stephany By On 07/04/2020 at 15:13

In Female Infertility

Are you experiencing irregular menstrual cycle?


If yes, you are at the right place!!!

If you are one of the women who always experience irregular menstrual cycles, then it might be difficult for you and your partner to have children. The reason is found in the idea that irregular menstruation signifies unstable hormone.

Follicle-Stimulating Hormone (FSH) – This hormone is directly linked to fertility, as its key function is to help regulate the menstrual cycle and induce the production of eggs in the ovaries. ... Luteinizing Hormone (LH) – This hormone signals the body to release a mature egg. If they are unstable, they won’t function properly and this could contribute to infertility.


HOWEVER, Unstable menstrual cycles are normal for teenagers, but not for those of you who are mature and are undergoing a pregnancy program.

If your menstrual period is more than 31-35 days or a period of less than two weeks between the first menstrual period and the second menstrual period, there is a possibility that the blood coming out is not menstrual blood.

In addition, if you do not experience menstruation for three months, you may experience amenorrhea, perimenopause or menopause.

Amenorrhea can occur due to illness, excessive stress, exercise is too heavy, or weight loss is too drastic.

What causes irregular menstruation?

Non-current menstruation can occur due to various factors. Some things that cause irregular periods include:

Unbalanced hormones

Unbalanced hormones often trigger irregular periods. Puberty,  menopause , childbirth, and breastfeeding are phases where the levels of female hormones go up and down quite dramatically.

At this time, estrogen and progesterone are still very volatile so that your menstrual schedule is difficult to guess. Towards menopause for example, a woman's menstrual flow can also be disrupted. He could be menstruating more often or even very rarely.

In addition to these phases another thing that makes hormone levels unbalanced is contraception. Birth control pills and IUDs include two types of contraception that make women experience irregular or irregular menstruation.

An IUD for example can cause periods that are very long and many. While birth control pills usually make women experience bleeding outside the menstrual cycle or menstruation more often.

In addition, severe stress can also damage the balance of hormones in the body. When the body is stressed, it will produce the hormone cortisol. Excessive levels of certain hormones can affect parts of the brain that play a role in regulating menses. As a result, your cycle can be faster, slower, or not at all.

Drastic increase or decrease in body weight

It turns out that body weight can affect the hypothalamus, which is a gland in the brain that has the function of regulating various processes in the body. This process includes your menstrual cycle every month.

Drastic weight loss can inhibit the production of the hormone estrogen. Meanwhile, if you are overweight, your body will produce estrogen in large quantities.

Both of these can affect the process of releasing eggs (ovulation) every month. When ovulation is blocked, the menstrual cycle will automatically be disrupted. This is what causes your periods are not regular. Therefore, keep your body at ideal weight so that your menstrual schedule stays on time.

Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS)

PCOS aka polycystic ovary syndrome is a disease caused due to excess male hormones in women. This condition triggers the appearance of cysts in the ovary which makes women unable to release their eggs every month.

Women with PCOS usually have excess hair growth on the face, pimples that are difficult to disappear, to irregular menstrual cycles.

Sexually transmitted diseases , diabetes, uterine fibroids, endometriosis , and uterine thickening or polyps can also cause irregular periods.

it is important for you to continue to maintain the menstrual cycle so that it is always organized every month.

In this regard, the following has summarized some treatments that you can do to restore the irregular menstrual cycle.

  1. Treat the underlying medical condition

It is mandatory to treat the underlying disease in irregular menstrual cycles.

If your menstrual cycle is irregular in a long time, don't hesitate to check with your doctor immediately.

Later the doctor will run a blood test to check hormone levels and thyroid function to determine whether you have polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) or if there is interference with the thyroid gland.

Women with PCOS can be given birth control pills or other hormones to trigger menstruation to be more regular.

If you are planning to become pregnant, then the infertility drug may also be prescribed by a doctor. Unlike PCOS, if you are known to have hypothyroidism then you can be treated with thyroid hormone supplementation.

Different again if the cause is found to originate from the structure of the reproductive organs or if medical management proves ineffective, then the following steps can be considered:

  • Surgical removal of polyps or uterine fibroids
  • Uterine artery embolization, a procedure to block blood flow to the uterus
  • Endometrial ablation, a procedure for burning blood vessels in the endometrial lining of the uterus
  • Hysterectomy

2.Changing contraception

If you experience irregular periods for several months or after three months of using hormonal birth control (IUDs), your doctor can recommend you to use other types of contraception.

Some women usually experience irregular periods when using Nexplanon, DepoProvera, or an IUD.

Therefore, check the packaging label that comes with your IUD to learn more about the side effects.

If you start using new contraceptive pills that cause irregular bleeding, your doctor may recommend that you change the birth control pill that you use.

  1. Avoid Extreme exercise

Some women have changes in their menstrual periods due to too much exercise.

Reducing the frequency and intensity of exercise can help your menstrual cycles return to normal.

In addition, stress can also cause many changes in the body, including irregular periods. 

Relaxation and counseling techniques (talking to a therapist) might help.

Furthermore, extreme changes in body weight can also affect your menstrual cycle.

Weight can interfere with the body's ability to ovulate, so that it can affect your menstrual cycle.

However, sudden extreme weight loss can also cause rare or irregular periods. 

Therefore, managing your weight properly is believed to help overcome irregular periods.

4. Hormone therapy

Irregular menstrual cycles are usually caused by a lack or imbalance of certain hormones in the body.

Birth control pills (oral contraceptives), containing the hormones estrogen and progesterone, are commonly prescribed to help control irregular periods. 

In addition to birth control pills, a hormone drug called progestin can also help trigger menstruation in women who rarely or have no menstruation at all. 

5. Herbal medicines

There are several traditional medicines that you can make yourself at home to help restore the menstrual cycle to return to normal.


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