5 plants to lower prolactin in women at home

5 plants to lower prolactin in women at home

stephany By On 15/12/2020 at 17:50


Hyperprolactinemia is a condition in the body in which the level of the hormone prolactin is significantly increased. Why is it dangerous to increase and how to lower prolactin in women with plants?

How can you lower prolactin in women with plants or folk remedies?



What you should know about prolactin?

What is hyperprolactinemia?

Our natural plants to lower prolactin in women

Symptoms: What you might notice if you have hyperprolactinemia

Causes: Why hyperprolactinemia happens

5 plants to lower prolactin in women from the comfort of her home


Plants to lower prolactin in women
High prolactin generally indicates pregnancy. However, the anomaly should not be underestimated because it could also suggest pathologies.


What you should know about prolactin

Prolactin is produced by cells in the anterior pituitary gland. Normally, prolactin is present in the body in both women and men, its concentration does not exceed 550 mU / l. This hormone is directly involved in ensuring orgasm, in immune reactions and reduces the pain threshold.

«Prolactin is a hormone produced from the pituitary gland. It helps stimulate and maintain breast milk production. However, it’s also involved in functions including ovulation, reproduction, immunity, and blood cell formation». 


Meanwhile, The high prolactin, or hyperprolactinemia, consists disorder linked to an excessive level of prolactin in the blood in non-pregnant women and men. The disorder is quite common among women of childbearing age with an almost absent menstrual cycle and low ESH levels.


Read on to learn about the causes, symptoms, and natural treatment of hyperprolactinemia.


Our natural plants to lower prolactin in women


We have a very effective natural herbal treatment to cure excess proclatina in the blood. These are herbal teas in powder form that inhibit the secretion of prolactin, decrease tumor mass in varying proportions, then boost the quality of your ovulation. The treatment also improves the functioning of the thyroid gland.

Lead to keep under treatment

It is important, in addition to the main treatment, to adhere to several rules:

  1. avoid stress and depressive conditions;
  2. observe the daily routine, normalize the periods of sleep and wakefulness;
  3. give up bad habits (alcohol, tobacco);
  4. replace oral contraceptives with others;
  5. eat well and balanced;
  6. exclude the use of drinks containing caffeine.

Find out more about this plant remedy to lower prolactin by clicking here or Contact our experts on +229 62 79 67 67 


Symptoms: What you might notice if you have hyperprolactinemia



The symptoms of high prolactin in women are:

  • Decreased production of progesterone after ovulation, with possible irregularities in ovulation next one.
  • Oligomenorrhea, i.e. alteration of the rhythm of the menstrual cycle which may become rarer than usual.
  • Termination of period.
  • Galactorrhea, i.e. excessive and continued production of milk by the mammary gland.

Instead, the symptoms of male hyperprolactinemia are: impotence, decreased libido and infertility.


Causes: Why hyperprolactinemia happens


The causes of hyperprolactinemia are divided into two groups: pathological and physiological. The first group includes diseases of the pituitary gland and hypothalamus, polycystic ovaries, cirrhosis of the liver, adrenal dysfunction and a number of other diseases. Physiological growth of prolactin can be caused by sleep, stress, sexual arousal. During the day, the concentration of prolactin fluctuates, and this is normal.

In non-pregnant and non-breastfeeding women, high prolactin levels lead to undesirable consequences, such as:

- reproductive disorders;

- decreased libido and dissatisfaction after sexual contact;

- weight jump;
- increased risk of breast cancer;

- depression, sleep disorder, etc.


5 plants to lower prolactin in women from the comfort of her home


Among the natural remedies for hyperprolactinemia, we certainly find nutrition. A diet rich in fruits and vegetables, especially dark green leafy vegetables, whole grains, legumes and fish, helps in curing high prolactin. 


 1. Fruits of common Vitex Agnus. 

Vitex agnus to lower prolactin in women

It is a remedy that helps balance hormones as it connects to dopamine receptors preventing the pituitary from releasing prolactin. This treatment gives excellent results, but requires a cure of about 3 or 4 months before the desired effects are achieved.

You need to insist 50 g of fruit in a glass of 40% alcohol or vodka for two weeks. Take a tablespoon three times a day before meals.



2. Sage


The infusion is taken orally and for douching. To prepare the infusion, take 300 ml of boiling water and a tablespoon of dried sage.



3. Root of elecampane. 


A tablespoon of pre-crushed raw materials is poured with boiling water (glass) and insisted for 4-6 hours. For reception, 100 ml per day is enough in 4 doses (25 ml each).


4.  Evening primrose


It has fatty acids that make it possible to produce prostaglandins useful for the reduction of the production of prolactin.


5. Special herbal recipe


With hyperprolactinemia against a background of stress and psycho emotional disorders, it is useful to undergo such a course of herbal medicine. Mix 70 grams of crushed vegetable raw materials: mother wort, peony root, hops, dill (Adonis) herb, scrofula herb, mint and mother plant. Three tablespoons of the collection are brewed in a thermos with 750 - 800 milliliters of hot (85-90 °C) boiling water. They insist. Take half a glass of the product shortly before a meal.

Find out more about this plant remedy to lower prolactin by clicking here or Contact our experts on +229 62 79 67 67

Источник: https://narodnymisredstvami.ru/kak-ponizit-prolaktin-narodnyimi-sredstvami/

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