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Herbal Remedies To Treat Oligospermia

By On 13/07/2020 at 17:54

In Male Infertility

How can I improve my sperm quality? 

Many men ask themselves. The question becomes particularly pressing when there is an unfulfilled desire to have children, when no, too few, too slow, or malformed sperm can be found in the semen. But can you really improve sperm quality? Read here what harms sperm quality, how you can possibly stimulate sperm production and why sometimes only one operation helps.

How to increase your sperm count and keep it up: lots of great sex ...



What is wrong with the sperm?

If you want to improve sperm quality, you should first know where your sperm is failing. Based on the vitality, mobility (motility) and appearance (morphology) of the sperm, doctors can assess the sperm quality and ultimately the fertility (fertility) of the man.

They should be fast, get on well, be well-formed and swim around in sufficient numbers. With less than 20 million sperm cells per milliliter of seminal fluid, male fertility is considered to be restricted (oligospermia). Slow sperm is an asthenozoospermia, malformed one is a teratozoospermia. If a combination of the three criteria lies, doctors speak of oligoasthenoteratozoospermia (OAT). With azoospermia, no sperm are found in the ejaculate.


What harms sperm quality?

Numerous external factors are suspected of affecting male fertility: for example sauna, cycling, cell phone radiation or seat heating in the car? The data situation is inconsistent and the influence of each individual factor cannot be assessed beyond doubt. The following points may stand in the way of improving sperm quality.


The best production temperature for sperm is a few degrees below body temperature. The veins of the testicles provide cooling. If the testicles are stuck in tight pants or through a lot of sitting, the cooling system may no longer work optimally. Even after a febrile illness, the spermiogram can be worse.

Way of life

An unhealthy lifestyle can affect the spermiogram: excessive consumption of nicotine, alcohol or drugs (marijuana) reduces the number of sperm. Stress may also harm: If the stress hormone prolactin increases, this can disrupt sperm production. Also, obesity and a poor diet are suspected restrict the functionality of the sperm.

Environmental influences and pollutants

Fertility-damaging chemicals and pollutants include plasticizers and pesticides (pesticides) as well as polychlorinated biphenyls, plant substances and hormones enriched in the environment.


Taking anabolic steroids to build muscle, but also antibiotics, antidepressants, blood pressure and gastrointestinal agents have a negative impact on sperm quality.


Mumps ( mumps orchitis), infection with chlamydia, bacteria in the ejaculate, congenital malformation (e.g. undescended testicles ), hormone deficiency, genetic abnormalities (e.g. Klinefelter syndrome ), tumor diseases as well as operations and injuries may result in poor semen quality or block transport routes.


Age is also a limiting factor for men. From the age of 40 the semen quality slowly decreases, the sperm become slower, less and collect more chromosome damage or genetic defects.


African doctor natural remedy for oligospermia and oligozoospermia

Oligospermia remedy

Oligospermia is a disease that is characterized by a reduced number of spermatozoids released during ejaculation. That condition is associated with several cases of infertility. Proviron and vitamine E are sometimes prescribed by specialist to treat oligospermia. It may work for some but not for everybody. Our natural treatment is safe and highly effective. Don't let your couple be devastated by oligospermia anymore. Our remedy is the solution for you to regain your fertility. It is a herb-based treatment that will stimulate spermatogenesis and will allow to have more spermatozoid in the ejaculate.

To get access to our natural treatment for oligospermia and oligozoospermia click here!
Phone / whatsapp: +22990431725




Improve sperm quality with maca?

The Benefits of Maca for Male Fertility -

The maca plant ( Lepidium meyenii ), a medicinal plant from the Andes, is said to promote fertility and libido and improve sperm quality. You can buy them in this country as a tablet or powder. In a Peruvian study, the amount and mobility of sperm increased in men who had taken between 1.5 and 3 grams of MACA daily as a tablet for four months. Due to the limited data available, the Federal Institute for Risk Assessment cannot say how much maca-containing dietary supplements you can safely consume.


Improve sperm quality with these tips

Especially with a mediocre spermiogram, it is advisable to check the current lifestyle and try a few things. Perhaps you can improve sperm production and increase sperm count until the next examination.

Improving sperm quality can possibly succeed with the following tips:

  • Moderate alcohol consumption
  • Refrain from nicotine, drugs or anabolic steroids
  • Check medication intake and possibly discontinue after consultation with a doctor
  • Diet rich in vitamins and minerals: lots of fruits, vegetables (from organic cultivation for less pesticide exposure), whole grains, fish, nuts, low-fat foods
  • Reduce overweight and underweight
  • Regular exercise ( jogging, swimming )
  • Reduce stress
  • No testicular overheating
  • Avoid contact with pollutants

Improving sperm quality also works with sex: about once or twice a week seems optimal. The immune system breaks down the sperm cells at longer intervals, and the amount of ejaculate decreases if the ejaculation is too frequent.




Natural Herbs For Men To Increase Sperm Quality


  • Bee pollen

Bee Pollen Health Benefits + Side Effects, Dosage & Reviews ...

It would also be worth trying (but much cheaper) to take a pollen cure. Many naturopaths recommend this for problems with sperm because pollen contains around 100 biological substances - including a number of the above-mentioned amino acids, vitamins and trace elements, but here in a natural composition.

  • Nettle seeds

Nettle Seed with Calyx - Oshala Farm

Many also swear by nettle seeds (2 tablespoons twice a day) - an insider tip from the Alpine countries: the farmers there believe that the tough and fertile herb transfers its powers to humans. Doctors see this somewhat more soberly: The seeds are rich in tocopherols, which are contained in vitamin E, the "fertility vitamin". Therefore, they could help men to produce more sperm.

  • Herbal tea

Herbal tea: Which is the brew for you? - Adventure Travel Tips ...

The naturopath Margret Madjeski recommends the following tea to stimulate sperm formation:

Mix the angelica, nettle and lovage root in equal parts with the male loyalty and parsnip.
Scald two teaspoons per cup and brew for 10 to 15 minutes; Two cups a day for at least six weeks.

  • Homeopathy:

How homeopathy helps | Homeopathy UK

To increase sperm production, homeopaths often give the preparation Testes comp. (Fa. Wala), which is supposed to stimulate the activity of the male gonads (let 2 x 10 globules dissolve under the tongue every day).




To get access to our natural treatment for oligospermia and oligozoospermia click here!
Phone / whatsapp: +22990431725




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