Cure hyperthyroidism naturally

stephany By On 11/06/2020 at 16:53


​​Tiroide, la dieta che la rimette in riga

Five ways to cure hyperthyroidism naturally recommended

Hyperthyroidism occurs when the thyroid gland is overworked, producing too many hormones T4 and T3. The most common cause of hyperthyroidism is a disease autoimmune Graves' disease , where the body produces antibodies (proteins needed to protect against viruses and bacteria) which, by binding to receptors of TSH , stimulate the thyroid gland to produce too many hormones.

Hyperthyroidism can also be caused by a goiter nodular; the nodules are bulges present in the thyroid gland that stimulate making them produce too many hormones. In addition, inflammation of the thyroid gland ( thyroiditis ), the consequence of an attack by the immune system against, for example, a viral infection, can lead to symptoms of temporary hyperthyroidism.

Another cause is the excessive iodine supply (typically from supplements or medications ). Poisoning from iodine can cause goiter or exacerbate existing symptoms.

Symptoms of hyperthyroidism and Graves' disease

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The main symptoms of hyperthyroidism and Graves' disease include:

  • anxiety
  • sleep disorders
  • irritability
  • amplification of the sense of smell
  • irritable bowel syndrome
  • hair thinning
  • irregular beat
  • weight changes

Are you a victim of hypethyroidism? You are experiencing uncontrollable weight loss? You are unable to carry on your activities normally? Try africandoctor's herbal tea. 


signes hyperthyroidie

​It is a natural, effective, and lasting remedy that will allow you to overcome hyperthyroidism. The herbal tea contains many active ingredients, in particular polyphenols, polysaccharides, mucilages, micronutrients, proteins and vitamins. Our natural remedy is made up of plants that regulates  the production of thyroid hormones. These plants are recognized as the most effective in the world for curing hyperthyroidism. They allow effective control of hyperthyroidism. These plants will also help your body adapt to stressful situations and also contribute to the health of the immune system. Our natural remedy is the quick fix for naturally curing hyperthyroidism. Finally, in addition to curing hyperthyroidism, the natural remedy is also very effective in treating menopausal disorders.

Would you like to discover the most effective natural method to eliminate hyperthyroidism without surgery, in a short time, safely and permanently!

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Foods for the hyperthyroid diet

The first step to improve thyroid function is to enrich your diet with these curative foods :

Vegetable juices - consumingfresh vegetable juicesmade from curly kale, spinach and spirulina allows the body to replenish the nutrients it needs to live .
Unprocessed foods - processed foods should be avoided, therefore prefer fresh fruit, vegetables and lean meat.
Anti-inflammatory herbs - many herbs such as basil, rosemary and oregano have anti-inflammatory propertiesand can help improve hyperthyroidism .
Ginger - is a spice with anti-inflammatory power and supports the immune system.
Bone broth- bone broth supports the detoxification process and helps heal the porous intestine , which is one of the causes of the onset and aggravation of hyperthyroidism.

Foods to Avoid

Gluten - the agglutinated diet can be beneficial for anyone with a thyroid problem.
Artificial sweeteners and dyes - these substances can alter the function of the thyroid gland, better therefore avoid them. 
White sugar - weakens the immune system and therefore contributes to autoimmunity. 
Canned food - can include GM foods, directly associated with autoimmune diseases.

Would you like to discover the most effective natural method to eliminate hyperthyroidism without surgery, in a short time, safely and permanently!

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