stephany By On 14/07/2020 at 12:36

In Female Infertility

Amenorrhea means the absence of the menstrual period. Apart from during childhood, pregnancy, breastfeeding, or menopause, the absence of the menstrual period may indicate a problem with the reproductive system. One of the most common causes of amenorrhea is a hormonal disturbance. The interplay of female sex hormones can be disrupted by a wide range of events, including diseases of the reproductive organs, weight loss, emotional stress, or overexercising. Frequently, there is no worrying cause found.


Infertilite feminine 1

The constituents of this tisane allow it to restore your menstrual cycle and dispose of any problem that may lead to infertility. Some of the plants that make this possible are Cloves and Acridoscarpus, these are very powerful plants, the mixture of these plants with other secret herbs have made it possible to bring back menstruation. In addition, Our natural remedy is the secret to cure any form of female infertility. We offer you a definite advantage: the absence of undesirable effects and contraindications. The natural approach is often the best approach to find a solution. Our natural remedies have allowed many women to have children. Nonetheless, it is more effective to find out the reason you developed this pathology, for better treatment.

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• Home remedies for amenorrhea include the use of various herbs and substances that are easily available at home.

• Angelica Sinensis: Angelica Sinensis has been traditionally used in labor problems such as delayed birth and in the removal of the placenta after birth. The root of Angelica has also been used in relieving from amenorrhea and dysmenorrhea. Recent scientific research carried out at the University Of Messina, Italy has proved that angelica has a significant effect on gynecological problems in women, especially with amenorrhea and dysmenorrhea.

• Blue Cohosh: Blue Cohosh is a plant that has been used in traditional medicine such as Ayurveda throughout the world. It is believed that blue cohosh is a very good uterine and menstruation stimulant. Its phytochemical calulopsonin provides stimulation for blood flow in the pelvic region. Recent scientific study on blue cohosh indicates that it really has the potential to cure amenorrhea and other gynecological diseases.

• Dill weed: Dill weed is another herbal plant that has been used traditionally both as medicine and also in cooking. Women who do not have regular periods can take dill and can have periods on a regular basis. For centuries, dill has been used by women in enhancing breast milk.

• False Unicorn: False unicorn is also a traditional herb that has been used very often as a medicine for women’s gynecological health. People believed that false unicorn has infertility curing properties. A recent scientific study proved that false unicorn indeed has some infertility curing properties.

• Lemon balm: Lemon balm is another herb that has been used historically in the treatment of amenorrhea and other menstrual-related problems in women. It promotes the menstrual cycle and eases menstrual cramps. It has also been used in amenorrhea related migraines and headaches. Research on lemon balm indicated the centuries-old claims were actually true.

• Sweet fennel: Sweet fennel is an herb that has a good effect on stimulating the menstrual cycle. Sweet fennel has been found to be effective in premenstrual syndrome (PMS). It helps in maintaining optimum fluid balance in the body.

• Fenugreek: Fenugreek is considered to be a one-stop solution for many problems faced by women related to menstrual cycle and reproduction. Fenugreek has been used with positive results in milk production, amenorrhea, relief from menstrual cramps and hot flashes, etc.

• Chasteberry: Chasteberry is one herb that provides a balance of hormones in the body, especially those related to estrogen and progesterone hormones. Hormonal balance is very important in correcting the menstrual cycle. The balance of hormones that chasteberry provides has a role to play infertility in women.

• Tomato Juice: Tomato is another fruit that helps in treating amenorrhea. Taking tomato juice every day is recommended for better results. Even Ayurveda, the ancient Indian system of traditional medicine recommends the intake of tomatoes as a remedy for amenorrhea.

• Cinnamon: Cinnamon is a spice originating in Asia. This spice has been traditionally used as a cure for different ailments, one of them being amenorrhea. A report submitted at Alexandria University in Egypt had found that adolescent girls were using spices and herbs and spices for treating amenorrhea and one of them was cinnamon.

• Saffron: Saffron is an antioxidant believed to act as a toxin flushing agent in the body. Boiling a pinch of saffron in water, cooling it, and taking the water all day is believed to clean up the body internally.

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