Stinging nettle 1


stephany By On 13/07/2020 at 19:00

In Male Infertility

What it is?


Experts call the dropsy of the testicle a disease in which there is an accumulation of fluid in the membranes of the body. Because of this, both sides of the testis can increase. The disease causes a man severe pain, discomfort. The disease leads to weakness, dizziness. However, read to the end to discover how home remedies have helped men with hydrocele.





What are the reasons behind this ailment?

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The disease appears for the following reasons:

  • Inflammation.
  • Violation of the functioning of the genitals.
  • Scrotal injury.
  • Infections
  • Heart disease.



African medicinal plants for Hydrocele

Male infertility
The home remedy for testicular hydrocele that we offer is effective, fast, long-lasting and above all, it will save you from having to have an operation. Is composed of two elements: a herbal tea and an ointment. The combined action of the powder and ointment is very effective. It results in the efficient absorption of all the liquid contained in the scrotum. Thus, the first effects will be felt very quickly. Consequently, you will notice that gradually your testicles will return to normal. It is the perfect solution for those who want to avoid surgery


To discover our natural remedy for hydrocele, click here!
Contact/whatsapp: +22990431725




Hydrocele treatment with decoctions and infusions

Ayurveda can tackle Dengue


An infusion of sweet clover and coltsfoot will help to cure the dropsy of the testicle. For cooking, you will need 10 g of each herb and 300 ml of boiling water, which is filled with medicinal plants. Insist until cool. Take 30 g five times a day.


You can be treated with hydrocele with the help of a herbal decoction of sage, blackcurrant leaves, chamomile, and jaundice. Grind the dried grass of each component and pour boiling water. Need 2 tbsp. tablespoons of grass in 500 ml of water. Drink this broth three times a day before meals for a month. It is recommended to repeat a week after a course of treatment.


Bearberry leaves are an excellent medicinal herb for preparing a decoction, which should be taken 1 l. every day in five sets. The broth should be drunk warm. For one day of treatment, 1 liter is required. cold water and 100 g of leaves that are infused at night.



Another traditional way to get rid of the dropsy of the testicles is a decoction of the elderberry bark. For harvesting, you will need a young bark (20 g), which must be crushed and filled with 1 liter. boiling water. After placing in the oven and simmer for 5-6 hours. Drink broth every 30 minutes for 100 g. Elderberry bark will turn out to be an effective remedy if you insist on alcohol.

50 g horseradish pour juice of one lemon, insist and drink daily for 2 tsp. on an empty stomach. Also useful is the infusion of birch leaves and buds, which are taken in a ratio of 2: 1. Pour the mixture with 500 ml of boiling water, insist. Take 100 ml twice a day.


There is another recipe that means treatment with chamomile flowers. It is advisable to collect the plants yourself. Rinse the flowers with cold water and grind with a blender. Next, the resulting mass is laid out on a gauze bandage, which is applied to the affected area several times a day.



Another recipe involves the purchase of baby cream and tincture of calendula. You need to mix them in equal proportions. The resulting ointment is rubbed into the affected area once a day before bedtime. The treatment takes at least a month.


Another remedy involves the use of peas as the main ingredient, but it also has something that may seem strange to those who adhere to the methods of traditional medicine in the treatment. You should take half a large spoon and fill it with half a liter of quality beer, mostly light. Such a tool needs to be insisted for several hours. The container is then put on slow fire, where it must be kept for at least half an hour. When the broth cools down, you can start treatment. Having moistened a gauze bandage in it, you need to attach it to the place where dropsy develops. It is important to fix the bandage on the affected area. The procedure is shown to be repeated twice a day, after waking up and before bedtime. It is necessary to be treated with such lotions for at least a month.



Patient Testimonials


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Maxim, 35 years old: “Recently I began to notice that the scrotum has increased. There was pain, a burning sensation. I did not know how to deal with this, so I turned to a specialist. The doctor said that I have dropsy of the testicle.

He advised a folk remedy from blueberry leaves. At first, I did not believe that this would help me, but after five days the inflammation disappeared. It has been several days and health has recovered. I am very grateful for this medicine. ”


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Dimitry, 30 years old: “I was very scared when the scrotum increased in size. I felt pain, burning. I realized that something needs to be done, so I went to the doctor's. He said that I have dropsy of testicles. I was recommended to use parsley medicine. Prepared and applied, as stated in the instructions. It recovered in ten days. "


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Muslan, 34 years old: “For pain in the scrotum, I immediately went to the doctor. It turned out that I had dropsy of the testicles. The pain was unbearable, the discomfort did not allow to work normally.

At the hospital, I was advised to use a pea compress. Used the medicine, as stated in the instructions. The pains passed after three days, a few days later I managed to recover.

I am very grateful for this medicine. Nature has blessed me with an amazing gift, a chance to a peaceful home ” 



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To discover our natural remedy for hydrocele, click here!
Contact/whatsapp: +22990431725


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