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stephany Par Le 09/05/2020 à 11:31

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​​Amyloidosis. Signs And Symptoms. Stock Vector - Illustration of ...


Amyloidosis is a rare disease that has no cure. However, with prompt and ongoing treatment, it can help reduce symptoms and prevent or delay long-term complications.

It is important to understand the complications of amyloidosis so that you can talk to your doctor about risk factors and preventative measures. Read on to learn more about the common complications of this disorder.





Our treatment is not intended to completely treat the disease but rather to slow its progression and relieve the various symptoms of the disease. Indeed the natural remedy that we offer consists of plants with anti-inflammatory properties. It will also purify your blood and its diuretic properties will be beneficial to you if you have a disease of the kidneys, lymph nodes and spleen. For people suffering from affection to the nervous and cardiovascular system these plants will restore the functioning of these different systems. Our treatment is an all in one for the treatment of  amyloidosis.


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 kidney failure ...

Amyloidosis often affects the kidneys first. An accumulation of amyloid protein can lead to solid deposits that become trapped in the kidneys. Unlike other types of waste, the kidneys are unable to easily eliminate these deposits by producing urine.

If your kidneys are affected in addition to other tissues, and amyloid protein is seen in your kidneys on biopsy, your doctor may diagnose you with mild chain amyloidosis (AL amyloidosis), formerly known as primary amyloidosis.

The kidneys may slowly become overloaded with amyloid. This can lead to complications such as scarring, kidney problems, bone disease, anemia, and high blood pressure. Swelling may also occur in the body, especially in the ankles and feet.

Other symptoms that may occur include:

  • fatigue
  • weakness
  • difficulty breathing
  • hypotension
  • rigid joints
  • unintentional weight loss

If you do not receive proper treatment, kidney failure is a possible complication. Your doctor may recommend a kidney transplant if they become significantly damaged.




Newly discovered molecule could treat heart failure

Amyloidosis can reduce overall heart function. Amyloid buildup throughout the body - including blood vessels and muscle tissue - can make it harder for your heart to pump efficiently. This can cause abnormal heart rhythm and difficulty breathing. When this disease affects the heart, your doctor may diagnose you with cardiac amyloidosis. The most common subtype that causes heart problems is AL amyloidosis.

The damage to the heart from this condition is irreversible. If necessary, your doctor may suggest a heart transplant.




Health Threats From High Blood Pressure

People with amyloidosis are also at risk of developing high blood pressure (hypertension). For one, the kidneys cannot eliminate waste properly, which can result in sodium and fluid buildup in the body. This is just a risk factor for hypertension.

Another reason why hypertension may develop is from long-term vascular problems. Because amyloid can build up in your blood vessels, making it harder for your heart to pump blood throughout your body.



Nervous system

Visual Guide to Your Nervous System

Even if kidney or heart damage is less common, small lesions of the peripheral nerves (neuropathy) may be the initial symptom of primary amyloidosis. In some cases of familial amyloidosis, neuropathy is the main expression of the disease. The initial neurological disorder is manifested by tingling and decreased tactile sensitivity in the upper and lower extremities. Subsequently, the patient may develop a motility disorder, especially in the palmar, a syndrome called "Carpal Tunnel Syndrome." With the progression of the disease, lesions also appear in the autonomic nervous system (the patient does not receive various stimuli, but controls different parts of the body). The patient may experience diarrhea and a drop in blood pressure when standing up, which can be severe and can cause recurrent episodes of fainting. In addition, men may also have erection problems. The central nervous system is not involved in systemic amyloidosis.


Liver and digestive tract

Disorders and Diseases of the Digestive System | Diseases | Online ...

Liver damage is common in primary and secondary amyloidosis but not in familial amyloidosis. Liver damage is usually asymptomatic, despite an increase (sometimes significantly) in liver size. In general, the liver in which there are deposits of amyloid is hard to palpate.In laboratory tests, there is an increase in liver enzymes, sometimes to the point of liver failure. Hepatic amyloidosis occurs only very rarely and is usually associated with the involvement of other organs.

Diarrhea associated with amyloidosis is usually associated with impaired autonomic nervous system. Sometimes this is the result of the presence of amyloid deposits anywhere in the digestive tract; there may be bleeding and malabsorption syndrome. Loss of taste and difficulty eating solid foods due to tongue growth can contribute to weight loss and can be an expression of systemic disease. Patients with nerve damage that innervate the colon may suffer from swallowing disorders, chest pain due to esophageal damage as well as very severe constipation.


Soft tissues and skin

Systemic amyloidoses: What an internist should know - ScienceDirect

Skin manifestations in primary amyloidosis may provide important clues for the diagnosis of the disease especially when the involvement of other organs suggests systemic disease. Skin involvement is limited almost exclusively to primary amyloidosis. Its clinical expression has the appearance of skin nodes called amyloidomes.

The purpura (blue bruises similar to the post-lesional ones) around the eyes is the result of capillary fragility and occurs almost exclusively in primary amyloidosis. Bleeding can occur as a result of coughing, sneezing.

Soft tissue damage can cause an enlarged tongue and hoarseness, despite the fact that the examination of the vocal cords is normal.


lungs failure due to amyloidosis

Pulmonary amyloidosis presenting as lung cavitation with ...

Pulmonary amyloid deposits are often found at autopsy in patients with primary amyloidosis or amyloidosis in the elderly but is rarely symptomatic.

Significant pulmonary involvement may occasionally occur in primary amyloidosis causing a sudden decrease in gas exchange capacity. This complication is most common in patients with significant heart damage.

Collections of fluid from the pleural cavity are quite common in patients with heart failure due to amyloidosis; if they occur recurrently and the amount of fluid is disproportionate to the severity of heart failure may indicate amyloidosis of the pleural membrane itself.



Treatment objectives:


Because amyloidosis is a rare disease, very few people know about it and today, there is a delay in diagnosis and treatment.


1. Awareness of the community of specialists in hospitals for the early diagnosis of the disease:

As described, amyloidosis is a multisystemic disease expressed by a wide range of clinical signs. As a result, the patient is sometimes referred to several experts, usually a nephrologist, cardiologist or neurologist. Newly developed treatments require an accurate and early diagnosis, so that the patient can take full advantage of them. In addition, a high level of awareness among family physicians and specialists is of great importance - currently, most patients end up being diagnosed a year and a half to three years after the onset of symptoms.

2. Improving disease diagnostic techniques in Israel

Our laboratory is currently developing a series of laboratory, biochemical, molecular and imaging methods that should facilitate the early diagnosis of the disease.

The new method of biochemical testing is called NT-proBNP, and measures the concentration of light amyloid chains, and there are molecular tests to identify the type of amyloid (primary, secondary, and familial or elderly amyloid).

In terms of imaging methods, there are MRI, echocardiographic and mapping methods - some exist and others are being developed.

3. Medical care of the patient from several perspectives

Our goal is to be a center where the patient receives appropriate treatment for amyloidosis to address all problems caused by the disease. There will be coordination between: hematologist as team leader, nephrologist, cardiologist, neurologist, gastroenterologist, dermatologist, pulmonologist and an endocrinologist. In addition, and if necessary, there will be assistance from a dietitian, social worker and psychologist.

The treatment for the disease itself is given by hematologists. Today the standard treatment consists of new drugs such as Velcade, thalidomide, Revlimid combined with melphalan cyclophosphamide and steroids, with or without bone marrow transplantation.



Treatment of renal amyloidosis at home

Treatment of amyloidosis requires monitoring by medical staff and therefore patients are often hospitalized. However, the treatment takes place in courses and, therefore, in the intervals between them, the treatment is carried out at home.

For example, the patient should consume;

  • At least 1.5 g of animal protein per kg of body weight (90-120 g per day),
  • Raw liver (80-120 g daily for 6-12 months) and fat. - at least 60 70 g per day; 
  • Carbohydrates - 450-500 g per day; 
  • vegetables and fruits rich in vitamin C (currants, cabbage, citrus fruits, etc.). 
  • Table salt, if there is no edema, limit it slightly. For severe edema, it is contraindicated, bread recommended without salt. After the disappearance of edema, allows you to add to food 1-2 to 4 g of salt a day.

The amount of fluid you drink is limited only in case of edema (it should correspond to the volume of urine from the previous day). With an increase in blood pressure, antihypertensive drugs are indicated. Pregnancy is contraindicated in women with amyloidosis.







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contact/whatsapp: +22990431725


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