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8 consequences of amyloidosis on your body: Home remedies

Par Le 09/05/2020

16 Frequent Symptoms of Amyloidosis - Page 6 of 17

While this is a challenging disease to diagnose and care for, do not give up. Awareness of possible complications can give you the opportunity to work with your doctor for better treatments that can improve your quality of life.


Nonetheless, after 25 years of research, the experts of africandoctor have discovered the best home remedy against amyloidosis. It is effective and affordable. 





Our treatment is not intended to completely treat the disease but rather to slow its progression and relieve the various symptoms of the disease. Indeed the natural remedy that we offer consists of plants with anti-inflammatory properties. It will also purify your blood and its diuretic properties will be beneficial to you if you have a disease of the kidneys, lymph nodes and spleen. For people suffering from affection to the nervous and cardiovascular system these plants will restore the functioning of these different systems. Our treatment is an all in one for the treatment of  amyloidosis.



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1. kidney problems

Amyloid proteins can build up in the kidneys, the organs that are responsible for eliminating waste through urine. When the kidneys are overloaded with these proteins, they will not function as well. This can lead to scarring, protein loss, and possibly kidney failure.

6 Kidney Problems Every Woman Should Know - WomenWorking

Dialysis can make kidney function worse, so talk to your doctor about maintaining kidney function. Sometimes a kidney transplant is needed. It is possible to develop high blood pressure in kidney problems, so you may also need medication to lower it.


2. Fatigue

If amyloid proteins overwhelm the organs, it is not possible to have the energy and power you once had.

Amyloidosis can cause severe, unusual fatigue. You may not feel able to do activities once you are happy. You may even need frequent periods of sleep during the day.

It is important to stay as active as possible as comfortable as possible, and to eat a healthy diet. This can help combat some fatigue. Talk to your doctor to see what is recommended for you.


3. Reduced cardiac efficiency

Cardiovascular Institute Offers Heart Failure Clinic ...

Shortness of breath from amyloidosis has more to do with heart complications than it does with lungs. This is because the condition prevents the heart from pumping blood effectively. Fluid collects in the lungs, which can cause a feeling of not having enough air flow.

Severe shortness of breath is considered a complication of amyloidosis, and you should tell your doctor immediately. They will probably prescribe heart medications to keep the heart working properly.

Intense physical activity can aggravate breathing difficulties from amyloidosis. They should avoid such activities, but still stay moving with moderate-intensity activities, such as walking. A walk around the block can also improve fatigue.



4. Skin changes

Amyloidosis affects all organs of the body. This includes the largest organ of the body: the skin.

Some of the skin changes seen with amyloidosis include:

  • bruising
  • purple spots around the eyes (periorbital purple)
  • thickened skin
  • Hair loss
  • thickening tongue, along with an irregular shape


5. Symptoms of the nervous system

Advanced digital networks look a lot like the human nervous system

Amyloidosis can affect the nervous system, which controls several nerves and basic functions throughout the body.

Signs that amyloidosis affects the nervous system include:

  • dizziness
  • burning sensations in the legs
  • numbness and tingling in the toes and toes
  • carpal tunnel syndrome
  • lightheadedness or fainting in the legs
  • diarrhea
  • constipation

Your doctor may prescribe medication to treat peripheral neuropathy, a complication of amyloidosis, which can cause pain and numbness. If you have this standing, you will need to take extra care to prevent ulcers. This includes wearing the right socks and shoes, and making sure your feet stay clean and dry.


6. Intestinal changes

Review article: gastrointestinal amyloidosis – clinical features ...

With amyloidosis, you may have diarrhea, constipation, or both. There may also be blood in the stool. These symptoms may be accompanied by malabsorption of nutrients.

Ask your doctor if they have specific food recommendations to follow to help reduce bowel irritation.


7. Unintentional weight loss

Unintended weight loss - red flag symptoms | GPonline

Amyloidosis can lead to unintentional weight loss. You can lose a significant amount of weight in a short amount of time. Difficulty swallowing and an enlarged tongue from amyloidosis can make eating uncomfortable, so you may eat more than you intended.

Talk to your doctor about ways you can ensure you get enough energy and nutrients from your diet, including meal replacement drinks.


8. Fluid retention

What Causes Water Retention, Bloating And How to Avoid It | Foot ...

Fluid retention is another possible symptom of this disease. Swelling of the legs and feet is common. Your doctor may recommend diuretics to help reduce fluid retention so that you can walk and fit in your shoes and clothes more comfortably. Sometimes a low-salt diet can help as well.

Although it is important to drink enough water to stay hydrated, drinking too muchwater can make fluid retention worse. Talk to your doctor about the amount of water you should drink according to your own hydration needs.





1. Movement

Amyloidosis can cause fatigue and weakness, so the last thing you may want to do is exercise. In addition, heart problems can make intense workouts out of the question. Running and other high-intensity exercise can be a challenge with amyloidosis, but that doesn't mean you have to stop completely.

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It is best to sit with light or moderate intensity exercises - something that helps you keep moving without being too tiring.

  • Tai Chi
  • yoga
  • weight training
  • walking programs

By exercising regularly, it can help you fight the pain and fatigue associated with amyloidosis. The key, though, is to exercise safely. Finding a workout friend can help.


2. Sleep

Fatigue during the day can make it difficult to sleep at night, especially if you take a lot of sleep. Then insomnia can make daytime fatigue worse. This is a vicious circle that can be aggravated by pain and discomfort in the middle of the night.

If you have problems with insomnia and fatigue during the day, talk to your doctor about sleep therapy. Meditation and deep breathing exercises before bed can also help you fall asleep more easily.


3. low salt diet

The Do's and Don'ts of a Low Sodium Diet - The Sooper Diet

Reducing the amount of salt in the diet can help with bloating from the accumulation of fluid in the body.

With amyloidosis, the kidneys cannot effectively retain protein. The heart's ability to pump blood can also be affected. Together, this can cause swelling, especially in the lower extremities, such as the legs and feet.

Too much salt can exacerbate such problems. Your doctor may recommend a low-salt diet to help with bloating. This can also protect the heart and kidneys from further damage.


4. Red wine


The early findings in this regard as still inconclusive, but some members of the medical community that have researched amyloidosis have found that the resveratrol, most popularly found in red wine, has some preventative measures against the development and severity of amyloidosis. While resveratrol is considered an allergen to some, it also has many positive health benefits, some of which are as yet unexplained. Its relationship to amyloidosis is similarly uncertain, but the early connections are certainly encouraging, so perhaps adding an extra glass of red wine or two to your weekly intake is a good idea.


5. Fruits and vegetables

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The high nutrient concentration in fruits and vegetables, particularly those compounds that are beneficial for heart health, like potassium, are important for the prevention and home treatment of amyloidosis. The heart is one of the other prime targets for amyloids, which means that protecting your heart health is crucial if you want to avoid serious complications. Fruits and vegetables, particularly bananas, pineapples, papayas, oranges, spinach, tomatoes, and sweet potatoes, are all great additions to your diet to protect the health of your heart.



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Par Le 09/05/2020

​​Amyloidosis. Signs And Symptoms. Stock Vector - Illustration of ...


Amyloidosis is a rare disease that has no cure. However, with prompt and ongoing treatment, it can help reduce symptoms and prevent or delay long-term complications.

It is important to understand the complications of amyloidosis so that you can talk to your doctor about risk factors and preventative measures. Read on to learn more about the common complications of this disorder.





Our treatment is not intended to completely treat the disease but rather to slow its progression and relieve the various symptoms of the disease. Indeed the natural remedy that we offer consists of plants with anti-inflammatory properties. It will also purify your blood and its diuretic properties will be beneficial to you if you have a disease of the kidneys, lymph nodes and spleen. For people suffering from affection to the nervous and cardiovascular system these plants will restore the functioning of these different systems. Our treatment is an all in one for the treatment of  amyloidosis.


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 kidney failure ...

Amyloidosis often affects the kidneys first. An accumulation of amyloid protein can lead to solid deposits that become trapped in the kidneys. Unlike other types of waste, the kidneys are unable to easily eliminate these deposits by producing urine.

If your kidneys are affected in addition to other tissues, and amyloid protein is seen in your kidneys on biopsy, your doctor may diagnose you with mild chain amyloidosis (AL amyloidosis), formerly known as primary amyloidosis.

The kidneys may slowly become overloaded with amyloid. This can lead to complications such as scarring, kidney problems, bone disease, anemia, and high blood pressure. Swelling may also occur in the body, especially in the ankles and feet.

Other symptoms that may occur include:

  • fatigue
  • weakness
  • difficulty breathing
  • hypotension
  • rigid joints
  • unintentional weight loss

If you do not receive proper treatment, kidney failure is a possible complication. Your doctor may recommend a kidney transplant if they become significantly damaged.




Newly discovered molecule could treat heart failure

Amyloidosis can reduce overall heart function. Amyloid buildup throughout the body - including blood vessels and muscle tissue - can make it harder for your heart to pump efficiently. This can cause abnormal heart rhythm and difficulty breathing. When this disease affects the heart, your doctor may diagnose you with cardiac amyloidosis. The most common subtype that causes heart problems is AL amyloidosis.

The damage to the heart from this condition is irreversible. If necessary, your doctor may suggest a heart transplant.




Health Threats From High Blood Pressure

People with amyloidosis are also at risk of developing high blood pressure (hypertension). For one, the kidneys cannot eliminate waste properly, which can result in sodium and fluid buildup in the body. This is just a risk factor for hypertension.

Another reason why hypertension may develop is from long-term vascular problems. Because amyloid can build up in your blood vessels, making it harder for your heart to pump blood throughout your body.



Nervous system

Visual Guide to Your Nervous System

Even if kidney or heart damage is less common, small lesions of the peripheral nerves (neuropathy) may be the initial symptom of primary amyloidosis. In some cases of familial amyloidosis, neuropathy is the main expression of the disease. The initial neurological disorder is manifested by tingling and decreased tactile sensitivity in the upper and lower extremities. Subsequently, the patient may develop a motility disorder, especially in the palmar, a syndrome called "Carpal Tunnel Syndrome." With the progression of the disease, lesions also appear in the autonomic nervous system (the patient does not receive various stimuli, but controls different parts of the body). The patient may experience diarrhea and a drop in blood pressure when standing up, which can be severe and can cause recurrent episodes of fainting. In addition, men may also have erection problems. The central nervous system is not involved in systemic amyloidosis.


Liver and digestive tract

Disorders and Diseases of the Digestive System | Diseases | Online ...

Liver damage is common in primary and secondary amyloidosis but not in familial amyloidosis. Liver damage is usually asymptomatic, despite an increase (sometimes significantly) in liver size. In general, the liver in which there are deposits of amyloid is hard to palpate.In laboratory tests, there is an increase in liver enzymes, sometimes to the point of liver failure. Hepatic amyloidosis occurs only very rarely and is usually associated with the involvement of other organs.

Diarrhea associated with amyloidosis is usually associated with impaired autonomic nervous system. Sometimes this is the result of the presence of amyloid deposits anywhere in the digestive tract; there may be bleeding and malabsorption syndrome. Loss of taste and difficulty eating solid foods due to tongue growth can contribute to weight loss and can be an expression of systemic disease. Patients with nerve damage that innervate the colon may suffer from swallowing disorders, chest pain due to esophageal damage as well as very severe constipation.


Soft tissues and skin

Systemic amyloidoses: What an internist should know - ScienceDirect

Skin manifestations in primary amyloidosis may provide important clues for the diagnosis of the disease especially when the involvement of other organs suggests systemic disease. Skin involvement is limited almost exclusively to primary amyloidosis. Its clinical expression has the appearance of skin nodes called amyloidomes.

The purpura (blue bruises similar to the post-lesional ones) around the eyes is the result of capillary fragility and occurs almost exclusively in primary amyloidosis. Bleeding can occur as a result of coughing, sneezing.

Soft tissue damage can cause an enlarged tongue and hoarseness, despite the fact that the examination of the vocal cords is normal.


lungs failure due to amyloidosis

Pulmonary amyloidosis presenting as lung cavitation with ...

Pulmonary amyloid deposits are often found at autopsy in patients with primary amyloidosis or amyloidosis in the elderly but is rarely symptomatic.

Significant pulmonary involvement may occasionally occur in primary amyloidosis causing a sudden decrease in gas exchange capacity. This complication is most common in patients with significant heart damage.

Collections of fluid from the pleural cavity are quite common in patients with heart failure due to amyloidosis; if they occur recurrently and the amount of fluid is disproportionate to the severity of heart failure may indicate amyloidosis of the pleural membrane itself.



Treatment objectives:


Because amyloidosis is a rare disease, very few people know about it and today, there is a delay in diagnosis and treatment.


1. Awareness of the community of specialists in hospitals for the early diagnosis of the disease:

As described, amyloidosis is a multisystemic disease expressed by a wide range of clinical signs. As a result, the patient is sometimes referred to several experts, usually a nephrologist, cardiologist or neurologist. Newly developed treatments require an accurate and early diagnosis, so that the patient can take full advantage of them. In addition, a high level of awareness among family physicians and specialists is of great importance - currently, most patients end up being diagnosed a year and a half to three years after the onset of symptoms.

2. Improving disease diagnostic techniques in Israel

Our laboratory is currently developing a series of laboratory, biochemical, molecular and imaging methods that should facilitate the early diagnosis of the disease.

The new method of biochemical testing is called NT-proBNP, and measures the concentration of light amyloid chains, and there are molecular tests to identify the type of amyloid (primary, secondary, and familial or elderly amyloid).

In terms of imaging methods, there are MRI, echocardiographic and mapping methods - some exist and others are being developed.

3. Medical care of the patient from several perspectives

Our goal is to be a center where the patient receives appropriate treatment for amyloidosis to address all problems caused by the disease. There will be coordination between: hematologist as team leader, nephrologist, cardiologist, neurologist, gastroenterologist, dermatologist, pulmonologist and an endocrinologist. In addition, and if necessary, there will be assistance from a dietitian, social worker and psychologist.

The treatment for the disease itself is given by hematologists. Today the standard treatment consists of new drugs such as Velcade, thalidomide, Revlimid combined with melphalan cyclophosphamide and steroids, with or without bone marrow transplantation.



Treatment of renal amyloidosis at home

Treatment of amyloidosis requires monitoring by medical staff and therefore patients are often hospitalized. However, the treatment takes place in courses and, therefore, in the intervals between them, the treatment is carried out at home.

For example, the patient should consume;

  • At least 1.5 g of animal protein per kg of body weight (90-120 g per day),
  • Raw liver (80-120 g daily for 6-12 months) and fat. - at least 60 70 g per day; 
  • Carbohydrates - 450-500 g per day; 
  • vegetables and fruits rich in vitamin C (currants, cabbage, citrus fruits, etc.). 
  • Table salt, if there is no edema, limit it slightly. For severe edema, it is contraindicated, bread recommended without salt. After the disappearance of edema, allows you to add to food 1-2 to 4 g of salt a day.

The amount of fluid you drink is limited only in case of edema (it should correspond to the volume of urine from the previous day). With an increase in blood pressure, antihypertensive drugs are indicated. Pregnancy is contraindicated in women with amyloidosis.







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Par Le 08/05/2020

Only 15% of couples who have no health problems can have babies during the period when the woman is most suitable for getting pregnant. In other words, it is not an easy task to combine sperm and egg in the woman's ovulation period. So, isn't there anything that can be done to make it easier?

Here is a natural treatment to boost your fertility, whether or not you have a health condition. 






Our natural remedy is the secret to boost your female fertility. We offer you a definite advantage: the absence of undesirable effects and contraindications. The natural approach is often the best approach to find the solution. Our natural remedies have allowed many women to have children. Being natural products based on plants and herbs, our natural remedies have no side effects, either on the body or on health. Our natural treatment is not dangerous. You can therefore cure female infertility without fear of the appearance of side effects. Also, it is important that you are patient. Even for a woman with no fertility problems, conceiving a child can naturally take time.





CLOVE TEA:  Herbal treatment for conception

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Every woman's dream is to get married and have children. The woman has a rootstock due to some innate genes. The man always wants to connect to someone and do something for him. Therefore, when the woman is born, she adopts the family in which she grew up, stays loyal attached to her family with strong ties. He then asks for a wife to mature and live on and reproduce. He makes great sacrifices for his wife. Then he instinctively wants to be a mother. Now he wants to give birth to a baby and connect to it, and he wants to strive for it. But being a mother is sometimes not so easy for some women. Because in order to become a mother, many conditions must be met. Both men and women are responsible for these conditions. In order for men and women to have children, their physiological reproductive systems must be functioning properly. In addition, even if there is no problem on both sides, sometimes breeding does not take place. The factors that cause this are very high.


When the woman reaches her reproductive age, she begins to produce eggs. This is understood by the menstrual bleeding that occurs every month. In other words, a woman with a healthy reproductive system lays eggs regularly every month. With FSH hormone secreted in women, the ovaries are stimulated to produce eggs and eggs begin to form. With the formation and growth of eggs, the secretion of estrogen and LH hormones also increases. When the LH hormone reaches the highest level, the maturing egg cracks and becomes free. This released egg moves into the fallopian tubes and if the egg meets sperm within 12-24 hours, fertilization occurs. When fertilization occurs, with the contribution of the hormone progesterone, the cell goes into the uterus and grows here and grows with the release of beta HCG hormone. The settled cell grows with sufficient secretion of hormones and forms the embryo. Meanwhile, the inner layer of the uterus has thickened so that the embryo can hold firmly. Failure in any of the stages of this pregnancy mentioned may prevent pregnancy from occurring. For example; irregular functioning of hormones, which are very important factors for pregnancy, problems with the uterus structure, ovarian problems, fallopian tubes clogged, eggs in sufficient number and quality, egg cell cracking, ovulation problems, baby's inability to hold in the womb, menstrual irregularity, polycystic ovary syndrome, uterus or ovarian surgeries, etc. Apart from all these, as other factors preventing pregnancy; problems caused by men, cigarette-alcohol consumption, stress, genetics, being overweight or underweight, unhealthy diet,


Being pregnant is the most special and sensitive dream of every married couple. Tiny feet running around the house are a sweet tongue that calls mom or dad. Who wants to be missing from this special feeling? When a baby that is the most beautiful fruit of love grows, it is an indispensable person for the family to take care of the family or for a voice that will make a call in old age. Babies are the joy of the house with their soft hands. It trembles on the whole family. Especially when he speaks new, everyone wants to listen. Here is such a nice feeling. Babies, I think there is no exaggeration if we say golden ball in every house. When this is the case, everyone wants to taste the feeling of motherhood and fatherhood. However, sometimes families may not have babies due to health conditions caused by various reasons mentioned above. Although they apply treatment methods by applying to various health institutions, sometimes still no results are obtained. In such cases, herbal treatment methods can be used by using alternative medicine. As a herbal treatment to conceive, it is used to consume various plants. In this article, we have included a few plants that will enable you to conceive easily. We have prepared this article to help those who do research in this direction.



Dried Fig Cure: This sphere should be started on the day the menstrual period ends. Boil 10-15 dried figs in 1 liter of water for 15 minutes. Consume it during the day after it is warm. A thin strainer is recommended for those who are uncomfortable with the sediment and fig seeds. You can consume dried figs not only as a decoction, but also by chewing between meals. Fig has the property of helping eggs grow, mature, crack and lay eggs in women.

Clove Tea: It  is a nutrient that makes it easier to conceive according to the research done by health physicians. If consumed regularly in the form of 1 tea glass after each meal; It has the feature of healthy functioning of the reproductive organs, performing your hormones duties and strengthening the uterus.

Ingredients for Clove Tea:

  • 1 clove
  • 1 tea glass of hot water

Making Clove Tea: For clove tea, first boil the water and then add 1 clove to the boiled water and let it steep for 5 minutes. Then, make your herbal treatment to get pregnant easily by drinking the brewed and warmed clove tea right after meals.

In addition to clove tea; other plants with the same feature; saffron, hops, shepherd's bag, lion's rivet, cinnamon, mint, rosemary, chamomile, zahter, fennel, sage, brewer's yeast, mustard, oatmeal, vanilla and pine nuts. You can also prepare herbal tea by making use of these herbs, and you can also use herbal methods to conceive easily.

These plants, which are recommended to be useful for getting pregnant, are generally benefited from the relaxing, stress-reducing and relaxing properties. In this way, women and even men feel more comfortable and increase the chance of having children. At the same time, these plants increase the chance of pregnancy by expanding the fallopian tubes and vessels of the ovaries.




Make Love Regularly: You might think it's a very “fraudulent” approach, but it's not. On the contrary, there is a very true truth that the more you make love, the more chances you will get pregnant. Under normal conditions, sperm can stay alive in your body for five days. Regular sex life will increase your chances of combining sperm and egg in your full ovulation period. There is another way to make it easier for women who want to get pregnant to detect their ovulation days more easily. They can use the Ovulation Test from Saliva to detect ovulation periods that increase the chance of pregnancy. The test, which has certificates of conformity to European Norms from America, is approved by the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Turkey.

Cut Caffeine: Studies show that caffeine is half the chances of conception. Do not consume more than half a cup of coffee, provided that it is decaffeinated.

Keep Your Partner Cool: The heat around the male's ovaries creates problems for the sperm. For this reason, ask your spouse to wear cotton underwear that is loose and not fit on your body. Don't let him wear tight jeans and trousers - anything like that anyway - at least in this period.

Stop Dieting: According to the results of a study conducted at Ohio University; When women lower their calorie intake, the level of reproductive hormones also decreases.

Add Rich Supplements to Your Diet: Take Zinc, Selenium, Vitamin E and Vitamin C.

Zinc and Vitamin E: These are for your partner. Zinc is good for cell renewal, while vitamin E supports cell renewal. The stronger your partner's sperm, the less likely your eggs will resist it.
Selenium: This is for your spouse. Selenium is an important vitamin to increase the number of testosterone and sperm.
Vitamin C: This is for him. Vitamin C will improve sperm quality and help you get pregnant.
Zinc to You: Of course you will also drink vitamins. You too for the zinc. Thus, you can get pregnant more easily as your condition of cell division and renewal will improve.

Stop Drinking and Smoking: Drinking and smoking directly affect the reproductive organs in both men and women. Especially in smoking, it decreases sperm count and impairs sperm motility. Excessive alcohol intake also impairs sperm structure.

Medication Use!: If you have medications, talk to your doctor first. Find out which of these medications you can continue to use and which ones you need to cut and how long before you can get pregnant.

Painkillers: Some painkillers - consult your doctor - when used during ovulation, the prostaglandin hormone in the female body is suppressed. However, you need this hormone because your egg falls into the fallopian tube thanks to this hormone.



Uterine cancer

All about uterine cancer: Causes, Symptoms and natural treatment

Par Le 08/05/2020

What is uterine cancer?

Uterus cancer is a type of disease that develops in the lining of the uterus. The uterus is a pear-like empty organ that lies between the bladder and rectum in a woman's body. The uterus is a place where the fetus grows and develops during pregnancy. The wall of the uterus is called the endometrium. At the bottom of the uterus, there are organs that connect with the vagina, the cervix or cervix.

Uterus cancer consists of several types, and one of them most often begins in the endometrium or uterine wall. This condition is also called endometrial cancer.

This disease generally appears after menopause. The most common symptoms are bleeding from the vagina and pelvic pain, even after menopause.


How common is uterine cancer?

Uterus cancer is a very serious disease. Until now, the number of cancer cases continues to increase by 1-2% each year. This disease is one of the highest causes of death in women. This type of cancer is more common in women after going through menopause. The average woman diagnosed with this disease is 62 years old. However, the number of cases of young women affected by this disease has increased.

In addition, scientists believe people who suffer from obesity have a higher risk of developing uterine cancer. Most cases of this cancer develop after years.

Fortunately, this disease can be treated if detected at an early stage of development. This disease can also be overcome by recognizing the existing risk factors.



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We offer here a mixture of seeds, roots and bark from Africa which prevent and cure all kinds of cancer (breast cancer, cancer of the liver, prostate cancer, thyroid cancer, cervical cancer uterus, kidney cancer, ovarian cancer) and cardiovascular disease. These plants are very little known to scientists and they have extraordinary qualities against cancer. Their use against cancer is much more effective than chemotherapy.

The objective of this treatment is to;

  1. Fighting cancer cells.
  2. To prevent cancer cells from spreading to other organs.
  3. To strengthen the body's defense against other diseases by strengthening the immune system.
  4. To increase the effect of chemotherapy and radiotherapy.
  5. To reduce side effects such as dizziness, headache, nausea, vomiting and weakness from illness, chemotherapy or radiotherapy.

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What are the types of uterine cancer?

Uterus cancer can be divided into two types, depending on the part of the uterus affected. Here are the types:

1. Endometrial cancer

The most common type of uterine cancer is endometrial cancer. As many as 90% of cases of this disease are classified as endometrial cancer.

This type of cancer cells first develops in the uterine wall. Endometrial cancer can be divided into 2 types, namely endometroid adenocarcinoma and uterine carinosinosarcoma.

Endometrioid adenocarcinoma is the most common type in endometrial cancer. This type is usually easier to cure.

Meanwhile, uterine carinosinosarcoma only occurs in as many as 5% of cases of uterine cancer. This type of cancer cell develops faster and tends to reappear even though it has been healed.


2. Uterine sarcoma

Uterine sarcoma is a type of cancer that develops in the cells lining the uterine muscle. The number of cases of this type of cancer is less common compared to endometrial cancer.

Uterine sarcoma is generally in the form of leiomyosarcoma, a type of cancer that attacks the muscles supporting the body's organ tissues.



Signs & Symptoms

What are the signs and symptoms of uterine cancer?
The signs and symptoms of uterine cancer are sometimes not felt by some patients. However, the most common symptom is abnormal bleeding from the vagina, especially if the patient has passed menopause.

Here are the initial symptoms of this disease that are most commonly found:

  • Bleeding after menopause
  • Too much bleeding
  • Bleeding occurs between menstrual cycles
  • Colored and odorless discharge comes out of the vagina
  • Abdominal pain that often appears
  • The uterus feels enlarged, until palpated in the pelvic area
  • Pelvic pain
  • Bleeding in the vagina generally does not necessarily indicate that you have this disease. Symptoms of bleeding can also be found in other health problems, such as endometriosis and fibroids.

However, if the bleeding is accompanied by some of the symptoms above, you should immediately see a doctor.

There may be signs and symptoms not mentioned above. If you have a concern about a particular symptom, consult your doctor.


When should I see a doctor?
You should immediately visit a doctor to conduct an examination if symptoms occur such as:

  1. Vaginal bleeding feels unnatural
  2. Experience additional symptoms such as weight loss, fever, muscle aches, or headaches

If you have any of the above signs or symptoms or other questions, consult your doctor.

The body of each patient shows various signs and symptoms. To get the right treatment and in accordance with your health condition, always consult the symptoms that you experience with your doctor.



What causes uterine cancer?
The emergence of uterine cancer starts from gene mutations that occur in the uterine cell lining. This gene mutation causes healthy body cells to be damaged.

Normal body cells will divide and grow at a reasonable rate, then die and be replaced by new cells. However, if these cells mutate and are damaged, their development becomes uncontrolled and lives on.

These damaged cells will accumulate and form tumor tissue. In fact, these cells can spread to surrounding tissues and other body organs. This process is called metastasis.

Until now, the cause of the mutation of cells in the human body is still unknown. However, experts have found several risk factors that trigger mutations in the body's cells, one of which is obesity and hormonal imbalances in the body.



Risk factors

What increases my risk for uterine cancer?
Cervical cancer is a disease that can affect every woman of almost all age groups. However, there are several factors that can increase a person's risk of developing this disease.

Having one or several risk factors does not mean you can be sure of having this disease. In fact, there is a possibility that you will still be stricken with this disease even though there is not a single risk factor that you have.

Here are the risk factors that trigger the emergence of uterine cancer, namely:

1. Age
The risk of developing this disease increases with age. Most cases of this disease are found in women aged 40 years and over.

Only about 1% of cases of cervical cancer occur in patients under 40 years.

2. Changes in the hormone estrogen due to menopause
After entering the menopause phase, the ovaries in a woman's body will stop producing the hormone estrogen. However, this hormone is still produced in very small amounts, especially by fat tissue cells.

Estrogen from fatty tissue can trigger cell mutations in the uterus, so the risk of cancer after menopause is higher.

3. Overweight or obese
Obesity is the most important risk factor and is closely related to changes in the body's hormones. This is because fat tissue can also produce estrogen.

In other words, the higher the amount of fat in your body, the greater the amount of estrogen produced by your body. This condition can trigger the development of cancer cells in the reproductive organs, especially the uterus.

4. Family descendants
If you have a family member with this disease, or have cancer in their reproductive and digestive organs, your chances of developing this disease are greater.

5. Never been pregnant and giving birth
Pregnancy can help balance the levels of the hormones estrogen and progesterone in the body. So, if you have never been pregnant and have children, your risk for suffering from this disease is higher.

6. Have had breast or ovarian cancer
You are also at risk of developing uterine cancer if you have had other types of cancer, such as breast or ovarian cancer.

7. Suffering from endometrial hyperplasia
Endometrial hyperplasia is overgrowth in endometrial tissue. If you have experienced this condition, both mild and moderate, you are at risk of developing uterine cancer.

8. Undergo hormone therapy (tamoxifen)
Tamoxifen is a drug used to prevent and treat breast cancer. Tamoxifen acts as an anti-estrogen in breast tissue.

On the contrary, this drug actually functions like estrogen in the uterus, thus potentially causing the uterine wall to thicken. This condition can increase the risk of getting cancer.



Diagnosis & treatment

The information provided is not a substitute for medical advice. ALWAYS consult your doctor.

What are the usual tests to diagnose uterine cancer?
When you feel the signs and symptoms, immediately consult a doctor even though you are not sure if you have uterine cancer. An early diagnosis can increase the effectiveness of treatment.

The first thing a doctor will do in diagnosing this disease is a thorough physical examination. Your doctor will ask about your symptoms, your history, and family history.

After that, the doctor will examine your pelvis to check for irregularities. If the doctor suspects that there is a problem with your uterus, some further tests will be recommended. Here are the types of tests:

1. Transvaginal ultrasound test
This test is done by inserting a device into the vagina that emits sound waves. With this tool, the doctor can see a direct picture of your uterus.

2. Hysteroscopy
In this test, the doctor inserts a small tube called a hysteroscope 

into your vagina. The lens in the hystoscope will show the inside of your uterus in detail.

3. Uterine biopsy
In the biopsy technique, the doctor will take a sample of uterine tissue and check whether the cell is cancerous or not.

4. Cancer staging test
Uterine cancer can spread to the bladder, rectum and other organs. The doctor must do another test to determine the stage of the cancer. This test can be a Pap test, CT scan (computerized tomography), MRI (magnetic resonance), ultrasound, and uterine curette.

What are my treatment options for uterine cancer?
The type of treatment given depends on the location of the cancer cell, its stage, type of cancer cell, and your overall health condition.


The main treatments given to treat cancer are surgery, radiotherapy, chemotherapy, and hormone therapy. The following explanation.

1. Operation
Surgical or surgical procedures are the main choice for the treatment of uterine cancer. Depending on which part of the uterus is removed, surgery is divided into 3 types, namely:

Hysterectomy (removal of the uterus)
Bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy (removal of the uterus, fallopian tubes, and both ovaries)
Lymph gland dissection (removal of the uterus and surrounding lymph nodes)
2. Chemotherapy
Chemotherapy is a treatment given with a syringe or pill to take. The goal of this treatment is to stop the development of cancer cells and kill them.

Some types of chemotherapy drugs given to treat uterine cancer are paclitaxel, carboplatin, and docetaxel.

3. Radiation therapy (radiotherapy)
This therapy uses high-energy radiation to kill cancer cells in the body. Radiation therapy can be done in two ways:

  • Internal radiotherapy (brachytherapy), by introducing radioactive substances into the body.
  • External radiotherapy, using a machine that emits radiation light to the body.

Treatment at home


What are some lifestyle changes or home remedies that can be done to treat uterine cancer?
Cancer treatment has uncomfortable side effects. However, you must remember that you can still have a normal and active life even if you have to undergo cancer treatment.

Here are things that can help you deal with uterine cancer:

  • Meet with surgeons and tumor specialists who are experienced in cancer therapy.
  • Find the right people to provide moral support during therapy, such as family, friends, and partners.
  • Stay in control during and after therapy to check for side effects and recurrence of cancer.
  • Return to normal activities and sexual activity 4-8 weeks after surgery.
  • Understand that if you have never had menopause, you will not menstruate again after surgery.
  • If you have questions, consult your doctor for the best solution for your problem.


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Par Le 08/05/2020


A giant phyllodes tumor of right breast in a 48-year-old woman ...

Having breast cancer can make you look for various treatment options, ranging from medical treatments to alternative or traditional. There are a number of traditional breast cancer medicines that you can choose as a companion treatment.

The row of traditional medicine is actually often what you have encountered. Call it garlic ,Warmwood, turmeric, green tea, and bitter melon. To what extent is its effectiveness in preventing the spread of cancer cells?

So far there have been no studies that prove herbal medicines cure breast cancer. Natural medicine has not been proven to kill cancer cells that attack breast tissue.

As mentioned, herbal medicine only helps to alleviate the side effects of the medication and symptoms of the disease. Taking herbal medicines is also believed to help maintain overall body health.

But fortunately, africandoctor experts have found the best treatment to cure breast cancer. This treatment has worked for many and hopefuly it will work for you. 



Huge Tree Root High Up In Towards Sky Stock Photo - Download Image ...

We offer here a mixture of seeds, roots and bark from Africa which prevent and cure all kinds of cancer (breast cancer, cancer of the liver, prostate cancer, thyroid cancer, cervical cancer uterus, kidney cancer, ovarian cancer) and cardiovascular disease. These plants are very little known to scientists and they have extraordinary qualities against cancer. Their use against cancer is much more effective than chemotherapy.

The objective of this treatment is to;

  1. Fighting cancer cells.
  2. To prevent cancer cells from spreading to other organs.
  3. To strengthen the body's defense against other diseases by strengthening the immune system.
  4. To increase the effect of chemotherapy and radiotherapy.
  5. To reduce side effects such as dizziness, headache, nausea, vomiting and weakness from illness, chemotherapy or radiotherapy.

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How to choose the right herbal medicine

You cannot carelessly take herbal medicine without first asking for approval from a doctor. You must not take herbal medicine without the opinion of an expert. If you plan to take herbal medicines when you have breast cancer, always consult your doctor first. This is especially if you plan to take this herbal medicine through supplements. Natural medicines can react negatively to the medicines your doctor consumes.





Here are a variety of herbal medicines whose potential has been medically studied for the treatment of breast cancer:


1. Echinacea

Echinacea for Colds: Does It Work?

Echinacea is a plant of the Asteraceae family. Research published in the Saudi Pharmaceutical Journal says the Echinacea purpurea plant has the potential to help treat cancer. 

Echinace contains flavonoids which are antioxidants. Flavonoids are compounds that can stimulate the immune system. Flavonoids can also increase lymphocyte activity, which is part of white blood cells to increase the immune system.

These antioxidant compounds are also thought to strongly reduce the harmful side effects of radiotherapy and chemotherapy. Therefore, this herbal remedy is thought to help improve the quality of life of patients while undergoing advanced cancer therapy.


2. Garlic

How To Use Garlic For Candida and Yeast Infections » The Candida Diet

Garlic which has the Latin name Allium sativum is often used to treat many diseases. Related to its potential for the treatment of breast cancer, garlic contains a substance called ajoene which is known to temporarily inhibit the growth of cancer cells. 

In addition, garlic also contains antioxidant compounds such as bioflavonoids, cyanidin, and quercetin which are known to be able to ward off free radicals in the body. One negative effect of the free buildup itself is genetic mutations that can trigger cancer.

The high amount of organic sulfides and polysulfides in garlic also allegedly increases its potential as an anticancer herbal medicine.


3. Turmeric

Turmeric for Infants: Health Benefits & Side-Effects

Turmeric named Latin Curcuma Longa is one of the herbal medicines that can be consumed during breast cancer treatment. Turmeric and rhizomes and rootstock are especially rich in curcumin, the active ingredient that is thought to be anticancer due to its phenolic substance. 

In addition, curcumin converts eicosanoid compounds such as prostaglandin E-2 (PGE-2) in the body into antioxidant compounds and anti-inflammatory substances.

Curcumin is known to be able to inhibit the growth phase of cancer from initial formation to division.


4. Carotenoids

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Carotenoids are bright red, yellow and orange pigments found in many fruits and vegetables.

According to the Linus Pauling Institute at Oregon State University, carotenoids contain important antioxidants to help kill the effects of free radicals and protect the body from the damage they cause. Carotenoids also have anti-inflammatory properties as well as strengthen the immune system to be able to continue to actively fight disease. In addition, foods containing carotenoids are thought to reduce the risk of tumor growth in the body.

Based on this nature, carotenoids are believed to be one of the herbal medicines that help fight breast cancer.

Eat fruits and vegetables high in carotenoids such as carrots, oranges, spinach to help strengthen stamina and endurance during breast cancer treatment. Broccoli, guava, mango, tomatoes, sweet potatoes, pumpkin and watermelon are also high-carotenoid foods.


5. Ginseng

Quel est ginseng ?

Ginseng is one of the well-known herbal medicines that can alleviate various health problems, including breast cancer. Plants that grow a lot in China, Korea, and Japan have active substances that can help inhibit the spread and division of cancer cells.

An investigation conducted in Korea recommended ginseng to reduce the risk of cancer in humans. Dry extracts and powders from ginseng roots usually have the strongest ingredients to help overcome cancer.

By interfering with the formation of DNA, ginseng will inhibit tumor cells that are supposed to grow. In addition, the active compound also helps increase antibodies and cells damaged during chemotherapy and radiotherapy.

However, of course it still needs further research to prove its effectiveness.


6. Flax seed

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Flax seed or flaxseed may not be familiar to your ears, but the potential benefits are beneficial for cancer sufferers. Flaxseeds are rich in fiber, omega 3 fatty acids and lignans which have antioxidant properties.

A group of researchers at Toronto University showed that flaxseeds also have strong anticancer properties. Experimental results show that flaxseed helps reduce tumor malignancy. Even so, this research is based on experiments conducted on mice.

Other studies have also been conducted on lab rats by injecting breast cancer cells into their bodies. When cancer spreads, one group of rats was fed with flaxseed while the other group with other foods.

The results showed the growth rate of cancer in mice that ate flaxseed was reduced by 45 percent.


7. Elephant trunk leaves


The elephant's trunk leaves which have the scientific name Clinacanthus nutans contain many antioxidants such as flavonoids, triterpenoids, and phenolic acids. Antioxidants become one of the compounds that are able to ward off free radicals in the body as one of the causes of cancer.

Research published in the journal Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine proves the anticancer effects of this herbal medicine may be used for breast cancer. The leaves of the elephant's trunk are thought to be useful for helping to overcome adenocarcinoma cells and carcinomas in the breast.

Carcinoma is a type of cancer cell that starts in epithelial tissue. While adenocarcinoma is a cancer cell that appears in the cells of organs that produce fluids including the breast.

But, of course you cannot treat breast cancer just by drinking the elephant's trunk leaves. Further research is still needed to prove its effectiveness.


8. Soursop leaves

Soursop is not only delicious to eat its fruit. It turns out that soursop leaves can also be used as herbal medicines for breast cancer.

Reporting from research published in Oxidative Medicine and Cellular Longevity, soursop leaves have compounds to reduce cancer growth. Acetogenin and alkaloid compounds in soursop leaves are thought to be able to help reduce cancer growth.

This is confirmed by a case report experienced by a 66-year-old woman with metastatic breast cancer. Cancer cells in her breast are reported to continue to spread to other parts of the body despite several times of chemotherapy with anthracyclines and taxane.

However, it was mentioned that this woman diligently boiled 10 to 12 dried soursop leaves for 5 to 7 minutes. The cooking water is then drunk every day.

When further examined, doctors found the spread of cancer remained stable for 5 years. That is, cancer cells no longer spread too broadly or are reduced.

Even so, you can not replace the main treatment of breast cancer from doctors with herbal medicine on this one. Further research is still needed on humans to prove its usefulness.


9. Rodent tuber leaves


Rodent tuber leaves that have another name Typhonium flagelliforme include herbs that are also thought to be able to treat breast cancer. A study conducted by researchers in Malaysia tested the effects of cytotoxicity or the level of damage to a substance on cells in the taro leaves of mice.

The test results found evidence that soursop leaf extract could help inhibit the growth of MDA-MB-231 cells in breast cancer. But although it can inhibit, its effectiveness to cure is not known with certainty.

Research into rat taro leaves for the treatment of breast cancer so far is still being done in animals. So, the benefits for humans can not be proven with certainty.


10. Pare


Despite having a bitter taste, bitter melon offers a myriad of properties for health, including preventing breast cancer.

The content of antioxidants such as flenols and flavonoids in this plant functions against free radicals, which can weaken kidney function and cause several diseases such as diabetes and cancer.

In addition, bitter melon also contains abundant vitamin C and can increase immunity. The antioxidant content of flavonoids such as α-carotene, β-carotene, lutein, and zeaxanthin in bitter melon can also improve the quality of eye vision, especially at night. This antioxidant also works to reduce the effects of aging.


11. Brotowali


The antioxidant content of melanoma and flavonoids in brotowali leaves functions against free radicals that cause breast cancer. The content of Brotowali stem extract has potential for anticancer.


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Sweet wormwood 696x464

Wormwood and breast cancer: Breaking News

Par Le 08/05/2020

Treatment for breast cancer cannot be careless. The main treatment options include surgery, chemotherapy, radiation, target therapy, and immunotherapy under the strict supervision of a team of doctors at the hospital.

Even so, some natural ingredients and certain herbal medicines are believed to help relieve the symptoms of breast cancer and the side effects of treatment. Combining natural treatments is believed to help maintain endurance and stamina during the main treatment.


But fortunately, africandoctor experts have found the best treatment to cure breast cancer. This treatment has worked for many and hopefuly it will work for you. 


Huge Tree Root High Up In Towards Sky Stock Photo - Download Image ...

We offer here a mixture of seeds, roots and bark from Africa which prevent and cure all kinds of cancer (breast cancer, cancer of the liver, prostate cancer, thyroid cancer, cervical cancer uterus, kidney cancer, ovarian cancer) and cardiovascular disease. These plants are very little known to scientists and they have extraordinary qualities against cancer. Their use against cancer is much more effective than chemotherapy.

The objective of this treatment is to;

  1. Fighting cancer cells.
  2. To prevent cancer cells from spreading to other organs.
  3. To strengthen the body's defense against other diseases by strengthening the immune system.
  4. To increase the effect of chemotherapy and radiotherapy.
  5. To reduce side effects such as dizziness, headache, nausea, vomiting and weakness from illness, chemotherapy or radiotherapy.

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Although breast cancer can be diagnosed after you or your doctor notice a mass or change in your breast tissue, the majority of casesbare diagnosed on screening studies, such as mammograms.  Mammography allows you to clearly determine the malignant potential of the tumor and identify its smallest foci.

The age at which to start undergoing screening for breast cancer depends on your individual risk of developing the breast cancer. If you are at a particular high risk, then you may be recommended to start screening earlier and may benefitrom more frequent screening. However, the majority of women are not at particularly high risk of developing breast cancer and don't need screening to the age of 40. 

If you are between the ages of 40 and 50, you can decide with yur physician when to start screening and how often to be screened based on your individual risk factors and personal preferences. 

Between the ages of 50 and 70, it's worth being screened with mammography every year to two years. Past the age of 74, one can decide with the physician whether or not to continue screening based on other health issues or personal preferences. 





What is this plant? The plant, which grows in the mountains and has a very bitter taste, is a strong curative in cases of high fever and infection. This plant is collected between mid-summer and early autumn. Wormwood is a type of eggworm naturally found in Anatolia from the chamomile family. Along with a drug developed against Corona virus, it was among the most curious plants on the agenda. This plant, which can grow up to 120 cm of wormwood, has a grayish or whitish green color, and has leafy leaves. The use of this plant grown in the Mediterranean region should be on the recommendation of a doctor.

Many people are not familiar with this herbal plant which is usually used by Chinese people in using drugs. Though recent research has revealed that compounds in this plant can kill up to 98 percent of breast cancer cells in less than 16 hours.

If used alone, this plant can reduce cancer cells by 28 percent. But if used together with iron, wormwood plants can kill almost all cancer cells. Uniquely, cells that are still healthy are completely unaffected by the effects of this plant.

All of these properties are caused by the presence of artemisinin compounds in the wormwood plant. Previously, this compound was used in anti-malaria drugs. But now it is proven that this plant is also effective in killing cancer, as reported by the Daily Health Post.

This is not the only research that proves that wormwood is effective for cancer drugs. However, in this study it was discovered that the efficacy of wormwood was extraordinary, especially when combined with iron. During this malaria parasite can not live when exposed to artemisinin because of iron levels in it. It turns out the same thing applies to cancer cells.

Even so, it has long been known that wormwood extracts are hard to find and cannot be obtained at cheap prices. But researchers Henry Lai and Narendra Singh from the University of Washington plan to develop it using bioengineering technology.





Sweet wormwood plant contains a compound called Artemisinin, which may have anticancer properties, though there is currently no strong evidence that it can help fight cancer in humans. 

According to MedicalNewsToday, 

Some researchers believe that artemisinin interacts with iron to form free radicals in the body. Free radicals are compounds that kill cells. Cancerous cells absorb a lot of iron, which makes them potentially much more susceptible to damage from these free radicals.

A group of researchers looked at all of the research, conducted between 1983 and 2018, into the effects of artemisinin and its derivatives on cancer, and they reported the following:

  • Several studies suggest that artemisinin and its synthetic forms can target cancer cells when combined with chemotherapy.
  • Artemisinin may produce fewer side effects than traditional cancer treatments.
  • Study sizes tended to be small, which means that their results are less reliable.
  • Researchers need further studies to know how safe artemisinin is for humans and how artemisinin affects cancer cells.
  • They also need further studies to determine how artemisinin interacts with cancer drugs.

2015 review, which looked at 127 investigations into the effects of antimalarials on cancer, also suggested that artemisinin could have anticancer properties. It similarly notes that there has not yet been enough research in humans to understand the true effects.

Another research paper, published in 2012, identified potential benefits to using artemisinin in cancer treatments.

The authors reported that simple compounds of artemisinin are less potent and break down more quickly than traditional cancer treatments. This could mean that people who use this therapy in the future require high, frequent doses.

Despite the lack of high-quality, large-scale research into the effects of artemisinin on cancer in humans, some scientists remain hopeful.





  • The plant has stimulating, appetizing and digesting effects due to the bitter substances it contains.
  • It is used in cases where digestive secretions are insufficient in terms of quality and quantity.
  • It benefits the stomach and regulates digestion
  • Relieves bowel spasms
  • It helps to calm down in situations of stress, tension and irritability.
  • Helps reduce worms and parasites in the intestines
  • Facilitates nutrient absorption in the body
  • Strengthens the immune system and provides resistance to diseases
  • It is good for insomnia
  • Eliminates anorexia, anemia, flatulence, stomach aches and indigestion problems
  • Reduces pain in the skin
  • High antipyretic




To use wormwood herb, pour 1 glass of boiling water over a half-one-teaspoon dry mixture and let it brew for 10-15 minutes. Thus, the prepared tea can be drunk two or three times a day. After drinking wormwood tea for 3 weeks, it is necessary to take a break for 2-3 weeks, otherwise the ethereal oil derivative in its composition can cause poisoning. Pregnant women are recommended to use by consulting a specialist. May find harmful side effects to pregnant women.


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Breast cancer facts what is breast cancer


Par Le 08/05/2020

Over the past 20 years, the incidence of breast cancer has doubled. Women die more often from this disease than from all other oncological diseases. These are the annual statistics of deaths from breast cancer. In most of these patients, the disease was detected late, incompatible with life. Even with all the efforts of doctors. An increase in the incidence of breast cancer is observed worldwide. About 1 million women fall ill every year in the world.


The female breast is a glandular organ that, during the period of the baby’s birth, has an important function of milk production and feeding. Young mothers do not always skillfully process and care for their breasts and for this reason they often encounter problems.

Breast Cancer - Harvard Health

Of course, improper hygiene during feeding is not always the cause of the development of pathology, but this is one of the factors in the development of benign dysfunctions and gland seals:

  • Mastopathy is  characterized by the presence of many knotty seals in the tissue.
  • Mastitis  is an inflammatory disease of the glandular tissue and ducts of the gland (purulent, serous)
  • Fibroadenoma  is a benign tumor in the tissues of the mammary gland, consisting, as a rule, of fibrous connective tissue. Any of these pathologies can be confused with the onset of the oncological process.


What is breast cancer?

Breast cancer is an uncontrolled growth of breast cells. To better understand breast cancer, it helps to understand how any cancer can develop.

Cancer occurs as a result of mutations, or abnormal changes, in the genes responsible for regulating the growth of cells and keeping them healthy. The genes are in each cell’s nucleus, which acts as the “control room” of each cell. Normally, the cells in our bodies replace themselves through an orderly process of cell growth: healthy new cells take over as old ones die out. But over time, mutations can “turn on” certain genes and “turn off” others in a cell. That changed cell gains the ability to keep dividing without control or order, producing more cells just like it and forming a tumor.

A tumor can be benign (not dangerous to health) or malignant (has the potential to be dangerous). Benign tumors are not considered cancerous: their cells are close to normal in appearance, they grow slowly, and they do not invade nearby tissues or spread to other parts of the body. Malignant tumors are cancerous. Left unchecked, malignant cells eventually can spread beyond the original tumor to other parts of the body.

The term “breast cancer” refers to a malignant tumor that has developed from cells in the breast. Usually breast cancer either begins in the cells of the lobules, which are the milk-producing glands, or the ducts, the passages that drain milk from the lobules to the nipple. Less commonly, breast cancer can begin in the stromal tissues, which include the fatty and fibrous connective tissues of the breast.



Huge Tree Root High Up In Towards Sky Stock Photo - Download Image ...

We offer here a mixture of seeds, roots and bark from Africa which prevent and cure all kinds of cancer (breast cancer, cancer of the liver, prostate cancer, thyroid cancer, cervical cancer uterus, kidney cancer, ovarian cancer) and cardiovascular disease. These plants are very little known to scientists and they have extraordinary qualities against cancer. Their use against cancer is much more effective than chemotherapy.

The objective of this treatment is to;

  1. Fighting cancer cells.
  2. To prevent cancer cells from spreading to other organs.
  3. To strengthen the body's defense against other diseases by strengthening the immune system.
  4. To increase the effect of chemotherapy and radiotherapy.
  5. To reduce side effects such as dizziness, headache, nausea, vomiting and weakness from illness, chemotherapy or radiotherapy.


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  • A cancerous tumor

It develops inside our body, from our own cells, which for some reason have mutated. Scientists all over the world have been struggling with the cause of cancer for several decades and come to the conclusion that the destructive mechanism of the disease triggers not one, but many factors.

Various factors play a role in the occurrence of breast cancer. The early onset of menstruation - up to 12 yrs- is unfavorable, as is the late onset after 55 years. 

The female breast should fulfill all the functions assigned to it by nature. Namely, to feed children. The longer the lactation period, the lower the risk of breast cancer.

Sexual function per se is of fundamental importance: lack of sex life, later onset after 25-30 years, methods of contraception are also important. A woman should consult with a gynecologist - mechanical methods are especially unacceptable for women who are prone to the occurrence of hormone-borne diseases that contribute to the onset of a tumor.

Cancer is associated with metabolic disorders in the body of a woman. Overweight, obesity, diabetes mellitus - a list of negative factors also complement arterial hypertension and atherosclerosis, severe liver and thyroid diseases.

  • Mastopathy 

This belongs to the category of benign dishormonal diseases. They suffer a large number of women. It is believed that every second woman suffers from dishormonal disease. In fact, this is not so, it’s just that sometimes they are mistaken for the usual swelling of the mammary glands as a physiological factor before menstruation. Dyshormonal diseases are usually associated with impaired hormone metabolism associated with ovarian function, the period of their occurrence is from 25 years.

A tumor does not occur out of the blue. Development is preceded by changes in the mammary gland. Diffuse mastopathy is a background condition that can develop into a focal one. Patients should be observed by gynecologists, with some changes, surgical treatment is needed - the focus of mastopathy is cut out. There is another disease - intraductal papilloma. Symptoms are blood from the nipple, and surgery is also needed here. This is a cancer warning - the identification of precancerous diseases and their treatment.





  • Perhaps the presence of pain.
  • A visual inspection reveals a clear asymmetry and a change in shape.
  • In the halo area, ulceration, peeling, or crusting may be present.
  • Sensation of pain in the armpit (regional lymph nodes)
  • Discharge from the nipple (provided that you are not a nursing mother) of a different nature, especially bloody
  • Hyperemia of the skin and swelling. All these symptoms indicate a terrible cancer. If you find at least one of these symptoms during an independent examination, do not delay visiting a doctor. Diagnosis of breast cancer: how to determine breast cancer?





Up to 45 years, a woman should undergo an ultrasound every year, after which a mammogram is recommended. Glandular tissue is denser than fatty tissue, and after 45 years it turns into fatty tissue and radiation is retained in this tissue. As an early diagnosis after 45 years, mammography is recommended to all women once a year. Depending on the structure of the mammary gland, a re-examination after 1.5-2 years or after 6 months.

There are risk groups for women who need to examine the mammary glands, primarily women with a hereditary predisposition, with precancerous conditions and benign tumors. 

  • Mammography allows you to clearly determine the malignant potential of the tumor and identify its smallest foci.
  • Ultrasound is a more harmless and affordable method than x-ray examination. It can be performed on a woman of any age, an unlimited number of times. Ultrasound can distinguish benign mammary glands, reveal a malignant tumor, but does not see a microcarcinoma. Ultrasound is recommended for women under 35 years old - a detection rate of 87%. The combination of mammography and ultrasound gives almost 100% detection. Ultrasound is also applicable when examining axillary fossae to search for breast cancer metastases in the lymph nodes. This, in turn, distinguishes the method from mammography.
  • biopsy method helps to analyze the cellular composition, to distinguish a benign tumor process from a malignant one . It is carried out both by itself and under the supervision of ultrasound or mammography. Thanks to the method of puncture biopsies, it is possible to detect early cancer when there is no metastasis and palpable formations - that is, when neither doctors, nor women, nor other methods can detect it.
  • Ultrasound diagnostics and its varieties (Elastography) is a method for examining soft tissues, but ultrasound does not determine calcifications and bone removal, therefore, it is used in combination with other research methods. Recommended for patients aged 18 to 45 years.
  • MRI  or magnetic resonance imaging is the most informative non-invasive diagnostic method, as it allows you to layer-by-layer examine the compaction images. However, due to the high cost of the study, it is carried out in exceptional cases.
  • A radioisotope study is  carried out by introducing radioisotopes into the bloodstream and, using an X-ray, determine the place of their accumulation (often radioisotopes tend to accumulate in tumors, depending on its characteristics of blood supply and hormonal activity).
  • Puncture is an invasive diagnostic method that allows you to send part of the tissue seal for histological examination, to determine the type of cells that form this seal (if necessary, performed by an oncologist, including the district counseling in our clinic).
  • General clinical examination methods  (blood tests for hormones, a general blood test, etc.). The type of examination and its need is determined by your consulting doctor.





There is a list of risk factors that affect the likelihood of a tumor, however, some are diagnosed with the disease in the absence of these factors, while others remain healthy if many of them are present. However, scientists still associate the development of breast cancer with certain circumstances:

  • elderly age
  • uncontrolled use of hormonal drugs
  • breast injuries
  • history of breast cancer
  • a diagnosed breast cancer in a relative
  • exposure to radiation, electromagnetic fields, microwave
  • overweight, hypertension
  • early onset of menstruation and later on - menopause
  • absence of children or late birth (after 35 years) first birth
  • abortion of the first pregnancy
  • refusal of breastfeeding
  • smoking and alcohol abuse
  • diabetes mellitus, hypothyroidism
  • Scheduled work with night shifts.


Stages of the disease

The first stage of the disease is a single tumor up to 2 cm in size, which does not have regional metastases. They are located in the lymph nodes, in the immediate vicinity of the affected organ - in the axillary fossa.

The second stage of the disease - the tumor is small, up to 2 cm or slightly larger, but often having a single metastasis in the axillary fossa. The more cancer is in the body, the more actively its harmful cells travel through our body. And they can be fixed in any of its organs. So cancer metastasizes.

The third stage of the disease is more diverse. It can be a small tumor, not reaching 3-4 cm, but having multiple metastases in the armpit. In some forms, the entire mammary gland is affected, and the cancer is not palpable. Or a nodular tumor from 5-10 cm in size is also the third stage of the disease.

The fourth stage of the disease - the most dangerous stage - a tumor of any size, with metastases to other organs and tissues: bones, liver, lungs, brain. This stage of cancer most often makes doctors powerless.



Breast Cancer Prevention

Since cancer is a multifactorial disease for prevention, you should know the following:

  • Perform a self-examination of the mammary glands in the first phase of the menstrual cycle.

  • Visit your gynecologist or examination room regularly (mammologist if necessary).
  • Do not abuse hormonal drugs of emergency contraception (postinor, escapel).
  • If possible, continue breastfeeding for as long as possible.
  • Control your weight and physical activity.
  • Get rid of bad habits (smoking, excessive drinking of coffee).
  • Balance your sex life.

Try to prevent situations that cause chronic stress.



Medical Treatment For Breast Cancer

Breast-Cancer Treatment Side Effects Affect Half of Patients | Time

From the timely visit to the doctor, some patients are restrained by self-confidence and vain hopes of self-healing, others - by mistrust of doctors and, on the contrary, blind faith in other, alternative medicine. No conspiracy, miraculous ways to cure a malignant tumor is impossible. This delays the prehospital phase and does not have a positive effect.

Late treatment is also a mortal fear of illness and treatment. Fear of losing breasts can deter women from early treatment. Women should understand that such thoughts do not prevent the removal of the mammary gland, but only bring it closer. By delaying you, you and your doctors lose the chance to save your chest.

The smaller the stage of the disease, the less treatment in duration and intensity. At the first stage, organ-preserving operations are performed , tissue is transplanted - then it is possible to save the breast and cure the malignant formation.

In some cases, breast removal can be avoided. This is a trauma for a young woman, therefore, the sooner she turns to a doctor, the less aggressive the treatment methods will be. If the tumor is small and there are no metastases, the focus is removed, radiation therapy, chemotherapy are performed . But the chest remains.

A later stage of the disease requires more serious interventions. Here, radiation therapy remains an element of the complex effect on the tumor, which acts locally on the foci of the tumor. In terms of surgery, a complete removal of the mammary gland and regional lymph nodes is carried out.

The surgical stage is one of the main ones. But the idea of ​​breast cancer as an isolated tumor is a mistake. The development of distant metastases is the cause of death without treatment. Therefore, the use of chemotherapy is extremely important. Cancer is a systemic disease, only surgery does not affect metastases.

Of course, chemotherapy is not harmless not only for cancer cells, but also for the human body as a whole. But this is an inevitable sacrifice in the name of life. Side effects of chemotherapy are nausea after the administration of the drug, hair loss is what women are afraid of. But then the hair will return, and from nausea there are special preparations. Sometimes chemotherapy remains the only way to treat cancer if, for whatever reason, surgery is not possible.

In some cases, hormone therapy helps to influence the development of the tumor in the body . It is carried out taking into account the hormonal sensitivity of the tumor in the patient. If it is sensitive, oncologists prescribe therapy - treatment is aimed at blocking the action of sex hormones so that the tumor grows less.

And only multicomponent complex treatment makes it possible to achieve results and cure the patient. This is difficult both for the doctor and for the patient who is forced to be treated. Oncologists gave this period their medically “tough” definition - “5-year survival”. The earlier breast cancer is detected and treated, the greater the woman's chances of recovery. If the disease is detected in the first stages, in 95% of cases, patients overcome the threshold of 5-year survival. Stage 3 cancer halves this percentage. In the 4th stage, we can only talk about extending life.

Patients should come for examinations regularly. Malignant tumors can renew in other organs and tissues. It is necessary to undergo regular monitoring, during the first year of treatment - an examination every 3 months. After 2 pet - under the supervision of district doctors.

The return of the disease is an undesirable but possible development of the situation after a course of treatment for breast cancer. And a woman should be ready for this. There is an arsenal of funds for the treatment of relapse and metastases. It gives its results. If left untreated, the result and prognosis are much worse.

Women treated for breast cancer have a risk of relapse. But this does not mean that they must spend the rest of their lives waiting for him.

The patient’s attitude plays a huge role in the outcome of the disease, the support of relatives is important, so that the spouse and friend understand and support at the difficult stage of life.




1. Green tea

The health benefits of green tea | BBC Good Food

Research from the University of California revealed that it can help prevent or slow the growth of breast cancer, thanks to its high content of polyphenols, antioxidant substances that protect against cell damage. Epigadocatechin gallate would be the chemical responsible for its anticancer effect and for modifying the metabolism of estrogens.

2. Siberian ginseng

Siberian Ginseng Extract, Pack Size: 1kg, Herbal Bio Solutions ...

Siberian ginseng, also known as eleutherococcus, is considered an adaptogen, a term used to describe substances that help the body adapt to different factors that cause stress. The herb's components are believed to bind to estrogen and progesterone receptors and block tumor activity, in addition, it would stimulate the production of T cells responsible for destroying cancer cells.



3. Soy

Is Soy Good or Bad for Your Health?

It has a protective effect, but to prevent breast cancer, the ideal would be to add a moderate amount to the diet (for example, 20-60 gr of soy per day). Purified isoflavone supplements are not recommended as it is not known whether they have the same effects as whole soybeans.


4. Astragalus

Astragalus | Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center

In traditional Chinese medicine, astragalus is used in the treatment of various diseases, including cancer and disorders of the immune system, although its anti-cancer properties have not been conclusively demonstrated. By activating the immune system, astragalus is believed to help prevent the development of cancer cells.


5. Peanut

627x393px Peanut 221.41 KB #303941

Research from the State Cancer Institute of Colima, Mexico, showed that eating 30 grams of natural peanuts at least once a week reduces the risk of breast cancer three times. Its antioxidants, beneficial fatty acids and flavonoid substances protect against disease.



Cat's Claw bark, organic - 1 oz. - Remedies Herb Shop

6. Cat's claw

The use of cat's claw is said to date from the Inca civilization and among its uses it would highlight the fight against cancer. The natives cooked the bark and root to obtain a concoction that would help boost the immune system and thereby protect the body from cellular damage caused by inflammation. Study from the University of Salerno in Italy, report that cat's claw inhibits the proliferation of breast cancer cells by up to 90%


7. Garlic

Garlic – MYTH Trade

Garlic was used as a natural medicine long before it was a condiment. The National Cancer Institute reports that several demographic studies show that there is a relationship between increased consumption of garlic and a reduction in the risk of certain types of cancer, including breast cancer. Its protective effects would derive from its properties to block cancer-causing substances and to improve DNA repair.


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Amazing amla indian gooseberry

AMAZING WONDERS OF Gooseberry ON Amyloidosis

Par Le 07/05/2020

Though gooseberry can not cure amyloidosis, it is a very effective herb or fruit to add to your diet. It's antioxidant property can suppress the progression of AApoAII amyloid deposition in the improved microenvironment of tissues and the effect may be related to the levels of oxidative stress in local tissues. 

Amyloidosis is a rare systemic disease. In most patients, it has a secondary nature. In residents of the Mediterranean, as well as people of Jewish and Armenian nationality, the disease is due to a genetic predisposition. Why does this occur?

Various proteins can cause amyloid deposits. However, there is a group of proteins under the influence of which there is a serious violation of the activity of internal organs. Amyloids can accumulate both in a separate area of ​​the body and throughout the body. The reasons for the development of amyloidosis depend on its type.




Nonetheless, after 25 years of research, the experts of africandoctor have discovered the best home remedy against amyloidosis. It is effective and affordable. 





Our treatment is not intended to completely treat the disease but rather to slow its progression and relieve the various symptoms of the disease. Indeed the natural remedy that we offer consists of plants with anti-inflammatory properties. It will also purify your blood and its diuretic properties will be beneficial to you if you have a disease of the kidneys, lymph nodes and spleen. For people suffering from affection to the nervous and cardiovascular system these plants will restore the functioning of these different systems. Our treatment is an all in one for the treatment of  amyloidosis.



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Futhermore, other reasons for the development of this disease may lie in:

  • deposition of beta-2-microglobulin in the blood;
  • hemodialysis for more than 5 years;
  • renal failure.

Most of all, joints, bones, and tendons suffer from this type of disease.






Did you know that amyloidosis leads to alzheimer's disease? See how to use Turmeric for memory loss due to amyloidosis!! 




Amla Fruit, HD Png Download , Transparent Png Image - PNGitem

Polyphenols in gooseberries, is another type of antioxidant that may also help prevent Alzheimer's by removing the build-up of toxins in cells. Gooseberries are great for amyloidosis because of its properties and effect on memory loss and toxins. Hence, Diuretic properties and hydration: Gooseberry has diuretic properties. A diuretic is a substance that increases the production of urine, which tends to flush out toxins, excess water and salts from the body. Removal of toxins also helps the body retain water and this aids in hydration.




Gooseberry is a popular berry used in herbal treatment. It is the nature’s richest source of vitamin C and forms a part of Rejuvenation therapy or Rasayana therapy. This wonderful fruit has innumerable properties and works on several ailments. It provides nutrition to the body and effectively eliminates toxins from the body. It is used in fresh and dried forms.

Know the secrets of amla juice for diabetes






Ingredients needed:

  • Gooseberry
  • Sugar or honey
  • Water

Machinery requirements:

  1. Mixer Jar
  2. Blender
  3. Strainer

How to prepare:

  1. Transfer the chopped gooseberry into a mixer jar.
  2. Add ½ cup of water to ease the process of blending.
  3. Blend till the mixture of Indian gooseberry juice for detox is smooth.
  4. Strain using a strainer.
  5. Serve amla juice immediately.



  • It is higly nutritious 

Just 1 cup (150 grams) of gooseberries contains:

  1. Protein
  2. Fat
  3. Carbs
  4. Fiber
  5. Vitamin C
  6. Vitamin B5
  7. Vitamin B6
  8. Copper
  9. Manganese
  10. Potassium
  • It is high in fiber and low in calories
  • It is rich in anti-oxidants
  • It helps to control blood sugar level
  • It is great with brain functioning




Unfortunately, YES. Bleeding disorders is one of the negative effect of gooseberry, it increases the risk of bleeding or bruising in some people. If you have a bleeding disorder, use gooseberry with caution. 










Par Le 07/05/2020


Amyloid deposits in the kidneys make it hard for them to do this job. When your kidneys do not work properly, water and dangerous toxins build up in your body. Futhermore, Toxic beta-amyloid is a distinguishing hallmark of Alzheimer's disease. But not all forms of beta-amyloid are toxic.







Our treatment is not intended to completely treat the disease but rather to slow its progression and relieve the various symptoms of the disease. Indeed the natural remedy that we offer consists of plants with anti-inflammatory properties. It will also purify your blood and its diuretic properties will be beneficial to you if you have a disease of the kidneys, lymph nodes and spleen. For people suffering from affection to the nervous and cardiovascular system these plants will restore the functioning of these different systems. Our treatment is an all in one for the treatment of  amyloidosis.



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2. Terminalia chebula

Terminalia Chebula Extract, Packaging Type: Pouch ,pack Size: Gram ...

It is a commonly used herb in India for relieving constipation. Many herbal formulations meant for treating constipation have this herb as one of the components. It acts very effectively and mildly on the stomach. It strengthens the digestive system and improves its functioning. It helps to clear blockages in the stomach.


3.  Gooseberry : alkekenig Cape Gooseberry Fruit Seeds (Pack of avg ...

Gooseberry is a popular berry used in herbal treatment. It is the nature’s richest source of vitamin C and forms a part of Rejuvenation therapy or Rasayana therapy. This wonderful fruit has innumerable properties and works on several ailments. It provides nutrition to the body and effectively eliminates toxins from the body. It is used in fresh and dried forms.


READ ALSO: Potassium , starch and vitamin C for amyloidosis


4. Terminalia bellerica

Bibhitaki acts as an immunity booster- The New Indian Express

It is helpful in eliminating excess fat from the body. It improves the functioning of the liver and increases the count of red blood cells. It is a rejuvenator and a laxative herb. It helps to relieve constipation. Its anthelmintic properties help to expel parasitic worms from the stomach. It also helps to prevent premature graying of hair. It is also efficient in controlling bleeding in the sputum and eases brancho-spasm. It improves immunity function of the body and is helpful in maintaining the balance of blood pressure and cholesterol. Its paste can be applied on eyelids to cure conjunctivitis. The paste is also useful in treating swollen and inflamed painful parts. It is helpful in arresting bleeding of wounds.


5. Mixture of the following in powdered form

  • Ashwagandha 
  • Methi 
  • Suranjaan 
  • Gorakhmundi 
  • Haridra
  • Sonth 

These herbs are used to manage the amyloidosis. Anti-inflammatory action of these herb help to reduces inflammation. Moreover this herbal powder helps to overcome the weakness and provides energy and stamina to the body.

How to use – 1 teaspoonful two times a day, with plain water, half an hour after meals.


6. Aloe Vera

Comment réaliser un soin apaisant à l'aloe vera ?

This herb has a great medicinal importance in traditional medicine. It helps to maintain the overall good health of body. It helps to enhance the overall functioning of all the organs. It possesses the high amounts of anti-oxidant which help in the removal of toxins from the body. In problem of amyloidosis, it helps to flush out the proteins. Moreover this herb is quite useful in managing the symptoms of amyloidosis such as weakness, fatigue and shortness of breath etc. Aloe vera extracts aregreat for amyloidosis. 




Potassium , starch and vitamin C for amyloidosis

Par Le 07/05/2020

Amyloidosis is a disease characterized by impaired protein metabolism, as a result of which a protein-polysaccharide complex (amyloid) is formed and accumulates in the tissues. However, there are useful foods that can aid in managing this disease which are going to list in this article. 

Nonetheless, after 25 years of research, the experts of africandoctor have discovered the best home remedy against amyloidosis. It is effective and affordable. 





Our treatment is not intended to completely treat the disease but rather to slow its progression and relieve the various symptoms of the disease. Indeed the natural remedy that we offer consists of plants with anti-inflammatory properties. It will also purify your blood and its diuretic properties will be beneficial to you if you have a disease of the kidneys, lymph nodes and spleen. For people suffering from affection to the nervous and cardiovascular system these plants will restore the functioning of these different systems. Our treatment is an all in one for the treatment of  amyloidosis.



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Useful food for amyloidosis

In the presence of the disease, a diet should be followed in which the body is saturated with potassium , starch and vitamin C.


Potassium-rich foods:

Potassium Rich Food Sources - Signs Of Potassium Deficiency


  1. vegetables (cucumbers, potatoes, zucchini, parsnips, carrots, green leafy vegetables);
  2. legumes, including peanuts;
  3. honey and bee products, especially pollen;
  4. Apple vinegar;
  5. mushrooms;
  6. fresh fruits (watermelon, oranges, melons, bananas);
  7. dried fruits (raisins, apricots, plums, figs);
  8. rye bread, wheat bran;
  9. nuts (cedar, almonds);
  10. wheat and oatmeal;
  11. products of animal origin: beef, fish, liver, dairy products;
  12. tea.


Starchy foods include:

Foods rich in resistant starch may benefit health | EurekAlert ...

  1. porridge: oatmeal, buckwheat, millet, wheat and rice (brown), also barley and semolina;
  2. bakery and pasta products, oatmeal cookies;
  3. cereals: rye, wheat, oats, maize;
  4. beans and peas;
  5. horseradish roots and ginger.
  6. Small amounts of starch are contained in pumpkin, carrots, tomatoes, garlic, cabbage, radishes, parsley, so we will not focus on them.



Foods That Give Your Body Vitamin C:

Get Your Daily Dose of Vitamin C | Oscillococcinum

  1. berries: rose hips, peel, black currant, viburnum, blackberry, strawberry, herb eagle nail;
  2. citrus fruits;
  3. kiwifruit ;
  4. all kinds of cabbage;
  5. sweet and hot peppers;
  6. horseradish root;
  7. young garlic;
  8. spinach.



Dangerous and harmful foods in amyloidosis:

As the potassium is washed away from the confectionery, it should not be consumed. Do not take products containing caffeine, alcoholic beverages. Excessive physical activity and stress also wash the substance out of the body.

It is necessary to limit protein foods:

  • tofu;
  • egg white;
  • desserts and small sweets type "kisses";
  • soy milk;
  • lean beef and veal;
  • rabbit and chicken;
  • marine products;

Limit the use of salt and salty foods, especially by people with kidney and heart problems.






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Par Le 07/05/2020


Do you have amyloidosis and looking for who to run to? If yes, you have run to the right place. Here we will offer you to best treatment to deal with amyloidosis symptoms. But firstly, why not medical treatment? Read to the end to discover the best treatment for you.




Can amyloidosis be treated?

Amyloidosis: Symptoms, Treatment, and More

Amyloidosis can and should be treated, but the management depends on the type of disease. In the case of AA amyloidosis, the inflammation that caused it should be combated. In AL amyloidosis, chemotherapy is the treatment of choice.



The treatment of amyloidosis is based on the form of the disease.  





Our treatment is not intended to completely treat the disease but rather to slow its progression and relieve the various symptoms of the disease. Indeed the natural remedy that we offer consists of plants with anti-inflammatory properties. It will also purify your blood and its diuretic properties will be beneficial to you if you have a disease of the kidneys, lymph nodes and spleen. For people suffering from affection to the nervous and cardiovascular system these plants will restore the functioning of these different systems. Our treatment is an all in one for the treatment of amyloidosis. This treatment is more affordable than medical treatment. 


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OBJECTIVE OF MEDICAL Treatment of amyloidosis

Probiotics Prevent Aging | Look Good Feel Great Always

Treatment of amyloidosis is two-fold. On the one hand, it involves alleviating symptoms to maintain a good quality of life for patients, on the other - therapy to inhibit the production of amyloid protein. The treatments currently proposed can change the natural course of the disease, provided they are implemented before irreversible organ damage occurs. Early diagnosis, proper selection of amyloid, inclusion of appropriate treatment of the underlying disease adapted to the risk level, close observation and supportive treatment are crucial for the effectiveness of therapy. The localized form of amyloidosis requires radiotherapy or surgery, generalized amyloidosis and systemic treatment.





For the most effective but also the most aggressive method of treatment - high-dose chemotherapy followed by autologous bone marrow stem cell transplantation ( ASCT)) - patients are eligible in good general condition without serious heart damage. In some cases, if there is an increased percentage of plasmacytes in the bone marrow> 10%, treatment starts with chemotherapy, and the ASCT procedure begins after a few months, after reducing the infiltration in the bone marrow.

Other drugs used to date for myeloma are also being studied in amyloidosis. These include, but are not limited to, immunomodulatory drugs such as lenalidomide. Caution in their introduction is caused, among others, by a higher risk of side effects than in myeloma.





Migraines: Simple steps to head off the pain – National Pilot ...

For relapsed or refractory disease, various myeloma therapy regimens are adapted. These include combinations based on bortezomib, lenalidomide, bendamustine, as well as new drugs such as daratumumab, pomalidomide and ixazomib. The latest drugs are only available as part of clinical trials.




Tafamidis Approved for Treatment of Transthyretin Amyloid ...

The drug directly affecting the accumulation of deposits in AA amyloidosis is currently in the sphere of research. The greatest emphasis in therapy is put on removing the cause of the formation of SAA amyloid, which is chronic inflammation.

In amyloidosis AF, so-called drugs are being tested. stabilizers of amyloid proteins (diflunisal, tafamidis), preventing the transformation of the correct TTR protein into amyloid. In some situations, liver transplantation is considered.

The management of senile amyloidosis is mainly aimed at alleviating its symptoms, but some efficacy of diflunisal or tafamidis is also observed.

For cardiac involvement in AF and AS amyloidosis, doxycycline is also given.




How an ex-Barcelona player's legal liver transplant is focusing ...

Organ transplantation in place of those irreversibly damaged by amyloidosis is technically possible. However, it is considered when at least a very good partial hematological response was obtained after the hematological treatment described briefly above (VGPR). Otherwise, the risk that the transplanted organ would be quickly destroyed by the disease is too high. Heart transplantation is a serious procedure, it can only be offered to young patients. Kidney transplants are performed much more often. Attempts are also being made to liver transplantation, but here, apart from congenital amyloidosis, the effects are much worse.



What Cardiologists Need to Know About Cardiac Amyloidosis

Amyloidosis assumed on the basis of clinical and laboratory data must be confirmed morphologically by the detection of amyloid in tissue biopsies.

If AL-type amyloidosis is suspected, bone marrow puncture is recommended. The counting of plasma cells and the staining of punctate on amyloid allows not only to diagnose amyloidosis, but also to differentiate the primary and associated with myeloma variants of AL-amyloidosis. A positive result of a study of bone marrow on amyloid was observed in 60% of patients with AL-amyloidosis.

A simple and safe diagnostic procedure is an aspiration biopsy of subcutaneous fat, in which amyloid is detected in 80% of cases of AL-amyloidosis. The advantages of this procedure, in addition to informativeness, also include the rarity of bleeding, which makes it possible to use this method in patients with blood coagulation disorders (patients with primary amyloidosis often have a coagulation factor X deficiency in which hemorrhages can develop).

Most often, for the diagnosis of different types of amyloidosis, a biopsy of the mucous membrane of the rectum, kidney, and liver is performed. A biopsy of the mucous and submucous layers of the rectum allows the detection of amyloid in 70% of patients, and a kidney biopsy in almost 100% of cases. In patients with carpal tunnel syndrome, amyloid examination should be performed on tissue removed during carpal tunnel decompression.

Biopsy material for the detection of amyloid must be stained with Congo red, followed by microscopy in polarized light to detect birefringence. Modern morphological diagnosis of amyloidosis includes not only detection, but also typing of amyloid, since the type of amyloid determines the therapeutic tactics. For typing, a sample with potassium permanganate is often used. When treating Congo-stained red preparations with a 5% potassium permanganate solution, the AA-type amyloid loses its color and loses the birefringence property, while the AL-type amyloid retains them. The use of alkaline guanidine makes it possible to more accurately differentiate AA and AL amyloidosis.

The most effective method for typing amyloid is an immunohistochemical study using antisera to the main types of amyloid protein (specific antibodies against AA protein, immunoglobulin light chains, transthyretin and beta-2-microglobulin).





With untreated AL amyloidosis, survival is short, about a year, and up to six months with severe heart damage. It is doubled when used. It should be remembered that the earlier the diagnosis is made and the treatment is initiated, the greater the chances of a long survival.

In AA amyloidosis, the average survival exceeds 10 years. Extinguishing the inflammation stops or slows down the process of amyloid deposition, which significantly improves the prognosis.

In amyloidosis AF, the average survival is estimated at 5-15 years from the time of diagnosis.




Our experts opinion: A balanced diet is very important for the body's energy supply. Although amyloid is a protein, changing the amount of protein consumed does not affect the course of the disease. However, you may need a special diet depending on the symptoms and organs involved (e.g. kidney or liver damage).





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Par Le 06/05/2020

That yoga is beneficial for health has been known for a long time, especially in India, where it has its roots for more than 5,000 years. 


YES. All you need to do is to keep moving. 

Amyloidosis can lead to extreme fatigue and weakness, so you may think 'the last thing I want to do is exercise or yoga'. Plus, cardiac issues can make intense workouts out of the question. Running and other high-intensity exercises can be challenging with amyloidosis, but this doesn’t mean you have to stop moving completely.

It’s best to stick with light or moderate yoga anything that helps keep you moving without being too strenuous.

In this article, we are going to look at some yoga you can do with much strain. In addition, to prevent or delay the onset of dementia, including Alzheimer's disease, doctors and scientists recommend keeping your mind active through yoga. 



Our treatment is not intended to completely treat the disease but rather to slow its progression and relieve the various symptoms of the disease. Indeed the natural remedy that we offer consists of plants with anti-inflammatory properties. It will also purify your blood and its diuretic properties will be beneficial to you if you have a disease of the kidneys, lymph nodes and spleen. For people suffering from affection to the nervous and cardiovascular system, these plants will restore the functioning of these different systems. Our treatment is an all in one for the treatment of amyloidosis.


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contact/WhatsApp: +22990431725


People often ask how to start practicing yoga, 'do you have to be stretched and do you need any equipment?'

To start your adventure with yoga, just want. If you can breathe - you can practice. Practice has many faces - both very dynamic and completely calm. If you need a method that will positively affect the body and calm the mind - yoga will be a great choice, and among the various styles everyone will find something for themselves.


  • Space
  • Equipment (mat, yoga belt, yoga block)
  • Clothes ( a sports bra and a fairly tight top, Of course, if you focus mainly on relaxation and meditation, you can buy wide, comfortable and warm pants, as well as a loose sweatshirt).
  • Teacher


Yoga is a great way to work on your flexibility and strength. Almost everyone can do this too - this is not only for people who can touch their toes or want to meditate.

Some types of yoga are about relaxation. In others, you move more. Most types focus on a training position called asanas. They also usually include attention to breathing.

  • Yoga for flexibility

Yoga creates work by stretching your muscles. They can help you move better and feel less stiff or tired. At any level of yoga, you will probably soon begin to notice the benefits. In one study, people improved their flexibility by 35% after only 8 weeks of yoga.

  • Take a pose for strength

Some styles of yoga, such as ashtanga and power yoga, are very physical. Practicing one of these styles will help you improve muscle tone. But even less energetic yoga styles, such as Iyengar or Hatha, can benefit strength and endurance. Many poses, such as a downward dog, a rising dog, and a whiteboard pose, increase the strength of the upper body. Standing pose, especially if you hold them for several long breaths, strengthen your hamstrings, quadriceps and abs. Poses that strengthen the lower back include a rising dog and a chair pose.

If done correctly, almost all postures create the main strength in the deep muscles of the abdomen.

  • Best Yoga Posture

When you are stronger and more flexible, your posture improves. Most standing and sitting postures develop core strength, as you need your core muscles to support and maintain each posture.

With a stronger core, you are more likely to sit and stand tall. Yoga also helps your body awareness. This will help you quickly notice if you are slouching or lowering so you can adjust your position.

  • Breathing benefits

Yoga usually involves focusing on your breathing, which can help you relax. It may also require certain breathing techniques. But yoga, as a rule, is not aerobic, like running or cycling, if it is not an intense type of yoga or you do not practice in a heated room.

  • Less stress, more peace

You may feel less stressed and more relaxed after doing yoga. Some styles of yoga use meditation techniques that help calm the mind. You can also focus on breathing during yoga.

  • Good for your heart

It has long been known that yoga lowers blood pressure and slows heart rate. A slow heartbeat can help people with high blood pressure or heart disease, as well as people who have a stroke. Yoga has also been linked to lower cholesterol and triglycerides, as well as improving the functioning of the immune system.


Sukhasana Easy Pose

This is a basic meditation posture and body opening so that you can sit comfortably on the floor so that you are much more comfortable for your back and hips when you practice breathing exercises, meditation practices, energy work, or any other yoga practice that takes place. in a sitting position.

Parivritta Sukhasana , Sedentary Easy Turn

This is one of the most tender curvy poses in reliable Hatha Yoga practice . However, it can also be one of the most invigorating. This helps relieve tension in the back muscles, which can lead to compression and imbalance in the spine. It should be noted that although this turn is an easy pose to perform, it is easy to turn your body into a deep turn before your back is ready for it. Slowly and intelligently enter the rotation, keeping the length in the spine, and let your breath immerse you in a pose, not pull it.

If your hips are tense, it may be helpful to sit on a yoga block.

Paschimottanasana , Sitting forward bend

Pin-drop technique Sitting forward The bend is a classic pose for lengthening the hamstrings. However, it is also a very effective posture to study the relationship between muscle activity and flexibility, and how the hip and shoulder complexes interact with spinal alignment. 

In Yin Yoga Usually in this position they are completely liberated by rounding the back. However, in most forms of yoga, it is more beneficial to perform this pose with a lot of interaction and find as long as possible through the spine, expanding through the chest and folding forward from the pelvis.

This is an excellent posture for cultivating calm and concentration. It can help with anxiety and helps stimulate the abdominal organs such as the liver and stomach.

Baddha Konasana , Bound Angle Pose

This yoga pose may be uncomfortable for some people, but, fortunately, there are many useful modifications that can make this pose accessible to most practitioners. 

The tied angular posture is an excellent stretch for the gluteal muscles and helps strengthen the inside of the thigh. It is also a great way to strengthen the lower back and learn how to find the length in the spine in a sitting position.

It is also one of the best postures for stretching the piriformis muscle. The dense piriformis muscle is the most common cause of pain in the sciatic joint, so this posture is great for those with sciatica.



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Par Le 06/05/2020

While there is no special diet that will cure or treat Amyloidosis, both healthy eating and following doctor-recommended restrictions are essential.


According to Myeloma UK, eating a healthy diet increases energy levels, maintains muscle strength,  boosts your immune system, and helps recovery after treatment. As you can see, making healthy choices makes sense. But easier said than done, right? Eating a healthy, balanced diet can be tricky for anyone. When your stress levels are high, and you feel horrible, making those necessary changes can be daunting. Because the disease affects everyone differently, your unique situation will determine the dietary suggestions that are made for you.



Our treatment is not intended to completely treat the disease but rather to slow its progression and relieve the various symptoms of the disease. Indeed the natural remedy that we offer consists of plants with anti-inflammatory properties. It will also purify your blood and its diuretic properties will be beneficial to you if you have a disease of the kidneys, lymph nodes, and spleen. For people suffering from affection to the nervous and cardiovascular system, these plants will restore the functioning of these different systems. Our treatment is an all in one for the treatment of amyloidosis.


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A balanced diet is very important for the body's energy supply. Although amyloid is a protein, changing the amount of protein consumed does not affect the course of the disease. However, you may need a special diet depending on the symptoms and organs involved (e.g. kidney or liver damage). The issue of the necessity of introducing nutritional restrictions should be discussed with the attending physician. A dietitian's advice can also be helpful.

Facing these dietary changes isn’t easy. Here are a few tips to ease the transition.

  • Look at it as a challenge.  Use it as an opportunity to try new foods, test out different cooking methods, and experiment with healthy recipes. Keep an open mind and try new things.
  • Focus on the foods you CAN eat rather than on the foods you can’t. Doctors and dieticians tend to give you lists of the foods you can no longer enjoy. While necessary, focusing on the things you can’t have can be depressing and overwhelming. Try to shift your focus and make a list of all safe foods and meals you can continue to enjoy. Having a go-to list on hand is useful when you’re feeling overwhelmed.
  • Meal plan, prep, and batch cook. Having ideas on hand makes mealtime easier. Some days you’ll have more energy than others. On those days, make extra and freeze and prep for other meals, so things will be all set for you when you’re feeling low.
  • Eat frequent, small meals throughout the day. Not only can it help if you’re feeling nauseous, but it also keeps you full and helps to avoid cravings. If you wait until you’re starving to eat, you’ll be more inclined to make bad decisions.


  • Eat whole foods and cook from scratch. Although it is more time consuming, cooking from scratch allows you to control the amount of salt.
  • Experiment with different spices and herbs to add flavour to your foods.
  • Add an acid when cooking, like a squeeze of lemon juice or vinegar to brighten flavours.
  • Pay attention to sauces, gravies, and salad dressings as they can contain a surprising amount of sodium.
  • Fill a water bottle in the morning, and drink from it throughout the day to help you keep track of your water intake.
  • Keep a log (at least at the beginning) until you get an idea of how much fluid you are taking in, and don’t forget to include things like jello, watery fruit, and ice cream.
  • Adjust the ratio of protein to vegetables in your recipes. Add more vegetables and starches to dishes such as soups and stews, to stretch it out and make it seem more substantial.
  • Think of vegetables and grains as the main dish, and protein as your side dish
  • You may have to cut out certain foods or supplements if they interact with the medications you are taking. For example, green tea and high dose Vitamin C can interfere with Bortezomib (Velcade) and make it less effective. Your doctor will give you a list of foods and supplements to avoid. Follow the recommendations carefully, and be sure to check with your medical team before adding any over the counter medications or supplements to your diet.
  • If your kidneys are affected, your levels of electrolytes and minerals will be closely monitored. Your kidney care team will make recommendations based on your levels. For example, you may have to avoid high potassium foods or those with high calcium levels.



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Turmeric for memory loss due to amyloidosis

Par Le 06/05/2020


The protein that forms the amyloid deposits in Alzheimer's, is definitely closely related to the cause of dementia because mutations which affect its production and structure cause hereditary early onset dementia. However, this does not prove that the actual amyloid deposits are themselves harmful. Researchers have argued that beta-amyloid plaques disrupt the communication between brain cells, potentially leading to cognitive function problems. Futhermore, Amyloidosis is a disease in which an abnormal protein called amyloid accumulates in body tissues and organs. The disease causes serious problems in the affected areas. As a result, people with amyloidosis in different body parts may experience different physical problems: Brain - Dementia.

What exactly does amyloidosis have in common with Alzheimer's disease?

Alzheimer's is identified by the presence of two proteins in the brain, known as amyloid and tau. Amyloid proteins aggregate into sticky clumps called “plaques”. Ultimately, the disease causes the death of brain cells. This results in an overall shrinking of brains of patients with Alzheimer's disease.




Our treatment is not intended to completely treat the disease but rather to slow its progression and relieve the various symptoms of the disease. Indeed the natural remedy that we offer consists of plants with anti-inflammatory properties. It will also purify your blood and its diuretic properties will be beneficial to you if you have a disease of the kidneys, lymph nodes and spleen. For people suffering from affection to the nervous and cardiovascular system these plants will restore the functioning of these different systems. Our treatment is an all in one for the treatment of amyloidosis.



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Natural substance curcumin, which is actively used as a dye and is part of the turmeric root, has anti-inflammatory, antioxidant and immunomodulating properties. Curcumin is also believed to help stop the active development of neurodegenerative diseases in old age.

An American study showed that curcumin, the active ingredient in the spice, can improve memory and mood.


What effect does turmeric have on the human body?

To understand why turmeric is useful and what it cures, you need to consider its composition. First of all, it contains valuable polyphenol - curcumin, which gives the spice an intense yellow color. This component helps to control cholesterol, protects blood vessels from atherosclerotic manifestations, and provides an anti-inflammatory effect.



Turmeric vs. Alzheimer's


The anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties of turmeric have been reported in the past. This time, researchers focused on the fact that older people in India are less likely to have Alzheimer's disease and other forms of dementia because turmeric is widely used in local cuisine.


Researchers tested the effect of curcumin-based dietary supplement on memory in people without dementia, as well as on the brains of people with Alzheimer's disease.


A double study covered 40 patients aged 40-90 years, complaining of a slight memory impairment. Half of them received 90 mg of curcumin twice a day for 18 months, the rest received placebo.


Before the start of the study and every 6 months they underwent cognitive tests and a blood test for curcumin. 30 people underwent tomography.

The results showed that those taking curcumin had a 28% improvement in memory compared with placebo. Brain scans showed a lesser manifestation of amyloidosis, characteristic of Alzheimer's disease.




  1. The substance prevents the accumulation of Aβ protein (amyloid beta) in the brain and stimulates its excretion.
  2. Increases the concentration of glutathione - a powerful antioxidant that can slow the aging of brain cells.
  3. It stops oxidative reactions, and also neutralizes inflammatory processes.

Thus, regular use of spices helps not only prevent neurodegenerative disorders, but also successfully fights against existing pathologies. But it is worth noting that turmeric is useful not only for the elderly, but also for other age groups. During periods of high mental stress, it helps to improve concentration. Positive effect on the processes of memorization.



How to use


According to previous studies, curcumin has a positive effect in chronic inflammation of the joints (rheumatoid arthritis), ulcerative colitis and some other diseases.  


A teaspoon of turmeric contains 150-250 mg of the active substance. The therapeutic dose is 500-3000 mg, and before taking such doses, you should consult your doctor.


However, to prevent problems with memory and mood, you can add turmeric to dishes - and enjoy the taste and benefits at the same time. 





Curcumin is responsible for the antitumor effect of the spice. This component stops the pathological growth of cells, stops the growth of blood vessels that feed the tumor. The greatest effect was observed in the treatment of breast and colon cancer, as well as melanoma.

A very useful spice for men . American scientists from the Rutgers Institute (New Jersey) conducted studies that showed the effectiveness of Turmeric against prostatitis . In addition, the substance will help prevent the development of prostate cancer, the second most common type of oncology, after breast cancer.

Turmeric helps reduce the toxic effects of chemotherapy and also enhances its anti-cancer effect. As part of a comprehensive treatment, it prevents the appearance and spread of metastases. She is also able to "turn off" a gene that stimulates the growth of cancer cells. Therefore, it is advisable for preventive purposes to take the spice to people who have had cases of oncology in their family.




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Par Le 06/05/2020


Amyloidosis is a group of diseases in which abnormal proteins, known as amyloid fibrils, build up in tissue. Symptoms depend on the type and are often variable. The usual onset is from 55-65 years of age, it could be genetic or acquired. The most popular method to diagnose this pathology is through tissue biopsy.



There are three(3) main types of amyloidosis;

  1. Al type of Amyloidosis: In this type the Immunoglobulin light chain of amyloid affects the major organs of the body like the heart, kidneys, liver, skin, and nerves. In this the abnormal chain of amyloids are the antibodies that the bone marrow makes. These abnormal antibodies do not break down and disturb functioning. It is a systemic amyloidosis as it affects the complete system.
  2. AA type of Amyloidosis: It is inflammatory in nature and this chronic amyloidosis mostly affects the organs where inflammatory conditions can prevail. The main sites are the kidneys, the liver, and the digestive tract. It can lead to inflammatory diseases like rheumatoid arthritis, inflammatory bowel syndrome, tuberculosis, ulcerative colitis and many more.
  3. Hereditary/Familial amyloidosis: It is a hereditary type of disorder that runs into genes. It can affect the nerves, the heart, liver or the kidneys. The danger to the nerves and through the nerves to the heart is the greatest



Hereditary amyloidosis can run in families. This may be due to a genetic change, called a mutation, that is passed down from generation to generation.



Primary systemic amyloidosis affects the heart, kidneys, liver, gastrointestinal tract and central nervous system. Skin involvement occurs in about 30–40% of patients. Localised primary amyloidosis affects specific organs such as the skin (primary cutaneous amyloidosis), heart, eye, airway and bladder.
Lichen amyloidosis is characterized by severely itchy patches of thickened skin with multiple small bumps. The patches are scaly and reddish brown in color. These patches usually occur on the shins but can also occur on the forearms, other parts of the legs, and elsewhere on the body.




Primary infertility and hypergonadotropic hypogonadism in young patients may be caused by testicular amyloidosis and it is associated with the presence of a mutation in the apoA-I gene, resulting in the replacement of proline for leucine at residue 75 of the protein. 
Though pregnancy with amyloidosis is not common; nevertheless, amyloidosis will complicate pregnancies also with the underlying disease and may cause terrible perinatal morbidities and mortalities.






Our treatment is not intended to completely treat the disease but rather to slow its progression and relieve the various symptoms of the disease. Indeed the natural remedy that we offer consists of plants with anti-inflammatory properties. It will also purify your blood and its diuretic properties will be beneficial to you if you have a disease of the kidneys, lymph nodes and spleen. For people suffering from affection to the nervous and cardiovascular system these plants will restore the functioning of these different systems. Our treatment is an all in one for the treatment of amyloidosis.



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  • The Boswellia herb has anti-inflammatory properties making it a great choice in case of arthritic pains.
  • Boswellia is also found to have anti-atherosclerotic properties making it a good herb for the cholesterol and heart.
  • The boswellic acids that have anti-inflammatory properties have been unidentified in various researches.
  • These acids are of supreme importance as they are very beneficial when used for aches and pains that are caused owing to different forms of arthritis.
  • The arthritis forms cured by boswellic acids are rheumatoid arthritis, gout, spondylitis, osteoarthritis, joint pain, etc.


Turmeric, derived from the plant curcuma longa. It is a gold colored spice commonly used in many Indian curries. Curcumin (curcuminoids that are polyphenols) gives the yellow color to the turmeric that belongs to the gingiber family. Curcumin is responsible for yellow color that is used for food coloring also. Curcumin is best known for its anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, antiviral, antifungal and anticancer properties and used in various health problems. Since the time of Ayurveda, numerous therapeutic activities have been assigned to turmeric for a wide variety of conditions and diseases including those of pains, wounds, sprains, and acne, and skin, pulmonary and gastrointestinal systems. It has strong antioxidant that removes toxins from the body.


4.Terminalia chebula

It is a commonly used herb in India for relieving constipation. Many herbal formulations meant for treating constipation contain Haritaki as one of the components. It acts very effectively and mildly on the stomach. Haritaki strengthens the digestive system and improves its functioning. It helps to clear blockages in the stomach.


5. Emblica officinalis


It is commonly known as Indian Gooseberry. Amla is the name used in Hindi. It is a popular berry used in Ayurvedic medicine. It is the nature’s richest source of vitamin C and forms a part of Rejuvenation therapy or Rasayana therapy. This wonderful fruit has innumerable properties and works on several ailments. It provides nutrition to the body and effectively eliminates toxins from the body. It is used in fresh and dried forms.


NOTE: Herbal treatment is nature’s gift to abundant health problems. Our Amyloidosis herbal tea is suited for all kind of inflammatory and systemic outcomes due to amyloid chain building. 
We at Africandoctor offer you the best herbal tea  effective in taking care of your health and life. Our formulations are 100% herbal and prepared after passing through a series of effective and stringent tests that assure their quality. Wehave put in our best efforts to bring to you the best of herbs in their purest form.



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Par Le 06/05/2020

Amyloidosis is a group of diseases in which an abnormal protein called amyloid builds up in the organs and tissues. This protein is soluble in its normal form, but it becomes insoluble and starts to build up when it is misfolded (misshaped).The buildup may happen in a single organ (localized) or throughout the body (systemically). Amyloid deposits can affect any organ or tissue. 

Lifestyle changes (avoiding strenuous activities, balanced diet) are important in the treatment of amyloidosis. 





Our treatment is not intended to completely treat the disease but rather to slow its progression and relieve the various symptoms of the disease. Indeed the natural remedy that we offer consists of plants with anti-inflammatory properties. It will also purify your blood and its diuretic properties will be beneficial to you if you have a disease of the kidneys, lymph nodes and spleen. For people suffering from affection to the nervous and cardiovascular system these plants will restore the functioning of these different systems. Our treatment is an all in one for the treatment of amyloidosis.



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Folk remedies and recipes for the treatment of amyloidosis at home


Herbal Treatment

herbal treatment for cholesterol, symptoms of cholesterol, divya ...

Plants of medicinal origin support the patient’s immunity, with this disease it is necessary to take drugs that have a strengthening, astringent and anti-inflammatory property.

Recipe 1.

Chamomile, St. John's wort, birch buds and immortelle have a therapeutic effect. The method of preparation is as follows: 100 grams of each collection, pour 500 ml of freshly boiled water, insist about 4 hours. After strain, squeeze. 200 ml taken at night.

 Recipe 2.

Deaf nettle helps cleanse the blood. Boil flowers and nettle leaves for 15 minutes. It is used for inflammation of the kidneys, enlarged lymph nodes, spleen. Even cleansing the blood can help the use of juniper berries. You can start using 5 berries, add 1 berry every day, and add up to 15 in total.

 Recipe 3.

Nervous, cardiovascular systems can increase their performance through the use of green oat herbs. Do in two ways: juice or insist on alcohol. The recipe is simple: grind in a blender, fill the jar, add alcohol. The medicine should be infused for 3 weeks, in a place inaccessible to light. Tincture should be filtered and shaken. After taking 3 times a day from 20 to 30 drops, diluting with a spoon of water.

 Recipe 4.

You can treat yourself to delicious and vitamin tea and at the same time get a healing effect. The recipe is: take dried strawberry leaves, about 10 grams, St. John's wort 2 grams, mint 2 grams. Pour a glass of boiling water into the mixture and leave for about 10 minutes. This can be done with mountain ash, raspberries, currants, cooked in a similar way.

Any folk remedy should be discussed with your doctor to prescribe a combined course with medical methods of therapy.

Recipe 5

Mountain ash and blueberries are also great for infusion. The proportions of the fruits of the plants are 3 fruits of mountain ash and 2 blueberries, pour 200 ml of freshly boiling water, leave for about 10 minutes, strain, let cool. Drink 100 ml / 3 times a day.




Herbal therapeutic process

Astringent leaves, mountain ash, blueberries and mint have astringent and anti-inflammatory effects.

St. John's wort, in dry, crushed form, poured with boiled water (about a glass). Insist for 40 minutes. Strain and consume 1 tbsp. spoon before meals / 3 times a day.

Rowan and blueberries are also perfect for infusion. The proportions of plant fruits are 3 mountain ash fruits and 2 blueberries, pour 200 ml of freshly boiled water, leave for about 10 minutes, strain, allow to cool. Drink 100 ml / 3 times a day.

This mixture is prepared as follows: nettle, mint, calamus root, chopped valerian root, pour hot water (about 200 milliliters), leave to drink for 45 minutes. After exertion, take as needed. Helps with diarrhea, stomach pain.



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Ginko green leaves plant

Ginkgo biloba: effective against amyloid

Par Le 05/05/2020

From the leaves of the Ginkgo Biloba, an ancient tree, substances can be extracted that would benefit blood circulation and memorySo far, all positive but is it recommended that every person afflicted with this consume it? What adverse effects can it present? Can one safely self-medicate?





Our treatment is not intended to completely treat the disease but rather to slow its progression and relieve the various symptoms of the disease. Indeed the natural remedy that we offer consists of plants with anti-inflammatory properties. It will also purify your blood and its diuretic properties will be beneficial to you if you have a disease of the kidneys, lymph nodes and spleen. For people suffering from affection to the nervous and cardiovascular system these plants will restore the functioning of these different systems. Our treatment is an all in one for the treatment of amyloidosis.



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What are the medical uses of Ginkgo Biloba?

Gingko Biloba

Ginkgo Biloba extract, EGb 761, comes in capsules or in liquid form alone or accompanied by other substances such as vitamin E and other plant extracts.

Its most common uses are to improve cognitive abilities or delay deterioration in the case of Senile Dementia or Alzheimer. It is also used as an activator of arterial and venous blood circulation. Its less common uses would be for the treatment of asthma and / or allergenic processes or for the treatment of essential hypertension or cancer.


How does Ginkgo Biloba work?

Beta-amyloid turns out to be the main component of senile plaques in various types of dementia such as Alzheimer's or Lewy body dementia.

The Ginkgo Biloba compounds have been studied and it has been found that three of the 7 types of flavonoid glycosides that they present have a moderate activity to inhibit the formation of beta-amyloid.

EGb 761 removes free radicals, regulates oxidative stress, protects DNA from oxidative damage, protects the mitochondrial respiratory chain, increases cAMP levels through the regulation of intracellular calcium, and inhibits platelet aggregation. These studies have been carried out in vivo and in vitro, especially in rats and mice.



What does the scientific evidence say?

At the moment there would only be a meta-analysis that would orient a potentially beneficial effect of Ginkgo Biloba in patients with some type of mild dementia who are 75 years of age or younger to improve cognitive decline but long and controlled trials are necessary to confirm this. .

In a systematic review published in 2014, it was not possible to draw conclusions that Ginkgo Biloba is effective and useful in essential hypertension. We will have to wait for better quality controlled trials to be able to assess its indication in a peremptory way.

Regarding cancer , there are promising studies in rodents in which they have discovered that Ginkgo Biloba extract is capable of regulating certain genes; this would result in apoptotic (tumor cell cell suicide) and antiproliferative (would not allow the tumor to grow) properties in a model with hepatocarcinoma.

In asthma the studies found are also in rodent models in which it has been seen that the extract of Ginkgo Biloba would not only inhibit the action of T lymphocytes but also increase their apoptosis (cell suicide) from which we could deduce that it would improve the symptoms of people with allergic asthma.

We need controlled trials in humans but it is clear that Ginkgo Biloba extract could have interesting uses in human health. At the moment, it is not possible to make a recommendation for its use in other pathologies other than mild dementia and with caution ...


Can one safely self-medicate?

I do not recommend self-medication in these cases or in any case. We believe that since they are plants they are innocuous but that is a wrong concept.

Plants or better said, their compounds or substances, interact with our organism when ingested, so it is interesting to know which substances form the “plant” that we are going to introduce to ourselves, instead of benefiting or doing nothing to us, it can even harm us if we suffer some pathology.

The most commonly seen side effects are an  upset stomach , headache , dizziness , constipation , palpitations, and allergic skin reactions . It can also cause bleeding.

As discussed above, it has an antiplatelet action, so it liquefies the blood. We must take special care in elderly people polypharmacy due to a possible risk of intracranial hemorrhage.

Mood disturbance has also been described in person with schizophrenia (7,8,9).

Interaction with other drugs such as platelet antiaggregants (for example actylsalicylic acid) or anticoagulants or with plants that have a similar action is also possible. Suspension of the Ginkgo Biloba extract 2 weeks before surgery is recommended.

Does all this mean that it is not recommended to take Ginkgo Biloba? No, it doesn't mean that. What it means is that we should not self-medicate with natural products thinking they are harmless. It is best if you talk to your doctor for advice and decide together what is best for you.







Ginkgo Biloba Health Benefits: Fights Anxiety, Enhances Brain ...

In a research involving the use of gingko biloba and psychotropic drugs, the results were clear. “Only in the group of subjects who have continuously taken Ginkgo extract for two years is there a clear decrease in circulating amyloid, meaning that this substance is able to control the increase in age-dependent amyloid. Therefore, it is effective in preventing those forms of dementia characterized by increased amyloid deposits, primarily Alzheimer's disease. "



A common dose in people with dementia is 40 milligrams of that extract three times daily. For improving cognitive function in healthy people, studies have used between 120 milligrams to 600 milligrams of the extract daily.



Gingko may not be appropriate for people with certain conditions, such as diabetes, seizures, bleeding disorders, or those actively trying to get pregnant.



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Amy 1


Par Le 05/05/2020

A rare, chronic disease, amyloidosis results in the accumulation of an abnormal fibrillar scleroprotein (amyloid), which infiltrates body organs and soft tissues. 


View Image

What Causes Amyloidosis?

There is no sure cause for amyloidosis. The disease arises due to poor folding of proteins. Hereditary amyloidosis is the result of genetic changes that cause the body to make abnormal proteins. Abnormal or poorly folded protein deposition affects organ function. Once amyloid deposits begin, it appears they continue to accumulate in the same places. The heart, kidneys, nervous system, and gastrointestinal tract are the most commonly affected.


Who is most at risk?

People with the following profile have a higher risk of developing amyloidosis:

  • Men - two thirds of people with AL are men.
  • People over 60 years
  • A disease that affects the antibody-producing plasma cells in the blood (such as multiple myeloma, malignant lymphoma , benign monoclonal gammopathy, or Waldenström macroglobulinemia)
  • Chronic infectious or inflammatory disease (such as tuberculosis, rheumatoid arthritis, familial Mediterranean fever, or ankylosing spondylitis)
  • Long-term dialysis
  • Hereditary genetic changes that affect body proteins





Our treatment is not intended to completely treat the disease but rather to slow its progression and relieve the various symptoms of the disease. Indeed the natural remedy that we offer consists of plants with anti-inflammatory properties. It will also purify your blood and its diuretic properties will be beneficial to you if you have a disease of the kidneys, lymph nodes and spleen. For people suffering from affection to the nervous and cardiovascular system these plants will restore the functioning of these different systems. Our treatment is an all in one for the treatment of amyloidosis.



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  • Fish oil supplements 

Can fish oil prevent schizophrenia and other psychotic disorders?

Fish oil supplements, which are high in omega-3 fatty acids, appear to attenuate a type of amyloidosis in mice. They may also help reduce inflammation in chronic inflammatory conditions, such as rheumatoid arthritis. No human studies support fish oil supplements as prevention or treatment for amyloidosis. Eating fish and seafood may be more beneficial than taking fish oil supplements. Fish oil can have a blood-thinning effect. If you are taking blood-thinning medications, such as warfarin (Coumadin) and aspirin, speak to your doctor before taking fish oil.

  • Vitamin C

Bukan Hanya Jeruk, Buah-Buah Ini Juga Mengandung Vitamin C yang ...

Vitamin C has antioxidant effects and is found in citrus fruits, dark leafy greens, berries, and other foods. One animal study suggested that high doses of vitamin C may help the body break down amyloid and prevent amyloidosis from worsening. There is no evidence this vitamin C supplements would works to treat or prevent amyloidosis in humans.


  • Quercetin

Top 9 Foods High In Quercetin List - A Powerful Antioxidant - YouTube

Quercetin  is a flavonoid compound found in some plants (such as onions, berries, tea, broccoli, apples) and in St. John's Wort and Ginkgo biloba extracts (see below). Quercetin has been studied as anti-inflammatory or antioxidant in in vitro studies. A few studies showed quercetin improved brain function in a mouse model of Alzheimer disease. However, currently there are no human studies supporting any beneficial effects of quercetin in amyloidosis or any other disease. Quercetin can interact with certain medications and at high doses, there have been isolated reports of kidney damage. Speak with your physician before taking quercetin.

  • Ginkgo (Ginkgo biloba)

200+ Free Ginkgo & Ginkgo Biloba Images - Pixabay

Ginkgo (Ginkgo biloba) extract contains flavonoids like quercetin and others and has been suggested as a treatment for Alzheimer's disease. Gingko may not be appropriate for people with certain conditions, such as diabetes, seizures, bleeding disorders, or those actively trying to get pregnant. Gingko can have a blood-thinning effect, and may increase the effect of blood-thinning medications, such as warfarin (Coumadin) and aspirin.

  • St. John's Wort

St John'S Wort Hypericum - Free photo on Pixabay

St. John's Wort is a plant containing flavonoids. Its extract was showed to decrease amyloid accumulation in the brain of a transgenic mouse model of Alzheimer disease. There are no human studies supporting any therapeutic effect of St. John's Wort in any type of amyloidosis. St. John's Wort may interact with several medicines, including antidepressants, birth control pills, digoxin, as well as anticoagulants like warfarin. There are several side effects associated with use of St. John's Wort, including fatigue, dizziness, increased sensitivity to sunlight, and anxiety. Consult your health care provider before taking St. John's Wort.


YOU MAY ALSO NEED: Ginkgo biloba: effective against amyloid


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Amy 1

ALL there is to know about Amyloidosis and the best natural cure

Par Le 05/05/2020

Do you know what is meant by amyloidosis? Yes, it is some kind of disease. In this case, we are talking about an insidious disease that can have very non-specific symptoms, and therefore in many cases it is very late to be detected. Amyloidosis is relatively rare and its treatment is still relatively difficult today. Its insidiousness lies mainly in the fact that it can punish various bodies, disrupting their function. 







  4. Symptoms of Amyloidosis

  5. What causes amyloidosis?

  6. What increases your risk for amyloidosis?

  7. Amyloidosis Prevention

  8. Amyloidosis organ damage

  9. Amyloidosis Treatment





Amyloidosis is a rare disease that occurs when amyloid substances accumulate in the body's organs. Amyloid is an abnormal protein produced in the spinal cord and stored in all tissues or organs in the body.

Amyloidosis that occurs can affect different organs in each person who has it, and there are several types of amyloid in the human body. This disease generally attacks the heart, kidneys, liver, spleen, nervous system, and digestive tract.

When amyloidosis becomes severe, organ failure may occur that can threaten the lives of sufferers. So far, there are no drugs that can treat amyloidosis. However, proper care can help you manage the symptoms that occur and limit the production of amyloid protein that enters the body.





Our treatment is not intended to completely treat the disease but rather to slow its progression and relieve the various symptoms of the disease. Indeed the natural remedy that we offer consists of plants with anti-inflammatory properties. It will also purify your blood and its diuretic properties will be beneficial to you if you have a disease of the kidneys, lymph nodes and spleen. For people suffering from affection to the nervous and cardiovascular system these plants will restore the functioning of these different systems. Our treatment is an all in one for the treatment of amyloidosis.



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contact/whatsapp: +22990431725





How to Treat Lichen amyloidosis in Ayurveda? Herbal Remedies

There are 2 main forms of amyloidosis:

  • systemic (tissues of most organs are affected);
  • local (tissue damage in any one organ: in the kidneys, heart, skin, etc.)

An interesting fact: men suffer from amyloidosis twice as often as women.

Amyloidosis classification

  • Primary (idiopathic) amyloidosis. Its causes are not always known. The study revealed that amyloid fibrils are a consequence of immunoglobulin chains called paramyloidosis. Symptoms of primary amyloidosis can be:
    • myasthenia gravis, which entails muscle atrophy;
    • abdominal pain accompanied by diarrhea and dyspepsia;
    • violation of the genitourinary system and menopause;
    • diseases of the organs of vision (retinitis, periarteritis, etc.)
  • Secondary (general) amyloidosis. It occurs in the midst of other diseases, such as tuberculosis, bronchitis, osteomyelitis, malaria, syphilis, that is, against the background of chronic diseases and infections. General amyloidosis is accompanied by tissue breakdown and organ suppuration. Lesions of the intestines, liver, spleen and kidneys are most common. Secondary amyloidosis goes unnoticed for a long time. Slight weakness and decreased activity occur when the kidneys are affected. Later in the analysis, protein appears in the urine. At the last stage, renal failure develops.
  • Hereditary amyloidosis. It is qualified by genetic mutations of the immune system, which leads to the formation of cells producing amyloid. Hereditary amyloidosis can include fever, familial neuropathic, nephropathic and cardiopathic amyloidosis.
  • Senile cerebral amyloidosis. It is the most dangerous, since in such circumstances the heart muscle, pancreas, lungs and brain are affected. Most commonly found in people with Alzheimer's disease.
  • Amyloidosis in tumors. The disease is manifested by the deposition of amyloid in the tissues of the affected organ, as a result of which the growth of the malignant tumor progresses. The cause of amyloidosis in neoplasms is endocrine cancer and a tumor of its islets.



Symptoms of Amyloidosis

You may not show any symptoms or signs until the condition develops. When symptoms appear, they are generally related to which part of the body is affected. Signs and symptoms of amyloidosis that can occur are:

  • Swelling of the ankle.
  • Severe fatigue and weakness.
  • Hard to breathe.
  • Numbness, tingling, or pain in the hands or feet, especially pain in the wrist.
  • Diarrhea that may be accompanied by blood.
  • Weight loss for no apparent reason.
  • The tongue enlarges.
  • The skin becomes thicker or easily bruised.
  • Irregular heartbeat.


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Amyloidosis: Causes, symptoms, and treatments

What causes amyloidosis?

Amyloid is an abnormal protein produced in the bone marrow. Amyloid can accumulate in other organs, causing a disease called amyloidosis. The specific cause of your condition depends on the type of amyloidosis you have.


Risk factors

What increases your risk for amyloidosis?

There are many factors that increase your risk of amyloidosis, namely:

  • Family history
  • Kidney dialysis
  • Age. People with AL amyloidosis are usually 50 years or older
  • Gender. Men are more prone to having amyloidosis than women
  • Other diseases. Chronic infectious diseases or inflammation can increase the risk of AA amyloidosis.





Amyloidosis Prevention

This terrible disease can be avoided by using special diets and a variety of nutritional supplements. The first step is to:

  • reduce your intake of high protein foods. This mainly concerns dishes of animal origin;
  • increase the consumption of fish dishes, products containing whole grains, as well as vegetables, fruits and nuts;
  • refuse dairy products, sugar and dishes containing caffeine;
  • consume more foods that contain vitamin C. These are citrus fruits, cabbage, tomatoes, apples, gooseberries, baked potatoes and many other foods.

Treatment depends on the type of disease. If amyloidosis is primary, then adhering to an anti-protein diet will lead to a good result. Chemotherapy and the use of colchicine can also give a positive result. Secondary amyloidosis involves the appointment of antibiotics, antiarrhythmic and diuretic drugs that act on a specific organ.

If the drugs do not help, surgery is prescribed. In this way, bone marrow, kidney, or liver transplantation, a heart transplant, and even implantation of a pacemaker can be performed.



Amyloidosis organ damage

Amyloidosis | Treatment, Symptoms, Health

  • Damage to the kidneys. Frequent and very dangerous disease. Symptoms of renal amyloidosis have 4 stages: latent, proteinuric, nephrotic and azotemic.
  • Damage to the liver. The size of the organ increases, which can be determined by probing the abdomen. Amyloid liver damage is manifested by enlarged liver, jaundice, and portal hypertension.
  • Amyloidosis of the heart. Its manifestation is accompanied by arrhythmia, shortness of breath, fainting, and cardiomyopathy. Amyloid deposition may be present both in the muscle of the heart and in its membranes.
  • Amyloidosis of the skin. It contributes to the violation of blood supply in the vessels, which is expressed in dryness and peeling of the skin. A rash may appear in the form of small red acne.
  • Joint disease. With amyloidosis of the joints, the hands and feet are affected first, and then the knees and elbows. Pain in movements, swelling of tissues, and elevated skin temperature in places of inflammation are characteristic.
  • Muscle damage. Amyloidosis of these organs is manifested in their weakness, increase in size and compaction. Accompanied by pain and the appearance of dense nodules. If the disease is started, the muscles are compressed, the blood supply is disturbed, resulting in their death.
  • Disease of the nervous system. Central nervous system amyloidosis is characterized by deposition of amyloid in the brain tissue, a direct consequence of this process is a violation of the patient's mental abilities.
  • Amyloidosis of the gastrointestinal tract. The absorption of nutrients and vitamins changes. This manifests itself in the form of diarrhea, a sharp decrease in weight, fatigue, mental disorders, as well as hair loss and anemia.
  • Enlarged spleen. Amyloidosis of this organ leads to an increase in its size and the development of hypersplenism, which is characterized by anemia and leukopenia.
  • Amyloidosis of the lungs. It occurs with pneumonia, pleurisy, cyst. Most often located on the walls of the vessels of the lungs and bronchi.

Treatment of amyloidosis can only be carried out with an accurate examination of the patient in an inpatient setting.



Amyloidosis Treatment

Amyloidosis Archives - Patient Worthy

Treatments carried out for people with amyloidosis can make a big difference to their survival and quality of life. Treatment for amyloidosis depends on the type that occurs and the possibility of requiring one or more treatments to be done, namely:

  • Chemotherapy : This backbone treatment is one treatment of amyloidosis that can be useful for controlling disease in most people with AL amyloidosis.
  • Peripheral blood stem cell transplantation : This will be done for someone who has AL amyloidosis. New blood stem cells can get you to receive larger doses during chemotherapy.
  • Organ transplant : A person who has amyloidosis can also do an organ transplant to deal with problems that occur, such as a heart, liver or kidney transplant.


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Treatment of amyloidosis with folk remedies can positively affect the state of health, but should be carried out exclusively with the consent of the attending physician.

For many diseases, one must adhere to a diet, and amyloidosis is no exception to this rule. It is necessary to exclude proteins and salt from your diet, as they affect kidney and heart failure. It is advisable to increase the use of products containing starch, ascorbic acid, potassium salts. 

These products include; 

  • baked goods,
  • potatoes,
  • cereals,
  • bell peppers,
  • green vegetables (spinach, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, dill),
  • citrus fruits,
  • garlic,
  • carrots,
  • liver,
  • Turmeric
  • fish and
  • dairy products.

To strengthen the immune system, medicinal plants that have anti-inflammatory properties are used. In folk medicine, the following remedies are popular:

  • Therapeutic infusion of chamomile, birch buds, immortelle, St. John's wort. These plants are mixed, and the mixture is placed in a thermos and filled with boiling water, after which it is allowed to infuse, strain and consume overnight.
  • Nettle broth (aimed at cleansing the blood, also has anti-inflammatory effects).
  • Tea is made from flowers and leaves of nettle, which are boiled before use.
  • Tea from wild strawberry, mint, St. John's wort. It is used as a tonic.

Alcohol tincture of oat grass. It is believed that this drug has a beneficial effect on the functional activity of the heart, blood vessels, and nervous system. When cooking, the grass is ground, poured into a bottle and filled with alcohol, after which it is put in a dark place (it is recommended to filter it periodically). Before use, dilute the tincture with water.


MUST READ: Find out how to use turmeric for amyloidosis




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Par Le 05/05/2020

Ovarian cancer is a common type in cancers of the vagina (uterine, ovarian, vagina, and vulva). This disease can sometimes be felt by the patient at an advanced stage, while sometimes making symptoms in the early stage.

Ovarian Cancer Causes, Signs and Symptoms, and Diagnosis | John ...


In ovarian cancers, as with all cancer, it is difficult to pinpoint the causative agent. Some factors that increase the risk of developing the disease are as follows;

  • The risk of ovarian cancer increases in patients with BRCA1 and BRCA2 mutations, which increase the risk of developing breast cancer. In addition, the risk of ovarian cancer increases in those with colon cancer due to Lynch Syndrome in their family.
  • Those with very long-term estrogen treatment
  • Beginning to see under 12 and cut over 52
  • Those who have never given birth despite their age
  • Hormonal treatment for getting pregnant
  • Smokers
  • Those with polycystic ovary syndrome have an increased risk.

In patients with a diagnosis of ovarian cancer, the treatment is determined by the oncologist, taking into account the characteristics of the patient. In the early stage, the treatment is carried out by surgical removal of the ovaries, uterus, abdominal and some lymph nodes in the abdomen.




Nature with all its wealth is a closed, fully functioning system. And the person in it does not take the last place. On Earth, everything is provided for existence, including maintaining health.

Of course, pharmacology has gone far ahead, but the natural components cannot be neglected either. Unlike medicines that have side effects, they plant the liver and kidneys, herbs growing in our taiga can adequately serve in the fight against serious diseases.

They can relieve pain, relax, help the body cleanse itself of toxins and so on. The question is what you need to know what herbs help.



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We offer here a mixture of seeds, roots and bark from Africa which prevent and cure all kinds of cancer (breast cancer, cancer of the liver, prostate cancer, thyroid cancer, cervical cancer uterus, kidney cancer, ovarian cancer) and cardiovascular disease. These plants are very little known to scientists and they have extraordinary qualities against cancer. Their use against cancer is much more effective than chemotherapy.

The objective of this treatment is to;

  1. Fighting cancer cells.
  2. To prevent cancer cells from spreading to other organs.
  3. To strengthen the body's defense against other diseases by strengthening the immune system.
  4. To increase the effect of chemotherapy and radiotherapy.
  5. To reduce side effects such as dizziness, headache, nausea, vomiting and weakness from illness, chemotherapy or radiotherapy.

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2. Hemlock

Can Poison Hemlock Be Deadly?

It helps to cope with a large number of diseases not only at an early stage of the disease, but also helps to overcome an insidious disease of hopelessly sick people. So the hemlock infusion cures up to 80% of patients with a fourth degree of cancer with metastases. It is especially successful in dealing with cancer of the stomach, liver, intestines, esophagus, thyroid gland, and mammary gland. In many countries of the world: in England, Germany, France, Spain and others, the plant is officially used for the treatment and prevention of cancer.


3. Liana of the Manchu kirkazon

Large-leaved circason planted in the garden. Kirkazon is large ...

Extremely rare plant. In Chinese and Korean folk medicine, Manchu kirkason has long been used to treat cancer, heart disease, and blood vessels. A single dose (once every 5-6 years) can significantly weaken the negative reaction of the body to many pathogenic effects, which is explained by a significant increase in the resistance of the body's immune system and the large cumulative (cumulative) property of this drug.


4. Trepang

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In eastern medicine, trepang has long been used as an effective tool against many serious ailments and, due to its therapeutic effect, was valued on a par with ginseng. In course application: it increases the body's resistance and vitality, activates the immune system; relieves malaise, the phenomena of general intoxication; It has a strong antioxidant effect - the prevention of cancer.


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