herbal remedy thyroid

Hormones and infertility: Best Herbal Solution

By On 18/06/2020

When you and your partner have been trying to conceive for several years, every added year makes it more difficult and painful. You feel your chances of birthing a child becoming slimmer as you grow older. 

However, no matter old you are getting, there are natural remedies that can boost your fertility process. Read to the end, find out answers you have searching for concerning infertility and the best natural solution to overcome infertility. 



How relevant is the problem of infertility today? Do couples often face the unfathomable task of having a baby?


“The number of infertile couples is growing - among spouses planning a pregnancy, they cannot conceive 15–20%, and the reason can equally be found in both women and men,” says the head doctor of the Center for Family Reproduction of the clinic “Mother and Child. 

Among all the causes of infertility, the most commonly identified are: tubal factor (15%), endometriosis (20%), endocrine (30%), male (25%) and 10% account for infertility of unclear origin, the causes of which can be identified with a deeper examination of a married couple. Often there is a combination of several factors at the same time on the part of a man and a woman (30 - 40%).


Endocrine infertility is one of the most common causes of female infertility. With endocrine malfunctions, egg formation is impaired, and the thyroid gland, adrenal glands, the pituitary gland of the brain and the pancreas affect the work of the ovaries. These same endocrine glands regulate the functioning of the male reproductive system.

- Most often, endocrine infertility develops with a violation of the thyroid gland and the pituitary gland, - said the endocrinologist Anastasia Obukhova . - The most common causes: a lack of thyroid hormones (hypothyroidism) and excessive production of prolactin by the pituitary gland of the brain in the presence of microadenomas . Congenital dysfunction of the adrenal cortex, which can also cause infertility, is less common .



African herbal tea to boost female fertility

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Birthing a child is the dream of every women but at times our uterus develops issues that hinders fertility. However, africandoctor has found the best medicinal plant to help you solve any uterine disease such as adenomyosis, endometriosis, uterine polypssevere abdominal pain, dyspareunia, anovulation, abnormal menstrual cycle and amenorrhea linked to infertility so you can experience the joy of a mother. The constituents of this tisane allow it to regulate your menstrual cycle and dispose any problem that may lead to infertility. Some of the plants that make this possible  are Acridoscarpus smeathmani, quad cissus, afromum melegueta and wild african plum. these are very powerful plants, the mixture of these plants with other secret herbs have made this possible.

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African plants and roots to treat male infertility

Male infertility

According to the World Health Organization, male infertility is "the inability to impregnate after at least 12 months of regular sexual activity and not protected by any contraceptive method, with a normally fertile partner." There are many situation that may cause infertility to a man and our natural can perfectly work on most of the causes. Is it that you are suffering from low sperm count, low motility or abnormal shape of spermatozoa? Here is a tisane that will help you regain your fertility so that you experiment the joy to be a father.

If you are interested in getting our natural remedy, click here!

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The menstrual cycle is irregular, a year in marriage, pregnancy does not occur. The doctor said that you need to take tests for hormones. What will they show, and does my husband need to be examined too?

Having Another Baby After a Miscarriage

“The cause of the irregular cycle may be a violation of the functions of the endocrine glands,” says Olga Nikolaevna. 

 It is necessary to examine the function of the thyroid gland (in particular, for TSH hormones, T4 free), the level of prolactin, FSH and LH hormones that directly control the ovaries, and hormones with androgenic (male) effect - testosterone and DEAS, 17-hydroxyprogesterone are important. A man needs to examine sperm - if everything is in order and the husband does not have endocrine diseases, there is no need for other tests.



- When do you need to start worrying about infertility?

Not Pregnant Yet? When to Seek Help – Health Essentials from ...

“If the couple have been married for a year or two years, you can diagnose infertility,” says Olga Buldina. If people of older reproductive age (35 plus), then such a diagnosis is made after six months, because ovarian function begins to fade. 



Is it possible to get pregnant and give birth with endocrine disorders?

Know the pregnancy risks if you have Graves' Disease - Having ...

If infertility is caused only by this reason, it goes away against the background of treatment. If pregnancy does not occur against the background of successful treatment of revealed endocrine disorders, other reasons must be sought.

Read also: HYPOTHYROIDISM: how it affects conception and nature's cure



 How long before the desired pregnancy do I need to stop taking oral contraceptives?

Folic Acid and Pregnancy: How Much You'll Need

- With the cancellation of contraceptives, pregnancy can already occur in the next menstrual cycle, says Olga Buldina.



How to eat in order to get pregnant faster? How to feed her husband? Are there any products that increase the possibility of conception?

Eat more fruit to get pregnant faster, study suggests - 9Coach

It’s easier to say what you don’t need to eat. 

- It is necessary to avoid refined carbohydrates

- sweets, juices; foods rich in refractory, hidden fats, such as sausage, sausages, mayonnaise, canned food, pastries. All products that contribute to weight gain are best avoided. Enrich your diet with nuts and seafood.

Men should not drink beer

- it not only adds weight, but also worsens sperm counts. Also, representatives of the strong half who want to increase their fertility should avoid overheating baths, saunas. 

But it will be beneficial to increase the dynamic (light) physical activity - walking, running. So eat right, exercise and be healthy!


1. Ashwagandha

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This is a plant widely used in traditional Indian medicine, also known as bufera or Indian ginseng, which seems to provide various health benefits for both women and men.

Ashwagandha appears to be quite effective in hormonal regulation in women, promoting better functioning of the reproductive organs, being used in many cases by women who have already undergone several natural abortions to strengthen the uterus.

In the case of men, this plant could improve the formation and quality of sperm, due to its nutritional and antioxidant power.


2. Peruvian Maca

The Amazing Health Benefits of the Maca Root

Peruvian maca is a powerful natural adaptogen that helps fight stress, in addition to balancing hormone production. It also contains many vitamins and nutrients important for pregnancy, it nourishes the woman's body to prepare her for a possible pregnancy.

In man, the use of this plant seems to increase sperm production and quality, improve sperm mobility and prevent erectile dysfunction.


3. Shatavari

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In addition to being a plant with an aphrodisiac effect, Shatavari, also known as Asparagus racemosus, has adaptogenic power that helps to balance hormone production, regulating the production of higher quality eggs and sperm. At the same time, this plant also nourishes the reproductive organs, especially in women.

In man, shatavari is a natural tonic and is often used in Ayurvedic medicine to improve the production of healthy sperm.



4. Chasteberry

Chasteberry (vitex) 50G - Blue Mountain Tea Company

Chasteberry or agnus castus is a plant with a long history of its use to treat various types of problems at the level of the reproductive system, being used mainly to increase the production of luteinizing hormone, facilitating ovulation and the production of mature eggs. .

For this reason, this plant can be used by women who have a disorder in the luteal phase of the menstrual cycle.


5. Saw Palmetto

Saw Palmetto Extract

Saw palmetto, also known as wild heart of palm or serenoa repens , can be used both in being used in both women and men, this because it contains fatty acids and phytoestrogens that promote the functioning of the ovaries, especially in women with syndrome of Polycystic ovaries, in addition to acting on sperm production and testicle health in men.


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Hypothyroidism nature s cure

HYPOTHYROIDISM: how it affects conception and nature's cure

By On 18/06/2020

Find out why a woman needs to monitor thyroid health before pregnancy and why infertility can develop with a lack of hormones. Also, discover the secret ingredient to stabilize your hormones and get pregnant quickly. 


The birth of a child is a long-awaited event in every family. But sometimes a woman does not succeed in becoming pregnant for many years. In such cases, it is recommended to examine not only the reproductive systems of potential parents, but also the thyroid gland.

A group of scientists revealed that the thyroid gland may cause infertility in women, according to 'Elaph' website. 


What is hypothyroidism?

The thyroid gland is an incredibly important organ in the life of a woman. Hypothyroidism is a syndrome that develops with a low concentration of thyroid hormones.

Psychotherapists call hypothyroidism a disease of broken dreams and unfulfilled plans when a person loses interest in what is happening.



African Herbal Tea For Hypothyroidism

Plante medicinale pour lasthme dawabio com 600x400 1

The herbal tea contains many active ingredients, in particular iodine, but also polyphenols, polysaccharides, mucilage, micronutrients, proteins and vitamins. It contains large amounts of easily absorbed iodine, which is perfect for treating hypothyroidism. The tonic plants help our organism to better fight against the upheavals linked to stress and in particular to restore the hormonal balance. This natural remedy also lowers cholesterol levels and helps maintain normal weight. It is the quick fix for treating hypothyroidism.

Would you like to discover the most effective natural method to eliminate hypothyroidism without surgery, in a short time, safely and permanently!

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Symptoms of Hypothyroidism

In pregnant women, hypothyroidism is rare. Why? Because they usually reveal it late, as the picture of the disease is too blurry and looks more like symptoms of overwork.

With hypothyroidism, it is difficult to get pregnant, infertility develops, hence the statistics for the detection of this disease in pregnant women.

Here's how to suspect that you have problems with the thyroid gland:

  • you are incredibly annoying. You may not have been distinguished by an easygoing character, but now everything that at least somehow contradicts your opinion or desire causes a storm of emotions that you cannot control;
  • frequent mood swings. And not just frequent, but sharp: cried, laughed immediately, cried again. This is a typical symptom of hyperthyroidism (a syndrome with a high concentration of thyroid hormones).

It is as if several personalities live in you, who switch one on top of the other;

  • did not have time to wake up, already tired;
  • persistent weakness, apathy, depressive mood;
  • your weight is rooted to the spot, despite proper nutrition in a reasonable calorie deficit. Or the weight jumps out of the blue - plus or minus 5 kg. This may not be fat, but swelling, which is prone to those who have disorders of the thyroid gland;
  • hair loss, brittle nails, dry skin;
  • menstrual irregularities.


Why hypothyroidism is dangerous during pregnancy


During pregnancy, a woman’s healthy thyroid gland experiences overload, which can be a trigger in the development of hypothyroidism.

How hypnobirthing techniques can help during labour - Baby Magazine

During pregnancy with hypothyroidism, the central nervous system of the fetus will develop in conditions of hormone deficiency, since in the first months the thyroid gland of the fetus does not function, but develops only due to maternal hormones.

Under the condition of insufficient thyroid function in a pregnant iron, it does not develop properly, which is fraught with consequences in the future both for bearing a pregnancy and for the fetus itself. That is why it is extremely important to diagnose, identify and compensate for the deficiency of thyroid hormones.



What tests do you need to pass to expectant mother


Examination of a pregnant woman, as well as a woman planning a pregnancy, is prescribed on the basis of clinical protocols. When registering, the survey is carried out according to the protocols.

I have my own clinical minimum, according to which I examine a woman who is at the stage of preparation for pregnancy.

Ideally, the examination is carried out at the stage of pregnancy planning (at least 3 months before its onset).

For 3-5 day cycle:

  • general blood test, coagulogram;
  • total protein and fractions;
  • lipid spectrum: cholesterol, atherogenic coefficient, HDL, LDL, triglycerides; serum iron, ferritin, vitamin D - 25 (OH);
  • glucose and insulin;
  • TTG and T4 sv, also T3 and AT-TPO;
  • prolactin, cortisol;
  • FSH, LH, testosterone;
  • fluorography, ultrasound of the mammary glands;

On day 21 of the cycle:

  • progesterone.

To vegetarians and raw foodists all of the above must be: - control of the KLA (general blood test);

  • analysis of hair, namely hair, for trace elements.


What will happen after childbirth


After childbirth, the restoration of the hormonal background is a long process, it depends on many factors: the daily routine, the diet of the young mother, sleep mode, environmental conditions, and psychoemotional state.

To normalize the hormonal background after childbirth, you need the correct sleep and diet, the absence of psycho-emotional overload, which is very difficult in the first months after childbirth.

The hormonal background is restored after childbirth long enough, and finally "comes to its senses" a couple of months after the completion of breastfeeding.

If during pregnancy or even before its onset hypothyroidism was detected, hormone levels should be monitored no later than two months after birth.



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4 natural, simple and homemade tips to improve hypothyroidism

By On 17/06/2020

How to do the Thyroid Self Exam

Self-examination of the thyroid is very easy and quick to be performed and may indicate the presence of changes in this gland, such as cysts or nodules, for example.

Thus, self-examination of the thyroid should be performed especially by those who suffer from diseases related to the thyroid or who show symptoms of changes such as pain, difficulty in swallowing, feeling of the swollen neck. It is also indicated for people who show signs of hyperthyroidism, such as agitation, palpitations or weight loss, or hypothyroidism such as tiredness, drowsiness, dry skin, and difficulty concentrating, for example.



African Herbal Tea For Hypothyroidism

Plante medicinale pour lasthme dawabio com 600x400 1

The herbal tea contains many active ingredients, in particular iodine, but also polyphenols, polysaccharides, mucilage, micronutrients, proteins, and vitamins. It contains large amounts of easily absorbed iodine, which is perfect for treating hypothyroidism. The tonic plants help our organism to better fight against the upheavals linked to stress and in particular to restore the hormonal balance. This natural remedy also lowers cholesterol levels and helps maintain a normal weight. It is a quick fix for treating hyperthyroidism.

Would you like to discover the most effective natural method to eliminate hypothyroidism without surgery, in a short time, safely and permanently!

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Herbal tea to fight against Hyperthyroidism

signes hyperthyroidie

​It is a natural, effective, and lasting remedy that will allow you to overcome hyperthyroidism. The herbal tea contains many active ingredients, in particular polyphenols, polysaccharides, mucilage, micronutrients, proteins, and vitamins. Our natural remedy is made up of plants that regulate the production of thyroid hormones. These plants are recognized as the most effective in the world for curing hyperthyroidism. They allow effective control of hyperthyroidism. These plants will also help your body adapt to stressful situations and also contribute to the health of the immune system. Our natural remedy is the quick fix for naturally curing hyperthyroidism. Finally, in addition to curing hyperthyroidism, the natural remedy is also very effective in treating menopausal disorders.

Would you like to discover the most effective natural method to eliminate hypothyroidism without surgery, in a short time, safely and permanently!

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How to do the self-examination

Thyroid self-examination consists of observing the movement of the thyroid during swallowing. For this, you will only need:

  • 1 glass of water, juice or other liquid
  • 1 mirror

You should be facing the mirror, tilting your head slightly back and drinking the glass of water, observing the neck, and if Adam's apple, also called gogó, rises and falls normally, without changes. This test can be performed several times in a row, if you have any questions.



What to do if you find a lump

If during this self-examination you feel pain or notice that there is a lump or other alteration in the thyroid gland, you should make an appointment with a general practitioner or endocrinologist to have a blood test and an ultrasound scan to assess thyroid function. 

Depending on the size of the lump, the type and the symptoms it causes, the doctor will recommend performing a biopsy or not and, in certain cases, even removing the thyroid.

To regulate the thyroid, it is important to have a diet rich in iodine, selenium and zinc, important nutrients for the proper functioning of this gland and which can be found in foods such as fish, seafood and Brazil nuts.

In addition, it is important to remember that the primary means of treatment for thyroid disease is the use of specific medications indicated by the doctor to control symptoms

Good Thyroid Foods

The nutrients and foods important to regulate the thyroid naturally, being useful both in case of hypothyroidism and in case of hyperthyroidism, are:

  • Iodine: sea ​​fish, all seaweed, shrimp, egg. See more about iodine's functions at: Iodine prevents infertility and thyroid problems .
  • Zinc: oysters, meat, pumpkin seeds, beans, almonds, peanuts;
  • Selenium: Brazil nuts, wheat flour, bread, egg;
  • Omega-3: avocado, flaxseed oil and high-fat fish such as salmon, sardines and tuna;

These nutrients help in the formation of thyroid hormones and in their performance in the body, keeping the metabolism balanced. It is also important to remember that in Brazil table salt is added with iodine, a measure used to prevent thyroid problems, such as goiter.


Thyroid massage

We should not underestimate the simple exercise of massaging the area of ​​the neck where the thyroid is with a little coconut oil. This can be done for a few minutes daily.

Any self-massage has beneficial health properties, whenever it is not uncomfortable or painful.


Essential fatty acids

One of the symptoms of hypothyroidism is dry skin. To improve this skin condition we must offer the nutrients so that it is nourished and is luminous, and so that we can also prevent early wrinkles.

We can consume the following foods daily:

  • Flax seeds
  • Chia seeds
  • Krill oil
  • Avocado
  • Ghee or clarified butter
  • Fatty fish


Chia seeds

The chia seeds we mentioned in the previous topic can also be very effective in treating constipation sufferers.

  • To consume them, we must soak them for several hours (all night, for example) and ingest them together with the water.
  • We can also mix them with juices and vitamins.


Learn to sing

It is not necessary to have a great talent to sing in a private environment of our home.

This habit can be very useful to regulate the thyroid, since the vibration is located exactly in the area where the gland is. Even at an energy level, it can be a very beneficial therapy for our well-being.


Drink water

Drinking water is a simple habit that improves the functioning of our organs, helps us to activate metabolism, fight constipation, dry skin and lose weight.

For all these reasons it is recommended in any treatment and, in particular, to improve hypothyroidism.





8 symptoms of thyroid problems vs natural treatment

By On 17/06/2020

Thyroid Complications – Know Causes, Symptoms and Treatment - Dr ...

Aproximately 12 percent of the U.S. population will develop a thyroid condition during their lifetime.

An estimated 20 million Americans have some form of thyroid disease. Up to 60 percent of those with thyroid disease are unaware of their condition.

Thyroid changes can cause several symptoms, which, if not properly interpreted, can go unnoticed and the problem can continue to worsen. When thyroid function is altered, this gland may be functioning excessively, also known as hyperthyroidism, or it may be functioning poorly, which is also known as hypothyroidism.

While hyperthyroidism can cause symptoms such as agitation, nervousness, difficulty concentrating and weight loss,  hypothyroidism causes symptoms such as tiredness, memory loss, fattening, dry and cold skin, irregular menstrual cycle and hair loss.


African Herbal Tea For Hypothyroidism

Plante medicinale pour lasthme dawabio com 600x400 1

The herbal tea contains many active ingredients, in particular iodine, but also polyphenols, polysaccharides, mucilage, micronutrients, proteins and vitamins. It contains large amounts of easily absorbed iodine, which is perfect for treating hypothyroidism. The tonic plants help our organism to better fight against the upheavals linked to stress and in particular to restore the hormonal balance. This natural remedy also lowers cholesterol levels and helps maintain normal weight. It is the quick fix for treating hyperthyroidism.

Would you like to discover the most effective natural method to eliminate hypothyroidism without surgery, in a short time, safely and permanently!

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Herbal tea to fight against Hyperthyroidism

signes hyperthyroidie

It is a natural, effective, and lasting remedy that will allow you to overcome hyperthyroidism. The herbal tea contains many active ingredients, in particular polyphenols, polysaccharides, mucilage, micronutrients, proteins and vitamins. Our natural remedy is made up of plants that regulates  the production of thyroid hormones. These plants are recognized as the most effective in the world for curing hyperthyroidism. They allow effective control of hyperthyroidism. These plants will also help your body adapt to stressful situations and also contribute to the health of the immune system. Our natural remedy is the quick fix for naturally curing hyperthyroidism. Finally, in addition to curing hyperthyroidism, the natural remedy is also very effective in treating menopausal disorders.

Would you like to discover the most effective natural method to eliminate hyperthyroidism without surgery, in a short time, safely and permanently!

Click here to get this natural product!




However, there are some general symptoms to watch out for, as they may indicate problems or changes in the functioning of your thyroid gland such as:



1. Weight gain or loss

Whey Protein Powder for Weight Gain as well as Weight Loss

Weight gain for no apparent reason, especially if there were no changes in diet or daily activities, is always worrying and can be caused by hypothyroidism, where the thyroid gland is malfunctioning and slows down the entire body. However, weight loss can also occur for no apparent reason, which can be related to hyperthyroidism and the presence of Graves' disease, for example. 


2. Difficulty concentrating and forgetting

14 Adult ADHD Signs and Symptoms

Feeling that your head is constantly out of place, often having difficulty concentrating or constantly forgetting, can be a symptom of changes in thyroid function, and lack of concentration can be a sign of hyperthyroidism and forgetfulness a sign of hypothyroidism.


3. Hair loss and dry skin

Premature Hair Loss - Simple Homemade DIY Ways To Prevent Hair Loss

Hair loss is normal during periods of great stress and in the autumn and spring seasons, however if this hair loss becomes very pronounced or extends beyond these seasons, it may indicate that there is some change in the functioning of the thyroid. In addition, dry skin and itching may be indicative of thyroid problems, especially if these symptoms are not related to cold, dry weather.


4. Mood swings

Rapid Mood Swings: Causes and When to See Your Doctor

Deficit or excess of thyroid hormones in the body can cause mood swings, and hyperthyroidism can cause irritability, anxiety and agitation, while hypothyroidism can cause constant sadness or depression due to altered levels of serotonin in the brain.


5. Constipation

Ulcerative colitis constipation: 5 relief options

In addition, changes in thyroid function can also cause difficulties in digestion and constipation, which cannot be resolved with food and physical exercise.


6. Drowsiness, tiredness and muscle pain

Muscle pain and fatigue? You could be suffering from FIBROMYALGIA ...

Drowsiness, constant tiredness and an increase in the number of hours you sleep per night can be a sign of hypothyroidism, which slows down the body's functions and causes a constant feeling of fatigue. In addition, unexplained muscle pain or tingling may also be another sign, as a lack of thyroid hormone can damage the nerves that send signals from the brain to the rest of your body, causing tingling and stinging in the body.


7. Discomfort in the throat and neck

7 symptoms of thyroid problems

The thyroid gland is located in the neck and, therefore, if pain, discomfort or the presence of a lump or lump in the neck region is perceived, it may be an indication that the gland is altered, which can interfere with its good operation.

As soon as you notice any changes related to the thyroid, it is important to go to the general practitioner or endocrinologist for diagnostic tests. 


8. Palpitations and high blood pressure

When should you get an irregular heartbeat checked?

The palpitations that sometimes make the pulse in the neck and wrist feel, can be a symptom that indicates that the thyroid is not working as it should. In addition, high blood pressure can be another symptom, especially if it does not improve with exercise and diet, and hypothyroidism can also cause an increase in bad cholesterol levels in the body.

In addition to these symptoms, loss of sexual desire and lack of libido can also be an indication that your thyroid is malfunctioning, as well as weight gain, hair loss and muscle pain.


If any of these symptoms are noticed, it is important to see an endocrinologist as soon as possible, so that he can order blood tests, which measure the levels of thyroid hormone in the body, or an ultrasound of the thyroid, to check the existence and size of possible nodules.



How to treat thyroid changes


Treatment for thyroid problems, such as an inflamed or altered thyroid, includes the use of drugs, which regulate thyroid function, or surgery to remove the gland, requiring hormone replacement therapy for life. These alternative solutions are also very effective when we start to suffer from the first symptoms of hypothyroidism, but we have not yet started treatment. They  could prevent the disease from getting worse.


Tips to reduce symptoms and improve hypothyroidism

1. Green juices

Naturally Sweet Green Detox Juice

Green juices are a delicious, comfortable and healthy way to consume a good portion of fruits and vegetables daily, even for those who have difficulty eating vegetables.

Green juices, which we can prepare with a wide variety of fresh and seasonal ingredients, offer many nutrients, improve the functioning of the body and eliminate toxins, which is beneficial to prevent all types of symptoms.

In addition, juices help to maintain a balanced weight, fight constipation , increase energy levels and improve mood.



2. Stimulating spices

5 Spices to Boost Your Immune System - The Public Goods Blog

Some aromatic and culinary spices have healing medicinal properties for many diseases, although they are known only for their ability to enhance the taste of food.

In the case of over-functioning thyroid, we recommend these three spices in our meals and infusions:

  • Cayenne pepper
  • Ginger
  • Ceylon cinnamon

We can add them to both recipes and desserts, vitamins or juices.


3. It is essential to exercise

Lockdown: How many times can you exercise a day and will gyms ...

Exercising is a recommendation for everyone. Hypothyroidism sufferers may notice a great improvement with sport, as it  speeds up metabolism and prevents overweight.

Activating your metabolism not only helps you burn more calories, but also increases your vitality and combats hypersensitivity to cold.


4. Coconut oil

10 uses of coconut oil to benefit your hair, skin and health

The coconut oil  extra virgin is an increasingly popular food among those seeking nutritious foods to enrich your diet. This vegetable oil has the virtue of stimulating the production of thyroid hormone , speeding up metabolism and fighting overweight, despite being a fat.

We can take two spoons daily, one fasting and one at night, although it is also possible to start with a smaller amount and increase if we feel good.





Diet for hyperthyroidism: Natural treatment

Cure your thyroid with these 8 tips and 1 natural coriander seed remedy

By On 17/06/2020

Thyroid Disease and Diabetes - Diabetes Self-Management

Thyroid disorders are becoming more and more common. And if you are a woman, we have some bad news: women are seven times more likely to have a thyroid disease.

The thyroid gland is very important for our body. It interferes with heart health, metabolism, brain function and more. So it is very important to prevent and fight the problems in that gland. We have an excellent recipe to help the thyroid.

But first, let's show some causes of thyroid problems:

- nutrient deficiency

- hormonal imbalances

- excess of toxins

- food allergies

The most common thyroid problems are hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidismThe first occurs when the thyroid gland does not produce enough hormone.

And the second, when the thyroid produces excess hormone.



African Herbal Tea For Hypothyroidism

Plante medicinale pour lasthme dawabio com 600x400 1

The herbal tea contains many active ingredients, in particular iodine, but also polyphenols, polysaccharides, mucilage, micronutrients, proteins and vitamins. It contains large amounts of easily absorbed iodine, which is perfect for treating hypothyroidism. The tonic plants help our organism to better fight against the upheavals linked to stress and in particular to restore the hormonal balance. This natural remedy also lowers cholesterol levels and helps maintain a normal weight. It is a quick fix for treating hyperthyroidism.

Would you like to discover the most effective natural method to eliminate hypothyroidism without surgery, in a short time, safely and permanently!

Click here to get this natural product! TO GET MORE INFORMATION ABOUT THIS PRODUCT CALL contact/WhatsApp: +22990431725



Herbal tea to fight against Hyperthyroidism

signes hyperthyroidie

​It is a natural, effective, and lasting remedy that will allow you to overcome hyperthyroidism. The herbal tea contains many active ingredients, in particular polyphenols, polysaccharides, mucilage, micronutrients, proteins, and vitamins. Our natural remedy is made up of plants that regulate the production of thyroid hormones. These plants are recognized as the most effective in the world for curing hyperthyroidism. They allow effective control of hyperthyroidism. These plants will also help your body adapt to stressful situations and also contribute to the health of the immune system. Our natural remedy is the quick fix for naturally curing hyperthyroidism. Finally, in addition to curing hyperthyroidism, the natural remedy is also very effective in treating menopausal disorders.

Would you like to discover the most effective natural method to eliminate hyperthyroidism without surgery, in a short time, safely and permanently!

Click here to get this natural product!



Natural treatment of thyroid disease requires measures such as:


1. Reduce exposure to BP

BPA is a toxic substance that disrupts our hormones and can cause thyroid disorders.

It is found mainly in plastics and food cans.

Avoid canned foods and use a good water filter (if possible, alkaline) instead of plastic bottles.



2. Avoid gluten

Many people are intolerant to wheat.

This can cause inflammation in the intestine and, as a result, weaken the thyroid.



3. Do a heavy metal detox

The detoxification of heavy metals present in our cells and tissues will reduce thyroid problems.

Research shows that coriander can remove heavy metals from the body.



4. Avoid fluoride

Fluoride can cause several health problems, one of which is a thyroid dysfunction.

Research has revealed that fluoride causes iodine deficiency. And, as you may know, iodine plays a vital role in maintaining a healthy thyroid.



5. Use herbal adaptogen supplements

Adaptogenic herbal supplements, such as ashwagandha, can regulate cortisol levels and improve thyroid function.



6. Reduce your carbohydrate intake

Consuming a large amount of carbohydrates can impair thyroid health.

Replace grains and sugar with healthy fats, such as sunflower seeds, flaxseeds, sardines, wild salmon and avocado.



7. Normalize iodine levels

Check your iodine levels to see if your body has enough.

Supplementation may be necessary if you are deficient in iodine.



8. Consume selenium

To get selenium, eat Brazil nuts, wild salmon, meat, onions and mushrooms.



Home remedy for thyroid: Coriander seed for hypothyroidism

Coriander seed and it's health benefits - Times of India

To treat problems in this gland, you can use a recipe based on coriander seeds:


1 teaspoon coriander seeds

1 cup of drinking water

Honey to taste (optional)


What you should do is boil the water and add the coriander seeds and cover.

Let it cook for at least 15 minutes.

Then remove from heat and strain the infusion

Expect to warm up and drink.

If you want, sweeten it with a little honey (minus diabetics).

Take this recipe every day on an empty stomach and after a couple of weeks you will start to feel the results.


Diet also plays an important role in hypothyroidism: firstly, these patients like no one need products containing iodine and other substances, and secondly, this disease adversely affects body weight, the condition of hair and nails, and the level of fluid in the body. These problems can be corrected by choosing the right menu.



Thyroid Disorders and Conception

During pregnancy, a woman’s immune system is suppressed throughout the duration of the pregnancy in order to protect the growing fetus. At the end of the pregnancy, because the immune system is still being suppressed, it’s possible for the mother to develop a thyroid disorder.

It is also possible for women with hypo- or hyperthyroidism to be unable to conceive. In men, low sperm counts in those with thyroid disease are common due to the low thyroid hormone levels. In addition to lowered fertility, people with thyroid disease tend to have a lower libido, potentially making it more difficult to conceive.

learn more about your conception options.





By On 17/06/2020

Can hypothyroidism be cured?

This is a question every sufferer of this pathology ask themselves. Well, if you are one of them you have come to the right place. You are going to see for yourself the answer to this question.

Hypothyroidism is a disease that, at first, has no cure. Sometimes hypothyroidism is permanent, and sometimes it's reversible. Wait! Don't give up yet! 

Though permanent or without cure, its symptoms can be treated natural till you forget you ever had it. Isn't that amazing? It is.

Hypothyroidism causes symptoms such as excessive tiredness, drowsiness, lack of disposition and even difficulty in concentration and to help relieve these symptoms a good remedy to complement the treatment may be the fucus, also called bodelha, which is a type of kelp that helps to regulate thyroid function. This seaweed can be found in health food stores in the form of capsules.

Some medicinal plants can be prepared in the form of tea and can also be used to improve the symptoms of hypothyroidism, as they are detoxifying herbs, which eliminate toxins and favor the improvement of metabolism, such as dandelion, gentian, sorrel, centella asiatica and ginseng. 


African Herbal Tea For Hypothyroidism

Plante medicinale pour lasthme dawabio com 600x400 1

The herbal tea contains many active ingredients, in particular iodine, but also polyphenols, polysaccharides, mucilage, micronutrients, proteins and vitamins. It contains large amounts of easily absorbed iodine, which is perfect for treating hypothyroidism. The tonic plants help our organism to better fight against the upheavals linked to stress and in particular to restore the hormonal balance. This natural remedy also lowers cholesterol levels and helps maintain normal weight. It is the quick fix for treating hyperthyroidism.

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Fucus tea

The fucus, known as fucus vesiculosus or bodelha, is a seaweed rich in iodine and therefore is widely used for hypothyroidism, regulating thyroid hormones.


  • 1 tablespoon of dried fucus;
  • 500 mL of water.

How to use

To prepare the tea, put the dried fucus in the water and boil, then let it rest for 10 minutes. Finally, it is necessary to strain and drink 2-3 times a day to improve the symptoms of hypothyroidism.

Dandelion tea

Dandelion is a medicinal plant that acts on the nervous system and improves well-being, reducing symptoms such as tiredness or difficulty concentrating, as it contains substances such as fibers, minerals, potassium, iron, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus , sodium and vitamins B, C and D.


  • 1 teaspoon of dandelion leaves;
  • 1 cup of water.

Method of preparation

The water should be boiled and then put the leaves inside the cup, allowing to stand for 3 minutes. At the end, it is necessary to strain and take warm 2 to 3 times a day

Sorrel tea

Home remedies for hypothyroidism

Sorrel, also known as sorrel or vinegar, is a plant that has a strong stimulating property and, therefore, is able to increase metabolism, improving the negative effects of hypothyroidism.


  • 1 cup of boiling water;
  • 1 teaspoon of dried sorrel leaves.

Method of preparation

Place the sorrel leaves in the cup of boiling water, cover and let stand for about 3 minutes. Then strain the mixture and drink it 2 to 3 times a day, as needed.

5. Asian centella tea


This tea is great for stimulating blood circulation and, therefore, acts as a tonic, increasing metabolism and reducing the tiredness symptoms typical of hypothyroidism. In addition, Asian centella also helps to improve memory and increase concentration.


  • 1 teaspoon of Asian centella;
  • 1 cup of water.

Method of preparation

Bring the water to a boil and as soon as it starts to bubble, place the leaves and turn off the heat. Cover, let stand for 3 to 5 minutes and then strain and drink 2 to 3 times a day.


6. Ginseng tea

Home remedies for hypothyroidism

Ginseng is one of the best natural stimulants, treating fatigue, lack of concentration and mental tiredness. Thus, it can be used during the treatment of hypothyroidism to improve all symptoms more quickly.


  • 1 cup of water;
  • 1 teaspoon of ginseng.

Method of preparation

Boil the water, add the ingredients, cover the cup and let stand for 5 minutes. Then, strain and drink it warm up to 2 times a day.

Gentian tea


Gentian is a plant that has a strong tonic action, besides improving the disposition, allowing to combat the symptoms associated with hypothyroidism. In this way, this tea is a good option to complete medical treatment and improve physical and mental well-being.


  • 1 teaspoon of gentian leaves;
  • 1 cup of boiling water.

Method of preparation

Add the ingredients, let stand for 5 minutes and then strain. This tea can be taken 1 to 2 times a day.

Other homemade options

Another excellent way to ensure thyroid health is to eat one Brazil nut per day, as it has enough selenium and zinc to regulate thyroid hormones. In addition, eating foods rich in iodine, such as seafood and fish, is also healthy for the proper functioning of the thyroid.


Would you like to discover the most effective natural method to eliminate hypothyroidism without surgery, in a short time, safely and permanently!

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By On 17/06/2020

Get Rid Of Hypothyroidism Naturally!


What does hypothyroidism mean? How can you get it? Are the symptoms serious? Can you get rid of it naturally? Answers to all of these questions can be found here.


Thyroid gland is a small butterfly-shaped gland located at the front of the neck, just below the socket (throat nut). The thyroid gland forms part of the endocrine system in the body, and it is made up of different glands that secrete different hormones into the bloodstream.




Thyroid: Try out these natural home remedies, diets for ...

Hypothyroidism or underactive thyroid is a disease caused by an alteration in the functioning of the thyroid gland, since it does not produce the number of hormones necessary for the proper functioning of the system.

The thyroid is a gland whose function is to produce hormones that maintain balance in different areas of the body. A malfunction of this hormone can cause alterations in metabolism, heart rate and even body temperature.




Plante medicinale pour lasthme dawabio com 600x400 1

The herbal tea contains many active ingredients, in particular iodine, but also polyphenols, polysaccharides, mucilages, micronutrients, proteins, and vitamins. It contains large amounts of easily absorbed iodine, which is perfect for treating hypothyroidism. The tonic plants help our organism to better fight against the upheavals linked to stress and in particular to restore the hormonal balance. This natural remedy also lowers cholesterol levels and helps maintain a normal weight. It is a quick fix for treating hyperthyroidism.


Would you like to discover the most effective natural method to eliminate hypothyroidism without surgery, in a short time, safely and permanently!

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Three types of hypothyroidism


According to the severity of the disease, hypothyroidism is divided into three types.

• Subclinical hypothyroidism (or latent) - clinical symptoms may be absent or mild; An elevated level of TSH in the blood is determined at normal TG. It occurs in 10-20% of the population, about 5% of cases of subclinical hypothyroidism annually becomes manifest.

• Manifest hypothyroidism - accompanied by clinical manifestations, an increased level of TSH and a decrease in the level of TG in the blood are determined.

• Severe hypothyroidism (long-existing) with outcome in hypothyroid (myxedema) coma.



Causes of hypothyroidism

The cause of hypothyroidism in 95% of patients lies in the thyroid gland itself, and in a minority of cases (less than 5%) the cause lies in a brain problem or in the pituitary gland .

The most common causes of hypothyroidism include:

1- Chronic lymphitis

Chronic glandular lymphadenitis (Hashimoto) is a condition in which the body mistakenly produces antibodies that attack the thyroid gland.

This condition in which the body produces antibodies against itself is called a "autoimmune condition".

2- Genetic tendency to develop autoimmune diseases

Patients with chronic glandular lymphocytic thyroiditis also have  other autoimmune diseases such as type 1 diabetes or a skin disease called vitiligo .

In addition, this hereditary tendency to develop autoimmune diseases may lead to the emergence of this type of disease in other family members.

3- Thyroiditis

It is possible that inflammation of the thyroid gland may form at the beginning of the disease. This may cause an enlarged gland and a mass to appear in the center of the neck.

In many cases, the doctor takes note of this inflation and asks the patient to undergo some tests, especially blood tests.

In these tests, low levels of T3 and T4 hormones are shown, elevated levels of TSH , and elevated levels of thyroid antibodies.

It is important to know that failure to treat hypothyroidism leads to widespread long-term effects and complications.



Symptoms of hypothyroidism


The timing of the onset and severity of the various symptoms in the case of hypothyroidism varies from patient to patient.

In many cases, the doctor may make a mistake in diagnosing the disease in elderly people, because he believes - wrongly - that these symptoms are part of the aging process.

Sometimes the feeling of fatigue, poor memory and other symptoms may worsen, which impedes the patient's normal life.

Sometimes the patient may turn to the doctor after physical symptoms, such as dry skin or swelling in the area around the eyes.

Here are the main symptoms of hypothyroidism:

  • Slow heart rate.
  • Feeling tired.
  • Inability to tolerate cold.
  • High weight.
  • Depression.
  • Sleepiness (feeling drowsy), even after sleeping all night.
  • Severe or irregular menstruation (in premenopausal women - menopause).
  • Muscle contraction.
  • Constipation.
  • Post symptoms of hypothyroidism include:
  • Hair loss.
  • skin dryness.
  • Poor memory.
  • Hoarseness.
  • Facial swelling - especially around the eyes (this condition is an indication that the condition has become serious).





Treatment of hypothyroidism is carried out by an endocrinologist.

In this disease, a lifelong replacement therapy using thyroid hormones is usually prescribed. At the first stage of treatment, the doctor eliminates the lack of thyroid hormones, at the second - selects a maintenance dose that will allow the patient to continue to feel good.

In children, the appointment of drugs at the first stage can cause increased motor activity, moodiness, pugnacity. Children are recommended to start treatment with low doses, and then increase them.
In forms of hypothyroidism associated with impaired brain structures, sometimes thyroid hormones are not prescribed, but thyroid-stimulating hormone and thyrotropin-releasing hormone.

Excessive doses of drugs can cause palpitations, sleep disturbances, that is, signs of thyrotoxicosis. In such cases, the dose of the drug is reduced.

The criteria for a correctly selected dose are the absence of complaints about well-being, and in children - also normal growth and development.

Hormone levels should be monitored once every six months or a year.



What You Should Keep in mind

Do not limit treatment to a single dose of medication. Do not forget about a diet rich in vitamins and minerals, about the correct regimen, with mandatory walks in the fresh air, about moderate physical exertion. Massage and physiotherapy exercises are also helpful.

If treatment in children was started late, unfortunately, it is not always possible to achieve a persistent improvement in the functioning of the nervous system. Many children continue to lag behind in development. In this case, they need not only hormone replacement therapy, but also drugs that improve metabolic processes in the brain and stimulate the development of brain activity, as well as additional classes with teachers and psychologists.

The causes of hypothyroidism can be:

  • untreated thyroid inflammation (thyroiditis);
  • past stresses (hypothyroidism can be a consequence of depression, including);
  • viral infections;
  • injuries
  • autoimmune disorders (immune problems that provoke thyroid disease);
  • food not rich in iodine, etc.

In the absence of pronounced symptoms of the disease, but the presence of a sharply increased TSH hormone (according to relevant analyzes), they indicate the occurrence of subclinical hypothyroidism. It is believed that its hidden course is revealed. A similar form of the disease is often found in women over 50 years old.



Natural Treatments For Hypothyroidism



How to grow garlic with Haifa Fertilizers - Haifa Group

Garlic is a food that really activates the body due to its many components. It is one of the best remedies for people who are sensitive to cold, fatigue or malaise.

How to use:

You can add it as a flavor or eat it raw



10 Science-Based Benefits of Fennel and Fennel Seeds

Fennel (Foeniculum vulgare) is a perennial herb that belongs to the carrot family. Fennel acts as a hormone regulator by stimulating hormone production . It can be used directly or as a medicinal tea.



Supply Dried Panax Ginseng Root - Buy Korean Ginseng Slice Cut ...

Ginseng is important for the treatment of hypothyroidism

Ginseng is a powerful natural stimulant that speeds up your metabolism and helps you lose weight easier .

  • It can be taken seasonally, intermittently, as a tea or as a dietary supplement.
  • How to use: 
  • Ingredient:
  • 6 -8 thin slices of ginseng root
  • honey to taste
  • 8 ounces of water
  • Directions
  • Pour 8 ounces of almost-boiling water over the ginseng. Cover and steep for 3-5 minutes and strain. Add honey to taste.


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