Complex regional pain syndromefb

Algodystrophy: How To Cure It Naturally

By On 07/07/2020 at 19:06


Long and often painful, algodystrophy remained mysterious for a long time. Often occurring following a trauma, it heals spontaneously most of the time, but within a very variable period. In the meantime, the patients are going through a real hell. How to relieve them and offer them a better quality of life? This is the issue of care.



What is algodystrophy?

Algodystrophy is a "non-exceptional complication, even common in certain pathologies such as wrist fractures".
This complication also called Complex Regional Pain Syndrome (CRPS) is defined by inflammation, often triggered by trauma as even minor surgery.
There are few specific figures for algodystrophy, but it seems that adults are the most affected, although young and old can also be affected.


What are the symptoms of algodystrophy

The symptoms of this disease are not very characteristic:
Disproportionate pain (for example with minimal movement, support or normally painless sensations);
Vasomotor disorders (redness and heat, or conversely coldness and the excessive pallor of the extremities, spontaneous sweats, localized edemas). These two types of disorders generally concern only one member or even a limited segment of a member.





Asthme - Le remède naturel par les plantes contre l'asthme

Our natural treatment for algodystrophy is an effective, fast, and lasting remedy that will allow you to naturally reduce your pain. It is composed of two elements: a balm and herbal tea. You will feel a marked decrease in pain from the first weeks of use. The herbal tea contains plants whose active ingredients block pain, act on the cartilage to stop it from degrading, and help its regeneration.

It is the perfect solution to fight against algodystrophy, knee, and all other forms. This herbal tea provides rapid and dramatic relief. It is both anti-inflammatory, analgesic, and antioxidant.

The balm will be used for daily massages on the areas where you feel pain. It’s a natural relaxant. 




Do you know the two types of algodystrophy?

Algodystrophy type I: it often appears following a trauma, but it is not essential. No specific nerve damage was found. The pain manifests itself over a large area, or even over an entire limb. Circulation disorders (edema, heat) are common, as are the decalcification of bones and redness on the skin. It is the most frequent form;

Algodystrophy type II: it also appears after a trauma or a repetition of microtrauma. A nerve is damaged locally. No clinical sign appears at the start but the tissues dependent on this nerve become hypersensitive. This is also often a source of misunderstanding on the part of the doctor. Note: there is no rule concerning the time for onset of symptoms, from almost immediate to several months ... There are twice as many attacks of the lower limbs as the upper limbs.


Trauma is the cause of more than half of the pain.

There is no relationship between the onset of algodystrophy and the severity of the trauma. The time between trauma and algodystrophy is variable (a few days to a few weeks). Surgery, in particular orthopedic surgery, is a common cause found.
Likewise, too intensive and painful rehabilitation can aggravate or trigger algodystrophy.



Other possible causes

Many non-traumatic causes have been reported. Among the most frequent, we can cite the causes:
- osteoarticular: inflammatory rheumatism, carpal tunnel syndrome;
- neurological: stroke, multiple sclerosis;
- oncology;
- vascular: phlebitis;
- infectious: shingles, panaris;
- endocrinological: diabetes, dysthyroidism;
- medicated: phenobarbital;
- obstetric: algodystrophy of the hip during pregnancy.
On the other hand, the antidepressive symptomatology, often found, is not a triggering factor in itself but most often the consequence of the psychological repercussions of this painful and disabling disease.






what to eat for algodystrophy how to treat crps naturally

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