stephany By On 06/04/2020 at 10:30

In Female Infertility

Menstrual cycle

Menstrual cycle is the number of days between the first day of each menstruation. The average distance of the menstrual schedule is 28 days. Some people have a longer menstrual cycle, while others have shorter periods. The typical range of menstruation is between 21 and 35 days. Unfortunately, some women have irregular periods, where periods occur more frequently or less frequently than every 21 to 35 days.

Scientific research has shown that people can regulate irregular menstrual cycles. The best method is to use traditional medicines that can be done at home and lifestyle changes.



Oligomenorrhea is a condition when a woman's menstrual period at childbearing age is irregular or difficult to predict. The cause of oligomenorrhea is usually not a serious thing. But in certain cases, oligomenorrhea can be a sign of health problems in the body. This condition causes sufferers to only experience menstruation 6-8 times a year. The amount of blood that comes out can not be predicted, can be less than usual or even more.





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How common is this condition?

This condition may not be a strange thing for women. It is likely that almost all women have had non-current menstruation in their lives. Irregular menstruation most often occurs in adolescent girls or elderly women who start menopause. Even so, you can reduce the risk of menstruation that is not smooth by reducing the various triggers.



Signs & Symptoms

What are the signs and symptoms when experiencing irregular menstruation?

Menstruation is said to be irregular if:

  • The number of days apart (cycles) between menstrual periods always changes. For example, before menstruation per 30-35 days, suddenly shortened to be per 21 or 35 days .
  • Sometimes a lot of blood comes out for more than 7 days, but sometimes very little and brief.
  • Having your period less than 9 times a year
  • Less bleeding during menstruation than usual


When menstruation is the first time, you might have an erratic cycle. Generally it takes up to 2 years to have a fixed cycle. Over time, the menstrual cycle in general, blood volume, and the length of menstrual time will be the same every month.



Causes of Oligomenorrhea You Need to Know

Oligomenorrhea is generally experienced by adolescents during the beginning of menstruation, which is about 2-3 years after the first menstruation. However, this condition is fairly reasonable, because it occurs as a result of unstable hormone activity during these puberty periods. Oligomenorrhea is also more often experienced by women entering menopause or women who use hormonal contraception, such as birth control pills or injectable birth control.

Besides the influence of hormones, there are several other conditions that can cause oligomenorrhea. These conditions include:


  • Thyroid disease .
  • Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) .
  • Malnutrition, for example due to eating disorders, such as anorexia nervosa and bulimia.
  • Obesity.
  • Diabetes.
  • Pelvic inflammation.
  • Cervical cancer.
  • Early Menopause .
  • Psychological problems, such as stress and depression.
  • Drug side effects, such as anticonvulsant drugs, blood thinners, corticosteroids, and antipsychotic drugs.
  • Ovarian disorders like ovarian cyst, ovarian cancer
  • Disease pelvic inflammatory
  • Hyperprolactin (excess of the hormone prolactin in the body)
  • Tumors of the pituitary gland (prolactinoma)
  • Tumors that produce excessive hormones 
  • Problems in the uterus, cervix and / or vagina (adenomyosis, fibroids, uterine polyps, )
  • The use of anabolic steroid hormones
  • Graves' disease
  • Prader-Willi syndrome
  • Heavy exercise too often 
  • Using antipsychotic drugs and epilepsy drugs




Risk factors

What puts you at risk of developing this condition?

One of the main factors that increases the risk of irregular menstruation, namely age. Age is very influential in determining a woman's menstrual cycle. In your teens, when you first experience menstruation, ups and downs of hormones will be felt. This is what makes a big change in your menstrual cycle, including regular or irregular menstruation that you experience.

In addition to the beginning of puberty, hormones will also fluctuate quite dramatically in the age before menopause , which is around 45-55 years. Sports or activities that are too heavy can also cause menstrual cycles are irregular or not smooth. Therefore, exercise naturally with the right portion so that the body remains healthy and menstruation remains smooth.



Diagnosis & treatment

What tests are carried out to diagnose this condition?

To find out the cause of menstruation that is not smooth, the doctor will find out various things such as:

  • How often do you exercise along with the weight of each exercise
  • Symptoms are felt some time the last time when menstruation starts irregular
  • The diet program being undertaken
  • Recent mental and mental state
  • Medical history includes illnesses that have been or are being suffered and medications that are being taken

Not only that, the doctor will also find out the problem you are experiencing by doing various examinations. The usual checks are:

  • Pelvic examination
  • Your pap (pap smear)
  • Pregnancy test
  • Blood tests to check the levels of certain hormones, such as thyroid stimulating hormone, cortisol, prolactin, follicle stimulating hormone, and testosterone
  • Pelvic ultrasound to check whether you have uterine fibroids, uterine polyps, or ovarian cysts
  • Endometrial biopsy with the aim of diagnosing endometriosis, hormonal imbalance, or cancer cells


What are the treatment options for irregular menstruation?

Usually, no special treatment is needed for irregular menstruation due to puberty or menopause. However, for other non-current menstrual causes, such as diseases or unhealthy lifestyles, the treatment provided will adjust to the cause.

  • Drugs and surgery can be a treatment option to overcome various diseases that cause menstruation to be irregular or not smooth.
  • Metmorfin and insulin-lowering drugs for example will be prescribed to help smooth ovulation so that menstruation returns regularly. 
  • Low-dose birth control pills that contain a combination of estrogen and progesterone can also reduce androgen production to improve menstrual schedules.
  • Blood tests to detect whether there are signs of bleeding, nutritional deficiencies, infection or inflammation, and others.
  • Blood tests to detect hormone levels and thyroid function
  • Urine examination to detect signs of pregnancy , infection, or sexually transmitted diseases
  • Pap smear examination to detect signs of cervical cancer and biopsy to detect other types of cancer of the reproductive system


In essence, you need to consult a doctor to determine what treatment is most suitable for the condition.





What you can do to prevent oligomenorrhea is to avoid the risk factors that cause oligoemenorrhea as noted above. 

Precautions you can take include:

  • Exercise regularly to maintain a normal weight and reduce stress
  • Eat healthy food




Immediately consult a doctor if you often experience menstruation every more than 35 days.




When symptoms are first felt, you might see a general practitioner first. If the doctor suspects that you are experiencing an oligomenorrhea, the doctor will refer you to an obstetrician and reproductive system specialist. 

Before the examination, you can prepare the following:

  • Make a list about your menstrual symptoms
  • Record your menstrual history (including at what age at first menstruation, is there a problem with each period, how long have you got your period, how many times do you change your pads in each day)
  • Record the history of your woman's family menstruation (such as mother, siblings, and other relatives)
  • Record the history of the disease that you have and are experiencing.
  • Record the drugs or vitamins that you routinely consume
  • Write down the questions that you want to ask the doctor




During the examination, the doctor may ask the following questions:

  • When did you first get your period?
  • How long is the distance between menstruation between months?
  • How much bleeding do you experience each time your period? How many times a day do you change your pads?
  • Are there any problems that you experience every time your period, for example complaints of excessive stomach cramps or other physical problems that are quite annoying until you cannot move normally?
  • What are the history of illness that you have and are experiencing?
  • What medicines or supplements do you consume regularly?
  • What type of contraception are you using?
  • Has anyone in your female family experienced the same thing?

In addition, the doctor will also do a physical examination and may possibly recommend further examinations to ascertain the underlying cause of the oligomenore that you are experiencing.



Treatment at home

What home remedies or lifestyle changes can be done to overcome irregular menstruation?

To restore the smooth menstrual cycle, you can combine doctor's care with home. The following are various home treatments that can be done to resolve irregular menstrual problems:


Do yoga

It turns out that yoga is one effective solution to overcome various menstrual problems, including irregular cycles. Research published in The Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine discovered scientific facts. Research shows that hormone levels that trigger irregular menstrual schedules can be controlled by doing yoga.

This benefit was felt by the participants who did yoga for 35-40 minutes for 5 days a week in 6 months. In fact, yoga is one of the exercises whose movements can reduce menstrual pain.

You can take a yoga class or mimic the movements of yoga from many videos circulating on the internet. However, if you want to try it at home do simple movements with minimal risk to avoid injury.


Keeping your weight stable


Changes in body weight, both up or down, can excessively make menstruation not smooth. For this reason, a way to maintain and restore a regular menstrual cycle, namely by maintaining ideal body weight.

In addition to menstruation that is not smooth, other problems that are often experienced are more intense flowing menstrual blood plus unbearable pain. Whatever it is, obesity or being too thin can cause other health problems besides messy periods.

Consult a doctor if you have difficulty losing or gaining weight. The doctor will help find the most appropriate type of treatment with either drugs or special therapies. One treatment that is recommended especially for obese women is to exercise regularly. Exercise helps you lose weight in a healthy way while keeping your immune system fit.


Get enough rest


Stress and fatigue can make menstruation not smooth, can be faster or even slower. When someone is stressed, it is not uncommon for him to experience menstruation twice a month or even not experience it at all. Therefore, do not neglect your time off. Enough sleep helps maintain normal bodily functions including menstrual regulating hormones. Try to sleep for 7-8 hours overnight. Avoid staying up late if it's not needed.

In order to sleep more soundly, dim the lights and adjust the room temperature so it is not too cold or hot. You can also take a warm shower first if your body feels achy. Warm baths help relax the mind and relieve aches after a day of activities. Do not drink coffee or tea at night so you are not difficult to feel sleepy and asleep.

If you have questions, consult your doctor to get the best solution.


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