I HAVE ALGODYSTROPHIA: what should I eat?

By On 08/07/2020


7 Best Home Remedies For Anemia - NDTV Food

Algodystrophy is a rare and disabling bone disease. It can occur at any age but mainly affects adults between 35 and 65 years old and women in 3 out of 4 cases. It affects the upper limbs more often than the lower limbs.

Natural remedy by medicinal plants against Algodystrophy
If you are looking for an effective natural treatment to end the pain and burning sensation from pain in your stomach, then this is the perfect natural treatment for you. This natural treatment inhibits pain but also symptoms have no side effects and have a much more lasting action.

Trust us! It is the secret of nature to permanently cure the pain associated with algodystrophy.

Our natural treatment for algodystrophy is an effective, fast, and lasting remedy that will allow you to naturally reduce your pain. It is composed of two elements: a balm and herbal tea. You will feel a marked decrease in pain from the first weeks of use. The herbal tea contains plants whose active ingredients block pain, act on the cartilage to stop it from degrading, and help its regeneration.



Asthme - Le remède naturel par les plantes contre l'asthme

Our natural treatment for algodystrophy is an effective, fast, and lasting remedy that will allow you to naturally reduce your pain. It is composed of two elements: a balm and herbal tea. You will feel a marked decrease in pain from the first weeks of use. The herbal tea contains plants whose active ingredients block pain, act on the cartilage to stop it from degrading, and help its regeneration.

It is the perfect solution to fight against algodystrophy, knee, and all other forms. This herbal tea provides rapid and dramatic relief. It is both anti-inflammatory, analgesic, and antioxidant.

The balm will be used for daily massages on the areas where you feel pain. It’s a natural relaxant. 




Foods to consume in case of algodystrophy

Ginger tea

Vitamin C as an antiviral found in fresh ginger root tea

Several studies have shown that ginger has anti-inflammatory properties and is able to limit the effects of painful substances in the body. Ginger is particularly recommended for patients who have unpleasant side effects from long-term use of the drug. Make your own ginger tea - add a few slices of ginger to the boiling water and let stand for 15 minutes.



Utiliser le clou de girofle pour calmer les douleurs dentaires ...

Adding about half a teaspoon of cloves a day to your diet reduces inflammatory processes in your body and slows the formation of cartilage and bone damage caused by algodystrophy.



Turmeric side effects: Health benefits and risks

This plant in the ginger family inhibits enzymes that promote inflammation, reduce pain and swelling while improving joint mobility.



Vitamin C

A Guide to Vitamin C: Health Benefits & Best Sources | Fullscript

Vitamin C helps the body produce collagen, which strengthens the joints and frees the body from free radicals, which in turn damages the joints. Scientists say that patients who eat enough vitamin C have a much slower progression of heart disease and fewer symptoms. Includes citrus fruits, strawberries, broccoli, melons, peppers, and other products rich in vitamin C.


Vitamin D

Sunshine Vitamin: 65% of Brits lack vitamin D | Health Europa

Very important because the elderly lose muscle mass and strength, thereby increasing instability. Instability can be exacerbated by dizziness. A high protein diet is important for reducing muscle loss. According to the recommendations of the International Osteoporosis Foundation, 1 g of protein per 1 kg of body weight per day should be taken. Vitamin D can be taken by staying in the sun or by eating dried shiitake mushrooms, tuna, sardines or salmon, but if this is not possible, there are various medications and supplements that can be purchased at pharmacies;
Magnesium deficiency causes significant changes in the perception of pain, so it is desirable to include drugs or supplements containing magnesium in the treatment of chronic pain.



We do, however, offer TOP 5 products that are not recommended in cases of algodystrophy.



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Carbohydrates are rich in all kinds of sweets, candies, jams, jams, various sauces, and sugary soft drinks. Excess carbohydrate intake increases the risk of being overweight, followed by circulatory problems in the joints. As a result, the joints receive less nutrients and are good soil for the development of algodystrophy.


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Animal products contain arachidonic acid, which breaks down into eicosanoids when ingested. These are responsible for joint inflammation and weight gain. The worst, in this case, is pork and beef.


Gluten : les aliments avec et sans, exemples de menus sans gluten

The gluten found in wheat, rye, barley, and oats can cause inflammatory joint diseases. Many studies show that people with algodystrophy who have excluded gluten-containing products from their diet recover completely.



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The exclusion of dairy products from the diet should be considered on an individual basis, taking into account the characteristics of each organism. Because milk and dairy products are an important source of calcium and vitamin D, which helps strengthen bones, prevent fractures and other joint problems. However, eliminating these products from the diet also helps reduce the symptoms of algodystrophy.



Should or should you not drink coffee and tea during a fast ...

Caffeine leaches calcium from the body, which in turn can promote the development of algodystrophy or, in the case of algodystrophy, worsen its course.




Does Balsam pears prevent diabetes?

By On 08/07/2020

What is Balsam Pear?

The balsamic pear, also known as bitter cucumber, is rich in iron, beta-carotene, and potassium. However, it has also been shown to relieve constipation and help blood circulation, thereby causing weight loss in the body.  


The Chinese diet: Balsam pear

Balsam pear photo image_picture free download
Oriental medicine has long emphasized that diseases can be prevented with a healthy diet. Dieting has no harmful side effects as advertised by Western medicine. If we introduce healthy foods into our diet, it will be easier for you to prevent and stop diseases without serious medical interventions. The balsam pear is one of these useful plants in the Chinese diet.


Nevertheless, this herbal tea is the perfect natural solution to fight diabetes.




herbal tea for diabetes

The herbal tea for diabetes we propose is made from the perfect combination of African herbs that help reduce sugar level. This herbal tea not only reduces sugar but also helps reduce the risk of cancer development. Hence, this is the best herbal tea for diabetes cure for you if you have diabetes. 

If you have diabetes do not hesitate to take advantage of this herbal tea for diabetes!!  Click here



Balsam pears and diabetes

10 Reasons Why Bitter Melon Can Help With Diabetes | Vitagene

Balsam pear may be useful to those with diabetes in lowering blood glucose levels, but researchers need to conduct more clinical studies to confirm its benefits.


The usefulness of balsamic pears

The balsamic pear, also known as bitter cucumber or bitter melon, is rich in iron, beta-carotene, and potassium. However, it has also been shown to relieve constipation and help blood circulation, thereby causing weight loss in the body. The Philippine Department of Health recommends the balsamic pear as a dietary supplement. Laboratory tests have also shown that it prevents the spread of the HIV virus.

How Do Balsam pears work on diabetes?

Bitter Melon: The Diabetes-Fighting, Cancer-Curing Alternative To ...
In addition, the oldest known beneficial effect can be linked to diabetes. Chinese medical records have long shown that it has properties that prevent diabetes. According to records related to the symptoms of diabetes, which is widespread today, the balm bulb relieves thirst and cleanses vision.

According to research from Japanese and Thai universities, balsamic pears reduce blood sugar levels by up to 25%. As diabetes becomes more prevalent nowadays, introducing a balsamic pear into the diet is a good and inexpensive solution to lower blood sugar levels and prevent diabetes.


Introduction of balsamic pears into the diet

Simply Cooking and Health: Fried bitter melon salad - Balsam-pear
The balsamic pear tastes pretty weird. As the name suggests (bitter cucumber) has a bitter taste. However, there are many Chinese recipes that conjure up a pleasant dish from this plant. They are made into soups, served as an appetizer between fish and steak, and often stuffed or put into salads. Its bitterness highlights the taste of the spices. In summer, it proves to be a very refreshing dish.


A healthy diet with balsamic pears

Where can we get balsamic pears and how to make them? Balsam pears are available in most Asian vegetable markets. It resembles a grooved cucumber and is most delicious when it has a light green color. It is easy to make, just cut it in half, scrape out the fibrous inside and the seeds. It can be eaten raw or cooked. The more main, the more the bitter taste disappears, but as we know, plants lose much of their nutritional value as main.

Note: If you want to diet, you need to do this in moderation. People with low blood sugar and pregnant women should not drink balm pear juice or eat too much of it.

Also, This health disorder occurs when the body does not produce enough insulin, a hormone that regulates glucose levels and their entry into cells. Insulin is produced and released into the circulatory system by beta cells in the islets of Langerhans in the pancreas. Check out the best diabetic diet.

The Best Bitter Melon Recipes


Bitter Melon Stir-Fry With Pork

Remove the seeds using a small metal spoon.

Balsam pear

Cut on the diagonal into thin slices.

Bitter Melon Stir-Fry recipe

Degorge the bitter melon by sprinkling salt over the slices and placing them in a colander to drain for 15 minutes.

In a small bowl, mash the chili pepper flakes with the minced garlic.

Heat wok over medium-high heat and add 2 tablespoons oil. When the oil is hot, add the minced garlic and chili mixture.

Bitter Melon Stir-Fry recipe

Stir-fry briefly until aromatic - about 30 seconds.

Bitter Melon Stir-Fry recipe

Add the bitter melon. Stir-fry for about 2 minutes, then splash with the balsamic vinegar and soy sauce.

Bitter Melon Stir-Fry recipe

Stir in the sugar. Cook for another 1 to 2 minutes. Until the bitter melon is browning and beginning to soften.

Bitter Melon Stir-Fry recipe

Stir in a few drops sesame oil if desired.

Serve hot and enjoy!

Bitter Melon Stir-Fry recipe


This recipe calls for red wine vinegar or even balsamic vinegar for a bit more “bite.” But if you have good Chinese rice wine feel free to substitute it.

Stir-Fry Bitter Melon With Pork

Gather the ingredients.

Stir-Fry Bitter Melon With Pork recipe ingredients

Bring a large pot of water to a boil.

Stir-Fry Bitter Melon With Pork recipe

Cut the ends off the bitter melon and cut in half lengthwise (do not peel).

Stir-Fry Bitter Melon With Pork recipe

Remove the seeds and pith from the middle of the melon with a small spoon.

Stir-Fry Bitter Melon With Pork recipe

Cut the melon diagonally into 1/4-inch slices.

Stir-Fry Bitter Melon With Pork recipe

Place the sliced bitter melon in the boiling water and parboil until it is just tender, about 2 to 3 minutes, then drain.

Stir-Fry Bitter Melon With Pork recipe

Cut the pork across the grain into very thin, 1/8-inch thick slices that are 1 1/2 to 2 inches long.

Stir-Fry Bitter Melon With Pork recipe

Place in a bowl and add the soy sauce, 2 teaspoons rice wine or sherry, pepper, and cornstarch, stirring to combine and let the pork marinate while preparing the other ingredients.

Stir-Fry Bitter Melon With Pork recipe

In a small bowl, combine the chicken broth and 1 tablespoon sherry.

Stir-Fry Bitter Melon With Pork recipe

In a separate small bowl, dissolve the cornstarch in 1 tablespoon water.

Stir-Fry Bitter Melon With Pork recipe

Rinse the black beans to remove excess salt. Mash the beans with the side of a cleaver or knife.

Stir-Fry Bitter Melon With Pork recipe

Stir together the beans and chopped garlic with a small amount of water.


Algodystrophy: Symptoms And Natural Treatment

By On 08/07/2020

Complex regional pain syndrome (CRPS) or Sudeck's disease is a disease with many different symptoms. It can vary from patient to patient and the healing process can be very long. Algodystrophy is a painful nutritional disorder (dystrophy) and atrophy (narrowing) of the skin, muscles, and bones of the arms or legs with a course corresponding to a stage.

carpal tunnel, syndrome of medial nerve compression in the carpal ...

The exact causes of the development of algodystrophy have not yet been clearly clarified. The disease usually occurs after an injury or operation to the extremities. In rare cases, algodystrophy is also described following a stroke, a heart attack or nervous disorders, sometimes without triggering cause.

Psychological symptoms such as anxiety, depression, and instability often occur in association with algodystrophy, these symptoms not being the cause but the result of the disease.




Asthme - Le remède naturel par les plantes contre l'asthme

Our natural treatment for algodystrophy is an effective, fast, and lasting remedy that will allow you to naturally reduce your pain. It is composed of two elements: a balm and herbal tea. You will feel a marked decrease in pain from the first weeks of use. The herbal tea contains plants whose active ingredients block pain, act on the cartilage to stop it from degrading, and help its regeneration.

It is the perfect solution to fight against algodystrophy, knee, and all other forms. This herbal tea provides rapid and dramatic relief. It is both anti-inflammatory, analgesic, and antioxidant.

The balm will be used for daily massages on the areas where you feel pain. It’s a natural relaxant. 




Natural remedy by medicinal plants against Algodystrophy

If you are looking for an effective natural treatment to end the pain and burning sensation from pain in your stomach, then this is the perfect natural treatment for you. This natural treatment inhibits pain but also symptoms have no side effect and has a much more lasting action.

Trust us! It is the secret of nature to permanently cure the pain associated with algodystrophy!

Our natural treatment for algodystrophy is an effective, fast, and lasting remedy that will allow you to naturally reduce your pain. It is composed of two elements: a balm and herbal tea. You will feel a marked decrease in pain from the first weeks of use. The herbal tea contains plants whose active ingredients block pain, act on the cartilage to stop it from degrading, and help its regeneration.



Let's Recognize Algodystrophy

Algodystrophy generally affects a joint, preferably the hand or the foot, less often the shoulder, hip, or knee.

In addition to pronounced movement pain, there may be burning pain at rest, tenderness to touch, reduced skin sensation, painful tenderness to touch, poor coordination, and/or restricted movement. Skin changes - such as swelling, redness, overheating or reduced or increased hair growth - as well as shrinking tissue on the skin, subcutaneous tissue, muscle, and nails, are almost always present in late consequence.

In principle, the evolution of the disease into algodystrophy can be divided into 3 stages:

Stage I - stage of acute inflammation
This stage is characterized by increased blood volume with overheating, edematous swelling with overheating and reddish livid, e.g. T. shiny skin.

Stage II - chronic dystrophy (nutritional disorder)
This stage is characterized by swelling, a pale skin, called shiny, with a general shrinking of the soft tissues. During this phase, the pain at rest decreases, the affected joint begins to stiffen.

Stage III - irreversible atrophy (permanent shrinkage of tissue)
This stage is characterized by a decrease in pain with advanced joint stiffening, associated with muscle wasting, and a significant loss of strength. The skin is dry, atrophic, and waxy.



Causes and triggers of algodystrophy

According to the current state of research, the causes of complex regional pain syndrome have not yet been definitively elucidated. It is certain that Sudeck's disease occurs after external influences, for example after operations, fractures, or trauma, and that the healing process of injuries (nerves, soft tissues) is disturbed.

Sudeck's disease occurs on average more often in the upper limbs than in the lower limbs. Women are also more often affected than men and children are more likely to be affected in exceptional cases. A particularly high frequency has been found in a fracture of the radius near the wrist (fracture of the distal radius).

When to see the doctor

When should you go to the doctor? A visit to the doctor should be considered as soon as you notice disturbances or abnormalities in the healing process. Especially when the sensitivity and intensity of pain are still high, although the event is relatively old. Even if those affected are uncertain and suspicious, a clarification visit to the doctor is important. Because of the very long treatment, it is advisable not to leave too much time between the discovery of anomalies and the first visit to the doctor.





How to use Gymnema Sylvestre for diabetes?

How to use Gymnema Sylvestre for diabetes?

By On 07/07/2020

What do you need to know about the gourmet ( Gymnema Sylvestre ) plant?

South India native of Gymnema Sylvestre this more dense leaf, similar to vines climbing plants, shrubs, and trees that creeps up. This plant is known as a sugar destroyer because in ancient times Ayurvedic doctors observed that consuming the leaves of Gymnema suppresses the taste of sugar. Thanks to this discovery, it is gaining in popularity and is being re-used as a natural hypoglycemic agent.


herbal tea for diabetes

The herbal tea for diabetes we propose is made from the perfect combination of African herbs that help reduce sugar level. This herbal tea not only reduces sugar but also helps reduce the risk of cancer development. Hence, this is the best herbal tea for diabetes cure for you if you have diabetes. 

If you have diabetes do not hesitate to take advantage of this herbal tea for diabetes!!  Click here


In what areas can Gymnema be used?

It suppresses the taste of sweet foods and thus also reduces the craving for sugar after these foods: it prevents the intestines from absorbing sugar molecules during digestion.

For the treatment of diabetes

  • It helps set normal blood sugar levels.
  • Regulates body weight
  • Controls and regulates the level of sugar cravings.
  • Gymnema reduces its taste while consuming sugar.
  • Promotes healthy cholesterol levels.

From the above, it can be seen that consuming Gymnema is one of the most natural ways to help achieve and maintain normal blood sugar levels. This is due to a compound found in the plant, gimnemic acid, which helps to normalize blood sugar levels. This substance is able to inhibit the absorption of fats and carbohydrates, making it excellent for the treatment of diabetes and as a supplement to diets. It also reduces the urge for carbs and hunger, making it easier to avoid the “temptation” of chocolate and cakes.

Gymnema regulates blood sugar levels, helps with weight loss

Gymnema Tea 25Dipbags – CountryDrugStore
Gymnema Sylvestre leaf extract lowers blood sugar. Research has shown that Gymnema can double the amount of insulin-producing cells in the pancreas and restore blood sugar levels to normal. Research in patients with type 1 diabetes has shown that Gymnema increases the effectiveness of insulin. And in a special study, those who took Gymnema leaf extract for a few months needed less insulin. For those who had type 2 diabetes (non-insulin-dependent diabetes), gym leaf extract improved their blood sugar levels and they needed less medication.

After consuming the leaves of Gymnema Sylvestre, also known as gourmetthe taste buds of the tongue become numb, so we do not feel any sweet or bitter taste. So that's why the plant is called "sweet destroyer" So a fantastic herb that brings the blood sugar balance, thus an excellent means of treating both types of diabetes medication.

In addition to its beneficial effects on sugar management, Gymnema Sylvestre (gimnemic acid) is also known to have an appetite-suppressing and carbohydrate absorption-inhibiting effect, thus regulating carbohydrate metabolism. Within the framework of a healthy diet, the plant promotes weight loss, after a few weeks of regular use you can really feel its effectiveness. The optimal solution to achieve the desired effect is to consume it for every meal, i.e. three times a day.


Nutritional Importance

Good Nutrition- Importance and Need of Good Nutrition- Dr. Mukesh ...

The factors of nutrition in diabetes are one of the most important links in the treatment regimen for diabetes. Many people think that they are following a diet, but after the survey, it turns out that they are not so self-aware.

When diabetes develops, a person is limited to foods rich in carbohydrates and fats (although in some cases the restriction also applies to proteins), but the consumption of all carbohydrates is not prohibited. Carbohydrates come in many forms:

simple carbohydrates (glucose, galactose, fructose);

Relatively complex carbohydrates (sucrose, lactose, maltose);

Complex carbohydrates (starch, glycogen, and cellulose).

Simple carbohydrates are quickly absorbed by the body. It is called "fast sugar". These are - ordinary sugar (sucrose), fruit sugar (fructose); Milk sugar (lactose); Grape sugar (glucose);

Malt sugar (maltose); They contain sugar, honey, jam, confectionery, juices, sweet drinks, and more. It is "fast" carbohydrate products that are banned by diabetics.

Complex carbohydrates are also absorbed by the body, but relatively slowly, and they are called "slow" carbohydrates. They contain all products made from grains (bread, pasta, corn), as well as potatoes, beans, peas. These products can be taken in limited quantities.

There are carbohydrates that are not absorbed by the body. Such are cellulite, plant fibers, and others. The cell is not absorbed by the body, but removes droplets from the intestines and creates a feeling of bloating.

Such useful carbohydrates include vegetables, herbs, fruits, berries, legumes (beans, peas, lentils), coarsely ground wheat, cereals, pasta made from solid wheat.

It is also necessary to reduce the amount of fat.

Not infrequently, a person with type 1 diabetes (formerly called insulin-dependent) believes that dietary restrictions do not apply to him because the insulin introduced from the outside takes care of his blood sugar levels. This is a common opinion, but wrong.

The pancreas of all diabetics is damaged and cannot physiologically produce enough insulin. Adherence to the diet in any case (both "insulin-dependent" and "insulin-independent") is necessary because if a diabetic received products usually made of sugar, there will be a sharp increase in blood sugar, which exogenous or exogenous insulin will not be able to regulate.



Take advantage of this natural treatment to fight diabetes!



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Algodystrophy: How To Cure It Naturally

By On 07/07/2020

Long and often painful, algodystrophy remained mysterious for a long time. Often occurring following a trauma, it heals spontaneously most of the time, but within a very variable period. In the meantime, the patients are going through a real hell. How to relieve them and offer them a better quality of life? This is the issue of care.



What is algodystrophy?

Algodystrophy is a "non-exceptional complication, even common in certain pathologies such as wrist fractures".
This complication also called Complex Regional Pain Syndrome (CRPS) is defined by inflammation, often triggered by trauma as even minor surgery.
There are few specific figures for algodystrophy, but it seems that adults are the most affected, although young and old can also be affected.


What are the symptoms of algodystrophy

The symptoms of this disease are not very characteristic:
Disproportionate pain (for example with minimal movement, support or normally painless sensations);
Vasomotor disorders (redness and heat, or conversely coldness and the excessive pallor of the extremities, spontaneous sweats, localized edemas). These two types of disorders generally concern only one member or even a limited segment of a member.





Asthme - Le remède naturel par les plantes contre l'asthme

Our natural treatment for algodystrophy is an effective, fast, and lasting remedy that will allow you to naturally reduce your pain. It is composed of two elements: a balm and herbal tea. You will feel a marked decrease in pain from the first weeks of use. The herbal tea contains plants whose active ingredients block pain, act on the cartilage to stop it from degrading, and help its regeneration.

It is the perfect solution to fight against algodystrophy, knee, and all other forms. This herbal tea provides rapid and dramatic relief. It is both anti-inflammatory, analgesic, and antioxidant.

The balm will be used for daily massages on the areas where you feel pain. It’s a natural relaxant. 




Do you know the two types of algodystrophy?

Algodystrophy type I: it often appears following a trauma, but it is not essential. No specific nerve damage was found. The pain manifests itself over a large area, or even over an entire limb. Circulation disorders (edema, heat) are common, as are the decalcification of bones and redness on the skin. It is the most frequent form;

Algodystrophy type II: it also appears after a trauma or a repetition of microtrauma. A nerve is damaged locally. No clinical sign appears at the start but the tissues dependent on this nerve become hypersensitive. This is also often a source of misunderstanding on the part of the doctor. Note: there is no rule concerning the time for onset of symptoms, from almost immediate to several months ... There are twice as many attacks of the lower limbs as the upper limbs.


Trauma is the cause of more than half of the pain.

There is no relationship between the onset of algodystrophy and the severity of the trauma. The time between trauma and algodystrophy is variable (a few days to a few weeks). Surgery, in particular orthopedic surgery, is a common cause found.
Likewise, too intensive and painful rehabilitation can aggravate or trigger algodystrophy.



Other possible causes

Many non-traumatic causes have been reported. Among the most frequent, we can cite the causes:
- osteoarticular: inflammatory rheumatism, carpal tunnel syndrome;
- neurological: stroke, multiple sclerosis;
- oncology;
- vascular: phlebitis;
- infectious: shingles, panaris;
- endocrinological: diabetes, dysthyroidism;
- medicated: phenobarbital;
- obstetric: algodystrophy of the hip during pregnancy.
On the other hand, the antidepressive symptomatology, often found, is not a triggering factor in itself but most often the consequence of the psychological repercussions of this painful and disabling disease.





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