By On 14/07/2020

What is lupus?


Lupus is a chronic systemic autoimmune disease that occurs when the immune system attacks your own tissues and organs. Called chronic because the signs and symptoms appear long enough, about more than six weeks and even years.

In lupus, the immune system is mistaken. In people with lupus, the immune system cannot differentiate between foreign "invaders" from outside and healthy tissue. As a result, antibodies that should have been created to fight germs that cause disease actually attack and destroy healthy tissue in the body.

This condition eventually causes inflammation, pain, and damage in various parts of the body. Inflammation caused by lupus can usually affect the body's systems including joints, skin, kidneys, blood cells, brain, heart, and lungs.





The objective of this herbal tea is to both suppress and enhance various aspects of the immune system, known as immunomodulatory. Its phytoestrogen properties make it valuable in treating lupus. This herbal tea is made from a combination of African plants whose properties have helped to calm the nerves of lupus patients and to help with depression and anxiety that is associated with the diseases. It is known to stimulate the immune system to support healing and normal functions.

To get more information on this product click here. Or contact on-call/WhatsApp: +22990431725



Symptoms of lupus



The sooner the disease is detected, the various symptoms can be treated as early and as effectively as possible. However, lupus is sometimes difficult to diagnose because the signs and symptoms are often similar to other diseases. Here are the various symptoms of lupus that should be watched out for.

1. Rash on the face that looks like a butterfly

The first and very characteristic symptom of lupus in women is a skin rash on the face. Usually, the rash will appear like a butterfly, extending from the nose bone, both cheeks, to the jawbone. This type of rash is called a butterfly rash. Usually, this happens because the skin experiences sensitivity to light.

2. Muscle and joint pain

Pain in muscles and joints usually appear in the morning when you wake up. In addition to pain, the joints also experience swelling and feel stiff. Usually, the affected part is the wrist, knuckles, and fingers. Joint pain in lupus generally only appears on one side of the hand.

In addition, the swelling and pain tend to come and go, not getting worse from day to day like rheumatism.

3. Chest pain

Lupus can trigger inflammation of the membranes lining the lungs and heart. As a result, people who suffer from lupus will feel chest pain and shortness of breath.

4. Easily tired

Lupus is a disease that can cause interference with blood cells. For example, the number of white blood cells that are too low, blood platelets that are too low, or red blood cells that are too low to cause anemia.

As a result, the body becomes easily tired and less excited. Not only that, but the body affected by lupus is also more easily fatigued because various organs of your body begin to function disrupted.

5. Kidney problems

The kidney becomes one of the body's organs that can experience complications due to lupus. Experts think this is associated with antibody cells that are supposed to protect the body instead to attack the body, one of which is the kidneys. This condition sometimes results in permanent damage to the kidneys.

One of the symptoms of lupus that causes kidney problems, including weight gain, swollen ankles, high blood pressure, and decreased kidney function.

6. Mental disorders and brain function

If someone has lupus, the central nervous system will be disrupted. This condition causes various mental problems such as depression, anxiety, fear, to unwarranted confusion.

Not only that, but lupus can also attack the brain which can cause a person to become seizures and memory loss for a while. Therefore, if you experience this accompanied by other symptoms of lupus, immediately consult a doctor to ascertain the cause.

7. Fever

People affected by lupus often have a fever that is usually more than 38 degrees Celsius. This occurs in the body's response to inflammation and infection.

Therefore, body temperature will increase above normal. If the fever does not go down for days, you need to immediately see a doctor ask for a proper diagnosis of your current condition.

8. Weight loss suddenly

Sudden weight loss for no apparent reason can be a sign of serious illness. In lupus, this is caused by a compromised immune system which ultimately affects certain thyroid and hormones.

As a result, you can lose a few pounds without any apparent reason.



Anti-Inflammatory Diet to Heal Gut Issues

Research shows that a healthy, unprocessed diet is very important for managing lupus because it helps control inflammation stemming from poor gut health, reduces the risk for complications like heart disease, helps build strength and energy, and reduces side effects of medications. 

The best foods for lupus include:

  • Organic, unprocessed foods: help reduce exposure to synthetic additives, toxins or pesticides in non-organic foods
  • Raw vegetables: promote an alkaline body, reduce inflammation and improve digestion
  • Wild-caught fish: provide omega-3 fats to help reduce inflammation, the risk for heart disease, and pain. Sources include salmon, sardines, herring, mackerel, tuna, and halibut.
  • High-antioxidant foods (vegetables and fruit): include leafy greens, garlic, onions, asparagus, avocado, and berries. These foods are high in fiber, vitamin C, selenium, magnesium, and potassium to help prevent free radical damage, repair possible damage to the joints, and lower fatigue.
  • Bone broth: can reduce autoimmune and inflammatory symptoms that are associated with lupus. Consume eight to 16 ounces of bone broth daily as a beverage or as part of a soup.

Certain foods can also help relieve skin irritation and dryness that’s very commonly associated with lupus. Foods to help moisturize skin from the inside out include:

  • Avocado
  • Nuts and seeds like chia, flax, walnuts, and almonds (also great sources of fiber and omega-3s)
  • Coconut oil and olive oil
  • Wild-caught fish
  • Raw milk
  • Cucumbers and melon
  • Drinking plenty of water and herbal tea and green tea



According to a study published in the Journal of the Arthritis Health Professionals Association, getting regular exercise is important to treat lupus for many reasons. Exercise lowers stress, helps with sleep quality, makes your heart and lungs stronger, strengthens bones, lowers joint pain, improves flexibility and range of motion, and lowers risk for complications. Research done by the National Institute of Physical Activity and Sport Science in Spain has found that “a physical exercise is a useful tool for improving cardiovascular fitness, reducing metabolic abnormalities and fatigue, and improving quality of life in people with lupus.” This means you can add lupus treatment to the list of exercise benefits.

Because lupus can cause chronic fatigue, electrolyte imbalances, and anemia, it’s crucial to start slowly and not overexert yourself. Give yourself enough rest between workouts to recover and eat within a short window after exercising. Activities that can be beneficial for people with lupus include about 20–30 minutes of the following exercises at once: brisk walking, swimming, water aerobics, tai chi, yoga, cycling, Pilates, or using an elliptical machine.


Stress Reduction

Research shows that psychological and emotional stress can set off lupus (and other autoimmune diseases) or bring about a lupus flare-up by increasing inflammatory responses. Systemic lupus erythematosus can also be very unpredictable and cause changes to the central nervous system, which leads to severe psychological distress and anxiety. 

Different stress relievers work for different people, so keep in mind this might take some experimenting. Many people have found meditation, yoga, and acupuncture to be treatment modalities worth considering since they have numerous benefits for both body and mind. Other ways to help manage stress include spending time in nature, breathing techniques, exercising, praying, keeping a journal, reading, joining a support group, seeing a therapist, and using essential oils for anxiety.


To get more information on this product click here. Or contact on-call/WhatsApp: +22990431725

Food to treat sperm morphology

By On 14/07/2020

What is sperm morphology?

Men do not like to admit that they may have infertility in marriage. But the statistics are cruel - about 40% of infertile couples who have tried unsuccessfully for three or more years to become pregnant deal with male infertility.

Therefore, if you go to the doctor with complaints that your child is not working, a full and detailed examination is recommended not only of the woman but also of her partner. The main diagnostic method for the stronger sex is the spermogram. This study assesses the number of male heart species, their motility, structural properties and other parameters important for successful fertilization.

Morphological examination of sperm is one of the important components of a complete diagnosis. Without it, the picture of sperm processes is inaccurate and incomplete. Sperm morphology is performed microscopically. Thanks to modern precision equipment, the doctor distributes all living and theoretically able sperm to become normal and pathological. There are several methods for assessing the morphological characteristics of Zinger. The most common is a study of the so-called Kruger strict criteria.



How do you test the sperm?

According to Kruger, sperm are tested for fitness. Breastfeeding, as you know, requires only one healthy and normal sperm, which can penetrate the egg. But when there are more such healthy cells, the chances of having a child increase.

The Krueger scoring system involves selecting cells according to the following parameters:

  • head width and shape;
  • sperm neck width;
  • tail shape and length;
  • tail, middle and head ratio;
  • germ cell cytoplasmic membrane condition;
  • other structural properties.

In summary, the Kruger fertility index is always shown. It is expressed as a percentage, and decoding is not even difficult for people who are far from drugs.

If the cryogenic activity index is shown to be 22%, this means that 22% of the morphologically perfect sperm cathodes were found in the semen sample submitted for analysis. These were the ones who were strictly selected by existing standards and ready for fertilization.

In these cases, the morphology of a single sperm is not sufficient to determine the true causes of male infertility. Survey indicators may be normal and the concept cannot yet be achieved.

In order to make the picture more complete, the man may also recommend a so-called mar test.

This is an immunological study that shows whether these morphologically ideal sperm are exposed to antibodies.

There are other experiments:

  • The EMIS test makes it possible to assess the functional capacity of male heart meat;
  • sperm biochemistry identifies and corrects errors in male metabolism;
  • DNA fragmentation allows you to genetically evaluate sperm.



African doctor natural remedy for oligospermia and oligozoospermia

Oligospermia remedy

Oligospermia is a disease that is characterized by a reduced number of spermatozoids released during ejaculation. That condition is associated with several cases of infertility. Proviron and vitamin E are sometimes prescribed by a specialist to treat oligospermia. It may work for some but not for everybody. Our natural treatment is safe and highly effective. Don't let your couple be devastated by oligospermia anymore. Our remedy is the solution for you to regain your fertility. It is a herb-based treatment that will stimulate spermatogenesis and will allow having more spermatozoid in the ejaculate.

To get access to our natural treatment for oligospermia and oligozoospermia click here!
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Normal indicators of sperm morphology

In general, a man is considered to be naturally capable in its natural state without the intervention of reproductive techniques if:

  • its spermagram contains approximately 20-40 million individuals;
  • the total amount of semen is at least 2 milliliters;
  • sperm which are motile and active, in an amount of at least 25%;
  • if the number of sperm that is not "torn" but moves directly to the target is at least 50% in the straight path.

This is considered a good sign if at least 15% of healthy, morphologically correct sperm are found in the spermogram.

The morphological evaluation includes analysis of the structure of germ cells. The criteria for strict Krüger even take into account boundary parameters, which several other methods call normal variants, such as pathology. Even the smallest discrepancy between sperm and the standard immediately leads to the rejection of that cell.

The ideal sperm must meet several important criteria. Here they are:

  • Head Sperm with normal head morphology always have one head, not two or more. The shape of the head is strictly oval. At least half of the main area should be an acrosome - a small space, an organoid. The normal width of the head is 2.5-3.5 μm, the normal length is considered to be in the range of 4-5.5 μm.
  • Kael. This part of male reproductive cells must not exceed 1 micron in width. The length of the neck should ideally be equal to a value not exceeding the length of one and a half heads. The neck should be at a 90-degree angle to the head, correctly, without visible curves. The neck should be flat.
  • Tail This part of the germ cell should occupy 90% of the total sperm size. The tail should be flat, not convex, not twisted, without tubercles, nodules. It decreases slightly and sharp at the end. In the case of the head, the tail should be 9-10 times larger. The tail of healthy sperm is only one, not two, not three.



What affects sperm quality?

Many factors can affect the functioning of the male reproductive system. The main thing is stress. It is noted that by monitoring the daily regimen, increasing physical activity and minimizing the impact of harmful factors on the body, the quality of semen gradually improves. Doctors associate this with the ability of the human body to heal. To this end, they recommend:

  • Choose a living environment with a normal environmental situation.
  • Keep track of the day mode. 
  • Give up any bad habits.
  • Pay attention to the quality of the food.
  • Active lifestyle and regular exercise.

Following these rules will help to restore sperm indicators in a short period of time, which may include some abnormalities during decoding. If the negative change in sperm was caused by a change in the man's hormonal background, the doctor will order him to take certain medicines that can restore the situation quickly.




Food that helps to shrink sperm morphology 

Fruits and vegetables

How to rid fruits and vegetables of coronavirus? - The Week

Fruits and vegetables have a profound effect on the health of sperm. Eating omega-3 polyunsaturated fats can improve sperm quality. Parenting is something that not only must the mother prepare for, fathers have an equally important role to play. Infertility is on the rise in modern India. According to statistics, infertility has increased by almost 20 to 30% in the past five years. In men, the quality of the sperm is the main reason for the failure of the impregnation of the partner. Common reasons for male infertility are low sperm count (oligospermia), low sperm motility (asthenospermia), and abnormal sperm morphology (teratospermia). The exact reason for the decline in sperm quality is unclear, but the environmental, nutritional, socio-economic and other factors to appear with recent research.


Stock up on fruits and vegetables

15 Long-Lasting Fresh Fruits And Vegetables You Can Stock Up On
A study by Harvard University found that eating yellow and orange fruits and vegetables had a profound effect on the health of sperm. The yellow and orange color of fruits and vegetables is due to "carotenoids", including beta-carotene which is converted to vitamin A in the body. It is one of the most powerful antioxidants. Sweet potatoes and melons improve both the quantity and quality of sperm, while red vegetables, especially tomatoes, which contain lycopene, improve the amount of abnormally shaped sperm by 8-10%. The hero here was the carrot which increased the motility of the sperm, thereby improving his chances of reaching the egg.


Control cholesterol

3 diet changes to help lower cholesterol levels - Harvard Health
Couples with high cholesterol levels take longer to conceive. A study published in the Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism concluded that couples or one of the partners with high cholesterol had difficulty conceiving compared to other couples. Another longitudinal study on fertility and the environment (LIFE) found that possibly high levels of total cholesterol and free cholesterol are associated with a significantly lower percentage of sperm. So, incorporate these whole grain fibers, whole fruits, and lean vegetable proteins into your daily diet and monitor your lipid profile. Whole grain fibers control your lipid profile. 


Cut saturated fat

Eating Right: Cut the saturated fats - Chicago Sun-Times
Saturated fats not only have a detrimental effect on your heart and waist but are also major contributing factors to low sperm counts. A Harvard study linked saturated fat intake to sperm count, suggesting that even a 5% increase in saturated fat intake could lead to a decrease in sperm count. Researchers at Massachusetts General Hospital, Brigham and Women's Hospital, and Harvard Medical School have found that while eating large amounts of saturated fat decreases sperm count and concentration, eating omega-3 polyunsaturated fats improves actually the quality of the sperm. So, savor salmon, almonds, nuts, and chia seeds.



Protect yourself against oxidative stress (OS):

OS is directly linked to cell damage caused by free radicals called reactive oxygen species (ROS). Small amounts of ROS are necessary for the functioning of sperm, but when their number increases and our antioxidant defenses are exceeded, the quality of sperm can be seriously affected. Sperm are unable to repair damage from the bone because they lack the necessary repair systems. Vitamins E, C and carotenoids (vitamin A) are known to neutralize ROS, protecting sperm. Although supplements under the guidance of the doctor can be used when needed, prevention of ROS buildup can be achieved by following a healthy lifestyle, including quitting smoking, avoiding alcohol, and eating fresh fruits and vegetables every day. The World Health Organization and all health advisories recommend five servings of seasonal fruits and vegetables daily.


To get access to our natural treatment for oligospermia and oligozoospermia click here!
Phone / whatsapp: +22990431725


5 Natural Juices To Treat Testicular Hydrocele

5 Natural Juices To Treat Testicular Hydrocele

By On 14/07/2020

Does Hydrocele change the quality of sperm?


On the norm, the answer is NO. A hydrocele typically isn't dangerous and usually doesn't affect fertility. But a hydrocele might be associated with an underlying testicular condition that can cause serious complications, including Infection or tumor. Either might reduce sperm production or function.

Hydrocele, an accumulation of fluid in the scrotum that causes it to swell, is one of the chronic manifestations of LF among men and there are about 27 million men with hydrocele worldwide.



  1. Brief description of the disease
  2. Treatment of testicular hydrocele
  3. Herbal tea for hydrocele
  4. Hydrocele treatment with decoctions and infusions
  5. Juices for the treatment of dropsy of the testicle
  6. Testicular dropsy massage


The Dropsy of the testicle is a pathological formation. A hydrocele is a disease in which the cavity between the membranes inside the testicle is filled with fluid. If this problem is found, you must consult a doctor who will prescribe treatment. In the early stages, it is recommended to supplement the treatment of dropsy of the testicle in men with folk remedies.


Brief description of the disease

Most often, dropsy of the testis is diagnosed in boys during the neonatal period, because the abdominal lumen is not overgrown, by which the testicle is lowered into the scrotum, through which fluid enters the testicle.

In this case, dropsy passes on its own and does not require treatment. In men, the occurrence of testicular dropsy is a consequence of inflammatory diseases of the scrotum, hormonal disruptions, and trauma to the testicles.

Sometimes hydrocele leads to a cyst of the spermatic cord - the accumulation of fluid above the testicle in the spermatic cord.

With the accumulation of serous fluid in the testicles, the scrotum increases in size, discomfort occurs, which increases with movement. Sometimes body temperature may rise.



Treatment of testicular hydrocele

Treatment of dropsy of the testicle without surgery in men includes many methods using traditional medicine. All components can be purchased at the pharmacy or prepared independently and, following recipes, get rid of the disease.



African medicinal plants for hydrocele

Male infertility
The home remedy for testicular hydrocele that we offer is effective, fast, long-lasting and above all, it will save you from having to have an operation. Is composed of two elements: a herbal tea and an ointment. The combined action of the powder and ointment is very effective. It results in the efficient absorption of all the liquid contained in the scrotum. Thus, the first effects will be felt very quickly. Consequently, you will notice that gradually your testicles will return to normal. It is the perfect solution for those who want to avoid surgery

To discover our natural remedy for hydrocele, click here!
Contact/WhatsApp: +22990431725



Hydrocele treatment with decoctions and infusions

An infusion of sweet clover and colts foot will help to cure the dropsy of the testicle. For cooking, you will need 10 g of each herb and 300 ml of boiled water, which is filled with medicinal plants. Insist until cool. Take 30 g five times a day.



Juices for the treatment of dropsy of the testicle

Folk remedies, like vegetable juices, are widely used to treat dropsy of the testicle and to strengthen immunity:

  1. Pumpkin juice and pumpkin help remove excess fluid from the body. Drinking 100 ml of juice daily is recommended.
  2. Onion juice is useful as an anti-inflammatory and decongestant. To obtain it, you need to chop onions and sprinkle with sugar, hold for a day in the refrigerator. Received juice to take 2 tbsp. l in the morning on an empty stomach.
  3. Honey with the addition of radish will help to cope with the disease and is a preventive measure. To prepare the drink you will need a large root vegetable radish and 1 tbsp. l honey. In the radish, you need to make a hole and add honey, put in the refrigerator in a saucepan for a day. Received radish juice with honey is used for 1 tbsp. l before each meal.
  4. Cucumber juice will help relieve puffiness and remove papillary pus. You can add carrot or beet juice.
  5. Viburnum juice. Rinse the berries and squeeze the juice, add honey. Take in a warm form.



Testicular dropsy massage

Men, Ice Your Balls To Make Babies—and Other Male Fertility Fixes

Effective massage with dropsy of the testicle. It is necessary to do it in a warm bath or by immersing the scrotum in a basin with warm water. Use three fingers to massage until the testicle swells. The procedure can be performed several times a day.

You can massage the testicle with a tincture of Kalanchoe leaves. For the treatment of dropsy of the testis, it is recommended to massage with baby cream and tincture of calendula. Mix the ingredients in equal proportions and rub overnight daily for a month.

Hydrocele or dropsy of the testis in men can be cured using traditional medicine. To do this, you need to do lotions and massage, drink decoctions, infusions and juices. However, before treatment with folk remedies, it is necessary to consult a doctor.

To discover our natural remedy for hydrocele, click here!
Or contact/WhatsApp: +22990431725
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By On 14/07/2020


Diabetes is sometimes called juvenile diabetes, or insulin-dependent diabetes. It means that your body can't make insulin. Insulin helps your body turn the sugar from the food you eat into a source of energy. Type 1 occurs more frequently in children and young adults but accounts for only 5-10% of the total diabetes cases nationwide.

Diabetes results when insulin production is defective and tissue resistance to insulin develops. For many persons with Type-2 diabetes, daily insulin supplementation is not required. Diabetes is managed by making moderate changes in diet and exercise. Of the nearly 16 million Americans with diabetes, 90-95% (14.9 million) have Type-2 diabetes. Of these, roughly a third are unaware they have the disease.



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The herbal tea for diabetes we propose is made from the perfect combination of African herbs that help reduce sugar level. This herbal tea not only reduces sugar but also helps reduce the risk of cancer development. It will not completely take your diabetes away, but it will help you forget you had it. Hence, this is the best cure for you if you have diabetes. 

If you have diabetes do not hesitate to take advantage of this herbal tea for diabetes!!  Click here




Home Remedies For Diabetes

Cinanmon #cinamon | Spices, Cinnamon sticks, Food

Healthy herbs in the kitchen work along with a healthy lifestyle to help prevent and manage diabetes. Baked goods are more diabetic friendly with spices like cinnamon used to lessen the need for sugar. Cinnamon can aid in regulating the activity of insulin, and so help in blood sugar control. Remember that the cinnamon powder that is on the grocery shelves is much too old to have much if any medicinal value, and it is not very feasible to use a therapeutic amount in your cooking and baking. Use high quality, organic cinnamon in supplements, and herbal teas to reap the medicinal benefits. Even better you can replace the sugar in many recipes with herbal stevia In a small study the active component of stevia, markedly lowered blood sugar levels in 16 healthy adults, suggesting a possible therapeutic use for diabetes.

Herbo Nutra Bitter Melon Extract, Packaging Size: 5 Kg, Packaging ...

Almond flour contains practically no starch and is often used to replace wheat flour in diabetic baked goods. Several clinical trials have shown that bitter melon extract and juice lower blood sugar in people with type 1 or type 2 diabetes. bitter melon contains compounds that are close chemical relatives of insulin. Asian markets often carry fresh bitter melon which can be used in cooking. Dried bitter melon slices can be made into teas and extracts and are available online. Burdock roots are another import from Asia that can be used in healthy stir-fries, look for Go Bo root at the Asian market. Burdock tinctures and extracts made from burdock roots are the most common form of diabetic herbal therapy using burdock. Inulin, a starch easily assimilated by diabetics, is one of the important constituents of burdock. The fibrous root helps to slow down the absorption of sugars in the intestine.

Dandelion Root Benefits, Uses and Side Effects - Dr. Axe

Dietary fiber, as well as the mucilage found in slippery elm (Ulmus fulva) and psyllium (Plantago spp.), can also be of help in regulating blood sugar levels. Dandelion root also contains inulin and works in a similar fashion as burdock, the roasted, dried root makes a tasty coffee-like drink. This doesn't mean coffee lovers have to give up on their morning cup of joe. A new study published by the American Medical Association showed that daily consumption of caffeinated coffee and tea lowered the likelihood of developing type 2 diabetes.


Fenugreek | HerbaZest

For more finely controlling blood sugar levels, herbs such as goat's rue, fenugreek, and the Ayurvedic herb Gymnema Sylvestre can be used. Practitioners of Ayurvedic medicine report that jambul fruit pulp lowers blood-sugar levels in approximately thirty minutes, while jambul seed lowers blood-sugar levels in about twenty-four hours. You may have trouble seeking out a good source to purchase this herb here in the US, however. Licorice, Chinese skullcap (Scutellaria baicalensis), and Ginkgo Biloba can be used to inhibit the activity of the enzyme aldose reductase.

Botanicals can be used along with modern medicinal therapy with managing diabetes, however, if you are currently taking insulin or hypoglycemic drugs monitor your blood sugar levels closely and always confer with your doctor about any new herbal treatment.


If you have diabetes do not hesitate to take advantage of this herbal tea for diabetes!!  Click here




By On 14/07/2020




Chronic renal failure is a slowly worsening loss of the ability of the kidneys to remove wastes, concentrate urine, and conserve electrolytes.

Chronic kidney disease (CKD), also known as chronic renal disease, is a progressive loss of renal function over a period of months or years. The symptoms of worsening kidney function are unspecific and might include feeling generally unwell and experiencing a reduced appetite. Often, chronic kidney disease is diagnosed as a result of screening of people known to be at risk of kidney problems, such as those with high blood pressure or diabetes and those with a blood relative with chronic kidney disease. Chronic kidney disease may also be identified when it leads to one of its recognized complications, such as cardiovascular disease, anemia, or pericarditis.

Chronic kidney disease is identified by a blood test for creatinine. Higher levels of creatinine indicate a falling glomerular filtration rate (the rate at which the kidneys filter blood) and as a result a decreased capability of the kidneys to excrete waste products. Creatinine levels may be normal in the early stages of CKD, and the condition is discovered if urinalysis (testing of a urine sample) shows that the kidney is allowing the loss of protein or red blood cells into the urine. To fully investigate the underlying cause of kidney damage, various forms of medical imaging, blood tests, and often renal biopsy (removing a small sample of kidney tissue) are employed to find out if there is a reversible cause for the kidney malfunction.

Recent professional guidelines classify the severity of chronic kidney disease in five stages, with stage 1 being the mildest and usually causing few symptoms and stage 5 being a severe illness with poor life expectancy if untreated. Stage 5 CKD is also called established chronic kidney disease and is synonymous with the now outdated terms end-stage renal disease (ESRD), chronic kidney failure (CKF), or chronic renal failure (CRF).




The natural treatment for curing kidney failure is herbal tea. Herbal tea is a very effective natural remedy for cleansing the kidneys and removing kidney stones. It has already proven its effectiveness with dozens of cases of renal failure cured. This natural remedy is rich in minerals, proteins, vitamins, and has diuretic properties, thus helping to promote kidney health and treat your kidney failure. This is very useful for increasing urine production and excretion. Also, our herbal tea has antioxidant and diuretic properties facilitating the regeneration of damaged kidney tissue, this will make your kidneys work better. Finally, our herbal tea is rich in plants that fight diabetes, obesity, and high blood pressure. When you know that these are the main causes of kidney failure, it reassures you right away. This natural remedy is a quick fix for curing kidney failure.

Click here to find out more how to cure kidney failure naturally





Grape seed extract: This extract is a very powerful antioxidant which helps in maintaining blood pressure.

Soy protein: Soy protein can be used in various foods and it is very beneficial for CRF.

Apples: Eat 2-3 apples every day as it is a good remedy for CRF.

Watermelon: If it is eaten as a fruit or taken as a juice, it is very useful in curing this disorder.

Basil: One teaspoon of basil juice and honey should be taken daily for six months. This is very beneficial for CRF.

Pumpkin: The seed extracts of pumpkin are found to be a very useful remedy for treating this kidney failure.

Burdock: The extracts of the burdock root are helpful in curing this disorder.

Yoga: Certain yoga asanas like pavanmuktasana, uttanpadasana, bhujangasana, and halasana are also beneficial home remedies for renal failure.

Diet: Limit the amount of protein in your diet and choose foods that have lower amounts of potassium like cabbage, green beans, tomatoes, strawberries, carrots, potatoes, bananas, and oranges. Lower the amount of salt in your foods and eat a healthy diet. Try to maintain a normal routine by doing those activities that you enjoy.


What can you do for your kidneys?


Kidney diseases are silent killers, which can largely affect your quality of life. There are several ways to reduce the risk of developing kidney disease.

Keep fit, Be active

This can help to maintain ideal body weight, reduce your blood pressure, and the risk of Chronic Kidney Disease.


Eat a healthy diet

This can help to maintain ideal body weight, reduce your blood pressure, prevent diabetes, heart disease, and other conditions associated with Chronic Kidney Disease.

Reduce your salt intake. The recommended sodium intake is 5-6 grams of salt per day. This includes the salt already in your foods. (around a teaspoon). To reduce your salt intake, try and limit the amount of processed and restaurant food, and do not add salt to food. It will be easier to control your salt intake if you prepare the food yourself with fresh ingredients.

Check and control your blood sugar

About half of people who have diabetes do not know they have diabetes. Therefore, you need to check your blood sugar level as part of your general body checkup. This is especially important for those who are approaching middle age or older. About half of people who have diabetes develop kidney damage, but this can be prevented/ limited if the diabetes is well controlled. Check your kidney function regularly with blood and urine tests.

Check and control your blood pressure

About half of people who have high blood pressure do not know they have high blood pressure. Therefore, you need to check your blood pressure as part of your general body checkup. This is especially important for those who are approaching middle age or older. High blood pressure can damage your kidneys. This is especially likely when associated with other factors like diabetes, high cholesterol, and Cardio-Vascular Diseases. The risk can be reduced with good control of blood pressure.


Take the appropriate fluid intake

The right level of fluid intake for any individual depends on many factors including exercise, climate, health conditions, pregnancy, and breastfeeding.

Normally this means 8 cups, approximately 2 liters (quarts) per day for a healthy person in a comfortable climate condition.

This needs to be adjusted when in severe climate conditions. Your fluid intake may need to be adjusted if you have kidney or heart or liver disease. Consult your doctor on the appropriate fluid intake for your condition.

Don’t smoke

Smoking slows the flow of blood to the kidneys. When less blood reaches the kidneys, it can decrease their ability to function normally. Smoking also increases the risk of kidney cancer by about 50 percent.

Don’t take over-the-counter anti-inflammatory/pain-killer pills regularly

Common drugs such as non-steroidal anti-inflammatory (NSAIDS)/ pain-killer (e.g. drugs like ibuprofen) can harm the kidneys if taken regularly.

If you have kidney disease or decreased kidney function, taking just a few doses can do harm to your kidneys. If in doubt, check with your doctor or pharmacist.


Get your kidney function checked if you have one or more of the ‘high risk’ factors

  • you have diabetes
  • you have hypertension
  • you are obese
  • you have a family history of kidney disease

Click here to find out more how to cure kidney failure naturally


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