Yeast infection

7 natural remedies to treat vaginal infections

Par Le 02/05/2020 à 20:25

Dans Autre maladies


YES, It is common for women to occasionally experience discomfort in genital areas, such as itching, inflammation, irritation, and changes in vaginal fluid. The most common vaginal infections usually are due to an overgrowth of organisms normally present in the vagina. They may or may not be sexually transmitted. These infections include candidiasis (also called yeast infection or thrush) and bacterial vaginosis. Candidiasis is not usually sexually transmitted. Recent research links bacterial vaginosis with sexual behavior, but even women who have never had sex can, rarely, develop bacterial vaginosis.


An expert explains how to relieve them from home. Vaginal infections are more common than we think and the percentage of women who suffer from them is quite high.

We can cope with this situation especially when we go on vacation, for a walk or when we change our diet. These symptoms are part of bacterial infections or fungi caused by vitamin B deficiency, intestinal parasites, or regional irritation, called vaginitis.


CAN bacterial vaginosis CAUSE INFERTILITY?


Some studies indicate a link between BV and preterm labor or miscarriage, and if the infection is really nasty and not treated, it can progress to become pelvic inflammatory disease, which can cause infertility.





How to treat white discharge naturally?

Infertilite feminine 1

This is the best natural solution to treat white discharge and destroy any vaginal infection. This homemade remedy restores the balance of bacteria yeast throughout your body. Our natural treatment to heal white discharge is composed of herbal teas and essential oils. Natural herbal tea has an action on the destruction of candida albicans. Also, its richness in flavonoids gives its antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. It also stimulates the immune system. Natural essential oil has antifungal and antibacterial properties perfect for fighting against white discharge and itching.

It is a powerful antifungal, natural and effective antifungal. This is the secret to cure the white loss of plants. At the end of the first month of our natural treatment, we notice that the bacteria responsible for the infection develops slowly or else stops multiplying altogether. Our natural treatment is therefore very useful as a remedy to fight against white discharge. It also reduces by half the risk of recurrence of vulvovaginal fungal infections.


To discover our natural remedy against white discharge and vaginal infection linked to infertility, click on the image above
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Did you know that there are some things you absolutely shouldn’t put in your vagina? 

5 Things You Shouldn't Put in Your Vagina - HandbagMafia

Vaginitis is an inflammatory process of the vaginal mucosa whose main cause is the alteraton of the balance of the vaginal flora, which is part of the natural process of the vagina. Its role is to maintain and regulate the pH. This can be caused by wearing the wet bathrobe for a long time, using tight synthetic underwear, poor hygiene, using intimate soaps, organisms transmitted through sex, and other things. The most common medical symptoms of vaginitis are:

  • burning sensation
  • Itching (tingling or irritation)
  • Unusual smell
  • Vulva redness
  • Opaque, slightly thick and smelly flow (a symptom of atrophic vaginitis)
  • abundant, odorless, thick, white and white vaginal discharge (a symptom of fungal infection)
  • Greyish or white vaginal discharge with a strong odor (a symptom of bacterial vaginosis).




Vulvar Care

Since each person’s body is different, the causes of vaginitis are not always the same for everyone. But, in general, anything that alters the chemical balance of the vagina can cause this condition.

Allergic reactions or sensitivity to different products, materials or activities can also cause vaginitis. Here are some ways to keep the vulva and vagina healthy:

  • Do not use scented tampons or sanitary napkins. Also, do not use vaginal deodorants or scented “feminine hygiene” products (if you are worried about the smell you have in your vagina, the doctor can tell you if it is normal or not).
  • Stop using bath products (such as soaps or foams), scented laundry products or colored or scented toilet paper if they irritate your skin.
  • Do not use vaginal douches, as they involve all the healthy mechanisms of the vagina and create an imbalance in its natural state. In addition, if you already have an infection, douching can make things worse. Vaginas are “self-cleaning”; it is unnecessary to clean the inside. Washing the vulva with a mild, fragrance-free soap, or only with pure water, is the healthiest way to clean the genitalia. Vaginitis has nothing to do with a hygiene problem.
  • Vaginitis develops more quickly when the vulva is wet. You should, therefore, keep your genitals as dry as possible. Do not wear wet bathing suits or wet clothes and do not wear uncomfortable and tight pants.
  • When taking a shower, rinse the vulva with mild soap and water. Dry the area thoroughly after rinsing. Wear cotton or cotton underwear at the crotch (provides better ventilation and helps keep the vulva dry). Change your underwear every day.
  • Change tampons and sanitary pads every 4 to 8 hours. Wash the menstrual cup and sex toys carefully according to the instructions.
  • If anal beads enter the vagina, they can cause an infection. After defecation, clean the area thoroughly to prevent germs from spreading to the vulva. If a finger, sex toy or penis enters the anus, wash it thoroughly before touching the vagina (or using a new condom).
  • Some types of lubricants and spermicides can cause irritation in some people. Stop using them or try another brand if you have a reaction. If you are allergic to latex, you can use polyurethane, polyisoprene or nitrile condoms (they are made of soft plastic and do not contain latex).
  • Know your genitals. Look at the vulva in a mirror and watch for regular odors and vaginal discharge. It is normal for the flow to change slightly during the menstrual cycle. Knowing your body is the best way to know if something is wrong, so you can get treatment as soon as possible in case you need it.

IN SUMMARY, Washing the external genital area with unscented soap and clean water, and not using douches, detergents, disinfectants, or vaginal cleaning or drying agents are good hygiene practices. They may also help some women avoid vaginal infections.



Below, we have 7 home remedies that you can prepare wherever you are to relieve and cure symptoms.

CBD Oil and Your Physical Therapy Regimen - Guest Post by Areyo ...

1. Apply 2 teaspoons of Greek yogurt or natural goat cheese twice a day in the vaginal area.

2. Extract the gel contained in an aloe vera and apply it directly to the genitals to relieve itching.

3. Boil 2 handfuls of sage leave in 1 liter of water for 10 minutes. After this time, remove from the heat and let cool. Then wash your genitals for 5 minutes. Repeat this remedy twice a day.

4. Consume 2 cloves of garlic per day. Similarly, it can be added to a salad made with onion and parsley to strengthen its antiseptic properties.

5. Wash, peel and crush three cloves of garlic. Put in a container containing 1/2 liter of water. Boil for 10 minutes. After this time, remove from the fire, let cool and bathe in the affected area once a day, especially before bedtime, for a week. A burning sensation may be felt during the first few seconds.

6. Apply several drops of Tea Tree Oil to the bathwater, which helps to fight vaginitis caused by infection. If you do not have a bathtub, you can apply 1 or 2 drops of Tea Tree in a vase with warm water and make warm rags in the affected area.

7. Prick a vitamin E capsule and apply the oil to the inflamed area to relieve the itching or itching of vaginitis.





Is it possible to spread vaginitis during sexual intercourse?

Can You Have Sex with a Yeast Infection? - Sex, Yeast Infections ...

In most cases, vaginitis is not sexually transmitted. However, vaginitis is sometimes caused by a sexually transmitted disease. Trichomoniasis is a very common sexually transmitted infection, usually transmitted through sexual contact and often the cause of vaginitis.

Bacterial vaginosis and yeast infections are not sexually transmitted diseases. However, the body’s chemical composition can sometimes have a bad reaction with another person’s sperm or against the natural yeasts and bacteria of their genitalia, which can affect the normal balance of the vagina. Various studies have shown that having sex with a new sexual partner or with many partners can increase the risk of contracting bacterial vaginosis.

Sexual intercourse can also cause vaginitis if you have an allergy or if you are sensitive to certain types of lubricants, condoms or the material from which sex toys are made. (If you are allergic to latex, you can use polyurethane, polyisoprene or nitrile condoms). Many frictions or roughness during vaginal intercourse can cause inflammation or discomfort if the vaginal mucosa becomes irritated.





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