natural remedies for allergies and sinus



By On 27/07/2020

Difficulty in breathing through the nose, severe headache, pressure in the head as a result of movement, and throbbing are among the most common symptoms of sinusitis. Although many treatment methods are used effectively today, taking preventive measures in the early stages of sinusitis and ensuring the progression of the disease with alternative treatments significantly reduce the complaints. 

To reduce your sinusitis complaints, you can benefit from natural and practical cures that you will prepare at home.

Here is our herbal tea for your sinus infection. Take hold of this opportunity to manage your symptoms.


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It helps the mucus to become liquid so that it can drain more quickly. This herbal tea also has antibacterial and antiviral properties to relieve symptoms of inflammation. As for him, the gas to be inhaled is very effective. So you can inhale the vapor of this mixture without fear. This will help you expectorate and reduce the accumulated secretions. The combined action of herbal tea and gas helps clear the sinuses and relieve pressure. This natural treatment is very effective and has already allowed the cure of many patients. This is the secret to curing sinusitis with herbs. This will prevent you from having to have surgery. However, in addition to the natural treatment, you will need to take certain precautions. Indeed, several foods are to be banned from your daily life (milk, cheese, ice cream, and yogurts). But until this is done, it will be difficult for you to recover from your sinusitis

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Turmeric and Curcumin: Health, Spice, and Supplement Information ...

A powerful anti-inflammatory, turmeric is a natural remedy that can help relieve inflammation in the sinuses caused by a nasty sinus infection. “The active ingredient in turmeric, known as curcumin, helps to heal the sinus cavity and clear the airways. Since sinus infections are caused by nasal inflammation, and turmeric possesses anti-inflammatory properties, the spice can be an effective solution for sinus infection.” Mike Barrett.


Will a Facial Steam Treatment Clear Acne?

Hold your face over a bowl of hot water with a few drops of essential oil – peppermint and eucalyptus are especially effective – to help relieve congestion from sinusitis. Running a hot shower and breathing in the steam is also effective. “Boil a pot of water and remove it from the stove.  Add 3 or 4 drops of tea tree oil.  Cover your head and pot with a towel and inhale (as much as you can). You will need to inhale for 5 to 10 minutes.”

Lemon Balm

Ponix Systems | HERBERT Seed Lemon balm - Ponix Systems

An herb used in many medicinal treatments, lemon balm can help kill bacteria that cause or worsen symptoms of sinus infections. “You can boil some dried lemon balm leaves for about ten minutes. Then sieve the mixture and use the water to gargle. It provides great relief from sinus congestion.” Sanchita Chowdhury.


Health Benefits Of Steam Vs. Sauna Room For Weight Loss

Add 2 tablespoons of dried chamomile to a liter of water. When it starts boiling over low heat, remove from the stove. Cover the head and chest area with a large towel and steam with chamomile broth. After inhaling the chamomile vapor for 10-15 minutes, remove the towel and rest. Be careful not to go outdoors after application.


Apple Cider Vinegar: Benefits, Side Effects, Uses, Dosage, and ...

Mix 2 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar with 1 tablespoon of honey and consume once a day for a week. Apple cider vinegar is a natural antiseptic and antibiotic against infections. Helps dissolve and soften excess mucosa in the nose.


The Amazing Health Benefits Of Raw Lemon Juice

Squeeze out the lemon juice. Add water as much as lemon juice. Try to pull the lemon water mixture you prepared from your nose as deep as possible every three days. Repeat this process every three days for a month without interruption.

Eucalyptus oil

Top 10 Eucalyptus Oil Uses and Benefits - Dr. Axe

After diluting the eucalyptus oil with a carrier vegetable oil, take it and massage it into your head area with gentle movements. The active substance called cineol in the eucalyptus has an antiseptic effect.


Thyme Oil | Guide To Essential Oils | Andrew Weil, M.D.

Thyme, which is a panacea, appears in sinusitis. You can use thyme with very strong antibacterial, antifungal, and antioxidant properties as oil. You can use 1-2 drops of thyme oil under your tongue twice a day, as well as you can consume it by dropping it into your water. You can also drink thyme tea for your sinusitis pain.

Neck Exercises

Physio Neck Exercises Stretch & Relieve Routine - YouTube

If you have a headache from a sinus infection, mild neck stretching can help reduce muscle tension. For example, try to tilt your head from side to side and touch your shoulder with your ear. Do various repetitions on each side. Then turn your head to the right as far as possible, coinciding with seeing your back. Stay in that position for 3 seconds, then turn left. If moving your head increases the pain in the back of your eyes and on your face, stop the exercises.

Relaxation Exercises

Six relaxation techniques to reduce stress - Harvard Health

Another way you will likely spend some of the tension around your sinuses is relaxation exercises for the face. Start with your forehead. The key to relaxation movements is to tighten the muscles for 10 seconds. Raise your eyebrows as if you were surprised. Wait for 10 seconds, then do the opposite and push your eyebrows down. Squeeze your eyes, then open them quickly. Then wrinkle your nose and push your cheek muscles up. Hold for 10 seconds and release. Make a face with your mouth and stay that way. Tighten your lips well when you leave.

Other Treatments

Pain from a sinus infection can be quite intense. Beyond neck stretching and relaxation exercises, some home treatments can help relieve pressure. Put a warm compress on your eyes while lying down. Slide the wet towel over your nose and breathe moisture. Raise your head while lying down and help dry your sinus cavities. Get a humidifier in your room because steam can help reduce pain. If you don't have a humidifier open the hot water in the shower, close the bathroom door, and breathe the steam that the shower does. Your doctor may recommend a saline nasal spray to remove the nasal tract from residues that cause sinuses. Antibiotic may not be the most effective treatment for sinus infection, but if it is prescribed, use it until the whole drug is over, or the infection may come back.

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Natural treatment methods for sinusitis

By On 27/07/2020

Do natural treatment methods exist for sinusitis?

Yes, it is possible to reduce the symptoms of sinusitis, which is one of the ailments frequently encountered in winter months, with natural methods. Hence, read till the end to find out more about this natural treatment method for sinusitis.

What triggers sinusitis?

Sinusitis is a discomfort caused by the excessive mucous filling of the sinuses with air cavities between the facial bones due to infections or allergies. Normally, the mucous layer that keeps the sinuses moist and healthy increases when the ducts increase due to various reasons, and various symptoms appear.

Sinusitis that occurs with symptoms such as dry cough, nasal discharge, nasal congestion, inflamed nasal discharge, throbbing headache, ear pain, and weakness can become chronic when not treated. Causes such as colds, dry conditions, infections can also trigger sinusitis.


Here is our herbal tea for your sinus infection. Take hold of this opportunity to manage your symptoms.


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It helps the mucus to become liquid so that it can drain more quickly. This herbal tea also has antibacterial and antiviral properties to relieve symptoms of inflammation. As for him, the gas to be inhaled is very effective. So you can inhale the vapor of this mixture without fear. This will help you expectorate and reduce the accumulated secretions. The combined action of herbal tea and gas helps clear the sinuses and relieve pressure. This natural treatment is very effective and has already allowed the cure of many patients. This is the secret to curing sinusitis with herbs. This will prevent you from having to have surgery. However, in addition to the natural treatment, you will need to take certain precautions. Indeed, several foods are to be banned from your daily life (milk, cheese, ice cream, and yogurts). But until this is done, it will be difficult for you to recover from your sinusitis

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What are the natural methods that are good for sinusitis?

Chamomile tea: 

12 Benefits of Chamomile Tea

Medicinal chamomile (Matricaria recutita) plant is a good anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial. Chamomile tea, which you will brew with a teaspoon of dried chamomile and a cup of boiled water, is not only effective in relieving upper respiratory tract infections but also in reducing symptoms of sinusitis. When you start to feel sinusitis complaints, you can consume one or two cups of chamomile tea a day.

Chamomile mist:

FLOW COSMETICS Chamomile & Probiotics Facial Mist - Calming Toner ...

Smelling the mist as much as drinking chamomile tea helps reduce sinusitis complaints. Boil a liter of water in a saucepan, add a handful of chamomile in it, close the lid and let it steep for 5 minutes. Then lean over the pan and cover the head with cheesecloth or cloth to smell the mist, and smell the steam rising from the pot for 5-8 minutes. As well as relieving nasal congestion, it will be good for headaches. Then, you can rest by putting the cotton soaked in the dense chamomile tea in the pot over your eyes. Resting the eyes with chamomile tea will both take the swelling of your face and reduce your headache complaint.

Hot towel: 

The Use of a Hot Towel - Welcome to Butterfly Hot & Cold

Put a small towel that you heat by immersing it in hot water and rest for 5 minutes. Your sinuses will warm up and the temperature will relax you.

Moisten your room: 

How to Use a Humidifier: Types, Maintenance, Safety Tips, and More

Hot water that you put in a suitable container on your radiators or other heaters will evaporate and increase the amount of moisture in the room. In order to reduce sinusitis complaints that become much more severe in dry air environments, you should make sure that the air of the room you are sleeping in is humid enough.

Nasal bath:

Nasal Irrigation: Relief for Colds & Allergy Symptoms

You need to wipe your nose, which flows frequently, but this can cause the surrounding of the nose to dry and trigger different ailments. To prevent this and open your sinuses in a healthy way, you should clean your nose 4-5 times a day with water or brine. It will help you sleep much more comfortably, especially by taking salt water several times before going to bed and then emptying the sinuses thoroughly. For this, you can also use ocean water sprays sold in pharmacies.

Onion mist: 

Shed 'em – Why do I cry when I cut onions? | optician365

Boil one liter of water in the pot and chop a whole onion in it and let it boil for another 1-2 minutes. Then inhale the vapor of the mixture, just like making chamomile mist. Onion, known to be a very strong antibiotic and antibacterial, will facilitate the opening of the sinuses.


109 Things To Do With Horseradish

With as much kick as hot sauce and other spicy foods, horseradish is a natural remedy that can help to clear any blockages associated with your sinus infection. “The traditional treatment for sinusitis is to “take a half teaspoonful of grated horseradish sauce without dilution both morning and afternoon. Do not drink anything or eat for at least ten minutes after the dose.”


Can Garlic Fight Coronavirus (COVID-19)? - SelfHacked

Full of powerful antiviral components, garlic is considered a nutritional powerhouse and used by people in many cultures for its curative properties. “As sinus is a bacterial infection, garlic helps to destroy the bacterial infection and cures the sinus problem.”

Oregano Oil

Secrets of Nature | Oregano Oil … more than an antibiotic!

Given its status as a powerful antifungal and antimicrobial, using oregano oil as a natural home remedy may help relieve or resolve problems associated with sinusitis. “Use of oregano oil in vapor form is one of the best options to cure sinusitis. Mix 2 to 3 drops of oregano oil with half a cup of boiling water. Cover your head and cup with a towel to trap the steam and breathe to inhale it. This will help to clear the nasal passages.”

Butt Out

Did you know that cigarette smoking has been reduced by 1.4 ...

Multiple studies have shown that smoking causes irritation to the nasal passages, and butting out can help reduce that irritation almost instantly. “Tobacco and smog are famous for causing irritation of the sinus lining which causes bad drainage of mucus.”

Hot Compress

How to Make a Homemade Hot Compress | Hot compress, Warm compress ...

One simple, natural technique for relieving pressure and pain associated with sinusitis is to alternate applying warm and cold compresses to the nasal passages. “Place a hot compress across your sinuses for three minutes, and then a cold compress for 30 seconds. Repeat this procedure three times per treatment, two to six times a day.”

Change Your Diet

WatchFit - change your diet lifestyle

Certain foods can be particularly irritating for those suffering from a sinus infection, including dairy, gluten, and sugar. Cutting these foods from your diet can often help resolve or lessen symptoms of sinusitis. “Cutting out dairy products can also improve sinusitis symptoms as they encourage mucus production.”

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642x361 image 1 remedies for sinus drainage woes


By On 27/07/2020

What are the herbal treatment methods in sinusitis?

First, you should know that sinuses are air-filled cavities that run through the nose and across the bones of the face and skull. There is a protective layer called mucosa inside these air spaces. Read to the end to discover the natural method to treat sinusitis.

Furthermore, difficulty in breathing through the nose, severe headache, pressure in the head as a result of movement, and throbbing are among the most common symptoms of sinusitis. Although many treatment methods are used effectively today, taking preventive measures in the early stages of sinusitis and ensuring the progression of the disease with alternative treatments significantly reduce the complaints.

To reduce your sinusitis complaints, you can benefit from natural and practical cures that you will prepare at home.

Here is our herbal tea for your sinus infection. Take hold of this opportunity to manage your symptoms.


Nos Produits

It helps the mucus to become liquid so that it can drain more quickly. This herbal tea also has antibacterial and antiviral properties to relieve symptoms of inflammation. As for him, the gas to be inhaled is very effective. So you can inhale the vapor of this mixture without fear. This will help you expectorate and reduce the accumulated secretions. The combined action of herbal tea and gas helps clear the sinuses and relieve pressure. This natural treatment is very effective and has already allowed the cure of many patients. This is the secret to curing sinusitis with herbs. This will prevent you from having to have surgery. However, in addition to the natural treatment, you will need to take certain precautions. Indeed, several foods are to be banned from your daily life (milk, cheese, ice cream, and yogurts). But until this is done, it will be difficult for you to recover from your sinusitis. 

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Drink plenty of fluids. 

Why It Is So Important To Drink Plenty Of Water - The Best Of Health

The dry nasal tract makes it harder for the body to heal the infection. Drinking plenty of water helps to thin out mucus and reduces the feeling of pressure or obstruction.  Additional fluid intake can help soothe a sore throat.

  • Men should consume at least 13 glasses (3 liters) of fluid per day. Women should drink at least 9 cups (2.2 liters) of fluid per day. You will need even more when fighting infection. Try to drink at least 0.25 lt of water every 2 hours.
  • Water is the best option, but decaffeinated tea and broth are also among the best options. If you are vomiting, sports drinks containing electrolytes may be required to refresh the electrolyte balance.
  • Stay away from alcohol. Alcohol increases swelling in your sinuses. Alcohol and caffeine also make you dehydrated, so stay away from them while you're sick.

Take elderberry extract. 

Elderberry Syrup - Gulley Greenhouse

European elderberry is a plant widely used to treat respiratory diseases. It has anti-inflammatory and anti-virus properties. It also helps strengthen the immune system. In most pharmacies and herbalists you can find elderberry extract as syrup, lozenge, or supplement capsule.

  • Alternatively, you can brew 3-5 grams of dried elderberry flowers in a glass of boiling water for 10-15 minutes. Strain the flowers after brewing. You can consume this tea 3 times a day.
  • Do not use raw or raw elderberry, as it can be poisonous. 
  • Do not use elderberry or elderberry extract if you are pregnant or breastfeeding.
  • If you have an autoimmune disease such as joint inflammation or lupus, consult your doctor before taking elderberry or elderberry extract.
  • Elderberry can interact with diabetic, laxative and chemotherapy drugs, or drugs that suppress the immune system. If you are taking any of these medications, consult your doctor before taking the elderberry.

Eat fresh pineapple

Is Pineapple Good for Breastfeeding Mothers?

Pineapples are rich in an enzyme called bromelain, which is used to make drugs used to reduce swelling and inflammation of the nose and sinuses.

  • You can take bromelain by eating two slices of fresh pineapple or drinking pineapple juice every day.
  • If you are allergic to latex, wheat, celery, carrot, fennel, cypress pollen, or grass pollen, you may have an allergic reaction to bromelain.
  • Eating soybean or pineapple potatoes, as they both contain bromelain-inhibiting substances.

Get enough rest. 

How to promote good sleep for teenagers - Durofy

Getting enough sleep is important for the body to heal itself. When you get stuck try to lie on your back. If you are a person sleeping on your side, sleep on the side that is least obstructed. If possible, try to achieve a 24-hour rest period.

  • Leaning your head on a pillow can help prevent mucus from blocking your sinuses. The pillow should support the natural curve of the neck and be comfortable. A too high pillow can cause muscle strain on the back, neck, and shoulders. Choose a pillow that will keep your neck in line with your chest and waist. 
  • Avoid sleeping face down. This movement can make it harder for you to breathe when you're blocked. It can also put pressure on the neck and shoulders.
  • Drinking caffeine, alcohol and sugary foods 4-6 hours before bedtime.
  • Avoid exercising for 2 hours before bedtime. Regular and reasonable exercise - especially an afternoon exercise - can help you sleep better. 
  • Talk to your doctor if you have had a decrease in sleep quality for a long time. You may have sleep apnea that often breaths during sleep. The doctor may recommend CPAP (Continuous Positive Airway Pressure) treatment with a small air pressure machine that you wear while operating or sleeping. 

What should be done to prevent sinusitis?

  • Protecting the head and throat area, especially in cold weather,
  • Humidifying the air and ventilating the environment frequently in environments with heaters such as air conditioners and radiators,
  • Paying attention to daily fluid intake,
  • It is necessary to stay away from smoking and smoking environments.

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