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Natural remedies To Treat Erythema: Algodystrophy

By On 09/07/2020

The most effective treatment for erythema


Erythematous rashes result from both physiological and pathological processes and can be acute or chronic. They are associated with various disorders of the human body, so their differentiated analysis is sometimes a difficult task.

The term "erythema" is generally intended to mean a number of pathological and normal skin and mucosal conditions caused by capillary dilation. The spots are of different sizes and shapes, single and multiple, can join together to form large areas. The color varies from light pink to bluish red.



What are the reasons for erythema?

Erythema of the skin and mucous membranes occur mainly in young people of both sexes with an inherited inheritance. Studies show that this is due to excessive ultraviolet radiation, but can be caused by a combination of factors.

Infectious erythema occurs in red fever, parvovirus, rubella, measles, and other similar diseases. The non-infectious form occurs when allergic skin pathologies (atopic dermatitis), after physiotherapy using electric current, chemical and sunburn, thermal (heat, cold), and mechanical effects (friction, pressure).



Reasons for occurrence

Reddening of the skin is usually a temporary phenomenon that disappears quickly after the irritant has been removed (for example, caused by an emotional outburst). Pathological forms are characterized by persistence and duration, their main causes are:

  • inflammatory infections of viral or bacterial origin,
  • skin burns (sun, radiation, chemical),
  • "allergic erythema" means the consequence of exposure of allergens to the body,
  • autoimmune diseases (systemic lupus erythematosus).

Physiological factors of redness include the ingestion or topical use of certain medications (such as warming ointments) before tanning, physical effects such as skating or massage, and UV radiation. The change in the reflex color of the skin is caused by strong emotions (shame, anger), orgasm, sometimes hypnotic suggestion.

The mechanism of development of the pathological process is determined by the action of the irritant. Viruses or bacteria provoke inflammation and general intoxication, accompanied by fever and bleeding into small blood vessels. In burns and allergies, redness occurs due to the release of histamine into the bloodstream, dilating the capillaries, and contributing to the stagnation of the blood in them.



Asthme - Le remède naturel par les plantes contre l'asthme

Our natural treatment for algodystrophy is an effective, fast, and lasting remedy that will allow you to naturally reduce your pain. It is composed of two elements: a balm and herbal tea. You will feel a marked decrease in pain from the first weeks of use. The herbal tea contains plants whose active ingredients block pain, act on the cartilage to stop it from degrading, and help its regeneration.

It is the perfect solution to fight against algodystrophy, knee, and all other forms. This herbal tea provides rapid and dramatic relief. It is both anti-inflammatory, analgesic, and antioxidant.

The balm will be used for daily massages on the areas where you feel pain. It’s a natural relaxant. 





How is Erythema Diagnosed?

Erythema, one of the many variants, is quite difficult to diagnose because the characteristic redness of the skin and the accompanying symptoms are characteristic of many diseases. For example, scarlet fever, rubella, or measles. After the initial diagnosis, the dermatologist prescribes special tests:

  • a serological test for antibodies to the virus which caused the disease,
  • a general blood test to determine the number of molded elements,
  • allergological tests,
  • taking exudate from pustules, if any. 

It is also necessary to first rule out the physiological causes of erythema and undergo differential diagnosis.




Do you know the various types of erythema?

The principles of treatment for a particular type of disease depend on the causes, the severity of the course, the age of the patient, and some other factors. In addition, physiological forms pass independently and rapidly; therapy is not required.


Erythema of the sun

I am not contagious, I am allergic to the sun! - Solar urticaria ...

This diagnosis is prolonged exposure to the sun and UV radiation from open areas of the body. As a result, the skin turns red within a few hours, touch causes pain, mild swelling, and a general increase in body temperature is possible. Treatment of solar erythema is reduced to the following activities:

  • cessation of radiation exposure,
  • cool showers and cold liquids in the affected area,
  • dexpanthenol sprays.

In case of more severe damage (with blistering), it is recommended to consult a dermatologist. It prescribes anti-inflammatory and antihistamines, ointments with glucocorticoids.

In patients who are more sensitive to ultraviolet radiation and who have a tendency to form solar erythema, it is recommended to always use a cream with a high SPF filter, regardless of the season.


Symptomatic erythema

Rashes in children | Learning article | Pharmaceutical Journal

Another name is emotional, which indicates its origin. Reddening of the skin is caused by strong emotions, such as anger, shame, or stressful situations. It manifests itself in the form of a transient change in the color of the skin on the face, chest, and neck, in the form of red or crimson


Persistent erythema

Persistent Painful Indurated Erythema Secondary to Bosentan | HTML ...

She has erectile erythema or Crocker-Williams. Uncommon etiology: Uncommon: Causes of vasculitis, infections, and heredity. The disease begins with the appearance of small papules, which later merge into large (up to 7 cm in diameter) foci of uneven borders with edges. The color varies from pinkish to dark red, the surface is initially soft, then hardens and can peel off. NSAIDs, heparins, vitamins, antiplatelet agents, angioprotectors are marked. Large foci are removed by cryotherapy.


Palmar erythema

Palmar erythema as a sign of cancer | Cleveland Clinic Journal of ...

A characteristic symptom is a pronounced redness of the palms. The pathological diversity of this phenomenon is most often caused by liver diseases, leukemia, rheumatoid arthritis, bacterial endocarditis, and other pathologies. Acquired palm erythema is also called a "liver palm" symptom.

It is sometimes seen in pregnant women, usually in the second trimester. The photo of the erythema of the palm shows that the rises and fingertips of the palm are mainly red. In the future, hyperemia will cover the entire palm.

Subjectively, feelings of itching and pulsation are possible when pressed, the skin becomes pale for a while, then returns to a state of hyperemia. Treatment is prescribed according to the cause of palmar erythema - cirrhosis, jaundice, arthritis



Exudative erythema multiforme

Erythema multiforme: Symptoms, pictures, causes, treatment

An acute disease that often recurs or takes a chronic form. The causes can be infections of the body as well as toxic-allergic reactions. It manifests itself as polymorphic rashes on the mucous membranes and skin and begins to appear strictly symmetrically on the limbs (posterior surfaces of the legs, legs, and arms). Blue spots are formed with a pink border, up to 3 cm in diameter, and small papules. Pain and itching appear, sometimes deteriorating general health. The border of the lips is also involved in the formation of blood clots. The rashes occur for about a week, after which the bubbles dry out and the spots disappear.



Physiological erythema

Erythema of newborns: toxic and physiological | Competently about ...

It is clear from the name that this phenomenon does not mean a painful condition, passes quickly, and does not need treatment. In adults, it occurs due to physical effects on the skin or reflex nerve reactions. Physiological erythema also occurs in infants several hours or days after birth (sometimes with small greyish-yellow rashes). This is explained by the adaptation of the child's body to the postpartum period.

The cause of physiological erythema in newborns is primarily the difference in temperature: in the uterus, it is higher and more constant, therefore its decrease causes increased peripheral circulation and, accordingly, temporary redness. It does not need treatment because it passes daily. Another factor that causes erythema on days 2 or 3 may be dependence on nutrition through the gastrointestinal tract and the ingestion of allergens in the body in this way. It also does not need treatment if no infection is found. Antihistamines are sometimes given as drops to reduce the itching.



Nutrition in case of erythema

The first form of prevention against erythema passes through the table.

It is very useful to eat foods rich in antioxidants such as vitamin C, vitamin E, zinc, selenium, beta-carotene.

These are substances mainly contained in citrus fruits, tomatoes, peppers, cabbage, broccoli, carrots, spinach, apricots, almonds, walnuts, hazelnuts, olive oil, wheat germ, yogurt, and wholemeal bread. Increase the intake of eggs, wheat germ, brewer's yeast, liver.

The daily intake of liquids must necessarily be guaranteed to the body.






Crps complex regional pain syndrome

I HAVE ALGODYSTROPHIA: what should I eat?

By On 08/07/2020


7 Best Home Remedies For Anemia - NDTV Food

Algodystrophy is a rare and disabling bone disease. It can occur at any age but mainly affects adults between 35 and 65 years old and women in 3 out of 4 cases. It affects the upper limbs more often than the lower limbs.

Natural remedy by medicinal plants against Algodystrophy
If you are looking for an effective natural treatment to end the pain and burning sensation from pain in your stomach, then this is the perfect natural treatment for you. This natural treatment inhibits pain but also symptoms have no side effects and have a much more lasting action.

Trust us! It is the secret of nature to permanently cure the pain associated with algodystrophy.

Our natural treatment for algodystrophy is an effective, fast, and lasting remedy that will allow you to naturally reduce your pain. It is composed of two elements: a balm and herbal tea. You will feel a marked decrease in pain from the first weeks of use. The herbal tea contains plants whose active ingredients block pain, act on the cartilage to stop it from degrading, and help its regeneration.



Asthme - Le remède naturel par les plantes contre l'asthme

Our natural treatment for algodystrophy is an effective, fast, and lasting remedy that will allow you to naturally reduce your pain. It is composed of two elements: a balm and herbal tea. You will feel a marked decrease in pain from the first weeks of use. The herbal tea contains plants whose active ingredients block pain, act on the cartilage to stop it from degrading, and help its regeneration.

It is the perfect solution to fight against algodystrophy, knee, and all other forms. This herbal tea provides rapid and dramatic relief. It is both anti-inflammatory, analgesic, and antioxidant.

The balm will be used for daily massages on the areas where you feel pain. It’s a natural relaxant. 




Foods to consume in case of algodystrophy

Ginger tea

Vitamin C as an antiviral found in fresh ginger root tea

Several studies have shown that ginger has anti-inflammatory properties and is able to limit the effects of painful substances in the body. Ginger is particularly recommended for patients who have unpleasant side effects from long-term use of the drug. Make your own ginger tea - add a few slices of ginger to the boiling water and let stand for 15 minutes.



Utiliser le clou de girofle pour calmer les douleurs dentaires ...

Adding about half a teaspoon of cloves a day to your diet reduces inflammatory processes in your body and slows the formation of cartilage and bone damage caused by algodystrophy.



Turmeric side effects: Health benefits and risks

This plant in the ginger family inhibits enzymes that promote inflammation, reduce pain and swelling while improving joint mobility.



Vitamin C

A Guide to Vitamin C: Health Benefits & Best Sources | Fullscript

Vitamin C helps the body produce collagen, which strengthens the joints and frees the body from free radicals, which in turn damages the joints. Scientists say that patients who eat enough vitamin C have a much slower progression of heart disease and fewer symptoms. Includes citrus fruits, strawberries, broccoli, melons, peppers, and other products rich in vitamin C.


Vitamin D

Sunshine Vitamin: 65% of Brits lack vitamin D | Health Europa

Very important because the elderly lose muscle mass and strength, thereby increasing instability. Instability can be exacerbated by dizziness. A high protein diet is important for reducing muscle loss. According to the recommendations of the International Osteoporosis Foundation, 1 g of protein per 1 kg of body weight per day should be taken. Vitamin D can be taken by staying in the sun or by eating dried shiitake mushrooms, tuna, sardines or salmon, but if this is not possible, there are various medications and supplements that can be purchased at pharmacies;
Magnesium deficiency causes significant changes in the perception of pain, so it is desirable to include drugs or supplements containing magnesium in the treatment of chronic pain.



We do, however, offer TOP 5 products that are not recommended in cases of algodystrophy.



Chapter 2 Social Studies Vocab - Lessons - Tes Teach

Carbohydrates are rich in all kinds of sweets, candies, jams, jams, various sauces, and sugary soft drinks. Excess carbohydrate intake increases the risk of being overweight, followed by circulatory problems in the joints. As a result, the joints receive less nutrients and are good soil for the development of algodystrophy.


Food business operators that export animal products to the EU ...

Animal products contain arachidonic acid, which breaks down into eicosanoids when ingested. These are responsible for joint inflammation and weight gain. The worst, in this case, is pork and beef.


Gluten : les aliments avec et sans, exemples de menus sans gluten

The gluten found in wheat, rye, barley, and oats can cause inflammatory joint diseases. Many studies show that people with algodystrophy who have excluded gluten-containing products from their diet recover completely.



All vendors :: Domty :: Food & Beverages :: Dairy Products

The exclusion of dairy products from the diet should be considered on an individual basis, taking into account the characteristics of each organism. Because milk and dairy products are an important source of calcium and vitamin D, which helps strengthen bones, prevent fractures and other joint problems. However, eliminating these products from the diet also helps reduce the symptoms of algodystrophy.



Should or should you not drink coffee and tea during a fast ...

Caffeine leaches calcium from the body, which in turn can promote the development of algodystrophy or, in the case of algodystrophy, worsen its course.



Complex regional pain syndromefb

Algodystrophy: How To Cure It Naturally

By On 07/07/2020

Long and often painful, algodystrophy remained mysterious for a long time. Often occurring following a trauma, it heals spontaneously most of the time, but within a very variable period. In the meantime, the patients are going through a real hell. How to relieve them and offer them a better quality of life? This is the issue of care.



What is algodystrophy?

Algodystrophy is a "non-exceptional complication, even common in certain pathologies such as wrist fractures".
This complication also called Complex Regional Pain Syndrome (CRPS) is defined by inflammation, often triggered by trauma as even minor surgery.
There are few specific figures for algodystrophy, but it seems that adults are the most affected, although young and old can also be affected.


What are the symptoms of algodystrophy

The symptoms of this disease are not very characteristic:
Disproportionate pain (for example with minimal movement, support or normally painless sensations);
Vasomotor disorders (redness and heat, or conversely coldness and the excessive pallor of the extremities, spontaneous sweats, localized edemas). These two types of disorders generally concern only one member or even a limited segment of a member.





Asthme - Le remède naturel par les plantes contre l'asthme

Our natural treatment for algodystrophy is an effective, fast, and lasting remedy that will allow you to naturally reduce your pain. It is composed of two elements: a balm and herbal tea. You will feel a marked decrease in pain from the first weeks of use. The herbal tea contains plants whose active ingredients block pain, act on the cartilage to stop it from degrading, and help its regeneration.

It is the perfect solution to fight against algodystrophy, knee, and all other forms. This herbal tea provides rapid and dramatic relief. It is both anti-inflammatory, analgesic, and antioxidant.

The balm will be used for daily massages on the areas where you feel pain. It’s a natural relaxant. 




Do you know the two types of algodystrophy?

Algodystrophy type I: it often appears following a trauma, but it is not essential. No specific nerve damage was found. The pain manifests itself over a large area, or even over an entire limb. Circulation disorders (edema, heat) are common, as are the decalcification of bones and redness on the skin. It is the most frequent form;

Algodystrophy type II: it also appears after a trauma or a repetition of microtrauma. A nerve is damaged locally. No clinical sign appears at the start but the tissues dependent on this nerve become hypersensitive. This is also often a source of misunderstanding on the part of the doctor. Note: there is no rule concerning the time for onset of symptoms, from almost immediate to several months ... There are twice as many attacks of the lower limbs as the upper limbs.


Trauma is the cause of more than half of the pain.

There is no relationship between the onset of algodystrophy and the severity of the trauma. The time between trauma and algodystrophy is variable (a few days to a few weeks). Surgery, in particular orthopedic surgery, is a common cause found.
Likewise, too intensive and painful rehabilitation can aggravate or trigger algodystrophy.



Other possible causes

Many non-traumatic causes have been reported. Among the most frequent, we can cite the causes:
- osteoarticular: inflammatory rheumatism, carpal tunnel syndrome;
- neurological: stroke, multiple sclerosis;
- oncology;
- vascular: phlebitis;
- infectious: shingles, panaris;
- endocrinological: diabetes, dysthyroidism;
- medicated: phenobarbital;
- obstetric: algodystrophy of the hip during pregnancy.
On the other hand, the antidepressive symptomatology, often found, is not a triggering factor in itself but most often the consequence of the psychological repercussions of this painful and disabling disease.







By On 26/04/2020

The fact that pain is not considered a disease condemns many patients to misdiagnosis and often unnecessary suffering.

The phenomenon occurs under many names. We can find CRPS referred to as Sudet's Disease, Algodystrophy, neurodystrophy, sympathetic dystrophy and a complex regional pain syndrome (also known as CRPS, a complex regional pain syndrome) - all terms describe the same health problem that was first described by the German surgeon Paul Sudeck at the beginning Of the 20th century.

The original description indicated   severe and prolonged pain mainly in the hands or feet (or many limbs), often associated with movement and functional restrictions.

Sudeck called the disease a "derailed medicine" and described the similarity of symptoms with inflammation. The frequency of the disease is unknown. However, we know that:

  • mostly gets a woman or girl,
  • attacks regardless of age,
  • is often a reaction to a trauma (e.g. several operations, perioperative trauma)
  • we observe the occurrence of CRPS in people who have been diagnosed with uneven nervous tension syndrome after birth,
  • we estimate that CRPS Poland is affected by between 5,000 and 40,000 people, most of whom do not have the correct diagnosis.

Sudeck's disease is characterized by trophic changes in soft tissues and bones, as well as disorders of the vasomotor and sudomotor movements of the affected limb. 

In the final stage, the disease can lead to loss of function of the affected part of the body by stiffening the joints and shrinking the skin, tendons and muscles.

Poorly treated or diagnosed too late, it can affect more and more organs. There are cases when CRPS has affected internal organs.

IASP (International Association for the Study of Pain) introduced the term "complex regional pain syndrome" (CRPS) as a new general term.

Type I CRPS requires soft tissue and bone damage or prolonged immobilization without specific nerve damage.

Type II CRPS is the result of specific damage (injury) to the peripheral nerve.

In practice, we still have CRPS III.

To date, it is not fully understood what causes CRPS. In some countries (USA) the effectiveness of its treatment with drugs analogous to Parkinson's disease is indicated.

Based on the previously unrecognized reaction of the small nerves, an inflammatory reaction occurs in the damaged part of the limb, there are circulatory disorders, swelling, skin changes and finally also functional disorders, e.g. Hands are accompanied by persistent pain or the foot is unnaturally bent.

Fortunately, there are herbal remedies that have proven its effectiveness in the cure of this painful syndrome over the years. 



Asthme - Le remède naturel par les plantes contre l'asthme

Our natural treatment for algodystrophy is an effective, fast and lasting remedy that will allow you to naturally reduce your pain. It is composed of two elements: a balm and a herbal tea. You will feel a marked decrease in pain from the first weeks of use. The herbal tea contains plants whose active ingredients block pain, act on the cartilage to stop it from degrading, and help its regeneration.

It is the perfect solution to fight against algodystrophy, knee and all other forms. This herbal tea provides rapid and dramatic relief. It is both anti-inflammatory, analgesic and antioxidant.

The balm will be used for daily massages on the areas where you feel pain. It’s a natural relaxant. 


2. Ash leaves

A tea (infusion) with ash leaves helps fight muscle pain. Put 40 g of freshly harvested ash leaves in 1 liter of boiling water. The leaves should shoot for 20 minutes before filtering. You can drink 2 cups of this preparation per day.

3. Coriander
An infusion of coriander helps to fight against general indefinable pain. Pour 30 g of crushed coriander seeds with 1 liter of boiling water. You can drink up to 3 cups of this preparation for the treatment of pain each day.

4. Absinthe leaves
A poultice of freshly harvested absinthe leaves, rubbed between your fingers and then heated.


5. Roman chamomile

A poultice of Roman chamomile flowers boiled in water and then ground.

6. Extract with the common forest vine

200 g of freshly harvested leaves of the common forest vine, cut into thin strips, are poured into 1 liter of 60% alcohol for 1 week. The mixture should be covered and stirred several times a day. Then you filter the alcohol and fill it in a bottle. With this extract, the painful area is rubbed 3 times a day.

7. Laurel decoction

150 g of bay leaves are placed in 1 liter of water. The leaves should be covered and cooked gently for 2 hours before filtering. With this decoction, the painful area is rubbed several times a day in 4 days.

8. Decoction of wine with white willow

50 g of fresh white willow leaves are poured into 1 liter of white wine. The leaves must first be cold drawn for 3 hours, then the wine is carefully heated with the willow leaves. After half an hour of light cooking in a covered pan, strain the wine. With this decoction of wine, the area affected by the pain is rubbed several times a day.



ALGODYSTROPHY: symptoms, causes, risk factors and natural treatment

By On 26/04/2020


Algodystrophy-a painful syndrome and therapy must be targeted. Sudeck syndrome is a disease that has many definitions: complex regional pain syndrome , complex regional pain syndrome , reflex sympathetic dystrophy syndrome, RDS, traumatic loss or thinning of bone spotted. Its essence is progressive muscular and bone wasting and joint stiffness.

What is Algodystrophy?

Sudeck's syndrome is a disease that leads to a gradual muscle wasting (dystrophy) and bone loss. If not treated on time, it can lead to impairment of the diseased part of the body, and further disability. Its development is primarily exposed to people after bone fractures, joint injuries or frostbite. 


However, to distinguish between Sudeck syndrome and other diseases in which dystrophy occurs, five elements need to be recognized: spontaneous pain, pressure soreness, physical symptoms of local circulation disorders, excessive sweating and local osteoporosis.


Asthme - Le remède naturel par les plantes contre l'asthme

Our natural treatment for algodystrophy is an effective, fast and lasting remedy that will allow you to naturally reduce your pain. It is composed of two elements: a balm and a herbal tea. You will feel a marked decrease in pain from the first weeks of use. The herbal tea contains plants whose active ingredients block pain, act on the cartilage to stop it from degrading, and help its regeneration.

It is the perfect solution to fight against algodystrophy, knee and all other forms. This herbal tea provides rapid and dramatic relief. It is both anti-inflammatory, analgesic and antioxidant.

The balm will be used for daily massages on the areas where you feel pain. It’s a natural relaxant. 



It is not known exactly what causes Sudeck's syndrome. It is believed that it is responsible for the abnormal activity of sympathetic nerves, which innervate the damaged part of the body. 

Sudeck syndrome - symptoms

1. Hypertonic phase: it lasts from 3 weeks to 2 months

  • severe burning pain;
  • soft, limited swelling;
  • skin color changes to dark red or purple;
  • skin warming;
  • restriction of movement in the joints;
  • gradual muscle wasting;
  • spotty, irregular bone decalcification;

2. Dystrophic phase: it lasts from 6 weeks to 4 months

  • moist, cool, thin skin;
  • brittle and brittle nails;
  • hair loss on a sick part of the body;
  • even more limited movement in the joints (contractures and stiffness of the joints appear);
  • progressive muscle wasting
  • increasing bone decalcification (bone formation becomes blurred);

3. Atrophic phase: it lasts from 6 to 12 months


However, risk factors for the development of the disease are known.

  • Bone fractures, joint injuries, soft tissue bruises, frostbite, burns, as well as nerve damage. The disease usually affects the ankle joint and the bones of the wrist and hand - especially after fracture of the distal base of the radial bone, sprained wrist joint and bruising of the fingertips. 
  • The factor conducive to the development of the disease is an incorrectly and too tightly applied dressing, which makes the limb immobilized in the wrong position.
  • In addition, Sudeck's syndrome may appear in the course of ischemic heart disease (coronary artery disease), after a heart attack , stroke (so-called paralytic algodystrophy). Also, the use of drugs, e.g. barbiturates, cyclosporin A, anti-tuberculosis drugs, can contribute to the development of the disease (this is called drug-induced algodystrophy).
  • Other risk factors are inflammatory skin diseases, carpal tunnel syndrome, and hormonal disorders.

Diagnosis of Sudeck's syndrome 

Sudeck's syndrome is confirmed based on the patient's history, analysis of clinical symptoms and X-ray altered limb. 

  1. X-ray shows bone loss. An X-ray image is taken so that the bone atrophy can be determined. 
  2. Bone scintigraphy is useful in diagnosing the disease. It is also helpful to find allodynia (pain even with a very delicate touch) and / or hyperpathy (severe long-term pain caused by the effect of a repetitive weak or moderate stimulus).

Sudeck syndrome - medical treatment

Treatment of Sudeck syndrome includes:

  • analgesics and anti-inflammatory drugs;
  • vitamin C supplementation;
  • preparations improving blood supply and calcification of bones;
  • physical therapy: lignocaine-calcium ionophoresis, cryotherapy , laser therapy , diadynamics, magnetotherapy;
  • local lignocaine injections;
  • exercises for the diseased body part;
  • sympathectomy - during the procedure nerves in the sympathetic nervous system are destroyed to increase blood flow and reduce pain. It is performed in exceptional situations;

The effectiveness of treatment depends on early diagnosis and proper management.


  • Scottish treatment

To cure the algodystrophy practice the Scottish shower on the zone concerned (once or twice a day): alternate cold water and hot water. But beware, it must remain pleasant; no excess in the temperature difference. This shower promotes local blood and lymphatic circulation.

  • Vinegar

In the evening, soak an egg (washed but not brushed, except where it is possible to lay eggs) in the juice of a lemon. (all organic if possible) and drink this juice the next morning. Repeat this every 2 days for 3 weeks, stop for a week and renew.

  • Organic silicon 

This food supplement, which is in the form of a liquid, makes it possible to accelerate "bone repairs" and also makes it possible to limit the demineralization often linked to algodystrophy.

  • Calming inflammation with clay

Cold clay poultices placed directly on the affected part, possibly alternating with other poultices such as cabbage, horsetail, hogweed, will relieve inflammation. Each poultice must remain at least 2 h until 4 h and even overnight.