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By On 05/06/2020 at 11:15

In Female Infertility

What is a uterine fibroid?

It is the most common benign (noncancerous) tumor in women. One in 4 women may have it. The majority of patients who are carriers of are asymptomatic: only 10-20% require treatment. 

Fibroid, also called myoma or leiomyoma (or uterine myomatosis), is the most common benign (noncancerous) tumor in women. One in 4 women may have it. Most patients with fibroids are asymptomatic: only 10-20% require treatment. It all depends on the size, location and / or number of them.

The most frequent age of fibroid presentation is between 30 and 40 years of age, although they can occur at younger ages. Most fibroids are hormone dependent, that is, their appearance is due to the action of female hormones (estradiol) on the uterine muscle (myometrium), so it is rare to find them in adolescence or postmenopause. Instead, it is not uncommon to see them increase during pregnancy.

Fibroids are secondary to the growth of a group of cells of the uterine wall, interspersed with connective tissue. The location is varied and can be on the surface of the uterus (subserosal), in the thickness of its wall (intramural) or inside the uterine cavity (submucosal), and there are also combinations. The sizes can be very varied and range from very small to sizes that cover the entire pelvis and lower abdomen.



Unlike a high estrogen level which promotes the appearance and formation of fibroids, the action of the natural remedy is different. Indeed, it quickly causes the disappearance of fibroids and reduces your pain. Thus, heavy menstrual bleeding usually stops at the end of treatment. Overall, the herbal tea also expels all the waste in your uterus. This natural remedy is therefore the miracle solution to permanently eliminate your fibroids.

Click on this link to find out more about this product for fibroid



When they do occur, the most common symptoms are:

1) Changes in menstrual bleeding

+ Increased amount (hypermenorrhea)

+ Longer duration (menometrorrhagia)

+ Bleeding at non-menstrual times (breakthrough bleeding)

2) pain

+ During menstruation (dysmenorrhea)

+ During sexual intercourse (dyspareunia)

+ In the pelvis or lower back

3) anemia

4) Oppression

+ Difficulty starting urination

+ Urinate frequently and in small amounts

+ Constipation

5) In relation to pregnancy

+ Fertility

+ Sterility

+ Abortions, preterm deliveries

Often some of these symptoms are associated.


The diagnosis is made through the medical history and the gynecological examination, and can be corroborated with studies such as ultrasound, hysterosalpingography, hysteroscopy and laparoscopy.


Treatment options depend on size, location, symptoms, and possible gestational desire.

If the fibroids are small and remain stable, that is, they do not grow and the patient has no symptoms, the best treatment will be regular gynecological controls. If it is observed that during periodic controls the fibroids grow and / or begin to give symptoms such as: increased abdominal volume, excessive bleeding, pelvic pain, etc., certain drugs such as oral contraceptives, progesterone, GnRh analogues or uterine embolization Sometimes, to reduce the size before surgery and, lately, the Intrauterine Device (hormonal IUD), they can help control them.

When the uterus is very large or when symptoms do not respond to pharmacological measures, the best treatment will be surgery.

Surgical treatment consists of removing the fibroid (s), and this can be done in two ways: 1) myomectomy (open or laparoscopic) or the removal of the uterus (hysterectomy).

In the case of the coexistence of a pregnancy and uterine myomatosis, these may have an increase in their size, given the hormonal stimulus in which it is found. Pregnancy can go smoothly or cause fetal loss, preterm delivery, or abnormal presentations (that the fetus does not turn upside down at the end) and therefore the need to perform a cesarean section. In more rare occasions fibroids can also obstruct the exit of the uterus and not allow the baby to exit, in these cases it is also necessary to perform a cesarean section.
In the case of women who are close to menopause and who do not have severe discomfort they may not require treatment.


a) Trillium pendulum: it is mainly used in those patients who have bleeding and hip pain as accompanying symptoms.

b) Lapis albus: when the patient reports lower belly pain and uterine bleeding. It is useful in fibromas of elastic consistency.

c) Fraximus americanus : it is used if there is a feeling of heaviness under the belly due to the fibroid.

d) Calcarea fluorica : indicated in the case of multiple fibroids, with several lobes of woody consistency.

e) Phosphorus: it is used to stop bleeding.

f) Thuja occidentalis : presents selective action on the psychotic terrain.

 • Flower therapy

Cherry Plum : for the feeling of fear that makes you lose control, balances the energy flow. The lack of control can be evidenced in different ways depending on how it is considered, such as menstrual disorder.

Walnut : for people who are easily influenced by others, for great changes when adaptation is not possible. It is useful as a hemostatic in bleeding, as it helps to eliminate it.

Rock Water : for inflexible people, perfectionists (hardness, crystallization, rigidity). Hardness or stiffness are self-limiting. This remedy is useful in hard, non-invasive and benign tumors.

Click on this link to find out more about this product for fibroid



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