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home remedies for heavy bleeding

Effective tips to regulate your period naturally

By On 19/06/2020

Many women experience irregular rules throughout their lives without really knowing what these misalignments are. Let's start from the point that having an irregular period is not healthy for many reasons. Therefore, it is necessary to deal with this subject not only when you are looking for a pregnancy, but throughout your fertile life.

An irregular period is one that appears in cycles of more than 35 days and / or of different duration . That is, if your rule appears every 32 or 33 days, it would not be your case. Although the usual is 28 days, in reality each body is different and many women experience somewhat longer or even shorter cycles.


Traitement naturel pour tomber enceinte après 35 ans

The constituents of this tisane allow it to regulate your menstrual cycle and dispose any problem that may lead to infertility. Some of the plants that make this possible  are Cloves and Acridoscarpus, these are very powerful plants, the mixture of these plants with other secret herbs have made it possible to restore to normal the menstrual cycle. In addition, Our natural remedy is the secret to cure any form of female infertility. We offer you a definite advantage: the absence of undesirable effects and contraindications. The natural approach is often the best approach to find the solution. Our natural remedies have allowed many women to have children.

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READ ALSO: 10 AMAZING medicinal plants to get RID of UTERINE POLYPS

Within the irregular rule, we can find:

  • Oligomenorrhea : irregular rules between 36 and 90 days. Sometimes it is natural amenorrhea due to circumstances such as pregnancy or menopause.
  • Amenorrhea : Absence of period for more than 3 cycles.

Both oligomenorrhea and amenorrhea are related to problems in the sexual organs that secrete hormones such as estrogens or testosterone. In many cases, these imbalances are included in a diagnosis of Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (or PCOS).

If you have a clear diagnosis of PCOS or have just always had an irregular period, it is important to know that there are different natural methods to help your period to function regularly and naturally:


 Herbal teas have been used throughout history for different purposes. And one of them has been the natural regulation of the menstrual period .

For this and for various reasons and similar results, infusions of cinnamon, verbena, peppermint , rue or chamomile are famous 

If you also add a little ginger , you will help, among other things, to reduce inflammation, facilitate digestion and reduce premenstrual pain.


Omega 3

The Omega-3 fatty acids fulfill many functions in your body. Among others, they are anti-inflammatory and promote proper blood circulation .

You find Omega 3 in fish like tuna, mackerel or salmon; dried fruits like walnuts or seeds like flax or chia (remember to crush them for their effective benefits); or in soybean, canola or linseed oils .


Vegetables everywhere

Fruit and vegetables provide a significant amount of flavonoids , which promote the production of estrogens and help the body to function normally.

For this reason, daily intake of vegetables such as spinach, broccoli, arugula, yellow peppers and onions can be of great help to you ; and of fruits such as blueberries, skinned apples, strawberries and cherries.

Furthermore, cocoa beans are also a source of flavonoids, so an ounce of dark chocolate a day can also help regulate your body. It's great news, right?


Take care of your weight

In many occasions the maladjustments in the rule are caused or aggravated by an unhealthy weight . Whether overweight or extremely thin , the body tends to modify its normal cycles.

That is why if you have an irregular rule, you must know what is your adequate body mass index and adapt to it. In this way, in addition to looking better, you also feel better and your body appreciates it by fulfilling its usual functions.

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Top natural remedies for heavy bleeding

By On 19/06/2020

Excessive bleeding is a problem that many women manifest during their menstrual period and that can lead to various complications, such as anemia, fatigue or migraines. In addition to having an impact on our health, this type of bleeding can affect the daily routine and lifestyle of the person who suffers from it. 

Menorrhagia is menstrual bleeding that lasts more than 7 days. It can also be bleeding that is very heavy. How do you know if you have heavy bleeding? If you need to change your tampon or towel after less than 2 hours, or you have clots the size of a coin or larger, it means that bleeding is heavy. If you have this type of bleeding, you should see a doctor.

African herbal tea for menstrual disorders

​​Traitement naturel pour tomber enceinte après 35 ans

Birthing a child is the dream of every women but at times our uterus develops issues that hinders fertility. However, africandoctor has found the best medicinal plant to help you solve any uterine disease, severe abdominal pain during menstruation, dyspareunia, Menorrhagiaanovulation, irregular menstrual cycle and amenorrhea which are also linked to infertility so you can experience the joy of a mother. Stop your uterine bleeding without surgery. 
However, it is very necessary to consult your doctor for a better diagnostics to receive the best treatment. This is because, it might be due to diseases like; ovarian cyst, uterine polyps, adenomyosis and so on.

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Most common causes

• Problems with the lining of the uterus

•  Hormonal imbalances

•  Uterine tumors

•  Adenomyosis

•  Complications in pregnancy

•  Thyroid problems

•  Changes in diet

•  Consumption of certain medications (anticoagulants, steroids, etc.)

•  Pelvic inflammatory disease

Most common symptoms

• Long menstrual cycles

•  anemia

•  weakness

•  Mood swings

•  Severe cramps

•  nausea

•  Difficulty breathing



Natural medicine 

Fortunately, there are a number of natural methods that can help us control bleeding and alleviate the accompanying symptoms. If symptoms continue or worsen, we recommend consulting a specialist immediately.

chamomile tea

This infusion is known to reduce menstrual bleeding and relieve accompanying symptoms. Place some chamomile leaves in a cup of boiling water, add a tablespoon of honey and consume after 4 or 5 minutes. 


Cinnamon is a powerful spice that is used to treat various health problems, including menstrual cramps and bleeding. One of the most effective ways to alleviate these symptoms is to drink a tea with a teaspoon of cinnamon, twice a day until an improvement in the picture is observed. 

If left untreated, heavy or prolonged bleeding can prevent you from living your life fully. It can also cause anemia . Anemia is a common blood problem that can make you feel tired or weak. If you have a bleeding problem, this could lead to other health problems. Sometimes treatments, such as dilation and curettage (also called curettage) or a hysterectomy, are done when these procedures could have been avoided.

Aloe vera

Although many people know that aloe vera is an effective natural remedy for treating various skin conditions, few knew that it can also be beneficial in relieving excessive bleeding. Drink aloe vera juice regularly to reduce bleeding, cramps, and other symptoms.

Omega 3

It is recommended that women who have strong and long menstrual cycles increase their intake of omega 3, to reduce inflammation caused by bleeding and decrease breast sensitivity caused by estrogens. The main sources of omega 3 are fatty fish, such as salmon or tuna, walnuts and avocado.


According to the "Women's Association for the Advancement of Research and Education," sage contains antispasmodic oils and tannins that provide relief for menstrual cramps and prevent excessive bleeding. You can consume this herb as an infusion or incorporate it into your daily preparations.

Raspberry leaf tea

Raspberry leaves are medicinal plants used to alleviate the symptoms of menstruation. This infusion is believed to help tone the muscles of the uterus and pelvis, as well as acting as a natural astringent, reducing excessive bleeding and accompanying cramps.


The effectiveness of ginger root in reducing menstrual pain and bleeding has been proven on several occasions. Its anti-inflammatory and digestive properties are a great relief for these symptoms. Prepare an infusion with several pieces of fresh ginger and a teaspoon of honey and drink it in the morning and at night.


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Get Rid Of Heavy Menstrual Bleeding Naturally

By On 19/06/2020

Discover How To Terminate Heavy Menstrual Bleeding Naturally

Normally, periods shouldn’t be a problem for you from month to month. However , if it is so heavy, painful or unpredictable that it prevents you from doing your normal activities, you may have a medical condition that needs to be treated.

You need to go see a doctor, if this is your case.


Doctors check the following when they diagnose abnormal uterine bleeding ;


How heavy is your period?

Under normal circumstance, a woman in her period loses about 2 – 3 tablespoons (of 14ml) or 6 teaspoons (of 5ml). While that is the average, women have given varying reports from just a spot to over two cups (540ml!) in one menstruation.

However, 5 tablespoons are believed to be unusually heavy, but that’s had to judge.

How often do you have your period?

Your period should be fairly regular- the length of each cycle should generally not change by more than a week. And if it lasts less than 3 weeks or more than 5, that could be a sign of a problem.

How long does it last ?

A typical period lasts 4 or 5 days. If yours usually lasts less than 2 days or more than week, that could mean something is wrong.



African herbal tea for menstrual disorders

​​Traitement naturel pour tomber enceinte après 35 ans

Birthing a child is the dream of every women but at times our uterus develops issues that hinders fertility. However, africandoctor has found the best medicinal plant to help you solve any uterine disease, severe abdominal pain during menstruation, dyspareunia, Menorrhagiaanovulation, irregular menstrual cycle and amenorrhea which are also linked to infertility so you can experience the joy of a mother. Stop your uterine bleeding without surgery. 
However, it is very necessary to consult your doctor for a better diagnostics to receive the best treatment. This is because, it might be due to diseases like; ovarian cyst, uterine polyps, adenomyosis and so on.

OR CALL/WHATSAPP: +229 90431725

What causes It ?

Problems with your hormones are the most common reason for abnormal uterine bleeding. When one of your ovaries releases an egg (called ovulation), certain hormones tell your body to build up, and then remove the lining of the uterus (called the endometrium). With adolescents and women who are approaching menopause, the endometrium can accumulate too much, and that can lead to a period irregular or heavy or spotting between periods.

Other possible causes :

  • Birth control pills
  • Rapid weight loss or gain
  • Emotional or physical stress
  • Another possible reason is a physical problem with the uterus.
  • Millions of women have fibroid, a non cancerous benign tumour that gros in the muscles of the wall of the uterus.
  • A polyp is an other kind of growth that can form on the lining of the uterus.

These are much less common, but abnormal uterine bleeding can also be caused by :

  • Bleeding or coagulation disorder
  • Cancer of the cervix, endometrium or uterus

Home remedies for Menorrhagia

Red Raspberry

Red raspberry has astringent properties that soothes cramps during heavy periods. It is also compatible with the reproductive system by strengthening the walls of the uterus thanks to its bioactive alkaloiod components.  This infusion is believed to help tone the muscles of the uterus and pelvis, as well as acting as a natural astringent, reducing excessive bleeding and accompanying cramps.

Not only that raspberry leaves are rich in magnesium, potassium, iron and vitamin C. To stop excessive bleeding, dissolve the raspberry powder in a cup of hot water and let it sit for 15 minutes. Drink the solution three times a day throughout the menstrual period.


Being rich in fiber and antioxidants, tamarind helps reduce cholesterol levels and prevent excessive bleeding. Place 10 pieces of tamarind along with 5 dehydrated plums in a container with half a liter of water, and soak them overnight. In the morning, remove the seeds and crush the ingredients to form a paste. Incorporate two tablespoons of honey and consume the mixture daily, on an empty stomach, for 6 days.


Orange juice

The components of natural orange juice are beneficial to health. Its high content of vitamin C helps reduce the symptoms of excessive bleeding. For this reason, to prevent and alleviate this condition, we recommend drinking two or three glasses of natural orange juice per day.


Radish works wonders in relieving menstruation symptoms and normalizing irregular cycles. The only thing you need is to process two or three radishes together with a few tablespoons of water until you obtain a paste, add a cup of milk and consume several times a day. 


Pumpkin can work as a natural remedy to reduce excessive bleeding during menstruation. Take a piece of pumpkin and let it dry at room temperature. Then pass it on a grater and add two tablespoons of sugar. If you consume this mixture daily, along with milk or yogurt, you will begin to feel the difference.



To control menstrual bleeding, specialists recommend incorporating papaya in the daily diet of women. This fruit has an enzyme called papain, which is involved in regulating blood flow. Be sure to consume this fruit or its juice daily for good results.

Who does it affect?

Heavy bleeding (menorrhagia) is one of the most common problems that women report to their doctors. It affects more than 10 million American women each year. This means that about one in five women has this problem.


How can you care for yourself with menorrhagia?

  • Get plenty of rest.
  • Keep a record of your periods. Write down when your period begins and ends and how much flow you have. That means counting the number of pads and tampons you use. Note whether they are soaked. Note any other symptoms. Take this record to your doctor appointments.
  • Take your medicines exactly as prescribed. Call your doctor or nurse call line if you think you are having a problem with your medicine.
  • Take pain medicines exactly as directed.
    • If the doctor gave you a prescription medicine for pain, take it as prescribed.
    • If you are not taking a prescription pain medicine, ask your doctor if you can take an over-the-counter medicine.
  • Try to reach a healthy weight. If you are trying to lose weight, do it slowly with your doctor's advice.
  • If you are taking iron pills:
    • Try to take the pills about 1 hour before or 2 hours after meals. But you may need to take iron with some food to avoid an upset stomach.
    • Vitamin C (from food or pills) helps your body absorb iron. Try taking iron pills with a glass of orange juice or other citrus fruit juice.
    • Do not take antacids or drink milk or caffeine drinks (such as coffee, tea, or cola) at the same time or within 2 hours of the time that you take your iron. They can make it hard for your body to absorb the iron.
    • Iron pills may cause stomach problems, such as heartburn, nausea, diarrhea, constipation, and cramps. Be sure to drink plenty of fluids, and include fruits, vegetables, and fibre in your diet each day.
    • If you forget to take an iron pill, do not take a double dose of iron the next time you take a pill.
    • Keep iron pills out of the reach of small children. An overdose of iron can be very dangerous.


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