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stephany By On 07/08/2020 at 12:28

HIV / AIDS: you need to know

HIV/AIDS: Signs, Symptoms, Causes, Treatments, and much more.

Today it is difficult to meet a person who has not heard about HIV and AIDS. The majority, however, are sure that this problem does not concern them and will never affect them. For such confidence to be justified, in order to be able to reliably protect yourself and your loved ones, you need to know what HIV infection is today, in the 21st century. HOWEVER, we will also let you on our latest discovery on the natural cure for HIV/AIDS.



What is HIV?

hiv and black seed

HIV (Human Immunodeficiency Virus) is one of the most dangerous viruses for humans. It affects the immune system, the main task of which is to protect our body from infections.

A few weeks after infection, the symptoms of the disease develop - the temperature rises, the lymph nodes increase, a sore throat, red spots on the skin, and diarrhea appear. An incomprehensible malaise quickly passes, and sometimes mild symptoms of the disease go completely unnoticed.

For several years the virus leads a "quiet" life, not "annoying" a person. But all this time, he tirelessly destroys the immune system, multiplying at the expense of its main cells - lymphocytes. Externally, HIV infection can manifest itself only by an increase in lymph nodes. HOWEVER, we will also let you on our latest discovery on the natural cure for HIV/AIDS.




Miracle Solution against HIV/AIDS: Jatropha curcas and cassava extracts

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This new treatment is the new game-changer for HIV / AIDS around the world; red jatropha and cassava to the rescue of humanity. This natural cure for HIV/AIDS has proven very effective to many.
Thanks to these plants, in Africa, AIDS no longer seems to be an incurable disease. The experts of herbal medicine from Africa have these plants to be the cure for AIDS. With the help of this miracle solution, you can say goodbye to AIDS. From the first month, you will notice a significant relief marked the gradual disappearance of the most important symptoms. This treatment is the best natural solution if you want to lead a normal life and grow old despite your HIV positive status. FIND OUT MORE ABOUT THIS NATIVE TREATMENT.

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To order or get more information; you can contact our experts on + 229 62 79 67 67 direct line or by WhatsApp at the same number.




What is the connection between HIV - infection, and AIDS?

AIDS (Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome) is the final and most severe stage of HIV infection. The devastating effect that HIV has on the human immune system for several years leads to the development of immunodeficiency. This means that any infections, viruses, and diseases no longer meet "rebuff" on their way, and the body is no longer able to fight them. An AIDS patient develops many serious illnesses from which he ultimately dies.



Where did the virus come from?

Explainer: Where and when did HIV begin? | Science News for Students


Unfortunately, there is no definite answer to this question. There are only hypotheses. Each of them has its own rationale, but in the scientific world they all continue to be only assumptions - possible and for someone very controversial versions of what happened.

The very first hypothesis of the origin of HIV is associated with monkeys. It was expressed more than 20 years ago by the American researcher B. Corbett. According to this scientist, HIV first entered human blood in the 1930s from chimpanzees - possibly through an animal bite or during the process of butchering a carcass. There are serious arguments in favor of this version. One of them is that a rare virus was actually found in the blood of chimpanzees, capable of causing a condition similar to AIDS when it enters the human body.

According to another researcher, Professor R. Garry, AIDS is much older: its history goes back from 100 to 1000 years. One of the most serious arguments supporting this hypothesis - Kaposi's sarcoma, described at the beginning of the 20th century by the Hungarian physician Kaposi as "a rare form of malignant neoplasm", testified to the presence of an immunodeficiency virus in the patient.

Many scientists consider Central Africa to be the birthplace of AIDS. This hypothesis, in turn, is divided into two versions. According to one of them, HIV has long existed in areas isolated from the outside world, for example, in tribal settlements lost in the jungle. Over time, as population migration increased, the virus broke out and began to spread rapidly. The second version is that the virus arose as a result of an increased radioactive background, which was recorded in some parts of Africa rich in uranium deposits.

Relatively recently, another hypothesis appeared, belonging to the English researcher E. Hupeor: the virus appeared in the early 50s of the twentieth century as a result of the error of scientists who worked on the creation of a vaccine against poliomyelitis. The mistake was that chimpanzee liver cells were used to make the vaccine, presumably containing a virus similar to HIV. One of the strongest arguments in favor of this hypothesis is the fact that the vaccine was tested precisely in those parts of Africa where the highest level of immunodeficiency virus infection has been registered to date.



Stages of HIV infection

Patient Experiences following Acute HIV Infection Diagnosis and ...

The incubation period of HIV infection

The period from the moment of infection to the appearance of clinical manifestations of the disease. Lasts from 2 weeks to 6 months or more. At this stage, the virus may not even be detected by testing, however, HIV infection can already be transmitted from an infected person to other people.

Stage "Primary manifestations"

This stage may be asymptomatic or be accompanied by fever, swollen lymph nodes, stomatitis, spotted rash, pharyngitis, diarrhea, enlarged spleen, and sometimes encephalitis. This usually lasts from a few days to 2 months.

Latent stage

The disease may not manifest itself in anything, but HIV continues to multiply (the concentration of HIV in the blood increases), and the body is no longer able to produce the required number of T-lymphocytes - their number is slowly decreasing. The latent stage can last from 2-3 to 20 and more years, on average - 6-7 years.

Stage of secondary diseases

Due to the ongoing active increase in the concentration of the virus in the blood and the decrease in T-lymphocytes, the patient begins to develop a variety of opportunistic diseases, which the immune system is no longer able to resist due to the rapidly decreasing number of T-lymphocytes.

Terminal stage (AIDS)

The last and final stage of HIV infection. The number of protective cells (T-lymphocytes) reaches a critically small number. The immune system can no longer resist infections and they quickly drain the body. Viruses and bacteria infect vital organs, including the musculoskeletal system, the respiratory system, digestion, and the brain. A person dies from opportunistic diseases that become irreversible. The AIDS stage lasts 1 to 3 years.



Is a medical cure for AIDS?


The average life expectancy of an HIV-infected person, if untreated, is 5-10 years. And although a "miraculous" vaccine against HIV and AIDS has not yet been found, research in this direction is progressing rapidly and quite successfully. Already, there are drugs that suppress the multiplication of the virus, prevent the disease from progressing and prevent the transition of HIV infection to the AIDS stage. Many patients who started treatment 15 years ago, when these drugs were discovered, still feel quite efficient. Attending physicians give very optimistic forecasts about their life expectancy.


Who is subject to the risk of HIV - infection?


It is widely believed in society that the main "providers" of HIV are people who practice risky lifestyles: men with non-traditional sexual orientations, injecting drug users, and persons with promiscuous sex life.

However, the face of the HIV epidemic has changed dramatically in recent years. All over the world, including in Russia, the heterosexual route of HIV transmission has become predominant.

The number of injecting drug users and people with non-traditional sexual orientation among the infected is decreasing, but the number of those infected through heterosexual contacts is increasing. The number of women living with HIV is growing at an alarming rate. As a result, there is a sharp increase in the number of children born to HIV-infected mothers.


How is HIV transmitted?


In an HIV-infected person, the concentration of the virus is highest in blood, lymph, semen, vaginal secretions, and breast milk. Therefore, HIV infection can be contracted:

  • during sexual intercourse without using a condom;
  • when using a syringe (needle, solution) used by an HIV-infected person;
  • with contaminated blood transfusion;
  • during childbirth - the child can become infected from the mother;
  • when breastfeeding a child, if the mother is a carrier of the virus.

In tears, saliva, sweat, urine, vomit, nasal discharge, HIV is contained in a very low concentration, insufficient for infection.


How is HIV NOT transmitted?


  • when shaking hands and touching;
  • with a kiss;
  • when using one dish;
  • when coughing or sneezing;
  • through bed linen or other personal items;
  • when using a public toilet;
  • through insect bites.


How to avoid getting HIV?


Despite the growing HIV epidemic, the infection can be avoided. Prevention rules are simple but reliable. To completely protect yourself from the disease, it is enough:

  • use condoms during sexual intercourse;
  • use sterile medical instruments.

HIV-positive mothers are more likely to have healthy babies if women are treated during pregnancy.



HIV and AIDS Alternative Treatments


Why do I need to know if I have HIV?


  • To relieve anxiety after a dangerous situation in terms of HIV infection;
  • In order not to infect your loved ones and people;
  • To be more attentive to your health, as any disease associated with HIV infection is more severe and requires special treatment. This is especially true for sexually transmitted infections, viral hepatitis, tuberculosis, and other diseases;
  • To start using special drugs in time to stop the development of the disease and prevent the development of AIDS;

Early detection of HIV infection allows timely initiation of treatment and significantly improves the prognosis of an HIV-infected person's life.


HIV is very dangerous, BUT it can be avoided !!! If you have it already, here is the miraculous solution you have been searching for!!




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To order or get more information; you can contact our experts on + 229 62 79 67 67 direct line or by WhatsApp at the same number.


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