stephany By On 15/06/2020 at 14:19


Do you want to get rid  of hyperthyroidism permanently? Read to the end.


Thyroid disease and breast cancer: Is there a link? - Harvard Health ...

The thyroid is an endocrine gland located in the neck, in the center of the throat, in front of the larynx and trachea. Butterfly-shaped, it is formed by two lateral lobes connected by a thin isthmus and has the task of producing thyroid hormones T3 (triiodothyronine) and T4 (thyroxine) , iodine-based compounds, based on the input sent by the hormone thyroid gland ( TSH ) produced by the pituitary gland, in addition to calcitonin which is a hormone produced by the parafollicular cells ( C cells ) of the thyroid, which takes part in the metabolism of calcium.

What are the Factors that alter thyroid function?

Viral infections, inflammations and intoxications are among the factors that can determine the appearance of thyroiditis. 

The most important intoxicating factors are: drugs such as lithium salts, anti-acidity drugs (aluminum hydroxide), those against cholesterol, anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) and numerous others, but also the excessive intake of iodine (including that contained in algae such as Fucus) which can stress the thyroid gland to the point of functional collapse.

Are you a victim of hypethyroidism? You are experiencing uncontrollable weight loss? You are unable to carry on with your activities normally? Try africandoctor's herbal tea. 


signes hyperthyroidie

​It is a natural, effective, and lasting remedy that will allow you to overcome hyperthyroidism. The herbal tea contains many active ingredients, in particular polyphenols, polysaccharides, mucilages, micronutrients, proteins and vitamins. Our natural remedy is made up of plants that regulates  the production of thyroid hormones. These plants are recognized as the most effective in the world for curing hyperthyroidism. They allow effective control of hyperthyroidism. These plants will also help your body adapt to stressful situations and also contribute to the health of the immune system. Our natural remedy is the quick fix for naturally curing hyperthyroidism. Finally, in addition to curing hyperthyroidism, the natural remedy is also very effective in treating menopausal disorders.

Would you like to discover the most effective natural method to eliminate hyperthyroidism without surgery, in a short time, safely and permanently!

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Who is more susceptible to hyperthyroidism?

Hyperthyroidism can happen at any age, but it is more common in people aged 60 and older. Graves disease (one cause of hyperthyroidism) is more likely to occur between ages 40-60 years old.

Does hyperthyroidism go away?

Hyperthyroidism typically does not go away on its own. Most people need treatment to make hyperthyroidism go away.


Here are other natural medicine to help weaken hyperthyroidism symptoms

Natural medicine aims to recover thyroid function by working on three aspects: detoxification of the organism and reduction of the general inflammatory state, correction of the food style and "green" remedies to gently rebalance the activity of the gland, correction of the psycho-emotional states that alter the body's endocrine harmony.

  • Gentian (Gentiana lutea) and Birch (Betula pubescens) for detoxifying and inflamming.

Gentiana lutea, Yellow Gentian, rare medicinal plant
Gentiana lutea

Detoxifying and flaming the tissues is the first step in recovering a healthy humoral environment, an essential requirement for the immune system to function properly. 

Betula pubescens - EUFORGEN European forest genetic resources ...
Betula pubescens

Among the detoxifying remedies the most powerful is the gentian root, which in addition to stimulating pancreatic and hepatic activity, purifies the blood of all toxins. It is used in association with birch, a powerful anti-inflammatory and cell-draining agent.

Dosage: Gentian mother tincture, 30 drops in a little water twice a day; Glycerine macerate of Betula pubescens, 50 drops in a little water the morning before breakfast. Take for no more than 15 consecutive days.

  • Myrrh (Commiphora myrrha)

Commiphora Myrrha Myrrh Thrapy Oil, Rs 10000 /kilogram Baba ...

Considered in antiquity as precious as gold for its antiseptic and analgesic power, myrrh is a vegetable resin rich in etheric, gum resins and sesquiterpenes oils with disinfectant, anti-inflammatory and anesthetic properties, to which it is recognized the ability to stimulate thyroid activity in a gentler and safer way than iodine plants. The disinfectant properties make it particularly useful in viral thyroiditis. 

Dosage: Myrrh mother tincture, 20 drops diluted in a little water 2 times a day.

  • Coleus (Coleus forskholii) 

How to Grow Coleus - Growing Coleus | Gardener's Supply

Numerous studies have shown that forkolina, the active ingredient contained in this plant of the Ayurvedic tradition, plays an important role in modulating thyroid metabolism thanks to its ability to increase the production of thyroid hormones and stimulate their release. Antidepressant, myo-relaxing and anti-inflammatory, coleus is also able to increase the lipolysis of the fat stored in the tissues due to the metabolic slowdown. 

Dosage: Dry extract of Coleus Forkolii titrated to 10% in Forkolin, 100mg twice a day. 

NB Do not exceed the recommended doses, do not use during pregnancy.

Is There a Link Between Thyroid Cancer and Hyperthyroidism?

Graves' disease |

Patients with Graves’ disease are at higher risk for thyroid cancer compared with patients with diffuse goiter, evidence suggests. In one study, thyroid cancers were found in 22.2% of patients with thyroid nodules in Graves’ goiters compared with 2.9% percent of patients with diffuse toxic goiter with no nodules. In addition, Graves’ disease appears to be linked with larger, multifocal, and potentially more aggressive thyroid cancer rather than multinodular toxic goiter or single hot nodules, the authors noted.

Would you like to discover the most effective natural method to eliminate hyperthyroidism without surgery, in a short time, safely and permanently!

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