Uterine cancer

All about uterine cancer: Causes, Symptoms and natural treatment

stephany Par Le 08/05/2020 à 17:48

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What is uterine cancer?

Uterus cancer is a type of disease that develops in the lining of the uterus. The uterus is a pear-like empty organ that lies between the bladder and rectum in a woman's body. The uterus is a place where the fetus grows and develops during pregnancy. The wall of the uterus is called the endometrium. At the bottom of the uterus, there are organs that connect with the vagina, the cervix or cervix.

Uterus cancer consists of several types, and one of them most often begins in the endometrium or uterine wall. This condition is also called endometrial cancer.

This disease generally appears after menopause. The most common symptoms are bleeding from the vagina and pelvic pain, even after menopause.


How common is uterine cancer?

Uterus cancer is a very serious disease. Until now, the number of cancer cases continues to increase by 1-2% each year. This disease is one of the highest causes of death in women. This type of cancer is more common in women after going through menopause. The average woman diagnosed with this disease is 62 years old. However, the number of cases of young women affected by this disease has increased.

In addition, scientists believe people who suffer from obesity have a higher risk of developing uterine cancer. Most cases of this cancer develop after years.

Fortunately, this disease can be treated if detected at an early stage of development. This disease can also be overcome by recognizing the existing risk factors.



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The objective of this treatment is to;

  1. Fighting cancer cells.
  2. To prevent cancer cells from spreading to other organs.
  3. To strengthen the body's defense against other diseases by strengthening the immune system.
  4. To increase the effect of chemotherapy and radiotherapy.
  5. To reduce side effects such as dizziness, headache, nausea, vomiting and weakness from illness, chemotherapy or radiotherapy.

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What are the types of uterine cancer?

Uterus cancer can be divided into two types, depending on the part of the uterus affected. Here are the types:

1. Endometrial cancer

The most common type of uterine cancer is endometrial cancer. As many as 90% of cases of this disease are classified as endometrial cancer.

This type of cancer cells first develops in the uterine wall. Endometrial cancer can be divided into 2 types, namely endometroid adenocarcinoma and uterine carinosinosarcoma.

Endometrioid adenocarcinoma is the most common type in endometrial cancer. This type is usually easier to cure.

Meanwhile, uterine carinosinosarcoma only occurs in as many as 5% of cases of uterine cancer. This type of cancer cell develops faster and tends to reappear even though it has been healed.


2. Uterine sarcoma

Uterine sarcoma is a type of cancer that develops in the cells lining the uterine muscle. The number of cases of this type of cancer is less common compared to endometrial cancer.

Uterine sarcoma is generally in the form of leiomyosarcoma, a type of cancer that attacks the muscles supporting the body's organ tissues.



Signs & Symptoms

What are the signs and symptoms of uterine cancer?
The signs and symptoms of uterine cancer are sometimes not felt by some patients. However, the most common symptom is abnormal bleeding from the vagina, especially if the patient has passed menopause.

Here are the initial symptoms of this disease that are most commonly found:

  • Bleeding after menopause
  • Too much bleeding
  • Bleeding occurs between menstrual cycles
  • Colored and odorless discharge comes out of the vagina
  • Abdominal pain that often appears
  • The uterus feels enlarged, until palpated in the pelvic area
  • Pelvic pain
  • Bleeding in the vagina generally does not necessarily indicate that you have this disease. Symptoms of bleeding can also be found in other health problems, such as endometriosis and fibroids.

However, if the bleeding is accompanied by some of the symptoms above, you should immediately see a doctor.

There may be signs and symptoms not mentioned above. If you have a concern about a particular symptom, consult your doctor.


When should I see a doctor?
You should immediately visit a doctor to conduct an examination if symptoms occur such as:

  1. Vaginal bleeding feels unnatural
  2. Experience additional symptoms such as weight loss, fever, muscle aches, or headaches

If you have any of the above signs or symptoms or other questions, consult your doctor.

The body of each patient shows various signs and symptoms. To get the right treatment and in accordance with your health condition, always consult the symptoms that you experience with your doctor.



What causes uterine cancer?
The emergence of uterine cancer starts from gene mutations that occur in the uterine cell lining. This gene mutation causes healthy body cells to be damaged.

Normal body cells will divide and grow at a reasonable rate, then die and be replaced by new cells. However, if these cells mutate and are damaged, their development becomes uncontrolled and lives on.

These damaged cells will accumulate and form tumor tissue. In fact, these cells can spread to surrounding tissues and other body organs. This process is called metastasis.

Until now, the cause of the mutation of cells in the human body is still unknown. However, experts have found several risk factors that trigger mutations in the body's cells, one of which is obesity and hormonal imbalances in the body.



Risk factors

What increases my risk for uterine cancer?
Cervical cancer is a disease that can affect every woman of almost all age groups. However, there are several factors that can increase a person's risk of developing this disease.

Having one or several risk factors does not mean you can be sure of having this disease. In fact, there is a possibility that you will still be stricken with this disease even though there is not a single risk factor that you have.

Here are the risk factors that trigger the emergence of uterine cancer, namely:

1. Age
The risk of developing this disease increases with age. Most cases of this disease are found in women aged 40 years and over.

Only about 1% of cases of cervical cancer occur in patients under 40 years.

2. Changes in the hormone estrogen due to menopause
After entering the menopause phase, the ovaries in a woman's body will stop producing the hormone estrogen. However, this hormone is still produced in very small amounts, especially by fat tissue cells.

Estrogen from fatty tissue can trigger cell mutations in the uterus, so the risk of cancer after menopause is higher.

3. Overweight or obese
Obesity is the most important risk factor and is closely related to changes in the body's hormones. This is because fat tissue can also produce estrogen.

In other words, the higher the amount of fat in your body, the greater the amount of estrogen produced by your body. This condition can trigger the development of cancer cells in the reproductive organs, especially the uterus.

4. Family descendants
If you have a family member with this disease, or have cancer in their reproductive and digestive organs, your chances of developing this disease are greater.

5. Never been pregnant and giving birth
Pregnancy can help balance the levels of the hormones estrogen and progesterone in the body. So, if you have never been pregnant and have children, your risk for suffering from this disease is higher.

6. Have had breast or ovarian cancer
You are also at risk of developing uterine cancer if you have had other types of cancer, such as breast or ovarian cancer.

7. Suffering from endometrial hyperplasia
Endometrial hyperplasia is overgrowth in endometrial tissue. If you have experienced this condition, both mild and moderate, you are at risk of developing uterine cancer.

8. Undergo hormone therapy (tamoxifen)
Tamoxifen is a drug used to prevent and treat breast cancer. Tamoxifen acts as an anti-estrogen in breast tissue.

On the contrary, this drug actually functions like estrogen in the uterus, thus potentially causing the uterine wall to thicken. This condition can increase the risk of getting cancer.



Diagnosis & treatment

The information provided is not a substitute for medical advice. ALWAYS consult your doctor.

What are the usual tests to diagnose uterine cancer?
When you feel the signs and symptoms, immediately consult a doctor even though you are not sure if you have uterine cancer. An early diagnosis can increase the effectiveness of treatment.

The first thing a doctor will do in diagnosing this disease is a thorough physical examination. Your doctor will ask about your symptoms, your history, and family history.

After that, the doctor will examine your pelvis to check for irregularities. If the doctor suspects that there is a problem with your uterus, some further tests will be recommended. Here are the types of tests:

1. Transvaginal ultrasound test
This test is done by inserting a device into the vagina that emits sound waves. With this tool, the doctor can see a direct picture of your uterus.

2. Hysteroscopy
In this test, the doctor inserts a small tube called a hysteroscope 

into your vagina. The lens in the hystoscope will show the inside of your uterus in detail.

3. Uterine biopsy
In the biopsy technique, the doctor will take a sample of uterine tissue and check whether the cell is cancerous or not.

4. Cancer staging test
Uterine cancer can spread to the bladder, rectum and other organs. The doctor must do another test to determine the stage of the cancer. This test can be a Pap test, CT scan (computerized tomography), MRI (magnetic resonance), ultrasound, and uterine curette.

What are my treatment options for uterine cancer?
The type of treatment given depends on the location of the cancer cell, its stage, type of cancer cell, and your overall health condition.


The main treatments given to treat cancer are surgery, radiotherapy, chemotherapy, and hormone therapy. The following explanation.

1. Operation
Surgical or surgical procedures are the main choice for the treatment of uterine cancer. Depending on which part of the uterus is removed, surgery is divided into 3 types, namely:

Hysterectomy (removal of the uterus)
Bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy (removal of the uterus, fallopian tubes, and both ovaries)
Lymph gland dissection (removal of the uterus and surrounding lymph nodes)
2. Chemotherapy
Chemotherapy is a treatment given with a syringe or pill to take. The goal of this treatment is to stop the development of cancer cells and kill them.

Some types of chemotherapy drugs given to treat uterine cancer are paclitaxel, carboplatin, and docetaxel.

3. Radiation therapy (radiotherapy)
This therapy uses high-energy radiation to kill cancer cells in the body. Radiation therapy can be done in two ways:

  • Internal radiotherapy (brachytherapy), by introducing radioactive substances into the body.
  • External radiotherapy, using a machine that emits radiation light to the body.

Treatment at home


What are some lifestyle changes or home remedies that can be done to treat uterine cancer?
Cancer treatment has uncomfortable side effects. However, you must remember that you can still have a normal and active life even if you have to undergo cancer treatment.

Here are things that can help you deal with uterine cancer:

  • Meet with surgeons and tumor specialists who are experienced in cancer therapy.
  • Find the right people to provide moral support during therapy, such as family, friends, and partners.
  • Stay in control during and after therapy to check for side effects and recurrence of cancer.
  • Return to normal activities and sexual activity 4-8 weeks after surgery.
  • Understand that if you have never had menopause, you will not menstruate again after surgery.
  • If you have questions, consult your doctor for the best solution for your problem.


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