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Turmeric for memory loss due to amyloidosis

stephany Par Le 06/05/2020 à 13:02

Dans Autre maladies


The protein that forms the amyloid deposits in Alzheimer's, is definitely closely related to the cause of dementia because mutations which affect its production and structure cause hereditary early onset dementia. However, this does not prove that the actual amyloid deposits are themselves harmful. Researchers have argued that beta-amyloid plaques disrupt the communication between brain cells, potentially leading to cognitive function problems. Futhermore, Amyloidosis is a disease in which an abnormal protein called amyloid accumulates in body tissues and organs. The disease causes serious problems in the affected areas. As a result, people with amyloidosis in different body parts may experience different physical problems: Brain - Dementia.

What exactly does amyloidosis have in common with Alzheimer's disease?

Alzheimer's is identified by the presence of two proteins in the brain, known as amyloid and tau. Amyloid proteins aggregate into sticky clumps called “plaques”. Ultimately, the disease causes the death of brain cells. This results in an overall shrinking of brains of patients with Alzheimer's disease.




Our treatment is not intended to completely treat the disease but rather to slow its progression and relieve the various symptoms of the disease. Indeed the natural remedy that we offer consists of plants with anti-inflammatory properties. It will also purify your blood and its diuretic properties will be beneficial to you if you have a disease of the kidneys, lymph nodes and spleen. For people suffering from affection to the nervous and cardiovascular system these plants will restore the functioning of these different systems. Our treatment is an all in one for the treatment of amyloidosis.



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Natural substance curcumin, which is actively used as a dye and is part of the turmeric root, has anti-inflammatory, antioxidant and immunomodulating properties. Curcumin is also believed to help stop the active development of neurodegenerative diseases in old age.

An American study showed that curcumin, the active ingredient in the spice, can improve memory and mood.


What effect does turmeric have on the human body?

To understand why turmeric is useful and what it cures, you need to consider its composition. First of all, it contains valuable polyphenol - curcumin, which gives the spice an intense yellow color. This component helps to control cholesterol, protects blood vessels from atherosclerotic manifestations, and provides an anti-inflammatory effect.



Turmeric vs. Alzheimer's


The anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties of turmeric have been reported in the past. This time, researchers focused on the fact that older people in India are less likely to have Alzheimer's disease and other forms of dementia because turmeric is widely used in local cuisine.


Researchers tested the effect of curcumin-based dietary supplement on memory in people without dementia, as well as on the brains of people with Alzheimer's disease.


A double study covered 40 patients aged 40-90 years, complaining of a slight memory impairment. Half of them received 90 mg of curcumin twice a day for 18 months, the rest received placebo.


Before the start of the study and every 6 months they underwent cognitive tests and a blood test for curcumin. 30 people underwent tomography.

The results showed that those taking curcumin had a 28% improvement in memory compared with placebo. Brain scans showed a lesser manifestation of amyloidosis, characteristic of Alzheimer's disease.




  1. The substance prevents the accumulation of Aβ protein (amyloid beta) in the brain and stimulates its excretion.
  2. Increases the concentration of glutathione - a powerful antioxidant that can slow the aging of brain cells.
  3. It stops oxidative reactions, and also neutralizes inflammatory processes.

Thus, regular use of spices helps not only prevent neurodegenerative disorders, but also successfully fights against existing pathologies. But it is worth noting that turmeric is useful not only for the elderly, but also for other age groups. During periods of high mental stress, it helps to improve concentration. Positive effect on the processes of memorization.



How to use


According to previous studies, curcumin has a positive effect in chronic inflammation of the joints (rheumatoid arthritis), ulcerative colitis and some other diseases.  


A teaspoon of turmeric contains 150-250 mg of the active substance. The therapeutic dose is 500-3000 mg, and before taking such doses, you should consult your doctor.


However, to prevent problems with memory and mood, you can add turmeric to dishes - and enjoy the taste and benefits at the same time. 





Curcumin is responsible for the antitumor effect of the spice. This component stops the pathological growth of cells, stops the growth of blood vessels that feed the tumor. The greatest effect was observed in the treatment of breast and colon cancer, as well as melanoma.

A very useful spice for men . American scientists from the Rutgers Institute (New Jersey) conducted studies that showed the effectiveness of Turmeric against prostatitis . In addition, the substance will help prevent the development of prostate cancer, the second most common type of oncology, after breast cancer.

Turmeric helps reduce the toxic effects of chemotherapy and also enhances its anti-cancer effect. As part of a comprehensive treatment, it prevents the appearance and spread of metastases. She is also able to "turn off" a gene that stimulates the growth of cancer cells. Therefore, it is advisable for preventive purposes to take the spice to people who have had cases of oncology in their family.




We deliver worldwide!!!
contact/whatsapp: +22990431725


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