight women.

All these alterations caused by excess weight are due to an alteration in the function of adipose tissue. Now it is known that the accumulated fat is not only an energy reserve but also has a hormonal role in the body.

Therefore, it is important to maintain an appropriate weight for age and height. Neither in excess nor in deficit.

 3- Eliminate harmful habits from your life

Female fertility can be negatively affected by alcohol consumption and high caffeine consumption.

A study conducted in Swedish women found that women who consumed alcohol in an amount of at least 2 drinks a day had a significantly higher risk of infertility, while women who consumed less than 1 drink a day had a significantly lower risk in compared to study participants who drank moderate amounts of alcohol.

It is also noteworthy that heavy caffeine consumption can significantly lengthen the waiting time for the onset of pregnancy.

The European infertility and subfertility study shows that high caffeine consumption (> 500 mg per day, that is, greater than about five cups of coffee) can increase the risk of infertility by 45%.

4- Consume foods like soy

Soy is popular on the Asian continent. Originally from China, it has been part of the diet of its population for a long time. In the 1980s, soy consumption was introduced in America and Europe.

Studies revealed the benefits of soy in women on the cardiovascular, sexual and reproductive health of this food.

The compounds thanks to which they are given the benefits in the regulation of ovulation, are isoflavones (genistein, daidzein, ipriflavone, glycitein). These compounds have an action similar to that of estrogens.

That is why soy has become, in recent years, a food used in phytotherapeutic treatments for menopausal symptoms and for the prevention of climacteric disorders.

Recipe for preparing a homemade soy drink

Ingredients: 1 cup soy + cinnamon + cloves

Preparation: The night before, soak the soy in a bowl with cold water until it covers the content. The next morning, process the soaked soybean with an extra water in a blender.

Pour into a pot and boil for 45 minutes, with cinnamon and cloves. Pass the content through a strainer and you're done. You will have a delicious and nutritious soy drink. You can use some sweetener to taste.

5- Maca, a food from Peru to the world

Maca is a Peruvian tuber, which has become popular for its invigorating and stimulating effects on reproductive health. It is a food originating in the Andes, which is sold naturally, flour, packaged drinks, and others. It is a product that is visiting international tables thanks to its proven benefits.

The Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos (Peru), carried out an investigation on this food, and showed that it had an effect similar to the medicine used to induce ovulation (Clomiphene Citrate).

 Maca Energizing Smoothie Recipe

Two servings, to take as a couple:

Ingredients: 2 bananas + 1 teaspoon of peanut butter + 2 tablespoons of maca flour + 5 drops of vanilla + 2 cups of fresh milk.


Place the bananas, shelled and cut into pieces and the other ingredients, in a blender. Whisk until creamy texture remains. Serve and enjoy. If you want you can add honey or panela.

6- Lentils and other legumes

These foods contribute iron to the diet. It is advisable to consume them with some source of vitamin C, so that iron can be assimilated in greater quantity.

Iron prevents anemia in women of childbearing age. One of the causes of anovulation is anemia in women. When the body detects that you do not have adequate iron reserves, it stops this process to prevent a pregnancy in an anemic condition, which would not be favorable for the baby.

Legumes, such as beans, beans, and chickpeas, are also a vegetable source of protein. Research affirms that women who consume a good supply of plant-based protein in their diet have a lower risk of having fertility problems.

7- Açaí, a fruit from which many benefits are discovered


Açaí is a plant of great economic importance that is widely found in the Amazon region of Brazil. Scientific studies showed that açaí exhibits a diverse composition of hydroxybenzoic acids and antioxidants. It has anti-inflammatory and anti-cancer effects, due to its high level of phytochemicals.

This fruit has activity that favors the fight against female infertility. Its compounds are favorable for the good maintenance of ovarian function. All these benefits are making its consumption popular in other latitudes, now being outside of Brazil, Latin America and Europe.

Acai smoothie recipe

Ingredients: 100 g of Acai + 1 cup of fresh strawberries + 1 ripe banana + 16 almonds + 2 teaspoons of grated coconut + 3-4 mint leaves +2 cups of milk.

8- Avoid high consumption of added sugar

The added sugar is the one that is added in the processed products, industralizadas drinks, sweets, snacks and the one that we use as table sugar. This type of sugar produces negative health effects, unlike the sugar found naturally in fruits, which does not cause harm to the body.

Diets with a high content of added sugar cause metabolic changes, such as hyperinsulinemia. This condition is a previous step to type 2 diabetes mellitus. Hyperinsulinemia is related to anovulation and fertility problems. Therefore, it is important that you control the intake of sugars and add many fruits and vegetables to your diet.

The maximum amounts of added sugar consumption per day are 5 teaspoons. However, if you consume a carbonated drink with sugar, you can consume up to 12 teaspoons in a single moment.

If the daily intake of a person who consumes many processed and sweet products is calculated, it can be between 30 and 40 teaspoons a day, thus damaging his health.

9- Consume 8 glasses of water a day

The function of water in the human body is vital. That the body water percentage is so high has its reasons. The organism needs water as a means to carry out the chemical reactions that give us life. And also, as a means of transporting nutrients and hormones.

In the aspect of reproductive health, it contributes to the maintenance of ovarian functions in correct condition. It helps hormones to be transported properly by sending the necessary signals for good health.

10- Include many colors in the diet

Includes red, orange, purple, white, green fruits and vegetables. The more colors your diet has, the more antioxidants you will be ingesting. This is very favorable for your reproductive health.

Antioxidants protect eggs from possible free radical damage and thus increase their shelf life. It is essential therefore that your diet is rich in antioxidants.

Ideas for you to combine food

  • Blue or purple: beet, eggplant, black grape, blackberry, blueberry plum, purple corn, figs.
  • Red: strawberries, watermelon, tomato, apple, cherry, pomegranate, raspberry, pepper.
  • Green: chard, parsley, lettuce, broccoli, spinach, asparagus, kiwi.
  • White: onion, garlic, turnip, cauliflower, pear, mushrooms.
  • Orange: carrot, orange, grapefruit, mango, tangerine, peach, loquat, pineapple, passion fruit, squash.



By On 26/04/2020


We all wished it was easy to get pregnant from one day to the next, but the truth is there are certain complications like PCOS, endometriosis, annovulation, irregular menstrual cycle that makes it hard. Anovulation is a common reason why couples find it difficult to conceive a child. Do you want to know if you suffer anovulation? You can take a test or monitor your menstrual cycle. Having an irregular period shows that you may have a problem with you ovulation too. 


However, the absence of ovulation can have several causes apart from a hormonal imbalance (polycystic ovaries, hypothyroidism, excessive thinness) etc..


Remède naturel pour guerir de la mycose vaginale avec des plantes

Female infertility can be caused by many gynecological disorders or dysfunctions: endometriosis, anovulation (absence of ovulation), uterine polyps, uterine fibroids, miscarriages, blocked tubes, obesity, ovarian cysts, stress, excessive alcohol consumption. 
For each of the causes of female infertility mentioned above, we offer a specific natural treatment. This is the secret to curing female infertility. However, it is essential that you consult a gynecologist or that you undergo a fertility check-up to know the main cause of your infertility.
The composition of this natural remedy is plant based and has been made available in form of tea. Our natural treatments are only made from plants whose effectiveness is scientifically proven. It contains plants like Chaste Tree Berry,  Lepidium meyenii, Tribulus terrestris which would regulate your cycle and get you pregnant.

So. it is the best natural remedy for annovulation with herbal remedies. They are the quick fix for curing virtually all forms of female infertility.

OR CALL/CONTACT Whatsapp: +22990431725

Other Herbs

There are different herbs that can be taken as capsules, oils, supplements and even infusions, which can regulate menstrual cycles and promote ovulation . Some of these herbs are flaxseed, chaste berry, green tea and evening primrose, especially as oil. Keep in mind that many of them can have side effects, so it is best that, before starting to take them, consult your doctor.

Evening primrose oil

Evening Primrose Oil Dosage - for Acne, Menopause, Pregnancy

This oil that is extracted from the seeds of the evening primrose contains essential fatty acids such as linoleic, and is recommended to increase fertility . For it to result, you must take it at the beginning of your menstrual cycle, but you must interrupt it after ovulating , since it can cause uterine contractions and an abortion in case of pregnancy.

Linseed oil

Linseed oil - Wikipedia

The linseed oil originates in  linseed and find capsules or liquid form. It has polyunsaturated fatty acids that help increase ovulation , improve fertility and regulate the menstrual cycle. You should be careful with the amount of flaxseed oil you consume, as it can cause gastric disorders and can also interfere with some medications.

Green Tea

The health benefits of green tea | BBC Good Food

Tori Hudson, author of the book “Women’s Encyclopedia of Natural Medicine,” says that green tea stimulates sex hormone-binding globulin, which can lower the estrogen and androgen levels in the body. This can correct the underlying hormone problem and induce ovulation. Overuse of green tea may, however, lead to nausea, vomiting, diarrhea and headache. Women with psychological disorders, stomach ulcers, and kidney disorders should consult a doctor before drinking green tea.

The home remedies for ovulation are a great solution as long as they are taken under the supervision and strict control of the doctor. Have you ever tried these ovulation remedies? Have they worked for you? ANSWER IN THE COMMENT BOX BELOW.


Late ovulation treatment
What is the most accurate method for determining ovulation at home?
The test for ovulation can be considered the most modern method for determining the time of ovulation. The test is specific - it very accurately determines the level of hormones characteristic of ovulation LH. The test is easy to use - only a small amount of urine is needed. The test is confidential, it can be done at home at any time of the day.

When is it possible to determine ovulation days?
Usually, the instructions for use indicate the days on which testing is necessary. These days depend on the duration of the cycle: for a cycle (30-35) days, testing should be done later. For a normal cycle (28 days), a test should be carried out from the 11th day of the cycle (from the beginning of menstruation). If the first test is positive, the next day you need to conduct another test to clarify the days of ovulation. Usually the first test is “easy positive.” The control and test strips are visible as light pink. If you test the next day, the strips will become brighter. Testing should be carried out until both strips turn dark pink. To make sure that ovulation has occurred, the test should be done the next day again. After ovulation, both strips should become lighter.

How many tests should be used to determine ovulation?
During one cycle, several tests should be done (3-6) to make sure the hormone level changes.

What is the difference between existing testers for determining ovulation?
Different manufacturers have different types of testers for ovulation, but the principle of operation is the same for everyone, only the shape of the testers and their number in the package differ. There are testers in the form of plates, pens and strips. Convenient packaging with the tester "Maria Baby Strip", because it makes it possible to purchase all the necessary testers individually - a tester in the form of a strip (cheaper), as well as a kit “Maria Before Baby” in the form of a handle (the price is slightly higher, but the result is easier to understand).

Can I use tests to ovulate contraception?
Ovulation tests are not intended for contraception.

 OR CALL/CONTACT Whatsapp: +22990431725



By On 25/04/2020

Anovulation vs natural remedy

One of the most common causes of infertility is chronic anovulation - this is a pathological condition in which an egg (scientific oocyte) does not mature or does not leave the ovary. It is generally accepted that anovulation in itself is not a disease and, as a symptom, occurs with many pathologies. The trouble is that as a result of anovulation, a woman cannot conceive a child. 

Do you know that the egg is the largest cell in the human body?

Their number is determined genetically when a girl is formed in the womb. And it is impossible to increase the number of data given by the nature of oocytes. Moreover, with each passing month, with each new menstruation, the chances of getting pregnant are becoming less, because menstruation is the rejection of the unfertilized egg by the body, and the body no longer produces new ones.

Did you know?

  • the average girl is born with a stock of 1 million eggs;
  • by the first menstruation in girls, on average, about 400 thousand oocytes remain

But what does “average” mean? As always, in fact, these indicators are strictly individual. For some, by the age of 25, the allotted number of eggs has almost ended, while for someone else, the body is working “like a clock” at 50, and ovulation occurs every month with the maturation of a quality egg.

What exactly is anovulation ?

Anovulation: Symptoms, causes, and treatment

Anovulation is a dishormonal disorder of the menstrual cycle, and a mature egg in it cannot be separated from the ovary. Hormonal dependent changes in the uterus and appendages under the menstrual cycle are expressed step by step, controlled by the central nervous system. Thanks to the menstrual cycle, a woman has a chance to become pregnant


Remède naturel pour guerir de la mycose vaginale avec des plantes

Female infertility can be caused by many gynecological disorders or dysfunctions: endometriosis, anovulation (absence of ovulation), uterine polyps, uterine fibroids, miscarriages, blocked tubes, obesity, ovarian cysts, stress, excessive alcohol consumption. 
For each of the causes of female infertility mentioned above, we offer a specific natural treatment. This is the secret to curing female infertility. However, it is essential that you consult a gynecologist or that you undergo a fertility check-up to know the main cause of your infertility.
The composition of this natural remedy is plant based and has been made available in form of tea. Our natural treatments are only made from plants whose effectiveness is scientifically proven. It contains plants like Chaste Tree Berry,  Lepidium meyenii, Tribulus terrestris which would regulate your cycle and get you pregnant.

So. it is the best natural remedy for annovulation with herbal remedies. They are the quick fix for curing virtually all forms of female infertility.


Causes of anovulation

The most reliable reasons for anovulation are:

- Pathology of the hypothalamus and pituitary gland. 

It develops due to heavy physical exercise, stress, bleeding disorders or traumatic injuries. Significant weight loss due to insufficient diets or starvation causes disruption of the hypothalamic-pituitary system. Excessive secretion of the prolactin hormone leads to the formation of a benign hormonal tumor prolactinoma, which causes steroidogenesis disorder in the ovaries.

- Early fatigue of the ovaries. Against the background of an increase in FSH and a decrease in total estrogen production, the follicles do not mature.

- Dysfunction of the ovaries, accompanied by a violation of blood supply to the pelvic organs, after surgery or on the background of diseases. Tumor and ovarian cysts are also accompanied by a violation of normal steroidogenesis and cause anovulation.

- Polycystic ovary 

The excessive development of androgens in polycystic disease leads to the dense and thick outer shell of the ovaries (with follicles and egg maturation). As a result, the egg cannot leave the follicle and ovulation does not occur.

- Diseases of the thyroid glands, adrenal glands, severe endocrine pathologies cause a violation of steroidogenesis in the ovaries and thus anovulation.

- Since adipose tissue can produce its own estrogens, anovulation is often found in women who show severe obesity against the background of excessive estrogenism .

-Congenital malformation of the adrenal gland or ovaries.

Anovulation symptoms and signs

Period calendar with drawn heart shapes and woman | Free Photo

Anovulation symptoms are determined by the accompanying disease.

Basically, anovulation does not give a pronounced symptomatology, in other cases it can manifest itself with the following symptoms:

  • Change in the duration of menstrual bleeding.
  • Change in the nature of menstrual bleeding.
  • Change the intervals between menstruation.
  • Dysfunctional uterine bleeding.
  • Oligomenorrhea, amenorrhea.
  • Hirsutism (male type hair).
  • Hair loss, the appearance of acne (acne).
  • Diseases of the mammary glands.
  • Endometrial hyperplasia and a number of other gynecological diseases.
  • The absence of ovulation 
  • Infertility
  • Under the influence of excessive estrogen in the absence of ovulation, the endometrium cannot completely and properly disintegrate, long acyclic uterine bleeding develops.
  • Dyshormonal diseases of the mammary glands (mastopathy) accompany anovulation on the background of hyperprolactinemia and hyperestrogen.

Types of anovulation

  • Physiological anovulation is observed before puberty, during pregnancy, during breastfeeding, in menopause.
  • Pathological anovulation is accompanied by persistent menstrual irregularities, which can be caused by trauma or congenital ovarian disease, congenital ovarian development, diseases of the hypothalamic-pituitary system, and other endocrine pathologies.

Reasons for anovulation

  • Tumor diseases of the pituitary gland.
  • Hypothalamus dysfunction.
  • High levels of prolactin, hyperprolactinemia.
  • Violation of the blood supply to the brain.
  • Hyperandrogenism, increased levels of male sex hormones.
  • Psycho-emotional stress, stress.
  • Anorexia, sudden weight loss.
  • Obesity, overweight.
  • Early menopause, ovarian exhaustion syndrome.
  • Some gynecological diseases (ovarian cysts, endometriosis).
  • Thyroid disease.
  • Treatment with certain drugs.

Diagnosis of anovulation

  • Gynecological examination, consultation of a gynecologist, history taking.
  • Control of basal temperature (normal temperature rises by 0.2-0.4 degrees (above 37 degrees) in the second phase of the menstrual cycle, when ovulation occurs, with anovulation the temperature curve is smooth, without jumps).
  • Conducting ovulation tests.
  • Laboratory diagnosis of hormonal levels (LH, FSH, 17-OP, prolactin, testosterone, cortisol).
  • X-ray of the skull, Turkish saddle.
  • Ultrasound of the pelvic organs.
  • Ultrasound of the mammary glands.
  • Ultrasound of the thyroid gland, thyroid hormone test.

Treatment of anovulation 

The treatment of anovulation depends on the cause of the disease:

  1. With obesity, measures are taken to reduce weight,
  2. With thyroid diseases they are treated (usually with hormonal therapy), etc. 
  3. When planning pregnancy, in addition to the treatment, ovulation is stimulated with special drugs. In any case, regardless of the cause of the disease, a lifestyle review is recommended, if necessary, a correction of the diet, stabilization of sleep and rest, treatment of existing and prevention of possible diseases.


The iron

High-iron foods: The top ten

Iron is a very important mineral if you are trying to get pregnant. Since a deficit could, among other things, alter your menstrual cycle, and therefore your ovulation. Above all, if in your case, your rules are very abundant or the bleeding lasts for many days, you should request an analysis from your doctor or specialist, to see if there is a deficit. Since in excess bleeding you can lower the iron too much. If that were your case, we would recommend taking accessories to increase it. Meanwhile, you can keep in mind the following iron-rich foods: red meat, chicken, turkey, mussels, oysters, sardines, lentils, spinach, asparagus, eggs and sesame.

The vitamins

9. Brightly Coloured Fruits And Vegetables - InlifeHealthCare

On the subject of vitamin E,  I am sorry to repeat myself, but it is also important for proper ovulation to occur and also helps to improve the quality of the eggs, since it is a powerful antioxidant, for both women and men. . Where we can find it: avocado, almonds, eggs, brown rice, oats, green leafy vegetables and olives.

Vitex Agnus Castus: 

Vitex Agnus Castus - Chaste Tree - Hekma Center

Plant also known as Chasteberry, it is a great help to balance the hormonal system. This wonderful plant has been shown to regulate excess estrogen , lower prolactin naturally and balance male hormones (testosterone), and therefore aids ovulation. I do not recommend taking without consulting the specialist.

And in addition to all that has been said, we must know that we need to eliminate certain foods from our diet, since they can also be affecting our ovulation, such as: exciting agents such as caffeine, glues, sugars, soy, alcohol, all kinds of Toxic, eliminate all refined products (flour, rice, sugar, salt ...) and take them whole. And maintain a healthy weight.

Dear ones, I hope this list of natural remedies to ovulate will help you, from this it is in your hands, so go ahead. And if you need an expert in natural fertility , here you have us!



Cinsel iliskide agri disparoni 36


By On 21/04/2020


Pain during sexual intercourse is a relatively common condition. Especially in the first months of the beginning of sexual life, most women feel more or less this pain. Especially, having a relationship when the woman is not ready enough can make the pain reach very uncomfortable dimensions.

The condition described above is the most common cause of pain in sexual intercourse. In addition to this, it is a condition that requires medical evaluation if a beginner pain or pain during intercourse although a long time has passed since the first sexual experience


This natural treatment that we offer you contains natural anti-depressants, alkaloids and other properties that helps to fight against pain during sex. This herbal tea, is the perfect cure to your unsatisfied sexual relationship, It is reported to be an aphrodisiac, stimulant, mood enhancer, and a tonic as well as sexual stimulant. Be rest assured, it has worked for many. This natural remedy is 100% made from plants. The plants we use have proven to be effective. They even enter into the composition of certain drugs. We offer you a definite advantage: the absence of undesirable effects and contraindications. 

TO GET THIS PRODUCT CLICK ON THIS LINK OR CALL contact/whatsapp: +22990431725


1. Congenital abnormalities

Patient Sues over Complications from Vaginal Mesh Sling | Top ...

In some women, there are congenital conditions that can make penetration very painful. Problems that occur can be due to vaginal incompleteness or vaginal agenesis. In addition, the presence of imperforate membranes or membranes that block vaginal opening can be another inherited disorder.

2. Health conditions of the genital area

Identification of Key Determinants of Staphylococcus aureus ...

Health conditions in the genital area can also affect the pain that is felt. Usually inflammation, infection, and other skin problems such as eczema cause dyspareunia. Urinary tract infections also seem to be associated with pain when penetrating. When experiencing it you should immediately see a doctor. 

3. Vaginismus problems

New hope for millions of women with depressed vaginas - Devon Live

Another condition that can cause dyspareunia is vaginismus. This condition occurs when the muscles in the vaginal wall stiffen. This is what makes penetration painful.

4. Injury and trauma

New Law Makes Domestic Violence Trauma A Factor In Sentencing In ...

Some medical methods related to the differentiation of genital areas can be categorized as trauma and have the potential to cause dyspareunia. The causes of injuries and trauma can vary. For example, someone who has had an accident, has an incision in the birth canal, or because of pelvic surgery. In addition, women who have recently undergone pelvic surgery such as hysterectomy can make sexual intercourse more painful.

5. Insufficient lubrication

Vaginal dryness makes menopausal women 'give up on sex'

The thing that often causes this condition is 'warming up' or inadequate foreplay. In addition, the level of natural lubricants in a woman's vagina can change due to various factors. The influence of hormones is one of the strong causes. Decreasing estrogen levels after menopause, post-delivery, and during breastfeeding causes natural lubrication to decrease.

6. Underlying conditions

Dyspareunia is a condition that is affected by the health of the reproductive organs Some diseases of the reproductive organs that can cause severe pain during sexual intercourse. Patients with uterine prolapse, pelvic inflammation, uterine fibroids, endometriosis, ovarian cysts, adenomyosis, cystic, or irritable bowel syndrome should be aware of dyspareunia conditions.


7. Consumption of certain drugs

Quali sono gli effetti collaterali della pillola del giorno dopo ...

Medical treatment Someone who is undergoing intensive medical treatment can also be at risk of developing this condition. For example, cancer patients who carry out radiation and chemotherapy will be more at risk of experiencing it.

8. Psychological problems

100+ Free Mental Health & Anxiety Images - Pixabay

In addition to physical causes, a person's psychological condition is also one of the causes of this dyspareunia. Feeling worried and anxious about physical appearance, can make low sexual arousal. Finally, sexual relations will feel more painful. When you are experiencing stress, pain can be felt. This is because when stressed, the pelvic floor muscles tend to tighten as part of the response.

9. History of sexual harassment

Sexual harassment, abuse tied to real health effects - studies

Even unpleasant sexual experiences can be another factor. When a woman has experienced sexual harassment, it will indirectly make it difficult for her to relax during intercourse.


Lisa Wijayanti

'Since the birth of my second child ... I have been in pain when sleeping with my husband ... when I checked it turned out that the midwife said I was affected by the cervical erosion fortunately it was still not severe ... I used medicine for two months but still no result, I browsed on the internet and found a herbal medicine Walatra Sehat Wanita. After I read its uses it turned out to match my complaint. After two weeks of my consumption, God gave me a miracle, I recovered from the cervical erosion and had no vaginal discharge. Thanks to the medicine my female area became odorless and my husband became more affectionate .... Thank you Walatra Sehat Wanita.


Por qué ese rugido en el estómago luego de comer? - El Carabobeño

Symptoms of Pain During Sex

If you experience painful sex, you may feel:

  • Pain such as heat
  • Pain only at the beginning of penetration
  • Deep pain during penetration
  • Throbbing pain after sexual activity
  • Pain in every penetration, even when entering tampons


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By On 21/04/2020

With age, the female genitals change under the influence of various factors. This is due to the low amount of estrogen in the ovaries, also, these changes can occur after childbirth. As a result, blood flow to the vagina slows down, dryness occurs, secretion decreases, the level of lactobacilli and pH. 


What is painful sexual intercourse (dyspareunia)?


Dyspareunia is pain that occurs in sexual intercourse. It is seen in women. It manifests itself with symptoms such as pain, burning, stinging and restlessness in the groin areas. It is a common problem in our society. It is a disease that is often not consulted to the doctor, because the woman sees sexuality as a duty and does not attach importance to her on pleasure. However, Its treatment is possible, so it is necessary to consult a gynecologist and obstetrician without wasting time. It should not be confused with vaginismus. While the woman can not have sexual intercourse in vaginismus, sexual intercourse may occur in dysparenuia but pain occurs during intercourse. Dyspareunia has 2 types, superficial and deep. Before the fusion of superficial dyspareunia occurred completely, pain begins to occur at the intervention of the male genitalia. Deep dyspareunia is pain in the later stage of sexual intercourse, where the man's sexual organ touches the back of the uterus.


What are the reasons?


There are many factors that cause dyspareunia. If we look at the reasons; structure of the hymen, menopause, starting sexual intercourse before it is ready and irritation due to it, incisions at birth, infections, mass or tumors in the uterus, uterine prolapse, congenital problems, constipation, hemorrhoids, urinary tract disorders, dry vagina or psychological causes are the most common pain why they are.


How is dyspareunia treatment performed?


There are different treatment methods in painful sexual intercourse. These are; medication, laser treatment, surgical methods, psychiatry and sexual therapy. The method of treatment is determined by the condition of the patient. 


In this article, we are going to focus on natural methods vs laser therapy



This natural treatment that we offer you contains natural anti-depressants, alkaloids and other properties that helps to fight against pain during sex. This herbal tea, is the perfect cure to your unsatisfied sexual relationship, It is reported to be an aphrodisiac, stimulant, mood enhancer, and a tonic as well as sexual stimulant. Be rest assured, it has worked for many. This natural remedy is 100% made from plants. The plants we use have proven to be effective. They even enter into the composition of certain drugs. We offer you a definite advantage: the absence of undesirable effects and contraindications. 


TO GET THIS PRODUCT CLICK ON THIS LINK OR CALL contact/whatsapp: +22990431725



Painful intercourse intro 2


By On 20/04/2020

Caresses, kisses, words spoken in privacy ... these moments that are the prelude to a pleasant act, for a part of the female population are not and can become a real torment.

One of the reasons that this happens is dyspareunia, a disorder that causes pain associated with intercourse, therefore women with this difficulty not only do not enjoy this part of sexual relations, but they live them with discomfort and displeasure and can cause you to even be afraid to keep them.

Dypareunia is kind of sexual dysfunction which turns sex into a nightmare. Dyspareunia is often difficult to diagnose.


Dyspareunia, also called coitalgia, is the demonization that occurs in pain that occurs during intercourse, which occurs more frequently in women than in men. In addition to pain, the symptoms can also be extended to the stinging, burning or itching sensation.


This natural treatment that we offer you contains natural anti-depressants, alkaloids and other properties that helps to fight against pain during sex. This herbal tea, is the perfect cure to your unsatisfied sexual relationship, It is reported to be an aphrodisiac, stimulant, mood enhancer, and a tonic as well as sexual stimulant. Be rest assured, it has worked for many. This natural remedy is 100% made from plants. The plants we use have proven to be effective. They even enter into the composition of certain drugs. We offer you a definite advantage: the absence of undesirable effects and contraindications. 

TO GET THIS PRODUCT CLICK ON THIS LINKOR CALL contact/whatsapp: +22990431725


Very often it is associated with the following

  • vaginismus, although it can also occur during the puerperium in the event of an episiotomy. 
  • Also pelvic diseases such as  endometriosis, pelvic inflammatory disease, anovulation or hyperprolactinemia, among many others. 
  • Other causes are urogenital infections or the use of soap for vaginal washing or contact with spermicidal agents.
  • vaginal infection,
  • lack of lubrication due to menopause,
  • tight vaginal muscle due to stress, 
  • Skin disorders or irritation
  • Injury to the vagina
  • A history of previous operations that leave scarring can cause pain

   However, we must not forget the psychological causes: the lack of excitement during penetration, especially when it occurs without preparation (prelude), having received a bad sexual education, having anxiety or emotional problems or having lived through traumatic experiences.



Just as the name signifies, having pain during sex shows you have this problem. Other symptoms are;

  • The pain may be distinct and localized, or there may be a broader sense of discomfort.
  • There be an aching, burning, throbbing, or ripping sensation.
  • Dissatisfaction with, or disinterest in, intercourse can result.
  • Pain when inserting tampons


Pelvic examination

Sexual Health Conditions, Symptoms, Treatment, and Tips - Page 18 ...

During a pelvic examination, a doctor checks for signs of infection or structural abnormalities.

  • Speculum; this is used by inserting the instrument into the vagina to enable a visual examination. 
  • Telling the doctor when and where the pain occurs during the examination may help identify the cause.
  • The doctor may also gently press on the genitals and pelvic muscles to determine the location of the pain.
  • A pelvic ultrasound may help detect structural abnormalities, endometriosis, fibroids, or cysts.


HOW CAN I Prevent pain DURING SEX?

Can dyspareunia really be totally prevented?

sex positions | Woman 2 women

 It would be risky to affirm it categorically, but what you can do is follow a series of recommendations that can help avoid it.

  • It is almost obvious to emphasize that you must use safe sexual practices to avoid contracting a sexually transmitted disease that can cause pain or irritation.
  • In some cases, dyspareunia is due to an excessive fear of becoming pregnant: in this case, you should always use very reliable contraceptive methods, to reduce anxiety and facilitate relaxation.

Did you know?
Dyspareunia is infrequent and punctual in men, and its main causes include inflammation and infections of the glans (balanoposthysis) and the prostate (prostatitis).




  • Antibiotics, antifungal drugs, and topical corticosteroids or injections given to treat infections that occur.
  • If caused by vaginal dryness, alternative treatments can help lubricate the vagina naturally.
  • Tablets, creams, or flexible rings can also give a small, regular dose of estrogen to the vagina.
  • The drug ospemifene can be used to reduce pain in women during intercourse.
  • Laser treatment


  • Empty the bladder just before intercourse.
  • Ice compresses on the vulva (pubic lips) to treat burning after sexual intercourse.
  • Use water-soluble lubricants during sexual intercourse.
  • Take a shower using warm water before intercourse.

Alternative therapies such as sex therapy that are made to learn vaginal relaxation techniques also help to reduce pain, learning to rebuild intimacy and communication with a partner is necessary.


Consult your doctor if you feel recurring pain during intercourse. Doctors can help restore normal sexual activity, help revive emotional intimacy, and self-image.

What needs to be prepared before consulting a doctor?

 Safe Harbor SFL – Providing Legal Awareness

Before consulting, make your symptoms first, medical information, personal information, medicines consumed, and questions that will be asked to the doctor, such as:

  • Can labor cause pain?
  • Can tampons be used if used too often can cause pain?
  • What causes symptoms?
  • What treatments can be done?
  • What kind of lifestyle changes can improve the condition?
  • Do you have print media recommendations?

What will the doctor do at the time of consultation


The examining doctor will usually ask several questions, including:

  • What symptoms do you experience?
  • How is your relationship with your partner?
  • How long have you been in pain during sex?
  • In which areas do you feel pain?
  • Does pain occur only during intercourse?
  • Are there non-sexual activities that cause pain?
  • Do you experience vaginal irritation or itching?
  • How badly do symptoms affect your life

Advice  for dyspareunia

The main recommendation in case of suffering dyspareunia is to consult a doctor if the causes are physical or a psychologist or sexologist if they are due to emotional or psychological problems. They will assess the situation and decide what is the most appropriate treatment depending on the origin of the problem.

The way of approaching sexual intercourse is also important:   

  • Take the time for foreplay to achieve excitement and achieve adequate lubrication to facilitate penetration.
  • Some sexual positions are more favorable when it comes to controlling penetration, such as the woman standing on top of the man or having him perform intercourse from behind or laterally.
  • Avoid deep penetration.
  • Use lubricants, especially if the woman suffers from vaginal dryness.
  • That the woman learns to contract and dilate the vaginal and pelvic floor muscles at will.

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Ex 1


By On 20/04/2020

Endometriosis and sport: the role of physical exercise in prevention


There is scientific evidence that an active life can be a limiting factor in the risk of endometriosis. 

Sport in endometriosis is, somehow, a delicate subject. Some say yes, it would be highly recommended, while some patients with chronic fatigue claim that despite the benefits, it is very difficult for them to undergo regular training.

And so it is. We always have to listen to our body, but somehow, to help it start to function better. With proper nutrition, with optimism, with things we like, with loved ones alongside, but also with a form of movement that our body tolerates.



BELOW IS A HERBAL TEA TO CURE YOUR ENDOMETRIOSIS FOREVER!!! Do leave a comment below if you have any questions or other foods you know endo patients should have!!! You could save a life!!!




Natural remedy by plants to cure endometriosis


The solution we offer to cure endometriosis is made up of herbal teas. This natural remedy is 100% made from plants. The plants we use have proven to be effective. They even enter into the composition of certain drugs. We offer you a definite advantage: the absence of undesirable effects and contraindications. Our natural herbal remedy for endometriosis will remove the pain you experience during menstruation and allow you to live normal cycles. In addition to herbs to relieve painful symptoms, this natural remedy also contains herbs that reduce the level of estrogen in the blood. Since the disease is sensitive to estrogen, the female sex hormone. This helps block the proliferation and bleeding of endometriosis lesions. Don't worry, it's the perfect herbal solution for treating endometriosis. You will heal quickly and without surgery.
If you also have this unpleasant condition, this herbal tea for endometriosis seems to be your new salvation. More affordable than surgery!!!





Is it advisable to exercise if I have endometriosis?

Now, if I already suffer from the disease: is sports recommended? Endometriosis disease is not a limiting factor in sports, but the symptoms it causes are; Abdominal pain and back pain which are limiting in sports practice, and can generate poor postures and muscle imbalances that lead to injuries.

Hence, Endometriosis disease is not a limiting factor in sports, but the symptoms it causes may be.

A good specialized physiotherapy treatment is recommended before doing sports and paying some attention to all those exercises that work the abdominal area. In this sense, it is very important to have the prescription of a specialist who determines what exercise is or is not suitable for each person.




Is short-term exercise good after a heart attack? - Medical News ...

About sports in endometriosis the following things are known:

  • With some exceptions, it may lessen the symptoms associated with endometriosis.

When we say exceptions, we refer to serious cases where sports are contraindicated due to some forms of severe endometriosis or chronic fatigue.

  • Exercise helps our body release more endorphins

Therefore, the state of "good mood" is assured, but also pain is much diminished. The good news is that the body needs only 10 minutes of moderate exercise to begin releasing these beneficial substances.

  • Physical exercises improve circulation

In some theories, endometriosis is associated with blood / lymph problems. Therefore, once the circulation is improved, the symptoms of endometriosis may be reduced.

  • Sport lowers estrogen

Yes, as long as you choose the right form of sport for you and practice it regularly, chances are that it will normalize your hormonal system, including estrogen.




My experience (Marine)

I wish I could work harder at the gym because, apparently, the sweat helps us eliminate toxins and excess estrogen faster and better. Before the surgery it was not possible at all because I had, I think, an imbalance of the adrenal glands which gave me a pretty fatigue. This does not happen anymore, but now after the surgery.

I do not know what your case is, but if you do not have this problem and you like to work in the room, it is a good start, but do not forget to start gradually and always listen to your body.

What helped me a lot?

Walking and mild-moderate yoga-stretching exercises. I say this because I don't respect breathing / meditation techniques, so I don't know if I can say I do yoga.


SEE ALSO:  Yoga For Endometriosis

What I would like to try: the exercises with the fitness ball (it seems that it would help the adherents) and the ones that help the lymph more (like the trampoline exercises).

If, however, you have the opportunity to buy CDs / do yoga or such heavier exercises with an expert in endometriosis, I say invest in it. I understand that some moves (even yoga / Pilates) can hurt us.

I took for 3 months contraception, now I stopped because it could not be different, but what surprised me during this time was that, in the second month, I had pelvic pain (sometimes severe) that passed with 20 minutes such stretching and warming exercises. In fact, it was those simple exercises that you do at sports: twists, genufleziuni, lunges, spins plus stretching exercises in the video here.

Another thing to mention is that in 2010, all year, I made the shuttle to Bucharest. That meant a little more physical effort, but still in the form of walking. And then I had a cyst of 4 cm, but I can say that it was one of the best years: no pain during the month, pain that passed with Ketonal at that time of the month, so for me, though, walking I think remains the number 1 sports form.


What kind of sport do you choose? Answer in the comment below. 






Aero 1


By On 20/04/2020

Endometriosis is a difficult condition to diagnose, so many women suffer quietly, believing that this is how their body reacts to the hormonal fluctuations that occur around the menstrual cycle. Endometriosis is known to be one of the causes of infertility. The pains associated with this disease can be very intense, but with the help of a few changes in lifestyle, their intensity can be reduced.

Natural remedy by plants to cure endometriosis


The solution we offer to cure endometriosis is made up of herbal teas. This natural remedy is 100% made from plants. The plants we use have proven to be effective. They even enter into the composition of certain drugs. We offer you a definite advantage: the absence of undesirable effects and contraindications. Our natural herbal remedy for endometriosis will remove the pain you experience during menstruation and allow you to live normal cycles. In addition to herbs to relieve painful symptoms, this natural remedy also contains herbs that reduce the level of estrogen in the blood. Since the disease is sensitive to estrogen, the female sex hormone. This helps block the proliferation and bleeding of endometriosis lesions. Don't worry, it's the perfect herbal solution for treating endometriosis. You will heal quickly and without surgery.
If you also have this unpleasant condition, this herbal tea for endometriosis seems to be your new salvation. More affordable than surgery!!!



Do sport

Fit Girl Sport - Free photo on Pixabay

You may not want a workout when your pelvic pain does not give you peace. But if you run, ride a bike or do other alert exercises, your body's estrogen levels drop, so the pain will be shorter or less intense. Aerobic workouts help the body produce more endorphins, chemical compounds that alleviate the pain sensation.

Eat more vegetables

Vegetables Fruit Eat - Free photo on Pixabay

To feel better you need to eat more fruits, vegetables and fish. Women who have a diet based predominantly on vegetables have a lower risk of developing endometriosis. Try to reduce the consumption of beef, pork and other red meats and choose to consume salmon, tuna and nuts, which have a high content of Omega-3 fatty acids.

Give up alcohol

No Drinking Symbol Wine - Free vector graphic on Pixabay

If you occasionally drink a glass of wine or beer it is no problem. But women who consume alcohol in large quantities have a higher risk of developing endometriosis, and if they already have it, the symptoms may worsen. Alcohol increases the level of estrogen, which can increase the pain experienced.

Stay warm

12 Ways to Stay Warm During Winter Without Burning Cash - The ...

If you hold a bottle of warm water on your abdomen, the pain may decrease in intensity. Make sure the temperature is not too high so that it does not burn. A hot shower (not hot) can help you reduce the feeling of discomfort. A bath in the bath can help you relax and reduce stress.


Top relaxation techniques for effective weight loss

When you are in constant pain the stress level is high. This can worsen the symptoms of endometriosis and make you more sensitive to pain. So try to relax! Breathe deeply, and inhale enough air on your nose to feel your lungs fill with air.

Go to the massage

Causes and treatment for pain in your pelvis

An easy massage frees you of tension, relaxes the tensed muscles and helps you to relax. One study revealed that women who suffer from endometriosis and who regularly go to massage have less to do with the symptoms of endometriosis. Avoid massages on the belly as they may worsen your symptoms.

Try acupuncture

How to Choose the Best Acupuncturist

Acupuncture uses very thin needles to stimulate pressure points on the body. Thus, the blood flow is accelerated and in the body are released chemical compounds that act as natural anesthetics. Studies have shown that this old Chinese technique can reduce the intensity of the symptoms of endometriosis and can help you finish your daily activities more easily. In addition, acupuncture is a safe procedure, with very few adverse effects.

You must avoid caffeine

Coffee Cup Hot - Free photo on Pixabay

There are several studies that have indicated a possible link between endometriosis and caffeine present in carbonated drinks and coffee. But recent studies have shown that there is no difference in the incidence of endometriosis in women who consume caffeine products compared to those who do not. It is probably good to drink coffee and tea in moderate amounts. And if you notice that the symptoms are getting worse, then go for decaffeinated coffee.

Seek emotional support

Providing Emotional Support To Your Partner With Scoliosis – Teen ...

Endometriosis affects both body and mind. You may feel restless or depressed, which may worsen your symptoms. Join a support group for women with endometriosis or get online. And when you're not feeling well, seek the support of family and friends.



Do this daily, or sometimes multiple times a day depending on what you are going through, it helps.

Here are the steps to follow:

1. Rub your hands together, creating heat and friction.

2. Separate your hands and feel the energy between them.

3. Start at the top of your head and work your way down the body.

4. While floating your hand over your body, concentrate on where you feel a strong connection (for example, could be your heart, your solar plex, or your third eye,).

5. Place a hand on that area and breathe deep in through your nose and out through your mouth. Do this for a minute or so.

6. Now do that body scan again, this time focusing on an area that feels disconnected.

7. Once you find that place, place your hands on the spot and breathe into it, and speak the words “I feel disconnected”. One more thing I like to do during this is make a sound… if the area that feels disconnected isn’t easy to breathe into, make a sound that reflects the discomfort (sound is one of the best healing methods).

8. Breathe into that area for about a minute.

9. Now go back to the part of your body that felt connected and place one hand there. Breathe in through your nose into that spot. On the exhale, place your other hand in the area that felt disconnected and breathe out all of the positive connected air into that space.

10. Do this for a few minutes, or however long feels good.

11. Repeat the body scan and notice a difference in your breath, the peace within, and total connectivity to all parts of you! 




By On 20/04/2020

Endometriosis affects 1 in 10 women. Although the exact causes of the disease are not yet known, you can keep this condition in check by paying closer attention to how you treat your body. 

Nutrition for endometriosis is very important. Everything you eat influences your body, so food can be an effective medicine or an aggravating factor. The choice alone is yours! If you have symptoms such as intense pelvic pain, discomfort during intercourse or severe cramps even when you are not menstruating, it is advisable to see a doctor.





What is the link between endometriosis and nutrition?

The Root Cause(s) of Endometriosis And How To Remedy It Holistically

According to experts, a high fiber intake such as fruits and vegetables lowers estrogen levels. These foods also provide antioxidants, which may also help combat inflammation which is a major cause of endometriosis. However, the reason for this inflammation is not exactly known. 
If the patient can stick to a low-inflammatory diet, it will help their health in general, not just their endometriosis. But doctors also point out that diet alone won't alleviate most symptoms of the chronic condition. Instead endometriosis treatment typically involves a combination of therapies.


BELOW IS A HERBAL TEA TO CURE YOUR ENDOMETRIOSIS FOREVER!!! Do leave a comment below if you have any questions or other foods you know endo patients should have!!! You could save a life!!!




Natural remedy by plants to cure endometriosis


The solution we offer to cure endometriosis is made up of herbal teas. This natural remedy is 100% made from plants. The plants we use have proven to be effective. They even enter into the composition of certain drugs. We offer you a definite advantage: the absence of undesirable effects and contraindications. Our natural herbal remedy for endometriosis will remove the pain you experience during menstruation and allow you to live normal cycles. In addition to herbs to relieve painful symptoms, this natural remedy also contains herbs that reduce the level of estrogen in the blood. Since the disease is sensitive to estrogen, the female sex hormone. This helps block the proliferation and bleeding of endometriosis lesions. Don't worry, it's the perfect herbal solution for treating endometriosis. You will heal quickly and without surgery.
If you also have this unpleasant condition, this herbal tea for endometriosis seems to be your new salvation. More affordable than surgery!!!




3 main foods to avoid


1. Trans fats

Burgers French Fries - Free photo on Pixabay

While Omega fats are beneficial to the body, trans fats do the opposite: they increase inflammation in the body and increase the risk of endometriosis by up to 48%. So, stay away from fries, burgers and other fried foods or breads. DO NOT PREFER FOOD TO YOUR HEALTH AND FUTURE ( PREGNANCY) NO MATTER HOW TEMPTING. 


2. Gluten

100+ Free Gluten & Gluten Free Images - Pixabay

"Gluten free" is not just a trend, a gluten-free diet can help a lot of people with endometriosis. If you want to try this diet, consume fruits, vegetables and lean meat. Stay away from gluten-free versions of breads, pastas or pastries because they usually contain a lot of fat and sugar.


3. Red meat

Red meat may increase risk of colon cancer in women

If you used to eat bacon or beef burgers often, you may have to give up or at least reduce the quantities. Red meat consumption has often been associated with the occurrence of endometriosis, due to the high content of saturated fat.

So, if you can't give up red meat permanently, consume it up to 3 times a month.







1. Salmon

Eat high oily fish and fresh beans may delay natural menopause by ...

Omega-3 helps the body manage and reduce inflammation in the body. Salmon is an excellent source of beneficial fatty acids, so it is advisable to consume it at least once a week.

Moreover, a study shows that women who consume a large amount of salmon (and, implicitly, Omega-3) are 22% less likely to suffer from endometriosis.


2. Green leaves

​​100+ Free Turnips & Vegetables Photos - Pixabay

This category includes salad, spinach, kale, valerian and arugula. Make a habit of eating nutrient-rich salads, as they reduce the risk of endometriosis and help your body stay healthy in the long run.


3. The fruits

Pediatricians Not Enough Fruit in Fruit Juice / Public News Service

Fruits contain a large amount of fiber, which reduces estrogen levels and helps you reduce the pain caused by endometriosis. In addition, fruit antioxidants fight inflammation and relieve pain.


4. Oats, cherries and almonds

100+ Free Porridge & Buckwheat Images - Pixabay

What do all these foods have in common? A lot of melatonin. Recent studies show that 10 mg of melatonin consumed in one day helped women with endometriosis reduce pain.

You can consume them separately or even together, in a delicious oat porridge. When buying cherries, it is recommended to choose less sweet varieties.


5. Green tea

Green tea supplements may cause damage to the liver as per EU ...

Asians know very well why they drink this drink every day. Green tea contains the wonder ingredient EGCG (epigalocatechin gallate), known for its anti-carcinogenic properties.

EGCG helps reduce tumors and can be particularly effective in preventing lesions formed in the case of endometriosis.


RECOMMENDED: How to make sex less painful if you have endometriosis


6. Foods high in zinc

Foods high in copper - Here is the list of rich copper foods!

Zinc helps balance hormones, so make sure you eat enough eggs and nuts. Especially Brazilian walnuts, cashews, pecans and almonds are rich in zinc, so integrate them into your daily menu.


7. Foods that encourage natural detoxification

300+ Free Detox & Juice Images - Pixabay

The hormone diet for endometriosis also includes detox foods, which support the natural process by which the body eliminates toxins.

Consume regular broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, kale and Brussels sprouts. These ingredients are excellent for detoxification and for strengthening the immune system.



Extra tip: Avoid sugar, the main enemy of endometriosis!

"When you eat a lot of processed sweets and carbohydrates, you increase the amount of fat and encourage the increase of the insulin level. Combined, these things increase estrogen levels, ”explains nutritionists.

In addition, the more fat your body stores, the more estrogen will be present. This is why eliminating sugar from your daily diet, along with the hormone diet for endometriosis, can lessen the unpleasant symptoms of the disease.



Endometriosis is a difficult condition to diagnose, so many women suffer quietly, believing that this is how their body reacts to the hormonal fluctuations that occur around the menstrual cycle. Endometriosis is known to be one of the causes of infertility. The pains associated with this disease can be very intense, but with the help of a few changes in lifestyle like the dietary changes mentioned above, their intensity can be reduced.



  • Give up alcohol
  • Stay warm
  • Relax
  • Go to the massage
  • Do sport


Recommended supplements

In addition to adopting a diet based on the above recommendations to treat endometriosis, you can also ask for certain supplements that come to complement the treatment:

  • Magnesium : This mineral is very beneficial for our health.
  • Grape seed extract : The high content of antioxidants is very beneficial for this disease.
  • The lamb (vitex agnus-castus):  should be taken for at least three months, as it requires long-term treatment, but the benefits are also long-lasting.
  • Dong Quai : An excellent Asian plant for treating many conditions specific to women.
  • Dandelion : this plant cleanses the liver and kidneys. You can use it as an infusion or as a dietary supplement.




Do leave a comment below if you have any questions or other foods you know endo patients should have!!! You could save a life!!!



By On 18/04/2020

Before we look into the effects of pregnancy on endometriosis, let's answer the question your subconscious is eager to know. 'Who identified endometriosis?' Does it really exist? or was it made up to enslave women to surgery?

Related image

Unfortunately, it does exist. Moreso, it is no respecter of age or beauty and can attack you at any moment. But on the positive side, nature is here to cure this pathology quickly and effectively.
Who identified endometriosis?

The first scientist to delineate peritoneal endometriosis under the name 'adenomyoma' was Cullen. On the other hand, Rokitansky was the first to describe a form of adenomyosis (an adenomatous polyp). Early descriptions of ovarian endometrioma as 'haematomas of the ovary' or 'chocolate cysts' date back to the end of the 19th century. The first mention of an 'ovary containing uterine mucosa' was published in 1899 by Russel, but Sampson was the first to demonstrate specific endometrial activities. 



Another question that run through the minds of endo patients is 'Can I get pregnant with endometriosis?'


The answer is yes you can. With medical help and the right treatment, people with endometriosis can still become pregnant. It's just that, the process that is passed is relatively quite complex because of fertilization and some other obstacles. In addition, there are some fertilization difficulties that may occur due to the attachment of endometriosis in the abdominal cavity or in the ovary. Endometriosis has the potential to cause fertility problems. However, women with endometriosis can overcome it in several ways with some tips we will share letter in the article. 


Natural remedy by plants to cure endometriosis


The solution we offer to cure endometriosis is made up of herbal teas. This natural remedy is 100% made from plants. The plants we use have proven to be effective. They even enter into the composition of certain drugs. We offer you a definite advantage: the absence of undesirable effects and contraindications. Our natural herbal remedy for endometriosis will remove the pain you experience during menstruation and allow you to live normal cycles. In addition to herbs to relieve painful symptoms, this natural remedy also contains herbs that reduce the level of estrogen in the blood. This helps block the proliferation and bleeding of endometriosis lesions. Don't worry, it's the perfect herbal solution for treating endometriosis. You will heal quickly and without surgery.





Infertility linked to endometriosis can be related to several causes. Firstly, endometriosis can affect the ovaries and fallopian tubes.

An egg must travel from the ovary, past the fallopian tube, and to the uterus for fertilization before implanting into the uterine lining. If a woman has endometriosis in her fallopian tube lining, the tissue may keep the egg from traveling to the uterus.

It’s also possible that endometriosis could damage a woman’s egg or a man’s sperm. While doctors don’t know exactly why this occurs, a theory is that endometriosis causes greater levels of inflammation in the body.

The body releases compounds that can damage or destroy a woman’s eggs or a man’s sperm. This can keep you from getting pregnant.



  • Increasing your body's immunity

Endometriosis patients can increase the potential for fertilization by increasing the body's immunity. Therefore, important ways to increase the body's immunity such as:

Related image

  • maintaining a healthy weight,
  • consuming a healthy diet (vegetables, fruits, whole grains, lean protein) and
  • doing exercise (walking, lifting weights, yoga) will be able to help to reduce the adverse effects of endometriosis.

SEE ALSO: Yoga For Endometriosis, Must watch


  • Seek medical advice

MTC Health

There are several medical methods that can be undertaken to overcome the problem of endometriosis and its effects on fertility. The first step that must be done is to find out how far the effects of endometriosis on the condition of pregnancy. Each individual has their own ability to overcome health problems. Therefore, every endometriosis patient must know in detail the condition of endometriosis in their body and its effect on pregnancy.

For this reason, information is needed from the doctor who will provide a thorough explanation. The doctor will determine the state of endometriosis patients by the laparoscopic method. This procedure is done to check the condition of organs in the uterus by inserting a kind of tube through a small incision. If the patient is diagnosed with endometriosis with the severity of damage to the reproductive organs, the patient will be advised to implement a pregnant program. Patients who are detected as having endometriosis are not recommended to postpone pregnancy because fertility will continue to decline so that the potential for pregnancy will also decrease along with the time of pregnancy delay.

In addition, patients should also discuss with doctors to apply the correct method of pregnancy. People with endometriosis must also set a time frame for pregnancy if they use a method of drug therapy to avoid the negative effects of the drug on the fetus. The best medical solution to overcome endometriosis is to remove endometriosis tissue by surgery. In addition, there are also laser ablation methods and evaporation methods that will also be able to help overcome endometriosis which is very detrimental to fertility.




  • Get pregnant with egg freezing

Egg Freezing Archives - Surrogacy News Daily

​Endometriosis can affect ovarian reserves, so doctor's recommend storing egg for pregnancy. THis is quite expensive and is not covered by insurance. 


  • Get pregnant with in-vitro fertilization

News/Events - Boston IVF

This treatment involves taking egg from you and sperm from your partner, These eggs are then fertilized outside the body and implanted in the uterus. The success rate of IVF with patients who don't suffer endometriosis is 50 percent. But lots of women with endometriosis have become pregnant thanks to IVF treatment. IVF is often recommended for women with moderate to severe endometriosis, or for women whose bodies have not responded to other treatments.




When you do get pregnant 'how will your pregnancy affect endometriosis symptoms', you ask?


Pregnancy has different effects on each woman with endometriosis. Some women may find that becoming pregnant relieves their endometriosis symptoms, as they will no longer be having periods. Raised levels of the hormone progesterone during pregnancy may also improve symptoms.

Research has found that progestin, which is a synthetic version of progesterone, reduces endometriosis pain for around 90 percent of women. Progestin is a standard treatment for endometriosis. The body’s natural progesterone may have similar effects to progestin for some women, but not everyone with endometriosis finds that their symptoms improve during pregnancy.

In fact, pregnancy can worsen some women’s endometriosis symptoms. This may be due to the growing uterus putting extra pressure or traction on existing areas of endometriosis. However, you won't remain pregnant forever!!!







Aloe neprohodimost trub 2


By On 17/04/2020

Endometriosis occurs when cells of the lining of the uterus grow in other areas of the body, causing pain, heavy bleeding, or bleeding between periods and problems getting pregnant. They also give you very bad headaches, nausea, and colic; But with these home remedies we will list later in the article, you can decrease symptoms considerably. 

It is estimated that there would be a  million women affected by this pathology in Spain, according to the Association of Affected Endometriosis of Catalonia. Read till the end to discover the best home remedy for endometriosis.


Natural remedy by plants to cure endometriosis


The solution we offer to cure endometriosis is made up of herbal teas. This home remedy is 100% made from plants. The plants we use have proven to be effective. They even enter into the composition of certain drugs. We offer you a definite advantage: the absence of undesirable effects and contraindications. Our natural herbal remedy for endometriosis will remove the pain you experience during menstruation and allow you to live normal cycles. In addition to herbs to relieve painful symptoms, this home remedy also contains herbs that reduce the level of estrogen in the blood. This helps block the proliferation and bleeding of endometriosis lesions. Don't worry, it's the perfect herbal solution for treating endometriosis. You will heal quickly and without surgery.


What causes endometriosis? How does it manifest?

The exact origin of the disease is unknown. It is suggested that, among other causes, there would be immune dysregulation when verifying that in the peritoneum a type of cell called Natural Killers (NK) does not “kill” the endometrial cells that grow disordered.

Furthermore, these NKs would be immature and would not have their self-elimination mechanisms well, which would render them ineffective. It is also known that cells called Cajal that regulate the peristalsis of the fallopian tubes (a recently discovered thing), decrease their activity with endometriosis. In addition, alterations in proteins, receptors, and genetic variants have been seen, but none of these phenomena explains why you suffer from the disease.

One of its main characteristics is intense menstrual pain. But there may also be non-menstruation abdominal pain, pain with intercourse, fertility problems, pain when urinating and urination disorders, etc.

Not all symptoms always develop, which can make diagnosis difficult or delayed.



1. Acupuncture

Acupuncture treatment + consultation - 30 mins or 60 mins ...

Acupuncture is possibly the best-known of the traditional Chinese medicine therapies and, in traditional clinical research in Western medicine, numerous studies have shown its effectiveness in reducing dysmenorrhea (menstruation pain) associated with endometriosis. through its effect on the central nervous system. 

2. Chamomille

Camomille Pré Herb - Photo gratuite sur Pixabay

Due to its anti-inflammatory properties, chamomile tea is a home remedy to relieve pain from both cramps caused by menstruation and pain from endometriosis.

He prefers to buy the fresh leaf, it washes and disinfects. Then boil about 5-8 flowers per cup of tea; Or boil enough for a liter and drink it little by little throughout the day. 

3. Ginger tea

Ginger Tea at Rs 2000 /kilogram | Ginger Tea | ID: 19338649612

Prepare a tea with 2 slices of ginger, previously washed and disinfected. Bring it to a boil for 5 minutes and have a cup when you feel pain or nausea from endometriosis.

4. Soy juice

Soy: Good for Your Heart, or Just OK? Scientists Still Disagree ...

Prepare a juice based on soy milk, add and slice pineapple and 1 apple. Blend it and drink it immediately. This detox works by taking a glass every morning for two weeks in a row. Then you rest for a week and take it again. This helps gynecological problems. 

5. Grape seed extract

The Best Carrier Oils for Skin Care and Healing

This extract (grape seed extract) is a very powerful antifungal that kills candida, says Dr. Metzger. But because it is extremely powerful, she warns women not to use more than the recommended dosage on the product label.

The treatment with capsules continues for three to six months, he advises.

6. Garlic

7 The Shocking Benefits of Garlic Raw Eating — Steemit

Taking garlic capsules, which is also antifungal, is very effective in killing candida, says Dr. Metzger. Take 500 milligrams three to four times a day for four to six weeks.

7. Probiotics

Should you take probiotics? - Harvard Health

A probiotic supplement containing 'friendly' gut bacteria called Lactobacillus acidophilus and Bifidobacterium bifidum can limit the growth of candida, says Dr. Metzger. The supplement you will probably find in the store is called L. acidophilus, B. bifidum will also be listed on the label.

Look for a refrigerated supplement that contains both bacteria and follow the recommended dosages on the product label.


Infertility - Treatment and Causes |

Does endometriosis really cause infertility?

When endometrial tissue builds up inside your body, it can disrupt the normal reproductive process. For example:

  • Fluid-filled cysts called endometriomas may form in your ovaries. These cysts can rupture, damaging your ovarian tissue or interfering with ovulation.
  • Scar tissue can block one or more of your fallopian tubes. This makes it impossible for sperm to reach an egg released by your ovary.
  • Fertility naturally decreases with age, even in healthy women. If you are older than 35 years old or have diminished ovarian reserve, having endometriosis can make it that much harder to get pregnant. 

Hence, with the above review, endometriosis is a natural cause of infertility. 



By On 17/04/2020

Endometriosis is a chronic, painful disease in which the endometrium (lining of the uterus inside) grow outside their normal place and appears outside the matrix. In general this abnormal growth takes place in the pelvic cavity but can affect any part of the body. The ectopic tissue responds the same as the one inside the womb to the hormones of the ovary, which are ultimately responsible for the disease, so this disease only appears during the reproductive life of women. The main symptoms of the disease are pain (in different forms, but generally always very intense) and difficulties in achieving pregnancy (it is estimated that around 30% of patients with endometriosis are sterile). 

According to experts, half of women with endometriosis who come visits the hospital have a fungal overgrowth and treating them can often alleviate the intense fatigue that affects most women with this disease. Therefore, in addition to avoiding refined carbohydrates and sugar , which feed the fungus, in this article we will list some home remedies that can eliminate the infection. 


Nonetheless, here is an effective herbal tea to help you get rid of this disease by attacking the root of the pathology. It is a two months treatment.


ENDOMETRIOSIS natural treatment


Here is the best natural remedy to cure endometriosis with plants. Combined with a suitable diet for endometriosis, this natural remedy can cure endometriosis quite easily and without side effects. It is specially designed for patients who do not want to have surgery because each operation involves a risk. It surpasses conventional treatments that relieve pain, but do not attack the root of the disease. How it works?
This natural remedy contains plants that reduce the level of estrogens in the blood. This helps block the proliferation and bleeding of endometriosis lesions. It will remove the pain you experience during menstruation and allow you to experience normal cycles.





Do you know the symptoms of  endometriosis ?

In our article we tell you about them, as well as remedies for this gynecological disease.

The  endometriosis  is defined as the growth of the endometrium (mucous membrane lining the uterus cavity) outside the uterine cavity. It especially grows in the ovaries, fallopian tubes, bladder, and other areas of the abdominal cavity.

Endometrial tissue also continues to respond to hormonal changes. There are different degrees depending on the depth, being a  laparoscopy for the definitive diagnosis .

It is usually diagnosed  between the ages of 25-35 , but it probably starts around the first period on a regular basis.



The most frequent symptoms of endometriosis are:

  • Dysmenorrhea
  • Bleeding
  • Pain in intercourse
  • Low back pain
  • Pain when urinating
  • Radiated shoulder pain
  • Sickness
  • Vomiting

This leads many of the women who suffer from it to depressive states, anxiety, sleep disturbances, dependence on pain relievers, sexual problems with partners and school or work, absenteeism due to stress.


SEE ALSO: How to make sex less painful if you have endometriosis



Furthermore, it is one of the  most common causes of infertility  in women of childbearing age.


The basic natural remedies for the treatment of endometriosis are aimed at lowering estrogens; to improve hormonal balance and decrease pain.



Natural medicine For Endometriosis

1. Fiber:     


In fact, a high fiber intake may lower estrogen levels.This means that eating a high-fiber diet may be an excellent strategy for women with endometriosis. Fruits, vegetables and whole grains are the best sources of dietary fiber.

2. Dong Quai or female ginseng:  


This plant has been used for centuries in traditional Chinese medicine to alleviate and combat gynecological disorders, such as endometriosis, since it          contains natural phytoestrogens that act as female hormonal regulators.

3. Gluten: 


A recent Italian study has shown that a long-term gluten- free diet reduces the pain of endometriosis in 75% of women. Even if it does not cure the disease, the gluten- free diet provides daily relief.

4. Reduce pro-inflammatory foods:


Foods such  as sugars, caffeine, red meat, chicken, sunflower oil, corn oil, bluefin tuna, cow's milk, soy, margarines, refined flours, processed food (additives, dyes) are not advised for endo patients since the favour inflammation. 

5. Omega 3:


incorporate foods rich in omega 3 (blue fish, flax oil) several times a week and supplement with  omega 3 .

6. Omega 6: 


Supplement with omega 6 in the form of evening primrose  oil or borage oil pearls should be included in your diet.

7. Fermented:


regenerate the intestinal flora by consuming ferments (pickles, sauerkraut, kimchi), kombucha tea, goat kefir, or supplement with  probiotics for at  least 21 days.

8. Natural Phytoestrogens: 


Consume natural phytoestrogens to correct hormonal imbalance. Such as garlic, brown rice, hazelnuts, gluten-free oatmeal, berries, plums, coconut, cabbage, fennel, legumes, apples, beets, flax and sesame seeds, carrots.

9. Moderate Physical Exercise: 


Walking 2.5 hours a week at a brisk pace, moderate physical exercise helps regulate your hormones.

  1. Vitamin C


Take a  Vitamin C supplement daily  to help decrease bleeding and cramping pain.

  1. Do a liver cleansing: 


Estrogens are eliminated and metabolized via the liver, so we must help with  bitter plants such   as: boldo, fumaria, artichoke, dandelion, green nettle, milk thistle. Of course you have to eliminate alcohol.

  1. Bach flowers: 


Rely on emotional therapy with  Bach flowers , to treat insomnia, feelings of sadness, anxiety, stress, partly derived from the added problems of infertility.



Endometriosis medical vs natural remedy


By On 17/04/2020

The largest number of women suffering from endometriosis occurs at the age of 25 - 35 years. It is during this period that most families decide on pregnancy planning. About 25 - 40% of female infertility occurs in this disease. This pathology can become a significant obstacle, preventing the fertilized egg from remaining in the uterine cavity or leading to miscarriages. Moreover, endometriosis can affect the entire female body, leading to impaired functioning of many internal organs and systems.

Endometriosis is a disease of the female reproductive system in which the tissue of the uterine lining (endometrium) begins to penetrate into the underlying structures (myometrium), neighboring organs (fallopian tubesovaries, bladder) and even affecting far away parts of the body (lungs, liver, etc.). At the same time, foci of the endometrium outside the uterus are just as susceptible to the menstrual cycle, periodically contributing to the development of bleeding. The initial manifestations of the pathology are manifested by painful, profuse and prolonged menstruation.


RECOMMENDED: 10 Home Remedies Effective For Overcoming Irregular Menstruation




The solution we offer to cure endometriosis is made up of herbal teas. This natural remedy is 100% made from plants. The plants we use have proven to be effective. They even enter into the composition of certain drugs. We offer you a definite advantage: the absence of undesirable effects and contraindications. Our natural herbal remedy for endometriosis will remove the pain you experience during menstruation and allow you to live normal cycles. In addition to herbs to relieve painful symptoms, this natural remedy also contains herbs that reduce the level of estrogen in the blood. This helps block the proliferation and bleeding of endometriosis lesions. Don't worry, it's the perfect herbal solution for treating endometriosis. You will heal quickly and without surgery.






Лечение эндометриоза в Израиле | Imedical


In recent years, a growing body of research has examined the possible causes of endometriosis, non-invasive methods used to diagnosis the condition, and long-term treatment options.

Pain management is the main goal of most treatments for endometriosis. Both prescription and over-the-counter pain medications and hormone therapies are often recommended. Surgery is also a treatment option.




Nine effective home remedies for earache

According to, In the summer of 2018, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved the first oral gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) antagonist to help women with moderate to severe pain from endometriosis. 

Elagolix is a daily pill. It works by stopping the production of estrogen. The hormone estrogen contributes to the growth of endometrial scarring and uncomfortable symptoms.

It’s important to note that GnRH antagonists essentially put the body into an artificial menopause. That means side effects may include loss of bone density, hot flashes, or vaginal dryness, among others. Drug therapy also includes hormonal, vitamin and immunotherapy.




General Surgeries - RNH Hospital

Currently, more and more preference is given to organ-preserving operations, excluding the resection of the uterus and its appendages. This trend is due to great progress in minimally invasive surgery over the past 10 to 15 years. The main goal of surgical treatment of endometriosis today is the removal of foci and the maximum restoration of the functionality of the female reproductive system.

According to, A new clinical trial in the Netherlands aims to make surgery even more effective. One issue with current surgical approaches is that if endometriosis lesions aren’t removed completely, symptoms can come back. When this happens, the surgery may need to be repeated. A new clinical trial is exploring the use fluorescence imaging to help prevent the need for repeated surgeries.


Popular Surgery options

  • laparoscopic surgery;
  • mini-laparotomy;
  • sacro-uterine denervation;
  • presacral neurectomy.




However, there are some complications that come with surgery performed for endometriosis.  They major complications was observed in 3–10% patients. Medium-term recurrence of lesions was observed in ∼20% of the cases, and around 25% of the women underwent repetitive surgery. Pain recurrence and re-operation rates after conservative surgery for symptomatic endometriosis are high and probably underestimated.

READ ALSO: UTERINE POLYPS: surgery VS natural treatment to get rid of them




Pregnancy planning

The main thing in the treatment of endometriosis is to maintain or restore the integrity of the fallopian tubes and their patency - without this, conception is impossible in a natural way. Hormone replacement therapy allows you to restore the work of the ovaries and the maturation of follicles in them. After the abolition of such therapy, the ovaries begin to function normally.

After laparoscopy of endometriosis, the symptoms of the disease are relieved, the reproductive ability of the body is restored.




In order to prevent the development of endometriosis, the following provoking factors should be avoided: acute or chronic inflammatory processes in the uterus, uterine injuries, medical abortions.

If you suspect the first manifestations of this disease, do not delay the diagnosis and treatment. Identification and elimination of endometriosis at stage I - II contributes to the maximum preservation of all the functions of the female reproductive system.



Relieve the pain of endometriosis with magnesium natural remedy


By On 16/04/2020

Magnesium is one of the most important substances in the human body - it takes care of the health of the heart, kidneys and muscles, strengthens bones, regulates metabolism and participates in a number of other important processes for health including reducing the pain of endometriosis.

Endometriosis affects more than 176 million women worldwide and is one of the leading causes of infertility. It is a condition in which the uterine tissue, the endometrium, attaches to other organs in the pelvic region. Yet experts from Africa Health have discovered a natural solution to get rid of this disease and allow you to enjoy the pleasure of being a woman.


Natural remedy by plants to cure endometriosis


The solution we offer to cure endometriosis is made up of herbal teas. This natural remedy is 100% made from plants. The plants we use have proven to be effective. They even enter into the composition of certain drugs. We offer you a definite advantage: the absence of undesirable effects and contraindications. Our natural herbal remedy for endometriosis will remove the pain you experience during menstruation and allow you to live normal cycles. In addition to herbs to relieve painful symptoms, this natural remedy also contains herbs that reduce the level of estrogen in the blood. This helps block the proliferation and bleeding of endometriosis lesions. Don't worry, it's the perfect herbal solution for treating endometriosis. You will heal quickly and without surgery.


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Unfortunately, so far no one will give an unequivocal answer to the question of why uterine tissue begins to grow in other parts of the body.

Here are some of the suggested underlying causes of endometriosis:

  • Dysbiosis in the gut
  • Heredity
  • Hormonal failure
  • Immune problems
  • Violation of the menstrual cycle






Magnesium is very effective in removing toxic substances. These toxic substances cause the proliferation of endometriosis. Magnesium increases energy production and reduces fatigue. Magnesium is also involved in muscle function, which reduces menstrual cramps.

Magnesium as we know is very anti-inflammatory. The inflammation is automatically triggered by a magnesium deficiency and is a big problem with endo patients causing a lot of pain.


Magnesium is a muscle relaxant and therefore helps us to relax and sleep better, especially if taken in the evening. Magnesium has also been shown to relax smooth muscles (8, 9) and, therefore, can influence endometriosis by its effect on retrograde menses.


3 ways to use magnesium for endometriosis

Supplements and diet

One way to take magnesium supplements or add more magnesium-rich foods to our diet is to eat more cocoa, brown rice, oats, nuts, legumes, avocado, green leafy vegetables and figs.


Magnesium spray

The magnesium spray is also a great way to get more magnesium into your system if the supplements aren't right for you.


Magnesium balm

With the help of magnesium-based balms, you can relieve muscle cramps by rubbing on sore spots while on the



Other benefits of magnesium

  • Magnesium improves sports performance
  • Magnesium improves people with type 2 diabetes
  • Magnesium lowers blood pressure
  • Magnesium prevents migraines and headaches
  • Magnesium reduces insulin resistance
  • Magnesium helps depression
  • Magnesium improves symptoms of PMS




By On 16/04/2020

Endometriosis consists of the presence of an abnormally growing endometrium outside the uterus, that is, in the ovaries, fallopian tubes, ligaments, intestine, and bladder. Sometimes growth penetrates into the tissues of these structures. Less frequently, this tissue can migrate by coelomic metaplasia to other locations such as the lung, heart, brain, eyes, elbow, or knee. Once implanted, this endometrial tissue responds to the natural hormonal cycle, and then begins bleeding into the body cavity; Furthermore, since it lacks a drainage path, it is often the cause of inflammation, pain and infertility.

Endometriosis appears to be associated with infertility. 30% to 70% of women investigated for infertility turn out to have endometriosis, and 30% to 40% of these patients are unable to conceive.




Natural remedy by plants to cure endometriosis


The solution we offer to cure endometriosis is made up of herbal teas. This natural remedy is 100% made from plants. The plants we use have proven to be effective. They even enter into the composition of certain drugs. We offer you a definite advantage: the absence of undesirable effects and contraindications. Our natural herbal remedy for endometriosis will remove the pain you experience during menstruation and allow you to live normal cycles. In addition to herbs to relieve painful symptoms, this natural remedy also contains herbs that reduce the level of estrogen in the blood. This helps block the proliferation and bleeding of endometriosis lesions. Don't worry, it's the perfect herbal solution for treating endometriosis. You will heal quickly and without surgery.




THYAMINE (Vitamin B1)

Williams and her team have studied the effects of impoverishment and thiamine enrichment on six white women. During the impoverishment phase, which lasted for 88 days, the following symptoms appeared: states of mental depression, general weakness, dizziness, back pain, muscle pain, palpitations, dyspepsia, false angina on exertion, insomnia, anorexia, nausea , vomiting, weight loss and muscle weakness. The most impressive features were weight loss, appetite disturbances, fat aversion, and mental symptoms (15).

Very especially before and during pregnancy, a diet with a high density of B vitamins and essential minerals is recommended to keep enzyme saturation levels high (16). A thiamine deficiency, initiated 11 to 15 days before coupling, resulted in 83% of the embryos being reabsorbed. If the deficiency was caused earlier, there were more animals without implants (if started early enough, it always inhibited ovulation) (17). A deficiency of any of the four B vitamins (B1, B2, B5 and B6), initiated 13 days before mating reduced the fertility of the mother rats by up to 80%, and if it went back 28 days before the hymen, in a 100% (18). The 'Basel Study' conducted in Switzerland of 6,400 adult employees found that on the 22nd, 8% of the women had a low saturation for thiamine (19). Cells in the process of dividing have a much higher demand for energy than cells that are not dividing.

Ovulatory maturation and embryonic development involve the highest rates of cell replication in the human life cycle, with high local availability of intracellular energy. It is clear that these deficiencies, when linked to patients with endometriosis, may be exerting their effects on fertility. In other mammals, the hypothalamus is more sensitive to thiamine deficiency than the gonads or the embryo (20). In Wynn's study at Hackney Hospital, the links found were the possible consequence of the low level of the hypothalamic-pituitary-ovarian axis (18). The Nelson and Evans studies conclude that "pituitary and ovarian dysfunction is involved in hormonal insufficiencies in vitamin-deficient animals." It is concluded from these studies, that the endocrine system intervenes as a mediator in the effects of many nutritional deficiencies and inhibits reproduction before such deficiencies have a direct effect on germ cells or embryos (17). Luteinizing hormone (LH) appears to be reduced by an inadequate diet (20). The conclusion reached by Schweppe, regarding women suffering from endometriosis, is that "endometriosis can only be cured through the permanent and complete elimination of endocrine influences" (21). This apparently drastic condition can be alleviated by the sensible use of nutritional supplementation.


Riboflavin is essential in the function of the adrenal glands and, therefore, in the control of stress. The adrenals control how and where fats are deposited in the body, and the mechanisms of hormone release (22). Many women with endometriosis report suffering from stress, and this detail could be an indicator for future research. Endometriosis thrives on the weakness of the immune system, related to stress and that can control the body and life of women (23). Stress or the birth control pill can also profoundly affect the adrenal glands, which make up 20 percent of total estrogen manufacturing (24). Since women with a higher incidence of anxiety, that is, with a higher sensitivity to stress, are less fertile,

The syndrome called LUF has been reported in up to 79% of women with endometriosis, in whom the oocyte is trapped in a torn Graafian follicle that has not ruptured (26). It is a phenomenon common to all mammals. Peritoneal fluid in women showing LUF syndrome has been postulated to be low in volume and contain low levels of steroid sex hormones. It is estimated that this could be one of the causes that contribute to infertility in women with endometriosis.

Riboflavin deficiency gives rise to hormonal imbalances, and is essential in homeostasis and in the elimination by the liver of steroid hormones (estradiol and progesterone), and its deficiency gives rise to excessive accumulation that inhibits the secretion of LHRH by the hypothalamus and gonadotropin secretion from the pituitary, with infertility as a result. Riboflavin and pantothenic acid (B5) are both co-enzymes, and animal reproduction has been reported to be impaired if enzyme saturation falls below approximately 80% (27). This could be relevant to the justification for new studies and research. In 98 patients with unexplained infertility, Thomas and Cooke (1987) diagnosed asymptomatic endometriosis in 51 cases (52%). This incidence in nonfertile women is also supported by other reports (28). If these data, together with those of Hull and his team (1985) regarding the incidence of unexplained infertility, are combined, then it can be estimated that between 8,000 and 9,000 non-fertile women each year in the UK would be diagnosed with asymptomatic endometriosis (11). From this, it is estimated that up to 2 million British women could suffer from this disease, the normal costs of which, together with diagnosis and treatment, could reach many millions of pounds sterling, not to mention the hidden costs of time lost at work or at work. the studies. The social impact on the family is high; many patients are rejected as neurotic when they do not respond favorably to the usual therapies, that have not yet been proven. Those who are still loved resist hopelessly, confused by the claims of the doctors, who insist that they have nothing. Endometriosis can affect the entire family (29).


The pyridoxine deficiency gives rise to the reduction in the activity of the phagocytic cells, and thus it is impossible to properly carry out the total cleaning of the interior of the organism (30). Thus, endometrial cells, in retrograde menstruation, can be eliminated less efficiently, and remnants that could develop endometriosis may remain.

Pyridoxine deficiency gives rise to joint difficulties, depression, reduced muscle function, irritability, nervousness, personality disorders, weakness, insomnia and edema. The deficiency of this Vitamin B6 also triggers the deficiency of Vitamin B3 (14). Some of these symptoms are perceived by women with endometriosis as if they were linked to this disease. Vitamin B6 deficiency has also been associated with partial loss of both humoral and cellular immunity. This picture can give rise to an inadequate response in antibodies and that the organism becomes more vulnerable to diseases.

Pyridoxine influences the release of the neurotransmitters dopamine and serotonin, which regulate good or bad mood (agitation and depression) (23). Steroid hormones are known to influence the synthesis of brain amines, and especially serotonin, the action of which can be counteracted by pyridoxine (32,33). Vitamin B6 stimulates the production of dopamine, an important brain hormone that exerts a calming effect on the nervous system (34). Women with endometriosis are known to be prone to depression and anxiety, and Vitamin B6 appears to do well for some women, according to reports published in newsletters. A study by Slocumb and her team found that patients with pelvic pain considered themselves to be significantly more anxious, more depressed and with more somatic symptoms than patients without pain (35). The link between endometriosis and mood disturbances could, however, be mediated by hormonal factors.

Vitamin B6 stimulates the production of progesterone. Some research indicates that women with endometriosis have a slight imbalance between estrogen and progesterone over a period of the month (there is not enough progesterone for estrogen stocks) (4).

Pituitary and ovarian dysfunction has something to do with hormonal imbalances in animals with vitamin deficiencies. Nelson's conclusion that the endocrine system mediates the effects of many nutrient deficiencies and that it inhibits reproduction before such deficiencies have any direct effect on germ cells or the embryo (38) . In the course of evolution, this trait is likely to have weighed on survival, preventing reproduction when food supplies have not been satisfactory. In the context of reproduction, the endocrine system has developed to become the arbiter of nutritional adequacy (20). This could be, in part, an answer in women with endometriosis who are being inadequately fed. A study by Gallant has indicated that, if pyridoxine is useful in relieving symptoms of postmenopausal syndrome (PMS), this effect is likely due to pharmacological action or correction of marginal deficiency (37). This could also be a relevant factor in relation to endometriosis.

The three B vitamins (B1, B2 and B6) together with choline and inositol play essential roles in the breakdown of excess estrogen, because they are co-enzymes in liver function. Estrogen is involved in the disease process; Thomas claims that manipulation of estrogen secretion could exert its influence on the incidence of endometriosis (11).


In women with endometriosis, low energy levels and infertility are fairly widespread symptoms. "How could I imagine that in such a short time I would feel so tired that the mere fact of taking a shower a day would become a feat" (4). Enzymes depend on the energy magnesium provides to do their job. Magnesium transfers this energy by activating the production of a special substance, adenosine tri-phosphate (ATP), which extracts energy from the food we eat and provides it to each of the cells in our body. Since 1900, a slow decrease in human consumption of magnesium has been observed due to the increase in the consumption of refined foods, but at the same time there has been an increase in the physiological needs of magnesium due to the increase in the consumption of alcohol, phosphoric acid in soft drinks, Vitamin D and contraceptive steroids (38). Magnesium deficiency reduces thiamine levels in the body's tissues. Thiamine cannot be used and is excreted if magnesium is lacking, thus generating a reduction in intracellular energy. Magnesium deficiency is also mutagenic (39). thus generating a reduction in intracellular energy. Magnesium deficiency is also mutagenic (39). thus generating a reduction in intracellular energy. Magnesium deficiency is also mutagenic (39).

The causes of magnesium deficiencies are, therefore: (i) the reduction of dietary intake; (ii) the reduction of absorption; (iii) reduction of utilization; and (iv) the increase in losses (40). Symptoms that lead to deficiencies include insomnia, nervousness, heart palpitations, cramps, and especially menstrual abdominal cramps (23). Fatigue affects the immune system, frequently giving rise to secondary stress. Women with endometriosis also frequently suffer from insomnia, cramps, and menstrual abdominal cramps. Doctors are finding that many people with constant fatigue conditions respond to magnesium supplementation along with potassium (41).

A compromised, weakened immune system can also contribute to the development and progression of endometriosis. At various levels of the reproductive system, immunoglobulins and IgA, IgG, and IgM supplements (a complex device of interactive proteins) are secreted, interactions with immunoglobulins occur to complete the response through the antibodies (42). There is a possibility that magnesium deficiency, along with those of other nutrients, may affect the response of the immune system in patients with endometriosis. Suppression of the immune system increases the risk or increases the incidence of symptoms of allergic manifestations that have been suggested as components of the general weakening picture experienced by patients with endometriosis (43).

Magnesium improves the fidelity of DNA replication and magnesium in the cell membrane prevents the changes that give rise to cancer. Magnesium from cell membranes helps cells stay together with a normal configuration. Magnesium is essential in more than 30 enzyme systems that have to do with the growth of cells and their division, aspects that are altered in cancer (41). The same is true of endometriosis, which mimics the ways cancer cells copy themselves. The nickname "benign cancer" has been applied by some researchers in their references to endometriosis. In some rare cases, endometriosis has developed into cancer. Mostoufizadeh and Sully have shown that a tumor or an endometrial implant must be in a phase of transition between normal endometrial tissue and abnormal cancer tissue. "If the two coexist at one point or at an unusual age, or if the patient has a long history of endometriosis with eventual development of a malignant (cancerous) tumor, this could be the consequence of that" (44). Cancer cells are known to carry cell surface markings that identify them to the immune system, and it is quite possible that endometrial cells may also be marked (45). or if the patient has a long history of endometriosis with eventual development of a malignant (cancerous) tumor, this could be the consequence of that "(44). Cancer cells are known to carry cell surface markings that identify them to the immune system, and it is quite possible that endometrial cells may also be marked (45). or if the patient has a long history of endometriosis with eventual development of a malignant (cancerous) tumor, this could be the consequence of that "(44). Cancer cells are known to carry cell surface markings that identify them to the immune system, and it is quite possible that endometrial cells may also be marked (45).

When magnesium is lacking in the muscles to balance calcium, they seize up and contract, causing cramps, irritability, twitching, and tremors. Magnesium acts on nerves to relax muscles and its deficiency is associated with muscle cramps (40). This deficiency could be associated with cramps in the abdominal muscles and joint pain that many endometriosis patients endure. All patients with endometriosis, examined for a heart defect called mitral valve prolapse, at the Omega Fertility Institute in New Orleans, led by Dr. J. Voros, were found to have prolapse (4). Low levels of magnesium in the cells of the arteries and the heart make it easier for calcium to contract, with nothing to oppose it (41).


The drop in zinc levels damages the thymus gland and can lead to a decrease in the production of T cells, which would cause infection or excess production, in which case the T cells could actually attack the body, causing allergies and autoimmune diseases (48). Endometriosis may well be an autoimmune disease not unlike systemic lupus erythematosus, with which it appears to be frequently associated (47). Zinc deficiency affects immunity to the disease. Dr. R. Pekarek, of the Human Nutrition Laboratory, United States Department of Agriculture, in Grand Forks, North Dakota, has found that zinc deficiency affects one of the lines of the immune system,

A theory proposed by Dmowski in 1981 predicted that ectopic endometrial implantation "should occur in women with a specific type of cell-mediated immunodeficiency" and that "women with this disease may have an incidence or natural process of allergic diseases, autoimmune or neoplastic other than those of the general population »(49).

If endometriosis is finally found to be a true autoimmune disease state, infertility problems could be explained. Autoimmune disorders weaken the hypothalamic-gonadal axis and this alone would suffice to affect meiosis and give rise to a whole range of chromosomal abnormalities. Many studies discuss the origins of autoimmune diseases and it can be concluded that the portion of the genome that is involved with the immune system is particularly susceptible to damage caused by mutagenic influences (50). Subclinical zinc and magnesium deficiencies are considered by researchers to be the cause of this effect. An increasing body of research is supporting the thesis of a general immune system deficiency or suppression in women with endometriosis (43). Zinc deficiency has been shown in animal studies to be associated with reduced fertility, increased rates of miscarriage and birth defects. Los Angeles City University fed mice a zinc-deficient diet. In the offspring, a decrease in immune function was observed until 6 months of age. The second and third generations were fed with normally controlled diets, but they continued to show a reduction in their immune competence (40). Zinc deficiency has been shown in animal studies to be associated with reduced fertility, increased rates of miscarriage and birth defects. Los Angeles City University fed mice a zinc-deficient diet. In the offspring, a decrease in immune function was observed until 6 months of age. The second and third generations were fed with normally controlled diets, but they continued to show a reduction in their immune competence (40). Zinc deficiency has been shown in animal studies to be associated with reduced fertility, increased rates of miscarriage and birth defects. Los Angeles City University fed mice a zinc-deficient diet. In the offspring, a decrease in immune function was observed until 6 months of age. The second and third generations were fed with normally controlled diets, but they continued to show a reduction in their immune competence (40). In the offspring, a decrease in immune function was observed until 6 months of age. The second and third generations were fed with normally controlled diets, but they continued to show a reduction in their immune competence (40). In the offspring, a decrease in immune function was observed until 6 months of age. The second and third generations were fed with normally controlled diets, but they continued to show a reduction in their immune competence (40).

The sex hormone gonadotropin needs zinc and Vitamin B6 for its production at adequate levels. The beneficial effects of Vitamin B6 bound to zinc are reflected at all levels of the female's sexual cycle. One hormone, the inducer of luteinizing hormone (LHRH), causes the pituitary gland, located in the center of the head, to stimulate the development of the ovule and, consequently, ovulation (30). Estrogen also affects zinc levels. High levels of natural estrogen in the body before the period lead to a decrease in zinc (45).

Zinc is also essential for the correct metabolism of fatty acids and their conversion into prostaglandins (40). A team of researchers in Kentucky has discovered that endometriosis petechiae implants produce and synthesize a double amount of prostaglandin F, compared to that produced by intermediate-phase implants. These researchers postulate that this imbalance could be partially responsible for infertility and spontaneous abortions, since they cause uterine and tubal cramps, thus hindering conception and term pregnancy. Zinc deficiency could affect the production of prostaglandins in women with endometriosis and cause an imbalance between the first and third series (anti-inflammatory prostaglandins) and the second series (pro-inflammatory prostaglandins). Prostaglandin series 2 is linked to uterine contractions, giving rise to menstrual cramps (23). This may be related to the dietary intake of excess animal products and low intakes of fish and vegetables.

Certain food products interfere with the absorption of zinc, such as dietary fiber, phytic acid, calcium, and phosphorous. In animal studies, a high calcium intake in the presence of a high intake of phytic acid (bread, cereals, soybeans), appears to have a synergistic effect with the loss of zinc absorption. Sucrose (sugar) increases the excretion of zinc, because the hormone insulin, with zinc content, is required to maintain the result of blood sugar (glucose) (41). This action monopolizes all the available existence of zinc, exhausting its availability in other ways. Women who take iron tablets also have reduced absorption of zinc, as well as with the use of diuretics, alcohol and a diet high in calcium. A diet high in whole wheat flour products and dairy foods will therefore exert its effect on the absorption of available zinc. Zinc deficiencies can be seen in irregular menstruation processes, in dilated veins, irritability, weight gain, and depression.

Primrose oil

It has become clear that Primrose Oil can produce certain anti-inflammatory effects in general, probably thanks to its ability to increase the synthesis of PGE1 and, therefore, tends to correct the relationship between series 1 and series 2 of prostaglandins. This is beneficial, in view of the well-known role of series 2 prostaglandins in certain inflammatory processes. It has been widely used by endometriosis patients in the Endometriosis Society and significant relief effects have been reported. The usual dose is three 500 mg capsules twice a day, after meals (52). There is supporting evidence that endometriosis can cause both pain and infertility, through the production of inflammatory prostaglandins or leukotrins, and by activation of macrophages in the peritoneum, which can destroy sperm. We have recently shown that dietary supplementation with fish oil reduces the dimensions of endometriotic implants in an animal model of endometriosis and that it reduces the concentration of prostaglandins in the peritoneal fluid. These findings suggest that the polyunsaturated fatty acids contained in fish oil may inhibit the growth of ectopic endometrial implants, by inhibiting the metabolism of arachidonic acid in inflammatory eicosanoids, as well as possibly interfering with the action of estrogen (53 ). We have recently shown that dietary supplementation with fish oil reduces the dimensions of endometriotic implants in an animal model of endometriosis and that it reduces the concentration of prostaglandins in the peritoneal fluid. These findings suggest that the polyunsaturated fatty acids contained in fish oil may inhibit the growth of ectopic endometrial implants, by inhibiting the metabolism of arachidonic acid in inflammatory eicosanoids, as well as possibly interfering with the action of estrogen (53 ). We have recently shown that dietary supplementation with fish oil reduces the dimensions of endometriotic implants in an animal model of endometriosis and that it reduces the concentration of prostaglandins in the peritoneal fluid. These findings suggest that the polyunsaturated fatty acids contained in fish oil may inhibit the growth of ectopic endometrial implants, by inhibiting the metabolism of arachidonic acid in inflammatory eicosanoids, as well as possibly interfering with the action of estrogen (53 ).


It is known from animal studies that selenium can exert useful anti-inflammatory effects (54) and that it can improve the immune response (55,56,57,58). To date, little research has been conducted on the use of selenium in the treatment of inflammatory conditions and in situations in which the status of the immune level is low. Selenium and vitamins A, C, and E have been used empirically as a supportive treatment in rheumatic disease and endometriosis, and useful results have been observed on a broad basis. Patients with known sensitivity to yeast should take an inorganic form of selenium (52).


The mechanisms of action of Phenylalanines D and DL are considered in principle to be involved in the inhibition of enzymes that normally rapidly deactivate endorphins, the body's natural analgesic mechanism. These enzymes include carboxypeptidase A and enkephalinase. When the inhibition of these degrading enzymes has been reached, endorphins can provide much longer analgesic action. It is interesting to note that one of the published works shows that enkephalins can block the inflammatory effects of prostaglandins, thus providing an extra mechanism of action in relieving pain caused by endorphin-like substances (52).

The original dosing recommendations, based on work done in the United States, were two 375 mg DLPA tablets, three times a day, before meals but, in our experience, some women have to start one tablet twice a day. day, and gradually increase to the highest doses. Once the correct dose is reached, relief should be experienced within a few days. The action of DLPA can be prolonged and, in some cases, its effects may persist for two to three weeks after stopping treatment (52).


By On 16/04/2020

Endometriosis and Chinese herbal teas | SBS Food


During the menstrual cycle a few women experience severe pain in the abdomen. But it is often considered a natural thing. Many believe the onset of the menstrual pain is caused by hormones, but it could be because of an illness that is not realized. 

Menstrual pain is one of the symptoms of endometriosis, a benign gynecologic disorder characterized by the presence of endometrial cells outside the endometrium (tissue normally lining the uterus) and affecting 10% of women of childbearing age and 40% of infertile women in the USA. 



Endometriosis is a condition in which the lining of the uterine wall grows in certain places and causes severe pain during menstruation. Sadly, this disease is experienced by one in 10 women of reproductive age.

"At this time approximately 15-49 years old women suffer from endometriosis, there are 176 million women in the world suffering from this disease. This figure is quite high compared to other diseases such as asthma and diabetes," according to experts.




The pain is felt  before, during and after menstruation, though the pain during menstruation seems to be a normal thing, it needs to be observed. 



Endometriosis not only disrupts activity when pain comes, but it can also interfere with fertility. The bad impact is that, someone who has this disease can have difficulty in geting pregnant.




Signs of Infertility: In Men and Women

The scarring and adhesions that accompanies endometriosis can lead to blockage of the fallopian tubes or uterus, making it difficult for the sperm to meet the egg. These tissues on the ovaries can also inhibit ovulation, preventing the release of an egg, hence, causing infertility. 




Infact, as an endometriosis patient it is best to avoid including foods that contain gluten such as bread and wheat, processed foods, milk, coffee, and soy to your menu. Instead, increase your intake of omega-3s, magnesium, and coconut oil to help with the pain. 





  • Natural remedy by plants to cure endometriosis


The solution we offer to cure endometriosis is made up of herbal teas. This natural remedy is 100% made from plants. The plants we use have proven to be effective. They even enter into the composition of certain drugs. We offer you a definite advantage: the absence of undesirable effects and contraindications. Our natural herbal remedy for endometriosis will remove the pain you experience during menstruation and allow you to live normal cycles. In addition to herbs to relieve painful symptoms, this natural remedy also contains herbs that reduce the level of estrogen in the blood. This helps block the proliferation and bleeding of endometriosis lesions. Don't worry, it's the perfect herbal solution for treating endometriosis. You will heal quickly and without surgery.


  • Ginger: 

Ginger: Health benefits and dietary tips

Ginger is one of the best drugs containing anti-inflammatories. People with endometriosis often have nausea caused by the disease itself. Ginger is one of the best remedies to treat nausea, and research in the field constantly confirms that this practice is both safe and effective. Take some pieces of ginger, grate and cook until boiling. Let it cool.


  • Castor oil:

Shangri-La Diet: Lose weight by eating spoons of OIL |

Castor oil has been used for hundreds of years to treat endometriosis. It can be used from the start, at the first sensation of cramps, to help the body get rid of excess tissue. It is important that this technique is used only before menstrual flow, not during.
Castor oil should be massaged directly into the abdomen. You can also mix it with a few drops of a relaxing essential oil such as lavender to help relax the pelvic muscles, and apply it on a warm compress to place on the abdomen.




  • Flax seed:

How to Make Healthy Flax Seed Dishes — Cooking Light | Cooking Light

Flax seed has antioxidant properties and an omega-3 fatty acid content. Flaxseed is useful for treating endometriosis and helps remove harmful toxins from the body. Several studies have shown a relationship between certain fats and the incidence of endometriosis or the severity of symptoms. Flax seed is rich in omega 3; they appear to be protective while omega-6 should be reduced. Also, be careful with trans fatty acids.


  • Turmeric: 

Does turmeric have anticancer properties?

Curcumin (diferuloylmethane) is a spice found in Indian saffron and the most active constituent of turmeric. Curcumin reduces the proliferation of endometrial cells, increases apoptosis, thereby reducing the size and number of endometriotic lesions. Curcumin has anti-inflammatory properties and has been shown to be a valuable agent in the prevention and treatment of endometriosis.

Drink a turmeric tea 3 times a day: morning, noon and evening.


  • Chamomille: 

Chamomile flower tea endometriosis

Chamomile is also known to reduce the inflammation that triggers endometriosis. You can consume chamomile powder with tea and drink 2-3 times a day.


  • Fennel seeds; 

What Are The Side Effects Of Fennel Seeds?

This remedy can help you overcome endometriosis. Try taking some fennel seeds in a clean cloth, rubbing and smelling the smell. Or you can also boil a teaspoon of fennel seeds and drink it like tea.


  • Fish oil; 

Fishoil endometriosis

Fish oil is rich in omega-3 fatty acids. The components of fish oil help prevent the growth of endometrial cells. For best results, drink a teaspoon of fish oil every morning and evening.





By On 16/04/2020

Castor oil – sustainable and fair trade : COSSMA

Castor oil, known as beaver oil in I.N.C.I (International Nomenclature for Cosmetics Ingredients) is not a beaver fat, which is called Beaver in English, but rather an oil from a plant. It is a powerful natural anti-inflammatory that helps relieve swelling caused by endometriosis.

Endometriosis is a mild disease that affects women during their reproductive lives. If the endometrium, located outside the uterus, does not develop properly, it can settle anywhere in the abdomen. It can cause implants (small plaques), nodules (large plaques) and endometriosis (ovarian cysts). However, AFRICANDOCTOR'S experts have found a natural remedy to rid of this disease.






The solution we offer to cure endometriosis is made up of herbal teas. This natural remedy is 100% made from plants. The plants we use have proven to be effective. They even enter into the composition of certain drugs. We offer you a definite advantage: the absence of undesirable effects and contraindications. Our natural herbal remedy for endometriosis will remove the pain you experience during menstruation and allow you to live normal cycles. In addition to herbs to relieve painful symptoms, this natural remedy also contains herbs that reduce the level of estrogen in the blood. This helps block the proliferation and bleeding of endometriosis lesions. Don't worry, it's the perfect herbal solution for treating endometriosis. You will heal quickly and without surgery.



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Properties of castor oil which helps to cure endometriosis

Castor Plant Stock Photos, Pictures & Royalty-Free Images - iStock

Castor oil derived from castor seeds is a pale yellow liquid well known for its healing properties. Its anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties allow it to reduce the pain of endometriosis. So be calm because it has been used for years to treat endometriosis. It is also rich in ricinoleic acid, a fatty acid which has been shown to help reduce pain and inflammation.




Castor Oil Packs for Heavy Periods, Fibroids - YouTube


A castor oil pack is a cloth moistened with organic castor oil that is placed on the skin with heat to improve circulation and promote healing of the tissues and organs beneath this area of ​​the skin. The castor oil pack has been used as therapy for centuries to promote healing and circulation in the body, particularly in the reproductive system. It stimulates healthy detoxification in the body; especially the lymphatic system and the liver. Fortunately for women, it provides healthy support for their reproductive system, especially for women with endometriosis, painful periods and infertility. Castor oil is a heavy oil and works well topically to remove toxins - in the liver or in the reproductive organs.

What you will need


  • Glass dish
  • An uncoloured organic cloth
  • 500 ml organic castor oil
  • Old clothes to wear that you don't mind being a little messy
  • 2 x old towels


How to use a castor oil pack

  • Pour the organic castor oil into the glass dish and gently heat the castor oil in the oven.
  • Do not overheat it, as it will be placed on the skin.
  • Soak a flannel cloth in warmed organic castor oil, then place it on the skin.
  • To protect yourself from spills, cover the flannel with a plastic sheet, then place a hot water bottle or a heating bag on the plastic to heat the bag.
  • Cover everything with a towel and relax for 30 to 45 minutes.
  • After removing the pack, clean the area with a solution of water and baking soda.
  • Store the packaging in the covered container in the refrigerator.
  • Each pack can be reused up to 25-30 times.



Castor oil has been precarious for cramps caused by menstrual disorders for ages. It helps relieve cramps and also flushes out toxins that build up in the area.

Warning: castor oil should not be taken internally. It should not be applied to broken skin. It should never be used during pregnancy, breastfeeding or menstruation. If you are actively trying to conceive, stop use after ovulation.



  • Dizziness

  • Abdominal cramps

  • Diarrhea
  • Nausea



Face cleanser and tonic / Anti-acne:

16 Benefits Of Jamaican Black Castor Oil For Skin, Hair, & Health


Castor oil is a triglyceride very rich in Omega 9. It is a magnificent cleanser for the face with which to finish once and for all unsightly blackheads. It is also a very effective remedy for fighting acne since its ricinoleic acid reduces inflammation and helps fight the bacteria that cause it.

Anti stretch marks:

Castor oil for Stretch Marks and Blemishes on the body


It is one of its most effective applications because its fatty acids have the power to penetrate the skin by stimulating cell regeneration.


Sunny Isle Jamaican Black Castor Oil Skin Repair 4oz -


In addition to fatty acids, castor oil contains a large amount of vitamin E which stimulates the production of elastin and collagen, preventing and reducing wrinkles and delaying skin aging.


Castor oil and hormone balance - Justine Evans - Naturopathic ...


For centuries it has been its best-known property, but it should be ingested with caution as its effects can be very powerful. Just take a spoonful of juice (it must be mixed with another drink due to its strong flavor) to take effect.



By On 16/04/2020

People often wonder if endometriosis and adenomyosis are similar, the answer is NO. 

Leaving the gynecologist’s office with a “mysterious” diagnosis of endometriosis or adenomyosis, women often perceive the doctor’s words almost as a sentence. While, Adenomyosis most commonly affects women between the ages of 40 and 50 years and is associated with a past history of childbirth, Endometriosis or  endometrial implants affects women between 15 and 44. It is especially common among women in their 30s and 40s and may make it harder to get pregnant.

What is hidden behind these names, what are the symptoms of these diseases, what differentiates them from eachother, what do they threaten the health with, what are the causes and the main methods of treatment? 


Endometriosis vs Adenomyosis - Vasundhara - Medium

A woman experiencing heavy bleeding, painful periods, and chronic pain in the pelvic region, could be going through symptoms of endometriosis. This is a condition in which endometrial tissue spreads and implants beyond the uterus. During every menstrual period, this misplaced endometrial tissue can shed blood into the pelvic region and beyond, causing cysts, scar tissue, and adhesions to form over time. 

But if the endometrial tissue burrows deep into the muscle of the uterus, and not outside the uterus, the diagnosis is actually adenomyosis, a condition that is related to endometriosis but has a few key differences.

In endometriosis, the endometrial tissue escapes from the uterus and might implant on the surface of the bladder, bowels, or other organs throughout the body. In adenomyosis, the endometrial tissue gets pushed into the myometrium muscle of the uterus, which is located between the inner and outer layers of the uterus organ. Once embedded in the muscle, this endometrial tissue sheds when the rest of the endometrium sheds during a period, which causes extra bleeding, pain, and cramping.


Natural treatment for endometriosis or adenomyosis

Here is the best natural remedy to cure endometriosis or adenomyosis with plants. Combined with a suitable diet against endometriosis and adenomyosis, this natural remedy can cure these diseases quite easily and without side effects. It is specially designed for patients who do not want to have surgery because each operation involves a risk. It surpasses conventional treatments that relieve pain, and attack the root of the disease. How it works?
This natural remedy contains plants that reduce the level of estrogens in the blood. This helps block the proliferation and bleeding of endometriosis and adenomyosis lesions. It will remove the pain you experience during menstruation and allow you to experience normal cycles.





What is the difference between adenomyosis and endometriosis

The similarities and differences can be divided into different parts:



Symptoms of adenomyosis and endometriosis include pain ranging from mild to severe. But some women with endometriosis have no symptoms. About a third of women with adenomyosis have no symptoms.

Some of these symptoms are


  • painful periods (dysmenorrhea)
  • painful intercourse (dyspareunia)
  • chronic pelvic pain
  • abnormal bleeding (bleeding) or prolonged periods
  • infertility
  • an enlarged uterus



  • painful periods (dysmenorrhea)
  • painful intercourse (dyspareunia)
  • painful bowel movements (dyschezia)
  • painful urination (dysuria)
  • pelvic pain
  • tiredness, nausea and diarrhea, especially during your period


READ ALSO: Folk remedies And Preventive Measures for dysmenorrhea



The exact causes of adenomyosis and endometriosis are not known. But researchers have identified likely mechanisms and risk factors.

Theories include:

  • Adenomyosis and endometriosis can result from tissue damage and repair after trauma to the uterus.
  • Estrogen production is involved in this process.
  • Stem cells can be activated by damage to the endometrial tissue. They can then develop outside of their usual location in adenomyosis and endometriosis.
  • Menstrual blood that gets lost in the fallopian tubes (retrograde menstruation) can leave endometrial tissue in the pelvis or other areas.
  • Genetic factors may be involved. Endometriosis tends to run in families.
  • Your lymphatic system can transport endometrial cells to other regions.



Risk factors

Researchers have identified certain risk factors associated with adenomyosis and endometriosis.


A higher risk of adenomyosis is associated with:

  • women who have had more than one child
  • women treated with tamoxifen for breast cancer
  • women who have had uterine surgery, such as dilation and curettage
  • depression and increased use of antidepressants
  • Studies of an association of adenomyosis with smoking and ectopic pregnancy have mixed results.


A higher risk of endometriosis is associated with:

  • earlier menstruation
  • shorter menstrual cycle (less than the typical 28-day cycle)
  • higher height
  • higher consumption of alcohol and caffeine
  • a blood relative with endometriosis (this increases your risk by seven)


A reduced risk of endometriosis is associated with:

  • higher body mass index (BMI).
  • use of oral contraceptives
  • regular exercise
  • dietary omega-3 fatty acids



doctor with female patient | doctor explaining diagnosis to … | Flickr


The doctor may suspect the presence of adenomyosis as follows:

  • Signs and symptoms

  • A pelvic exam that reveals the existence of an enlarged and sensitive uterus
  • Ultrasound image of the uterus
  • Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of the uterus

In some cases, the doctor may take a sample of the uterine tissue for analysis (endometrial biopsy) and verify that an abnormal uterine bleeding is not associated with a serious disorder. However, an endometrial biopsy will not help the doctor confirm the diagnosis of adenomyosis.

The only way to confirm adenomyosis is to assess the uterus after hysterectomy. However, diagnosis by pelvic images, such as ultrasound or magnetic resonance imaging, can detect signs of this disease.




Diagnosis for endometriosis




How to make sex less painful if you have endometriosis: HERBAL TREATMENT

By On 15/04/2020

Endometriosis and sex: What to know and how to prevent pain

As all women suffering from endometriosis, this painful and debilitating disease affects many aspects of life, including menstruation, mental health , fertility, and sexual life, among others.

When endometriosis is suffered , the tissue that normally forms in the lining of the uterus (the endometrium) grows outside the uterus, around the ovaries, fallopian tubes, pelvic tissue, bladder, gastrointestinal tract, or , somewhat less frequently, from other parts of the body .

During the menstrual cycle, this tissue that grows where it shouldn't behaves as if it were in the womb : it becomes thicker, tears and bleeds, but the body has no way to get rid of it, causing inflammation. Consequently, scar tissue, adhesions and cysts can be generated .


Natural remedy by plants to cure endometriosis


The solution we offer to cure endometriosis is made up of herbal teas. This natural remedy is 100% made from plants. The plants we use have proven to be effective. They even enter into the composition of certain drugs. We offer you a definite advantage: the absence of undesirable effects and contraindications. Our natural herbal remedy for endometriosis will remove the pain you experience during menstruation and allow you to live normal cycles. In addition to herbs to relieve painful symptoms, this natural remedy also contains herbs that reduce the level of estrogen in the blood. This helps block the proliferation and bleeding of endometriosis lesions. Don't worry, it's the perfect herbal solution for treating endometriosis. You will heal quickly and without surgery.




You have endometriosis and sex is terribly painful. Pain or discomfort during or after sexual intercourse is one of the symptoms of this progressive disease that affects quality of life. It feels like a knife is going through your uterus. The pain during intercourse is part of the symptoms of endometriosis , a condition that may compromise the structures and organs pelvic (intestine, bladder, ureters, etc.) and thus produce way abdominal and pelvic pain and compromise the reproductive potential.
Diagnosed rather late due to ignorance of symptoms, recognizing it early makes the difference.


Why does endometriosis often lead to pain during sexual intercourse?

Endometriosis is preferably located in the posterior part of the uterus and involves the ligaments that go from the uterus to the sacrum. Every time a menstruation occurs, endometriotic implants react in the same way, causing an internal menstruation with local inflammation and fibrosis over time, and neighboring structures adhere. In the vicinity of the ligaments are the sensory nerves that drive pain.
During sexual intercourse, and more specifically deep penetration, the area compromised by endometriosis is contacted and pain is triggered. The pain is more intense during the relationship and affected women can sometimes recognize certain positions that are particularly bothersome.The pain may also persist after intercourse.

Can this pain be associated with other symptoms, such as low libido?

Libido is affected because relationships are annoying and a sort of conditioned reflex is generated, a vicious circle - "if I have relationships it will hurt" - desire is inhibited and, therefore, libido is affected.

How can you differentiate between pain during sexual intercourse due to endometriosis and pain that can appear from another cause?

A gynecological examination performed by a gynecologist experienced in endometriosis should be sufficient to establish whether the pain may be caused by endometriosis. In the gynecological examination, through vaginal touch, it is not uncommon to find the uterus backwards, tight or nodular sacral uterine ligaments and pain upon mobilization of the uterus.


Tips on How to make sex more enjoyable

Ways to stop-pain during sex - Insider

When sex becomes painful, the person with endometriosis may feel upset and the relationship with their sexual partner may be strained by the problem.

Sex is supposed to be fun, and if one of the members suffers severe pain, everything becomes much less pleasant, not only for the woman with endometriosis, but also for her partner, who does not want to harm her.

However, if you follow this tips you can improve your sexual relationship with your partner



Communicate with your partner.

Although sometimes it is difficult to raise your voice, do not suffer in silence. Tell your partner what is happening to you and explain in detail how it affects you in your sex life. Tell him what you like and what you don't. Some people may interpret your lack of sexual desire as a sign that you are no longer attracted to your partner. So you should explain that this low libido has nothing to do with it, but with your endometriosis.


Try different postures.

"For some women, being up rather than down in the missionary position allows them to further control penetration and reduce pain," says Hoppe.

Find out what works best for you.

Schedule it for the right time.

Watch your menstrual cycle and see how it affects your pain levels. So, you will discover that there are certain times of the month that tend to be better for mischief, so keep that in mind in your planning.

"Some women say having sex after the period is over is less painful," says psychologist and sex therapist Janet Brito . 

Try sexual activities without vaginal penetration.

In some cases, vaginal penetration may be too painful, no matter in which posture, at what speed, or at what time of the month. Try kissing each other naked, masturbating each other, giving and receiving oral sex, rubbing your clothes together. 

"Explore different sensations and discover new erogenous zones. Pinch your nipples, use sex toys or try to change your roles in sex, ”Brito proposes.


Use lubricant.

“Since vaginal dryness is a common cause of pain in sex, it never hurts to have a wild card on hand if there is going to be penetration. You don't want to associate vaginal dryness with endometriosis sex pain, ”says Ross.

Try sexual mindfulness .

Instead of concentrating on reaching orgasm as the sole objective of sex, try to slow down and focus on the sensations of pleasure , take a deep breath and awaken your curiosity to relax your busy minds.

"When you don't feel pressure for how you will do it, you are more likely to live and appreciate the present," says Brito.

Don't underestimate the power of the mind.

Research shows that simply thinking about pleasure can activate the brain as if it were reacting to real physical stimulation. In a 2016 study, Wise and her colleagues found that when participants were asked to imagine playing with a vibrator, "general brain activation" occurred, leading to sexual arousal .

"What this study shows is that it is possible to activate those areas of the brain simply by thinking about sex, confirming how powerful the brain is as a sexual organ," Wise summarizes. "What I recommend to patients who notice pain is to use the power of the mind to imagine that they feel pleasure in the genitals."

Visit a professional.

In addition to going to the doctor to learn about possible treatments , it can also help you to consult with a pelvic health physiotherapist . It will teach you ways to reduce your pain and improve your quality of life in and out of the bedroom.


By On 15/04/2020

Do I have endometriosis and how to manage the pain - Insider

Endometriosis occurs when the cells of the endometrium (the inner lining of the uterus) go beyond the uterine cavity, become fixed and begin to grow in other organs. They go through the same monthly cycle as normal endometrial cells, but cannot leave the body, as happens during menstruation. This causes inflammation and further the formation of scar tissue in the affected areas. And where there is inflammation, there is pain! And, unfortunately, not only pain .


Fact No. 1

Endometriosis cannot be cured

It sounds harsh, you don’t want to believe it, but it true. However, there is good news: the disease can be “curbed" without operation as a result, you can have a good quality of life and avoid infertility, premature menopause, etc. This is possible through our natural treatment. 

Is My Severe Period Pain Actually Endometriosis? - Fertility ...


Natural remedy by plants to cure endometriosis


The solution we offer to cure endometriosis is made up of herbal teas. This natural remedy is 100% made from plants. The plants we use have proven to be effective. They even enter into the composition of certain drugs. We offer you a definite advantage: the absence of undesirable effects and contraindications. Our natural herbal remedy for endometriosis will remove the pain you experience during menstruation and allow you to live normal cycles. In addition to herbs to relieve painful symptoms, this natural remedy also contains herbs that reduce the level of estrogen in the blood. This helps block the proliferation and bleeding of endometriosis lesions. Don't worry, it's the perfect herbal solution for treating endometriosis. You will heal quickly and without surgery.





Fact No. 2

Endometriosis is not easy suffering during menstruation

Endometriosis can significantly affect the ability to work and the quality of life in general, creating problems during the childbearing  period, one of which is infertility (more than half of women suffer from this), and sometimes can continue even after menopause.

Fact No. 3

Pain can occur at any time, not only during menstruation

Pain can occur during urination, bowel movements, sexual intimacy (depending on the location of the foci), and sometimes without any apparent reason. Sometimes you can predict when your pain will be stronger, but endometriosis is usually unpredictable.

Fact No. 4

Diagnosing endometriosis is not easy.

The time from the onset of symptoms to diagnosis can take up to 8 years or more. Women turn to different specialists who make different diagnoses. And often, to relieve pain during menstruation, without a thorough examination and examination of the patient, pain medications are prescribed that can mask the symptoms for years, while the disease will progress.

Fact No. 5

Endometriosis affects both the physical and mental state of a woman

Pain in itself can cause you to miss work or study, your refusal from social activity, and the avoidance of sexual contact. Irritability, anxiety, depression down to depression are quite common in patients with endometriosis.

Fact No. 6

Endometriosis can affect every woman in different ways.

Even if you find two women with foci of endometriosis in the same places, the likelihood that they will experience the same symptoms is relatively small. Almost all women will have pain, but its nature, localization can differ significantly. Endometriosis I step (light) may cause more severe pain endometriosis than I V step (common).

Fact No. 7

There is no universal method or even a combination of treatment methods that works for all patients

Treatment is always selected individually. For treatment, surgical intervention is used, as well as drug treatment - hormonal drugs and drugs that affect hormone production (gonadotropin releasing hormone agonists)

Fact No. 8

With endometriosis, the main hormones of femininity - estrogens, work against us

Estrogens normally contribute to the growth of the endometrium at the beginning of each menstrual cycle. However, with endometriosis, estrogens cause disease progression, because no matter what organ the cells of the uterine lining of the uterus have taken root in, they also respond to estrogens, just like normal tissue. Therefore, hormonal drugs for the treatment of endometriosis should not contain estrogen.

Fact No. 9

After childbirth, endometriosis cannot be cured and may even progress.

There is a misconception that pregnancy and childbirth can, if not cure, then at least cause a regression of the disease. Alas, this is not so. Endometriosis can progress after childbirth. However, childbirth saves from another - this is a powerful prevention of ovarian cancer, the risk of which increases with endometriosis.

Fact No. 10

You can’t tolerate pain

Here patience and perseverance are inappropriate. If the pain is not stopped in time, it can become chronic: in this case, the nerve cells are damaged and perceive the pain more acutely. That is, pain sensitivity increases in general: you will feel any pain, even toothache and headache, more sharply than women who do not suffer from endometriosis.




Advice in a situation where you have been diagnosed with endometriosis

1) No panic!

Endometriosis can and should be controlled. People who are responsible for their health live a full life.

2) Accept that endometriosis cannot be completely cured and one treatment method does not work for everyone

Do not ignore this, who is warned - he is armed! Entrust the health to a qualified obstetrician-gynecologist, follow his recommendations and tune in to long-term therapy of the disease with a break in case of pregnancy and childbirth.

3) Become a lawyer for your body, control your well-being

Only you really know what happens to your body. Take care of yourself and listen to the body. Tell your doctor about changes, for example, in the nature or location of the pain, so that he can help you prevent an exacerbation of the disease in time.






By On 15/04/2020


Endometriosis is a very common disease that most often occurs in women of reproductive age, at 25-40 years old. Endometriosis is a disease associated with a large number of myths. For this reason, not all women know how to deal with this ailment and what to do so that endometriosis goes away without complications. 




Endometriosis is a disease in which the tissue of the endometrium (uterine mucosa) grows beyond its normal localization. It is one of the main causes of infertility and miscarriage. 

Since endometrial tissue is sensitive to hormones, it monthly undergoes the same changes that occur in the normal mucous membrane of the uterus and are accompanied by bleeding. A pathologically overgrown endometrium invades the tissues and causes them to bleed, which leads to a malfunction of the organs and their inflammation.


FORTUNATELY, the experts of africandoctor, have found the best plant cure for endometriosis. 


Natural remedy by plants to cure endometriosis


The solution we offer to cure endometriosis is made up of herbal teas. This natural remedy is 100% made from plants. The plants we use have proven to be effective. They even enter into the composition of certain drugs. We offer you a definite advantage: the absence of undesirable effects and contraindications. Our natural herbal remedy for endometriosis will remove the pain you experience during menstruation and allow you to live normal cycles. In addition to herbs to relieve painful symptoms, this natural remedy also contains herbs that reduce the level of estrogen in the blood. This helps block the proliferation and bleeding of endometriosis lesions. Don't worry, it's the perfect herbal solution for treating endometriosis. You will heal quickly and without surgery.







  • Category 1: Peritoneal Endometriosis A mild form that affects the peritoneum, the lining of the abdomen.
  • Category 2: Chocolate Cysts Endometriosis cysts are in the ovaries, and risk breaking and spreading the disease further.
  • Deep Infiltrating Endometriosis 1 (DIE I) Endometriosis has invaded the ovaries, rectum, and uterus.
  • Deep Infiltrating Endometriosis 2 (DIE II) The most severe form, it affects organs within and without the pelvic cavity, including the bowels, appendix, diaphragm, heart, lungs, and (rarely) the brain.




The ASRM sorts diagnoses into four stages, “depending on location, extent, and depth of endometriosis implants; presence and severity of adhesions; and presence and size of ovarian endometriomas.”

  • Stage 1 (1 to 5 points) A few superficial implants, mild adhesions

  • Stage 2 (6 to 15 points) Slightly deeper implants and more adhesions
  • Stage 3 (16 to 40 points) Deep implants, small chocolate cysts (ovarian endometriomas), deeper and filmy lesions, scarring
  • Stage 4 (more than 40) Deep implants, large chocolate cysts, many dense adhesions, more scarring




Endometriosis | Johns Hopkins Medicine

The manifestation of endometriosis depends on its form and degree, as well as on concomitant diseases. The main symptoms of endometriosis are severe pain in the lower abdomen of a bursting nature, bloating before the onset and on the first day of menstruation, pain during intercourse. In some cases, its symptoms may be absent, especially at the initial stage.

But nevertheless, there are characteristic clinical manifestations of this disease:

  • pain in the lower abdomen and lumbar region of varying intensity
  • increased pain during menstruation,
  • pain during intercourse
  • rectal pain
  • menstrual irregularities (the appearance of spotting brown discharge in 1-3 days and within 1-7 days after menstruation)
  • increased profusion of menstruation and its duration
  • the appearance of intermenstrual bleeding
  • infertility
  • symptoms of intoxication (nausea, vomiting, weakness, fever, chills, increased white blood cells and ESR in the blood)




HERE are some hypothesis for the occurence of this disease;

  • Implantation, or retrograde menstruation. Some doctors believe that endometriosis develops in some women when menstrual blood with particles of the endometrium enters the abdominal cavity and fallopian tubes (retrograde menstruation). There, the endometrium can attach to the tissues of various organs and menstruates cyclically, but cannot go outside (like from the uterus).
  • Hereditary predisposition. If endometriosis was in the mother, it is likely that it will develop in daughters.
  • Surgical interventions on the uterus: cesarean section, abortion, cauterization of erosion.
  • Immunosuppression



Diagnosis of endometriosis

The doctor carefully interviews and examines the woman, then prescribes the studies:

  • gynecological - in case of suspected endometriosis, you need to come on the eve of menstruation;
  • colposcopy and hysterosalpingoscopy to clarify the location and form of the lesion, obtain a tissue biopsy;
  • Ultrasound of the small pelvis and abdominal cavity to find foci of endometriosis;
  • sometimes - CT or MRI, if there is a suspicion of distant foci;
  • and other studies, different in each case.
  • Hysteroscopy
  • Laparoscopy
  • Blood test for CA-125 (marker of endometriosis)


Endometriosis treatment 

Specializing in obstetrics, gynecological surgery, and advanced ...

It can be very different, since endometriosis itself can also be different. The age of the patient, the prevalence and localization of the process, and possible pregnancy planning are important.

In the treatment of endometriosis with medication, they use combined estrogen-progestogen drugs that suppress estrogen production and ovulation at the initial stage. Progesterone, antigonadotropic drugs that suppress the production of gonadotropins in the hypothalamus and other drugs are also used.

Surgical methods are used for moderate and severe endometriosis alone or in combination with drug treatment.
With laparoscopy, foci of endometriosis and its consequences (adhesions and cysts) are removed. However, 12% of patients require radical surgical treatment of endometriosis (removal of the uterus and appendages). Such treatment is carried out after 40 years with active progression of the disease.

Endometriosis often recurs (in 15-40% of cases), and complete cure (restoration or preservation of reproductive function) is achieved in 60% of patients aged 20-36 years. Endometriosis is a tenacious and persistent disease, so the sooner it is detected and the more competent it is to treat, the higher the likelihood of a full recovery and a desired pregnancy, if it is planned.


Risk Factors for Endometriosis

  • endometriosis in a close relative: mother, sister or daughter;
  • early onset of menstruation: up to 11 years;
  • short monthly cycles: less than 27 days;
  • heavy menstrual bleeding that lasts longer than a week.


Factors that reduce the risk of endometriosis

  • pregnancy;
  • the beginning of menstruation at the end of the teenage period: at 13-15 years;
  • regular exercise: more than four hours a week;
  • low body mass index: BMI in the range of 16-18.5.



Other natural treatment

  • Green tea

Green tea

Green tea is a beneficial drink for patients with endometriosis. Indeed "The EGCG compound, present in green tea, has been studied for the treatment of cancer, but also applies to endometriosis because it can limit the growth of endometrial cells.”
Drink a cup of green tea twice a day: morning and evening. It will do you good.



  • Turmeric


Curcumin (diferuloylmethane) is a spice found in Indian saffron and the most active constituent of turmeric. Curcumin reduces the proliferation of endometrial cells, increase apoptosis, thus reducing the size and number of endometriosis lesions. Curcumin has anti-inflammatory properties and has proven to be a valuable agent in the prevention and treatment of endometriosis.
Drink a turmeric tea 3 times a day: morning, noon and evening.



  •  Artichokes


Since estrogens promote the growth of endometrial tissue, it is, therefore, more appropriate to stick to foods that may lower estrogen levels. "It is important to eat things that help the liver eliminate excess estrogen, including artichokes, parsley, and even lemons, all of which can stimulate liver function."


  • Wild blueberries

Wild blueberry

Just like vegetables, the darker the berries, the richer the antioxidant content, and blueberries, especially wild blueberries, can beat strawberries and raspberries in this regard. Make sure they are an ingredient in your daily diet.



our doctor's opinion

Thanks to our natural remedy, you can heal your endometriosis without undergoing an operation. You will have periods without pain and your cycle will return to normal. The use of plants to fight endometriosis is generally very effective.


Folk remedies And Preventive Measures for dysmenorrhea: Natural Treatment

By On 09/04/2020

Menstrual pain, otherwise normal during menstruation, can be combated without having to swallow various medications from the pharmacy and analgesics especially severe pains.  For example, there are many plants that have a beneficial effect in the case of dysmenorrhea (the so-called menstrual pain in a specialized language) and which we can refer to on the recommendation of a specialist doctor.

In folk medicine, vast experience has been gained in the treatment of painful menstruation (dysmenorrhea, oligomenorrhea) with the help of herbal medicine. Unlike chemical-pharmaceutical preparations, herbal remedies do not cause side effects and complications, they act gently, and do not have a withdrawal effect. Therefore, herbal remedies for the treatment of dysmenorrhea are widely used as components of the main, rehabilitation, and preventive therapy.


Remède naturel pour guerir de la mycose vaginale avec des plantes

The constituents of this tisane allow it to counteract the pains felt during menstruation to help you go through your cycle without much trouble and dispose of any problem that may lead to infertility. Some of of the plants that make this possible are Cloves and Acridoscarpus, these are very powerful plants, the mixture of these plants with other secret herbs has made it possible to deal with menstrual pain. In addition, Our natural remedy is the secret to cure any form of female infertility. We offer you a definite advantage: the absence of undesirable effects and contraindications. The natural approach is often the best approach to find a solution. Our natural remedies have allowed many women to have children.

OR CALL/WHATSAPP: +229 90431725

Infusions for the treatment of painful menstruation

Dysmenorrhea means a syndrome that precedes or accompanies menstruation and which is characterized by pain in the lower back and abdomen, nausea, vomiting, sweating. Depending on our body, in some women, these pains are stronger, often unbearable, while in others they are easier.


What Is Marjoram? Benefits, Side Effects, and Uses

The plant has many advantages and has a spastic gastric and carminative effect (helps to remove gases from the intestine). Hydrangea marjoram essential oil acts as a good analgesic, and herbalists recommend this plant especially because of its high content of volatile oils.

For example, in aromatherapy, essential oil (diluted) is recommended for both internal and external purposes for intestinal colic,  amenorrhea  (lack of a menstrual cycle, which can be pathological, caused by ovarian insufficiency or pituitary gland), in case of dysmenorrhea (the pain syndrome that precedes or accompanies menstruation) and headache. Talk with your doctor about herbal medicine, and he will recommend you in what doses to take magiran-based drugs.

White dead nettle

Ajuga reptans 'Alba' - zenegroen kopen | Maréchal

The plant has anti-inflammatory and sedative effects. Dead white hedgehog (Lamium album) is used in herbal medicine to treat candidiasis and prostatitis. Flowers are especially recommended because of their expectorant properties, but nettle remedies are also recommended for dysmenorrhea (severe pain during the menstrual cycle) and leukorrhea (vaginal discharge from a whitish, sometimes purulent fluid).

Infusion is prepared from 1-2 teaspoons of flowers per cup with hot water. Drink 1-2 glasses a day. Vaginal bleeding can also be done on the advice of a doctor. White flowers of dead nettles are combined with cones of walnut, walnut, and hop - in equal parts - and an infusion of 3 tablespoons of grass per liter of boiling water is prepared.


Yarrow - Colorado Mix

To combat menstrual pain, Achillea millefolium is another ally you can name. Put a teaspoon of dried grass in 250 ml of boiling water (1 cup). Leave on for 5 minutes, then squeeze the tea. Drink 3-4 cups per day as recommended by a herbalist.

Romanita (chamomile)

CHAMOMILE - ROMAN (Chamaemelum nobile)

You can also try chamomile (Matricaria recutita) to combat menstrual pain. Add chamomile to a cup of boiling water. Allow 10 minutes to insist, and then squeeze if necessary. Drink 3 glasses a day before meals.


Ginger: Health benefits and dietary tips

Often used in cold and flu remedies, ginger (Zingiber officinale) is an excellent ally for fighting menstrual pain in the form of a tincture (made with alcohol) on the recommendation of a herbalist. Take up to 30 drops per day, dissolved in a glass of water.


What Lavender Can Do for You

For external use, lavender is another excellent remedy for fighting menstrual pain. Dilute 3 drops of lavender essential oil in 10 ml of vegetable oil excipient (in which it is included) and the resulting composition is massaged in the lower abdomen and back. Apply oil twice daily.

There is a whole list of plants that are used to effectively treat dysmenorrhea and oligomenorrhea, most often in the form of infusions.


15.000 Seeds Wild - Greek Oregano (Origanum Vulgare)

Use 50 grams of crushed leaves, pour 0.4 l of boiling water, after insisting for half an hour, filter. Take three times a day for half an hour before eating.


Take 60 gr. of raspberries leaf, crush and mix with 200 ml of boiling water, after being infused for 15 minutes and filtered. Use in small portions throughout the day.

Water pepper: 30 gr. chopped herbs pour 200 gr. boiling water, after insisting for an hour, filter. Use three times in 1 tbsp. spoon.

Valerian: 50 gr. 200 ml of boiling water is poured into the crushed roots, after heating for 15 minutes in a water bath, it is cooled and filtered. Consume several times a day after eating 3 tbsp. spoons.

Carrots: 50 g of finely chopped fruit is poured with 1 liter of cold water, brought to a boil, boiled for a minute. Then wrap and after insisting for 15 minutes, filter. Use in warm form for pain in the pelvic area, several times a day, 200 ml.

Elecampane : 30 gr. crushed dry roots are placed in a thermos, pour 0.5 l of boiling water, after insisting for two hours, filter. Use three times a day for half an hour before eating 100 g.

Melissa officinalis: 50 gr. finely chopped leaves pour 400 ml of boiling water, insist for an hour and filter. Take three times a day for half an hour before eating 100 g. From the raw materials left after filtering, warm compresses are made, which are put three times a day.

Horsetail field : 30 gr. 300 g of boiling water are poured into the raw materials, after being infused for an hour, filtered. For severe pain, they consume 50-100 grams every two hours, as the pain subsides, the amount of infusion taken is reduced and taken 50 times three times a day.

Odorous celery: 50 gr. chopped fresh roots are poured with cold water in an amount of 200 ml, brought to a boil, insist 3 hours. Filter, use three times a day for 30 g. before meals.

Aromatic dill: 20 gr. seeds pour 200 ml of boiling water, filtered after cooling. Divide the resulting infusion into three parts and take it during the day.

Lovage: 30-40 gr. the roots are laid in a thermos and pour 1 liter of boiling water, after 6 hours put on fire, boil for 5-7 minutes. Again, steam for 20 minutes, after which it is filtered and squeezed. Use 0.5 cups three times a day half an hour before meals.

Burdock and blackberry: finely chopped taken in 100 g. burdock roots and blackberry leaves lay 3 tbsp. collection spoons in a thermos and pour three cups of boiling water put to insist for the night, then filter and use 150 g. four times a day an hour before meals.

Clover: 30-50 gr. finely chopped leaves and stems pour 200 ml of boiling water. Brewing like tea, let it brew for 40 minutes. Take 2 tbsp. tablespoons 2-3 times a day before meals.

Sweet clover: 50 gr. dry herbs pour 0.5 liters of boiling water, after insisting for two hours, filter. A few days before menstruation, they start taking 50 ml four times a day. The infusion effectively relieves cramping and pain, and also has a beneficial effect on the nervous system and emotional state of women.

It is very good to drink beetroot juice with painful menstruation. It contains a lot of iron and betaine, which have a relaxing effect on the smooth muscles of the uterus and significantly reduce pain.

In addition to taking decoctions, if there are other means that contribute to improving the condition of a woman with painful menstruation. For example, attaching hot towels or hot water bottles to your feet helps a lot.

Also, in the treatment of dysmenorrhea, warm compresses from boiled to half-prepared and squeezed barley and warm fresh unsalted cottage cheese help well. They are wrapped in cotton or several layers of gauze and applied to the lower abdomen. You can also apply a compress with a cloth soaked in a decoction of hay dust.

Prevention of dysmenorrhea

The main measures for the prevention of the disease are:

  • rejection of bad habits;
  • normalization of work and rest;
  • proper nutrition - rejection of fatty, fried, salty, spicy, smoked, pickled foods, fast food, the introduction of healthy foods, fresh fruits and vegetables into the diet;
  • avoidance of stress and other disorders of the psycho-emotional state;
  • refusal of a sedentary lifestyle - physical education, swimming, walking;
  • timely treatment of pathologies that can lead to the development of dysmenorrhea;
  • regular rehabilitation of foci of chronic infection in the body;
  • the use of barrier contraception during intercourse;
  • compliance with the rules of intimate hygiene;
  • rejection of promiscuous sex life.

OR CALL/WHATSAPP: +229 90431725


10 best herbs to boost female fertility

By On 09/04/2020

If you are dealing with infertility and looking for ways to boost it naturally, you have come to the right place. The fertility of a woman is interrupted by many factors such as uhealthy lifestyle, uterine diseases; blocked tube, adenomyosis, uterine polyps, ovarian cyst, and so on, thyroid diseases, obesity. 
To be on the safe side it is advisable to first treat the underlying health condition that is affecting your fertility and on time to avoid severe cases.  However, there are lots of herbal medicine to helop boost your fertility. 




Infertilite feminine 1

Birthing a child is the dream of every women but at times our uterus develops issues that hinders fertility. However, africandoctor has found the best medicinal plant to help you solve any uterine disease such as adenomyosis, endometriosis, uterine polypssevere abdominal pain, dyspareunia, anovulation, abnormal menstrual cycle and amenorrhea linked to infertility so you can experience the joy of a mother. The constituents of this tisane allow it to regulate your menstrual cycle and dispose any problem that may lead to infertility. Some of the plants that make this possible  are Cloves and Acridoscarpus, these are very powerful plants, the mixture of these plants with other secret herbs have made this possible.

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  • Black cohosh racemose

The best remedy for: hot flashes and night sweats.

This is one of the most studied and possibly the most popular remedies for hormonal hot flashes and night sweats associated with menopause. However, despite all the research, no one knows for sure the mechanism of its action. One long-standing theory claims that the black cohosh racemose stimulates the production of estrogens, the lack of which causes unpleasant symptoms of menopause. Other studies claim that the plant does not increase estrogen levels, but reduces the number of other hormones that cause hot flashes of sweating.


20 mg twice daily in tablet form, or as indicated on a package containing dried root.

For any liver disorders or taking any drugs that are harmful to the liver (hypotoxic), black cohosh should be discarded. Do not take during pregnancy or breastfeeding.

  • Fruits of the Abraham Tree, or Vitex Sacred

The best remedy for premenstrual syndrome.

Relieves irritability, mood swings and headaches. The Abraham tree also helps to regulate and normalize the menstrual cycle itself in cases of amenorrhea (absence of menstruation for six months or more), too frequent menstruation and symptoms of premenopause and menopause. Perhaps the secret of the effect of the fruits of the Abraham tree is that they lengthen the luteinization phase of the menstrual cycle (the period between ovulation and menstruation).


1-2 capsules with powder, which should be equivalent to the content of 0.6% acubin (the active ingredient of Vitex fruits), since with different types of processing the content of this active substance in 1 g of herbal substance can vary. It is preferable to take Vitex in capsules, because at the same time they must be washed down with at least 700 ml of water per day, and it is difficult to properly proportion with direct brewing of the plant as a medicinal tea. An alternative is tincture from the fruits of the Abraham tree, 40-80 drops per day.

Occasionally, a herbal preparation can cause a skin rash. It should not be used during pregnancy and breastfeeding. The berries of the Abraham tree may not be compatible with some sedatives.

  • Cranberry

Best remedy for: urinary tract infections.

The likelihood of developing a urinary tract infection in women is higher than in men. According to the National Institute of Diabetes and Liver and Kidney Diseases (USA), one in five women must catch a similar infection throughout their lives. Most inflammatory diseases develop due to the excessive reproduction of E. coli in the urethra (urethritis) and / or bladder (cystitis).

Cranberries do not allow bacteria to adhere to the walls of either organ, making it difficult for bacteria to develop. However, it does not kill bacteria - if they have already settled, only the medicines prescribed by the doctor can bring the final cure.


1 tbsp. diluted with 30-50% cranberry juice per day, and even better - eat a glass of cranberries whole, with the skin - it is very useful. Unsweetened cranberry juice is too sour, it can be drunk in its pure form 1-2 tbsp. l in a day. If you take cranberry extract in capsules or tablets, the effect is much weaker.

If you suffer from heartburn (or gastrointestinal reflux), a stomach ulcer or a duodenal ulcer, acid can aggravate your symptoms.

Angelica officinalis

The best tool for the overall health of women.

Also known as angelica root, this Chinese plant is often called "female ginseng" for its effectiveness in treating irregular periods, fatigue, premenstrual irritability and anxiety. Scientists have not yet understood the mechanism of its action. In traditional Chinese medicine, angelica officinalis is used in combination with other herbs to strengthen the blood of people with excess yin energy. In accordance with ancient practice, women usually have more yin (female) energy than yang (male), although each person’s body always has both types of energy - female yin and male yang.


Prescriptions in Chinese medicine are always selected individually for the patient, so it is better to consult a specialist, especially since angelica officinalis is always taken in combination with other herbs. It is part of some ready-made Chinese products to improve blood composition. If, however, you want to take angelica yourself, then brew 1 tsp. chopped root in 250 ml of boiling water for 10-20 minutes, then drink as tea or take 2-4 ml of tincture daily.

Do not take angelica vulgaris during pregnancy - it can stimulate uterine contractility. Angelica can also cause diarrhea and / or increased gas formation in the intestines. If you take anticoagulants, angelica should not be treated!


The best way to protect the heart.

According to the American Association of Cardiology, in developed countries, about twice as many women died from heart diseases and angina attacks than from all forms of cancer, including breast cancer. There is one reason: high cholesterol. After 45 years, women are more likely than men to have elevated blood cholesterol levels. Flaxseed, rich in omega-3 alpha-linolin fatty acid, can help lower it.

You can use flaxseed flour (20 g per day), which reduces the content of "bad" cholesterol in the blood and improves the overall proportion of different types of cholesterol.

1 tbsp. l Flaxseed contains 9 g of protective omega-3 fatty acid, and 2 tbsp. l flour from it contains 4 g of fiber, which is also beneficial for the health of the heart and blood vessels - this is almost 20% of the daily norm. Lignins, which are a special type of fiber found in flaxseed, also serve as prevention of breast and prostate cancer. However, lignins are absent in flaxseed oil.


1-5 Art. l Flaxseed flour per day. You can mix it into porridge, granola, yogurt, etc. Flaxseed oil should be stored in the refrigerator so as not to get rancid. It must be added to salads and can not be used for frying.

Flaxseed and its oil are safe if consumed in regular amounts, however, can cause a laxative effect.


It helps everyone with migraines.

According to the National Headache Research Organization, about three times as many women than men suffer from migraines. Girl feverfew relieves the nausea and vomiting that occurs with this exhausting headache. The active component of the plant is parthenolide, which reduces neurogenic inflammation and prevents the narrowing of blood vessels.

The plant comes from southern Europe. The feverfew is a photophilous, and also quite cold-resistant perennial plant. At home he is assigned a sunny place with calcareous, medium fertile soil.


100 to 150 mg of dried leaves or 2.5 fresh leaves per day (with or after meals). Girl's feverfew extract will help halve the frequency of migraines. It may take 4 to 6 weeks to achieve the effect.

You can not take feverfew pregnant. Do not combine with taking anticoagulants. Sometimes a side effect occurs in the form of sores on the oral mucosa. Girl feverfew can also increase the sensitivity of the skin to the sun.

Turmeric is long

The best remedy for rejuvenation and general prevention of inflammation.

Curcuminoids, the active compounds that give turmeric its bright golden color, have long been known as an anti-inflammatory and antioxidant. For women with breast cancer, curcumin may be especially beneficial. The substance helps prevent metastases, even after a failed treatment with tamoxifen. In women with HER-2-positive breast cancer, curcuminoids also have an effect similar to chemotherapy with herceptin.


It is best to consume curcumin in the form of a natural turmeric spice in curry and other types of food. If you are not a fan of Indian cuisine, take curcumin in capsules daily, the content of curcuminoids should correspond to 95 - this is 1 capsule per day.

Side effects are rare, but include bloating, diarrhea, and heartburn. You should give up turmeric if you are taking anticoagulants.

Green tea

The best way to prevent cancer.

Numerous laboratory studies on cell cultures and animals have shown that green tea has chemopreventive properties. For example, it can prevent the growth of a breast cancer, especially in the early stages. And in the most recent laboratory study conducted in China in 2006, they found that the main constituent of green tea, an antioxidant called epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG), causes breast cancer cells to self-destruct.

EGCG blocks the germination of blood vessels in the tumor, thus depriving cancer cells of nutrients.

EGCG seems to bind a specific protein that is present in every cell in the body, which prevents it from further transmitting signals that trigger the cancer development process: cancer cells have a higher level of this protein than usual.


Drink 6 to 10 cups of natural green tea per day. The drink should be natural, not processed in order to reduce the caffeine / tannin content - removing stimulants from tea reduces its chemoprotective potential.

Ginger officinalis

The best remedy for nausea and inflammation of the joints.

Ginger is effective in treating nausea and vomiting caused by any reason - from pregnancy and PMS to menopause and simply upset nerves. It can also treat nausea caused by anesthesia, motion sickness, and chemotherapy. Ginger also contains substances that penetrate the joints and relieve the inflammatory process.

Ginger rhizome contains 1-3% of essential oil, which includes gingerol (1.5%), phenol-containing substances, resins, starch, sugar, fat. Ginger is used to stimulate the stomach and intestines, improve appetite.


250 mg of dried ginger 4 times a day. Cooking with this spice can also help.

Ground ginger can cause flatulence (bloating) or dyspepsia (indigestion).




By On 09/04/2020

How will one manage a case of primary amenorrhea linked to ovarian failure?

The best way to manage or deal with amenorrhea that appeared as a result of ovarian failure or cyst is to treat the ovarian cyst. Premature ovarian failure occurs when the ovaries stop functioning normally before age 40. When this happens, your ovaries don't produce normal amounts of the hormone estrogen or release eggs regularly. This condition often leads to infertility.


In addition, you should follow a healthy diet and lifestyle or try using herbal recipes. Notwithstanding, the experts of have found the best mixture of plants to help restore your menstrual cycle.


Infertilite feminine 1

Thanks to nature, after 25 years of intensive research, we discovered that the mixture of some plants helps to regulate the menstrual cycle and has worked successfully for a lot of women over the years. The constituents of this tisane allow it to restore your menstrual cycle and dispose of any problem that may lead to infertility. Some of the plants that make this possible are Cloves and Acridoscarpus, these are very powerful plants, the mixture of these plants with other secret herbs have made it possible to bring back menstruation. In addition, Our natural remedy is the secret to cure any form of female infertility. We offer you a definite advantage: the absence of undesirable effects and contraindications. The natural approach is often the best approach to find a solution. Our natural remedies have allowed many women to have children. Nonetheless, it is more effective to find out the reason you developed this pathology, for better treatment.

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Does secondary amenorrhea jeopardize the physical and mental health of young healthy female athletes?


Yes, it does. 

Athletes are known to undergo excessive exercise and training that affects the flow of the menstrual cycle. 



1. Add half a teaspoon of cinnamon powder to a glass of milk and drink this mixture every night.

2. Grind mint leaves well and take with honey every day.

3. Drink tomato juice daily. It is very useful for treating amenorrhea.

4. Boil a little saffron in half a glass of water. Drink half a glass three times a little, one tablespoon each.

5. Some herbs are very effective in treating this condition. Herbs such as blue cohosh, yarrow, Abraham tree, chamomile, rosemary and oregano are useful in this condition.

6. Drink plenty of water and other forms of liquid, such as buttermilk, coconut water, vegetable juices, fruit juices, soups, and milk.

7. Eating bananas in this condition is very beneficial.

8. Turmeric and asafoetida - both effective when treatment for amenorrhea is needed. Include them in your diet.

9. Fresh beetroot juice is one of the effective home remedies for treating amenorrhea.

10. Some foods, such as sesame seeds, fenugreek, ginger, drumsticks, cucumbers, bitter gourd, papaya are useful in treating this condition in the absence of menstruation. They should be eaten regularly.

11. A mixture of gooseberry juice and honey is also beneficial.

12. Avoid fried foods, heavy creams, and yeast-based foods.

13. Drink ginger tea regularly, it will help stimulate the onset of menstruation, and also helps in relieving menstrual cramps.

In addition to these natural home remedies, the treatment of amenorrhea consists of relaxing and maintaining a woman's mental health. Avoid over-exercising; instead, try meditation and light exercises or yoga. In addition to this, you can also take herbal supplements.






  1. -1 cup organic almond butter, creamy, no additives
  2. -1/3 cup organic maple syrup
  3. -2 eggs, organic and pasture-raised, whisked
  4. -2 Tbsp coconut oil, melted
  5. -1 tsp vanilla
  6. -1/2 cup unsweetened cocoa powder, organic
  7. -1/2 tsp baking soda
  8. -1/2 tsp salt
  9. -optional: dark chocolate chips and shredded coconut for topping


  1. Preheat the oven to 325 F and grease an 8" x 8" pan with coconut oil
  2. Combine the almond butter, maple syrup, eggs, coconut oil, and vanilla in a large bowl.
  3. In another bowl, combine the cocoa powder, baking soda, and salt.
  4. Whisk the dry ingredients into the wet and continue to stir until smooth. You might need to switch to using a spatula since it is quite thick.
  5. Pour the batter into the baking pan and smooth across the top to flatten. Sprinkle with chocolate chips and shredded coconut if desired. Bake for 22-27 minutes until set and slightly moist in the center
  6. Let cool and enjoy!

By Lindsey Becker

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By On 09/04/2020

If your amenorrhea is caused as a result low or excess body weight, you should consider restoring your normalizing your weight.

Restoring bodyweight requires more calories than you may expect or be used to. Your body’s metabolism (RMR or resting metabolic rate) will speed up quickly once you begin to re-feed it. It will need a lot of fuel to rev up processes that it had previously slowed or stopped due to inadequate calories, like your menstrual cycle.

Notwithstanding, the experts of have found the best mixture of plants to help restore your menstrual cycle.



Infertilite feminine 1

The constituents of this tisane allow it to restore your menstrual cycle and dispose of any problem that may lead to infertility. Some of the plants that make this possible  are Cloves and Acridoscarpus, these are very powerful plants, the mixture of these plants with other secret herbs have made it possible to bring back menstruation. In addition, Our natural remedy is the secret to cure any form of female infertility. We offer you a definite advantage: the absence of undesirable effects and contraindications. The natural approach is often the best approach to find a find solution. Our natural remedies have allowed many women to have children. Nonetheless, it is more effective to find out the reason you developed this pathology, for better treatment.

OR CALL/WHATSAPP: +229 90431725

Unhealthy diet against amenorrhea


✓ Taking  excessively cold and dry food,  

 ✓   excessive consumption of yeast, white flour, and white sugar, as they increase the energy of Vata;

✓   Excessive consumption of fried foods, heavy creams, and puddings that increase Kaffa's energy;

✓   Dry lentils, dry food, chips,  and more. patients with digestive disorders should be avoided.



Healthy Diet - Recommended to Relieve Amenorrhea


✓   Grains  : red lentils, legumes and their water extracts;

✓   Vegetables  : snake guard, viper, green banana, white pumpkin, fenugreek, mint leaves, etc.;

✓   Toasters  : lemon, orange, ginger, etc., cooked in sesame or sunflower oil;

✓    Fruits  : grapes, raisins, apples, papaya, sweet oranges;

✓   Non-vegetarian foods  : sheep and goat meat can be consumed in moderation up to two times a week;

✓   Buttermilk  : freshly prepared and without cream;

✓   Milk  : skimmed cow's milk. Before the drink warms up, a pinch of turmeric or ginger can be added to the milk - this helps to reduce the properties of milk that increase the cafe.

✓  Spices  : black pepper, cinnamon, coriander, cardamom, dill, ginger, cumin, pepper, fenugreek, cloves, celery seeds, salt, soy, mustard seeds.





Chick-fil-A's Kale Superfood Side is Crazy Healthy!


  1. -1 bunch organic green kale, washed, stems removed
  2. -1 ½ Tbsp lemon juice
  3. -3 Tbsp. extra virgin olive oil, organic, cold-pressed
  4. -1 clove garlic
  5. -1 tsp. crushed red pepper (optional for spice)
  6. -Himalayan pink salt and pepper
  7. -2 Tbsp. goji berries
  8. -2 Tbsp. hemp seeds
  9. -⅓ cup shredded carrot
  10. -2 Tbsp pepitas (pumpkin seeds)
  11. -1 avocado, diced
  12. -1 cup chickpeas


  1. Wash and dry the kale thoroughly and cut into small pieces.
  2. Puree the lemon juice, olive oil, garlic, crushed red pepper and salt and pepper to taste with an immersion blender (or mince the garlic finely and whisk in).
  3. In a large bowl, pour the dressing over the kale and massage it into the leaves with your hands until every piece of kale is lightly coated. Really massage it in to help tenderize the kale.
  4. Toss with goji berries, hemp seeds, carrots, pepitas, avocado, and chickpeas.
  5. Let marinate 15 minutes to 4 hours to help the kale tenderize. Serve chilled.

By Lindsey Becker



  1. -1 honeycrisp apple, organic, quartered, cored, and very thinly sliced
  2. -1 medium celery root, peeled, cut into very thin matchstick-size strips (I prefer to slice these using a mandolin)
  3. -2 spears endive, leaves separated and cut into 2” pieces
  4. -1 bunch watercress leaves
  5. -⅓ cup chopped walnuts, toasted
  6. -Walnut vinaigrette (recipe below)


  1. Toss the apple, celery root, and endive together with enough vinaigrette to lightly coat, about 4-6 Tbsp. Let sit for 15-30 minutes in the refrigerator to marinate. Toss in watercress and walnuts just before serving.


  1. Walnut Vinaigrette
  2. -1 tsp Dijon mustard
  3. -2 tsp maple syrup (optional if avoiding sugar)
  4. -3 Tbsp apple cider vinegar
  5. -1/2 teaspoon salt
  6. -3 Tbsp walnut oil
  7. -2 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil
  8. 1. Mix the Dijon and maple syrup together then whisk in the vinegar. Slowly whisk in the walnut and olive oils and season to taste with salt and pepper.

By Lindsey Becker

These recipes by Lindsey Becker works wonders you should try it.

3 Ways To Maintain Sound Health and Be Physically Active ...





  • Follow lifestyle guidelines that will stimulate energy. Ask and reassure Vata and Kafa. Practicing Suraya Namascar (Sunshine) every morning will help fix wheat and metabolism.
  • Negative emotions, stress, and tension should be avoided.
  • Do not do physical or mental work that is beyond your capabilities.
  • Excessive sexual contact should be avoided. The recommended frequency of intimate relationships varies depending on the season - more in winter and less in summer. The age factor is also important - it is not recommended to have sex until 22 years old.
  • Normal sleep and walking are necessary.
  • If possible,  avoid chemical contraceptives.
  • Maintain an active lifestyle by adapting the physical activity to your individual abilities.

Here's 3 Benefits Of Walking Just 30 Minutes Every Day



Daily physical activity and yoga


Daily walking for 30 minutes and the use of a full range of movements  , focusing on the so-called “Inverted Poses”, torsion and bending exercises, are recommended  .

Inverted postures increase blood circulation and balance the endocrine system; Deviation back tones the liver, and twisting exercises massage the internal organs.

  1. Suraya Namaskar  ( Solar  Posture) is the best position for amenorrhea, 6-7 reps recommended.
  2. Pavvanmuctasan  (a posture that releases excess air)  stimulates organs in the pelvic cavity, such as the intestines, bladder, uterus, etc., which stimulates the menstrual cycle.
  3. Chakrasana (wheel position) causes more tension or pressure on the abdominal organs, especially in the middle and lower parts; helps stimulate uterine function to prevent tubal blocage.
  4. Paschotomannasana  is a sitting pose when the upper body rests on its legs. There are many varieties of  Paschottomanassana, such as Arda Bada Padma Paschimotananasana, Tring Mukachekda Paschimotanasana, Warda Paschimotanasana, Parivita Paschimutanasana, and all of them are used to treat amenorrhea.
  5. Matsyssan (Fish position) -  Matssysana and Arda Matssyasana are useful for stimulating ovarian function; also used for ovarian cyst.

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Blocked 1


By On 09/04/2020

Amenorrhea- a violation of the menstrual cycle or a complete absence of menstruation for six months or more. This may occur due to delayed sexual development, after suffering a serious illness, with severe intoxications and hormonal disorders. Oligomenorrhea can be redefined as amenorrhea if menstruation stops for six months or more.

Notwithstanding, the experts of have found the best mixture of plants to help restore your menstrual cycle.



Infertilite feminine 1

The constituents of this tisane allow it to restore your menstrual cycle and dispose of any problem that may lead to infertility. Some of the plants that make this possible are Cloves and Acridoscarpus, these are very powerful plants, the mixture of these plants with other secret herbs have made it possible to bring back menstruation. In addition, Our natural remedy is the secret to cure any form of female infertility. We offer you a definite advantage: the absence of undesirable effects and contraindications. The natural approach is often the best approach to find a solution. Our natural remedies have allowed many women to have children. Nonetheless, it is more effective to find out the reason you developed this pathology, for better treatment. 


OR CALL/WHATSAPP: +229 90431725

Birth Control Fails: 7 Ways You Can Still Get Pregnant

How can I skip my period for three weeks without being pregnant?

This is due to secondary amenorrhea;

A woman has secondary amenorrhea when she misses three menstrual periods. However, the causes of secondary amenorrhea are the same factors or conditions that may lead to a missed period. If a woman is not pregnant, a missed menstrual period can be caused by a wide range of physical and emotional conditions that range from lifestyle stress to rare and serious illnesses. Many of the conditions that lead to a missed menstrual cycle upset the hormonal balance of the body, especially regarding the level of sex hormones.

  • If you fall ill for a short time, or even for a longer period, your periods may be delayed. But this is usually temporary.
  • When you do not want to have a baby and you are sexually active, therefore you choose birth control pills to avoid pregnancy. These pills have side effects and can lead to a missed period.
  • When a woman is overweight, she may skip her usual period. Too much weight can hormone change your cycles and even stop them. Most women will notice that their normal cycles and fertility return with some weight loss.
  • Underweight can also cause a missed or delayed period. If there is not enough fat in the body, then there will also be no regular periods. Sometimes this can even lead to the fact that your period stops completely. Weight gain will help return periods to normal. This occurs mainly with those women who engage in extreme sports, or with those who are professional athletes. If the last two is your case, then you should pay close attention to your lifestyle and diet. In some cases amenorrhea could appear as a result of uterine diseases such as ovarian cyst, ovarian tumor or thyroid disease.

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  1. Twist in a meat grinder 1 lemon and 1 orange with a peel, take 1 teaspoon 3 times a day for female diseases.
  2. In boiling water (1/2 cup) put 4 g of rue leaves, reduce heat so that there is no boiling, cook for 15 minutes. Strain and take the entire dose on an empty stomach, after not eating 5-6 hours. The procedure is performed only once with scanty periods.
  3. 1 teaspoon of wormwood pour 1 cup boiling water, leave for 10 minutes, strain. Take 1 tablespoon before meals 3-4 times a day. During pregnancy, you can not use wormwood.
  4. 1 tablespoon horse sorrel pour a glass of boiling water, insist in a warm place for 2 hours. Take 2 tablespoons 3 times a day in the absence of menstruation. The broth can be diluted with honey.
  5. Take berries and juniper twigs - 1 tablespoon each and pour 1 cup boiling water, simmer for 5 minutes under a lid. Take in the absence of menstruation in small sips throughout the day. In case of kidney disease, you can not use it.
  6. Prepare herbal infusions of chamomile, roses, lemon balm. To prepare herbal infusion, you need 1 tablespoon of dry crushed raw materials to brew in a glass of boiling water, insist, wrapped, 25 minutes, strain. Take in a warm form.
  7. Drink herbal infusions of lavender, mint, oregano, sage, rosemary, eucalyptus. Cinnamon can be added to each infusion to taste. It should be borne in mind that the infusion helps to lower blood pressure. To prepare the herbal infusion, you need 1 tablespoon of any of the above dry crushed raw materials to brew in a glass of boiling water, insist, wrapped, 30-60 minutes, strain. Take in a warm form.
  8. Pour husk of medium size onion with 1 glass of boiling water and simmer for 10-15 minutes under a lid. Take 1/2 cup for 2 days with scanty menstruation or in their absence.
  9. Strawberries in any form are very useful. You should drink tea from the leaves of strawberries. And with fibroids of the uterus, brew 1 tablespoon of strawberries with 1 glass of boiling water, insist, wrapped, 3 hours, strain. Take 1/3 cup 3 times a day. 
  10. Pine uterus : 2 tbsp. herbs pour 500ml boiling water in a thermos. Insist 8-12 hours
  11. Strain, take 1 glass in the morning and evening. The course of treatment is 1-2 months. It takes 300 g of grass for a month. You can use tincture of 30 drops 3 times a day 30-40 minutes before meals.
  12. While drinking Borovy uterus , prepare tincture of the Red brush : 60 g of crushed root pour 500 ml of vodka. Insist in a dark place in a dark glass dish for 30 days, periodically, shaking. Strain, take 30-40 drops 3 times a day 30 minutes before meals. The course of treatment is 30 days. After a break of 10-15 days, the course can be repeated. It can be taken with the hog uterus .
  13. Pour into a pan 1.5 cups of water, bring to a boil. Reduce the heat so that the boil ceases, and only heating remains, put 4 g (1 tablespoon without a hill or 2 teaspoons) of Ruta grass in hot water and cook it for 15 minutes, avoiding boiling. Strain and drink the whole portion at a time, preferably on an empty stomach in the morning, then eat nothing for 6 hours. This procedure is carried out 1 time.
  14. Infusion of the Bluehead.1 tbsp brew herbs with 1 cup boiling water, leave for 2 hours. Strain. Take 1 tbsp. 3 times a day 30 minutes before meals. The course of treatment is 3-4 weeks. The course requires 90 -120 g of grass.
  15. 2 tbsp Juniper berries pour 1 liter of boiling water and boil over low heat for 5 minutes. Strain, drink in small sips every 2 hours during the day. In acute kidney diseases, Juniper cannot be used. The course of treatment is 2-3 weeks. The course needs 120 g of Juniper .
  16. Kirkazon: Pour 1 teaspoon of grass with 1 cup boiling water, bring to a boil, hold in a water bath for 5 minutes, insist in a thermos for 30 minutes. Strain, take warm for 1 tbsp. 3 times a day after meals. The course of treatment is 2-3 weeks.
  17. Decoction of horse sorrel on liquid honey. 1 tbsp. horse sorrel leaves brew 1 cup boiling water, insist, wrapped 2 hours. Take 1 tbsp. 3 times a day, diluting with honey.
  18. Decoction of leaves and buds of Birch - 20 g per 200 ml of boiling water, leave for 6 hours in a thermos. After cooling, strain, add 0.2 g of soda. Take the entire glass per day in 2 divided doses. Outwardly make poultices on the lower abdomen from steamed leaves.
  19. Peppermint broth. 5 g of herbs pour 200 ml of boiling water, insist in a sealed container for 1-1.5 hours. Strain, take 1 tbsp. every 3 hours.
  20. Decoction of Elecampane : boil 20 g of root in 1 cup of water for 10 minutes, insist 3-4 hours, strain, take 1 tablespoon each. 4 times a day 20 minutes before meals.
  21. Wormwood. 1 tbsp. add 500 ml of boiling water to the roots, insist in a sealed container for 4 hours, strain. Take ½ cup 2 times a day 1 hour before meals. The course of treatment is 30 days;
  22. You can massage your belly with Stone oil, which helps with female diseases, amenorrhea and infertility.    


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By On 08/04/2020

Having the right body weight is essential for a normal  flow of menstruation. Amenorrhea is a condition in which there is no menstrual cycle, which can be considered  normal or abnormal.

Forms of amenorrhea

  • primary;

  • secondary;

  • false

  • iatrogenic;

  • amenorrhea also has a chronic form called amenorrhea syndrome.

  • Physiological

  • Pathological

Notwithstanding, the experts of have found the best mixture of plants to help restore your menstrual cycle.



Infertilite feminine 1

The constituents of this tisane allow it to restore your menstrual cycle and dispose any problem that may lead to infertility. Some of the plants that make this possible  are Cloves and Acridoscarpus, these are very powerful plants, the mixture of these plants with other secret herbs have made it possible to bring back menstruation. In addition, Our natural remedy is the secret to cure any form of female infertility. We offer you a definite advantage: the absence of undesirable effects and contraindications. The natural approach is often the best approach to find the solution. Our natural remedies have allowed many women to have children. Nonetheless, it is more effective to find out the reason you devloped this pathology, for a better treatment.

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Primary amenorrhea

With primary amenorrhea, menstruation is absent after sixteen years (this means that there has not yet been a monthly uterine bleeding). Often this amenorrhea occurs in adolescents in this form. Primary amenorrhea is often associated with underdevelopment of the pelvic organs.

Secondary amenorrhea  

Secondary amenorrhea is one in which menstruation is absent for three or more months in a woman who previously had a normal menstrual cycle.


  • False amenorrhea

If a woman does not have menstrual bleeding due to some abnormalities in the development of the genitals (lack of a channel in the cervix, infection of the hymen), then there are certain mechanical barriers to the discharge, but normal hormonal fluctuations occur in the body, then this form amenorrhea is called false amenorrhea.


  • Iatrogenic

  Iatrogenic amenorrhea is characterized by the absence of a menstrual cycle due to     medical intervention in the body.


  • Physiological
    before puberty, after menopause and during pregnancy and lactation,


The absence of a menstrual cycle  for six consecutive months before menopause in a woman who previously had regular menstruation is also a condition of pathological amenorrhea called Arthur Aurodh (stopping the menstrual cycle).




Causes of primary amenorrhea:

  • Hormonal imbalance;

  • Ovarian failure with polycystic ovary syndrome

  • Pituitary tumor

  • Impaired endocrine function  affecting puberty, such as hypothyroidism or hyperthyroidism

  • Birth defects, such as transverse dysfunction of the endometrium and abnormalities of the mammary glands.

Causes of secondary amenorrhea:

  • Problems that affect estrogen levels -  weight loss, intense exercise, illness, hormonal imbalance

  • Problems with the pituitary, thyroid, or adrenal glands;

  • Ovarian tumors or surgical removal of the ovaries;

  • Caused by birth control pills.


Causes of amenorrhea associated with dysfunction

  • Excessive consumption of fried foods,

  • An incorrect and stressful lifestyle

  • Excessive exercise  ,

  • inappropriate sexual intercourse (for example, the use of artificial means to achieve an orgasm),  

  • complete lack of motor activity,

  • exposure to too low or too high temperatures are also factors that lead to an imbalance of energy,

Symptoms accompanying the condition of amenorrhea

  • Weight loss (with hyperthyroidism) or weight gain (myxedema or polycystic ovary);

  • Lack of menstruation;

  • Changes in breast size;

  • Secretion of the chest;

  • Abnormal growth of hair and acne on the face (polycystic ovary);

  • Vaginal dryness (associated with wattage);

  • The voice is changing.





  • Initially, it is necessary to analyze the history of the disease and find out the patient’s complaints, namely, whether there were any periods before this, from what point they stopped, what this could be connected with, maybe there were any stresses (diseases, infections, a sharp change in body weight, increased physical activity on the body, etc.);

  • then an analysis of the hereditary history is carried out (it is necessary to check with the patient whether his relatives on the maternal side had similar problems). Next, it is necessary to clarify whether any gynecological diseases have been transferred (sexually transmitted diseases, genital surgery, have had abortions, the number of pregnancies);

  • with secondary amenorrhea, it is still necessary to clarify with the patient when the first menstruation began, what is the duration and regularity of the cycle;

  • in some cases, it is necessary to perform a gynecological examination with a bimanual examination. The gynecologist should palpation determine how developed the genitals are, whether there are any pathologies, whether the size of the ovaries and cervix are normal, to establish their ratio, pain, etc. A general examination of the patient should reveal signs of non-sexual diseases;

  • A genetic study must be done to determine the presence of chromosomal mutations (the sizes of chromosomes are studied, their structure and their number is determined);

  • laboratory study of hormones. For this study, it is necessary to donate blood from a vein. The list of necessary hormones is prescribed by the attending physician, most often the list depends on the specific situation;

  • X-ray of the skull. This procedure is performed to detect pituitary tumors;

  • MRI is necessary in order to exclude the anatomical features of the body;

  • ultrasound examination of the body or ultrasound of the genital organs in order to exclude pregnancy or abnormalities in the structure of the genital organs;

  • Ultrasound of the thyroid gland and adrenal glands is necessary to exclude tumors or diseases of these organs.

  • Complete blood count to rule out Panda (anemia); white blood cell count to rule out infection;

  • Hysterosalpingogram 


How to cure secondary amenorrhea?

Are you afraid that the absence of menstruation will drag out and make it impossible to become a mother?

The treatment of amenorrhea is carried out in connection with the presence of certain symptoms of amenorrhea and determining the type of disease and its origin. Basically, the treatment is as follows:

  • diet (this is aimed at regulating body weight and restoring normal), in the fight against obesity or depletion of the body;

  • normalization of the psychological state (if psychogenic amenorrhea), with the help of psychotherapy or sedatives;

  • hormone therapy using various groups of drugs (prescribed depending on the cause of the disease);

  • vitamin therapy (taking various groups of vitamins);

  • surgery. It is necessary in the presence of tumors of various organs or congenital pathologies in development.

  • SEDATIVE is used to treat secondary amenorrhea caused by a neuropsychic factor. 

  • Psychotherapy is based on the normalization of the mental state



  • Healthy lifestyle. This includes a balanced diet rich in the necessary amount of vitamins and minerals necessary for the normal functioning of the body. Maintaining normal body weight;

  • the exception of frequent physical exertion. Excessive and constant physical activity on the female body is not recommended;

  • avoid mental and emotional stress;

  • timely treatment of all infectious diseases;

  • it is necessary to follow the hormonal regimen;

  • a regular visit to the gynecologist, namely twice a year, even if there are no symptoms. After all, then you can identify the disease at an early stage and not start it.



The consequences of secondary amenorrhea

The absence of menstruation does not pose a threat to a woman's life. There are dangerous consequences. A woman develops atrophy of the internal genital organs. Due to inferior functioning, the ovaries and uterus decrease in volume and begin to atrophy. A woman becomes barren. It is very difficult to cure this condition. These dangerous effects may be irreversible.

The uterine form of secondary amenorrhea is especially dangerous, since it is the worst treatable. Endometrial destruction occurs. When the basal layer of the endometrioid tissue is damaged, commissures form. The uterine cavity is significantly reduced. There is a risk of complete blockage of the uterus.




Oil massage and steam bath (Abiang, Seca, Sweden) 

Oil  or steam massage is beneficial because it has a calming effect on watts and nourishes the system. It is recommended to use Danantaram Thail oil. Without treatment  with  Triphala,  Hurman is one of the best treatments for amenorrhea.

Healing enema

Also, various types of therapeutic enemas are useful for treating amenorrhea.

Basics - Anuwasana Vati (enema with different types of oil):

  • Utara Basty  - medicinal oil, e.g. Greta is right in the womb. Under the  uterus, therapy is done with  Kshara Tailam  . Cassis Thaylam is used to combat pipe clogging.

  • Anuwasana and Utara Basty  will help as an action that encourages the movement of a  dose of Bata  down. This movement is known as  Anulom  (the  lesnyavane has a downward movement), in which the Vata (Vata Shaman)  calms and the art of sroti and Purishvaha sroti are unlocked.

  • Shirodhara

  • Shirodar therapy using various types of oil, such as jatamansi or brahmi, can help calm the vata,  reduce anxiety and stabilize the mind  ; it also has a positive effect on the pituitary gland and, thus, helps regulate hormones.

  • Shirodara with herbal trifil decoction is another option. This treatment would be useful if a woman used it several times a month until the menstrual cycle returns.

  • Herbs for Amenorrhea

  • Aloe vera

  • Aloe vera juice  is the best treatment for primary amenorrhea.

  • Shatavari

  • The roots of  Asparagus racemosus  are used in Ayurveda as a remedy known as Shatavari. Shatavari  is a heavy, greasy tonic, often used for gynecological purposes and to increase the level of female hormones. Its ability to soothe irritation helps nourish the mucous membranes. It has two actions - it  nourishes and purifies the blood and female reproductive organs.

  • Vidarikand

  • Vidarikand  (Ipomea digitalis)  falls into the category of  soldered  and soothing herbal remedies. The product is completely harmless and has a strong effect on the production of estrogen and progesterone. Patients respond positively to  Vidaricand  as a substitute for conventional hormone therapy.

  • turmeric

  • Turmeric-longa helps  regulate menstruation  by cleansing the liver. This herb unlocks  Artawata times  , improves fat metabolism, reduces  Kafa and Ama, increases pita  .

  • Herbal teas and drinks

  • Healing wines such as brawl or kumaras, half-dissolved yakur (yogurt), cottage cheese and caraway seeds, ginger or cinnamon - all these herbal fluids are recommended to increase the menstrual cycle, eliminate blockages, increase the crunch and soothe Vata and Kafa.



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By On 08/04/2020

Infertility treatment should go along the path of curing the underlying disease that caused it. Infertility is sometimes caused by the lack of vitamin E in food , which is called the reproductive vitamin. It is found in wheat, peas and beans, buckwheat and oatmeal, onions, rosehips, sea buckthorn, as well as in eggs and liver.


1) Infusion of plantain seeds. It is done as follows: 1 teaspoon of seeds is ground into powder, poured with boiling water and boiled for 10 minutes over low heat. Then the infusion is ltered, cooled. Take a tablespoon 3-4 times a day for 12 days.

2) 1 tablespoon of sundew grass pour one cup of boiling water and insist in a warm place for one hour. Strain. Drink 2 tablespoons 3 times a day;

3) Periwinkle small: 20 g of a dry plant is boiled in 250 g of vodka for 5 minutes, cooled, ltered, stored in a cool dark place. Take 15 drops 3 times a day;

4) Gentian cross-shaped: in infertility take a decoction of rhizomes and roots. 2 teaspoons of dry chopped roots pour 3 cups boiling water, boil for 10 minutes over low heat, strain. Take 1/2 cup 3 times a day 30 minutes before meals;

 5) Grushanka round-leaved: 2 teaspoons of dry chopped leaves, leave for 2 hours in a dark place in a closed container in a glass of boiling water. Strain. Take 1/4 cup 3-4 times a day before meals. It has a good effect in the treatment of adnexitis.

6) Tincture: 50 g of dry crushed leaves of pear, insist for two weeks in a warm and dark place on 0.5 l of vodka. Take 30 to 40 drops 3 times a day with water;

7) In infertility, the seeds of large plantain are used: pour one tablespoon of seeds with a glass of boiling water, cook over low heat, cool. Take 1/4 cup 3 times a day before meals;

8) Common wormwood or Chernobyl. It is believed that this is the best herb from all female diseases. " Tincture is a pharmacy drug. Infusion: 1 tablespoon of dry grass, insist 4 hours in 300 g of water in a sealed container, boil, strain. Take 1/2 cup 2 times a day;

9) Wheat: fresh juice from the germ or unripe wheat is useful to drink in case of infertility for both women and men; See also:   Where to start checking a man for infertility

10) Rhododendron golden: in the form of vodka tincture is used in the treatment of infertility. 1 teaspoon of chopped leaves is lled with 200 g of vodka. Insist for two weeks, take one teaspoon 3-4 times a day in 1/4 cup of water;

11) Many women recovered from infertility in a simple and aordable way; they drank knotweed without measure, like tea. Infusion of knotweed grass in 1 cup of dry grass per liter of boiling water;

12) Aloe preparations are used in the treatment of infertility. Cut the leaves from a 5- year-old plant, which had not been watered for 7 days before, and stored in a dark place for 8-10 days. After that, thorns are cut, and the leaves are crushed with a stainless knife and poured with honey, pork or goose fat and ghee, taking each 6 times more than aloe. The mixture is taken 2 times a day, 1 tablespoon per glass of hot milk. Along with taking aloe, they drink a decoction of the seeds of plantain (see above);

13) Nettle seeds (whole panicle with unripened seeds) boiled with grape wine, drink 1 tablespoon before meals, and nettle powder is eaten with onions and eggs;


By On 08/04/2020


Fertility and childbirth are a serious problem for all future parents. Like other health problems, fertility has also attracted much attention, and couples are struggling with various fertility problems. But few know that simple foods, such as garlic, are a magic potion for most fertility problems, whether male or female.

Is garlic good for fertility?

The healing properties of garlic not only improve the quality of sex, but also serve as a remedy for impotence. Garlic is a fertility stimulator for men and women: Garlic and infertility treatments go hand in hand as garlic keeps sperm and eggs healthy. It is rich in nutrients that increase fertility in men and women.

can garlic cure infertility?

 In many men, increased production of reactive oxygen species (ROS) is a major cause of infertility. This, in turn, creates oxidative stress at such a high rate that the body’s natural antioxidants cannot cope. Garlic is a natural antioxidant that treats impotence in men, reducing the cellular damage caused by this oxidative stress.


How does garlic help improve female fertility?

The link between garlic and female fertilization is strong, as garlic is known to stimulate ovulation and prevent chromosomal defects. Women who regularly include garlic in their diet have a painless period and a healthy pregnancy. Therefore, garlic is recommended for women to conceive. The pungent smell of garlic can be repulsive, but it gives you more reason to include it in your diet, especially for women. Garlic prevents breast cancer and other diseases and helps control weight and yeast problems. It also keeps skin, hair and nails healthy. Healthy Garlic Fertility Recipes So, now we know that garlic is a baby super ingredient for all your food needs. Ideally, 1-2 cloves of raw garlic are recommended daily. Many people drink garlic milk for infertility. But its excessive smell can be a deterrent to many others.

Here are some odorless garlic recipes you can enjoy:

  1. Garlic and honey tea

Add this to your morning fertility routine. Ingredients How to do Peel the garlic pods. Submerge it in boiling water to reveal the essence. Add some honey. Serve it like tea. Garlic is rich in vitamin B6, which helps with ovulation. Garlic improves blood quality and ensures a healthy baby and a healthy pregnancy. The nutrients in garlic keep the egg healthy and prevent any chromosomal damage

  1. Garlic infusion

This medicinal infusion may not taste very good, but has all the necessary benets. Ingredients How to do Grind whole garlic and put it in a jar. Boil water and pour into a jar. Close it with a lid and cover the jar with foil. Keep the jar in a dark place for a month. Shake the jar every day. Use one teaspoon of this infusion per day on your own or with a glass of milk

  1. Chesno-vodka infusion

Mixing garlic with a little vodka can work wonders. Ingredients How to do Chop the garlic. Mix it with vodka. Keep it in a dark place for a week. Take one tablespoon three times a day before meals.

  1. Garlic and white wine

White wine and garlic are a great match for your fertility problems. Ingredients How to do Boil chopped garlic clove in white wine. Leave in a glass jar for a day. Take one spoon a day one hour and a quarter before meals. Garlic 1 clove White wine 200ml

  1. Garlic with nuts Another medication that can help you increase your chances of conception. Ingredients How to do Mix all the ingredients thoroughly. Use one tablespoon of this mixture once a day after meals. Boiled Garlic 100 g Ground Walnut 300 g Hazelnuts 100 g Roots of Rhodiola rosea 50 g Honey

Aside from these recipes, you can simply incorporate garlic into your daily meals. Just mix a few cloves with a smoothie or freshly squeezed juice. Or try pasta and pizza with nely chopped garlic cloves. You can also spread some baked garlic on slices of bread, pita bread or kuda. Remember that garlic can not be consumed with epilepsy, as well as with acute inammatory processes in the kidneys during pregnancy. Also do not eat garlic on an empty stomach. If nothing works, garlic supplements are also an option. It is best to consult a doctor. Garlic is the answer to your birth and birth problems. You must be patient with the kindness of garlic in order to produce results. So, increase your fertility and enjoy a healthy pregnancy by adding garlic to your daily diet. a source Folk recipes for infertility! Infertility can be primary and secondary. Infertility is called primary when a woman, despite having a regular sex life without using contraceptives, has never become pregnant; secondary in when a woman became infertile after one or more pregnancies, even ending in childbirth. The causes of the disease are mainly the following: infantilism (underdevelopment), general and genital, husband infertility, ovarian inammation (former or present), severe uterine bend, tubal disease, previous gonorrhea, previous abortions


By On 07/04/2020

Investigating and managing abnormal vaginal bleeding: an overview ...

Myth 1

Do you know how long your menstrual cycle is? 

It is very important to know this, because long or short menstrual cycles affect fertility. In fact, a study at Boston University School of Public Health (SPH) shows that short menstrual cycles make it difficult for women to get pregnant.


Myth 2

Likewise with the menstrual cycle that starts faster or longer is associated with decreased fertility. Generally, a normal menstrual cycle is 28 days. But in this study the average length of a participant's cycle was 29 days, and it was found that women with menstrual cycles of 26 days or less had low fertility thereby reducing the chance of getting pregnant.


Infertilite feminine 1

Birthing a child is the dream of every women but at times our uterus develops issues that hinders fertility. However, africandoctor has found the best medicinal plant to help you solve any uterine disease such as adenomyosis, endometriosis, uterine polyps, severe abdominal pain, dyspareunia, anovulation, abnormal menstrual cycle and amenorrhea linked to infertility so you can experience the joy of a mother. The constituents of this tisane allow it to regulate your menstrual cycle and dispose any problem that may lead to infertility. Some of the plants that make this possible  are Cloves and Acridoscarpus, these are very powerful plants, the mixture of these plants with other secret herbs have made this possible.

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What Can I Do About My Period Cramps?

Menstruation that deviates considerably from the 28-day cycle, in some women has the potential to reduce its chance of getting pregnant by 50 percent.In addition, menstruation that begins at the age of less than 12 years and at the age of more than 15 years is also known to reduce fertility, compared with those whose periods begin at the age of 12-13 years.

The findings were announced in the journal Annals of Epidemiology involving more than 2,100 women who were trying to get pregnant. The study, led by Amelia Wesselink, doctoral candidate in the SPH epidemiology department, was conducted using a questionnaire to determine the characteristics of the menstrual cycle and their pregnancy status to find a relationship between the two.

Some participants mapped their menstrual cycles every day through the Friend Fertility online program .


Short menstrual cycles have a negative impact on fertility


Myth 3

"In accordance with previous studies, we found that short menstrual cycles were associated with reduced ability of pregnancy in North America, independent of age, irregular cycles, and a history of reproductive diseases," the researchers said.

The researchers also added that the results of this study showed the characteristics of the menstrual cycle serve as a marker of potential fertility when planning a pregnancy. Why?

Because the menstrual cycle is characterized by processes in the hypothalamus-pituitary-ovarian system, and in research found that short menstrual cycles make it difficult for women to become pregnant because they may reflect ovarian aging and lack of ovulation.

Short menstrual cycles result in three things related to a woman's fertility, such as poor egg quality, inability to maintain pregnancy, and early ovulation.

Participants in the study, called PRESTO (Pregnancy Study Online), are aged 21 to 45 years and have been trying to get pregnant for six menstrual cycles. The researchers tracked their pregnancy status through a questionnaire conducted every two months.

PRESTO reports that women with symptoms of severe depression have the potential to decrease their chances of getting pregnant. But according to them, the use of psychotropic drugs for depression does not interfere with fertility.

In addition to Wesselink, this research was assisted by senior writer Shruthi Mahalingaiah who is also an assistant professor of obstetrics and gynecology at Boston University School of Health Sciences and SPH epidemiology assistant. Shruthi is also an endocrinologist and reproductive infertility specialist.


Terrible Facts

This fact might seem scary. But you still have the chance to get pregnant anyway. As long as it regulates the function of hormones by carrying out a healthy lifestyle. Check your menstrual cycle disorders with your obstetrician to find out the problem and find the right solution.

So you get a normal menstrual cycle, at least about 28 days as in normal women in general. That way fertility will increase and you have a great chance to get pregnant.


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By On 07/04/2020

What is the normal cycle time? How many days should menstruation last?

- The duration of the cycle is from 21 to 35 days, lasting 3 to 6 days. Anything more or less is not the norm. For menstruation, a woman should not lose more than 80 milliliters of blood.

The main thing in the cycle is its regularity. The interval between the first day of menstruation in a woman should be approximately the same, a spacing of 2-3 days is allowed in one direction or another. The goal of the menstrual cycle is to build a house for the child.

Now many diseases, such as uterine fibroids, endometriosis, ovarian cysts are associated with the fact that a woman has irregular periods. 


 What are the reasons for the failure of menstruation?

- A lot of them. The regularity of the cycle is affected by stress, serious physical exertion - I'm talking about athletes, malnutrition. Menstruation is an indicator of the health of the body, its ability to become pregnant and bear a child. And if a woman loses weight very much, the body understands that she cannot stand pregnancy, he defends himself, turning this function off until better times.


The constituents of this tisane allow it to regulate your menstrual cycle and dispose any problem that may lead to infertility. Some of the plants that make this possible  are Cloves and Acridoscarpus, these are very powerful plants, the mixture of these plants with other secret herbs have made it possible to deal with restore menstrual cycle. In addition, Our natural remedy is the secret to cure any form of female infertility. We offer you a definite advantage: the absence of undesirable effects and contraindications. The natural approach is often the best approach to find the solution. Our natural remedies have allowed many women to have children.


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READ ALSO: 10 AMAZING medicinal plants to get RID of UTERINE POLYPS



Coriander is an ancient herb found in ancient Sanskrit manuscripts, and the seeds themselves were discovered during excavations of Egyptian tombs. Coriander was one of those bitter herbs that the Jews were supposed to eat on Easter in memory of the suffering of the people of Israel in the land of Egypt.
The leaves have a peculiar bitter taste and excellent sharp aroma. Seeds have a sweeter, woody, spicy smell.


It is used in pharmacology, perfumery and in the manufacture of alcoholic beverages. In perfumes and cosmetics, coriander is used to give the smell of roses and lily of the valley.

In everyday life, coriander is used as fertilizer to increase productivity. Suitable for outdoor soil and greenhouses. In the fall, it is necessary to sow the coriander in the ground, and in the spring, after you dig the beds, you will receive a supply of mineral fertilizers for the whole season.


Cooking Application

Fresh herbs go to salads, soups, to meat (especially fatty) dishes, most often in combination with other spicy herbs - watercress, basil, savory, onion and garlic. 

Dry herbs, which can be harvested throughout the summer, are rarely used, mainly in winter - in soups and partly in rice and egg dishes. 


Coriander seeds are used much more widely - in the bakery, confectionery, canning and distillery industries, and in home cooking - in milk soups, when stewing meat, pickling fish, making bread, flat cakes, when pickling cabbage (along with caraway seeds), in making kvass and beer.


Medical use


Coriander has antispasmodic, carminative, stimulating and digestive effects. Once coriander was considered an aphrodisiac and was part of love potions. Coriander essential oil has an antibacterial effect.




The menstrual cycle is controlled by hormones for the most part. Without sufficient amount of hormones, women might suffer irregular menstruation. A good way to prevent this from happening is infusing coriander seeds into one’s diet. The seeds have properties that regulate the function of endocrine glands and facilitate the release of hormones.  Apart from ensuring the regular flow of the menstrual cycle, coriander seeds also reduce the effects of bloating, cramps and period pain.

The trick: boil 1 teaspoon whole coriander seeds in two cups of water, boil until only one glass of water remains, strain the seeds, and drink coriander water three times a day for several days before your menstrual cycle arrives.

10 Home Remedies Effective Overcoming Irregular Menstruation

By On 07/04/2020

Irregular menstruation is a common problem among mothers who have just given birth, overweight girls and women who have polycystic ovary syndrome. If you are not comfortable with it, deal with it naturally so that your menstrual cycle is regular every month.

One woman menstruates on average after every 28 days while another may menstruate between 21 and 35 days. However, if a woman does not experience menstruation in this duration, her menstrual cycle is said to be irregular or disturbed.

Here are some natural ways to make your menstrual period delayed, as reported by onlymyhealth, Wednesday (1/16/2013), including:


  1. Tea and spices

    Blend herbs such as coriander, ginger and tea leaves to make a paste. If you don't like the taste of this mixture, add lemon, honey or milk to taste better.

    Cook the food by adding a few spoonfuls of the paste as additional seasoning. Herbalists recommend that you use fresh herbs to make pasta.

    2. Changes in diet

    Keep away from spicy foods and reduce consumption of fried foods, can help you cope with irregular periods. Also limit consumption of sweets and sweet foods such as chocolate and cakes.

    Being overweight can be a reason why a person's menstrual cycle is irregular and therefore, changes in eating patterns can help prevent weight gain and the resulting menstrual problems. In addition, avoid drinking caffeinated drinks and alcohol.

    3. Ginger and fennel seeds

    Drinking ginger with honey twice a day on a regular basis will help regulate the menstrual cycle. Fennel seeds with a refreshing mint flavor are also considered effective natural remedies for irregular periods.

    4. Radish and butter milk

    Blend the radishes and add a little water, then mix the turnip paste with butter milk. Drink this mixture every day in the morning to improve your condition. Drink when the stomach is empty to get the best results.

    5. Parsley leaf

    juice Drinking fresh parsley juice at least once a day can help regulate the menstrual cycle.

    6. Sugarcane juice

    Drinking sugar cane juice one to two weeks before the menstrual cycle that you usually get will also help get regular menstruation.

    Apart from doing home remedies to overcome the disrupted menstrual cycle, you also need to live a stress-free life and get enough rest. In addition, avoid doing strenuous exercise for more than 30 minutes a day, because it can disrupt the balance of hormones that cause irregular periods.
  • 7. Coriander

Coriander seeds are believed to stimulate the menstrual cycle to be more regular. 

The trick: boil 1 teaspoon whole coriander seeds in two cups of water, boil until only one glass of water remains, strain the seeds, and drink coriander water three times a day for several days before your menstrual cycle arrives.

  • 8. Young papaya

Young and green papaya can normalize irregular menstrual cycles because of the nature of the emmenagogue.

In addition, young papaya can also trigger proper contractions of the uterine muscle fibers. To achieve optimal results, consume young papaya for 2 months. 

However, avoid consuming young papaya when you are menstruating.


  • 9. Cinnamon

Cinnamon is believed to help reduce menstrual cramps and restore the menstrual cycle.

In Chinese medicine, cinnamon is said to have a powerful warming effect in the body.

Cinnamon also contains hydroxychalcone, which is an active compound that is effective in regulating insulin and influencing menstruation regularly. 

The trick is also easy, you only need to put 1/2 teaspoon cinnamon powder in a glass of warm milk or tea.

Drink the mixture for several weeks.

  • 10. Aloe vera

Aloe vera can increase the production of hormones that are responsible for normalizing the menstrual cycle.

To use it, cut the two leaves of Aloe vera first, then take the juice. Mix aloe vera juice with 1 tablespoon honey. 

Drink the concoction for three months to get the best results, but do not drink when you are menstruating huh!


By On 07/04/2020

Are you experiencing irregular menstrual cycle?


If yes, you are at the right place!!!

If you are one of the women who always experience irregular menstrual cycles, then it might be difficult for you and your partner to have children. The reason is found in the idea that irregular menstruation signifies unstable hormone.

Follicle-Stimulating Hormone (FSH) – This hormone is directly linked to fertility, as its key function is to help regulate the menstrual cycle and induce the production of eggs in the ovaries. ... Luteinizing Hormone (LH) – This hormone signals the body to release a mature egg. If they are unstable, they won’t function properly and this could contribute to infertility.


HOWEVER, Unstable menstrual cycles are normal for teenagers, but not for those of you who are mature and are undergoing a pregnancy program.

If your menstrual period is more than 31-35 days or a period of less than two weeks between the first menstrual period and the second menstrual period, there is a possibility that the blood coming out is not menstrual blood.

In addition, if you do not experience menstruation for three months, you may experience amenorrhea, perimenopause or menopause.

Amenorrhea can occur due to illness, excessive stress, exercise is too heavy, or weight loss is too drastic.

What causes irregular menstruation?

Non-current menstruation can occur due to various factors. Some things that cause irregular periods include:

Unbalanced hormones

Unbalanced hormones often trigger irregular periods. Puberty,  menopause , childbirth, and breastfeeding are phases where the levels of female hormones go up and down quite dramatically.

At this time, estrogen and progesterone are still very volatile so that your menstrual schedule is difficult to guess. Towards menopause for example, a woman's menstrual flow can also be disrupted. He could be menstruating more often or even very rarely.

In addition to these phases another thing that makes hormone levels unbalanced is contraception. Birth control pills and IUDs include two types of contraception that make women experience irregular or irregular menstruation.

An IUD for example can cause periods that are very long and many. While birth control pills usually make women experience bleeding outside the menstrual cycle or menstruation more often.

In addition, severe stress can also damage the balance of hormones in the body. When the body is stressed, it will produce the hormone cortisol. Excessive levels of certain hormones can affect parts of the brain that play a role in regulating menses. As a result, your cycle can be faster, slower, or not at all.

Drastic increase or decrease in body weight

It turns out that body weight can affect the hypothalamus, which is a gland in the brain that has the function of regulating various processes in the body. This process includes your menstrual cycle every month.

Drastic weight loss can inhibit the production of the hormone estrogen. Meanwhile, if you are overweight, your body will produce estrogen in large quantities.

Both of these can affect the process of releasing eggs (ovulation) every month. When ovulation is blocked, the menstrual cycle will automatically be disrupted. This is what causes your periods are not regular. Therefore, keep your body at ideal weight so that your menstrual schedule stays on time.

Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS)

PCOS aka polycystic ovary syndrome is a disease caused due to excess male hormones in women. This condition triggers the appearance of cysts in the ovary which makes women unable to release their eggs every month.

Women with PCOS usually have excess hair growth on the face, pimples that are difficult to disappear, to irregular menstrual cycles.

Sexually transmitted diseases , diabetes, uterine fibroids, endometriosis , and uterine thickening or polyps can also cause irregular periods.

it is important for you to continue to maintain the menstrual cycle so that it is always organized every month.

In this regard, the following has summarized some treatments that you can do to restore the irregular menstrual cycle.

  1. Treat the underlying medical condition

It is mandatory to treat the underlying disease in irregular menstrual cycles.

If your menstrual cycle is irregular in a long time, don't hesitate to check with your doctor immediately.

Later the doctor will run a blood test to check hormone levels and thyroid function to determine whether you have polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) or if there is interference with the thyroid gland.

Women with PCOS can be given birth control pills or other hormones to trigger menstruation to be more regular.

If you are planning to become pregnant, then the infertility drug may also be prescribed by a doctor. Unlike PCOS, if you are known to have hypothyroidism then you can be treated with thyroid hormone supplementation.

Different again if the cause is found to originate from the structure of the reproductive organs or if medical management proves ineffective, then the following steps can be considered:

  • Surgical removal of polyps or uterine fibroids
  • Uterine artery embolization, a procedure to block blood flow to the uterus
  • Endometrial ablation, a procedure for burning blood vessels in the endometrial lining of the uterus
  • Hysterectomy

2.Changing contraception

If you experience irregular periods for several months or after three months of using hormonal birth control (IUDs), your doctor can recommend you to use other types of contraception.

Some women usually experience irregular periods when using Nexplanon, DepoProvera, or an IUD.

Therefore, check the packaging label that comes with your IUD to learn more about the side effects.

If you start using new contraceptive pills that cause irregular bleeding, your doctor may recommend that you change the birth control pill that you use.

  1. Avoid Extreme exercise

Some women have changes in their menstrual periods due to too much exercise.

Reducing the frequency and intensity of exercise can help your menstrual cycles return to normal.

In addition, stress can also cause many changes in the body, including irregular periods. 

Relaxation and counseling techniques (talking to a therapist) might help.

Furthermore, extreme changes in body weight can also affect your menstrual cycle.

Weight can interfere with the body's ability to ovulate, so that it can affect your menstrual cycle.

However, sudden extreme weight loss can also cause rare or irregular periods. 

Therefore, managing your weight properly is believed to help overcome irregular periods.

4. Hormone therapy

Irregular menstrual cycles are usually caused by a lack or imbalance of certain hormones in the body.

Birth control pills (oral contraceptives), containing the hormones estrogen and progesterone, are commonly prescribed to help control irregular periods. 

In addition to birth control pills, a hormone drug called progestin can also help trigger menstruation in women who rarely or have no menstruation at all. 

5. Herbal medicines

There are several traditional medicines that you can make yourself at home to help restore the menstrual cycle to return to normal.



By On 07/04/2020

Every woman has a different menstrual cycle or menstruation. Some of them have regular menstrual cycles which are per 28 days. While others do not. Well, if you are one of the women who always experience irregular menstrual cycles, then it might be difficult for you and your partner to have children. Because the irregular menstruation may indicate that you have an unstable hormone.

When someone has an irregular menstrual schedule, the time between each period can vary each month. In addition, if you do not experience menstruation for three months, you may experience amenorrhea, perimenopause or menopause.


Infertilite feminine 1

The constituents of this tisane allow it to regulate your menstrual cycle and dispose any problem that may lead to infertility. Some of the plants that make this possible  are Cloves and Acridoscarpus, these are very powerful plants, the mixture of these plants with other secret herbs have made it possible to deal with restore menstrual cycle. In addition, Our natural remedy is the secret to cure any form of female infertility. We offer you a definite advantage: the absence of undesirable effects and contraindications. The natural approach is often the best approach to find the solution. Our natural remedies have allowed many women to have children.

OR CALL/WHATSAPP: +229 90431725

Is it bad to have an irregular period?

Having irregular cycle is not usually a problem, but it can occasionally signal health complications.


When Is a Period Irregular?

A normal menstrual cycle lasts 28 days, plus or minus seven days. Menstrual bleeding is considered irregular if it occurs more frequently than every 21 days or lasts longer than 8 days.




  • Exercising too much can throw off the timing of menstrual bleeding and sometimes stop it. “It’s common for endurance athletes to have missed periods,” says Autry

  • Chronic stress or even short-term anxiety about a specific problem can wreak havoc with your hormone balance, causing a missed period and irregular cycle.
  • Birth control pills can make your periods lighter, or cause you to miss periods or have less or more frequent periods or even no periods at all.
  • Thyroid disorders can cause irregular periods if blood levels of the thyroid hormone go too low or too high.
  • Other health conditions that may cause an irregular cycle include sexually transmitted diseases, diabetes, fibroids, eating disorders, and endometriosis.


Here are six traditional treatments and lifestyle changes to deal with irregular periods :

1. Reducing stress

The researchers argue that high levels of emotional stress have been linked to irregular menstruation. Finding ways to reduce stress can help someone regulate their menstrual cycles.

Avoiding stressful situations and dealing with family problems or problems at work can help reduce stress. When it is not possible to avoid stress, try to do activities that limit their impact on the body.

2. Meditation

Meditation is a simple and free way to reduce stress at home or at work . Stress and irregular periods are interrelated, reducing stress can make menstruation more regular.

Researchers believe that meditation can increase various adverse effects of psychological distress. To try meditation, you can find a quiet place to sit.

  • Then, you sit upright cross-legged, hands relaxed and palms on your knees.
  • Then, adjust your breath, inhale, exhale. Focus on your breath and listen to other sounds around.
  • After that, clear the mind of all problems.
  • At first, try meditating for only a few minutes, then add one minute each day.

3. Practicing yoga

Yoga is a form of physical meditation that can be tried by most people at home. Many people around the world use this ancient practice every day to improve their health. Practicing yoga can be an effective way to regulate menstruation.

A 2013 small-scale study found that daily yoga exercises helped to balance the hormones associated with irregular menstruation.

4. Lose or gain weight

Important tips to note on weight and irregular cycle

  • Changes in body weight affect one's menstrual cycle.
  • Having a low weight can mean someone's periods become irregular or even stop.
  • The body needs fat to produce hormones from the menstrual cycle.

So gaining weight can help regulate their periods. Likewise, having obesity or being overweight can cause menstrual irregularities.

  • Losing weight can make a person's period more regular.
  • Maintaining a healthy weight is very important for reproductive health.
  • Eating healthy, controlled calories and exercising regularly can help a person manage his weight.

5. Adjust the level of exercise


Sport is very important for one's mental and physical health.

Research shows that regular aerobic exercise can increase menstrual cramps and is an effective way to maintain a healthy weight, moreso, being overweight can cause irregular periods, reducing weight can make menstruation more regular.

But note that:

  • exercise must be balanced with the needs of the body.
  • Exercising too much can interfere with the menstrual cycle.
  • Extreme exercise can even cause someone to stop menstruation.

The Department of Health and Human Services recommends that adults do 2.5 hours to 5 hours of exercise every week. The exercise is done in moderate intensity or half of the amount of strong intensity activity.

6. Add vitamin D


Vitamin D helps the absorption of calcium in the intestines which is very important for bone health.

Research shows that vitamin D can help regulate ovulation. A 2015 study found an association between low levels of vitamin D and irregular periods.

Irregular menstruation is a common symptom of polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS).

A 2014 small-scale clinical trial study showed that taking vitamin D and calcium supplements plus metformin, can help regulate one's menstruation with PCOS. Sunlight causes a person's body to produce vitamin D.

Vitamin D Deficiency Can Increase Schizophrenia Risk

So to add vitamin D;

  • spend time outside in the sun.
  • consume foods like fatty fish, such as salmon and tuna, they contain vitamin D.
  • Some manufacturers add vitamin D to vegetable milk and cereals, hence it is advisable you add it to your meals regularly.
  • Taking supplements is another way to ensure the body gets enough vitamin D.


When to go to the doctor when your period is irregular?

This condition sometimes only happens once in a while and your menstrual cycle will return to normal as before. That way, there's no need to worry too much.

However, you should immediately consult a doctor if:

  • Sudden stop menstruation
  • Experience a cycle change from being very organized to falling apart
  • Having excessive amounts of facial hair, chin, chest, and stomach
  • Having menstruation more than 7 days with heavy blood flow
  • Having shorter periods than usual
  • Having your period faster than the shortest cycle of 21 days
  • Menstrual cycle is very long or more than 45 days
  • Experiencing cramps and severe stomach pain
  • Irregular menstruation has lasted for more than 3 years


It is important to see a doctor if you have been active in sexual relations and missed a menstrual schedule that should be. The reason this can be a sign of pregnancy .

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5 Types of Menstrual Disorders You Need to Know : Lifestyle changes and Home Remedies

By On 07/04/2020

Menstrual disorders are disorders that occur in the menstrual cycle. There are a variety of menstrual disorders that can be experienced by women, ranging from menstrual blood that is too little or too much , menstrual pain , until depression before menstruation or premenstrual dysphoric disorder . Come on, recognize the symptoms and causes in the following review!

A normal menstrual cycle occurs every 21-35 days, with menstrual periods of about 4-7 days. But sometimes, this menstrual cycle can be disrupted.


Menstrual disorders can include menstrual bleeding that is too much or too little, irregular menstrual cycles, menstruation that occurs more than 7 days, no menstruation for more than 3 months, or even never menstruate at all.

Menstrual disorders can also be accompanied by severe complaints, such as pain and severe cramps, to depression before menstruation.




Birthing a child is the dream of every women but at times our uterus develops issues that hinders fertility. However, africandoctor has found the best medicinal plant to help you solve any uterine disease, severe abdominal pain, dyspareunia, Menorrhagia, anovulation, abnormal menstrual cycle and amenorrhea linked to infertility so you can experience the joy of a mother.
However, it is very necessary to consult your doctor for a better diagnostics to receive the best treatment. This is because, it might be due to diseases like; ovarian cyst, uterine polyps, adenomyosis and so on.


Types of Menstrual Disorders that You Need to Watch Out for

In addition to being able to interfere with daily activities, certain types of menstrual disorders need to be watched out because they can increase the risk of fertility problems. Menstrual disorders that are common can be divided into five types, namely:

1. Amenorrhea

Amenorrhoea is divided into two, namely primary and secondary amenorrhoea. Primary amenorrhoea is a condition in which a woman has not experienced menstruation for up to 16 years.

Whereas secondary amenorrhoea is a condition in which a woman of childbearing age who is not pregnant and has menstruated before, stops getting menstruation for 3 months or more.

Both types of amenorrhea have different causes. Primary amenorrhoea can be caused by genetic abnormalities, brain disorders that regulate menstrual hormones, or problems with the ovaries or uterus.

While the causes of secondary amenorrhoea are:

  • Pregnancy
  • Breastfeeding.
  • Menopause.
  • Excessive weight loss.
  • Certain diseases, such as thyroid disease, polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) , and brain tumors in the pituitary gland or pituitary.
  • Uterine disorders, such as myoma or polyps in the uterus.
  • Severe stress.
  • Side effects of drugs, such as chemotherapy, menstrual delay drugs , and antidepressants.
  • Use of contraception, such as birth control pills, injectable birth control, and IUD.

In addition, malnutrition or malnutrition and excessive exercise can also cause women to experience amenorrhoea.

2. Dysmenorrhoea

Dysmenorrhoea is a condition in which women experience pain during menstruation, generally on the first and second day of menstruation. Symptoms include pain or cramps in the lower abdomen that continue, and sometimes spread to the lower back and thighs. The pain can also be accompanied by headaches, nausea, and vomiting.

This dysmenorrhoea can occur because of high levels of the hormone prostaglandin during the first day of menstruation. After a few days, this hormone levels will be reduced to make menstrual pain subsided. This type of menstrual pain will usually begin to decrease with age or after giving birth.

Apart from prostaglandin, dysmenorrhoea can also occur due to abnormalities in the female reproductive system , such as:

  • Endometriosis
  • Myoma uterus
  • Cysts or tumors in the uterus
  • Pelvic inflammation
  • Use of contraceptives in the womb (IUD)

In contrast to normal dysmenorrhoea due to an increase in the hormone prostaglandin, dysmenorrhoea due to certain diseases will usually last longer and worsen with age.

3. Menorrhagia

Menorrhagia is a menstrual disorder in the form of excessive menstrual blood loss or in excessive amounts, thereby disrupting daily activities. This includes the duration of menstruation that lasts more than normal menstruation, which is more than 5-7 days.

Women with menstrual disorders menorrhagia will experience the following complaints:

  • There is too much blood coming out of the vagina, so you have to replace the pads every hour.
  • Must use two pads to accommodate bleeding.
  • Must wake up to replace the pads during sleep.
  • Experiencing symptoms of anemia , such as weakness, pale, or shortness of breath.
  • Removing blood clots for more than one day.

Menorrhagia can be caused by a variety of things, ranging from dietary changes, frequent exercise, hormonal disorders, infections or inflammation in the vagina and cervix, thyroid disorders, myoma and polyps in the uterus, blood clotting disorders, to uterine cancer or cervical cancer .

4. Oligomenorrhea

Oligomenorrhea is a condition when a woman seldom experiences menstruation, that is if her menstrual cycle is more than 35-90 days or has menstruation less than 8-9 times in a period of a year.

Oligomenorrhea is often experienced by adolescents entering puberty and women entering menopause. Menstrual disorders are a result of hormonal activity that is not stable in these phases.

In addition, there are several other things that might be the cause of oligomenorrhea , namely:

  • Use of hormonal contraception, such as birth control pills or injectable birth control.
  • Frequent exercise or strenuous physical activity.
  • Ovulation disorders .
  • Certain diseases, such as diabetes, thyroid disease, and polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS).
  • Eating disorders, such as anorexia nervosa and bulimia.
  • Psychological problems, such as stress and depression.
  • Side effects of certain drugs, such as antipsychotics and antiepileptics.

5. Premenstrual dysphoric disorder (PMDD)

Towards menstruation, not a few women experience mild pain or abdominal cramps, headaches, and psychological complaints, such as mood swings, feeling anxious, anxious, and easily emotional. Symptoms that appear close to coming this month are called PMS or premenstrual syndrome .

However, if PMS symptoms are felt to be severe enough to interfere with daily activities, then this condition is called PMDD. In addition to menstrual pain that is accompanied by headache, PMDD symptoms can include anxiety, insomnia, overeating, difficulty concentrating , feeling weak and not energized, until the ideas or thoughts of suicide.

The cause of PMDD and PMS is not known with certainty, but it is suspected due to chemical disorders in the brain that regulate mood. One of these chemicals is serotonin .

In addition, there are several things that are thought to have contributed to the emergence of this condition, such as:

  • Heredity
  • Overweight
  • Rarely exercise
  • Thyroid disease
  • Alcohol consumption and drug use

To determine the cause of menstrual disorders, a series of examinations is needed by a doctor. This examination includes a review of menstrual history, physical examination, and supporting tests in the form of blood tests, to ultrasound, hysterosalpingography , and MRI.

Some other tests that may be done to find the cause of menstrual disorders are pap smears , uterine biopsy, and hysteroscopy.

Treatment for each type of menstrual disorder is different, depending on the cause. Therefore, you are advised to consult a doctor in order to get the appropriate treatment. Management of menstrual disorders can include the administration of medicines to surgery.

Menstrual disorders that occur only occasionally are usually classified as normal and nothing to worry about. However, if the symptoms often appear and have been going on for a long time, you are advised to consult a doctor immediately .

Here are lifestyle and home remedies that can help you deal with menstrual disorders:

  • Dietary factors: dietary adjustments starting about 14 days before menstruation can help some people with mild menstrual disorders, such as cramps. General guidelines for a healthy diet for everyone: include eating whole wheat foods, fresh fruits and vegetables, avoiding saturated fats and fast food. Limiting salt (sodium) consumption can help reduce bloating. Limiting your intake of caffeine, sugar, and alcohol can also be beneficial.
  • Prevent and treat anemia
  • Sports. Exercise can reduce menstrual pain
  • Sexual activity. There are reports that orgasm can reduce menstrual cramps
  • Warm feeling. Gluing warm compresses on the abdomen, or soaking in warm water, can reduce pain and cramps due to menstruation.
  • Menstrual hygiene. Change pads every 4-6 hours. Avoid using perfume pads or tampons; female deodorants can irritate your female parts. Douching is not recommended because it can kill natural bacteria that live in the vagina. Bathing as usual is enough.


By On 06/04/2020


Oligomenorrhea, now called infrequent menstruation can have several causes. Sometimes, particularly in younger women, there is a benign tumor in the pituitary.
An important contributor to infrequent menstruation is polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS). The development of a lining in the uterus continues without ovulation and the signal for the lining to slough off. Sometimes the uterine lining continues to increase in thickness and weight, until some lining breaks away and sloughs off. The woman thinks she has menstruated when she actually still retains lining material. Another important cause of infrequent menstruation is the signal for both egg and lining development fail. In this case, the woman has a very thin lining. She may also have very low levels of hormones, which can affect other parts of her body. Ultrasound, blood tests, and the woman's menstrual record help in distinguishing causes of infrequent menstruation.


Notwithstanding, after 25 years of research, the experts of africandoctor have discoverd the best mixture of plant for an effective treatment of oligomenorrhea.



Infertilite feminine 1

The constituents of this tisane allow it to regulate your menstrual cycle and dispose any problem that may lead to infertility. Some of the plants that make this possible  are Cloves and Acridoscarpus, these are very powerful plants, the mixture of these plants with other secret herbs have made it possible to deal with restore menstrual cycle. In addition, Our natural remedy is the secret to cure any form of female infertility. We offer you a definite advantage: the absence of undesirable effects and contraindications. The natural approach is often the best approach to find the solution. Our natural remedies have allowed many women to have children.


OR CALL/WHATSAPP: +229 90431725


READ ALSO: 10 AMAZING medicinal plants to get RID of UTERINE POLYPS




Most patients suffering from oligomenorrhea are treated with birth control pills. Other women, including those with PCOS, are treated with hormones. Prescribed hormones depend on which particular hormones are deficient or out of balance. However, the most effective treatment to reguale menstrual cycle is through traditional methods.




Having an irregular cycle, including missing periods, can contribute to infertility, as it means a woman may not be regularly ovulating. Ovulation is when the ovary releases an egg. Irregular ovulation can be due to many issues, including polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), obesity, being underweight, and thyroid issues

Irregular periods and menstrual disorders are conditions that disrupt the normal menstrual cycle in women, which plays a key role in fertility.




1. Apple Vinegar

The first menstrual launch drink is apple cider vinegar. The results of research published at the National Center for Biotechnology Information, US National Library of Medicine, revealed that consumption of 15 ml of apple cider vinegar every day can restore menstrual cycles in women with PCOS. Even so, claims against this research require further research because studies are conducted with limited respondents.

2. Pineapple juice

Pineapple is a popular fruit to overcome menstrual problems. Pineapple juice contains bromelain, an enzyme that is claimed to soften the lining of the uterus and regulate menstruation. Even so, this pineapple juice can not be verified as a menstrual smoothing drink.

Bromelain may have anti-inflammatory and pain relief properties, however there is no concrete evidence to support its effectiveness in reducing menstrual cramps and headaches.

5. Cinnamon

Cinnamon is another natural ingredient that is believed to be able to overcome irregular menstrual cycles. How to consume it is by soaking two or three sticks of cinnamon in one glass of water.

A study revealed, this menstrual smoothing drink is able to regulate the menstrual cycle and is an effective treatment option for women with PCOS - although this study is limited by a small number of respondents.

6. Banana Juice

One of the benefits of bananas that are quite popular regarding bananas is that it helps to overcome muscle cramps. Well, the uterus is an organ that has a lot of muscles, so it's not surprising when you consume this menstrual smoothing drink menstrual cramps will decrease.

7. Red Wine

Red wine contains an antioxidant called resveratrol, which is combined with alcohol to relax the smooth muscles. However, it is important to know that drinking lots of alcohol can make PMS symptoms worse. This menstrual smoothing drink can lower blood sugar and make mood changes more intense. Therefore, you should consume just one glass of red wine.

Green tea has the ability to reduce cramps. While chamomile tea has equally good success in minimizing muscle spasms and also helps overcome mood swings.

As much as possible choose decaf tea, because caffeine can trigger anxiety and also help the body retain water, where this contributes to bloating.

9. Coconut Oil

A study showed that adding coconut oil to food for two months can ease pain during menstruation. Add coconut oil to food as a substitute for butter or other oils.

Well, that's some foods and drinks that can consume menstruation. In addition, making lifestyle changes such as reducing or managing stress, and maintaining a healthy weight can help regulate the menstrual cycle.




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By On 06/04/2020

It is normal for a woman to have menstruation every month. When women experience the menstrual cycle, there are times when some do not feel pain at all. But there are also those who experience problems during menstruation, including complains of cramps or pain in the abdomen and spine. Even worse there are those who experience symptoms of dizziness, nausea, not feeling well, and so on.

Menstruation is the process by which the uterus releases its lining every month. The pain that occurs during menstruation is called dysmenorrhea. Reported by from healthline, this pain can occur before menstruation really begins or can also occur during the menstrual process.

As soon as you feel menstrual pain, you should start treating it earlier. The sooner treatment is started, the faster the reduction of menstrual pain that is prolonged. It is advisable to first treat the root cause of this pain.





The constituents of this tisane allow it to counteract the pains felt during menstruation to help you go through your cycle without much trouble and dispose any problem that may lead to infertility. Some of of the plants that make this possible  are Cloves and Acridoscarpus, these are very powerful plants, the mixture of these plants with other secret herbs have made it possible to deal with menstrual pain. In addition, Our natural remedy is the secret to cure any form of female infertility. We offer you a definite advantage: the absence of undesirable effects and contraindications. The natural approach is often the best approach to find the solution. Our natural remedies have allowed many women to have children.


OR CALL/WHATSAPP: +229 90431725


In addition to this herbal tea , you can also take the initiative by consuming foods and drinks that can overcome menstrual pain. Believe it or not, you can start practicing this method. What foods and drinks do you need to consume during menstrual pain? The following is a summary :

1. Dark chocolate.

Besides delicious and much-loved by many people, chocolate can be a reliable medicine for menstrual pain. This slightly bitter sweet food contains magnesium and fiber. According to nutrition expert Kayleen St. John, reported by, you can choose chocolate that contains 85% or more cocoa content for best results.

2. Peanuts

Peanuts are a fantastic useful source of magnesium. Magnesium helps regulate serotonin. These benefits will help prevent bloating during menstruation. The peanuts here can be in the form of ordinary peanuts, or processed peanuts for example into peanut butter.

3. Chamomile Tea

Chamomile tea besides being delicious is also caffeine-free. This tea can help reduce muscle spasms, especially when your stomach muscles cramp, causing cramps. According to nutrition expert and dietitian United States, Joy Bauer. Chamomile tea can also calm or relax you.

4. Eggs.

Eggs are rich in protein nutrients and vitamins B6, D, and E. All the contents of the eggs work together to fight the symptoms of PMS. You can eat several eggs in the morning before or during the menstrual cycle.

5. Ginger.

Ginger can be a sedative stomach when feeling nauseous. Ginger can eliminate gas and bloating in the stomach during menstruation. You can brew ginger as a warm drink. The warmth of ginger can also make you calm and relaxed.

6. Kiwi.

When menstrual pain will sometimes have an impact on digestion. Disruption of digestion makes you constipated or difficult to defecate. By eating kiwifruit, you don't need to worry. Kiwi contains the enzyme actinidin, helping digest proteins more easily. So that the fiber will easily move the leftovers in your stomach.

7. Spinach.

During menstruation, you will lose blood every month. Causing you to become iron deficient then feeling lethargic and slow. When you are weak, menstrual pain will be felt. Overcome these symptoms by consuming lots of vegetables high in iron, such as spinach and kale.

8. Salmon.

Salmon and other cold water fish are rich in a type of fatty acid known as omega-3. According to Everyday Health, salmon can help reduce inflammation, eliminate pain, including menstrual cramps. Apart from being a healthy source of protein, salmon is rich in vitamin D and B6. Vitamin D helps make it easier for you to absorb calcium, which is closely related to menstrual pain. While vitamin B6 can help overcome breast pain

9. White water.

According to Healthline, H2O or hydrogen dioxide in water is very good for health. When the stomach feels bloating painful menstruation, an easy and practical way to overcome it is to drink lots of water. Warm or hot water can soothe menstrual pain. In addition to water, you can also consume fruits and vegetables that contain lots of water.

10. Orange.

Oranges are known as the main food for menstrual period cramps. Oranges contain greater vitamin C than lemons. Besides oranges are also rich in magnesium, potassium and vitamin D. Oranges can be used as a source of good nutrition for the body. Eating two oranges every day, effective for relieving menstrual cramps or pain.


HOWEVER, it is advisable to consult your doctor first, and treat any health condition causing you pains during menstruation. 

OR CALL/WHATSAPP: +229 90431725


By On 06/04/2020

Although coming every month, unfortunately menstruation  can sometimes be very painful for some women bringing with them severe cramps, back pain, bloating, and so on, some even have irregular periods. The medically irregular period is known as oligomenorrhea, which is a common problem in women. 

Every month during the period, the lining of the uterus sheds along with some blood. The ovaries, which are in the lower abdomen of women, begin to produce hormones in girls around puberty that cause changes in the lining of the uterus. The length of the menstrual cycle (the time between the beginning of one period and the beginning of the next) is usually 28 days, if it exceeds a week it can be problematic. At that time the problem arises irregular periods. However, there are many home remedies for irregular periods that one can follow.


Many factors can cause this problem, such as eating disorders, weight loss or weight gain, anemia, menopause, thyroid disorders, hormonal imbalances, liver disease, tuberculosis, miscarriage, and other health conditions. Lifestyle triggers such as increased exercise, smoking, alcohol abuse, caffeine, travel, stress, and certain drugs and birth control pills can also contribute to this problem. Irregular periods often occur at menopause.


Here are 6 home remedies that can deal with  irregular periods.



Infertilite feminine 1

The constituents of this tisane allow it to regulate your menstrual cycle and dispose any problem that may lead to infertility. Some of the plants that make this possible  are Cloves and Acridoscarpus, these are very powerful plants, the mixture of these plants with other secret herbs have made it possible to deal with restore menstrual cycle. In addition, Our natural remedy is the secret to cure any form of female infertility. We offer you a definite advantage: the absence of undesirable effects and contraindications. The natural approach is often the best approach to find the solution. Our natural remedies have allowed many women to have children.



By On 06/04/2020

Menstrual cycle

Menstrual cycle is the number of days between the first day of each menstruation. The average distance of the menstrual schedule is 28 days. Some people have a longer menstrual cycle, while others have shorter periods. The typical range of menstruation is between 21 and 35 days. Unfortunately, some women have irregular periods, where periods occur more frequently or less frequently than every 21 to 35 days.

Scientific research has shown that people can regulate irregular menstrual cycles. The best method is to use traditional medicines that can be done at home and lifestyle changes.



Oligomenorrhea is a condition when a woman's menstrual period at childbearing age is irregular or difficult to predict. The cause of oligomenorrhea is usually not a serious thing. But in certain cases, oligomenorrhea can be a sign of health problems in the body. This condition causes sufferers to only experience menstruation 6-8 times a year. The amount of blood that comes out can not be predicted, can be less than usual or even more.





The constituents of this tisane allow it to regulate your menstrual cycle and dispose any problem that may lead to infertility. Some of the plants that make this possible  are Cloves and Acridoscarpus, these are very powerful plants, the mixture of these plants with other secret herbs have made it possible to deal with restore menstrual cycle. In addition, Our natural remedy is the secret to cure any form of female infertility. We offer you a definite advantage: the absence of undesirable effects and contraindications. The natural approach is often the best approach to find the solution. Our natural remedies have allowed many women to have children.


OR CALL/WHATSAPP: +229 90431725





How common is this condition?

This condition may not be a strange thing for women. It is likely that almost all women have had non-current menstruation in their lives. Irregular menstruation most often occurs in adolescent girls or elderly women who start menopause. Even so, you can reduce the risk of menstruation that is not smooth by reducing the various triggers.



Signs & Symptoms

What are the signs and symptoms when experiencing irregular menstruation?

Menstruation is said to be irregular if:

  • The number of days apart (cycles) between menstrual periods always changes. For example, before menstruation per 30-35 days, suddenly shortened to be per 21 or 35 days .
  • Sometimes a lot of blood comes out for more than 7 days, but sometimes very little and brief.
  • Having your period less than 9 times a year
  • Less bleeding during menstruation than usual


When menstruation is the first time, you might have an erratic cycle. Generally it takes up to 2 years to have a fixed cycle. Over time, the menstrual cycle in general, blood volume, and the length of menstrual time will be the same every month.



Causes of Oligomenorrhea You Need to Know

Oligomenorrhea is generally experienced by adolescents during the beginning of menstruation, which is about 2-3 years after the first menstruation. However, this condition is fairly reasonable, because it occurs as a result of unstable hormone activity during these puberty periods. Oligomenorrhea is also more often experienced by women entering menopause or women who use hormonal contraception, such as birth control pills or injectable birth control.

Besides the influence of hormones, there are several other conditions that can cause oligomenorrhea. These conditions include:


  • Thyroid disease .
  • Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) .
  • Malnutrition, for example due to eating disorders, such as anorexia nervosa and bulimia.
  • Obesity.
  • Diabetes.
  • Pelvic inflammation.
  • Cervical cancer.
  • Early Menopause .
  • Psychological problems, such as stress and depression.
  • Drug side effects, such as anticonvulsant drugs, blood thinners, corticosteroids, and antipsychotic drugs.
  • Ovarian disorders like ovarian cyst, ovarian cancer
  • Disease pelvic inflammatory
  • Hyperprolactin (excess of the hormone prolactin in the body)
  • Tumors of the pituitary gland (prolactinoma)
  • Tumors that produce excessive hormones 
  • Problems in the uterus, cervix and / or vagina (adenomyosis, fibroids, uterine polyps, )
  • The use of anabolic steroid hormones
  • Graves' disease
  • Prader-Willi syndrome
  • Heavy exercise too often 
  • Using antipsychotic drugs and epilepsy drugs




Risk factors

What puts you at risk of developing this condition?

One of the main factors that increases the risk of irregular menstruation, namely age. Age is very influential in determining a woman's menstrual cycle. In your teens, when you first experience menstruation, ups and downs of hormones will be felt. This is what makes a big change in your menstrual cycle, including regular or irregular menstruation that you experience.

In addition to the beginning of puberty, hormones will also fluctuate quite dramatically in the age before menopause , which is around 45-55 years. Sports or activities that are too heavy can also cause menstrual cycles are irregular or not smooth. Therefore, exercise naturally with the right portion so that the body remains healthy and menstruation remains smooth.



Diagnosis & treatment

What tests are carried out to diagnose this condition?

To find out the cause of menstruation that is not smooth, the doctor will find out various things such as:

  • How often do you exercise along with the weight of each exercise
  • Symptoms are felt some time the last time when menstruation starts irregular
  • The diet program being undertaken
  • Recent mental and mental state
  • Medical history includes illnesses that have been or are being suffered and medications that are being taken

Not only that, the doctor will also find out the problem you are experiencing by doing various examinations. The usual checks are:

  • Pelvic examination
  • Your pap (pap smear)
  • Pregnancy test
  • Blood tests to check the levels of certain hormones, such as thyroid stimulating hormone, cortisol, prolactin, follicle stimulating hormone, and testosterone
  • Pelvic ultrasound to check whether you have uterine fibroids, uterine polyps, or ovarian cysts
  • Endometrial biopsy with the aim of diagnosing endometriosis, hormonal imbalance, or cancer cells


What are the treatment options for irregular menstruation?

Usually, no special treatment is needed for irregular menstruation due to puberty or menopause. However, for other non-current menstrual causes, such as diseases or unhealthy lifestyles, the treatment provided will adjust to the cause.

  • Drugs and surgery can be a treatment option to overcome various diseases that cause menstruation to be irregular or not smooth.
  • Metmorfin and insulin-lowering drugs for example will be prescribed to help smooth ovulation so that menstruation returns regularly. 
  • Low-dose birth control pills that contain a combination of estrogen and progesterone can also reduce androgen production to improve menstrual schedules.
  • Blood tests to detect whether there are signs of bleeding, nutritional deficiencies, infection or inflammation, and others.
  • Blood tests to detect hormone levels and thyroid function
  • Urine examination to detect signs of pregnancy , infection, or sexually transmitted diseases
  • Pap smear examination to detect signs of cervical cancer and biopsy to detect other types of cancer of the reproductive system


In essence, you need to consult a doctor to determine what treatment is most suitable for the condition.





What you can do to prevent oligomenorrhea is to avoid the risk factors that cause oligoemenorrhea as noted above. 

Precautions you can take include:

  • Exercise regularly to maintain a normal weight and reduce stress
  • Eat healthy food




Immediately consult a doctor if you often experience menstruation every more than 35 days.




When symptoms are first felt, you might see a general practitioner first. If the doctor suspects that you are experiencing an oligomenorrhea, the doctor will refer you to an obstetrician and reproductive system specialist. 

Before the examination, you can prepare the following:

  • Make a list about your menstrual symptoms
  • Record your menstrual history (including at what age at first menstruation, is there a problem with each period, how long have you got your period, how many times do you change your pads in each day)
  • Record the history of your woman's family menstruation (such as mother, siblings, and other relatives)
  • Record the history of the disease that you have and are experiencing.
  • Record the drugs or vitamins that you routinely consume
  • Write down the questions that you want to ask the doctor




During the examination, the doctor may ask the following questions:

  • When did you first get your period?
  • How long is the distance between menstruation between months?
  • How much bleeding do you experience each time your period? How many times a day do you change your pads?
  • Are there any problems that you experience every time your period, for example complaints of excessive stomach cramps or other physical problems that are quite annoying until you cannot move normally?
  • What are the history of illness that you have and are experiencing?
  • What medicines or supplements do you consume regularly?
  • What type of contraception are you using?
  • Has anyone in your female family experienced the same thing?

In addition, the doctor will also do a physical examination and may possibly recommend further examinations to ascertain the underlying cause of the oligomenore that you are experiencing.



Treatment at home

What home remedies or lifestyle changes can be done to overcome irregular menstruation?

To restore the smooth menstrual cycle, you can combine doctor's care with home. The following are various home treatments that can be done to resolve irregular menstrual problems:


Do yoga

It turns out that yoga is one effective solution to overcome various menstrual problems, including irregular cycles. Research published in The Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine discovered scientific facts. Research shows that hormone levels that trigger irregular menstrual schedules can be controlled by doing yoga.

This benefit was felt by the participants who did yoga for 35-40 minutes for 5 days a week in 6 months. In fact, yoga is one of the exercises whose movements can reduce menstrual pain.

You can take a yoga class or mimic the movements of yoga from many videos circulating on the internet. However, if you want to try it at home do simple movements with minimal risk to avoid injury.


Keeping your weight stable


Changes in body weight, both up or down, can excessively make menstruation not smooth. For this reason, a way to maintain and restore a regular menstrual cycle, namely by maintaining ideal body weight.

In addition to menstruation that is not smooth, other problems that are often experienced are more intense flowing menstrual blood plus unbearable pain. Whatever it is, obesity or being too thin can cause other health problems besides messy periods.

Consult a doctor if you have difficulty losing or gaining weight. The doctor will help find the most appropriate type of treatment with either drugs or special therapies. One treatment that is recommended especially for obese women is to exercise regularly. Exercise helps you lose weight in a healthy way while keeping your immune system fit.


Get enough rest


Stress and fatigue can make menstruation not smooth, can be faster or even slower. When someone is stressed, it is not uncommon for him to experience menstruation twice a month or even not experience it at all. Therefore, do not neglect your time off. Enough sleep helps maintain normal bodily functions including menstrual regulating hormones. Try to sleep for 7-8 hours overnight. Avoid staying up late if it's not needed.

In order to sleep more soundly, dim the lights and adjust the room temperature so it is not too cold or hot. You can also take a warm shower first if your body feels achy. Warm baths help relax the mind and relieve aches after a day of activities. Do not drink coffee or tea at night so you are not difficult to feel sleepy and asleep.

If you have questions, consult your doctor to get the best solution.


OR CALL/WHATSAPP: +229 90431725

Menstrual cramps 1546578592


By On 03/04/2020

The pain that comes is different for each person. Some may not feel it as pain, some just feel annoyed, but not a few who feel the pain is quite severe. Severe menstrual pain can interfere with activities until the menstrual period ends.

Fortunately, there is some herbal medicine to treat severe menstrual pain whatever the cause. 



Adenomyose dawasante 1

The constituents of this tisane allow it to counteract the pains felt during menstruation to help you go through your cycle without much trouble and dispose any problem that may lead to infertility. Some of the plants that make this possible are Cloves and Acridoscarpus, these are very powerful plants, the mixture of these plants with other secret herbs has made it possible to deal with menstrual pain. In addition, Our natural remedy is the secret to cure any form of female infertility. We offer you a definite advantage: the absence of undesirable effects and contraindications. The natural approach is often the best approach to find the solution. Our natural remedies have allowed many women to have children.

OR CALL/WHATSAPP: +229 90431725



Menstrual abdominal cramps can only be a sign of infertility depending on the cause. Primary dysmenorrhea is, however, not related to fertility problems. The real problem lies with secondary dysmenorrhea because it can be caused by a number of diseases that impact fertility.  Hence, menstrual pain is a sign of infertility when it is caused by diseases like endometriosis, adenomyosis, blocked tube, ovarian cyst, uterine polyps, etc...



Severe cramping can lead to fainting or brief losses of consciousness if 1) the cramping is severe enough and 2) the affected woman has low blood sugar or has been lying down and stands suddenly. But it doesn't cause death, however, at times, cramping is mistakenly identified as normal ‘period pain,’ when there is actually a more serious underlying medical condition (like Pelvic Inflammatory Disease, Adenomyosis, ruptured ovarian cysts, etc.). Conditions like these can be life-threatening if left untreated.



Cramps are caused by prostaglandins which are a naturally occurring chemical and can be found in tissues throughout the body, including in the uterus. During menstruation, they trigger the uterine muscles to contract. This helps expel the uterine lining during menstruation. If your levels of prostaglandins are too high, they can trigger uterine contractions that are more intense. When uterine contractions are especially strong, oxygen gets cut off temporarily to parts of the muscle. The lack of oxygen leads to painful period cramps.


  • Massage with essential oil

Body Care. Masseur Pouring Oil On Hand, Preparing For Massage ...

Massage the stomach when it hurts with essential oil can help reduce pain. Massage therapy can be done for 20 minutes. Research has found that massage can significantly reduce pain gradually. Massage therapy for menstruation suggests pressing at certain points while the hands move around the stomach, side of the abdomen, and back.

  • Sports

Running Woman. Runner is Jogging Video de stock (totalmente ...

Although it makes the body limp and mood fluctuate, menstruation should not be used as an excuse to be lazy. Instead, try to stay active, including doing sports. The reason is, it can help reduce the pain that you experience.

Yes, physical activities such as sports can help accelerate your blood circulation. Not only that, this activity also helps the body produce endorphins which can help balance the work of the hormone prostaglandin. As a result, the pain and discomfort you experience before or during menstruation can be reduced.

No need to weigh it, the important thing is to make your body active every day. Some physical activities that are safe to do when it's among them walking, yoga, aerobics, or light jogging.

  • Drink chamomile tea

13 Benefits Of Chamomile Tea For Skin, Hair And Overall Health ...

To relieve menstrual pain, you can consume warm drinks such as ginger or chamomile tea  . In a journal released by the Journal of Agriculture and Chemistry, chamomile tea contains compounds that can reduce pain.

In that study it was found that 14 people included in the study had a significant increase in hippurate levels. Hippurate is a compound in the body that acts as a natural anti-inflammatory. This anti-inflammatory can help reduce prostaglandin production and reduce menstrual pain.

  • Drink ginger

Drink ginger tea to relieve a migraine naturally |

In addition to chamomile tea, you can also relieve menstrual pain by drinking a glass of warm ginger. Ginger  has compounds that are considered effective in reducing inflammation and pain, including menstrual pain. In addition, ginger can reduce the symptoms of nausea that sometimes often appears during menstruation.

How to make ginger drink quite easy. Flatten one segment of ginger, then boil until boiling. To reduce the spicy flavor produced from ginger itself, you can add a spoon or brown sugar.

  • Avoid stress

6 Reasons Why Motivational Books Can Be Your Best Friend for Life

Menstruation can indeed affect a woman's emotions. Yes, many women experience  mood swings,  aka drastic mood swings. You may suddenly feel sad helpless or angry at anyone for no apparent reason.

If not smart in controlling emotions, women who will or are menstruating are certainly prone to stress. When you are stressed, the pain you experience may get worse. Therefore, try to avoid stress.

How, do a variety of things that are fun and win at the same time. For example, listening to instrumental music, reading motivational books, doing meditation, drawing, or just singing. In essence, do things that make you feel good.

OR CALL/WHATSAPP: +229 90431725



By On 03/04/2020

According to experts, the incidence of dysmenorrhea varies depending on age. 

Dysmenorrhea is a condition when a woman’s menstruation is accompanied by painful sensations in the lower abdomen. In most cases, bouts of pain during menstruation are experienced by young women of reproductive age. In some women, the manifestations of dysmenorrhea can be so severe that they lose their ability to work for one or two days a month during menstruation. Severe pain depletes the nervous system, promotes the development of an asthenic state, reduces memory, working capacity - in general, significantly affects the quality of life of a woman.


The constituents of this tisane allow it to counteract the pains felt during menstruation to help you go through your cycle without much trouble and dispose any problem that may lead to infertility. Some of of the plants that make this possible  are cloves and Acridoscarbus, these are very powerful plants, the mixture of these plants with other secret herbs have made it possible to deal with menstrual pain. In addition, Our natural remedy is the secret to cure any form of female infertility. We offer you a definite advantage: the absence of undesirable effects and contraindications. The natural approach is often the best approach to find the solution. Our natural remedies have allowed many women to have children.

OR CALL/WHATSAPP: +229 90431725

However, there are reasons why women have been painful periods. According to experts, it could be linked to or be a symptom of an infertility disease like, adenyosis, endometriosis, uterine polyps, etc...





There are two types of dysmenorrhea:

  • Primary dysmenorrhea. 

This is the most common type of dysmenorrhea. The pain is usually caused by contractions of the uterus (womb). The uterus contracts during your period to help the uterine lining leave the body. Teens may get dysmenorrhea soon after they get their first period. For most women, primary dysmenorrhea gets less painful as they get older. But some women get severe menstrual pain. Your risk for dysmenorrhea may be higher if you:

  • Got your first period before age 11
  • Have longer or heavier periods
  • Smoke
  • Have high levels of stress


  • Secondary dysmenorrhea. 

This type of dysmenorrhea is usually caused by another health problem. Pain from secondary dysmenorrhea usually gets worse as you get older. It also lasts longer than normal menstrual cramps. Problems that cause secondary dysmenorrhea include:

  • Endometriosis. This condition happens when the lining of the uterus grows outside of the uterus where it does not belong. In response to monthly changes in levels of the hormone estrogen, this lining breaks down and bleeds outside of the uterus and can cause swelling and pain.
  • Uterine fibroidsFibroids are tumors that grow in or on the wall of the uterus. They are almost always not cancerous. Some women with fibroids experience pelvic pain and vaginal bleeding at times when they do not have their period.
  • Ovarian cystsCysts are fluid-filled sacs on the ovary. Ovarian cysts usually don’t cause any symptoms, but some can cause pain during your period or at ovulation.
  • Adenomysis, which is a condition in which the tissue lining the uterus begins to grow into the uterine muscle wall. ·
  • Pelvic inflammation, which is an infection of the female reproductive organs caused by bacteria. The bacteria is transmitted by sexual contact. ·
  • Cervical stenosis. In some women, a fairly small cervical opening will inhibit menstrual flow. This will create painful pressure in the uterus.




There is no definite reason why the pain experienced by each menstruating woman is different. Some are so severe but some are not disturbed. However, some causes of pain during menstruation were reported from EXPERTS, namely:

Heavy blood flow

Under the age of 20 years

First menstruation

Having excess prostaglandin hormone (a hormone that affects the uterus)

Organic disorders in women between 28 -45 years linked to  inflammation, endometriosis, adenomyosis, tubal blockage, etc....




  • Pain is the main symptom. It is localized in the lower abdomen, can have a different intensity. Usually they are cramping, pulling, aching or bursting in nature.
  • General weakness;
  • Headache ;
  • dizziness ;
  • Nausea, vomiting;
  • Bloating;
  • Temperature increase up to 37-38 ° С.


  • Analgesics or hormonal contraceptives 

Taking analgesics or hormonal contraceptives temporarily relieves the symptoms of dysmenorrhea, but, in fact, is not aimed at treating this disease. Moreover, the frequent use of analgesics adversely affects the liver and stomach, and oral contraceptives alter the natural hormonal background of the body and are a predisposing factor for the development of very serious diseases of the female genital area.

  • Osteopathic Method

This is an alternative no drug therapy perfomed by doctors aimed at eliminating the immediate causes of the disease. 

With dysmenorrhea, the main symptoms occur due to a violation of the blood supply to the pelvic organs with congestion, muscle spasms, violations of the relative position of internal organs and excessive stretching of their walls. All this leads to pinching and irritation of nerve fibers, which leads to the occurrence of pain.
During an osteopathic session, the doctor works with the immediate cause of the pain: it detects and relieves spasms and muscle blocks, releases pinched vessels and nerves. Restores the position of the uterus and other organs located in the pelvis. Restores elasticity of ligaments. All this leads to a rapid improvement after the first sessions.


  • Take pain relievers

If your menstrual pain feels blaming to interfere with activity, it never hurts to take pain medication, such as ibuprofen and naproxen. You can get these two pain relievers without a doctor's prescription and many are sold freely at the nearest pharmacy or drug store.

Before taking pain medication, make sure you read the instructions for using the drug carefully. Take the medication according to the recommended dosage to avoid dangerous side effects.

  • Operation

If your menstrual pain is caused by another health condition, your doctor may recommend surgery to treat it.


What are the usual tests to diagnose dysmenorrhea?

Before doing the test, your doctor will usually ask about your medical history first. After that, the doctor will conduct a series of physical and laboratory examinations to establish the diagnosis. If the doctor suspects an abnormality and infection in your reproductive organs, he or she may have a pelvic examination.

Your doctor may also do the following tests to make a diagnosis:

  • Ultrasound (USG) uses sound waves to examine the uterus, cervix, fallopian tubes, and ovaries.
  • CT (computerized tomography) scan or MRI (Magnetic resonance imaging) scan to see details on organs, bones and tissues to diagnose the cause.
  • Laparoscopy to help see the cause of your pain. 



  • Compress with warm water

Compressing the stomach and lower back with warm water can reduce painful menstrual cramps gradually. A 2012 study found that compressed warm water 40 degrees Celsius had the same effectiveness as ibuprofen. The study focused on 147 women aged 18 to 30 years who have regular menstrual cycles. In addition to using the compress method, you can also try soaking in warm water to relax all parts of the body.

  • Vaginal Orgasm

orgasm involves the entire body including the spinal cord. Orgasm can help the body release neurotransmitters such as endorphins and oxytocin. Endorphins can reduce pain perception.

  • Avoiding certain foods

Avoiding certain foods should be done while menstruating. Among them are foods that cause bloating and water retention. The biggest causes include fatty foods, alcohol, soda, caffeine, and foods with high salt content. Reducing or cutting food can help reduce cramps. Try also to consume ginger or mint tea with lemon to treat menstrual cramps.
Instead, you increase your intake of foods containing omega-3 fatty  acids  and magnesium to reduce inflammation that causes menstrual pain. In addition, also increase iron intake because it can help prevent anemia that often comes up to menstruation.

  • . Diet and exercise

Maintaining a healthy diet and exercise can help minimize pain during menstruation. Researchin 2006 found a significant difference between menstrual pain in women who maintain a healthy lifestyle and those who do not. The study focused on 250 women related to menstrual pain.



By On 25/03/2020

Testicular dropsy is a disease in which there is excessive formation and retention of fluid in the shells of the testicle.                                                                                                 

Why is this happening and what is happening? Testicular dropsy can be congenital or acquired.

Until the early 20th century, gonorrhea was the most common cause of acquired hydrocele. Nowadays, hydrocele manifests itself more often after injuries, but generally so minor that a person does not pay attention to it. 2-3 weeks after such an injury, a painless tumor grows in one of the halves of the scrotum, which grows slowly. The process can take several years, without pain and without troubles - such dropsy of the testicle is called chronic. It is only after reaching a large hydrocele (up to the size of the baby's head) that you experience difficulty urinating and sexual problems.

Image result for hydrocele

A testicular dropsy can occur as a complication, for example, after a kidney transplant or treatment for varicocele.

Acute (reactive) dropsy of the testicle often manifests against the background of another, more serious disease: inflammation of the epididymis.

Thanks to the experts of African doctor we were able to discover, after many years of research, the best African medicinal plant to help you get rid of testicular hydrocele once and for all without side effects. 

African medicinal plant against testicular hydrocele

Varicocele treatment african doctor 1

The natural remedy for testicular hydrocele that we offer is effective, fast, long-lasting and above all it will save you from having an operation. This is without a doubt the quick fix for curing testicular hydrocele.

Our products are natural and herbal and herbal. So our herbal teas have no side effects, either on the body or on health. Our treatment is therefore not dangerous. So, You will be able to treat testicular hydrocele without operation and without fear of the appearance of side effects.

The use of herbal products to treat testicular hydrocele usually gives excellent results and avoids surgery. Generally, with the exception of too late diagnosis, our natural treatment makes it possible to treat hydrocele easily. It therefore leaves no sequelae. This natural remedy is a natural secret for those who want a cure for the testicular hydrocele without surgery. Hence, the solution is often found in nature! 
Click here to have access to This special remedy for varicocele!
Worldwide delivery
Contact/Whatsapp: +22990431725


Nature has more to offer than just beauty!!!! We present another wonderful creation of nature at the service of your health.

Image result for chamomile in the kithchen

Chamomile flowers are delicate flowers with a pleasant aroma of one of the most famous medicinal plants. Chamomile pharmacy is an annual plant with a branched stem and green leaves. Chamomile flowers in yellow and white flowers, harvested in small baskets. Chamomile flowers are known in traditional medicine, as well as in cosmetology. As a medicine, chamomile used Avicenna as a sedative and antiseptic. In ancient times, doctors used a pharmacy chamomile instead of many drugs.


Useful properties of chamomile

The beneficial properties of chamomile are due to the presence of essential oil. Thanks to this oil, the flowers have a pleasant aroma. Chamomile essential oil is obtained by steam distillation.

  • Chamomile is useful for tired and irritated eyes, for this purpose, make lotions of chamomile broth. This procedure restores radiance to the eyes, relaxes the muscles and relieves swelling. For eye diseases, it is also recommended to wash with a weak decoction of chamomile. For a decoction, a teaspoon of dried flowers will be enough; in the resulting broth, a cotton swab is moistened and several drops of decoction are instilled into each eye. This procedure relieves inflammation and fatigue.
  • The oil relieves inflammation after insect bites, sunburn, as well as inflammation caused by rashes. Chamomile is very popular in the manufacture of cosmetics for skin care. Extracts of this plant are added to face and body creams. 
  • Rinsing with a decoction of chamomile flowers will make your hair shiny and well-groomed.
  • Chamomile essential oil is good for pustules, acne and teenage skin problems. The oil is simply essential for dry and inflamed skin. With regular use, the oil whitens the skin and removes blemishes, prolonged use helps with rosacea and allergic reactions.


Image result for chamomile in the kithchen​                                                                                


In cooking, chamomile flowers are used to prepare an aromatic herbal tea. The drink has a pleasant smell and taste. In order to have a drink, a handful of dried flowers is poured with hot water, but not boiling water, and insisted for 15 minutes. Tea can be brewed in a glass teapot, enjoying not only the drink itself, but also the process of its preparation. If desired, a slice of lemon and a little honey can be added to the drink.

Try this recipe from nibbles§feast


  • 6 bags Tadin Chamomile Honey Tea
  • 4 cups boiling water
  • ¼ cup granulated sugar
  • 1 ½ inch piece fresh ginger, peeled
  • 3 large Bosc pears, peeled, cored and halved
  • vanilla ice cream, to serve
  • red walnuts, chopped to garnish


  1. Place tea bags in a large heat-proof container. Add boiling water, cover and set aside to steep for 5 minutes. Remove tea bags and discard. Add sugar and stir until it dissolves.
  2. Pour tea mixture into a large saucepan. Add ginger. Heat over medium-high heat. Carefully add pears, cut side down and bring to a simmer. Reduce heat to medium-low. Simmer for 18-20 minutes or until pears are tender. Remove ginger. Set aside to cool.
  3. Transfer pears to a serving bowl using a slotted spoon. Pour syrup over pears. Serve with vanilla ice cream and sprinkle with walnuts.


The benefits of chamomile flowers and treatment

Image result for chamomile in the kithchen
The benefits of chamomile are evident with the external and internal use of funds based on this plant.

  • Chamomile oil is effective for skin damage, it has hemostatic and antiseptic properties. Chamomile disinfects perfectly, there is evidence that during the Great Patriotic War, decoctions of chamomile were used to clean wounds
  • With internal use, chamomile broth has a positive effect on the condition of the patient with gastric diseases, this effect is obtained due to the anti-inflammatory properties of the plant.
  • Women will be interested to know that chamomile normalizes the menstrual cycle. Herbalists advise women to use chamomile decoctions for infertile women.
  • Chamomile flowers are known for their soothing and relaxing effect. Infusion has long been used to fight insomnia
  • Chamomile infusion is used for liver disease, chronic colitis, kidney disease, bladder

Damage to chamomile flowers and contraindications

Chamomile can harm the body with individual intolerance, which is most often manifested by itching and rashes. Pregnant women before taking a decoction of chamomile, it is best to consult your doctor. Excessive use of chamomile can harm the mother and baby. This plant stimulates the production of estrogen, which can lead to premature birth. The norm for an average person is considered to be 2 cups of chamomile tea a day, this sedative drink when consumed in large doses acts in the opposite direction, causing dizziness.


The particularly freshly picked chamomile flowers help to eliminate signs of hydrocele at the start of application.

Image result for chamomile in the kithchen


The plant should pass through a meat grinder and the resulting suspension should be applied to the swollen testicles. It is enough to carry out such treatment for 20 minutes at a time 3 times a day. The plant's anti-inflammatory and deodorant substances help to get rid of dropsy dropsy in 10 days.

Click here to have access to This special remedy for varicocele!
Worldwide delivery
Contact/Whatsapp: +22990431725


By On 20/03/2020

If your fallopian tubes are blocked, it is probably the purpose why you have not conceived. Well, there are some signs of blocked tubes that will signal the unset of this disease: feeling severe pain all through menstruation, pain at some point of urination, painful sexual intercourse, pain in the lower stomach, unusual discharge from the vagina, fatigue, pain in the lower back and so on.

Image result for process of sperm goin to the blocked fallopian tube

Thus, if you experience these symptoms you definitely need to consult your gynecologist.

A blockage can occur at various locations:

  • At the end of the tube, near where it's connected to the uterus (proximal)
  • At the end of the tube, near the ovary (distal)
  • The entire tube (in severe cases)

Natural treatment has stricken again in favor of blocked fallopian tubes. Unblocking the fallopian tube may not be as complicated as it seems especially if the tubes have not been litigated. You might be wondering if natural treatments really work, fortunately for you it does.

There are factors that make fallopian tubes to be blocked and prevent WOMEN from getting pregnant or risk ectopic pregnancy. HOWEVER, if your tubes are blocked you can make use of this easy remedy for atleast 2-3 MONTHS and reverse blocked fallopian tubes naturally. The reason for recommending natural treatments is that it has helped lots of women round the world and there is a big chance it will work for you.



This herbal tea is a decoction of african medicinal plants. This is the best natural solution very effective in the unblocking the fallopian tube and getting pregnant.
Our tisane helps to kill bacteria like yeast, which are often the cause of infertility. This herbal tea enhances the transportation of spermatozoa and fertilization which will eventually improve fertility. It is also rich in antioxidants, antioxidants are advisable in the treatment of clogged fallopian tubes, while taking this treatment our experts will be with you every step of the way to monitor the progress of the treatment and give advice where needed.


Discover more on our product for fallopian tube blockage and get pregnant quickly
Discover more on how to treat uterine polyps


Image result for process of sperm goin to the blocked fallopian tube


Here are a few testimonies

SHELISHA has been trying to conceive for over 3 years. She was diagnosed of fallopian tubal blockage and IVF was recommended. She started using serrapeptase and the tea. After 2 months on the combination she got pregnant.

GOD’S CHILD had been trying to conceive for over 13 years. She had been up and everywhere just to ensure she conceived. According to her “I used the teas 2 times a day and took 2 serrapeptase once a day” she got pregnant after a lengthy 13 years of trying.

HAPPINESS went for HSG on March 5th 2018, and was told her right tube was blocked and left tube patent.  IVF was the only option for her recovery. She ordered Serrapaptase and the Chinese teas and castor oil for her use. She included prayers.  While on the second bottle of serrapaptase she got pregnant.

Another got pregnant 2 months into the administration of this powerful combination. According to her ‘ I got pregnant 2 months after taking these products. My baby weighed 9 pounds, I did the massage with castor oil with heating pads.’



Image result for SERRAPEPTASE

This is a powerful enzyme primarily used to help remove adhesions.

XI xian cao

Image result for XI xian cao

One of the herbal tea administered to help for tubal and menstrual related issues.  It is so powerful because it makes blood  move. And once this happen healing is imminent.


Image result for YIMUCAO

Chinese motherwort, is very powerful in the treatment of fertility issues sch as blocked fallopian tubes, PCOS, amenorrhea.

8 out of 10 women that has had this treatment have had their tubes blocked.


Image result for castor oil

It provides room healing within the female reproductive organs. It ciombines perfectl with other treatments.

YOU MIGHT ASK ‘ Can I still conceive?’

If you take this natural remedies, you are sure to conceive.



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Discover more on how to treat uterine polyps


By On 19/03/2020

You are ready to have kids, you have been trying for years but to no avail. You have been diagnosed with azoospermia (no sperm count). And now you are worried that you might not experience the joy of being a father.

Semen is most likely to be fertile when it contains more than 15 million sperm per milliliter. This number may decrease or disappears when your testicles get too hot, when they are stressed, and when you have an STI that interferes with sperm production. Fortunately, there are many steps you can take to boost your account.





According to the World Health Organization, male infertility is "the inability to impregnate after at least 12 months of regular sexual activity and not protected by any contraceptive method, with a normal fertile partner." There are many situation that may cause infertility to a man and our herbal tea can work amazingly on most of the causes. Are you are suffering from no sperm count, low sperm countlow motility or abnormal shape of spermatozoa? Here is a tisane that will help you regain your fertility so that you experiment the joy to be a father.

If you are interested in getting our natural remedy, click here!

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  1. Massage your body with herbal oils. This, along with regular exercise, improves blood flow and overall circulation. Increased circulation means healthier sperm.
  2. Reduce stress levels 

Stress can decrease sexual function, leading to reduced sperm production. If you work 12 hours plus an hour and never give yourself a chance to rest, your zero sperm count may be the end-result. Try practicing relaxation techniques throughout the day to maintain your calm. Keep your mind and body healthy by practicing regular yoga and meditation or taking a run or a swim. Stress hormones block Leydig cells, which are responsible for regulating testosterone production. When your body is under too much stress, it can actually stop the production of sperm altogether. Make sure you get enough sleep every night. Exhaustion can also lead to increased stress and decreased sperm production.

  1. Quit smoking 

Cigarette smoking causes the number of sperm to decrease, causes them to move more slowly, and causes sperm to die. According to a study, men who smoke have 22% fewer sperm than men who do not. Marijuana appears to have a similar effect on sperm. 

  1.  Do regular sports

Discovering a functional exercise regimen is a difficult task in the modern world, but make sure that exercise will help you produce more sperm. Exercise releases testosterone into your body, helping to produce sperm. Use compound exercises and lift heavy weights, but don't ask yourself the same set of muscles the next day. Rest time and muscle reconstruction should help you produce testosterone. Don't practice too much! Excessive exercise causes the release of adrenal steroid hormones that actually cause a testosterone deficiency. So, if you want to put on extra muscle or help your sperm, remember not to stress your body too much. Do not use anabolic steroids. Anabolic steroids can help you pack in pounds, but these can contract your testicles and cause infertility. If you try to conceive, stay far, far away.

  1. Eat healthy foods

A diet high in fat, high in protein, vegetables and whole grains is good for your health and for sperm. Eat lots of fish, meat, eggs, fruits and vegetables. Peanuts, walnuts, cashews, sunflower seeds and pumpkin are also considered to increase sperm count. Avoid soy foods and high fructose corn syrup. Soy foods have a mild estrogen effect on the body. While this may be good for women, it is not great for sperm care. Corn syrup with high resistance fructose causes insulin resistance, which leads to decreased fertility. Men who drink one liter of Coke regularly have 30% less sperm than men who do not drink Coca-Cola.

  1. Try the supplements

Try supplements that are made from natural herbal ingredients to help the body make more sperm. The research found that men who consumed 5 mg of folic acid and 66 mg of zinc sulphate daily for 26 weeks showed an almost 75% increase in sperm count. Folic acid and zinc sulphate are essential in the formation of DNA. Vitamin C and selenium may also be good supplements that you need to take to increase sperm production.

  1. Use herbs and homeopathy

They help you increase the number of sperm. Homeopathic components include the following: Passiflora Incarnata can restore male sexuality and increase sperm count in men who have low sperm count due to Marijuana smoking etc. , Zincum Metallicum: the homeopathic ingredient increases elemental zinc and contributes to improving the quality of the semen and the number of sperm.  Damiana, Yohinbinum: These homeopathic ingredients have been scientifically studied for their effects in stimulating men's sexuality and improving libido.  Aromatic plants such as Ipomoea digitata, Emblica officinalis, Chlorophytum arundinaceum, Argyreia speciosa, Mucuna pruriens, Onania somnifera, Tinospora cordifolia, Tribulus terrestris, Sida cordifolia and Asparagus racemosus. They increase testosterone levels and also correct erectile dysfunction. Plants, such as slumber, also act as a natural anxiolytic. It reduces physical and psychological stress and can help men with stress as the main causal factor for low sperm count.


  1. Try and treat for STI. Certain sexually transmitted infections, such as chlamydia and gonorrhea, can cause scarring that interferes with the passage of sperm [13]. Check regularly for STI; if you have one, make sure you are getting the right treatment. In most cases, you will be prescribed a course of antibiotics to eliminate the infection.
  2. Determine if you have a chickenpox. This is a swelling of the veins that lead to the testicle. This may increase the temperature of the testicle and decrease the number of sperm. Consult your doctor to find out if this can affect your fertility. If so, a surgical procedure can take care of this problem. [14]
  3. Try hormonal treatments and medicines. Your sperm count may be low because your hormones are out of balance. Hormone replacement treatments and medications can change hormone levels and help you produce more sperm. Talk to your doctor if this option is right for you. Hormone replacement therapy and medications usually take at least 3 months before you start seeing results.

If you are interested in getting our natural remedy, click here!

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Ginger tea 1


By On 18/03/2020


Image result for blocked fallopian tube

Uterine blockage usually has no symptoms. An indication would be infertility in the absence of other, more obvious causes. However, this condition can only be diagnosed by the doctor through hysterosalpingography (HSG). In addition to allopathic methods that can be invasive and can have side effects, there are also natural methods to unlock the fallopian tubes by gentle natural methods. 



This herbal tea is a decoction of african medicinal plants. This is the best natural solution very effective in the unblocking the fallopian tube and getting pregnant.
Our tisane helps to kill bacteria like yeast, which are often the cause of infertility. This herbal tea enhances the transportation of spermatozoa and fertilization which will eventually improve fertility. It is also rich in antioxidants, antioxidants are advisable in the treatment of clogged fallopian tubes, while taking this treatment our experts will be with you every step of the way to monitor the progress of the treatment and give advice where needed.


Discover more on our product for fallopian tube blockage and get pregnant quickly​

Discover more on how to treat uterine polyps


Image result for ginger tea

Ginger is a food with special properties and benefits on the health of the body, attested by specialized studies. From sustaining immunity in the fight with a number of bacteria to intensifying metabolism, ginger is a reliable help in a number of conditions that many of us have encountered so far.

Ginger is used both in international cuisine and in cures to maintain health. Thus, the recommended dose varies depending on the beneficial effect sought, and in the case of powder, extract, tincture, capsules or ginger oil can be consumed 2 g / day divided into different doses or 4 cups of tea / day, but these doses should be approved by a doctor or specialist consultant.

When the ginger root is boiling, the taste is more intense and the aroma decreases, because some of the volatile oils are eliminated through the boiling process. In Thailand, for example, ginger is shaved, then mixed with other spices for curry paste preparation.



When it comes to ingredients that help alleviate a series of discomforts (such as, for example, nausea or menstrual pain), ginger is considered an effective solution, which in addition has a delicious, slightly spicy taste.

However, we must pay attention to its nutritional properties and the way we choose to use it.

Nutritional values ​​of ginger root (100 g)

If the ginger root is used regularly, it is advisable to follow its nutritional values ​​(especially for the high content of potassium and magnesium). Below are the nutritional information for 100 g of ginger root:

  • Calories (kcal) 79
  • Total lipid 0.8 g
  • Cholesterol 0 mg
  • Sodium 13 mg
  • Potassium 415 mg
  • Carbohydrates 18 g
  • Old 1.7 g
  • Protein 1.8 g
  • Calcium 16 mg
  • Vitamin C 5 mg
  • Iron 0.6 mg
  • Vitamin B6 0.2 mg
  • Magnesium 43 mg


Ginger is used for blocked fallopian tubes because it increases blood circulation and reduces inflammation to release a blocked fallopian tube. Ginger also has the advantage of allowing the body to adapt to stress, thus making it effective in relaxing the body as a whole to treat a blocked fallopian tube. Ginseng works in the same way by stimulating the flow of blood to the pelvis to help free blocked blocked fallopian tubes. Goldenseal can be used for blocked fallopian tubes as it has anti-inflammatory properties to reduce inflammation and scar tissue production.

Improves blood circulation in the reproductive organs and helps reduce inflammation of the uterus, ovaries or fallopian tubes. It also reduces excess body fluids thus opening tubes blocked due to fluid or blood collection.

This herb is very effective in normalizing ovulation by restoring hormonal balance.



  1. 1 piece of ginger root
  2. A cup of hot water
  3. Grater
  4. A glass mug
  5. Honey optional
  6. Filter






​​Image result for Grate ginger with hand grater




Image result for ginger tea and honey




Ginger is a true ally in the fight with various pathogens, so its benefits are not to be neglected. In fact, they have even led to several clinical studies initiated by both universities and specialized nutrition clinics, which support the importance and power of this food. Here are some of the most important benefits to the body of daily consumption of ginger:

- Stimulates digestive function

This ingredient prevents the appearance of digestive discomfort, bloating or indigestion, by stimulating enzymes with an efficient role in the absorption of nutrients. At the same time, its anti-inflammatory properties relax the stomach muscles and allow the digestive system to process food.

- Role in the prevention of oral infections

Ginger root has a proven role in preventing infections, inhibiting the development of bacteria that produce, for example, gingival diseases such as periodontitis and gingivitis.

- Antioxidant and energizing

This ingredient is also known for its antioxidant properties: it supports the cognitive function in the aging process and even contributes to the improvement of memory and reaction time. At the same time, it has an energizing effect on the body, rivaling the effect of coffee - a cup of ginger tea picked from reliable sources being a very tasty and healthy option.


- Cold and flu remedy

Ginger reduces flu and colds, it also helps the immune system, supporting the body to fight against pathogens (viruses or bacteria).

It helps reduce the risk of infection, this effect being due to a compound found in the root of the ginger: gingerol. Ginger is also very helpful in respiratory problems, acting as a natural expectorant.

- Helps lower cholesterol

An increased level of cholesterol and triglycerides endangers your health, leading to a number of cardiovascular problems. A clinical study published in the Saudi Medical Journal shows that administering 3 grams of ginger a day, divided into 3 shots over a 45-day period, significantly lowers triglyceride and cholesterol levels.

- Calm nausea

Ginger has the ability to prevent sea sickness, and can be used safely and against the dizziness conditions that sometimes accompany nausea. These beneficial effects of ginger consumption are supported by studies.

- Helps reduce inflammation

Gingerol or ginger root may be recommended as an anti-inflammatory, being indicated when you experience muscle fever, joint pain, dislocation or sprain. In these situations it is recommended to use ginger compresses.

- Contributes to skin and hair care

Ginger extract is an ingredient present in many cosmetics with antioxidant or moisturizing effect. At the same time, it is used in treatments against hair loss, contributing to the regeneration of the follicles.


Being a natural food, the consumption of ginger is not dangerous if it is consumed at the recommended doses. To avoid any discomfort, especially if you suffer from a chronic condition or have a special condition (eg you are pregnant) it is advisable to seek the advice of your doctor before consuming ginger.

Since there are not enough studies in this regard, it is advisable to avoid ginger consumption during breastfeeding and by children.

Administration pregnant women, who want to become pregnant or breastfeeding, people with allergies to any of the components can be done at the recommendation of the specialist consultant.

If you do not suffer from conditions that prevent you from using ginger in cures to maintain health, you can turn to this amazing resource of nature whenever you feel the need. Rich in potassium, zinc, calcium, magnesium, copper, vitamins B6, C and D, ginger acts as a general tonic and relieves fatigue.


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Discover more on how to treat uterine polyps
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By On 16/03/2020

Uterine fibroids and uterine polyps have similar symptoms. Only a specialist can diagnose the disease by appropriate methods. The simultaneous existence of these neoplasms significantly complicates the treatment of both.


natural remedy polypes uterins 600x900

Uterine polyps are non cancerous tumors, but that doesn’t mean proper care should not be taken because they can further lead to infertility. There will be difficulty for you to get and pregnant and if you eventually get pregnant, there is a very high risk of miscarriage. This is where uterine polyps should not be neglected at all. Fortunately you found us !!! we are here to help you make your dream come true with our 100% effective tisane to treat uterine polyps naturally.

Our secret to this remedy is found in what mother nature has bequeathed to us. It is made up of a mixture of herbs and roots which has proven their efficiency in. We assure to heal you of these ailment with our natural remedy so you could further enjoy the joy of motherhood. Do not worry, you have knocked at the right place !!! And we are happy to serve you.


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Similarities and differences

What is the difference between these two types of neoplasms in a woman’s body, and whether they can be confused with each other. Polyp and myoma have many similarities, but their difference lies in the nature of origin.

What is myoma? This is a benign tumor that consists of muscle tissue and is located inside the body of the uterus. The polyp has a different nature, it consists of endometrial tissues. The mucous membrane of the genital organ tends to grow from the wall of the uterus into its cavity, and sometimes even through the cervical canal into the vagina. There are other differences:

  • Polyps often occur on the walls of the uterus and fallopian tubes. Uterine fibroids appear inside the genital organ;
  • Polyps have the ability to decrease over time and even resolve completely, and fibroids do not disappear anywhere. The tumor may decrease during treatment or after menopause.
  • Polyps increase in size rarely more than 10-15 cm, on average their diameter is 4-5 cm. A tumor, if untreated, can reach the size of a large ball.
  • Myoma often affects older women, close to menopause. Polyp is a disease of young women. The age of 20-35 years is most characteristic of him.

There are also enough similar moments in myoma and polyp:

  • Both of these formations are benign and rarely degenerate into malignant tumors. Their symptoms are also similar;
  • They can be either single or multiple;
  • With large sizes, a woman feels frequent urination;
  • Pain can affect the lower back and legs; constipation may occur;
  • Myoma and polyp cause postmenopausal bleeding;
  • The treatment for both diseases is almost the same.
  • In addition, both pathologies can lead to a violation of the reproductive system and, finally, to infertility.

Causes of the development of pathologies

Among the causes that lead to the appearance of a tumor are the following:

  • Violation of the correct ratio of hormones;
  • Any interventions in the uterine cavity: curettage, abortion, surgery;
  • Rare sexual contacts, as well as frequent change of partners;
  • Constant stress.

The following factors can provoke the appearance of polyps:

  • Surgical interventions in the uterine cavity, leading to injuries;
  • Violation of the endocrine glands;
  • Decreased immunity;
  • Inflammation of the female genital organs.

An infection can enter the hormonal background. Therefore, very often the removal of fibroids or polyps do not guarantee complete disposal of them. If the cause of their appearance remains in the body, neoplasms can appear again and again. If the cause is eliminated, the polyp disappears on its own after 3-9 months without surgery .

Signs of disease

Uterine fibroids and a small polyp practically do not manifest themselves. A woman does not even suspect that she is a carrier of benign neoplasms. You can notice them only when they begin to show themselves, increasing in size:

  • The nature of the period becomes either too painful or too long;
  • Periodically, pain in the abdomen;
  • Large tumors lead to bleeding. They can both smear and copious. Along with this, there are signs of anemia that provoke iron deficiency in the body;
  • Pain during sexual contact.

The presence of neoplasms can be determined using ultrasound. The uterus with myoma has irregularities. Polyps consist of a body and legs, but hysteroscopy is most often used to detect them.

Both polyp and myoma are characterized by the same symptoms and signs, therefore, before prescribing treatment, the doctor will conduct the necessary diagnostics to establish more accurate characteristics.


The treatment of uterine fibroids and uterine polyps are slightly different. Small fibroids are first treated with conservative methods, which include taking tablets, injections, phytotherapy and physiotherapy. The treatment takes into account the age of the patient, the presence of other concomitant diseases. For conservative treatment are selected:

Oral combined contraceptives;




Herbal remedies;

Synthetic analogues of male sex hormones are sometimes used.

The tandem of two diseases is much more difficult to treat than one of them. If a fibroid or a polyp alone can be cured at home, then two diseases are treated at the same time only in a hospital. And this implies their removal. But simply removing the tumors is not enough, as this does not mean a complete cure and does not guarantee the absence of relapse of the disease. Therefore, hormone therapy is also prescribed in parallel.

If it is there is scare of surgical operation for any reason, then conservative treatment is an option.

During the treatment of fibroids or polyps, nutrition should be adjusted, as obesity leads to hormonal changes. Food should be fractional, without extra calories. Fried food is contraindicated.

Treatment of neoplasms is often combined with treatment by alternative methods. For this, herbs such as a red brush and a pine forest are used. These medicinal plants help normalize the ratio of hormones in the body, and this is an important part in getting rid of pathologies.

With small sizes of neoplasms, homeopathy is used as a painless, but rather lengthy treatment method.


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By On 16/03/2020

Polyps on the cervix are formed due to the growth of the mucous epithelium, which is lined with the uterine cavity and cervical canal. Microscopically, the polyp looks like an accumulation of glandular cells with multiple blood vessels and connective tissue. The polypous structure may have a pedicle or a wide base. The disease is often diagnosed in women aged 30 years and older. The main danger of polyps is the likelihood of their malignancy. Moreover, the more complicated the clinical history of a woman looks, the higher the risks of malignant degeneration of polyp cells.

Polypous foci rarely cause women obvious concern, especially when they are small and in an early stage of development. For this reason, the diagnosis of proliferation of the mucous membrane of the cervical canal is rarely timely. Usually, the pathology is detected by chance, when examining other gynecological diseases.


natural remedy polypes uterins 600x900

Uterine polyps are non cancerous tumors, but that doesn’t mean proper care should not be taken because they can further lead to infertility. There will be difficulty for you to get and pregnant and if you eventually get pregnant, there is a very high risk of miscarriage. This is where uterine polyps should not be neglected at all. Fortunately you found us !!! we are here to help you make your dream come true with our 100% effective tisane to treat uterine polyps naturally.

Our secret to this remedy is found in what mother nature has bequeathed to us. It is made up of a mixture of herbs and roots which has proven their efficiency in. We assure to heal you of these ailment with our natural remedy so you could further enjoy the joy of motherhood. Do not worry, you have knocked at the right place !!! And we are happy to serve you.


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As they grow, polyps can manifest the following symptoms :

  • pain in the lower abdomen (especially when falling out of the neck, pinching, twisting of the leg);
  • soreness or spotting after intercourse;
  • problems with conception;
  • the appearance of atypical discharge;
  • menstrual irregularities.

Polyps of the cervical canal are often combined with other pathologies or against their background:

Usually, the symptoms often resemble the course of underlying diseases.

It is important to fight not only with growths, but also with background pathologies. 

Features of alternative therapy 

However, medicine knows some effective methods of alternative treatment, which allows to achieve good results. Typically, the polyp decreases in size and the intensity of unpleasant symptoms decreases.

Note! Before use, it is important to consult a specialist, as some herbs can inhibit or increase the activity of certain drugs, adversely affect reproductive function.

Effective Recipes

It is important to take all recipes only after agreement with the appropriate specialist, excluding pregnancy or acute infectious diseases of the pelvic organs.

Therapeutic decoction №1

Telechargement 1

For preparing, it is necessary to combine approximately in equal proportions :

  • tree bark of viburnum,
  • angelica root
  • pine uterus,
  • cinnamon
  • nettle
  • caraway,
  • cinquefoil erect.

Cinnamon and caraway seeds are enough 1 tablespoon after mixing the ingredients, and the remaining components - 4 tbsp. spoons. The composition is placed in a glass bowl, pour 1 liter of boiling water and bring over low heat for about 20 minutes. After cooling and filtering.

The broth should be taken from the second phase of menstruation. The composition is effective against neoplasms, prolonged and painful menstrual bleeding. Drink 100 ml 3 times a day before meals.

Infusion No. 2

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Dry leaves of the nettle pharmacy, chamomile flowers, St. John's wort are mixed, and then placed 3 tbsp. tablespoons of the composition in the bowl. Add some wild rose and blackcurrant berries (fresh).

All ingredients are poured in boiling water, boil for 10-15 minutes. After the broth is infused to room temperature, without removing from the stove. Next, the composition is filtered and drunk 4 glasses throughout the day.

Attention! The finished composition can be prepared for future use, and then stored in the refrigerator with a sealed lid. It is better to choose a glass jar.

The first results can be seen only after 2 months. Polyps are reduced in size, morbidity decreases, and spotting passes.

Homemade Pumpkin Oil

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For cooking you will need :

  • pumpkin seed (7 tbsp.spoons);
  • vegetable oil (0.5 l);
  • 7 egg yolks from hard-boiled eggs

Pumpkin seeds are crushed into powder, add egg yolks, mix and pour oil. It is better to use olive refined oil. The composition is heated in a water bath for about 25 minutes, after which it is cooled and placed in a sterilized jar. It should be taken in the morning on an empty stomach (1 tbsp)

Course of administration: a week of treatment, and after a week break. At this time, you can use some other tool. After you can continue treatment again.

Decoction with Dandelion

The combination of dandelion with burdock is used to treat gynecological diseases associated with pathological growths:

  • papillomas
  • fibroids
  • condylomas.

Dry ingredients are mixed, 3 tablespoons for 500 ml of boiling water and put on low heat for 10 minutes. After the composition is cooled and filtered.

Drink 300 ml per day, previously diluted with water in a ratio of 1: 2. The course of treatment is 2 months.

Bear Bile Medication

Bear bile can be purchased at any specialized store or pharmacy. Finished raw materials are consumed in 1 tbsp. spoon before meals for a month.

If raw materials are used in the form of a powder, you should prepare an infusion :

  • 30 g of powder;
  • 0.5 l of alcohol.

The ingredients are combined and placed in a glass jar. Tightly cover and placed for 21 days in a dark room. Shake the contents thoroughly several times a week.

The finished composition take 1 tbsp before meals. The duration of treatment is 30 days, after which they take a break of 2 weeks.

Important! All solutions inside should be taken in the absence of various diseases of the digestive tract, liver or impaired renal function. Self-treatment can complicate the course of other diseases!


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Lesser known natural remedies


By On 16/03/2020

Traditional healers have in their arsenal enough recipes to get rid of polyps in the uterine cavity, both for oral administration and douching. Let's consider each method in more detail.

But it is worthwhile to understand - it is possible to treat polyps with such means only at the initial stage. A neglected ailment of traditional medicine is not within the power.

Important: it can be used simultaneously with pharmacy, phytotherapeutic and homeopathic medicines.

It is very important to get the right tool to get the maximum effect, which only a specialist will help. Otherwise, you, at least, will not get rid of the disease, but as a maximum you can aggravate the situation or provoke the development of a malignant formation.


  1. AFRICAN HERBS TO TREAT UTERINE POLYPS: Uterine polyps are non-cancerous tumors, but that doesn’t mean proper care should not be taken because they can further lead to infertility. There will be a difficulty for you to get and pregnant and if you eventually get pregnant, there is a very high risk of miscarriage. This is where uterine polyps should not be neglected at all. Fortunately, you found us !!! we are here to help you make your dream come true with our 100% effective tisane. Our secret to this remedy is found in what mother nature has bequeathed to us. It is made up of a mixture of herbs and roots which has proven their efficiency in. We assure you to heal you of this ailment with our natural remedy so you could further enjoy the joy of motherhood. 

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  1. The Red Brush plant, alternating with the uterus, has proven itself perfectlyThe broth is prepared as follows - pour 20 g of crushed raw materials with boiling water (150 ml) and insist a couple of hours in a dish wrapped in a towel. Reception - 3 times a day, 15 ml before meals with a 2-week course.
  2. A decoction of needles - collect and chop pine or Christmas-tree needles, pouring them with boiling water in a ratio of 1 tablespoon / 1 liter, respectively. Boil the composition for 30 minutes, pour into a thermos, and allow to rest for another 3 hours. Take 0.5 cups before meals for up to 4 weeks.
  3. An infusion of herbs and berries is also good - 2 small spoons of nettle, 3 rose hips, and 1 tbsp. l grind blackcurrant berries and mix. Take 1 dessert spoon from the mixture, pour 0.5 l of boiling water over it, cover with a lid, and let it brew for 1 hour. Divide the finished drink into 4 parts that you drink all day. For taste, you can add a little honey.
  4. A tincture of a golden mustache will also help fight polyps - cut 10 joints in half and fill a jar with a liter of alcohol, putting in a dark place for a couple of weeks. It is necessary to drink the finished composition dropwise - i.e 10 drops 2 times a day before meals, diluted in a glass of water.

Herbal decoction for douching

  1. Take 30 g of finely ground shiitake mushroom and pour boiling water over it (half a liter), leaving for 2 weeks. It is necessary to douche with the resulting composition 2 times a day 10 in a row.
  2. Another recipe - mix 1 part chamomile with oak bark, 5 parts knotweed with 3 parts nettle leaves. Mix everything and take from there 2 tablespoons, placing in a bowl, pour a liter of boiling water there, boiling for another 7 minutes. Douche with the resulting composition up to 3 times a day.

Celandine-based remedies

High efficiency in the treatment of polyps is noted by the celandine plant. But at the same time, it is considered poisonous, therefore it is very important to observe the correct dosage during the preparation and use.

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Here are some celandine-based healing recipes:

  • take young shoots by placing them in a glass container with a tight lid, pour boiling water over, clogging and wrapping it with a warm cloth. The composition should last 12 hours, after which it is consumed 3 times a day with a gradual increase in the amount, starting with 1 tbsp. l up to 100 ml in a course of 2 weeks. Then a break of 3 weeks and a repeat;
  • grind a young plant with a blender, leaving it alone in a glass container for 2 days under a tight lid. Now separate the separated juice from the pulp and pour vodka in a proportion of 1/1. Drink three times a day for 1 tsp. before meals for 30 minutes in a course of 10 days.

The above recipes should be taken under the supervision of a specialist and on his recommendation, where dose adjustment on an individual basis is possible.

Pine uterus

With a variety of gynecological diseases, including polyps in the uterus, the boron uterus also struggles (ortilia is one-sided). It has anti-inflammatory properties, antitumor, diuretic, immuno-strengthening, and lowering cholesterol.

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From it you can make various healing compounds - tincture, broth and others. To prepare the first composition you will need to combine 5 tbsp. l plants with half a liter of vodka, insisting 3 weeks. Do not forget to shake the container 2-3 times a day, taking the finished composition of 15 drops 1 hour before eating.

To prepare the broth, pour 4 tbsp. l plants and fill them with 0.5 l of water, boiling for about 7 minutes, then leave under the lid for 30 minutes, removing from heat. Drink the finished composition 1 tablespoon 3 times during the day.


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By On 13/03/2020

The ovarian cysts can be an insufferable pain, and with them come intense cramps that would leave paleness in anyone. 


Should you be concerned about ovarian cyst?

This pathology causes a lot of stress and confusion in patients. Firstly, any woman in their reproductive years must have a cyst in their ovaries, says mother nature. It comes in various sizes, shapes, and appearances. However, there is a normal and abnormal cyst, this abnormal cyst has a solid appearance and does not go away unless treated. One of the causes of this abnormal cyst is endometriosis. In a nutshell, an abnormal ovarian cyst can disrupt your general well-being and result in infertility. 

Here is the best home remedy for ovarian cysts that will make your discomfort less unbearable and fight them naturally if you want to avoid using surgical intervention or pills to eliminate ovarian cysts. 


This natural treatment with herbal remedies for ovarian cysts has proven its effectiveness with dozens of cases resolved. This herbal tea is the miracle solution to permanently cure ovarian cysts. It contains several plants that will mimic the action of estrogen in your body. The herbal tea is made up of several herbs that regulate hormone levels and the  size of your cysts. Thus this African natural remedy will help you to relieve the pains of the menstrual cycle and to regulate your cycle. It is the best natural remedy for curing ovarian cysts. Moreover, the herbal tea will also expel the waste from your uterus. Generally, except when the diagnosis is too late, our natural treatment can cure ovarian cysts without side effects. When you are in a relationship and pregnancy is slow in coming, know that it is totally justified to treat your ovarian cysts because they can cause very serious fertility problems (lack of ovulation).

Are you suffering from ovarian cyst and want to more on how to get rid of it and get pregnant, just click here
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Everyone knows garlic is beneficial but a few people know why garlic is useful, except for the treatment of flu and colds. Garlic is very essential in the treatment of infertility diseases such as an ovarian cyst. 
Garlic belongs to the genus Onion, therefore, it has a composition similar to an onion. In cooking, the vegetable is actively used around the world. It has a pungent smell and a pungent, piquant taste. Therefore, it is added to all kinds of meat and meatless dishes as spices. And not just for the taste.

The specific taste and smell of the product is due to the presence of sulfur in its composition. More precisely, one important substance, which includes sulfur. It's about allicin. This is exactly what garlic is good for. Allicin is a chemical substance with many beneficial properties. It helps in the fight against problems of the cardiovascular, respiratory and immune systems, the gastrointestinal tract, and other systems of the human organs.

But garlic treatment is possible not only thanks to allicin. It also contains other pharmacologically active substances, micro and macro elements, vitamins, antioxidants. Therefore, it is possible to list how useful garlic is for a very long time.

In folk medicine, the spice has been used for millennia. And to this day, a huge number of folk recipes for medicines with spices are stored that allow the treatment of many diseases with garlic.


Garlic can help increase your body's level of the antioxidant glutathione, important for female fertility. This property helps to boost fertility by increasing egg quality, more importantly, the properties of garlic helps in the removal of ovarian cyst which also increases the chances of conception. 



  • On an empty stomach
  • Morning hours


  • take it raw
  • take it crushed
  • take it as pills by chopping it  and swallow with water


In order for garlic treatment to bring maximum results, it is better to use it in raw ground form. It is recommended to eat it daily to increase the body's resistance to various infections and make ovarian cyst disappear, 2 to 3 cloves of garlic is required. 


1. Garlic benefits for the digestive tract

Garlic affects the entire digestive system, therefore, comprehensively improves its work. It is recommended that you eat garlic in limited quantities daily to improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and prevent digestive problems. 

2. The beneficial properties of garlic in diabetes

The benefit of garlic in diabetes is the prevention of negative consequences like worsening the condition of the kidneys, organs of the cardiovascular and nervous systems.

3. The properties of garlic reduce cholesterol

The substance allicin found in garlic prevents the oxidation of lipoproteins. Such oxidation threatens atherosclerosis, so garlic is the best prevention. It is recommended for daily use, especially for people with high blood cholesterol. For example, you can cook garlic with milk for these purposes.

4. Garlic for hypertension

There are many factors why garlic is good for blood and heart. The already mentioned allicin also acts as a vasodilator. This property can act as an ambulance for hypertension, and as a general supportive agent. Also, the vegetable prevents platelet adhesion. And this, as you know, is the main cause of heart attack and stroke.

5. Garlic treatment for eye problems

There is plenty of vitamin C in garlic. In addition, garlic is rich in selenium and quercetin. Therefore, the vegetable can be used to fight eye infections. It can also be used to relieve swelling around the eyes.

6. The healing properties of garlic for ear pain

The benefits of garlic are simply indispensable for ear pain. The product is a well-known antibiotic that successfully destroys fungus, bacteria, and viruses. In case of ear inflammation, you can bury garlic with olive oil in your ears.


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By On 13/03/2020

Not necessarily overgrown endometrium leads to infertility. There are cases of pregnancy and bearing healthy offspring even with existing polyps in the uterus, the presence of which the woman did not even suspect. Although it happens the other way around, when formations interfere with these processes, often leading to miscarriage. 


It is categorically contraindicated to surgically treat polyps in pregnancy that has already begun. It is impossible during this period to take hormonal drugs. Therefore, doctors only need to bring the woman to childbirth with the least loss, and only then deal with the removal of these formations.

There have been cases of spontaneous resorption of polyps in the uterine cavity, but still, you should not count on this. After all, they are dangerous in that they can develop into a malignant form. Therefore, the sooner you begin to take measures to remove them, the higher the chances of a positive outcome of treatment without negative consequences.


Treatment of polyps during pregnancy

Folk remedies during pregnancy from cervical polyps are usually not used. On the recommendation of a doctor, you can drink chamomile broth, calm down, and prepare for childbirth. Information about the effect of a polyp on the cervix during pregnancy in the early stages.

Why do polyps appear during pregnancy?

The endometrium, which is the uterine mucosa, is renewed every month and is removed from the uterine cavity by menstrual blood. Due to hormonal changes, it can grow greatly and not leave the uterus, as necessary. As a result, one or more polyps are formed in several cycles.



natural remedy polypes uterins 600x900

Uterine polyps are noncancerous tumors, but that doesn’t mean proper care should not be taken because they can further lead to infertility. There will be a difficulty for you to get and pregnant and if you eventually get pregnant, there is a very high risk of miscarriage. This is where uterine polyps should not be neglected at all. Fortunately, you found us !!! we are here to help you make your dream come true with our 100% effective tisane.

Our secret to this remedy is found in what mother nature has bequeathed to us. It is made up of a mixture of herbs and roots which has proven their efficiency in. We assure you to heal you of this ailment with our natural remedy so you could further enjoy the joy of motherhood. Do not worry, you have knocked at the right place !!! And we are happy to serve you.

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Any treatment of polyps is carried out only at the end of the gestational period.

  1. Taking decoctions during pregnancy can provoke the risks of miscarriage or premature birth since many herbs have an abortive effect or strongly affect the muscle tone of the uterus.
  2. Douching irritates the nerve endings of the cervical canal, and it can stimulate the muscular activity of the uterus.

A polyp during pregnancy, as a rule, does not pose a threat to the health of the expectant mother and the development of the baby, so removing it is postponed to the moment after childbirth. But if the polyp appears in the cervical (cervical) canal of the uterus, it can act as a source of infection for the fetus, lead to the premature opening of the cervix and cause premature birth. In this case, doctors prescribe a pregnant woman local antibacterial drugs.




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By On 13/03/2020

Since neoplasms in the uterus are benign in nature, they are not life-threatening. However, sometimes they turn into malignant tumors. Polyps in the uterus, the symptoms, and treatment of which can only be determined by a gynecologist, are found in women of different ages. Regardless of whether the neoplasms cause discomfort or not, experts recommend removing them surgically or using conservative drug therapy.


natural remedy polypes uterins 600x900

Uterine polyps are non-cancerous tumors, but that doesn’t mean proper care should not be taken because they can further lead to infertility. There will be a difficulty for you to get and pregnant and if you eventually get pregnant, there is a very high risk of miscarriage. This is where uterine polyps should not be neglected at all. Fortunately, you found us !!! we are here to help you make your dream come true with our 100% effective tisane.

Our secret to this remedy is found in what mother nature has bequeathed to us. It is made up of a mixture of herbs and roots which has proven their efficiency in. We assure you to heal you of this ailment with our natural remedy so you could further enjoy the joy of motherhood. Do not worry, you have knocked at the right place !!! And we are happy to serve you.


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How to treat a polyp in the uterus

What to do if uterine polyposis is diagnosed? If small polyps are found in the body of the uterus, the symptoms, and treatment of which are determined by the doctor, there is no reason to panic. Often, the treatment of small formations is dispensed with without operations and hormonal methods. However, a prerequisite for therapy is the observation of a doctor, involving regular examinations. 

The uterine polyp is a benign neoplasm on the mucosa that consists of endometrial cells. The diagnosis is popular among patients 11-55 years old. It may appear, regardless of age and additional diseases. Often the disease is asymptomatic and is detected by accident. However, pay attention to a number of symptoms that accompany the polyp in the uterus:

  • discharge of yellow color with an unpleasant odor;
  • intermenstrual blood discharge;
  • painful periods;
  • pain
  • irregular cycle;
  • pain after intercourse;
  • anemia;
  • infertility.

Turning to the doctor with these symptoms, it is possible that a polyp is detected. What to do next? Is the only way to get rid of the polyp - an operational method? In fact, there are effective folk remedies for polyps in the uterus, which can be tried before agreeing to an operation.

Herbs to treat polyps and help relieve inflammation and normalize hormones. Some plants contain phytoestrogens, which positively affect the hormonal state of a woman's body. The following are just some recipes that contribute to the treatment of polyps.

  1. Celandine. It will be useful to collect grass independently in ecologically clean areas during its flowering. The volume of collected grass should be placed in a liter jar freely. That is, without pressure. Preparation: Rinse the grass well and pour a liter of boiling water. Wrap infusion in a blanket and leave for 4 hours in a dark place. Over time, drain and strain the infusion. If it is impossible to apply fresh grass, then dry is taken from the following calculation: one spoon per liter. The course of the administration is two weeks. How to use it? Start taking 1 teaspoon 3 times a day. Then increase the serving of tincture to 3 large spoons.
  2. The grass of the pine uterus is simply indispensable for gynecological problems. It contains phytoestrogens, relieves inflammation, stops bleeding. With polyps, the infusion of this grass helps in the resorption of tumors and has an antibacterial effect. How to prepare? In proportion 1: 1. That is, on one large spoon of grass for a glass of water. Pour everything and let it rest for half an hour. After the infusion should be well filtered, preferably through gauze. How to use it? Half a cup in the morning and evening before eating. Do not use infusion during menstruation. The course of administration is 14 days.
  3. Grushanka grass is an excellent anti-inflammatory bactericidal agent. It has a healing effect on the lining of the uterus, which is affected by polyps. For ingestion, they should prepare a decoction. How? Dry grass and boiling water and take 1/3 calculation. One tablespoon per 3 glasses. In a warm, dark place (it is better to use a thermos) let it brew for 2 hours. Then strain. How to use it? Half a cup three times a day after a meal and have rested for 20 minutes. The course of administration is a full month.
  4. Hemlock tincture. This is a rather dangerous method since the composition of the hemlock contains toxic substances. This herb is used to treat cancer. It is very effective for the treatment of polyps. Be careful and follow all proportions and recommendations exactly. Mode of preparation: to collect grass on its own during its flowering. Tear off leaves, flowers stems. Wash well and chop thoroughly. Prepare alcohol tincture in the proportion of 1/3. On the part of the grass, three parts of alcohol 70%. Put in a dark place for 14 days. Then strain it well and start using 2 times a day for 40 minutes. before breakfast and dinner. Start with 1 drop of tincture in 50 ml of liquid. Every day, increase the number of drops, reaching 30. After taking a break for a week and repeat the course 2 more times.
  5. Guelder-rose does not allow polyps to develop into cancer. For this, it is very good to eat fresh fruit. So, start eating viburnum for 30 days. Eat 3 juices of berries per day, but eat them one at a time. One after another, meticulously chewing. If you did not find fresh viburnum, you can use frozen, but the result will be slower.
  6. Blackcurrant and rosehip are excellent at fighting polyps. To do this, prepare a decoction. The proportion is 1: 3: 2, where currants, rosehip berries, and nettles, respectively. Mix everything and pour 0.5 l of boiling water and keep warm in a water bath for 15 minutes. After the cover and let it stand for 40 minutes. Strain and drink 250 ml 4 times a day. The course of administration is 1 month.


Tampons with polyps are effective in the way that they have a local effect on the problem. Reviews about the use of a swab with folk remedies are only positive. Let's consider some effective examples.

  1. Tampon with garlic application. The tool, although effective, is not suitable for every patient. The problem is the pain threshold. Each person has a different one, and garlic in its pure form can cause mucosal discomfort. If you made a swab, inserted it, and felt pain and itching, it’s better to take it out. How to make a swab? crush a garlic and wrap in gauze. Put before bed for 10 days. With menstruation interrupt. If you are uncomfortable, then coat a whole clove of garlic with sunflower oil and insert completely.
  2. Mummy. This miraculous natural component completely eliminates the polyp and eliminates the risk of repetition. To make a mummy swab, you need to prepare 2.5 g of the mummy itself and 100 ml of water. Thoroughly dissolve. In this liquid, moisten a gauze swab and insert overnight. Remove in the morning and wash well. The course of administration is 1 month. During menstruation, the use of tampons should be avoided.
  3. Sea buckthorn oil. This healing oil helps with gynecological diseases. Oil can be bought at the pharmacy. This oil issoaked with a homemade cotton swab gauze, put overnight for 14 days.
  4. Propolis. The gifts of beekeeping - a storehouse of useful components for women's health. For tampons from polyps, mix propolis and warm water to a paste. The mixture is applied to a cotton-gauze swab and put overnight for 3 weeks. During the menstruation, interrupt the course.

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Douching can enhance the effect of taking tinctures and decoctions. Sometimes women use decoctions, tampons and douching in the complex to enhance the effect.

  1. Decoction with douching for polyps. Take oak bark, sage (leaves), yarrow and rosemary (leaves) in a ratio of 4: 2: 2: 2, respectively. Grind everything well and mix. Then pour the mixture with water 100C and quickly put on fire. Bring to a boil and immediately screw the temperature to a minimum. Let it stay for half an hour. Then cool the broth, strain. Douche with such a decoction should be daily for a month, at least.
  2. Celandine with douching has a local therapeutic and antibacterial property. To prepare the solution, take a large spoonful of grass and pour 250 ml of boiling water. Let it stand for 2 hours. Cool and douche for the night.
  3. Hemlock. This broth takes inward. About its healing properties written above. But it is also effectively used for douching. For the solution, take one spoon of grass, pour 200 ml of hot water and boil. Then cool and pour 0.5 l of water. This solution is douched 2 times a day for a month.
  4. Shiitake mushrooms are sold already dried. They do not need to be assembled on their own. There are legends about their healing properties for a woman’s body. These mushrooms are good at fighting polyps. So, grind mushrooms in the amount of 30g into powder. Pour 0.5 liters of water and leave to rest for 14 days. Once infused, use for douching once a day.
  5. Vinegar for polyps is useful in that it changes the acidity in the vagina, which stops cell growth. Preparation: 2 tbsp. dilute vinegar with one glass of water at room temperature. Apply such douching every day until the unpleasant symptoms disappear. In parallel, other methods of treating the polyp in the uterus can be used.

Of course, the best treatment is to prevent the disease. To avoid polyps, remember the following rules:

  • use barrier contraception;
  • take the right hormonal birth control;
  • do not have abortions;
  • avoid hypothermia;
  • try to avoid places with poor environmental conditions;
  • go to the gynecologist regularly;
  • eat healthy food.



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Ovarian cyst 4


By On 12/03/2020

Ovarian cysts are a common problem, but not many women know about natural treatments for them.

Ovarian cysts are an abnormal part, an increase in host tissue. They consist of liquid, semi-liquid, or even gaseous substances.
The appearance of ovarian cysts does not take into account the age, because they can appear at 20, but also at 50 years. They are different in shape and size and can be discovered by a specialist doctor with a special device. Once you have been diagnosed, the operation or treatment of these drugs will be recommended. Before ingesting any drugs it is necessary to review the information in the following rows to see that there are other alternatives than those found on the shelves of pharmacies.



This natural treatment with herbal remedies for ovarian cysts has proven its effectiveness with dozens of cases resolved. This herbal tea is the miracle solution to permanently cure ovarian cysts.
Indeed, it contains several plants that will mimic the action of estrogen in your body. The herbal tea is made up of several herbs that regulate hormone levels and the size of your cysts. Thus this natural remedy will help you to relieve the pains of the menstrual cycle and to regulate your cycle.
It is the best natural remedy for curing ovarian cysts. However, the herbal tea will also expel the waste from your uterus. Generally, except when the diagnosis is too late, our natural treatment can cure ovarian cysts without side effects. When you are in a relationship and pregnancy is slow in coming, know that it is totally justified to treat your ovarian cysts because they can cause very serious fertility problems (lack of ovulation).

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Other Natural treatments


Experts recommend many plants and herbs used to treat these ovarian cysts:

Agnus castus or vitex - has been used since its inception as a regulator for hormonal imbalance. It is used for treatments against cysts, but also for the improvement of the symptoms caused by the onset of menopause. The plant also regulates the level of estrogen in the body and also prevents the development of possible cysts.

Armourarium (milk thistle) is excellent for a detoxification cure. It is the best consumption plant for maintaining the health of the liver, which in turn helps to filter toxins, but also to eliminate excess hormones.

Red clover tea. The red clover is a special plant, which lives only on certain surfaces; is recognized as an estrogen replacement (if it did not exist in the body). Tea, consumed regularly, ensures the balance of hormonal states.

Dandelion creams and teas. The dandelion plant is an incredible diuretic, which leads to the full cleansing of the liver. Consumption of two cups per day, indefinitely, leads to the elimination of excess hormones in the body, which can cause ovarian cysts.

Pollen. Bee honey is recognized for its benefits in strengthening the immunity and vitaminizing the body. Bee pollen has become famous for centuries as a remedy for successful treatment in terms of maintaining the health of the ovaries and the entire reproductive tract, in particular, winning the fight with ovarian cyst formation and development.

The tail of the mouse. Daily consumption of tea from the tail of the mouse (about 2-3 cups a day), brings the menstrual cycle daily, one of the causes of ovarian cysts.

If you go to a plumber or other specialized store, you will see the wide range of herbs and natural treatments for healing and stopping the occurrence of ovarian cysts and beyond. These include walnut flowers, house spores, chestnut flowers or leaves, oats, and honeysuckle.

They are found and consumed in the form of teas, tinctures, capsules, or other desired preparations. Before administering any treatment, seek the opinion and recommendations of the manufacturer or specialist doctor, as appropriate.


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Ovariancyst 1


By On 12/03/2020

Women often have one or both ovaries, a normal process, very common in the female reproductive system. However, the alarm signal jumps in women when they think that they suffer from an ovarian cyst. This is a more serious pathology that develops around between 6 and 10 percent of women age fertile.

What symptoms allow us to identify it?


Most ovarian are asymptomatic and are usually located casually. They can be associated with painful ovulation and irregular periods. The polycystic ovary is a normal process.

However, an ovarian cyst is a more serious pathology that is associated with anovulatory periods (absence of menstruation) and metabolic syndrome-related to cardiovascular disease or the development of diabetes.

Why is the ovarian cyst produced?


The polycystic ovary occurs more frequently in young women who have many follicles in the ovaries. This indicates that they are very fertile, but sometimes this number of follicles produces more pain and cysts in ovulation.

Is it hereditary?


It is not an inherited condition, however, there is a greater predisposition in daughters with mothers who have suffered similarly to other conditions such as adenomyosis or fibroids.

How does it affect me physically and emotionally?


Women with an ovarian cyst experience ovulation with more discomfort, although most are asymptomatic. There may be emotional variations because the ovaries produce many hormones. In women and girls with polycystic ovaries, hirsutism, acne, or hair loss may appear, although it is not frequent.

Can obesity result in an ovarian cyst?


Yes. Some cysts are hormone-secreting cysts, which can impact several parts of your health including your weight

Does it reduce fertility?


Cysts that become infected and cause a pelvic infection may cause scarring in the fallopian tubes, which could cause infertility because women suffer from anovulatory periods, irregular ovulation, and amenorrhea, which reduces the chances of pregnancy. 


African Tisane for ovarian cyst

This natural treatment with herbal remedies for ovarian cysts has proven its effectiveness with dozens of cases resolved. This herbal tea is the miracle solution to permanently cure ovarian cysts.
Indeed, it contains several plants that will mimic the action of estrogen in your body. The herbal tea is made up of several herbs that regulate hormone levels and the size of your cysts. Thus this natural remedy will help you to relieve the pains of the menstrual cycle and to regulate your cycle.
It is the best natural remedy for curing ovarian cysts. However, the herbal tea will also expel the waste from your uterus. Generally, except when the diagnosis is too late, our natural treatment can cure ovarian cysts without side effects. When you are in a relationship and pregnancy is slow in coming, know that it is totally justified to treat your ovarian cysts because they can cause very serious fertility problems (lack of ovulation).

Are you suffering from ovarian cyst and want to more on how to get rid of it, just click here
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Marilyn Cejas

A close friend recommended that I take natural medicine so that I could cleanse my body first, and then find another specialist. It turns out that, with great faith, I went to the place indicated to me and they sent me five bottles of a preparation that the person makes, took out a book on medicinal plants and listened to my problem when I explained it to him, he told me that I would prepare it and that I would I will pick it up in the afternoon, so I did it and started taking it, of course, the taste is bad but if you are reading this and you have an infertility problem, you know very well that this may taste very and very bad, but the desire to be moms, outweigh the bad taste.

I remember that in 2012 (when I was diagnosed with ovarian cyst), the doctor who started treating me told me that I should take a pill every day (without fail) of Metformin; After a few years of trying after trying, they switched me to Glisulin which is the same but softer because it hit my stomach, but they indicated that it was 800mg., so they still gave me many side effects and one day, I even passed out in work and then I find out that my blood sugar had dropped (hypoglycemia).

Now, I tell you that the natural medicine bottles that I was prescribed, I finished taking them almost at the end of November of last year (2016), but the day I started taking it, I stopped taking the Glisulin pill, completely, today I don't take it. I let the month of December pass and last week, I went to see myself at the Infertile Couple Management Clinic, located in the Santo Tomás Hospital.

When I was undergoing the transvaginal ultrasound, I was surprised but also somewhat confused. It is that the doctors did not see any cysts in my ovaries, they began to ask me several questions and they said that it seemed that I did not have this pathology, after analyzing a few minutes the image that they saw in the machine that was used for that purpose. They saw quite the contrary to what the doctors told me before taking I took the natural medicine, which had cysts on both ovaries.


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Polyps of the uterus 1

INTERESTING Natural Treatments to eliminate Uterine Polyps

By On 12/03/2020


During fertile years, women develop fibroids or uterine polyps. Unfortunately, these pathologies do not present specific symptoms. However, they can cause pain and inflammation around the menstrual period

They are benign tumors and although they are not considered serious in most cases, they can affect the fertility of women and it is estimated that 75% of women can develop uterine fibroids. Discomfort, symptoms, and even uterine polyps or endometrial polyps can improve and reduce their size, using natural alternatives, but it is advisable to consult your doctor before choosing a natural solution.





Despite being benign, uterine polyps can present some symptoms that we must consider

  • Heavy bleeding during menstruation
  • Prolonged menstruation
  • Menstrual cramps (cramps)
  • Sexual intercourse with pain
  • Inflammation in the lower abdominal area
  • As a result of fibroids and their symptoms, there may also be infertility and anemia.

If we present these symptoms it is important to go to a professional to carry out an evaluation and provide us with a diagnosis. One of the diagnostic methods that are frequently used to detect fibroids is ultrasound.







natural remedy polypes uterins 600x900

Uterine polyps are noncancerous tumors, but that doesn’t mean proper care should not be taken because they can further lead to infertility. There will be a difficulty for you to get and pregnant and if you eventually get pregnant, there is a very high risk of miscarriage. This is where uterine polyps should not be neglected at all. Fortunately, you found us !!! We are here to help you make your dream come true with our 100% effective tisane.

Our secret to this remedy is found in what mother nature has bequeathed to us. It is made up of a mixture of herbs and roots which has proven their efficiency in. We assure you to heal you of this ailment with our natural remedy so you could further enjoy the joy of motherhood. Do not worry, you have knocked at the right place !!! And we are happy to serve you.




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Dietary recommendations

Anti aging and antioxydants foods

Uterine polyps or Endometrial polyps have been linked to a poor quality diet that causes metabolic problems.

Avoid simple carbohydrates, such as sugar, caramels, industrial pastries, soft drinks, among others. The recommended carbohydrate sources are whole grains such as brown rice, whole-wheat pasta, among others. Another recommended source of carbohydrates is fruits.

Eat foods rich in fiber, such as those of plant origin, vegetables, fruits, whole grains mentioned above, and also legumes and oilseeds are good examples.

Try to reduce fat consumption by preferring lean foods, avoid high-fat cuts of meat, pork, sausages, etc. It prefers low-fat preparations such as cooked, roasted, steamed, among others.

Avoid caffeinated drinks such as coffee or soft drinks that contain it, and even some teas, since it is a substance that can alter our metabolism. Drink preferably natural water.





Conventional treatments

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The treatment of uterine polyps depends on many factors, from the size of the tumor to the age of the person and the severity of the symptomsThey are usually treated with contraceptive drugs, but there are currently several options on the market for treating them.

Surgery is often the last option and is usually used when there are severe symptoms associated with polyps or their size is considerable.




Natural medicine

We can find alternative treatments for uterine polyps, which can help combat symptoms like heavy bleeding during menstruation and cramps.

1. Dandelion: 

8 Amazing Benefits of Dandelion Tea for Your Health - NDTV Food

Its root improves liver function and bile flow, thus promoting better digestion. Thanks to these effects, dandelion root is considered purifying by promoting the expulsion of toxins and the excessive elimination of estrogens. It is recommended to consume its extract or infusion daily.


2. Yellow spring: 

7 Yellow Spring Flowers To Brighten Your Day - FloraQueen

This root, like dandelion, stimulates the liver favoring the purification of the body, which in turn helps regulate the levels of hormones such as estrogen, recommended for treating polyps. You can use your extract daily.


3. Castor Oil:

Castor Oil – OSG Exim

A popular remedy for polyps is to consume a dilution of castor oil in water and ingest it daily. On the other hand, we can also make poultices with castor oil, and place them in the abdominal region.


4. Milk Thistle : 

Milk Thistle: Benefits, Side Effects, Dosage, Interactions

Another useful plant, like the yellow spring and dandelion root, milk thistle, can improve the functioning of our liver, promoting the elimination of toxins and excess hormones such as estrogen. It can be found in the form of an extract, although it can also be used as an infusion.


5. Carrot and beet juice: 

Carrot Beet Juice Recipe and Nutrition - Eat This Much

Beta carotene and vitamin A should be included in abundance in the uterine polyps diet, and carrot and beet juice is a good source of this vitamin. It is recommended to consume it fresh on an empty stomach 5 days a week until fibroids are reduced.


6. Ginger:

Ginger Tea | Healthy Recipes | Nutrition Force | Members Recipes

Ginger root can be beneficial in the treatment of uterine polyps since it promotes blood circulation favoring the irrigation of the uterus, which can contribute to reducing polyps.


Consult your specialist

Uterine Polyps Removal Specialist (Top Rated Fibroids Doctor ...

Natural alternatives can be good allies when it comes to uterine polyps, but it is always advisable to have an expert opinion to give us guidance and evaluation of our case since it is worth mentioning that each case is different and may require different approaches to treatments.

If the symptoms associated with polyps are very severe, we should not fail to consult a professional. 






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Uterine polyps image


By On 12/03/2020

The basic principles of the diet for polyps


What are the basic principles of diet for uterine polyps?


It is known that the main cause of tumor formation in the endometrial layer of the uterus is hormonal imbalance. Most experts recommend a certain diet, as some products are considered phytohormones and affect the level of estrogen and progesterone in the blood.

The main goal of correction of the food diary is to restore the body's immune functions and normalize reproductive function.


Nutrition with the growth of the endometrium in the uterus should be balanced, fortified, and low in carbohydrates. Polyps are often formed in women with overweight or metabolic disorders in the body. Proper nutrition can eliminate the various causes of the onset of the disease and prevent subsequent complications.

It is necessary to eat fractionally, optimally divide meals by five times, of which each portion should be no more than 200 grams. Experts advise to abandon salt or limit it to a minimum. Overeating, causing heaviness and flatulence of the abdomen, must be excluded. It is recommended to eat more vegetables and fruits, as well as drink up to two liters of water daily, in the absence of medical contraindications.

It is worth changing gradually to a new diet so that the digestive tract does not experience disproportionate stress and stress.







natural remedy polypes uterins 600x900

Uterine polyps are noncancerous tumors, but that doesn’t mean proper care should not be taken because they can further lead to infertility. There will be a difficulty for you to get and pregnant and if you eventually get pregnant, there is a very high risk of miscarriage. This is where uterine polyps should not be neglected at all. Fortunately, you found us !!! we are here to help you make your dream come true with our 100% effective tisane to treat uterine polyps naturally.

Our secret to this remedy is found in what mother nature has bequeathed to us. It is made up of a mixture of herbs and roots which has proven their efficiency in. We assure you to heal you of this ailment with our natural remedy so you could further enjoy the joy of motherhood. Do not worry, you have knocked at the right place !!! And we are happy to serve you.



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Recommended Food List

Anti aging and antioxydants foods

The diet is based on the use of antioxidants - products of natural origin with a natural anti-aging and protective effect. The use of Omega-3 has a special role in the treatment of endometrial polyps - these beneficial acids stimulate cell renewal. Polyunsaturated fatty acids are found in:

  • Nuts
  • Flaxseed oil;
  • Oily fish, for example, in salmon, mackerel, herring. It is better to eat fish in boiled, stewed or baked form, and exclude canned food. Dishes enriched with Omega-3 should be more likely than other foods.

The following foods contain high amounts of fiber and vitamin C. These substances suppress excessive estrogen production and strengthen the body's defenses:

  • Fruits and fruits - figs, strawberries, pears, apples, feijoa, dried apricots, blackberries, kiwi, lemons, oranges;
  • Vegetables - celery, zucchini, pumpkin, broccoli, raw carrots, horseradish, beets, garlic, bell pepper;
  • Wholemeal bread;
  • Berries - rose hip, wild garlic, sea buckthorn, mountain ash, black currant, viburnum;
  • Nuts, especially walnuts;
  • Cereal crops;
  • Legumes - beans, lentils, and peas.

It is recommended to include nonfat milk, poultry meat, and lean dietary meat (turkey, rabbit) in the diet. Fresh juices from fruits and vegetables are welcome.





Prohibited Products List

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It is necessary to completely exclude or limit the use of the following product groups:

  • Carbonated drinks;
  • Red meat;
  • Fatty meats;
  • Fast food;
  • Chocolate and cocoa;
  • White bread;
  • Sugar (replaced by honey);
  • Fatty dairy products (sour cream, whole milk, butter, kefir with a fat content of more than 1.5%, fermented baked milk, yogurt, cream, etc.);
  • Spices and hot spices;
  • Chicken egg yolks;
  • Butter baking;
  • Strong coffee;
  • Products with a high content of preservatives, dyes, flavorings;
  • Alcohol, including low alcohol beer.

Also, women who have polyps are not allowed to eat fried, spicy, smoked dishes.

The exclusion of the above products helps to cleanse the body and prevent the accumulation of toxins.






Product Compatibility and Estimated Daily Menu

The daily menu should be thought out and make sure that the products are easily digestible. For example, breakfast may consist of protein and peas, a slice of rye flour bread, and sugar-free tea. For lunch, you can eat slices of fruit or drink a glass of kefir.

Lunch includes fish, vegetables, and vegetarian or lean broth soup. You can have dinner with a casserole of rice and cottage cheese, a salad of prunes, and raw carrots. Before going to bed, you should drink a glass of skim milk.

Be sure to eat one or two types of fruits and vegetables per day.

Of course, the diet is selected taking into account the weight, age, individual characteristics of the woman and her lifestyle. Get these or other recommendations from your doctor.




Diet after removal of polyps

A distinctive feature of the nutrition of women after surgery to remove polyps in the uterus is the need for a high-calorie diet. A balanced, nutritious meal promotes faster tissue repair and regeneration, while vitamins and minerals boost immunity.

A woman is recommended to eat meat and fish daily, to include more vegetables and fruits in the diet, not only at the time of rehabilitation but also after the recovery period, at least in the first six months.






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Ovariancyst 2


By On 12/03/2020

There are many natural treatments for ovarian cysts that are available in AFRICA. We will tell you how to remove ovarian cysts without surgery.

Do you have an annoying experience in the uterus or ovaries? Many women round the world may have an ovarian cyst. Ovarian cysts can develop monthly as a typical part of your menstrual cycle. These cysts are fairly typical and, as a rule, are not cause for concern. They can cause discomfort from time to time, and there are other types of cystic formation that can lead to more serious uterus problems and need to be removed.

As we know, ovarian fluid cysts are filled with almond-sized bags that grow and set on the ovaries, often cyclically, as related to your monthly hormonal shifts. Follicular cysts, as it can be repeated, get more and less, and are very responsive to natural procedures.

Your body is designed to treat ovarian cysts if it works at an optimal level of health. However, if you are experiencing hormonal imbalances this can prevent ovarian cysts from decreasing, causing them to grow larger, and then potentially breaking with a lot of discomfort and problems. In order to guarantee you avoid the return of ovarian cysts, the symptoms of ovarian cysts need to be treated with a natural treatment.


A few signs of ovarian cysts

Many women do not realize that they have ovarian cysts until they begin to experience the signs When you have signs like these detailed ones listed below, you can ask your doctor for an ultrasound test to confirm that the ovarian cysts are the cause. Common signs of ovarian cysts are:

  •  Lower abdominal pain
  •  Discomfort during sex
  •  Bladder pressure
  • Irregular cycles and anovulatory cycles.
  • Bloating.
  •  Indigestion.


How to remove ovarian cysts naturally

The following natural treatments for ovarian cysts can help relieve symptoms of ovarian cysts. Some approaches may even reduce cyst size or prevent recurrence. While you may have the ability to treat your cysts in your home and the self-care method, constantly talk to your doctor to examine the treatment.


Nevertheless, African doctor has found the best mixture of African plants for effective treatment of ovarian cyst. This treatment comprises of two elements: herbal teas and vaginal ova. It is a fast and long-lasting natural remedy that can permanently eliminate cysts. All the elements of our treatment are natural and herbal. Be rest assured you are at the right place!!

This natural treatment with herbal remedies for ovarian cysts has proven its effectiveness with dozens of cases resolved. This herbal tea is the miracle solution to permanently cure ovarian cysts.
Indeed, it contains several plants that will mimic the action of estrogen in your body. The herbal tea is made up of several herbs that regulate hormone levels and the size of your cysts. Thus this natural remedy, will help you to relieve the pains of the menstrual cycle and to regulate your cycle.

Are you suffering from ovarian cyst and want to more on how to get rid of it,just click here
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2. Almond

Almonds can improve high levels of magnesium, which can help with pain. Raw almonds include about 270 milligrams per 100 grams of serving. And in more formal studies, supplementing your diet with magnesium has actually been revealed to help with chronic pain. Many people can consume almonds without any interactions. They make a good pleasure to eat plain or taste great when sprinkled over a salad.

3. Chamomile tea

Drinking chamomile tea is another choice. Drink chamomile tea to help you relax and reduce anxiety. It has anti-inflammatory properties to help with cramps and can help reduce stress and anxiety for loading. Not only that, but Chamomile may also allow you to get a better night's rest.

4. Ginger tea

Ginger tea is another natural choice for a natural relief to reduce inflammation and eliminate pain. It can also help reduce swelling and alleviate the discomfort it has as an antioxidant and anti carcinogenic aspect. In one study, ginger stopped the development of ovarian cancer cells, leading scientists conclude that dietary consumption of ginger can deal with and avoid ovarian cancer.


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By On 12/03/2020

In some cases, the ovarian cyst in the child passes independently, and the gynecologist recommends observing asymptomatic and small formations for at least 3 months. Nevertheless, many patients need medical attention, surgical intervention and traditional treatment. 



Traditional medicine is the oldest form of health care in the world and is used in the prevention, and treatment of physical and mental illnesses. Different societies historically developed various useful healing methods to combat a variety of health- and life-threatening diseases. This form of medicine is from nature itself and has proven to be more effective. It is also known to have no side effect except in cases of allergy. This method supersedes that of conventional medicine or surgical intervention




This natural treatment with herbal remedies for ovarian cysts has proven its effectiveness with dozens of cases resolved. This herbal tea is the miracle solution to permanently cure ovarian cysts.
Indeed, it contains several plants that will mimic the action of estrogen in your body. The herbal tea is made up of several herbs that regulate hormone levels and the size of your cysts. Thus this natural remedy, will help you to relieve the pains of the menstrual cycle and to regulate your cycle.
It is the best natural remedy for curing ovarian cysts. However, the herbal tea will also expel the waste from your uterus. Generally, except when the diagnosis is too late, our natural treatment can cure ovarian cysts without side effects. When you are in a relationship and a pregnancy is slow in coming, know that it is totally justified to treat your ovarian cysts because they can cause very serious fertility problems (lack of ovulation).

Are you suffering from ovarian cyst and want to more on how to get rid of it, just click here
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Drug therapy

In the case of active growth of the cyst, doctors prescribe therapy to get rid of the formation. The treatment regimen is carefully selected based on the age, personal characteristics of the girl’s body and chronic diseases, thanks to this it is possible to maintain the fully reproductive function of the ovaries.

Experts choose a suitable hormonal drug, during therapy, young girls undergo complex treatment with an ovarian cyst, observe bed rest or refuse physical activity.


Surgical intervention

If a teenage girl has a torsion of the legs of a cyst, then doctors resort to surgical treatment - laparoscopy, this method allows you to maintain reproductive function. Most often, the formation is removed, and healthy tissues and the ovary itself remain intact, less often an ovariectomy is performed, implying the removal of the cystic formation along with the ovary.


Alternative methods 

Tincture of peony

Reception of folk remedies should be agreed with the doctor. The body of a teenage girl is characterized by increased sensitivity to drugs, so treatment methods must be safe and effective. So, it helps to stop the growth of ovarian cyst. Tincture of peony should be taken for 10 days, 1 teaspoon with the addition of water 2 times a day.


Juice of viburnum and honey

A follicular cyst at home is treated with the help of juice of viburnum and honey, a useful mixture of these products strengthens the immune system and promotes the resorption of ovarian formation. To obtain a therapeutic effect, 1 tablespoon of berry juice is mixed with a similar amount of honey and taken for 30 days.


Burdock juice

Image result for Burdock juice

Burdock is a plant that can also be used as food and is also used as medicine. It increases urine flow, kills germs, reduce fever, and regulates hormonal balance. A juice made from burdock has a therapeutic effect on follicular cyst. Drink this juice everyday for 60 DAYS.


Decoction of dandelion

Image result for Dandelion

Dandelion is also known as Taraxacum officinale, it is highly nutritious and it contains antioxidants which are very important in the function of the woman reproductive organs. 

These drugs help to accelerate the resorption of cystic formations, strengthen immunity. Before taking them, you should definitely consult with your doctor.



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By On 12/03/2020

Image result for sad teenage girls and adult women

Women of any age are subject to gynecological diseases, for example, an ovarian cyst in a teenage girl causes a lot of questions and concerns. A benign formation is a cavity filled with liquid that appears in the reproductive period of life.
The occurrence of ovarian cysts is especially susceptible to girls in whom the menstrual cycle is irregular, but the presence or absence of sex life does not play a significant role in the appearance of education.


Nevertheless, African doctor has found the best mixture of African plants for effective treatment of ovarian cyst. This treatment comprises of two elements: herbal teas and vaginal ova. It is a fast and long-lasting natural remedy that can permanently eliminate cysts. All the elements of our treatment are natural and herbal. Be rest assured you are at the right place!!

This natural treatment with herbal remedies for ovarian cysts has proven its effectiveness with dozens of cases resolved. This herbal tea is the miracle solution to permanently cure ovarian cysts.
Indeed, it contains several plants that will mimic the action of estrogen in your body. The herbal tea is made up of several herbs that regulate hormone levels and the size of your cysts. Thus this natural remedy will help you to relieve the pains of the menstrual cycle and to regulate your cycle.
It is the best natural remedy for curing ovarian cysts. However, the herbal tea will also expel the waste from your uterus. Generally, except when the diagnosis is too late, our natural treatment can cure ovarian cysts without side effects. When you are in a relationship and pregnancy is slow in coming, know that it is totally justified to treat your ovarian cysts because they can cause very serious fertility problems (lack of ovulation).

Are you suffering from ovarian cyst and want to more on how to get rid of it, just click here
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Causes and symptoms of cysts


The body of a teenage girl has distinctive features from the physiology and body structure of an adult woman, at a young age, the uterus is small in size, and the ovaries are in a high position. Despite the fact that the causes of education in young girls have not been thoroughly studied, doctors identify factors that contribute to the development of ovarian education:

  • increased body weight;
  • hormonal disbalance;
  • unreasonable use of hormonal drugs;
  • stress.

In addition, such phenomena as infectious processes in the genital area and earlier onset of menstruation increase the risk of benign formation.

Doctors annually register cases when an ovarian cyst is detected in newborn girls. Doctors suggest that the unfavorable environmental conditions, the viral and bacterial diseases suffered by the woman affect the health of the developing fetus. So, the presence of an ovarian cyst in a child in the womb is possible.

The probability of giving birth to a girl with the pathology of the reproductive system is high in pregnant patients who have bad habits and take hormonal drugs during this period.

As a rule, cystic formation in an adolescent girl proceeds imperceptibly and there are no expressed symptoms. So, the body temperature remains at the normal level, the tests do not cause suspicion by the doctor, therefore, education is noticed only during a comprehensive examination.

Causes of fluid in the ovarian cavity in women



Few patients have signs of a neoplasm, such as lower abdominal pain shortly before menstruation, worse after weight lifting or exercise. There is no connection between the size of the ovarian cyst and symptoms. Large formations can form without causing unpleasant sensations to the body, therefore it is necessary to undergo a medical examination in a timely manner. Small formations often pose a great danger to a teenage girl, causing complications.

Varieties of ovarian cysts



The right ovary is most often affected, but ovarian cysts differ in etiology and symptoms. Gynecologists distinguish the following types of formations in the body of teenage girls:

  • follicular;
  • corpus luteum cyst;
  • mucinous.

The cause of the follicular cyst is the concentration of fluid in unexploded follicles, while the egg dies, and the duration of menstruation increases, they become painful. The specified type can reach impressive sizes - up to 10 cm.

The corpus luteum cyst is characterized by the appearance of a liquid with an admixture of blood in the so-called corpus luteum, most often this formation becomes a consequence of hypothermia and excessive physical activity. Less often, doctors identify a mucinous cyst, characterized by abundant mucus secretion, as well as polycystic ovary.

Possible complications in the development of cysts


A cyst on the ovary in a teenage girl threatens with permissible complications, among which there is torsion and a gap in education. In the case of the last damage, pain occurs in the lower abdomen, giving off to the perineum, the work of the urinary system is also frustrating and there is an increase in body temperature, dizziness, and vomiting.

Often the asymptomatic course of the disease ends after receiving an injury, intense exercise, in addition, sexual intercourse can also trigger complications.

Diagnostic measures


For the timely detection of education and confirmation of the diagnosis, a gynecological examination is necessary. Palpation of the pelvic organs allows to the detection of compaction, and the tenderness of the neoplasm indicates its large size, but in any case, it is important to undergo ultrasound examination. It will show not only the shape of the cyst but also its exact size, characteristic. If malignancy is suspected, the doctor will prescribe additional tests to the patient. During the examination of infants in a newborn child with an identified cyst, the size of the formation is determined.

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By On 11/03/2020

An ovarian cyst can occur in a teenage girl for various reasons. Most often this is due to hormonal changes in the body and the beginning of the menstrual cycle. In most cases, pathology is detected at the age of 12-15 years during puberty. But there are situations when a neoplasm occurs in newborn children.




This natural treatment with herbal remedies for ovarian cysts has proven its effectiveness with dozens of cases resolved. This herbal tea is the miracle solution to permanently cure ovarian cysts.
Indeed, it contains several plants that will mimic the action of estrogen in your body. The herbal tea is made up of several herbs that regulate hormone levels and the size of your cysts. Thus this natural remedy, will help you to relieve the pains of the menstrual cycle and to regulate your cycle.
It is the best natural remedy for curing ovarian cysts. However, the herbal tea will also expel the waste from your uterus. Generally, except when the diagnosis is too late, our natural treatment can cure ovarian cysts without side effects. When you are in a relationship and a pregnancy is slow in coming, know that it is totally justified to treat your ovarian cysts because they can cause very serious fertility problems (lack of ovulation).

Are you suffering from ovarian cyst and want to more on how to get rid of it and get pregnant, just click here
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Image result for teenage girl in pain

Provocative factors

Cystic tumors are a dense capsule with liquid contents. Most often they are localized on the right ovary. Due to the insufficient development of the sex glands, disturbances in their activity occur, which provokes the appearance of a cyst. There are reasons that increase the risk of ovarian cyst in teenagers.

Past inflammatory processes, infectious diseases, stress can affect.

  • endocrine disorders;
  • overweight, as well as obesity at any stage;
  • neoplasms appear due to the early onset of menstruation;
  • if hormonal stimulation of the ovaries was performed or hormones were prescribed to treat any disease, the risk of cysts increases;
  • inflammatory processes and infectious diseases;
  • long cooling;
  • stress;
  • bad habits;
  • hereditary predisposition.

The causes of the appearance of ovarian cysts in newborns are still not well understood.


Types of cystic formations

Image result for ovarian cyst in teenage girl

There is a classification according to which a cyst on the ovary in a teenage girl can belong to one of the following varieties:

  • follicular. The process of occurrence is associated with ovulation. During the standard menstrual cycle, the follicle for some reason does not break. It fills with fluid and eventually degenerates into a cyst. With this type, the thickening reaches 10 cm in diameter. Menses become longer and painful;

corpus luteum cyst. Most often associated with the immaturity of the reproductive organs. In connection with the rapid maturation of eggs, the corpus luteum grows strongly. A cyst is filled with fluid with blood clots. In most cases, prolonged cooling, excessive stress, or the use of certain drugs can provoke development;

Due to the complicated course of the process, it can cause infertility.

The presence of polycystic ovary can be determined by the following signs:

  • menstruation is intermittent;
  • in the intervals between cycles, spotting may appear;
  • oily skin increases, acne forms;
  • metabolism slows down, resulting in increased weight;
  • hairs on the body begin to grow in large numbers;
  • in both ovaries there is a slight fickle pain (sometimes the lower back also hurts)
  • temperature rises.


Symptoms of ovarian pathology in adolescents

Image result for teenage girl in pain

In most situations, determining the presence of an ovarian cyst in a teenager is difficult, since it rarely manifests itself. Only complicated forms and large sizes of a benign tumor lead to the onset of symptoms. This is primarily irregular menstruation.
However, in adolescence, cycles are often broken due to the immaturity of the reproductive system. Therefore, this is rarely paid attention to.

Another possible symptom is the appearance of spotting in the intervals between menstruation. If there is a twisting of the cyst legs, its spontaneous rupture or other complications, the signs become more pronounced:

Depending on the cause, the pain is of varying degrees of intensity.

  • abdominal pain. Depending on the cause that caused it, there are different degrees of intensity. Sometimes pain spreads to the anus;
  • urge to urinate increases, but at the same time there is a feeling of incomplete emptying of the bladder;
  • constipation or, on the contrary, diarrhea may occur;
  • nausea or vomiting occurs;
  • general health worsens (up to a swoon);
  • temperature rises.

In the presence of these symptoms, urgent care and hospitalization are required. HOWEVER, if you are in search of a cure without operation, you are at the right place. 

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By On 10/03/2020

We must take account the tendency of a particular person to periodically drink alcohol. The influence of alcohol on a man’s body is such that in order to drastically reduce his chances of becoming a father, it is not necessary to turn into a sound drinker. Reproductive problems will also come up with the use of not so significant doses of alcohol-containing drinks. 

However, our experts at African doctor with years of research has found the best mixture of African plants to help restore the function of the testicles. 


Image result for traitement naturel plantes drepanocytose

Our natural remedy to increase the size of the testicles is an herbal tea. This herbal tea contains the best plants in the world to increase the size of your testicles, boost your libido, your manhood and your testosterone. This herbal tea will also improve the quality and quantity of your sperm. Unlike testicular surgery, which can cause a major inflammatory reaction, which leads to loss of the testicle, our herbal tea has no side effects. 

Contact our experts: Telephone or whatsapp: +229 90 43 17 25

The effect of alcohol on potency:testosterone and sex drive

The negative effect of alcohol on the ability to conceive at once in several aspects is manifested. One of them is hormonal. The production of testosterone suffers greatly under the influence of ethyl alcohol (no matter in which drink it enters the body).

Those who do not disdain to drink alcohol with an enviable regularity will almost certainly have to make sure from their own experience how alcohol and conception are incompatible in men. Not only that, in this situation the testicule shrinks and testosterone is produced in much smaller volumes, but also its destruction is accelerated and activity is lost. So the representative of the stronger sex will face impotence, marked inhibition of sexual desire, erectile dysfunction, etc.

A similar symptom is also noted in those who do not really think about what infertility can cause in men, but naively believes that low-alcohol beer certainly will not serve as its cause. But do not forget: this foamy drink contains estrogen. Therefore, for those who are fond of drinking beer for at least a long time, the work of androgens in favor of female hormones begins to be suppressed.

Alcohol and sperm: the destruction of the main "friends" of future fathers

For medical scientists, the far from positive effect of alcohol on sperm quality has long turned into an axiom, confirmed by many tests and tests. The results of such studies make you think about the magnitude of the impact of the "green snake" on spermatogenesis. In this regard, the attack on male reproductive health occurs at once on several "fronts":

  1. The effect of alcohol on sperm is manifested already in the fact that alcohol has a toxic effect on the tissues of the testicles themselves, leading to its atrophy and gradual destruction. The consequence of this is a decrease in sperm volume in seminal fluid.
  2. The number of defective tailed ones is increasing. If a healthy representative of the stronger sex of fertile age has no more than 25 percent, and the risk of their participation in the fertilization of the egg is not too high, heavy alcohol libations change this picture in the direction of severe deterioration. Sperm cells begin to be produced less, and more and more among them are abnormal in shape or size.
  3. Ethyl alcohol violates the genetic mechanism of the formation of male germ cells, contributing to a change in the number of chromosomes in them, and this is a direct risk of Down syndrome, Edwards and others in future offspring.

Conception of a child and alcohol: how to minimize the problem?

These factors are especially pronounced when a man regularly consumes at least 37.5 units of alcohol per week, and this is only about a liter of vodka, or about 8 liters of beer. But we can’t say that those who drink less have almost no risk, because one unprotected sexual intercourse that occurs under the influence of alcoholic vapors is enough.

Just abstinence from alcohol before conception will not provide sufficient protection against these dangers. This measure will be effective only when both potential parents - a man and a woman - begin to avoid alcohol some time before the start of active actions to acquire offspring. The representative of the stronger sex should be guided by the timing of spermatogenesis: its complete cycle lasts 73-75 days. Therefore, a minimum of 2.5-3 months is recommended to stay away from alcohol.

Tips on how to prepare for the conception of a baby for a future dad often include recommendations for passing all kinds of tests, including a spermogram. But besides them, it will not hurt - if there is at least one of the signs of alcoholism - to go to a clinic of the appropriate profile for adequate treatment. Then the chances of the birth of healthy children will significantly increase, whose life from infancy will not be overshadowed by congenital pathologies.

Contact our experts: Telephone or whatsapp: +229 90 43 17 25


By On 09/03/2020

Image result for Hydrotubation

The blocked fallopian tube occurs when an obstruction prevents the egg from going down into the tube; in this case, the woman with tubal oclusion, also known as tubal infertility. This can happen on one or both sides and is the cause of infertility in up to 30% of infertile women. This channel becomes the path from the egg to the uterus. When the fallopian tubes are blocked, the path from the sperm to the egg will be blocked.

One way to widen the fallopian tubes is by hydrotubation.

What is hydrotubation?

​​Image result for Hydrotubation

Hydrotubation is a technique of injecting fluid into the fallopian tubes through the cervix. The color of the injected liquid is generally blue. Later, using a telescope, the doctor will check the process of moving the fluid.

If mom's infertility is really caused by a blockage in the fallopian tubes, then this will be known by the hydrotubation technique.

Natural treatment against blocked tubes


Here is the best African herbal remedy to unclog the fallopian tubes and get pregnant quickly. These plants are very effective in unclogging the fallopian tubes. They have already enabled many women around the world who had blocked tubes to regain their fertility without operations. If you have blocked tubes, here are the medicinal plants that will allow you to experience the joy of being a mom. How it works?

Natural therapy is made up of 2 elements: an oil to be applied as a poultice and herbal teas. By its vasodilating, depurative and diuretic power, the tea will act to unclog your fallopian tubes. Also, the oil to be applied as a poultice softens the tissues and improves circulation throughout the pelvic region. So the combined action of these two elements will allow you to naturally unclog your fallopian tubes and get pregnant.


Discover more on our product for fallopian tube blockage and get pregnant quickly
​Discover more on how to treat uterine polyps

Hydrotubation implementation procedure

In general, the hydrotubation procedure is carried out briefly and does not require hospitalization. But everything is always adapted to the state of your body.

An hour before the hydrotubation, the doctor can give painkillers or even anesthetics if necessary. Everything really adapted to the results of the doctor's initial examination.

Once mom is ready, mom will be asked to make an elongated lithotomi alias to open the thigh. The doctor will then enter the fluid through the vagina and see how the body responds.

Although hydrotubation is safe and can be done in a short time, this action should be avoided under several conditions. Some of them occur when you have your period, have a history of allergies, are bleeding, or have just had a curette.

Side effects of hydrotubation

Like other medical measures, hydrotubation is not free from the risk of side effects either. Especially if it is not done according to the right procedure.

Some of these side effects are urinary tract infections. This can happen when there are germs or bacteria entering during the hydrotubation procedure. If you have this infection, drink plenty of water at least 24 hours after the hydrotubation.

Another problem that can also arise as a side effect of hydrotubation is damage to the blood vessels or bladder, as well as pain in several parts of the body.

The natural way to overcome blockage of the fallopian tubes

Besides the hydrotubing action, there are several natural methods that could also slowly overcome the blockage in the fallopian tubes. So this could not harm mom, also do the following:

• Increase consumption of foods rich in vitamin C

Vitamin C is very important in fighting infections in the body, including infections that cause tubal obstruction. Increase consumption of natural sources of vitamin C such as oranges, lemons, strawberries, peppers, broccoli and kiwi.

• Add garlic consumption

In addition to sources of vitamin C, also increase the consumption of garlic, Ma. Garlic in addition to being able to cook, can also be used as a natural antibacterial and helps fight microbes.

In addition, consuming garlic can also help prevent blood clots and platelet aggregation, which effectively increases blood circulation. In this way, this process helps to maintain the condition of the mucosa and keep the fallopian tubes open.

• Diet foods rich in antioxidants

A diet rich in antioxidants can fight the negative effects of junk food. Fresh fruits and vegetables are packed with antioxidants, especially the colorful ones like berries.

To help overcome tubal obstruction, a diet rich in carotenoids is also good. Mom can get it from carrots, eggs, papaya, mango, spinach and zucchini.

• Castor oil massage

Take advantage of castor oil to massage the lower abdomen to stimulate the lymphatic system around the uterus. Do it at night before you go to bed.

To feel its therapeutic effect, Mama must massage regularly with castor oil.

Causes of infertility

Before proceeding to hydrotubation, first discuss with your doctor the possible causes of infertility. Is it true that infertility is due to a blockage of the fallopian tubes.

Besides blocking the fallopian tubes, there are several other things that can also be a cause of infertility, namely:

• Hormonal imbalance

Basically, ovulation is determined by the regulation of hormones produced by the hypothalamus or pituitary gland. Well, a problem with this system or ovarian problems can also cause ovulation problems. Some of the effects of ovulation disorders include polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS).

• Endometriosis

Endometriosis occurs when the tissue that normally develops in the uterus actually develops in other places. This additional tissue growth then causes scarring which can clog the fallopian tubes.

• Damage to the uterus and cervix

Damage to the uterus that should be watched for is the presence of benign polyps or tumors (fibroids or myomas). If it continues to grow, this benign tumor can block the fallopian tubes or interfere with implantation.

• Reduced egg quality

Good quality eggs are very important in the process of fertilization and pregnancy. If the quality decreases, infertility is very likely to occur. For example, because of the increase in the age of mom. The quality and quantity of a woman's eggs will continue to decrease with age.

• The hormone prolactin is too high


Discover more on our product for fallopian tube blockage and get pregnant quickly
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By On 09/03/2020

Fallopian tubes are a paired tubular organ located on the sides of the uterus, they help bring mature eggs from the ovaries to the uterus. So tubal obstruction is a syndrome in which the lumen of the fallopian tube is blocked. That is, the movement of the egg and sperm is hampered, which complicates fertilization.

What are antioxidants?

The body is like a large plant. Every second, various physiological processes take place there. An important participant is oxygen. Because of this, the process of oxidation in the tissues begins and the resulting energy provides biological combustion.

Oxidants are responsible for this process. They neutralize harmful toxins, help the body cope with stress and support healthy organs. But as soon as the quantity of such an element reaches a critical point, free radicals appear. They enter cells, begin not to restore, but to destroy them. This leads to the appearance of atherosclerosis, problems in the digestive tract, dysfunctions of the heart muscle, premature aging.

Antioxidants come to the rescue to restore natural balance. They slow the formation of dangerous molecules. However, with constant exposure to negative factors, internal reserves cease to be sufficient. It is also necessary to take foods rich in these compounds.

Antioxidants are natural or synthetic substances that protect cells from free radicals. They reduce the amount of active oxygen, normalizing the work of the organs.

In addition to direct interaction with free radicals, these compounds bind to hydroperoxides. Useful cells destroy them, block the catalysts. Antioxidants:

• help cells recover from injuries;

• protect the body from harmful radiation;

• increase overall resistance to stress;

• strengthen the immune system;

• reduce the risk of cardiovascular, oncological and other diseases. 



This treatment is the best African herbal remedy to unclog the fallopian tubes and get pregnant quickly. These plants are very effective in unclogging the fallopian tubes. They have already enabled many women around the world who had blocked tubes to regain their fertility without operations. If you have blocked tubes, here are the medicinal plants that will allow you to experience the joy of being a mom. How it works?
Natural therapy is made up of 2 elements: an oil to be applied as a balm and herbal tea. By its vasodilating, depurative and diuretic power, the tea will act to unclog your fallopian tubes. Also, the oil to be applied as a poultice softens the tissues and improves circulation throughout the pelvic region. So the combined action of these two elements will allow you to naturally unclog your fallopian tubes and get pregnant.


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Antioxidant classification

They are synthetic and natural. The first type includes drugs, biologically active additives, various components added to food for more efficient storage. On the one hand, thanks to them, the shelf life of individual dishes and canned food is extended, on the other hand, there is a risk of developing an allergic reaction, an asthma attack or edema.
Antioxidants are divided into:
• Enzymatic: present in all the cells of our body.
• Low molecular weight: flavonoids, certain vitamins and minerals.
• Hormones: steroids and sex.
Enzyme species are of great benefit. Under their influence, the oxidizing product is transformed into hydrogen peroxide, then into water. A similar enzyme is found in almost all aerobic cells. Non-enzymatic cells interrupt the relationship in free radicals. Food products and additives mainly contain this type of antioxidants.
By their ability to dissolve, the compounds are divided into fat and water soluble. The body needs both types to protect the body. Fat-soluble antioxidants protect cell membranes from fat oxidation. Mostly found in cell membranes. An example is vitamins A, E, carotenodines, lipoic acid.
Water-soluble species include the antioxidants found in body fluids. This type includes vitamin C, polyphenols and gutathione.

Blocked fallopian tube 1


By On 06/03/2020

Blocked uterine tubes are a cause of infertility. They can be caused by inflammation, infection or scarring resulting from an operation. In addition to the treatment indicated by the doctor, find out how to unlock your uterine tubes by gentle natural methods.

Blocked fallopian tubes usually have no symptoms. An indication would be infertility in the absence of other, more obvious causes. However, this condition can only be diagnosed by the doctor through hysterosalpingography (HSG). In addition to allopathic methods that can be invasive and can have side effects, there are also natural methods to unlock the fallopian tubes by gentle natural methods. You need to be aware that you need more time to get results. Sometimes, if the problem is very serious, they may not completely heal, but they certainly bring improvement. Natural treatments can also be used in conjunction with traditional therapies.

The causes of blockage of the uterine tubes include endometriosis, pelvic inflammatory disease, ectopic pregnancy, complications from operations such as caesarean section.

NONETHELESS, African doctor has found the best mixture of plant to help unblock the fallopian tube. 



This herbal tea is a decoction of african medicinal plants. This is the best natural solution very effective in the unblocking the fallopian tube and getting pregnant.
Our tisane helps to kill bacteria like yeast, which are often the cause of infertility. This herbal tea enhances the transportation of spermatozoa and fertilization which will eventually improve fertility. It is also rich in antioxidants, antioxidants are advisable in the treatment of clogged fallopian tubes, while taking this treatment our experts will be with you every step of the way to monitor the progress of the treatment and give advice where needed.


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How to unblock the fallopian tubes with Fertility massage

Image result for Fertility massage

Massage of the abdomen can help to clear the fallopian tubes and improve the general condition of the organs in this area. Lie on your back with a pillow underneath the bottom of the column. Relax and gently massage the lower abdomen with warm olive oil with circular movements. Repeat daily. Do not do this massage when you are pregnant or if you think you might be pregnant.

How gymnastics can be used to unblock the fallopian tube

Image result for gymnastics to unblock the fallopian tube

Exercise is a good way to reduce inflammation and improve blood circulation, which can lead to the release of the fallopian tubes. The best exercises are the bending in front and the streching. It also helps aerobic gymnastics, because it stimulates blood circulation. Sport helps to rejuvenate the whole body and increases the chances of conceiving a child.

Another helpful exercise is the so-called yoga bridge position:

  • Lie on your back. Bend your knees.
  • Only the shoulders and head remain on the floor.
  • Stay like that for a minute. Inhale and exhale deeply.
  • The moment you return to earth, you expire.
  • Repeat 10-20 times daily.

This exercise increases tissue oxygenation and blood circulation. It also helps the body to fight infection and inflammation.
If you have problems with your spine, you should ask your doctor when you want to do gymnastics.

Gentle natural method to unclog the fallopian tube: Use castor oil

Image result for Use castor oil

Castor oil has therapeutic qualities. Used externally, it helps to stimulate blood circulation. If you massage with oil in the ovary area you will increase the blood supply in this area and will help to clear the uterus. In addition, it stimulates the lymphatic system, important for removing dead cells and healing scar tissue.
Heat a little castor oil in the microwave (it does not have to be hot, but just warm). Apply it to a piece of natural cloth. Place the material on the lower abdomen. Apply a piece of plastic over the top and pack. Hold on top of a hot water bottle for 30-60 minutes. Afterwards, remove and rinse with warm water. Do this treatment for one to two months (except during the menstrual period and if there are reasons to believe that you are pregnant).


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Fallopian tube blockage treatment in ayurveda


By On 06/03/2020

In the reproductive system, the fallopian tubes are the place where fertilization occurs. This is where the sperm meets the egg. From here, the fertilized zygote moves into the uterus, where it is implanted and grows into the fetus.

If one fallopian tube is blocked, pregnancy is still possible because the egg can pass through the other side of the body because there are two ovaries. However, if both tubes are completely blocked, you will not naturally be able to get pregnant until one or both are unlocked.

If you are trying to get pregnant and have blocked fallopian tubes, these natural treatments can prove effective.



This herbal tea is a decoction of african medicinal plants. This is the best natural solution very effective in the unblocking the fallopian tube and getting pregnant.
Our tisane helps to kill bacteria like yeast, which are often the cause of infertility. This herbal tea enhances the transportation of spermatozoa and fertilization which will eventually improve fertility. It is also rich in antioxidants, antioxidants are advisable in the treatment of clogged fallopian tubes, while taking this treatment our experts will be with you every step of the way to monitor the progress of the treatment and give advice where needed.

This natural treatment to treat blocked tubes lasts from 1 to 2 months. It is the miracle solution to unblock and clean your tubes with plants. It varies according to the state of permeability of your fallopian tubes and the state of your genitals. It also varies according to your general health.


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  1.  Vitamin C

Image result for vitamin c

Vitamin C is an antioxidant that can reduce inflammation, helping your immune system function better. For this reason, it is believed that it heals scars and can have a positive effect on the fallopian tubes.

According to the Food Additives Administration, it’s best to get all your vitamin C from your diet. However, it can also be taken as a supplement. Vitamin C is not stored in the body, so it must be taken every day.

In large quantities, vitamin C can cause diarrhea and abdominal pain. Otherwise, there are no serious side effects.

Unfortunately, vitamin C has never been tested for its ability to unlock tubes. We just don't know if this is an effective treatment. However, it is important to make sure that you consume enough vitamin C for your overall health.

2. Turmeric

Image result for Turmeric

Turmeric is a natural anti-inflammatory agent. Curcumin, the active ingredient in turmeric, reduces inflammation. You can consume curcumin in the form of supplements, add turmeric to food, or drink turmeric.

There are no known side effects of turmeric when taken in small doses. However, in doses of more than 8 g per day, this can have an adverse effect. Be sure to take the right dose of turmeric or, better yet, add spice to your cooking.

While turmeric has many benefits, there is no research on whether it can help unlock the tubes.

3. Ginger

Image result for Ginger

A common ingredient with several benefits, ginger is another natural anti-inflammatory. A 2014 paper showed that gingerol, the active ingredient in ginger, is both an antioxidant and anti-inflammatory.

There is no scientific evidence that ginger can unlock the fallopian tubes.

4. Garlic

Image result for Garlic

Garlic is often offered as a way to increase fertility and unlock tubes. A 2004 study on the benefits of garlic on fertility showed that it can improve fertility. Additional evidence is needed to confirm this.

Other than this outdated study, there is no evidence that garlic can improve fertility. However, a moderate amount of garlic is completely safe, so it might be worth a try, and there are other health benefits from adding garlic to your diet.

5. Lodhra

Image result for Lodhra

Lodhra, a widely used Ayurvedic therapy, is sometimes recommended to increase fertility and unlock the fallopian tubes. However, there is no scientific evidence.

6. Dong Quai

Image result for Dong Quai

A plant often used in Chinese herbal medicine, dong quai is often recommended for blockage of the fallopian tubes. This is one of the most commonly used Chinese herbs for treating reproductive problems.

According to a 2015 meta-analysis, a Chinese herbal medicine can double pregnancy rates for infertility in women. The analysis analyzed 4247 women undergoing treatment for infertility. However, no studies have determined whether the Dun embankment can unlock the fallopian tubes.

7. Ginseng

Image result for Ginseng

Some natural and oriental doctors recommend ginseng to increase fertility. Although ginseng appears to have several potential benefits, there is no evidence that it can improve fertility in women, let alone treat clogged fallopian tubes.

8. Vaginal steaming

Image result for Vaginal steaming

An alternative treatment that has recently gained popularity is vaginal steam, presumably for the treatment of many conditions, from menstrual cramps to infertility. Some also recommend it as a means to unlock the fallopian tubes.

Unfortunately, there is no evidence behind these statements. Apparently, it is anatomically impossible for steam to enter the fallopian tubes through the cervix. In addition, steaming the vagina can lead to burns or infections. This can actually harm your fertility.

9. Fertile massage

Image result for Fertile massage

Some alternative medicine practitioners offer fertility massage to unlock the fallopian tubes. They usually include warm oil massage in the abdomen. There is no scientific evidence that this works.

10. Wormwood

Image result for Wormwood

Wormwood is an herb sometimes recommended to increase fertility. It is also recommended for unlocking fallopian tubes. Wormwood has a long history of use for fertility in a number of different crops. It has been used throughout Europe and Asia for centuries. It is often used in Chinese medicine in the form of cauterization, which involves burning wormwood over an acupressure point.

A review of studies conducted in 2010 shows that the only thing that can help cauterize is to turn the gluteal presentation of the fetus upside down into the uterus. Unfortunately, there is no evidence that this affects fertility or blockage of the fallopian tubes.

11. Castor oil

Image result for Castor oil

Castor oil is a popular home remedy for infertility and clogged tubes. It is also widely used to stimulate labor, although a 2009 review shows that it is neither harmful nor useful in this regard.

There is no scientific evidence that castor oil unlocks the fallopian tubes. However, there is no risk associated with topical application of castor oil, so it is worth a try and it can moisturize the skin.

12. Herbal swabs

Image result for Herbal swabs

Herbal swabs, that is, herbs inserted into the vagina, are popular home treatments for infertility. However, there are no studies that test the effectiveness of this treatment.

Keep in mind that these swabs are not sterile and can lead to vaginal infections. Use them with caution. Examine each herb before use and work with a licensed practitioner.

13. Maca

Image result for Maca

Maca is a Peruvian plant with a number of benefits reported. One of these perceived benefits is that it boosts fertility. While a 2016 study review shows that it can improve sperm quality, there is no evidence that it will unlock the fallopian tubes.

14. Exercise

Image result for Exercise

Exercise is a lifestyle change that is believed to improve fertility and unlock the fallopian tubes. 2012 cohort studyin a study of 3628 women suggested that exercise could increase fertility. But so far, no studies have been conducted on the relationship between exercise and blocked fallopian tubes.

15. Reduce alcohol consumption

Image result for alcohol consumption

Alcohol use was not directly related to clogging of the fallopian tubes. However, it is worth giving up alcohol if you are trying to conceive a child. This lifestyle change can improve your overall health and fertility.

16. Yoga

Image result for Yoga

Many people who are trying to conceive practice yoga. Some people even recommend it for treating blocked fallopian tubes.

According to National Center for Complementary and Integral HealthYoga can be an effective way to reduce stress. Stress can reduce fertility, so it might be worth trying stress reduction methods such as yoga if you are trying to conceive a baby. Unfortunately, there is no evidence that yoga unlocks the fallopian tubes.

17. Meditation

Image result for Meditation

Accordingly, it has been scientifically proven that meditation, like yoga, reduces stress. 2014 reviewMeditation can be a useful tool to improve your fertility. However, no studies have been conducted on whether meditation affects the fallopian tubes.

18. Improving Diet

Image result for Improving Diet

While diet is important when it comes to fertility, there is no evidence linking the diet to blocked fallopian tubes. This is still a wise idea: eat a varied diet and stay hydrated so that you have enough nutrients in your body while you are trying to conceive a baby.

You should take prenatal vitamins a year before you start to think that folic acid with a low content of folic acid is a nutrient found in green leafy vegetables associated with vertebral bifida and other similar problems.

How can I find out if my fallopian tubes are blocked?

Your doctor may use hysterosalpingography (GHA), which is a type of x-ray used to diagnose blocked fallopian tubes. Your doctor will add dye to the uterus and fallopian tubes to help identify clogging on the radiograph.

In addition, your doctor may use laparoscopy to diagnose blocked fallopian tubes, but they are more likely to use HSG first. Laparoscopy is an operation, but it is minimally invasive and requires only small incisions.

Side effects of both HSG and laparoscopy are rare.

If none of the above medical or natural methods of treatment work, there are a number of alternative methods for pregnancy. This includes:

  • in vitro fertilization (IVF) using your own eggs
  • IVF using donor eggs
  • surrogate

Talk with your doctor about your birth plan if you have difficulty conceiving. Together, you can find out the cause, possible treatment options and next steps.


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By On 06/03/2020

Uterine blockage is one of the main causes of infertility in women . Not treated in time, this can lead to sterility . There are several natural remedies you can use when you have been diagnosed with clogged uterus. Massage, enzyme therapy and medicinal plants are excellent adjuvants in the treatment of this condition.


Image result for UTERINE TUBES

The uterine tubes are long, thin channels like a hair, which extend from the uterus to the right and left. Their heads are enlarged and each includes an ovary.

During ovulation , one of the two ovaries will release a single egg, into one of the two uterine tubes. The inner surface of the fallopian tubes is lined with a layer of cells with microscopic cilia (villi). These cells vibrate rhythmically, thus pushing the egg through the tube, in the direction of the uterine cavity.

If the egg is fertilized by a sperm, its shell becomes impervious to the other sperm. The genetic materials of the sperm and egg merge, to form a single cell, called a zygote. It continues to advance through the uterine tube, dividing rapidly, and thus forming the embryo . Once it reaches the uterine cavity, the embryo attaches to its mucosa (endometrium), through a process called implantation . If the implantation is successful, the pregnancy begins .

The health of the fallopian tubes is essential for reproduction . In the case of an inflammatory pelvic disease (annexitis, metanexitis, etc.), these can be filled with fluid and can be blocked, thus making it impossible to produce pregnancy.

Our tisane helps to kill bacteria like yeast, which are often the cause of infertility. It enhances the transportation of spermatozoa and fertilization which will eventually improve fertility. It is also rich in antioxidants, antioxidants are advisable in the treatment of clogged fallopian tubes, while taking this treatment our experts will be with you every step of the way to monitor the progress of the treatment and give advice where needed.

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Causes of clogged uterus

Among the most common disorders that lead to clogging of the tubes are:

- Pelvic inflammatory disease (BIP): a generic name given to inflammatory diseases of the ovaries or uterine tubes, most often caused by sexually transmitted infections produced by Chlamidia trachomatis or Neisseria gonorrhoea;

- Infections arising after a spontaneous abortion , curettage or a cesarean section ;

- Endometriosis - presence of different foci of tissue similar to the lining of the uterus (endometrium) in different regions of the woman's body;

- Polyps and uterine fibroids ;

- Ectopic tubal pregnancy - an extrauterine pregnancy, developed in one of the uterine tubes and which can lead to rupture of the fallopian tube and massive bleeding;

- Injuries to the fallopian tubes;

- Genital tuberculosis.

Natural treatments for unblocking the uterus

Apart from surgery to clear the fallopian tubes, there are several natural options that promise excellent results without causing the formation of additional scar tissue. These treatments include the use of herbs , enzyme therapies, abdominal massage for fertility stimulation or castor oil treatment.

Here are some plants recognized for their benefits on the fallopian tubes, and which give excellent results, especially when used as an adjuvant in antibiotic drug treatments :

- Gentiana (Hydrastis canadensis):

Image result for Gentiana (Hydrastis canadensis):

It has antibiotic, antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory effect. It is used to cure infections of the reproductive system, while reducing pain and inflammation. Gentiana protects the fallopian tubes from lesions caused by various infections and ensures the health of the uterine mucosa.

- Ginger (Zingiber officinalis):

Image result for Ginger (Zingiber officinalis):

Improves blood circulation in the reproductive organs and helps reduce inflammation of the uterus, ovaries or fallopian tubes.

- Dong Quai root (Angelica sinensis):

Image result for Dong Quai root (Angelica sinensis):

It acts on the circulatory and lymphatic system, reducing pelvic congestion. It has both analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties.

- Paducel (Crataegus officinale):

Image result for Paducel (Crataegus officinale)

Reduces abdominal congestion, having a high content of antioxidants . It improves the integrity of the blood vessel walls, helps the body properly utilize oxygen and improves blood flow.

- Peony root (Paeonia officinalis):

Image result for Peony root (Paeonia officinali

helps increase progesterone levels , lower testosterone and balance estrogen levels . It also helps reduce pain and relaxation.

- Root of wild yam (Dioscorea villosa):

Image result for Root of wild yam (Dioscorea villosa):

It balances hormone levels and supports the general balance of the reproductive system.

- Bear Grapes (Arctostaphylos uva bears):

Image result for - Bear Grapes (Arctostaphylos uva bears):

It is considered as one of the best plants for reducing fluid retention and congestion. Combating vaginitis, due to its antimicrobial activity, helps with proper detoxification .


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Cropped adenomyosis fighters logo dn 1


By On 05/03/2020

Adenomyosis is a disease characterized by overproduction of the endometrium, which causes pain during menstruation and has a high risk of infertility. The symptoms of the disease are not specific, so only one obstetrician-gynecologist can detect the disease after a thorough examination.

Only after the real symptoms of the pathology - hormonal imbalance, inflammatory processes - will the doctor start treatment. Often plant-based phytopreparations become part of the therapeutic system: sabelnik, boron bee, birch, sage. Their use has a positive effect on the woman's hormonal balance and the level of inflammatory reactions.

Nonethless, Here is a mixture of African's best medicinal plant to help you get rid of this disease once and for all.


-African medicinal plants against adenomyosis

If you have adenomyosis and want to avoid the operation, you have come to the right place. Here is a very effective natural remedy to cure adenomyosis permanently. It is specially designed for patients who do not want to have surgery, who want to get pregnant and have a normal pregnancy. This natural herbal treatment for adenomyosis will remove the pain you experience during your period and allow you to live normal cycles. It surpasses conventional treatments that relieve pain, but do not address the root of the problem. How does it work?

Our herbal tea contains plants that reduce estrogen levels in the blood. This helps to block the proliferation and bleeding of adenomyotic lesions. These medicinal plants are rich in antioxidants that inhibit the enzymes that lead to pro-inflammatory prostaglandins. These are nutrients with a high anti-inflammatory dose. This will definitely put an end to the pain you feel during your period. We know that many of you have had adenomyosis treatment or surgery, but the pain came back years later. Don't panic, ladies! With us, no recurrence, no side effects. You will definitely recover from adenomyosis.

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1. Wintergreen

Image result for wintergreen

When the plant uses adenomyosis - wintergreen. This is an infusion. Take 30 grams of dry leaves. This applies to 300 ml of hot water. Hold on to heat or thermos for at least two hours. It is then filtered, the whole infusion is divided into four portions and drunk throughout the day.

2. Red brush root

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You can use the plant - the root of the red brush - to treat the disease. One tablespoon of crushed raw material is poured into 250 ml of hot water. Steam in water bath for 20 minutes. You are ready to take 60 milliliters three times a day. After cooking, you should pause for 30 minutes before eating. We recommend treatment for one month.

3. Borovaya bee 

Image result for Borovaya bee

It helps to cure adenomyosis of such a herb as a boron bee. Infusions and tinctures alleviate inflammation and pain, stop excessive growth of the endometrium, and normalize the menstrual cycle. We recommend that you drink this tincture from the flowers of the plant. We pour 100 grams of dry raw material into half a liter of vodka. Leave to cook for at least 30 days. Then we filter and squeeze the grass. The finished product is diluted with 25 drops of water in the morning and evening.

Treatment method: 3 weeks - regular tincture intake, one month - break. He then repeats the course. You must also prepare an aqueous extract of boron bee. Cook a tablespoon of crushed dried plants in 260 ml of boiling water. In case of a low fire, let us boil for up to 7 minutes or heat for a few minutes to 10 minutes. After that, we still hold on for an hour. The procedures involved a warm tense infusion before bed.

It gives good results in the treatment of adenomyosis, daily intake of herbs (taken after a meal) and one-sided ramish food (before a meal). To prepare, each decoction must take one tablespoon of raw material to 200 ml of water. Boil the media for 15 minutes in a water bath, filter and apply in three steps as recommended.

4. Sabelink

Image result for sabelnik

Another effective national drug in the fight against adenomyosis is infusion of sabelnik.To obtain the active ingredient, you will need 50 grams of grass, which should be poured into 1 liter of water and set over low heat. The contents are cooked for 10 minutes and after cooling add strain. The medicine you receive is used twice a day at 1 reception per reception. According to many evaluations, the first signs of stabilization can be observed after two weeks of continuous treatment with Sabelnik.
Decoction can be used in the douching process, which speeds up the healing process.

5. Viburnum berry infusion 

Image result for Viburnum berry infusion 

This is an excellent tool in the treatment of the disease Adenomyosis reduced folk treatment remedies to bring back to normal hormonal balance and strengthen the immune system. There are several homeopathic remedies that allow to cure ademiosis in the early stages of development, while strengthening the sick body. The selection of medicines should be performed exclusively homeopathically taking into account the individual characteristics of a person, or they can be applied only badly instead of well.

6. Nettle

 Image result for Nettles

Nettles help to stop heavy bleeding, stimulate metabolism and healing. It needs to be prepared with boiled water at the rate of 1 cup of hot water at 2 tablespoons. l. plant. Drink a quarter cup 4-5 times a day.

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Adenomyosis header 1


By On 05/03/2020

First of all it is no news that adenomyosis plays a part in infertility to those who suffer it. 

Not many patients know what women have adenomyosis and its causes. Meanwhile, the problem is very serious and covers over 40% of women after 40 years. The resulting tumor is considered benign, since the transfer of mucosal tissue to other organs up to the bladder does not cause genetic changes in the cells. In later stages of the disease, endometriosis tissue is actively distributed throughout the body and gradually depleted. This process can take years and decades. Rarely, adenomyosis is considered a malignancy.

Drug treatment is not always effective, and even with surgery this patholody can always re-surface. 

Here is a mixture of African's best medicinal plant to help you get rid of this disease once and for all. 


Our herbal tea contains plants that reduce the estrogen level in the blood. This helps block the proliferation and bleeding of adenomyosis lesions. These herbal medicines are rich in antioxidants that inhibit the enzymes that lead to pro-inflammatory prostaglandins. These are nutrients with a high anti-inflammatory dose. This will definitively end the pain you experience during your period. We know that many of you have had adenomyosis treated or operated on, but the pain returned years later. Don't panic! With us, no recurrence, no side effects. You are going to cure adenomyosis permanently. This natural herbal tea also facilitates cell multiplications relating to fertility, growth, scarring, immunity; to the synthesis and secretion of many hormones.

Want know more concerning our product for adenomyosis, click here


  • FAITH PANDA 'I got diagnosed with adenomyosis 5 years ago, I went through an operation but it came back again. This time it grew in aplace that couldn't be operated and my only option was to stop my cycle. Nine months later, I decided to change my lifestyle. I stopped taking red meat, dietary products and ate more of vegetables and herbs. I also did more of exercises and now I am healed, happy and free from pains.
  • MIRANDA ' After hearing complaints about painful periods, my gynecologist offered that I take 1 capsule of fish oil, 1 tablet of iodomarin 100 mg in the morning, and a teaspoon of pitch tincture overnight. 10 days before menstruation. Has anyone tried this drink? It helps. I did this for over 4 months and now I am healed and pregnant. 
  • YONI ' I have suffered adenomyosis forn three years, I suffered severe menstrual pains. I made some research and found out I wasn't eaing well, so I changed my diet. I stopped taking coffee and consumed more of green tea. My menstrual pains have drastically reduced. 
  • BRENA AUGUSTINE 'I started having gynecological problems after my son was born in 2017. Dysmenorrhea, mood swings which were enough to disrupt my daily life and question my decision of becoming a mother. I suffered like a lot of pains. I visited doctors and ate pills but still I was not benefiting from the medical treatment which I was receiving. I was fed up with the problem and monthly visits to the doctor. I got Anemic every month even though I ate a good diet. After some reserch I discoverd yoga and abdominal massage could help I tried it. BY SEPTEMBER 2013, I visited my gynecologist, who declared that my uterus has regained it’s normal size and there was no abnormality inside!!

So Ladies don't give up, try this herbal tea which is plant-based, be rest assured you will be cured. But make sure to discuss any natural treatment with your gynecologist for a better treatment. 

Want know more concerning our product for adenomyosis, click here

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By On 05/03/2020

Image result for adenomyosis

Adenomyosis can be difficult to manage at times due to heavy blood loss and severe menstrual pain. Aromatherapy is a great way to relieve this pain.

Aromatherapy is one of the best way to manage the distressing cramps that comes with menstruation. Clary sage essential oil and marjoram essential are excellent for alleviating the pain and discomfort that comes with adenomyosis. It is recommended to use hot compresses made with these essential oils over your abdomen to get rid of or lower the severity of the symptoms of this condition.

NONETHELESS, if you suffer from this disease and want to get rid of it permanently, here is the best natural remedy.


Our herbal tea contains plants that reduce estrogen levels in the blood. This helps to block the proliferation and bleeding of adenomyotic lesions. These medicinal plants are rich in antioxidants that inhibit the enzymes that lead to pro-inflammatory prostaglandins. These are nutrients with a high anti-inflammatory dose. This will definitely put an end to the pain you feel during your period. We know that many of you have had adenomyosis treatment or surgery, but the pain came back years later. Don't panic, ladies! With us, no recurrence, no side effects. You will definitely recover from adenomyosis.

Find out more on adenomyosis and how to cure it with herbal tea
Telephone/Whatsapp: + 229 90431725



Image result for CHAMOMILLE

Chamomile is one of the first plants that man has used for therapeutic purposes. It is consumed, most often, in the form of tea, but chamomile oil is even more effective than chamomile tea in some situations.

If You are a sufferer of adenomyosis you can benefit from the therapeutic properties of chamomile by doing aromatherapy with chamomile oil or by applying it directly to the skin.Chamomille tea helps to relieve the sufferer from nausea, fatigue and pain associated with adenomyosis. Applying it to the pelvic area for 15 to 20 minutes several times a day can be helpful to relief from pain.

Other Benefits of chamomile oil

Image result for chamomile oil

It fights anxiety and depression - chamomile has been used for hundreds of years for its sedative properties. The smell of chamomile oil has a beneficial effect on brain chemistry, fighting anxiety and depressive states. To combat these mental disorders, chamomile oil can be used by aromatherapy or applied directly to the skin.

Fight allergies - Chamomile oil has antimicrobial and antioxidant properties, often being used successfully to improve allergic reactions. This oil has the ability to relieve nasal congestion, rashes and inflammation associated with allergic reactions. Applied to the skin, chamomile oil soothes skin rashes caused by food allergies.

Relieves joint pain - a study revealed that flavoinoids and volatile substances in chamomile oil penetrate the skin and have an anti-inflammatory effect. Therefore, it can be used successfully to reduce pain caused by arthritis. Chamomile oil can be applied locally, but also diluted in water where the patient suffering from joint pain gets bathed.

Relieves premenstrual pain - chamomile essential oil improves mood and reduces depressive thoughts. It also has antispasmodic effect and relieves muscle cramps specific to the difficult time of the month.

Treat insomnia - Chamomile oil combats insomnia, having relaxing properties. A study has shown that the smell of chamomile oil induces a state of calm, but also drowsiness, combating mild insomnia. Chamomile extract contains substances with a similar effect to benzodiazepines, which are known to be part of the class of light tranquilizers. For a restful sleep, use essential oil in an aromatherapy container. You can mix chamomile oil with lavender oil to enhance its effects. 

Beautifies the skin - chamomile oil provides a healthy glow to the skin, while fighting skin irritations due to anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties. Chamomile can be used to treat eczema, minor injuries and skin irritation. Apply a layer of chamomile oil to the skin with problems, after cleaning it with warm water beforehand, to make sure the pores open.

Cure for digestive problems - chamomile oil relieves a number of gastrointestinal problems such as diarrhea, constipation and abdominal cramps. Its antiseptic properties prevent the formation and multiplication of unhealthy microorganisms in the intestine.

Eliminate dandruff - chamomile is a natural and effective solution for dandruff. At the same time, chamomile oil moisturizes the scalp.



Since it stimulates blood circulation in the pelvic area, chamomile oil should not be used during pregnancy.

For internal use only use high quality chamomile oil and do not consume more than 14 days in a row. It is recommended to consult with your doctor regarding the consumption of chamomile oil.

Want know more concerning our product for adenomyosis, click here


Adenomyosis 1


By On 05/03/2020

According to studies, approximately Around one in 10 women will have adenomyosis , a serious condition that remains largely a mystery. Genetic factor, diet, retrograde menstruation, or simply a deficient immune / hormonal system are just a few of the possible causes of adenomyosis.

However, adenomyosis can even lead to infertility , being diagnosed and treated rather late, largely because of the association of symptoms with other known conditions.

A few of the symptoms associated with adenomyosis are:

  • accentuated premenstrual syndrome
  • abundant and painful menstruation ( dysmenorrhea )
  • pain during intercourse (dyspareunia)
  • repeated urinary tract infections
  • bleeding
  • endometriotic adhesions
  • abdominal pain
  • infertility

Each case, however, is different, so the level of pain or the presence of one or more alarm signals differs depending on the woman.

If you are a sufferer of adenomyosis and want to get treated without having to undergo surgery, yo have come to the right place


African medicinal plants against adenomyosis

If you have adenomyosis and want to avoid the operation, you have come to the right place. Here is a very effective natural remedy to cure adenomyosis permanently. It is specially designed for patients who do not want to have surgery, who want to get pregnant and have a normal pregnancy. This natural herbal treatment for adenomyosis will remove the pain you experience during your period and allow you to live normal cycles. It surpasses conventional treatments that relieve pain, but do not address the root of the problem. How does it work?

Our herbal tea contains plants that reduce estrogen levels in the blood. This helps to block the proliferation and bleeding of adenomyotic lesions. These medicinal plants are rich in antioxidants that inhibit the enzymes that lead to pro-inflammatory prostaglandins. These are nutrients with a high anti-inflammatory dose. This will definitely put an end to the pain you feel during your period. We know that many of you have had adenomyosis treatment or surgery, but the pain came back years later. Don't panic, ladies! With us, no recurrence, no side effects. You will definitely recover from adenomyosis.

​Find out more on adenomyosis and how to cure it with herbal tea
Telephone/Whatsapp: + 229 90431725


If you are experiencing this condition, here are 7 effective natural treatments. Of course, there is no guarantee yet, but all these measures could reduce the risk of recurrence and greatly alleviate your symptoms.

Avoid estrogen foods

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Estrogen production can negatively affect adenomyosis, as with other diseases and cancers. The body cannot eliminate estrogen, thus creating an imbalance that, in conjunction with other factors, leads to the formation of endometriotic adhesions, ovarian cysts, bloating , transit disorders, etc. Therefore, it would be advisable to avoid estrogenic foods and products such as soy, processed and preserved products, artificial sweeteners, some oils used in aromatherapy, makeup products, cleaning products, etc. It is true that you can very hard to give up all of them, but it is good to know their potential effect and try to avoid them.


Give up red meat and instead opt for a serving of green vegetables a day

Image result for NO RED MEAT

A study published in Human Reproduction Oxford Journals showed that eating meat, especially red meat , greatly increases the risk of adenomyosis. On the other hand, the same study suggests that a portion of green vegetables per day significantly decreases this risk. 

If you decide to give up meat completely, make sure you get the necessary protein and vitamins from other sources or food supplements.


Give up gluten!

Image result for Give up gluten!

It also seems that gluten is one of the risk factors for adenomyosis. A 2012 study published by the US National Library of Medicine showed that symptoms associated with endometriosis greatly decreased after study subjects discontinued gluten for 12 months. (5)

Watch out for products that contain sugar!

Image result for products that contain sugar!

Sugar increases the level of insulin in the body which promotes both adenomyosis and endometrial cancer. Although there are so far few studies that determine a safe link between sucrose, sugar-rich food intake and endometrial cancer risk, research to date speaks of a particular risk that it would be advisable to eliminate. 

Moreover, in Traditional Chinese Medicine, sweets and other products with a high glycemic index are considered to be the basis for the development of endometriosis and estrogen dominance. 

There are rumors that cow and sheep dairy products should be avoided as they can increase inflammation in the body.


Consume lycopene-rich foods!

Image result for Consume lycopene-rich foods!

A study presented at the American Society of Reproductive Medicine Conference in San Francisco showed that lycopene can treat adenomyosis Experts say that a daily red or lycopene tablet may be helpful, and a regular, lycopene-rich diet is all the more welcome.

Important sources of lycopene are tomatoes (especially cooked), melons, papaya, red peppers, red cabbage, mango, carrots , etc.


Replace coffee with green tea

Image result for Replace coffee with green tea

Green tea may lessen the pain associated with adenomyosis and lower the risk of endometriotic adhesions.These are the conclusions of a 2013 study, presented in the journal Human Reproduction . This beneficial effect is given by EGCG , epigallocatechin-3-gallate, an active substance in green tea. You can also opt for green tea dietary supplements, but it would be good to make sure that the percentage of EGCG is high, precisely to benefit from its positive effects. 

Consider other complementary therapies, such as acupuncture

Image result for acupuncture For adenomyosis

The complementary approach in the context of adenomyosis can be very good, as long as you meet a therapist who knows the details of this disease. Although more studies are needed, there are studies that have shown that acupuncture can be effective in controlling pain associated with adenomyosis.

So, you can resort to this alternative, as long as you are sure that your therapist is a qualified one and has experience with adenomyosis.

Find out more on adenomyosis and how to cure it with herbal tea
Telephone/Whatsapp: + 229 90431725




By On 04/03/2020

 Adenomyosis is an uterus disease that causes infertility. It occurs when the endometrial tissue exists within and grows into the muscular wall of the uterus. It is known for causing abdominal pain. So, if you are a woman who suffers pain and discomfort in your reproductive region adenomyosis may be a reason why.  

HOWEVER, the specialists at AFRICAN DOCTOR have found the very best mixture of african plants to get rid of the symptoms of this disturbing ailment. If yoyu are a sufferer of this disease and want to get rid of it without operation, BE REST ASSURED YOU AT THE RIGHT PLACE!!!



Our herbal tea contains plants that reduce the estrogen level in the blood. This helps block the proliferation and bleeding of adenomyosis lesions. These herbal medicines are rich in antioxidants that inhibit the enzymes that lead to pro-inflammatory prostaglandins. These are nutrients with a high anti-inflammatory dose. This will definitively end the pain you experience during your period. We know that many of you have had adenomyosis treated or operated on, but the pain returned years later. Don't panic! With us, no recurrence, no side effects. You are going to cure adenomyosis permanently. This natural herbal tea also facilitates cell multiplications relating to fertility, growth, scarring, immunity; to the synthesis and secretion of many hormones.

Want know more concerning our product for adenomyosis, click here


Why turmeric is good for women?

Why turmeric is so useful for women? Tumeric it is revered as a "golden spice" - all this thanks to its pharmacological properties: anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, antioxidant, immunomodulatory. It also inhibits the growth of cancer cells. Turmeric owes its medicinal properties , first of all, to such substances as curcuminoids and essential oil.

The composition of curcuminoids includes:

  • Curcumin

  • Demethoxycurcumin

  • Bisdemethoxycurcumin

Among these three, curcumin has the most pronounced healing potential. It is also useful, from a medical point of view, an essential oil that gives the spice a characteristic aroma.

The benefits of turmeric for the female reproductive system

Estrogen is a female sex hormone that plays an important role in the menstrual cycles and fertility of women. Studies have shown that turmeric can mimic estrogen activity. Curcumin acts as a weak phytoestrogen, i.e. estrogen of plant origin. Perhaps this explains its therapeutic effect in the treatment of female sexual disorders.

Turmeric during menstruation

It is known that this Indian spice can reduce pain during menstruation, as well as regulate their intensity. It has an antispasmodic effect on uterine contractions. In particular, this was established during the experiment, where the induced contractions of the smooth muscles of the rat uterus were reduced by using curcuminoids at concentrations of 8 micrograms / ml and 16 micrograms / ml.

Menstrual cycles can be accompanied by pain in the back and the whole body. The usual way out in such a situation is the use of painkillers. However, long-term use of such drugs, as well as non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, can lead to unpleasant side effects such as gastrointestinal upset, gastritis, high acidity, kidney failure, and the like.

Turmeric powder can be a good natural alternative to painkillers: it is enough to take it in doses of 400-600 mg 3 times a day. This is possible because curcumin exhibits tangible anti-inflammatory properties that make it less pain like regular painkillers. In this case, you can not worry about possible side effects.

Turmeric can "bring to life" your uterus, normalizing its work. Some researchers believe that it also helps to balance hormonal activity, because hormonal disorders are responsible for irregular periods and various diseases in a female way.

How does the menstrual cycle normalize?

Turmeric has properties through which it can stimulate menstruation. Such remedies are called emmenagogues - these are herbs that cause blood to move toward the pelvic area and uterus. Turmeric, in particular, cleanses, and also “stirs up” stagnant blood, so your menstruation returns to normal.

Another useful property of turmeric comes from the fact that it gently stimulates the uterus. Uterine stimulants are uterotonics - are drugs that prevent women to increase the frequency and intensity of uterine contractions. True, sometimes this can lead to various kinds of problems. Therefore, pregnant and lactating mothers, before taking turmeric, it is recommended to consult a doctor.


Leucorrhoea (leucorrhea) - this term refers to thick, whitish or yellowish vaginal discharge. It is believed that their cause may be various factors, including hormonal disorders, and whitening can continue for years.

But turmeric can be useful here. Take 10 g of powder and boil in enough water. Allow to cool, and use to wash 3-4 times a day. It is believed that this can give a lasting relief effect.

Adenomyosis and tumeric

This is a disease in which the uterine mucosa extends beyond the uterine cavity. According to statistics, about 15% of women of reproductive age suffer from it, and it can cause infertility. The exact cause of this disease has not yet been established, but it is known that oxidative stress and hormonal imbalance act as mediators.

Oxidative or oxidative stress is an imbalance between prooxidants and the body's natural antioxidant defense. Various biochemical pathways, including processes related to the female reproductive system, lead to prooxidants. When the latter are created in excess, they can cause oxidative stress, and lead to the spread of diseases.

According to studies, curcumin inhibits the growth of endometrial cells by regulating estrogen production. The antioxidant properties of curcumin are also used to help with infertility caused by oxidative stress in the endometrium.

Turmeric for adenomyosis: how to take?

It can be added to food during cooking on a regular basis. Any dishes are suitable: soups, stewed vegetables, hot milk and more.

If we talk about doses , we can distinguish the following:

  • The usual turmeric powder is 400-600 mg 3 times a day.

  • Turmeric liquid extract with a concentration of 1: 1 - 30-90 drops per day.

  • Tincture in a ratio of 1: 2 - 15-30 drops 4 times a day.

Want know more concerning our product for adenomyosis, click here


By On 04/03/2020

You might be wondering what adenomyosis is ? Adenomyosis is an uterus disease that causes infertility. It occurs when the endometrial tissue exists within and grows into the muscular wall of the uterus. It is known for causing abdominal pain. So, if you are a woman who suffers pain and discomfort in your reproductive region adenomyosis may be a reason why.  

Nonethless, African doctor’s specialists have found the very best mixture of african plants to get rid of the symptoms of this disturbing ailment.


Our herbal tea contains plants that reduce the estrogen level in the blood. This helps block the proliferation and bleeding of adenomyosis lesions. These herbal medicines are rich in antioxidants that inhibit the enzymes that lead to pro-inflammatory prostaglandins. These are nutrients with a high anti-inflammatory dose. This will definitively end the pain you experience during your period. We know that many of you have had adenomyosis treated or operated on, but the pain returned years later. Don't panic! With us, no recurrence, no side effects. You are going to cure adenomyosis permanently. This natural herbal tea also facilitates cell multiplications relating to fertility, growth, scarring, immunity; to the synthesis and secretion of many hormones.

Want know more concerning our product for adenomyosis, click here


  1. Yoga

Image result for Yoga

Yoga can be used to re-center your body and moderate hormonal balance. It can reduce cramping and discomfort during menstruation, and lower the impact of the symptoms of Adenomyosis. Yoga also helps to stretch your body, eliminate toxins boost the metabolism, and naturally lower the pain and inflammation of adenomyosis.

  1. Tumeric

Image result for Tumeric

The curcumin in turmeric can help reduce the inflammation in the uterus and regulate menstrual bleeding. Mix turmeric into a glass of milk is a great way to reduce inflammation that occurs in adenomyosis.

  1. Calcium and Magnesium

Food rich in these two essential minerals balance the menstrual process, which can help to eliminate the symptoms or reduce the severity of adenomyosis

  1. Shepherd’s purse

This herb is used to treat Adenomyosis in certain cases because it is known to cause uterine contractions. Sherpherd’s purse also significantly constricts the blood vessels and reduces the blood flow during menstruation as well as peripheral bleeding that occurs in adenomyosis.

This herb should not be used during pregnancy.

  1. Reduce your intake of red meat and fatty foods.
  2. Increase your intake of leafy green vegetables like lettuce, kale, celery. Also, take more anti-inflammatories like beets, broccoli that help out the liver balance hormones.
  3. Eat high fiber content foods such as quinoa, coconut, brown rice and fruits
  4. Take supplements : supplements like pycnogenol are beneficial to the reproductive region of a woman.
  5. Chamomille :

Chamomille tea helps to relieve the sufferer from nausea, fatigue and pain associated with adenomyosis. Applying it to the pelvic area for 15 to 20 minutes several times a day can be helpful to relief from pain.

  1. Grushanka : This plant is commonly known as female grass. It is recommended to use for adenomyosis. Due to its rich composition and multifaceted properties, the round-leaved pear is used in almost all diseases of the reproductive system. It is common for a plant to influence the functioning of the reproductive system.

An infusion is prepared from it. Take 30 grams of dry leaves. This is the norm per ml of boiling water. Insist in warmth or a thermos for at least two hours. Then filter, the entire infusion is divided into four servings and drunk throughout the day. An anti-inflammatory, analgesic and absorbable effect on the endometrium of the uterus will also have an infusion of the anus. A teaspoon of grass is brewed with a cup of hot boiling water and insisted. It is advisable to do this in a thermos. Take the drug in milliliters three times a day.

  1. Grass of a saberfish

A daily intake of a decoction of a grass of a saberfish should be taken after a meal and a decoction of a ramisia; it is taken one-sided before meals. To prepare each broth, you should take one tablespoon of raw materials per ml of water. Decoctions are boiled for 15 minutes in a water bath, filter and use in three doses each according to the recommendations. Uterine adenomyosis responds well to treatment with douching with this herbal collection.

  1. Clay therapy is also used in the treatment of adenomyosis. First, it is diluted with water and allowed to infuse. Then the excess liquid is drained and heated in a water bath. Thick mass spread on a dense napkin, evenly smooth and apply to the lower abdomen. Treatment is carried out daily for 10 days. For each clay treatment session, only a fresh portion of clay is taken. It is quite possible to cure uterine adenomyosis with folk remedies. However, such treatment requires a lot of time and responsibility. The fight against the disease with the help of modern, traditional and folk methods will certainly lead to a quick and complete cure.

 Want know more concerning our product for adenomyosis, click here


By On 04/03/2020

What is adenomyosis?

Adenomyosis is a rare medical condition in which there is growth of endometrial cells in the muscular walls of the uterus. It primarily affectd women aged between 35 and 50. It is characterized by heavy menstrual bleeding and severe cramps and in most cases, it disappears after menopause.

What are the natural remedies for adenomyosis?

Since researchers are unable to determine the cause of adenomyosis, it is not easy to get rid of it completely. If the pain becomes severe or if the bleeding is very heavy or prolonged, doctors may suggest a hysterectomy. If you are looking for a natural alternative to hysterectomy for adenomyosis, you have come to the right place.

There are natural ways to manage pain, reduce heavy menstrual bleeding, reduce the growth of foreign tissue and improve uterine health to help cure adenomyosis and eventually become pregnant. These include:

1-African medicinal plants against adenomyosis?

If you have adenomyosis and want to avoid the operation, you have come to the right place. Here is a very effective natural remedy to cure adenomyosis permanently. It is specially designed for patients who do not want to have surgery, who want to get pregnant and have a normal pregnancy. This natural herbal treatment for adenomyosis will remove the pain you experience during your period and allow you to live normal cycles. It surpasses conventional treatments that relieve pain, but do not address the root of the problem. How does it work?

Our herbal tea contains plants that reduce estrogen levels in the blood. This helps to block the proliferation and bleeding of adenomyotic lesions. These medicinal plants are rich in antioxidants that inhibit the enzymes that lead to pro-inflammatory prostaglandins. These are nutrients with a high anti-inflammatory dose. This will definitely put an end to the pain you feel during your period. We know that many of you have had adenomyosis treatment or surgery, but the pain came back years later. Don't panic, ladies! With us, no recurrence, no side effects. You will definitely recover from adenomyosis.

​Find out more on adenomyosis and how to cure it with herbal tea
To contact our experts please call or write to us on the following numbers, tel / WhatsApp: +22990431725​

2- Castor oil

Image result for castor oil

Castor oil is a very effective natural remedy against adenomyosis. Castor oil stimulates the regular detoxification of old blood. Castor oil helps reduce inflammation and pain while working with the body's natural detoxification systems to reduce the growth of foreign tissue, scar tissue, and adhesion formation.

How to use castor oil against adenomyosis? You have two options.

   a- Place a cloth soaked in castor oil on the lower abdomen to improve circulation and promote healing of tissues and organs under the skin. Do this twice a day

   b- Apply a little castor oil to your lower abdomen. Place a bottle of hot water on your abdomen and leave it for about 15 to 20 minutes. Do this twice a day.

3- Turmeric

Image result for Turmeric

Originally from Southeast Asia, turmeric has long been used as a food additive in therapy and prevention. It is one of the best options to treat adenomyosis due to the presence of curcumin. The anti-inflammatory and healing properties of curcumin can help reduce the inflammation of your body caused by adenomyosis. Turmeric can also relieve pain and swelling.

Instructions for use:

  • Add a teaspoon of turmeric powder to a glass of hot milk and mix well.
  • Consume this mixture once a day (early in the morning).

4-Aloe vera

Image result for Aloe vera

Aloe vera is a plant with many qualities to take care of your health, whether for internal or external use. Aloe vera has soothing and anti-inflammatory properties that can help to treat adenomyosis and relieve its symptoms such as pain, swelling, and inflammation.

Instructions for use:

Drink a glass of fresh aloe vera juice every day.

5- Apple cider vinegar

Image result for Apple cider vinegar

You may not know it, but cider vinegar has unsuspected virtues for our health and well-being. Cider vinegar is often used for its many benefits, including its anti-inflammatory properties. It is an ideal solution to treat adenomyosis and other menstrual problems such as bloating and cramps.

Instructions for use:

  • Add two teaspoons of cider vinegar to a glass of warm water and mix well.
  • Drink this mixture twice a day.

You can also soak a sponge in apple cider vinegar solution and apply it to your lower abdomen for relief.

6- Vitamins B and E

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Vitamin B and vitamin E play an important role in the treatment of conditions such as adenomyosis. While the B vitamin complex is ideal for relieving painful periods, vitamin E can provide the antioxidants needed to fight free radical damage.

You can get the required quantity of these vitamins by eating eggs, milk, cheese, fish, poultry, almonds, spinach, and kale. If you want to take supplements for these vitamins, you can do so after consulting your doctor.

6- Fertility massage

Image result for Fertility massage

A fertility massage may be one of the easiest and most effective ways to improve your uterine health, which is essential if you have adenomyosis. This massage can be done in the comfort and privacy of your own home. It can promote reproductive health, the menstrual cycle and your fertility.

This type of massage can also help you to promote the healing of adenomyosis, thus reducing pain and inflammation. It also helps to eliminate old blood. Fertility Massage can also help to maintain the health of the muscles of the uterus, which are strongly affected by adenomyomas.

Instructions for use:

  • Mix six drops of lavender oil with a teaspoon of coconut oil.
  • Massage the mixture on your abdomen for about 2 minutes.
  • Leave it on for one night or at least 30 to 40 minutes before rinsing.

How often should you do this?

Do it once or twice a day, especially when you have your period.

7- Use a heating pad

Image result for Use a heating pad

The heat from the heating pad can help improve blood flow to your pelvic area. This helps to relieve the construction pressure and pain in the uterus. Here's how to do it:

  • Take a heating pad and place it on your lower abdomen.
  • Leave it for 5 minutes.
  • Repeat three times during the day.


Image result for GINGER

Ginger is packed with gingerers, which are powerful anti-oxidants that also act as anti-inflammatory agents and keep the uterus functioning normally. This common kitchen spice also works as a natural analgesic.

​Find out more on adenomyosis and how to cure it with herbal tea

​To contact our experts please call or write to us on the following numbers, tel / WhatsApp: +22990431725



By On 03/03/2020

Adenomyosis is one of the diseases seen in older women. It is one of the most common diseases such as fibroids. 

Ginger is a plant from the Zingiberaceae family, which is from the same family as Turmeric. It is essentially rich in minerals like manganese, phosphorus and magnesium, but It also contains calcium, sodium, small amounts of vitamin B1, B2 but especially vitamin B3. And these properties help to fight against adenomyosis leading to infertility.

HERE is the mixture of AFRICAN'S FINEST HERBS. 


If you have adenomyosis and want to avoid the operation, you've come to the right place. Here is a very effective natural remedy to cure adenomyosis permanently. It is specially designed for patients who do not want to have surgery, who want to get pregnant and have a normal pregnancy. This natural herbal treatment to treat adenomyosis will remove the pain you experience during menstruation and allow you to live normal cycles. It surpasses conventional treatments that relieve pain, but do not attack the root of the disease.


How does it work?

Our herbal tea contains plants that reduce the estrogen level in the blood. This helps block the proliferation and bleeding of adenomyosis lesions. These herbal medicines are rich in antioxidants that inhibit the enzymes that lead to pro-inflammatory prostaglandins. These are nutrients with a high anti-inflammatory dose. This will definitively end the pain you experience during your period. We know that many of you have had adenomyosis treated or operated on, but the pain has returned years later. No panic ladies! With us, no recurrence, no side effects. You are going to heal permanently from adenomyosis.

To discover our natural remedy for adenomyosis, click here
To discover our natural remedy to treat infertility, click here



Adenomyosis is completely asymptomatic in 35% of cases. It is often detected incidentally, during diagnostic hysteroscopy, hysterosalpingography or pelvic ultrasound.

When it is symptomatic, the following symptoms are found in order of frequency:
Pelvic gravity
Deep dyspareunia

The causes

o Invasive tissue growth. Some experts believe that adenomyosis results from the direct invasion of endometrial cells from the lining of the uterus into the muscle that forms the uterine walls.
o Developmental origins.
o Uterine inflammation related to childbirth.
o Origins of stem cells.



 Image result for ginger

According to some studies, we have found that ginger can reduce the pain associated with menstruation. This suggests that ginger could have a similar effect on the pain associated with endometriosis. Ginger has been used as a remedy for over 40 different conditions, from diarrhea to menstrual cramps. They also use it in many traditional medicines!


The virtues of ginger

• It contains antioxidants called "gingerols", which fight diseases
• It speeds up circulation
• It encourages perspiration, thus expelling waste and toxins from the body
• Aid in digestion
• Cleans clogged arteries allowing better blood circulation
• Lowers cholesterol
• Prevention of natural pain and help with inflammatory conditions
• Heartburn relief
• Relief of migraine because prostaglandins are reduced
• Helps the kidneys remove toxins
You will need
• 1 teaspoon of chopped ginger
• 1 cup of water
What you should do
1. Add a teaspoon of chopped ginger to a cup of water and bring to a boil in a saucepan.
2. Simmer and strain.
3. Let the tea cool a little and add honey to it.
4. Drink immediately.


How often should you do it

You can drink ginger tea 3 to 4 times a day for optimal benefits.
Why it works
Active components like gingerol in ginger give it anti-inflammatory properties. This makes it a wonderful remedy that relieves the inflammation and pain associated with this pathology. 

To discover our natural remedy for adenomyosis, click here
To discover our natural remedy to treat infertility, click here


By On 03/03/2020

You have been diagnosed with adenomyosis and now you are worried that it might affect your fertility. Indeed, your intuition is correct, this disease can pose a great problem to women in their child-bearing age and causes infertility. Stay tuned and discover how to boost your fertility with this pathology.
Adenomyosis is a condition where the cells which normally form a lining on the inside of your uterus also grow in its muscle wall. This disease is only seen in women in their reproductive years because its growth requires a hormone called oestrogen. 


Our herbal tea contains plants that reduce the estrogen level in the blood. This helps block the proliferation and bleeding of adenomyosis lesions. These herbal medicines are rich in antioxidants that inhibit the enzymes that lead to pro-inflammatory prostaglandins. These are nutrients with a high anti-inflammatory dose. This will definitively end the pain you experience during your period. We know that many of you have had adenomyosis treated or operated on, but the pain returned years later. Don't panic! With us, no recurrence, no side effects. You are going to cure adenomyosis permanently. This natural herbal tea also facilitates cell multiplications relating to fertility, growth, scarring, immunity; to the synthesis and secretion of many hormones. 

Want know more concerning our product for adenomyosis, click here


Related image

After menopause, when our estrogen levels plummet, adenomyosis decreases. Unfortunately women with this condition may find it more challenging to conceive, and when you do conceive, it's believed that women with adenomyosis may have an increased risk of having twins or multiples but there is no truth to this claim.

There's is a couple of reasons why researchers associate adenomyosis with difficulty conceiving. Firstly, it can impact the ability of your uterine muscles to contract appropriately. Secondly, endometrial cells that have jimmed their way inside the muscle may release chemicals that can make it harder to conceive. And thirdly, the adenomyosis can make it more difficult for the embryo to implant. So even if you try to go down the IVF route, it can still be a little more tricky  to conceive than than usual. 

However, In the event that adenomyosis is at an early stage, you can become pregnant. Problems begin to arise at the stage when the uterine cavity is significantly changed and deformed, it becomes very difficult to achieve pregnancy, because the probability of successful implantation of the embryo and its further development in the uterus is extremely small. In some cases, in severe forms of adenomyosis, the doctor may recommend a surrogacy procedure , when the embryo obtained as a result of IVF (in vitro fertilization) is transplanted into the uterine cavity of the surrogate mother, who carries it and passes the baby to biological parents after birth. But, of course, timely diagnosis and adequate treatment usually make it possible to restore natural fertility.  


  • Ensure to reduce oxidative stress by having diet rich in anti-oxidant.
  • Focus on reducing inflammation by including good omega 3 fats in your diet. 
  • Avoid foods that increases inflammation like sugar and alcohol.
  • If you have high levels of estrogen levels, eat foods containing isoflavone

Want know more concerning our product for adenomyosis, click here

Femme mal ventre


By On 27/02/2020

DO YOU HAVE DOUBTS OF GETTING PREGNANT BECAUSE YOU SUFFER FROM ADENOMYOSIS? YOU COULD BE RIGHT!!! ADENOMYOSIS IS ONE OF THE FREQUENT CAUSES OF INFERTILITY IN WOMEN. WHILE there EXIST OTHER UTERINE PROBLEMS, UTERINE Adenomyosis is a disease whose true incidence is not known, because the diagnosis is difficult. However, most often, adenomyosis is detected by chance in women undergoing examination for endometriosis, fibromyomas, or pelvic pain. A more pronounced degree of pairing increases the risk.

The disease is more common at childbearing age (25-30 years), however, teenage girls and menopause women may be familiar with the symptoms of adenomyosis. What are the causes and signs of uterine adenomyosis, how to cure the disease?

Image result for adenomyosis


Though the exact causes of this pathology is unknown, there exist some factors that increases the risk of developing the disease. Some of which are :

  • manipulations on the uterus such as abortion, surgery, cesarean section;
  • inflammation of the uterus (endometritis);
  • the use of an intrauterine device;
  • violations during fetal development;
  • hormonal disruptions, hormonal medication;
  • stress, decreased immunity;
  • heavy physical exertion.


The onset of the disease is asymptomatic in half the cases, symptoms appear as the pathology progresses. Signs of uterine adenomyosis are:

  • painful, protracted menstruation;
  • spotting between them;
  • cycle disturbances;
  • pain (worse during intercourse);
  • deformation of the uterus, bloating at the 4th stage.


Image result for Conventional medicine

There are to ways to get rid of adenomyosis and this can be done through traditional or conventional medicine. Traditional medicinal tea gives quality results for diseases such as internal endometriosis and improves overall health with no side effect except allergies depending on the patient as it comes from nature itself and does not pass through chemical procedures. On the other hand, Conventional medicine known as modern treatment involves drug and surgery which are not without side effects. However, they help in treating or getting rid of diseases such as adenomyosis temporarily or permanently. 


This tea is a combination of African's finest medicinal plants, useful, effective and rapid in the treatment of adenomyosis. 

Our herbal tea contains plants that reduce the estrogen level in the blood. This helps block the proliferation and bleeding of adenomyosis lesions. These herbal medicines are rich in antioxidants that inhibit the enzymes that lead to pro-inflammatory prostaglandins. These are nutrients with a high anti-inflammatory dose. This will definitively end the pain you experience during your period. We know that many of you have had adenomyosis treated or operated on, but the pain returned years later. Don't panic ! With us, no recurrence, no side effects. You are going to cure adenomyosis permanently. This natural herbal tea also facilitates cell multiplications relating to fertility, growth, scarring, immunity; to the synthesis and secretion of many hormones. 



You can diagnose the disease at a gynecological examination with colposcopy. To understand how to treat adenomyosis through conventional means and its stages, the following are considered:

  • laboratory tests - blood tests (clinical, biochemical, for hormones), smear (for flora and cytology);
  • instrumental studies - ultrasound (the uterus looks spherical, unevenly enlarged, cystic formations are visible), hysteroscopy, MRI.

For the treatment of adenomyosis are used:

  • drug therapy - hormonal, painkillers, anti-inflammatory, immunomodulating drugs;
  • physiotherapy - blockage, cauterization of blood vessels, ablation;
  • surgical removal of pathological nodes or uterus (extreme measure).

Successful treatment of uterine adenomyosis in the early stages is possible with conservative methods. The key to health is a timely visit to a doctor and annual preventive examinations of a gynecologist.



Unnamed 13


By On 25/02/2020

Uterine adenomyosis is a private form of endometriosis , namely, internal endometriosisa painful lesion during which the internal mucous membrane of the uterus, the endometrium, grows into other layers.

Adenomyosis is a rare medical condition in which there is growth of endometrial cells in the muscular walls of the uterus. It primarily affects women of age 35-50 and this disease is characterized by heavy menstrual bleeding and painful cramps and in most cases it disappears after menopause but this can deprive you of getting pregnant during your child bearing age. 
Although hysterectomy is recommended by most doctors, there are home remedies and natural treatment that can help in successfully alleviating the symptoms of adenomyosis. The exact cause of adenomyosis is unknown. 

Nevertheless, African doctor has discovered the best medicinal plants in africa to cure this pathology. 


In addition to the african herbal tea, there are other effective home remedies that can be used as natural healing options for adenomyosis


Our herbal tea contains plants that reduce the estrogen level in the blood. This helps block the proliferation and bleeding of adenomyosis lesions. These herbal medicines are rich in antioxidants that inhibit the enzymes that lead to pro-inflammatory prostaglandins. These are nutrients with a high anti-inflammatory dose. This will definitively end the pain you experience during your period. We know that many of you have had adenomyosis treated or operated on, but the pain returned years later. Don't panic ladies! With us, no recurrence, no side effects. You are going to cure adenomyosis permanently. This natural herbal tea also facilitates cell multiplications relating to fertility, growth, scarring, immunity; to the synthesis and secretion of many hormones. Thanks to these medicinal plants, you will avoid miscarriages. It’s the secret of nature to cure adenomyosis and get pregnant quickly.
Our natural remedy to treat adenomyosis very often gives positive results and acts significantly on the reduction of pain experienced. It has an efficiency rate of 98%. 

Are you suffering from ovarian cyst and want to more on how to get rid of it and get pregnant, just click here

2. Astringent medicinal plants

For women who have heavy menstrual bleeding, heavy blood clotting, or long-term menstrual bleeding, the herbal astringent mixture may be a good option. This mixture combines astringent plants, uterine tonics and nutrients to support normal menstrual flow. It combines these herbs: ginger root, Cranesbill root, periwinkle herb, Yarrow flower, Liferoot herb, shepherd's purse herb.
This mixture should only be used to manage heavy bleeding; therefore, it should only be taken on days with heavy bleeding.

3. Ginger 

What Is Ginger? Nutrition Facts, Health Benefits, Alternative Uses ...

Ginger (Zingiber officinale) is a plant in the zingiberaceae family. It is from the same family as turmeric. Ginger contains active components such as gingerol which give it anti-inflammatory properties. This makes it a wonderful remedy that relieves the inflammation and pain associated with adenomyosis.
-Add a teaspoon of minced ginger to a cup of water and heat to a boil in a saucepan.
-Let simmer and filter.
-Let the tea cool a little and add honey to it.
-Drink immediately.
This herbal tea is to be drunk 3 times a day (morning, noon and evening). 

4. Shepherd's purse

Image result for Shepherd's purse

According to the African doctor's experts, shepherd's purse is used to treat irregularities in menstruation as iit is known to increase uterine contractions. This also aids in reducing bleeding, it is claimed that the herb limits blood flow in the pelvic area because it constricts blood vessels. Pregnant women should avoid using shepherd's purse as it boosts uterine contractions. 

5. Vitamins B and E​

Image result for Vitamins E​​​

Vitamin B and vitamin E play an important role in the treatment of conditions such as adenomyosis. While the B vitamin complex is ideal for relieving painful periods, vitamin E can provide the antioxidants needed to fight free radical damage.You can get the required quantity of these vitamins by eating eggs, milk, cheese, fish, poultry, almonds, spinach, and kale. If you want to take supplements for these vitamins, you can do so after consulting your doctor.

6. Use a heating pad

Related image

The heat from the heating pad can help improve blood flow to your pelvic area. This helps to relieve the construction pressure and pain in the uterus. Here's how to do it:

  • Take a heating pad and place it on your lower abdomen.
  • Leave it for 5 minutes.
  • Repeat three times during the day.

7. Vitex

Image result for Vitex

This is a well known natural remedy for adenomyosis. Vitex contains certain compounds that have the same effects of progesterone, testosterone and other hormones. This inhibits the growth of estrogen production in the body. This helps in eliminating the symptoms of adenomyosis since estrogen causes this condition and it benefits women who experience excessive bleeding in the uterus caused by impaired ovarian function. 

8. Aloe vera

8 Benefits of Aloe Vera for Skin, According to Dermatologists

Apart from its effect on the skin and hair, it helps in making menstrual flow more constant and preventing cramps. When there is constant menstrual flow it reduces the pressure on the uterus and in turn eliminates pain. 


  • Drink a glass of aloe vera twice a day to gain this benefits. 
  • You can  apply fresh aloe vera gel on the affected area to reduce cramps 

9. Magnesium

Image result for Magnesium

Magnesium is a muscle relaxant and therefore helps us to relax and sleep better, especially if taken in the evening. Magnesium has also been shown to relax smooth muscles  and, therefore, can influence adenomyosis by its effect on retrograde menses.

10. Aromatherapy 

Image result for Aromatherapy 

Aromatherapy is a great way to manage the distressing cramps that comes with menstruation. Clary sage essential oil and marjoram essential are excellent for alleviating the pain and discomfort that comes with adenomyosis. It is recommended to use hot compresses made with these essential oils over your abdomen to get rid of or lower the severity of the symptoms of this condition.

Are you suffering from ovarian cyst and want to more on how to get rid of it and get pregnant, just click here


Adenomyosis vs uterine fibroids


By On 25/02/2020

Uterine health is supported, first, due to the level of hormones and good immunity. When this immunity begins to fail and the level of the hormone called estrogen increase it gives rise to several abnormalities in the uterus.  Adenomyosis is one of these abnormalities. 

What is adenomyosis? 

Adenomyosis is one of benign systemic disorders, which is characterized by the fact that endometrial cells multiply beyond the borders of the uterine mucosa. At the same time, the new location of endometrial cells is not only the genitals (both external and internal), but also other organs and systems of the body, including the gastrointestinal tract, urinary and bronchopulmonary systems.


What are the best home remedies for adenomyosis?


1. African tisane for adenomyosis 

Our herbal tea contains plants that reduce the estrogen level in the blood. This helps block the proliferation and bleeding of adenomyosis lesions. These herbal medicines are rich in antioxidants that inhibit the enzymes that lead to pro-inflammatory prostaglandins. These are nutrients with a high anti-inflammatory dose. This will definitively end the pain you experience during your period. We know that many of you have had adenomyosis treated or operated on, but the pain returned years later. Don't panic ladies! With us, no recurrence, no side effects. You are going to cure adenomyosis permanently. This natural herbal tea also facilitates cell multiplications relating to fertility, growth, scarring, immunity; to the synthesis and secretion of many hormones. Thanks to these medicinal plants, you will avoid miscarriages. It’s the secret of nature to cure adenomyosis and get pregnant quickly.
Our natural remedy to treat adenomyosis very often gives positive results and acts significantly on the reduction of pain experienced. It has an efficiency rate of 98%.

Trust us and get pregnant.


 To discover our product to treat Adenomyosis, click here

To have more information or place an order dial the following number:

Telephone/WhatsApp: + 229 90431725


2. Castor oil

Global Castor Oil Market 2020 Research by Business Analysis ...

Castor oil is a very effective natural remedy against adenomyosis. Castor oil stimulates the regular detoxification of old blood. Castor oil helps reduce inflammation and pain while working with the body's natural detoxification systems to reduce the growth of foreign tissue, scar tissue, and adhesion formation.


How to use castor oil against adenomyosis? You have two options. 


a- Place a cloth soaked in castor oil on the lower abdomen to improve circulation and promote healing of tissues and organs under the skin. Do this twice a day

b- Apply a little castor oil to your lower abdomen. Place a bottle of hot water on your abdomen and leave it for about 15 to 20 minutes.

Do this twice a day.


3. Stone oil 

Image result for stone oil for pain

This is a unique component in the fight against adenomyosis, as it helps to increase immunity, normalizes the function of the thyroid gland, whose work is often the cause of gynecological diseases.

To prepare a solution of 5g. Stone oil should be dissolved in 3l boiled water at room temperature, let it brew for 2 days, take 1 cup 3 times a day before meals.


4. Hirudotherapy

This is believed to be the most effective way to treat uterine adenoma. But, again, without consulting a doctor, you can not resort to it. When leeches are planted on the patient’s body, on a sore spot. Leeches with their bites stimulate the lymph nodes. Immunity is strengthened, in addition, blood flow is normalized and hormones enter the reproductive system in the right amount.


5. Fertility massage

A fertility massage may be one of the easiest and most effective ways to improve your uterine health, which is essential if you have adenomyosis. This massage can be done in the comfort and privacy of your own home. It can promote reproductive health, the menstrual cycle and your fertility. This type of massage can also help you to promote the healing of adenomyosis, thus reducing pain and inflammation. It also helps to eliminate old blood. Fertility Massage can also help to maintain the health of the muscles of the uterus, which are strongly affected by adenomyomas.

Instructions for use:

  • Mix six drops of lavender oil with a teaspoon of coconut oil.
  • Massage the mixture on your abdomen for about 2 minutes.
  • Leave it on for one night or at least 30 to 40 minutes before rinsing.

How often should you do this?

Do it once or twice a day, especially when you have your period but not when pregnant. 



What are the possible causes of adenomyosis?

There are a sufficiently large number of theories trying to explain the appearance and mechanism of the development of adenomyosis, but the causes of the disease in most cases remain difficult to explain.

Although there are a few assumptions about the occurrence of this female disease: Some of which are

  • Changes in the hormonal background are observed in some patients with adenomyosis: "insensitivity" to the action of progesterone, LUF syndrome and others. The thyroid gland, ovaries affect the hormonal background of a woman, therefore, any violations in these organs can lead to disease, but the state of the hormonal background is not always an accurate indicator of the disease.
  • Imbalance in the immune system.
  • Pathology in the intercellular reactions of the body.
  • The most recognized implantation theory, the main influencing factor of which is “retrograde menstruation” - when, menstrual flow moves for some reason back through the fallopian tubes and enter the peritoneum and other organs - is not suitable for adenomyosis, because it develops inside the body of the uterus, and not outside it.

These are theories that are trying to explain with scientific criteria what exactly affects uterine adenomyosis, which is its root cause and impetus for its development, but there are obvious provocative factors that are observed in patients:

  • Genetic predisposition to tumor diseases of the genitals.
  • Overweight, hypertension, gastrointestinal diseases, allergies, susceptibility to infectious diseases.
  • Frequent gynecological diseases (inflammatory, external endometriosis and others).
  • A history of periodic surgical interventions on the uterus: curettage, abortion.
  • Ectopic pregnancy. Hormonal medication, the use of intrauterine devices.
  • Other pathologies of the uterus (fibroid, cervical erosion). 


What are the symptoms of adenomyosis? 

Symptoms of adenomyosis will not always manifest due to the fact that internal endometriosis may not be in active form and the appearance of symptoms may be at the initial stage of the disease, only a doctor can detect the first degree of this pathology.

Typical symptoms of adenomyosis:

Pain in the lower abdomen, which develops into chronic pelvic pain. 

  • Uterine bleeding, before and after menstruation - a small amount of brown discharge is constantly observed with adenomyosis, the duration of which can be 7 days or more.
  • Menstrual irregularities: an increase in duration, severe soreness and profusion.
  • Decreased hemoglobin.
  • Infertility.
  • Regardless of the menstrual cycle, pain can occur during an intimate relationship. 


Is it dangerous to have an enlarged uterus?

Having an enlarged uterus can be a concern depending on its cause. If it's not pregnancy then it could be due to inflammation of the vaginal mucosa which was left untreated. This inflammation can cause pain during sexual intercourse.

Is adenomyosis cancerous?

Adenomyosis is rarely cancerous. Indeed, there is less than a 1% chance that adenomyosis will turn out to be cancerous. In about 99% of cases, adenomyosis is non-cancerous.

Can adenomyosis cause infertility?

Some studies suggest that adenomyosis is a cause of infertility. However, we need more research to come to a formal conclusion.

Can you get pregnant if you have adenomyosis?

Although the risk of double miscarriage in women with adenomyosis is high, symptom management can help with conception.


Naturally, the prevention of any disease is a correct and healthy lifestyle. Adenomyosis is often a companion to modern business women who lead an overly active lifestyle and often experience severe psychological overload. Based on this, a number of rules can be distinguished, following which will allow you to avoid the appearance of adenomyosis:

  • Undergo regular examinations by a gynecologist.
  • Pay attention to your health and well-being.
  • Learn to avoid stressful situations and find time to relax and rest.
  • Avoid excessive exposure to ultraviolet rays.


Is there medical treatment for adenomyosis?

The treatment of adenomyosis must be individualized and will mainly depend on the severity of the symptoms (mild, moderate, severe), gestational desire and the age of the patient.

Initially, symptomatic relief is sought by pharmacological methods. To do this, they are administered:

  • Analgesics (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs)
  • Hormonal contraceptives
  • Danazol (anti-estrogens)
  • Gonadotropin hormone (GnRH) release analogs

In most patients, these treatments are enough to end the symptomatology of the disease. However, many of them are incompatible with pregnancy.

If pharmacological methods fail or if pregnancy is sought, surgical treatment may be indicated, depending on the size and extent of the lesions. It involves removing adenomyotic tissue and rebuilding the uterine wall.

If symptoms do not go away with these commented methods, the only completely effective treatment for ending deep adenomyosis is to surgically remove the uterus (hysterectomy). Before making this decision, it will be necessary to assess the patient's desire for reproduction and whether he is far from menopause, because, as we have indicated, the symptoms disappear after this one.



 To discover our product to treat Adenomyosis, click here

To have more information or place an order dial the following number:

Telephone/WhatsApp: + 229 90431725



By On 25/02/2020

Are you experiencing pain during sexual intercourse or dysuric phenomena​? You may have an ovarian cyst. Read to the end to discover the best treatment for ovarian cyst.

Ovarian cysttreatment for ovarian cyst

An ovarian cyst is a bladder-like formation filled with contents of various consistencies. With a benign character, the secret inside the cyst is liquid or semi-liquid, if the cyst is tumor-like in nature, dense inclusions are detected in the contents. The danger of this condition is that in 90% of cases a woman does not complain of pain or discomfort. Regular checkup is essential in women for early diagnosis of unseen problems.


Nonetheless, African doctor has found the best remedy to cure ovarian cyst once and for all with no side effect.



This natural treatment is a combination of the African finest plants. It contains anti-inflammatory and magnesium properties that help in fighting against ovarian cysts. Thus this herbal tea will help you to relieve the pains of the menstrual cycle and to regulate your cycle. If you are a victim of ovarian cyst and interested in getting rid of it without surgery or want to increase your chances of getting pregnant, you have come to the right place. REST ASSURED!! Our experts will be with you all the way to make sure you get the best treatment. This solution is the best treatment for ovarian cyst.
Are you suffering from ovarian cyst and want to more on how to get rid of it and get pregnant, just click here

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For more information or to place an order please kindly contact this number +22990431725 call/WhatsApp


 Risk factors for the development of ovarian cysts 

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hormonal disorders, taking drugs that stimulate ovulation. Menstrual irregularities, stimulation of follicle formation can lead to the formation of cysts

endometriosis. With the disease, endometrial cells migrate and continue to grow in the tissues of the ovary

previous cyst in history. Relapses are not uncommon; patients with a similar medical history should be examined regularly.

pregnancy. Pregnancies complicated by an ovarian cyst have a frequency of occurrence of more than 1%. Benign ovarian tumors such as serous cystadenoma and the dermoid cyst can persist and increase in volume, complicating the course of pregnancy

pelvic infections. It is believed that the inflammatory process in the pelvic organs can provoke the formation of ovarian cysts.




/Ovarian Cysts Treatment | Dr Natalia Novikova | Cape Town ...

Is this the best treatment for ovarian cyst?


Cysts can become complicated and pose a threat to a woman’s health. Serious complications: rupture and torsion, desecration. Therefore, the best medical solution for large sizes and long-existing pathology is surgical removal. Laparoscopy, being a gentle minimally invasive operation, has been widely used in gynecology.

It is necessary to prepare for the operation. You need to pass the following tests:

blood: general and biochemical (clinical) analysis of blood, coagulogram, blood for sugar, the definition of the group, and Rh factor is mandatory. Analysis of human immunodeficiency virus, syphilis, hepatitis

general urine analysis

 general practitioner examination

gynecologist examination: vaginal smear on flora, smear on atypical cells, colposcopy


 Pelvic ultrasound

IMPORTANT! If you are taking any medications, in particular, that affect blood coagulation, be sure to inform your doctor. Before surgery, it is recommended not to drink or eat food for at least 8 hours. During hospitalization for surgical treatment, care must be taken to prevent a formidable complication, pulmonary thromboembolism, to obtain compression stockings of the 1st degree of compression (if you have no problems with veins).

After the operation, taking into account the general state of health and the predicted terms of rehabilitation, sick leave is issued, recommendations are given for further treatment. Laparoscopy is a modern minimally invasive treatment method. It differs from classical operations in minimal incisions, minor trauma to the patient's body, and its quickest recovery. This method of surgical treatment is safe, reliable, and has the most positive reviews in treated patients.


Ovarian Cyst Removal


Before surgery, the doctor will tell you how the procedure goes and how long it takes. A preliminary examination and discussion with the anesthetist regarding allergic reactions is carried out, the issue of anesthesia is being resolved. The operation is performed using special laparoscopic equipment in a sterile operating room. During the whole time, you will sleep under anesthesia and you will not feel anything. Manipulation is carried out by a gynecologist surgeon who has undergone special training and education.

A small puncture of the abdominal wall is made in the navel, then a laparoscope equipped with a light source and a video camera is introduced. Additional small punctures are made through which manipulators with surgical instruments are inserted. Then, gas is filled into the abdominal cavity to create the space necessary for operational maneuvers between the peritoneum and internal organs. Using a video equipment, a laparoscope transmits a high-quality image to a monitor in front of a gynecologist. The operator's task is to bring the cyst to the working area, if it is inaccessible. Additionally, balloon catheters and probes are used. The contents of the pathological sac are carefully aspirated, the membrane is removed. At the end of the operation, the doctor examines the surgical field, other nearby organs and vessels, removes the possible accumulation of fluid and tissue particles from the abdominal cavity. The introduced gas is removed. All punctures are sutured.

Laparoscopic removal of uncomplicated cysts in most cases is a less traumatic organ-preserving operation with minimal risks for the patient. Average time 45 minutes There is always the possibility that the rates may increase. An important advantage of such surgical treatment is low blood loss (an average of 20-30 ml).

The postoperative period is usually easy and most patients can go home on the same day. For complete recovery and adaptation, the attending physician can issue a sick leave for a period of 1 to 5 days, according to the health of the woman. If necessary, sick leave can be extended for a total period of 15 days.


Recovery after laparoscopy of an ovarian cyst

The main objectives of postoperative rehabilitation are to quickly restore the general condition of the patient and minimize postoperative complications. The use of laparoscopic surgical treatments accelerates recovery, reduces postoperative pain, and fatigue, reducing the need for pain medications. The technique allows you to quickly return to the usual rhythm of life and work. The foundation for rapid recovery is the early resumption of physical activity and good nutrition, the balance of fluid intake.

After completion of surgical treatment, you can go home, remove the postoperative dressing after 24-48 hours. The adhesive tapes covering the cuts are removed after a week. If stitches are required that require removal, this is done after 10 days of the postoperative period. All the nuances of seam care will be told by the gynecologist who performed the manipulation. Places of surgical incisions cannot be washed with soap, rub, apply ointments, and creams. Hot showers and baths should be avoided.

If you feel pain, you can take the recommended painkillers according to the instructions. For some time, a residual amount of gas is stored in the abdominal cavity, which can cause a feeling of discomfort. This usually lasts up to a week after surgery, which may bother soreness in the neck and shoulder girdle. Irritation of the nerve endings of the diaphragm occurs. The condition is eased in the supine position.

Within 3 weeks, it is not recommended to lift weights of more than 4.5 kg to avoid the occurrence of postoperative hernias. Fatigue and some weakness are possible. What is important is full, prolonged sleep. Within 48 hours you can not drive vehicles, as the possible consequence of anesthesia. It is recommended as early as possible (preferably immediately after the operation) to start walking and gradually increase their level of activity.

The time to return to work can be adjusted independently. The technique of laparoscopy allows you to do this as soon as possible. A patient with sedentary work will return to activity earlier than that which has work associated with walking and carrying some loads.

Since cosmetic stitches are applied to the punctures, scars after laparoscopic surgery are rare. They can be observed in patients with a tendency to form keloid scars. The rest of the operated women have very difficult to find scars after laparoscopy. To reduce the likelihood of their visibility, it is recommended to hide the seam from direct sunlight during the year after the operation, and use sunscreens.

Like any surgery, laparoscopy is associated with risks of complications. Such risks can be intra- or non-operational. Intraoperative risks are usually associated with bleeding and damage to other organs. With a high qualification of the operating gynecologist, this happens extremely rarely. From non-surgical complications, suture infection, genital bleeding, thrombosis, and adhesion formation are distinguished. With an increase in body temperature, redness, increased pain and discharge from the wounds, it is necessary to consult a trained doctor.


Diet after laparoscopy of an ovarian cyst

Suffering from ovarian cyst? Here's what you should eat - Times of ...

What happens after undergoing laparoscopic treatment for ovarian cyst?

When surgery on the ovary is not expected to interfere with the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. What can you eat? Meals should be arranged taking into account the general state of taste preferences. The patient may have a decrease in appetite during the first days. On the first day after the operation, it is recommended to follow a diet, eat liquid food in small portions. Dishes should be easily digestible and not cause digestive problems. Starting from the second day, you can return to your usual diet, avoiding foods that cause constipation and bloating. The frequency of food is regulated independently. It is important to drink your daily individual fluid rate to exclude carbonated and alcoholic drinks.



Pregnancy after laparoscopy of an ovarian cyst

5 Signs Your Ovarian Cyst Needs to Be Removed: Shaurin Patel, M.D. ...

The gold standard in the surgical treatment of ovarian cysts is laparoscopy. In this case, a certain effect on fertility is possible. Can I get pregnant after laparoscopic removal of the cyst? If the pathology is the result of implantation or develops superficially, then removal minimally damages the underlying oocytes.

According to normal anatomy, every woman has 2 ovaries. They contain eggs, according to the phases of the menstrual cycle, passing through the stages of maturation. During the removal of a benign ovarian cyst, the rest is retained. This part and the second ovary will continue to produce egg follicles. The possibility of pregnancy will depend on the presence of a normal menstrual cycle, ovulation. If the entire ovary containing the cyst is removed, the woman still has a second and the reproductive function is preserved.

Pregnancy becomes impossible after the removal of both ovaries. Such a woman develops symptoms of early menopause and requires hormone replacement therapy. Technological advances have made laparoscopy a minimally invasive operation, so the likelihood of negative effects is extremely low compared to large



Are you suffering from ovarian cyst and want to more on how to get rid of it and get pregnant, just click here
For more information or to place an order please kindly contact this number +22990431725 call/WhatsApp

Related articles:



By On 24/02/2020

 As the ovarian cyst develops, it increases due to the constant secretory function of the organ. A characteristic symptom of the disease is a pain in the lower abdomen. In most cases, ovarian cysts are harmless. At the same time, large formations, gradually filled with liquid, can burst. In this case, inflammation of the peritoneum occurs, characterized by severe symptoms.




Qu'est-ce qu'un kyste ovarien et pourquoi est-il dangereux?

What is the ovarian cyst and why is it dangerous?

The ovarian cyst is a benign tumor formation in the fluid-filled ovary. Ovarian cysts are the second most common female genital tumor. Most often develops in women of childbearing age.


Etiology and pathogenesis

Ovarian cysts are filled with liquid or semi-liquid content from the cavity formed inside or on the ovary.

The process of degeneration of normal ovarian tissue into tumors can occur from any cell element in the germ cells, causing a variety of forms and structures of cysts.

Nonetheless, African doctor has found the best remedy to get rid of ovarian cyst once and for all.



This natural treatment with herbal remedies for ovarian cysts has proven its effectiveness with dozens of cases resolved. This herbal tea is the miracle solution to permanently cure ovarian cysts.
Indeed, it contains several plants that will mimic the action of estrogen in your body. The herbal tea is made up of several herbs that regulate hormone levels and the size of your cysts. Thus this natural remedy will help you to relieve the pains of the menstrual cycle and to regulate your cycle.
It is the best natural remedy for curing ovarian cysts. However, the herbal tea will also expel the waste from your uterus. Generally, except when the diagnosis is too late, our natural treatment can cure ovarian cysts without side effects. When you are in a relationship and pregnancy is slow in coming, know that it is totally justified to treat your ovarian cysts because they can cause very serious fertility problems (lack of ovulation).

To discover our product for ovarian cysts, click here!

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For more information or to place an order please kindly contact this number +22990431725 call/WhatsApp

Causes of ovarian cysts

  • the presence of rudimentary remains and dystopia of the embryonic elements;
  • inflammatory processes in the ovaries and fallopian tubes that cause the implantation of sections of epithelial tissue of the uterus and fallopian tubes on the surface of the ovary;
  • disruption of hormonal balance to gonadotropic hormones;
  • metabolic endocrine disorders;
  • take certain medications;
  • ovulation stimulation;
  • trophoblastic disease and other factors.
  • The development of ovarian cysts is facilitated by the absence of orgasm with pronounced sexual arousal, interrupted intercourse and tumors of the uterus.
  • Ovarian cysts do not have the ability to proliferate, formed due to the delay of excess fluid in the preformed cavities. In the development of ovarian cysts play an important role, congestive hyperemia of the pelvic organs, the development of adhesions, inflammation of the peritoneum covering the ovary.


Clinical manifestations

Any medical problem has a large number of manifestations. However, there are some symptoms you should definitely consult your doctor about.

The main symptoms of the ovarian cyst:

  • acute pain (occurs when a cyst is ruptured, a turn around the ligament that holds it, when resizing);
  • painful pain of varying intensity, feeling of pressure in the hypogastric region;
  • menstrual disorders;
  • tracking;
  • signs of pregnancy (breast coagulation, nausea);
  • pain during intercourse;
  • dysuric phenomena.


Types of ovarian cysts

Ovarian retinal cysts are divided into:

  • Follicular cysts

They are made up of mature follicles that have not burst for any reason. Most often multiple. They are found in almost all of the ovaries.
Yellow body cysts.
They form at the site of the burst follicle. They most often occur between 16 and 45 years of age.

  • Endometrioid or "chocolate" cysts.

Is a type of endometriosis. Often forms adhesions with the surrounding tissue. The hemorrhagic content of the cysts is the color of chocolate or tar.

  • Paraovarian cysts.

They develop from the adrenal appendage at the age of 20 to 30 years.

  • Mature dermoid cysts or teratomas.

They are formed at a young age from the cells of the covering epithelium which are trapped during the development of the fetus. The cells develop, multiply and form differentiated tissues (cartilage, hair, etc.) surrounded by a waterproof capsule.

  • Tetalutein cysts.

Occur at an early stage of pregnancy as a result of impaired corpus luteum function, which does not produce the number of hormones necessary during normal pregnancy. Are rare and more often characteristic of multiple pregnancies.


Complications and consequences

Although many ovarian cysts dissolve on their own, some of them can lead to unpleasant complications.

Complications of the ovarian cyst:

  • The pervert of the cyst leg
  • The rupture of the capsule
  • Suppuration of the cyst
  • Hemorrhage in the cyst cavity
  • A weakening of adjacent organs
  • Malignant tumor (degeneration of cells into malignant formations)

The twisting of a leg of a cyst is a serious consequence of an ovarian cyst. The pathology can lead to an increase in the formation of tumors due to impaired venous circulation, swelling of the tissues, and hemorrhage. Clinically, this is manifested by signs of an acute abdomen.



To establish the diagnosis, the gynecologist performs a gynecological examination, collects anamnesis, analyzes the symptoms of the ovarian cyst, appoints a laboratory, and an instrumental examination.

An important criterion for laboratory diagnosis is a blood test. Allows you to detect the presence of cancer markers. Histological examination of the tissue helps to determine the type of cyst, its structure, and its characteristics.

Instrumental diagnostic methods for the ovarian cyst:
diagnostic laparoscopy (helps to collect biomaterials for histological examination, eliminate small tumors);
ultrasound (color Doppler) allows you to determine the type, size, and content of the cyst;
Magnetic resonance imaging.


The treatment

The choice of treatment depends on the type of cyst, the duration of the disease, signs of ovarian cyst, clinical manifestations, age, and characteristics of the patient's health.

The drug treatment of the ovarian cyst aims to restore the hormonal background, the therapy of pelvic inflammatory processes. In the presence of functional cysts at puberty, hormone therapy is prescribed.

In the absence of effective medical treatment, the emergence of clinical symptoms, enlargement of the cyst is prescribed the removal of the ovarian cyst.

Methods of surgical treatment of the ovarian cyst:
ovarian resection;
When choosing a method of surgical treatment, preference is given to laparoscopic intervention in the measurement of exfoliation of the cyst in healthy tissue.

After surgical treatment, therapy aimed at normalizing the menstrual cycle is carried out: cyclic vitamin therapy, nootropic drugs, combined oral contraceptives - for at least three months.



The main method of preventing the development of ovarian cysts is regular prophylactic visits to the gynecologist. Experts recommend at least once a year to have an ultrasound of the pelvic organs, mammograms, to pass tests for tumor markers, smears on the microflora, etc.

Gynecologists note the positive role of long-term use of complex oral contraceptives in the prevention of ovarian cysts.

For any menstrual cycle disorder, pain, and other symptoms of damage to the reproductive system, you should immediately make an appointment with a specialist. In addition, for women who have already experienced a medical problem such as an ovarian cyst, it is important to remember: the risk of recurrent pathology is quite high.

Remember that only a timely examination, an attitude attentive and sensitive to your health can help to diagnose and carry out adequate treatment of ovarian cysts in time. 




Heat is said to be effective in reducing muscle cramps or pain in the abdomen due to ovarian cysts. 


  • Put a heating pad or hot water bottle on your abdomen and lower your pelvic area.
  • ​Do this for at least 15 minutes
  • Follow this remedy whenever you experience pain in the abdomen for quick relief 



An Epsom salt bath will also greatly help reduce pain and other symptoms associated with ovarian cysts. The magnesium sulfate content in Epsom salt works as a muscle relaxant that in turn eases pain. 


  • Add one cup of Epsom salt to your bathtub filled with warm water.
  • Add five to 10 drops of essential oils like lavender, rose, or jasmine.
  • Stir for a few minutes and let the salt dissolve.
  • Soak your lower body in this water for twenty to thirty minutes
  • Follow this remedy once daily



Herbal tea like chamomile tea is also considered a good remedy for treating ovarian cyst and the associated pain and discomfort. 



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By On 24/02/2020

Pregnant woman

It is a painful experience for a woman to be infertile and also experience discomfort as a result of uterus problems. The blockage of the fallopian tubes is one of these diseases. This problem is the cause of almost all infertility cases. In fact, fertilization takes place in one of the tubes and the embryo then develops in the uterus. Each type of block can prevent conception, as the egg may not be fertilized. This blockage is due to inflammation, infection, or even adhesion to a scar after healing from surgery. In addition, endometriosis, pelvic inflammatory disease, uterine fibroids, ectopic pregnancy, tubal ligament removal, and complications resulting from surgery in the lower abdomen, like a previous cesarean, they can promote this problem.

Fortunately, there are natural cures and lifestyle changes that can help solve this problem. So let's see together how to open the fallopian tubes naturally.



Our tisane helps to kill bacteria like yeast, which are often the cause of infertility. It enhances the transportation of spermatozoa and fertilization which will eventually improve fertility. It is also rich in antioxidants, antioxidants are advisable in the treatment of clogged fallopian tubes while taking this treatment our experts will be with you every step of the way to monitor the progress of the treatment and give advice where needed.


Discover more on our product for fallopian tube blockage and get pregnant quickly
Discover more on how to treat uterine polyps




  1. Avoid smoking and drinking 

Improve the quality of your life by keeping away from this harmful substance that cause disorders of this nature. It doesn’t directly cause this pathology but it enhances the chances of having a blocked fallopian tube.

  1. Meditate

Image result for meditate

 Meditation helps reduce stress, thereby improving overall health. You will get more benefits if you start every day with 10-15 minutes of meditation or relaxing psychological techniques with breathing exercises. Stress increases the inflammatory process that blocks your tubes decreases.

  1. Do yoga

Image result for yoga

Yoga is known for its ability to direct the energy of the body so that it remains in harmony; In addition, yoga has high healing potential. There are two asanas that can help a woman in the problem of infertility - Setu Bandhasana and Viparita Karani; these two poses involve the gluteal and pelvic muscles.


  1. Consider getting a massage against infertility 

 By massaging the abdominal region, the doctor will help unlock the fallopian tubes, improve their overall health and functioning. Massage improves blood circulation in the area of ​​the tubes, thus destroys scar tissue and adhesions, reduces inflammation.You can do this treatment yourself.


  1. Avoid foods that contain hormones 

Image result for avoid meat

Try not to eat foods like animal meat - it affects the level of the female hormone estrogen. In order to recover, replace them with foods rich in antioxidants.

  • Antioxidant-rich foods include fresh fruits, vegetables (of all kinds), vegetable oil (sunflower, safflower, coconut oil, mustard seed oil, and olive oil - it has the most antioxidants).
  1. Take Vitamin C

Vitamin C is essential for iron absorption. In addition, it improves immunity and the body's ability to cope with infections. If your fallopian tubes become clogged due to infection or inflammation, it will help to unlock them. Start with 1000 mg of vitamin C 5-6 times a day. Vitamin C is especially good in cases where the tubes are clogged due to the fault of Koch's wand.

  • However, if the drug causes you diarrhea or other ailments, reduce the dose or stop taking it completely. And, of course, visit a doctor!

  1. Use herbs

Image result for herbs

Certain herbs can kill bacteria like yeast, which are often the cause of infertility. Among these herbs, the following are best known: dong quai, chamomile, garlic, oleander, turmeric, red peony root, frankincense and calendula. Any qualified expert in traditional Chinese medicine, after a thorough examination, will help you determine the dosage.

  • It was discovered that the root of the red peony is rich in antioxidants. Earlier it was said about the benefits of antioxidants - apparently, their high concentration in peony is the reason why representatives of traditional Chinese medicine often prescribe it for the treatment of clogged fallopian tubes.
  • You can find many different variations of these drugs, both in the form of an infusion, and as an additive. No medicine should be taken without first consulting a doctor or a professional in this field; do not believe in the “miraculous cure” that “healers” often promise without receiving convincing evidence.

  1. Try using herbal swabs

For the treatment of clogged fallopian tubes, you can use various herbal swabs - swabs soaked in herbs that help normalize the reproductive system. However, this method should always be used with caution, since tampons are not always sterile and can cause infection. In addition, when administered orally, these herbs give a similar healing effect.

  • Yellow root (Hydrastis) works as an antimicrobial agent, relieves inflammation, and eliminates infection, further preventing scarring and adhesions.
  • Ginger root improves blood circulation, relieves inflammation, and blockages. Hawthorn and bearberry reduce congestion and remove excess fluid, clearing blockages caused by the accumulation of fluid or blood.
  • Dong Qui (aka angelica Chinese, angelica sinensis, angelica officinalis) helps reduce cramping in the fallopian tubes.
  1. Apply castor oil 

Castor Oil – Aussie Candle Supplies​​

Castor oil is believed to help unlock the tubes, improving blood and lymph circulation around them. Increased blood supply improves their work and removes blockages, and lymphatic vessels help to remove old and diseased cells, scar tissue.

  • You can apply castor oil directly to the lower abdomen or use a compress soaked in castor oil (it can also be bought on the Internet and in herbal stores). To get good results, you need to do this every day for at least 1-2 months.

  1. Consider using coal poultices.

Activated carbon poultices - provided you place them on your lower abdomen, directly above the uterus and fallopian tubes - will help cure the infection and reduce inflammation. You can cook such poultices even at home. Here's how to do it:

  • Put some paper towels on the table.
  • portion of paper towels.
  • Place the poultice on the affected area and wrap it with cling film. For best results, put these poultices overnight.
  1. Consider using enzymes such as serrapeptase 

This treatment is based on the use of natural enzymes produced by your body to break down scar tissue and prevent fibrosis. Enzymes also help reduce inflammation, regulate the blood circulation of the reproductive organs. Serrapeptase is widely used for these purposes.

  • Silkworm serrapeptase helps dissolve cocoons due to its ability to dissolve tissue. Supplements and polyenzyme preparations such as Wobenzym N and Advil are available without a prescription. Nevertheless, always consult your doctor before taking these funds - so you will be sure that you have no contraindications to them.


  • All of these herbs, being active medicinal preparations, can affect the state of the human body and psyche in a variety of ways. Dosage varies depending on the person. 

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By On 24/02/2020

Violation of the patency of the fallopian tubes (tubal occlusion) is one of the most common pathologies which, according to various estimates, accounts for one third to two-thirds of all female infertility cases. 
Depending on the condition of the woman, the reasons for the development of the pathology, its severity, and other factors, the doctor prescribes conservative or surgical treatment. In this article, you will discover the best herbal tea to unblock the fallopian tube.

Fallopian tube surgery is a minimally invasive surgical procedure that allows you to surgically restore the patency of the fallopian tubes. Such operations are almost always performed by laparoscopy by introducing instruments through small perforations, without large incisions. Such an operation helps to get pregnant women with an obstruction of the fallopian tubes.



What is laparoscopy?


Laparoscopy is a surgical procedure that allows the doctor to see inside the body. When the procedure is part of fertility testing, the doctor assesses the structures of the reproductive system, including the ovaries, fallopian tubes, and the uterus. Laparoscopy is a surgical procedure that allows the doctor to see inside the body. In this article, we are going to use laparoscopy in the case of blocked tubes.


However, if you are suffering from the blocked fallopian tube and want to unclog it without surgery you have come to the right place. Below is how you can make that possible:



herbal tea for blocked fallopian tea

Here is the best African herbal tea to unblock the fallopian tubes and get pregnant quickly. These plants are very effective in unclogging the fallopian tubes and in cases of tubal ligation. They have already enabled many women around the world who had blocked tubes to regain their fertility without surgical operations. If you have blocked tubes or if you suffer from tubal ligation, here are the medicinal plants that will allow you to experience the joy of being a mom. To discover our natural remedy to unclog the fallopian tubes and get pregnant quickly, click here

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How laparoscopy is used

Laparoscopy can help a doctor diagnose many conditions that affect fertility, such as:

  • Endometriosis
  • The blocked fallopian tubes
  • Accumulation of scar tissue
  • Fibroids
  • Other anomalies of the reproductive system

Laparoscopy can also help when a woman has unexplained infertility. We talk about unexplained infertility when the results of the analysis are normal, but a woman is still unable to conceive. By examining the reproductive organs, the doctor may be able to identify conditions that prevent conception and are undetectable.

How does a laparoscopy take place?


Laparoscopy is a simple outpatient procedure. You can have a laparoscopy in:

-a hospital
-an ambulatory surgery center in some cases,
-the office of a doctor specializing infertility

The patient will receive anesthesia before the procedure so as not to be awake or feel pain. After giving them the anesthesia, a surgeon will:

-insert a needle into the abdomen inject gas into the abdomen to better see the organs and structures
-remove the needle and insert a small camera on an instrument called a laparoscope through a small incision
-make a second incision and insert a small tool called a probe
-With the camera, the doctor will examine the structures of the abdomen. They will use the probe to move or lift organs. Depending on what the doctor sees, there may be other steps, including:
-inject dye into the fallopian tubes to see if they are open for sperm and eggs
-attempt to open the blocked fallopian tubes
-remove scar tissue or adhesions
-correct anomalies
-They can make a third incision in the abdomen and insert instruments to perform these additional procedures.

Finally, the surgeon will remove the tools and prick the incisions. The patient should remain under observation for a few hours to ensure that there are no complications and that recovery is going well. Anyone who has had a laparoscopy should have someone else drive him or her home. In addition, a person should stay with them for up to 24 hours after surgery.


What can you expect after laparoscopy?

After laparoscopy, some pain and discomfort are common, although it should be minimal. A person may experience pain in the shoulders or abdomen when the injected gas begins to dissipate. It may take a few days to relieve any gas and discomfort. Going for a walk and drinking peppermint tea can help. The doctor should provide exit instructions with more information on what to expect during recovery. Although rare, complications can occur after surgery. Anyone with any of the following complications should contact the doctor immediately or go to the nearest emergency room:

  • fever
  • abundant vaginal bleeding
  • worsening or severe pain
  • fainting
  • infection of incisions, including redness
  • swelling or discharge
  • be unable to use the bathroom


What are the advantages of a laparoscopy?

Compared to other surgical procedures that can help a doctor diagnose the cause of infertility, the advantages of a laparoscopy are:

-less invasive methods reduced the risk of infection
-small scars
-the possibility of correcting the problem during surgery
-easier recovery

In addition, if a person receives treatment during the procedure, the chances of conceiving can immediately increase.

What are the risks or disadvantages of a laparoscopy?

As with any surgery, it is essential to consider the risks. The risks associated with laparoscopy are:

  1. internal bleeding
  2. infection
  3. damage to internal organs
  4. poor wound healing at incision sites

In the past, laparoscopy was a standard diagnostic tool for women with unexplained infertility. The increased use of assisted reproduction techniques, such as in-vitro fertilization (IVF), has led some doctors to recommend IVF immediately, before laparoscopy. However, a doctor may still recommend a laparoscopy if he believes it can help. The patient should discuss the procedure with their doctor and determine if the potential benefits outweigh the risks.


READ ALSO: Discover more on how to treat uterine polyps


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Blocked fallopian tube


By On 21/02/2020

Are you suffering from a blocked fallopian tube and looking for a natural remedy? You have come to the right place.                                              ​




Fallopian tubes are two fine tubes on either side of the uterus which carries mature eggs and motile sperms. Whereas, fallopian tube blockage is any obstruction in the tubes that prevents the egg from traveling down the uterus and prevents the sperm from getting to the egg, thus affecting fertilization and therafter pregnancy. In some cases, a tube can be partially blocked allowing the egg to pass through which can lead to fertilization but this can bring about complications like blocked ectopic pregnancy since the fertilized egg might get stuck in the tube.



The power and existence of herbs cannot be ignored, in South Africa native herbs seems to be saving lives and fertility is not an exception. According to research, these herbs have cured several infertility problems around the world, they are very accessible and affordable compared to modern medicine,  more so they have no side effect.
Here is a combination of African finest plants, very effective in unblocking the fallopian tube without having to go through surgery. This herbal tea helps your body to function properly like it was designed to, this treatment last for just two months.

Our natural remedy helps to kill bacteria like yeast, which are often the cause of infertility. It enhances the transportation of spermatozoa and fertilization which will eventually improve fertility. It is also rich in antioxidants, antioxidants are advisable in the treatment of clogged fallopian tubes while taking this treatment our experts will be with you every step of the way to monitor the progress of the treatment and give advice where needed.

Would you like to unclog your blocked fallopian tubes naturally, permanently with no side effects, and get pregnant rapidly? If yes, then you are in the right place!!!

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There are two types of obstruction:

  • organic - adhesions, fluid accumulation, narrowing due to past inflammation, polyps;
  • functional - as a result of hormonal disruptions.




blocked fallopian tube, natural remedy

A blocked fallopian tube rarely causes any symptoms. Most women are not aware they have it until they decide to get pregnant and get disappointed due to infertility. But a blocked fallopian tube due to infection known as hydrosalpinx causes the tube to swell with infected fluid and may cause lower abdominal pain and unusual vaginal discharge.

Also, patients may experience:

  • painful, irregular periods.
  • Soreness during intercourse
  • fever;
  • pelvic pain;

If the tubal lumen is preserved at least partially, with obstruction of the fallopian tubes, you can get pregnant, but there is a risk of developing an ectopic pregnancy. Its main symptoms:

  • in the early stages - the absence of menstruation, pulling pains in the lower abdomen;
  • during pregnancy 5-6 weeks - acute abdominal pain due to excessive stretching, and then rupture of the tube, severe bleeding, a significant deterioration up to collapse, and fainting.






The main causes of tubal infertility:

  • Infections: transferred and chronic inflammatory diseases of the organs of the reproductive system - gonorrhea, chlamydia, and other STDs lead to adhesions;
  •  Postoperative: gynecological operations and manipulations - abortion, removal of ovarian neoplasms and others;
  • Endometriosis: This frequent gynecological disease, which is manifested by the presence of small fragments of the endometrium (pieces of the uterine lining) on ​​the fallopian tubes and in the ovaries, or even on other organs, can damage the quality of the tubes or even block them.
  • prolonged wearing of an intrauterine device, its improper installation;
  • tumors, cysts, polyps in the reproductive or neighboring organs that compress the tube from the outside;
  • congenital pathology.




It all starts with a gynecologist's consultation on complaints and anamnesis of diseases and operations. To make a diagnosis, determine the degree of obstruction, carry out:

  • analysis of blood and vaginal discharge;
  • Ultrasound patency of the fallopian tubes (with a contrast medium) to visualize the condition of the tubes, the presence of fluids, adhesions, constrictions in them;
  • hysterosalpingography - a series of x-rays with a contrast fluid with a small time interval between them;
  • laparoscopy is a less traumatic operation that allows you to insert an optical system into the uterus to examine and take tissue samples for analysis.




Modern treatment of obstruction of the fallopian tubes is carried out through:

  • physiotherapy;
  • medicines - anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, hormonal drugs that relieve inflammation and causes obstruction;
  • Surgery - removal of adhesions during laparoscopic surgery. A salpingectomy is another surgery you can undergo. This operation consists in the removal of a part of the fallopian tube, which is carried out in the case of hydrosalpinx, that is, an accumulation of liquid in the tube itself. The operation is done before attempting an in vitro fertilization.

In the case when treatment of obstruction of the fallopian tubes in women is carried out to overcome infertility, the doctor may recommend IVF. In this case, the embryo is transplanted directly into the uterine cavity, bypassing a complex area. If pathology is not treated, then the main danger is an ectopic pregnancy, which threatens to rupture and remove the tube

  • Rinsing the fallopian tubes (cannulation)
    This is carried out by rinsing the fallopian tubes with a catheter and thus exposed again. This therapy is not possible in cases where the fallopian tubes are completely closed.
    There are, of course, different success rates and risks for each surgery, which you can discuss with your doctor.





First, for this, it is necessary to regularly undergo a gynecologist's examination and timely and adequately treat emerging inflammatory processes, infections of the genital tract, prevent accidental sexual intercourse, avoid abortion.

Also, improve your quality of life by eating healthy foods and exercising regularly.


This holistic science provides an effective cure with minimal or no side symptoms. In the problem of clogging of the fallopian tubes and infertility, many homeopathic remedies are effective. Here are some plants you can use:


  • Pulsatilla nigrikans (anemone)  

​​Pulsatilla Pratensis (Puls.) | Homeopathy Plus

It is prescribed for the blockage of the fallopian tubes with menstrual irregularities and mood swings. Pulsatilla 30, taken twice daily for 2–3 months, helps regulate the menstrual cycle and eliminate blockage in the fallopian tubes.


  • Thyroidinum

If along with obstruction you have thyroid abnormalities, lethargy, slowness, or a tendency to gain weight, thyroidin 30 can significantly help you.

  • Natrium Muriaticum

​This drug will help women suffering from recurring headaches (especially those caused by exposure to the sun) and increased cravings for salty and acidic foods. Clo​gging of the fallopian tubes due to delayed menstruation, bloating caused by gas formation, and headaches are the signs of the muriaticum natrium (the same type of patient in the homeopathic classification). Take “Natrium Muriaticum 200” twice daily for 2–3 months.


Homeopathic remedies work better when they are prescribed taking into account the constitution, mental state, and physical well-being; therefore, consult our experts for the best results.


READ ALSO: Discover more on how to treat uterine polyps



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