Home remedies to control excessive menstrual bleeding

stephany By On 18/06/2020 at 19:00

In Female Infertility

If you are one of the women who bleeds excessively during the menstrual period, this remedy is for you.

What is Menorrhagia?

Menorrhagia is a condition when menstrual bleeding occurs in large amounts (> 80ml of blood) and / or duration that increases (> 7 days) at normal menstrual intervals. Menorrhagia is a condition that generally occurs in women who are just experiencing puberty, or those over 40-50 years.

However, this amount cannot really be used as a benchmark because the amount of menstrual blood in each woman is generally different from each other. Therefore, to make it easier to recognize the signs of menorrhagia, you can observe the amount of menstrual blood that comes out - whether it's unusual or not.

Do heavy periods affect fertility?

Menstrual disorders are often experienced or complained of by women, both in terms of irregular cycles, menstrual periods that are too short or too long, appear bleeding outside the menstrual cycle, abdominal pain before or when menstruation, etc. Menstrual disorders will indirectly affect fertility because women are unable to determine when their fertility. Though to increase the likelihood of pregnancy is necessary to have sex in the fertile period. In addition, the presence of endometriosis, PCOS, myoma uteri will also affect fertility directly.

African herbal tea for menstrual disorders

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Birthing a child is the dream of every women but at times our uterus develops issues that hinders fertility. However, africandoctor has found the best medicinal plant to help you solve any uterine disease, severe abdominal pain during menstruation, dyspareunia, Menorrhagiaanovulation, irregular menstrual cycle and amenorrhea linked to infertility so you can experience the joy of a mother.
However, it is very necessary to consult your doctor for a better diagnostics to receive the best treatment. This is because, it might be due to diseases like; ovarian cyst, uterine polyps, adenomyosis and so on.

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Causes of Menorrhagia

Menorrhagia can be caused by various things, including:

  • Hormonal imbalance in women who have just started menstruating or approaching menopause
  • Ovarian Dysfunction
  • Myoma of the uterus
  • Polyps in the womb
  • Adenomyosis
  • Pelvic inflammatory disease
  • Blood disorders
  • Thyroid disease, liver disorders, or kidney disorders

Diagnosis of Menorrhagia

To find out about menorrhagia , the doctor will ask about the menstrual cycle so far, including the number of menstrual days and how many pads are used in a day. If true menorrhagia, then the doctor will find out the cause of menorrhagia.

Examinations conducted to determine the causes of menorrhagia, include:

  • PAP smear. In this examination, cells from the cervix will be taken and examined under a microscope to see the possibility of cancer that causes menorrhagia.
  • Endometrial biopsy. Doctors take a little tissue from the uterus to be examined by a pathologist with a microscope.
  • Ultrasonography (USG). This examination is needed to see the condition of the uterus, ovaries, and pelvic cavity.
  • Hysteroscopy. This examination is done by inserting a type of kemera through the vagina into the uterus so that the doctor can see the condition of the uterus more clearly and thoroughly.


Menorrhagia Symptoms

Signs and symptoms of menorrhagia that you can recognize include:

  • Excessive vaginal bleeding during menstruation (changing pads every 1-3 hours)
  • Menstruation lasts for more than one week
  • Daily activities are disrupted
  • Symptoms of anemia such as fatigue, weakness, and shortness of breath
  • Lower stomach pain


Menorrhagia Treatment

Treatment of menorrhagia depends on the cause. But in general, treatment can be done in the form of:

  • Iron supplements to prevent and treat anemia
  • Tranexamic acid can be needed to stop bleeding
  • Oral contraception to reset hormonal problems and menstrual cycles
  • Hormonal drugs that contain progesterone to overcome hormonal imbalances


Prevention of Menorrhagia

Menorrhagia is not completely preventable. But doing the following can reduce the risk of menorrhagia:

  • Sleep 6-8 hours at night
  • Avoid stress or fatigue
  • Doing exercise regularly 5 times per week
  • Eat lots of green vegetables and whole grains
  • Drink 1.5–2 liters of water per day

Menorrhagia Risk Factors

There are factors that can increase the risk of menorrhagia. Of the many factors, age is one risk factor that is quite vulnerable. For example, adolescents who have just menstruated and those in perimenopausal conditions are the age group that tends to experience menorogia.

In adolescents, menorrhagia is generally caused by ovaries that do not release eggs. Whereas in older women, menorrhagia is caused by uterine pathology, including fibroids, polyps, and adenomyosis.


Natural remedies for heavy menstrual bleeding

Mustard seed tea

Mustard Seeds | Descret Tradings Enterprise

• ½ teaspoon of mustard seed powder 
• 1 cup of warm milk


  1. Add the mustard seed powder to the cup of hot milk and mix well with a spoon.
  2. Drink tea twice a day, once in the morning and once in the evening.

Ginger tea

6 Key Health Benefits of Ginger Tea | THE FLOW by PIQUE

• 1 cup of water 
• 1 piece of about 1-2 inches of peeled ginger


  1. Put the water and ginger in a small saucepan.
  2. Heat it for 10 minutes, until it boils.
  3. Remove it from the stove and let it warm until you get an appropriate temperature to drink it.
  4. Stir the ginger and pour the tea into a cup.
  5. If you want, you can add honey to sweeten it.
  6. Drink tea twice a day, once in the morning and once in the evening.

Cinnamon tea

Cinnamon Tea: Spicy, Sweet, and Oh-So-Healthy | THE FLOW by PIQUE

• 1 cup of water 
• 5-6 cinnamon sticks


  1. Place the water and cinnamon sticks in a small saucepan.
  2. Heat it for about 10 minutes.
  3. Remove it from the stove and let it warm until you get an appropriate temperature to drink it.
  4. Remove the cinnamon sticks and pour the tea into a cup.
  5. Drink tea twice a day, in the morning and at night.

Coriander or recao tea and / or its seeds

Cumin Coriander tea / Cumin Coriander tea for weight loss - YouTube

• 2 cups of water 
• Approximately 4-6 coriander or recao leaves and / or their seeds


  1. Place the water and the leaves and / or recao seeds in a small saucepan.
  2. Bring to a boil until water reduces from 2 cups to ½ cup of liquid.
  3. Remove it from the stove and let it rest until you get a proper temperature to drink it.
  4. Strain it and pour the tea into a cup.
  5. Drink tea twice a day, in the morning and at night.

And remember that everything you need for your health, beauty and home can be found at home.

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