Uterine fibrroid

Herbs For Uterine Fibroids

By On 08/06/2020 at 13:59

In Female Infertility

Herbs for Uterine fibroids

The uterine fibroid is the most common pelvic tumor in women - it occurs in about 20–50% of women between the ages of 35–45. Good news is the fact that it usually goes out after the menopause (it dries out, so to speak). The fact that the woman has a fibroid is usually only discovered during the gynecological examination in conjunction with the ultrasound examination, because in ¾ of the cases she has no complaints and symptoms , especially in the case of smaller tumors. In the remaining ¼ of the women with fibroids, the most common symptoms are excessive menstrual bleeding, spotting between cycles and anemia.. Sometimes it can also be expressed by painful menstruation, and when it sticks to his stem in the case of a submucosal fibroid in the cervix. There may also be pain or pressure in the pelvic area, with the fibroids that press on the bladder, more frequent urge to urinate, painful urination or even wetting. They can also cause infertility or repeated spontaneous miscarriages. The fibroids are tumors that arise from the smooth uterine muscles, and are benign in themselves. So far it has not been proven that they could “degenerate” later into the malignant stage - only in the case of the very rapid growth of the fibroid, which is sometimes accompanied by massive bleeding, one has to think of the uterine sarcoma, which fortunately is very rare. All of this has to be taken into account, not only for the prognosis of the disease, but above all for the termination of the further treatment procedure. It is not always the case that what is cut off no longer bleeds (elsewhere)! So that we do not spill the child with the bath and do not see the forest in front of trees, it is necessary to always use common sense and not to let ourselves be "bled out" unnecessarily.

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Typical symptoms

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Almost 1/3 of all fibroids cause no problems at all .

Mostly, however, be too frequent and   excessive bleeding first evidence that   tumor growth .

Here is a brief summary of the basic complaints that the remaining fibroids can cause :

  • The tumors can make themselves felt through pressure on the neighboring organs . Some fibroids, for example, press on the intestine or urinary system and cause pain or functional disorders here :
    • Is z. B. compresses the bladder, this manifests itself in problems with urination, frequent urge to urinate - or sometimes even in urine barrier .
    • Fibroids located on the back wall of the uterus (against the spine) press on the intestine. They can be responsible for difficulty with bowel movements and trigger an intestinal obstruction in severe cases .
  • When the fibroids grow into the abdominal cavity, they can press on the ovaries and cause abdominal cramps .
  • Stalked tumors also sometimes turn around and cause severe pain .
  • If the tumors protrude into the uterus, they often disrupt the cycle . The uterus contracts convulsively and tries unsuccessfully to get rid of the fibroids.
  • Fibroids stimulate the uterus to produce more mucous membranes. This may react with heavy monthly bleeding .
  • They develop into a special problem for younger women who want to have children, because it is not uncommon for larger fibroids to be at risk of infertility or miscarriage if they block the path of the fertilized egg, prevent it from implanting in the endometrium or reject it.

The diagnosis of a fibroid

These diagnostic methods are generally used to determine fibroids:

  • The tumor is primarily determined by the gynecological tactile examination .
  • The ultrasound confirms or refutes the suspicion.
  • In cases of doubt - for example if cysts have formed in the fibroid that cannot be distinguished from pathological findings on the ovary - the doctor will use computer tomography or magnetic resonance imaging .
  • If these procedures also do not allow the exact distinction, laparoscopy (abdominal mirroring) is indicated, which enables a direct view of these organs.

What to do with fibroids? - The treatment options

First of all, a brief overview of various conventional medical and naturopathic treatment approaches:

  • Medicinal herbs usually help amazingly well here - such as herbal tea with lady's mantle and yarrow.
  • Methods such as acupuncture and homeopathy often produce good results.
  • Visualizations can also shrink the fibroids.
  • In conventional medicine, hormonal antagonists of estrogen are used to curb the growth of the fibroids.
  • Of course, the surgical interventions , which have come up again and again too often, are also up for debate.
  • Embolization is used today for pronounced fibroids : in a small inpatient procedure, the doctors push a catheter up to the blood vessel that supplies the fibroid with blood. Then they inject small plastic balls into it. This stops the blood supply and starves the fibroid (see below).

Natural remedies for fibroids

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Natural medicine has a lot to offer against fibroids, but:

It takes patience and time.

If your fibroids do not cause you any or bearable symptoms, you can confidently rely on the motto "Wait and drink tea". But you can also help yourself with proven means from naturopathy .

It usually takes a little while for the effects to start ( you have to count on about 6 - 8 weeks ).

However, many women can use it to keep their fibroids at bay until menopause . Because often you only have to bridge a certain amount of time , then you will get rid of the pests by yourself.

Other natural aids for fibroids

  • You can achieve a similar effect with belly dancing and Luna yoga.
  • Antispasmodic partial teas made from lady 's mantle, yarrow and goose finger herb effectively combat painful menstruation.
  • In addition, a hot water bottle on your stomach helps you .
  • In case of cramps and pain, sitting baths with the addition of field horsetail, yarrow or lady's mantle are also very helpful.
  • Hemostatic plants such as shepherd's purse or bloodroot help you with heavy and draining bleeding. Shepherd's purse is available as a ready-made preparation or tincture in a pharmacy. Bloodroot is available as tea.
  • Nettle, dandelion and knotweed stimulate blood formation. Recommended hematopoietic preparations are Floradix herbal blood and Anaemodoron (from Weleda).

Herbal Remedy for uterine fibroid 

Herbs for Uterine Fibroids | Mother Earth Living

These phytoestrogens occupy part of the receptors to which estrogen normally docks. The pituitary gland receives the message that the hormone level is in balance.

Secondly, plants containing tannins such as lady's mantle, bloodroot and meadow button are used to prevent or even stop bleeding so that there is no secondary disease, anemia. Thirdly, salicylic acid compounds in willow bark and meadowsweet as well as phenolic acids and flavonoids in nettles are effective pain relievers, coumarins in goosefingers, bitter substances in lady's mantle and yarrow help with cramps in the lower abdomen.

You can get all herbal remedies in the pharmacy, and in our book you will find recipes for tea blends and tips for certain preparations.


Myome » 

Fibroids are benign, small tumors in the uterus in the area of ​​the uterine muscles. At the end of the menstrual cycle, they shrink. Fibroids occur in about 30% of women up to forty years old. Before menopause, they had a few percent more women.

This neoplasia is harmless , but it can cause uncomfortable symptoms such as increased menstrual bleeding, pressure in the area of ​​the bladder, frequent urination, sometimes pain in the area of ​​the pelvis and sacrum. It could be dangerous if the fibroid grows in such a place that it could close the cervix.

If the fibroids are up to 10 cm in size, no additional treatment is required. It is important to regularly monitor whether the fibroid is not suddenly growing significantly.

The main cause of fibroids is a hormonal imbalance caused by an excess of estrogen and a lack of progesterone. An excess of estrogen mostly arises in the body through the use of anticonceptives , hormone replacement therapies, reduced liver and intestinal function , which among other things also participates in the hormonal balance. A hormonal imbalance in the organism is also caused by a diet high in hormones, a lack of vitamins and minerals that cause thyroid dysfunction and, last but not least, overloaded adrenal glands caused by the influence of stress, mainly due to long-lasting emotional problems.

With hypothyroidism , there is an increased activity of the pituitary gland (as a superior endocrine gland and "main commander"). The pituitary not only stimulates the thyroid gland, but also the formation of estrogen in the ovaries.

Orientation test to detect an underactive thyroid: measure your body temperature in the morning before you get out of bed. If it is 36.4 ° C or less, you probably have an underactive thyroid. We recommend repeating the test a few days in a row.

Very important organs that participate in the development of fibroids are the liver and also the small and large intestine . Estrogen is first broken down in the liver and then it is excreted from the body. When the liver is weakened, the level of circulating estrogen rises, it disturbs the hormonal balance , which leads to the growth of fibroids.

If the estrogen gets from the liver into the small intestine, which works poorly and slowly digests, it can be reabsorbed into the organism. That is why it is very important to ensure proper bowel function , regular bowel movements and sufficient consumption of fiber and water.

Treatment with medicinal herbs can stop fibroid growth and often reduce its size. It depends a lot on the lifestyle of the woman. Hormones have a major influence on the formation and growth of fibroids, but not only in the form of tablets, but also the hormones that occur in the diet . Women who have fibroids should not eat bulk chicken that contains a large amount of growth hormones. When treating fibroids, it is very important to reduce the amount of chemicals in the diet , the supply of white refined sugar and white flour. Conversely, increase the intake of fruit and vegetables, preferably from your own garden or in organic quality, increase the intake of fiber. Obesity and smoking also have a major impact on the development of fibroids.

We recommend an appropriate form of exercise to support treatment. The best thing is a natural movement - walking, Nordic walking. There is also a special yoga branch for women, the so-called hormone yoga.

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