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stephany Par Le 08/05/2020 à 13:47

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A giant phyllodes tumor of right breast in a 48-year-old woman ...

Having breast cancer can make you look for various treatment options, ranging from medical treatments to alternative or traditional. There are a number of traditional breast cancer medicines that you can choose as a companion treatment.

The row of traditional medicine is actually often what you have encountered. Call it garlic ,Warmwood, turmeric, green tea, and bitter melon. To what extent is its effectiveness in preventing the spread of cancer cells?

So far there have been no studies that prove herbal medicines cure breast cancer. Natural medicine has not been proven to kill cancer cells that attack breast tissue.

As mentioned, herbal medicine only helps to alleviate the side effects of the medication and symptoms of the disease. Taking herbal medicines is also believed to help maintain overall body health.

But fortunately, africandoctor experts have found the best treatment to cure breast cancer. This treatment has worked for many and hopefuly it will work for you. 



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We offer here a mixture of seeds, roots and bark from Africa which prevent and cure all kinds of cancer (breast cancer, cancer of the liver, prostate cancer, thyroid cancer, cervical cancer uterus, kidney cancer, ovarian cancer) and cardiovascular disease. These plants are very little known to scientists and they have extraordinary qualities against cancer. Their use against cancer is much more effective than chemotherapy.

The objective of this treatment is to;

  1. Fighting cancer cells.
  2. To prevent cancer cells from spreading to other organs.
  3. To strengthen the body's defense against other diseases by strengthening the immune system.
  4. To increase the effect of chemotherapy and radiotherapy.
  5. To reduce side effects such as dizziness, headache, nausea, vomiting and weakness from illness, chemotherapy or radiotherapy.

IF YOU ARE A VICTI¨M OF CANCER, YOU HAVE COME TO THE RIGHT PLACE!! Click here to discover the product against breast cancer

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How to choose the right herbal medicine

You cannot carelessly take herbal medicine without first asking for approval from a doctor. You must not take herbal medicine without the opinion of an expert. If you plan to take herbal medicines when you have breast cancer, always consult your doctor first. This is especially if you plan to take this herbal medicine through supplements. Natural medicines can react negatively to the medicines your doctor consumes.





Here are a variety of herbal medicines whose potential has been medically studied for the treatment of breast cancer:


1. Echinacea

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Echinacea is a plant of the Asteraceae family. Research published in the Saudi Pharmaceutical Journal says the Echinacea purpurea plant has the potential to help treat cancer. 

Echinace contains flavonoids which are antioxidants. Flavonoids are compounds that can stimulate the immune system. Flavonoids can also increase lymphocyte activity, which is part of white blood cells to increase the immune system.

These antioxidant compounds are also thought to strongly reduce the harmful side effects of radiotherapy and chemotherapy. Therefore, this herbal remedy is thought to help improve the quality of life of patients while undergoing advanced cancer therapy.


2. Garlic

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Garlic which has the Latin name Allium sativum is often used to treat many diseases. Related to its potential for the treatment of breast cancer, garlic contains a substance called ajoene which is known to temporarily inhibit the growth of cancer cells. 

In addition, garlic also contains antioxidant compounds such as bioflavonoids, cyanidin, and quercetin which are known to be able to ward off free radicals in the body. One negative effect of the free buildup itself is genetic mutations that can trigger cancer.

The high amount of organic sulfides and polysulfides in garlic also allegedly increases its potential as an anticancer herbal medicine.


3. Turmeric

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Turmeric named Latin Curcuma Longa is one of the herbal medicines that can be consumed during breast cancer treatment. Turmeric and rhizomes and rootstock are especially rich in curcumin, the active ingredient that is thought to be anticancer due to its phenolic substance. 

In addition, curcumin converts eicosanoid compounds such as prostaglandin E-2 (PGE-2) in the body into antioxidant compounds and anti-inflammatory substances.

Curcumin is known to be able to inhibit the growth phase of cancer from initial formation to division.


4. Carotenoids

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Carotenoids are bright red, yellow and orange pigments found in many fruits and vegetables.

According to the Linus Pauling Institute at Oregon State University, carotenoids contain important antioxidants to help kill the effects of free radicals and protect the body from the damage they cause. Carotenoids also have anti-inflammatory properties as well as strengthen the immune system to be able to continue to actively fight disease. In addition, foods containing carotenoids are thought to reduce the risk of tumor growth in the body.

Based on this nature, carotenoids are believed to be one of the herbal medicines that help fight breast cancer.

Eat fruits and vegetables high in carotenoids such as carrots, oranges, spinach to help strengthen stamina and endurance during breast cancer treatment. Broccoli, guava, mango, tomatoes, sweet potatoes, pumpkin and watermelon are also high-carotenoid foods.


5. Ginseng

Quel est ginseng ?

Ginseng is one of the well-known herbal medicines that can alleviate various health problems, including breast cancer. Plants that grow a lot in China, Korea, and Japan have active substances that can help inhibit the spread and division of cancer cells.

An investigation conducted in Korea recommended ginseng to reduce the risk of cancer in humans. Dry extracts and powders from ginseng roots usually have the strongest ingredients to help overcome cancer.

By interfering with the formation of DNA, ginseng will inhibit tumor cells that are supposed to grow. In addition, the active compound also helps increase antibodies and cells damaged during chemotherapy and radiotherapy.

However, of course it still needs further research to prove its effectiveness.


6. Flax seed

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Flax seed or flaxseed may not be familiar to your ears, but the potential benefits are beneficial for cancer sufferers. Flaxseeds are rich in fiber, omega 3 fatty acids and lignans which have antioxidant properties.

A group of researchers at Toronto University showed that flaxseeds also have strong anticancer properties. Experimental results show that flaxseed helps reduce tumor malignancy. Even so, this research is based on experiments conducted on mice.

Other studies have also been conducted on lab rats by injecting breast cancer cells into their bodies. When cancer spreads, one group of rats was fed with flaxseed while the other group with other foods.

The results showed the growth rate of cancer in mice that ate flaxseed was reduced by 45 percent.


7. Elephant trunk leaves


The elephant's trunk leaves which have the scientific name Clinacanthus nutans contain many antioxidants such as flavonoids, triterpenoids, and phenolic acids. Antioxidants become one of the compounds that are able to ward off free radicals in the body as one of the causes of cancer.

Research published in the journal Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine proves the anticancer effects of this herbal medicine may be used for breast cancer. The leaves of the elephant's trunk are thought to be useful for helping to overcome adenocarcinoma cells and carcinomas in the breast.

Carcinoma is a type of cancer cell that starts in epithelial tissue. While adenocarcinoma is a cancer cell that appears in the cells of organs that produce fluids including the breast.

But, of course you cannot treat breast cancer just by drinking the elephant's trunk leaves. Further research is still needed to prove its effectiveness.


8. Soursop leaves

Soursop is not only delicious to eat its fruit. It turns out that soursop leaves can also be used as herbal medicines for breast cancer.

Reporting from research published in Oxidative Medicine and Cellular Longevity, soursop leaves have compounds to reduce cancer growth. Acetogenin and alkaloid compounds in soursop leaves are thought to be able to help reduce cancer growth.

This is confirmed by a case report experienced by a 66-year-old woman with metastatic breast cancer. Cancer cells in her breast are reported to continue to spread to other parts of the body despite several times of chemotherapy with anthracyclines and taxane.

However, it was mentioned that this woman diligently boiled 10 to 12 dried soursop leaves for 5 to 7 minutes. The cooking water is then drunk every day.

When further examined, doctors found the spread of cancer remained stable for 5 years. That is, cancer cells no longer spread too broadly or are reduced.

Even so, you can not replace the main treatment of breast cancer from doctors with herbal medicine on this one. Further research is still needed on humans to prove its usefulness.


9. Rodent tuber leaves


Rodent tuber leaves that have another name Typhonium flagelliforme include herbs that are also thought to be able to treat breast cancer. A study conducted by researchers in Malaysia tested the effects of cytotoxicity or the level of damage to a substance on cells in the taro leaves of mice.

The test results found evidence that soursop leaf extract could help inhibit the growth of MDA-MB-231 cells in breast cancer. But although it can inhibit, its effectiveness to cure is not known with certainty.

Research into rat taro leaves for the treatment of breast cancer so far is still being done in animals. So, the benefits for humans can not be proven with certainty.


10. Pare


Despite having a bitter taste, bitter melon offers a myriad of properties for health, including preventing breast cancer.

The content of antioxidants such as flenols and flavonoids in this plant functions against free radicals, which can weaken kidney function and cause several diseases such as diabetes and cancer.

In addition, bitter melon also contains abundant vitamin C and can increase immunity. The antioxidant content of flavonoids such as α-carotene, β-carotene, lutein, and zeaxanthin in bitter melon can also improve the quality of eye vision, especially at night. This antioxidant also works to reduce the effects of aging.


11. Brotowali


The antioxidant content of melanoma and flavonoids in brotowali leaves functions against free radicals that cause breast cancer. The content of Brotowali stem extract has potential for anticancer.


IF YOU ARE A VICTI¨M OF CANCER, YOU HAVE COME TO THE RIGHT PLACE!! Click here to discover the product against breast cancer

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