Herpes - folk VS pharmacological methods of treatment

By On 15/05/2020

How to Get Rid of a Cold Sore Fast: Treatments and Home Remedies

Herpes (translated from Greek) means "creeping, creeping." Perhaps, for the first time, the ancient Greek doctors who encountered this virus tried to indicate the incredible contagiousness of herpes. According to the latest statistics, herpes simplex virus (HSV) infected 75–95% of the world's population.

Three types of herpes

Genital herpes -
There are three main types of herpes:

  • Herpes simplex of the first type (HSV 1) is the cause of rashes in the mouth.
  • Herpes simplex of the second type (HSV 2) affects the genitals. According to statistics, in the world 20% of people are infected with genital herpes, and 80% of them are not even aware of the presence of the virus in their body.
  • The third type is shingles caused by chickenpox virus.


Remède pour guerir l'hydrocèle testiculaire avec les plantes sans ...

The treatment we offer is an effective herbal treatment to fight against herpes. It works equally well against cold sores and against genital herpes. It is true that herpes can stay in a person's body for a lifetime. But this remedy will make you forget that you have herpes. With our remedy, repeat recurrences over the year are over. 

TO GET MORE INFORMATION ABOUT THIS PRODUCT FOR HERPES, CLICK HERE  OR You can contact us by whatsapp at +22990431725 direct calls and WhatsApp

Three types of infection with the herpes virus of the first type (HSV 1), most people become infected in childhood by airborne droplets or by contact, it manifests itself in periodic blistering rashes in the form of fever around the mouth. Herpes of the second type (HSV 2) is also manifested in vesicular rashes, but already in the genital area, it is transmitted sexually. The chickenpox virus has an airborne transmission route. And after the illness, the virus can "sleep" for years in the tissues of the body, manifests itself in the form of shingles.

Thus, you can get herpes:

  • airborne droplets (sneezing, coughing);
  • through a kiss;
  • during unprotected sex (oral, genital or anal);
  • with blood transfusion;
  • using common utensils and linen;
  • with organ transplantation. It should be noted that the most contagious carrier of herpes virus infection becomes at the time of opening of the vesicles.

Other herpes

The herpes virus family is very extensive, and in addition to the above, there are a number of diseases also caused by herpes viruses:

  1. Epstein-barr is a herpes virus, the cause of infectious mononucleosis, berkitis lymphoma and nasopharyngeal carcinoma.
  2. Pseudo-rubella, or sudden exanthema, is a childhood illness caused by the herpes simplex virus type 6. In appearance, it is similar to rubella.
  3. Herpes virus type 7 - is a possible cause of chronic fatigue syndrome.
  4. Herpes simplex virus type 8 - it is believed that the recently discovered human herpes simplex virus type 8 causes cancer - Kaposi’s Sarcoma, Castleman’s disease and a number of other oncological diseases of the lymphatic system.

Weak, but insidious

By itself, this herpes virus is a rather "gentle creature": it dies in the air for about 2 hours, and heating to 56 ° C kills it in 30 minutes. The virus is also very sensitive to x-ray and ultraviolet radiation. But all this applies only to the virus isolated in its purest form. With a virus that has entered the human body, everything is much more complicated.

When herpes is active

Any type of herpes virus infection (a hyperlink to the manufacturer's website) most often makes itself felt against the background of a decrease in the body's defenses. In the human body, herpes is in a "sleeping" state inside the nerve fibers, which reliably protect it from all external adversities. With an exacerbation of the infection, the virus “wakes up” and enters the skin and mucous membranes through sensitive nerve fibers, where it begins to multiply and thereby cause symptoms of a relapse of the disease.

Be sure to treat

In addition to the fact that herpes virus infection is extremely volatile and contagious, it still has a high resistance to traditional methods of treatment, and therefore can remain in the body for a long time, and in some cases forever. It can also cause extremely dangerous complications in the form of damage to the nervous system, brain, eyes, genitals, or cause the development of cervical cancer, as well as miscarriages, spontaneous births, and birth defects in children.


Do folk remedies or go to the doctor?

Treatment of herpes infection is not an easy task, self-medication is unacceptable, since the virus can penetrate very deeply, settle in the tissues of the nervous system and cause serious complications. And although today there is a fairly wide arsenal of medicines, success in treatment is not always possible. Therefore, folk remedies for the treatment of herpes should always be used in combination with the treatment of a doctor.

Aromatherapy for Stress Relieve | Course Gate

Oil against herpes

As a folk remedy for the treatment of herpes, various types of oil can be used. To cure the rash, apply fir oil, camphor oil, tea tree oil. Oil should either be lubricated with cold sores 3 times a day, or a cotton swab moistened with this oil should be applied to the cold sore several times a day.

7 Ways to Make Garlic Last Longer - How to Store Garlic

Garlic on guard

Quite a good folk method for treating herpes is garlic. Take a clove of garlic, peel it and cut into 2 parts. Rub the sore spots with the cut part. I emphasize that we must not lubricate, but rub. It is necessary that with prolonged rubbing the juice of garlic soaked in the skin. It is best to do this procedure at night, as contact with water after rubbing is undesirable.

DIY herbal infusions

A rather effective treatment for herpetic eruptions is an infusion of birch buds. To prepare the infusion, buy 25 grams of birch buds at the pharmacy and fill them with a glass of 70% alcohol. Put the infusion in a dark place and let it brew. After 2 weeks he will be ready, do not forget to strain. Infusion is intended only for lubrication!

More to help

A good help in the fight against infection is a balanced diet aimed at strengthening the immune system. It is important that in your diet there are foods rich in vitamins A, C, E, trace elements, especially zinc, which inhibits the development of the first type of herpes well. You should stop or reduce the consumption of alcohol, coffee, cigarettes, which greatly weaken the immune system. Practice also shows that outbreaks of herpes follow hypothermia or prolonged exposure to the sun.

17 Medication Mistakes That Could Make You Sick | The Healthy

Modern drugs

With any type of herpes, antiviral drugs cannot be dispensed with - only they can stop the attack of a raging aggressor. Now there are many remedies for treatment, but the doctor should select them. The most famous drugs are acyclovir and valtrex, but the development of recent years - famvir is considered more effective. It not only helps more effectively reduce the duration and severity of an exacerbation of the disease, but also is able to prevent the emergence of new exacerbations.


The words herpes and prevention are common.

When infected with the herpes virus, it is important to follow a number of simple measures that can prevent the further spread of the infection:
In order not to spread herpes sores throughout the body; 

  • do not touch them with your fingers. If this happens, wash your hands immediately with soap.
  • During exacerbation of the disease, refrain from kisses.
  • Do not wet cosmetic pencils with saliva (the virus can cause severe eye damage).
  • Never use someone else's lipstick and lip liner (and do not lend your own).
  • Use condoms during an exacerbation of the disease.
  • Have an individual towel and cutlery, do not use strangers.


  • Propolis extract to cure herpes
  • HERPES ON THE LIPS: Cause, Symptoms and Natural Treatments

TO GET MORE INFORMATION ABOUT THIS PRODUCT FOR HERPES, CLICK HERE  OR You can contact us by whatsapp at +22990431725 direct calls and whatsapp



By On 15/05/2020

With the onset of cold weather, people with characteristic rashes on the lips appear more and more.

It would seem that this is common and not at all mysterious disease, but the average patient does not really know anything about herpes - except that "this is fever on the lips." More educated (as well as affected) people will remember that there is still some “genital” herpes, but what does it have to do with a “cold” and whether it has it at all - not everyone will answer.

But over the many centuries of "communication" with herpes, this disease has acquired many speculations and misconceptions. Let's try to deal with the most common of them.






Remède pour guerir l'hydrocèle testiculaire avec les plantes sans ...

The treatment we offer is an effective herbal treatment to fight against herpes. It works equally well against cold sores and against genital herpes. It is true that herpes can stay in a person's body for a lifetime. But this remedy will make you forget that you have herpes. With our remedy, repeat recurrences over the year are over. 


TO GET MORE INFORMATION ABOUT THIS PRODUCT FOR HERPES, CLICK HERE  OR You can contact us by whatsapp at +22990431725 direct calls and whatsapp



Misconception 1. Herpes is not contagious

Cold Sores: Is It Herpes Or Something Else? | Shape

Quite the opposite. Herpes is transmitted by airborne droplets (when coughing, sneezing, talking), contact (when kissing, using common dishes, lipstick, mouthpiece) and sexually. It is also possible infection of the child from the mother when passing through the birth canal. As a rule, this happens if the mother contracted genital herpes in the third trimester of pregnancy. At the same time, the antibodies that she passes to the child do not have time to develop in her body. And if there is damage to the placenta, the child can become infected in any period of intrauterine development - such herpes is called congenital.


Misconception 2. Herpes - a manifestation of the “cold”

Oral Herpes | Johns Hopkins Medicine

In fact, herpes is an independent disease caused by the herpes simplex virus (HSV). Usually it is activated by hypothermia, but it can also occur with stress, overwork, exacerbation of chronic diseases or any decrease in general immunity.


Misconception 3. If rashes appeared on the lips, the cold subsided

Cold sores - Harvard Health

A common point of view, however, has nothing to do with reality. In fact, rashes mean that a respiratory infection weakened the immune system, and this gave the herpes virus the opportunity to act actively.



Misconception 4. If the rashes have passed - herpes is cured

White Smile Maple Grove Dentistry - Maple Grove Dentistry

It would be very cool, but, unfortunately, it is impossible to remove the virus from the body. It stays with a person for life, and you can only make it stay in a "sleeping" state, without manifesting itself. Therefore, 95% of people have the herpes virus, with the majority acquiring it at the age of 3-4 years, but only about 20% of people feel its “work”.


Misconception 5. You can get herpes only with rashes.

Herpes skin rash: Symptoms, identification, and treatment

Indeed, in the active phase of the disease, a greater number of viral particles are released and the likelihood of infection is higher. But the transmission of infection can occur at any time through invisible microtrauma of the skin and mucous membranes.



Misconception 6. Herpes on the lips (labial) and on the genitals (genital) are two completely different diseases, infection does not occur with oral sex

herpes cure

This statement is only partially true. Indeed, labial herpes is more often caused by the first type of herpes simplex virus (HSV-1), and genital herpes by the second (HSV-2). However, both types of virus can lead to rashes on both the lips and genitals. Especially often, such a change of "place of residence" occurs just during oral sex.


Misconception 7. Condom fully protects against infection with genital herpes.

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A condom really reduces the risk of infection, but, unfortunately, does not give a one hundred percent guarantee. Virus transmission can occur through areas of the body that are not covered by a condom, or through certain defects of a “rubber friend” (for example, poor-quality or overly porous).



Misconception 8. The best treatment is cauterization of sores with alcohol, iodine or brilliant green.

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Cauterization does not affect the herpes virus and its activity, but it is very easy to burn damaged skin and mucous membrane in this way. It is better to carefully lubricate the rashes with an antiseptic that does not contain alcohol, so that a purulent infection does not join. And the exacerbation of herpes is treated with special antiviral drugs, for example, acyclovir, which prevents the virus from multiplying. With frequent exacerbations, medications that stimulate the immune system and general strengthening agents are used.


Misconception 9. Herpes is a non-dangerous disease and only affects the skin.

Why is thinking so important for happy and successful life?

In fact, herpes takes the second place in mortality from viral infections. The herpes simplex virus is embedded in the genome of nerve cells, therefore, rashes occur in places of nerve endings and are accompanied by severe pain. Theoretically, herpes can occur everywhere where there is nervous tissue, which means - in almost any organ. With a decrease in general and local immunity, herpetic inflammation can develop in the mucous membrane of the mouth and larynx, cornea and conjunctiva of the eye, lymph nodes, internal genital organs, intestines, liver, kidneys, lungs and central nervous system. With brain damage, the vast majority of patients die or remain disabled.



Treatment of herpes on the lips with folk remedies: TOP 10 best

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Along with well-known medications, alternative methods of treating herpes are no less successful, since they are tested not only by time, but also have practical effectiveness:

Rules for the use of folk recipes for the treatment of herpes on the lips at home:

  1. Garlic and onion. Cut onion or garlic in half, and the sap on the lips themselves is rubbed with the juice of the plant. Due to the unpleasant odor, it is better to do this at night, and then cover your lips with a thin layer of honey.
  2. Earwax. If twice a day with your own earwax lubricate the foci of herpes, for 2-3 days treatment will begin to give a serious result.
  3. Ice cubes. Every day, it is necessary to apply ice to the foci of the disease for 15-20 seconds for 2-3 times. This will begin to kill the virus, which does not tolerate the cold. In addition, exposure to ice will dry the wounds and speed recovery.
  4. Aloe juice. To cure rashes on the lips, you need to get a teaspoon of the juice of this plant and mix it with half the amount of honey. This medicine is taken once a day immediately before meals. But it is not necessary to prepare this mixture, since it is enough to cut a slice of aloe and treat the wound with an oozing plant. To do this, it can be attached to it for half an hour. A few days of such actions, and herpes will be defeated.
  5. Toothpaste. A rather unusual method is that the damaged part of the lip is treated with a small amount of paste and waiting for it to dry. This usually speeds up the healing and drying of the sores. Moreover, the use of the drug before the appearance of bubbles eliminates their occurrence.
  6. Plain salt. Small crystals of salt can cure herpes if applied to the wound several times a day. It is also recommended to leave a salt compress at night. To do this, a teaspoon of the substance is diluted in a third of a glass of water, then gauze is impregnated with this solution and fixed on a wound surface.
  7. Freshly made tea. A strong tea drink is prepared and soaked in a cotton swab. Then apply it to the lip. The procedure is done three times a day until the skin heals.
  8. Paper ash. Do not use the powder itself, but an ointment based on it. To do this, take half a spoonful of honey, a teaspoon of ash and 3 minced cloves of garlic. All mixed and applied to the lips three times a day.
  9. Chamomile broth. The traditional herbal preparation is not only drunk, but also used as a local remedy. To do this, take a tablespoon of raw materials and insist half an hour in a glass of boiling water. Then the broth is filtered, mixed with a tablespoon of propolis tincture for alcohol. The resulting preparation is excellent for treating lip ulcers and for internal use in a tablespoon 2 times a day.
  10. Honey, coffee and flour. The effectiveness of the following recipe is known: 10 g of honey and flour are mixed with 5 g of coffee and 50 g of kefir, 2 cloves of chopped garlic are added. All this is mixed and applied to the wound surface until the resulting ointment dries. After this, the substance is again smeared on the wound, leaving it for half an hour, after which it is washed off. After a few sessions, the herpes virus will be defeated.

Before using folk recipes, it is also necessary to consult a doctor, since even allergic reactions are possible on plant components.



Which doctor treats a cold on the lips

Confidentiality Between Doctor and Patient | Brain & Injury Law

Herpes on the lips belongs to the category of labile herpes, which passes without any special consequences. The main problem is a cosmetic defect and prolonged healing of wounds.

If the disease proceeds for a long time or new foci of inflammation occur, as well as in relapses, you need to consult a therapist. He will decide on treatment or refer to narrower specialists: immunologist, dermatologist, infectious disease specialist.

Against cold sores on the lips a lot of products of both natural and synthetic origin help to quickly cope with an ugly and painful defect. The main thing is to notice the first manifestations of the disease in time and keep the ointment “in reserve” in the medicine cabinet so that the virus does not catch by surprise.




In addition, with congenital herpes, multiple malformations, and the death of a newborn are possible, and long-existing genital herpes significantly increases the risk of developing cervical cancer in women and prostate cancer in men.

“But there is a nuance ...”

It is interesting that such harmful properties of herpes viruses as easy penetration into the body, constant stay in it and the large size of viral DNA give hope to use them "for peaceful purposes." It is this family of microbes that is considered promising for gene therapy. To carry out which they are deprived of their pathological abilities and useful genes are inserted into the viral genome. And the virus perfectly delivers these genes to the patient’s DNA, where they help to synthesize substances that the body lacks and even fight other viruses. Who knows, maybe the time is coming soon when herpes will be treated ... with the herpes virus.


TO GET MORE INFORMATION ABOUT THIS PRODUCT FOR HERPES, CLICK HERE  OR You can contact us by whatsapp at +22990431725 direct calls and whatsapp


HERPES ON THE LIPS: Cause, Symptoms and Natural Treatments

By On 15/05/2020

The virus, which is carried by millions of people, begins to manifest itself during a decrease in immunity. 

Many of us are familiar with an unpleasant state when, for no reason, nasty bubbles suddenly appear on the lip, which it hurts to touch. The lip begins to swell and the appearance is simply depressing.


Herpes in awake form often accompanies people with HIV - infection and AIDS, eczema, severe burns, those who take chemotherapy, and potent drugs. The cause of cold sores in winter can be severe hypothermia, vitamin deficiency, lack of movement and fresh air, as well as SARS and flu.

What is herpes on the lips?

Genital herpes: Can you get it during oral sex with someone who ...

Herpes on the lips is a chronic relapsing form of herpes, which is a consequence of infection with the herpes virus in early childhood. After the primary herpetic infection suffered by the child, the herpes virus remains in the body for life, and is periodically activated, causing the formation of herpetic eruptions on the lips and skin around the mouth.

The very first case of herpes always occurs in the form of herpetic gingivostomatitis. In 90% of cases, the primary case of the disease is mild and is usually mistaken by parents for teething symptoms. All repeated outbreaks of herpes most often occur on the lips, sometimes on the skin of the face and mucous membrane of the oral cavity.


Remède pour guerir l'hydrocèle testiculaire avec les plantes sans ...

The treatment we offer is an effective herbal treatment to fight against herpes. It works equally well against cold sores and against genital herpes. It is true that herpes can stay in a person's body for a lifetime. But this remedy will make you forget that you have herpes. With our remedy, repeat recurrences over the year are over. 

TO GET MORE INFORMATION ABOUT THIS PRODUCT FOR HERPES, CLICK HERE OR You can contact us by WhatsApp at +22990431725 direct calls and WhatsApp

What is dangerous herpes?

Toddler "screaming" with the dangerous herpes virus, Mama thought ...

According to the Mayo Clinic (this is one of the largest private medical and research centers in the world), people with weakened immune systems, including patients after severe burns, during chemotherapy, after organ transplantation, with HIV or AIDS, are at risk of complications.

In some HSVs, it may not be limited to vesicles at the mouth, but can be transferred, for example, to the fingertips (this can happen with a child who is used to pulling his thumb in his mouth). Cold sores can also cause eye infections, and they, in turn, can, in turn, cause vision problems. In people with eczema, herpes vesicles can spread throughout the body. In the case of a weakened immune system, herpes can affect other organs, such as the brain.

How is HSV-1 transmitted?

Can you spread herpes when you don't have a cold sore? | HowStuffWorks

Herpes is very contagious and can be transmitted from person to person through close direct contact. According to the National Health Service of Great Britain, most often we get it already in childhood, for example, when a mother or dad kisses a child on the cheek (who had herpes). It can also be transmitted through common objects: for example, cutlery or towels.

Oral herpes is most contagious when a person has that very “cold” on his lips. But you can transmit the virus to others even at the moment when there are no characteristic rashes.

The virus passes through the skin and spreads through the nerves, where it is inactive (at rest) until it is awakened by a trigger. If a person has had an episode of herpes at least once, then the virus remains in the nerve cells (even after the vesicles have passed) and can appear in the same place as before.

What causes frequent cold sores?

Cold sores: treatment and prevention tips

The frequency of occurrence of vesicles is different in different people: for someone, herpes occurs once in a lifetime and does not recur anymore, for someone regularly occurs two to three times a year.

Its next appearance can provoke :

  • another viral infection
  • hormonal changes, including those associated with menstruation,
  • stress,
  • fatigue,
  • excessive exposure to the sun and wind,
  • changes in the immune system.


What are the symptoms?

HIV mouth sores: Pictures, causes, treatment, and prevention

Before the bubbles “hatch”, in the place of future rashes, itching, burning, and tingling may appear. Therefore, doctors recommend starting drug therapy at this stage, it is more effective.

Symptoms may persist for several days, and the vesicles will heal within two to four weeks. During the first appearance of herpes, some people experience fever, painful gum erosion, sore throat, head or muscle pain, and also feel an increase in lymph nodes.

Relapses of symptoms of oral herpes can cause discomfort and mental disorders. With genital herpes, these factors reduce the quality of life and destroy sexual relations. However, over time, most people get used to this "symbiosis", adapt to coexistence with the infection.

How to protect yourself

How to Get Rid of a Cold Sore Fast: Treatments and Home Remedies

If herpes has already manifested, then the doctor should prescribe antiviral drugs to the patient for regular use. During an exacerbation of the disease, doctors advise preventing its spread. To do this, avoid skin contact with other people, do not use common objects - towels, lip ointments, lipstick, dishes. Also, the patient should remember about hygiene and wash his hands as often as possible.

First, you need to dress warmly. In order to prevent the recurrence of herpes, it is better to wear a long down jacket or a fur coat, warm shoes, and socks. Do not forget about the hat, mittens, scarf. Better to prevent hypothermia than two weeks to be treated.

Secondly, keep an eye on nutrition. Eating fruits and vegetables will save you from vitamin deficiency. Pay special attention to vitamins A, C, and E. Ginger, tangerines, oranges, persimmons, brewed rose hips and other foods rich in useful substances will help maintain immunity.

Thirdly, it is worth more to walk and play sports. Winter is the time for active sports and outdoor recreation. Those who do not like skiing and snowboarding can simply enjoy a walk in the winter park or in the forest.

Fourth, have a good rest. Stress and nervous exhaustion also weaken the immune system. Do not neglect the vacation or take a lot of work when you feel very tired. Herpes appears not only in the winter but also in the summer. If the sun's rays provoke it, use a sunscreen before going outside.

What is prevention?

Can You Have Sex with a Yeast Infection? - Sex, Yeast Infections ...

Since the virus most easily spreads with fluid from the vesicles, avoid skin contact with other people at this time. Do not share your cutlery, towel, lip balm, or other items that might have been in contact with saliva.

Persons with manifesting symptoms of oral herpes should refrain from oral sexual intercourse in order to prevent the transmission of herpes to the genitals of the sexual partner.

If you often have herpes or you are at risk for complications, your doctor may prescribe antiviral drugs.

If you have cold sores caused by exposure to the sun, use sunscreen in the place where rashes usually appear.

Herpes treatment at home:

Vitamin Deficiency – A Hidden Workplace Concern

  • lip balms, which are at least 1% composed of lemon balm;
  • tea with lemon and compresses with it;
  • peppermint and witch hazel oil;
  • aloe vera gel (relieves inflammation and moisturizes);
  • licorice root (due to glycyrrhizic acid possesses antiviral activity);
  • licorice powder must be applied directly to the wounds, previously mixed with water or petroleum jelly;
  • echinacea (add to tea or take as additives);
  • cream or supplements with L-lysine (stimulates the immune system and promotes cell regeneration);
  • milk (contains antibodies and L-lysine);
  • corn starch paste (you need to mix starch and water in equal parts);
  • a mixture of rhubarb and sage.

Vitamin E helps repair damaged skin cells and promotes the growth of new ones. Foods rich in this vitamin include nuts, wheat germ, greens, and vegetable oils (soybean, cottonseed, corn, peanut).

Vitamin C helps increase white blood cell levels, which help the body fight infection. A large amount of this vitamin is found in berries, tomatoes, peppers, kiwi, broccoli, spinach, etc.

Persons with herpes should seek medical attention if symptoms persist within a few weeks or worsen.

Complications from HSV-1 are rare but possible. They can occur if the virus spreads to other parts of the body. For example, the virus can spread to the fingertips in the form of a felon, or to the eyes in the form of keratitis.

Precautions for "cold":

  • Do not touch the wounds with your hands (to avoid bacterial infection);
  • be sure to wash your hands before treating wounds;
  • apply ointments, creams, oils only with sterile objects (for example, a cotton swab);
  • do not rub cream/ointment into the wound;
  • get rid of old oral hygiene items (such as toothbrushes) as soon as a “cold” appears, and as it goes away, start using new ones again;
  • do not eat acidic, salty and other foods that can cause irritation and ulcers;
  • avoid kisses or another tactile contact with the affected area;
  • Use lip sunscreen throughout the year.

TO GET MORE INFORMATION ABOUT THIS PRODUCT FOR HERPES, CLICK HERE  OR You can contact us by WhatsApp at +22990431725 direct calls and WhatsApp



By On 14/05/2020

Did you know urinary tract infection can lead to infertility?


There is no evidence that lower urinary tract infections (UTIs) in a woman affect her ability to conceive, but upper tract (kidney) infections could. What you do want to keep in mind is that infections in the male partner can affect his fertility. Also, once you are pregnant, UTIs can cause problems for both mother and baby.



Female UTIs and the ability to conceive

Urinary tract infections are common in women. Although the lower urinary tract - bladder and urethra - are on one side of the reproductive tract, a mild UTI in a woman is not a known problem for conception. There are no reports of bacteria spreading from the urinary tract to infect the reproductive tract, although the opposite may occur.





Male UTI and conception


Unlike women, an infection in the male urinary tract can affect male fertility and conception. Due to the structure of the male reproductive and urinary systems, organisms in the male bladder and urethra can spread to his reproductive system.

The spread of bacteria to the prostate gland and other reproductive structures can reduce sperm count, decrease sperm motility, and other semen factors, which can cause male infertility if left untreated.





Home remedies are a good option to complement the medical treatment of urinary infection and speed recovery and should be done daily to strengthen the immune system and increase urine production, eliminating the bacteria that cause the infection.

However, these home remedies should not replace the indications of the doctor, and in the case of pregnant or lactating women should consult the obstetrician before using them.



1. Ursi grape syrup with echinacea and Hydrastis

7 home remedies for urinary infection

Uva ursi is antiseptic and diuretic, echinacea has an antibiotic action and strengthens the immune system, and Hydrastis acts as an anti-inflammatory, making it an excellent combination of herbs to combat urinary infection.


  • 30 ml of uva ursi or bearberry extract;
  • 15 ml of echinacea extract;
  • 15 ml of Hydrastis extract.

Preparation method

Mix all these extracts very well, put them in a dark bottle, and shake well. Dilute 1 teaspoon of this syrup in a little warm water and then drink 4 times throughout the day. Totaling 4 tablespoons of syrup per day.

Attention: This extract is contraindicated in pregnant women.



2. Wild cranberry juice

How Cranberry Juice Can Help Treat A UTI | Vaya News

This is an excellent option to treat urinary infection in pregnancy, since bilberry has a high concentration of proanthocyanidins that make it difficult for the Escherichia Coli bacteria to adhere to the walls of the urinary tract, decreasing the possibility of contracting the disease. See other tips on treating urinary tract infection in pregnancy .


  • 250 g of blueberries;
  • 1 glass of water.

Preparation method

It is recommended to drink 3 to 4 glasses of this juice daily, while symptoms persist.


3. Goldenrod tea

7 home remedies for urinary infection

Goldenrod tea is also an excellent home remedy for urinary tract infection because this herb has a diuretic and anti-inflammatory action that increases urine production, thus decreasing the residence time of the urine in the bladder and therefore the development of bacteria.


  • 2 tablespoons dried goldenrod leaves;
  • 1 cup of boiling water.

Preparation method

Place the goldenrod leaves in the boiling water and let sit for 10 minutes before straining. Drink 1 cup of tea several times a day.


4. Horseradish tea

Horseradish: Nutrition, Benefits, Uses, and Side Effects

Another good home remedy for urinary infection is the use of horseradish since it has antiseptic, antimicrobial, and anti-inflammatory properties that alleviate symptoms and decrease the number of bacteria in the urinary tract.


  • 1 teaspoon dried horseradish leaves;
  • 1 cup of water.

Preparation method

Boil the water and then add the dried horseradish leaves. Let stand for 5 minutes, strain and drink 2 to 3 cups per day.



5. Nasturtium drink

Nasturtium Margaritas | Floating Kitchen

Another home remedy that can be used to treat urinary tract infection is nasturtium tincture that has antibiotic, antiseptic and diuretic properties, which decrease bacterial growth in the urinary tract and stimulate urine production.


  • 20 to 50 drops of nasturtium tincture;
  • 1/5 cup of warm water.

Preparation method

Mix all the ingredients very well and take next. This remedy should be ingested 3 to 5 times a day. Nasturtium tincture can be purchased at health food stores and some homeopathy pharmacies.


6. 3 herbal tea


An excellent natural solution for urinary tract infection is to drink a tea prepared with medicinal herbs that help fight the bacteria causing the infection.


  • 1 tablespoon of java tea (leaves);
  • 1 tablespoon horsetail (leaves);
  • 1 tablespoon of goldenrod (leaves);
  • 3 cups of boiling water.

Preparation method

Put all the ingredients in a container and let it rest for about 10 minutes. Strain and drink then, still hot, several times a day, without sweetening because sugar can lessen its effect.


7. Sitz bath with vinegar

I Put Apple Cider Vinegar In My Baths. Here Are 5 Reasons Why

This sitz bath is another home remedy to treat urinary infections due to its powerful antimicrobial power. To do this you need:


  • 3 liters of warm water;
  • 2 tablespoons of vinegar;
  • 1 clean bucket.

Preparation method

Put the vinegar inside the bucket with the lukewarm water and mix well, set inside the bucket without intimate clothes for at least 20 minutes. Carry out the vaginal washing with this same mixture.






Try these amazing natural herbs to treat herpes simplex type 2

By On 14/05/2020

Genital herpes symptoms


When a person has genital herpes, the virus remains inactive (asleep) on the nerves at the base of the spine. When the virus is activated (awake), it travels through nerves to the skin's surface, sometimes causing an outbreak. 

The nerves in the genitals, upper thighs, and buttocks are connected; in such a way that a person can experience outbreaks in any of these areas. Such areas include:

  • Vagina
  • Vulva
  • Penis
  • Scrotum or testicles
  • Year
  • Buttocks
  • Thighs

The number of outbreaks someone may have varies from person to person. The average number of outbreaks per year is four to five. Generally, there are more outbreaks in the first year, and the first outbreak tends to be the most extreme outbreak a person can have. Many people find that recurrences tend to be less severe and less frequent over time.

Illnesses, poor diet or physical stress, friction, surgical trauma, and steroid treatments (such as asthma treatment) can accelerate a herpes outbreak.


Remède pour guerir l'hydrocèle testiculaire avec les plantes sans ...

The treatment we offer is an effective herbal treatment to fight against herpes. It works equally well against cold sores and against genital herpes. It is true that herpes can stay in a person's body for a lifetime. But this remedy will make you forget that you have herpes. With our remedy, repeat recurrences over the year are over. 

TO GET MORE INFORMATION ABOUT THIS PRODUCT FOR HERPES, CLICK HERE  OR You can contact us by WhatsApp at +22990431725 direct calls and WhatsApp


Herpes infection can certainly interfere with comfort, especially if symptoms such as itching and burning sensation on the skin begin to appear. Luckily, these symptoms can be overcome in various ways, including using natural herpes drugs. Natural herpes remedies can help to reduce inflammation when you have herpes.

Natural herpes medicine is not a substitute for clinical treatment, like taking antiviral drugs from a doctor. The methods below, aim to help relieve inflammation, irritation, and other symptoms of herpes. Discuss with your doctor before you try to treat herpes yourself

1. Garlic

Can Garlic Fight Coronavirus (COVID-19)? - SelfHacked

Using garlic to relieve symptoms of herpes is actually an old method. A study says that garlic has antiviral properties that can weaken the herpes simplex virus types 1 and 2.

To feel the benefits, you can finely chop a clove of garlic and mix it with olive oil. Then, apply the mixture to wounds caused by herpes, three times a day. 

2. Warm water

These 11 surprising health benefits of warm water will shock you ...

For those of you who have shingles, pain due to a lump in the skin will usually appear. To relieve it, compressing the skin with warm water can help overcome it. This compress is also said to relieve swelling that occurs in the area of ​​the infection.

3. Cold water

4 Ways Cold Water Benefits Your Body -

You can also use cold water compresses or ice cube compresses on wounds caused by herpes. Coldness on the skin will not heal the wound, but it can help relieve the pain that arises.

4. Cornflour

What is Corn Flour? | Allrecipes

Corn flour can also be used as a natural herpes medicine. You just need to dissolve it with a little water and apply the mixture with cotton, to the wound area. This method, is believed to help dry herpes sores.

5. Apple vinegar

Side Effects from Having Too Much Apple Cider Vinegar | Reader's ...

Apple vinegar has anti-inflammatory and antiviral properties. So, this one ingredient can be one of the natural herpes medicines. To use it, you can simply mix 1 tablespoon of apple vinegar with 3 tablespoons of water. Then, apply the mixture to the area of ​​infection.

6. Eat vegetables

7 Ways to Eat More Fruits & Vegetables as Part of a Healthy Diet

Herpes is a viral infection. While viruses are self limiting disease. That is, this disease can heal itself as long as our immune system is strong. So, one of the ways to treat herpes is to increase body immunity.

Eating vegetables that are rich in antioxidants such as cauliflower, spinach, and tomatoes, can help improve the immune system in the body. So, do not be surprised if the vegetables are labeled as one of the natural herpes medicines. 

7. Tea tree oil

3 uses and benefits of tea tree essential oil | Ecogarantie

Tea tree oil helps relieve wounds caused by herpes simplex type 2 infection, with its antiviral properties. But to use it, this oil needs to be dissolved with special ingredients before it can be applied to the location of herpes infection.

8. Aloe vera

How to make aloe vera oil and gel at home | Aloe vera| Aloe vera ...

Aloe vera, has long been believed to help accelerate wound healing. So, do not be surprised if this one plant is used as one of the herpes natural remedies.

This plant is thought to help relieve the pain and itching arising from herpes sores, as well as speed up healing.

9. Goat's milk

Goat Milk | Organic Heaven

Goat milk also contains antiviral ingredients, so lined up can be used as a natural herpes drug that can help weaken the herpes virus. You can apply goat milk directly to the area of ​​infection without the need to first dissolve it.

10. Yogurt

Berries and Nondairy Plain Yogurt

Certain types of probiotics can help fight the herpes virus infection in the body. Consuming probiotics can also increase the immune system in the body, so that aside from being a natural herpes drug, this ingredient is also good for consumption to prevent various other diseases. You can get this benefit by consuming yogurt.

11. Bathing in salt water

11 Benefits Of Salt Water For Your Skin

Soaking in salt water, can help relieve the symptoms of herpes simplex type 2. After bathing, dry the area again until it is completely dry and clean, to avoid further infection.

12. Use baking soda

Baking Soda vs. Baking Powder: What's the Difference?

Applying baking soda that has been mixed with water, is believed to help make herpes sores dry faster and reduce itching. So it's not surprising, if the mixture of these ingredients can often be used as a natural herpes medicine.

To do this, dip cotton balls in water then dip it in baking soda powder. After that, apply the natural remedy for herpes in the infected area.

13. Relieve stress

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Unlike other natural herpes remedies that utilize natural ingredients, this one method is slightly different. You can do various ways to relieve stress. Stress can suppress the body's immune system. Thus, reducing it can help restore immune function, to fight the virus that is attacking.


TO GET MORE INFORMATION ABOUT THIS PRODUCT FOR HERPES, CLICK HERE  OR You can contact us by WhatsApp at +22990431725 direct calls and WhatsApp

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