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Hepatitis b


Par Le 03/05/2020 à 10:23

Dans Hépatite

Natural medicine for hepatitis


Hepatitis is an inflammation of the liver that may be due to different causes. Most times, appropriate treatment of hepatitis can effectively cure the disease without leaving any sequelae on this organ.



AfricanDoctor’s natural remedy for hepatitis b and c

Hepatitis remedy

The hepatitis virus is very vicious because it is a tough virus that spreads and duplicates especially in the liver, causing disturbances. If you have hepatitis B or C. But the conventional treatments are too expensive, ineffective or you are afraid of the side effects of all these chemical drugs: this natural treatment will suit you perfectly. It is the best natural remedy for cure hepatitis B and C

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Medicinal herbs for hepatitis


Herbal medicine in the treatment of hepatitis will focus on the following objectives:

  • Hepatoprotective Plants that improve the condition of the organ
  • Anti-inflammatory plants that reduce the inflammation of the diseased liver.
  • Antioxidant plants, since antioxidant principles work together in liver detoxification processes
  • Detoxifying or purifying plants that help the liver eliminate toxins from the body.
  • Antiviral plants that protect the body against infections.

Among the 3 best plants to treat hepatitis, we have:


Milk Thistle

Milk Thistle Seed Powder, non-GMO, silymarin,100% Pure Raw Milk ...​ 

The milk thistle (Silybum marianum), by the presence in its seeds of a component called silymarin, is a remedy to treat liver diseases, including hepatitis, liver failure, and cirrhosis. Milk thistle acts on diseased liver cells that regenerate them and has a protective effect by preventing them from getting sick. It is therefore very suitable for people who drink a lot of alcohol because it protects them against cirrhosis. Milk thistle is also suitable for removing impurities that may be deposited when this organ filters contaminated blood. Its effectiveness as an Amanita phalloid poison antidote has been proven by preventing the toxins of this fungus from destroying the liver.

How to use it?

Crushed the roots, stems, as well as the juice of its leaves in the desired proportion. Infusion of a teaspoon of crushed fruit per glass of water for ¼ hour. Take three glasses a day for 1 or 2 months.


Artichoke for hepatitis

ARTICHOKE (<i>Cynara scolymus</i> L) en Soria Natural

Artichoke (Cynara scolymus), due to its cynarin content, protects the liver and helps its recovery with liver disease. It promotes biliary function and helps to eliminate the need to vomit during hepatitis.

Caffeic, linoleic and oleic acids are involved in their hepato-protective power and caffeolinic acid and cyanine are those that provide a coleretico value, i.e. bile stimulation.

How to use it?

We recommend that you make an infusion of two tablespoons of dried leaves per liter of water. Take three times a day before meals. A preparation based on a green leaf juice mixed with wine can serve the same purpose. 


Bitter dandelion for hepatitis

How Dandelion Benefits Your Liver | Liver Doctor

Dandelion (Taraxacum ocinale) is a good stimulant and biliary liver function is very useful in cases of hepatitis. In addition, as one of the best diuretics, it increases urine production and cleanses the body of toxins. It helps the liver to perform its function without having to work so hard.

How to use it?

A decoction of 100 grams of roots in one and a half liters of water. Take three cups a day. It is a very bitter infusion (in fact, this plant is also known as bitter), so it can be combined with previous herbs or with other plants, such as mint, fennel or boldo. Like milk thistle, it is an edible wild plant whose tender leaves can be added to salads to which it gives a particular flavor, with a very characteristic bitter touch.


What are the foods to avoid when you have hepatitis C?

- Alcohol: No more excuses! The most important dietary change for people with hepatitis is the complete elimination of alcohol.

Wheat and gluten: Gluten can be highly inflammatory, so a gluten-free diet can be beneficial for your liver. When you can’t digest and treat gluten properly, it creates a state of chronic inflammation that leads to “intestinal leakage” syndrome. This allows toxins and pathogens to enter your bloodstream, resulting in a chronic toxic overload to your liver. The long-term outcome of this disease is often non-alcoholic hepatic steatosis. This can lead to other even more serious liver diseases. At this stage, liver enzyme levels will be elevated.

-Tap water: tap water may sometimes contain heavy metals, chlorine, fluoride, inorganic chemicals and compounds that the liver cannot treat. Be aware that even the daily shower contains toxins that are absorbed through the skin and inhaled through the lungs. Filtered water or mineral water is better than tap water. Consider having your water tested to determine what is most appropriate for you and your family. Distilled water is another possibility, but its benefits are controversial. Therefore, you can take distilled water in moderation.

-Salt: Monitoring salt intake is important for people with hepatitis C. For people with cirrhosis, in particular, reducing sodium content is essential to limit the accumulation of fluid in the abdomen, called ascites. To reduce salt intake, you should avoid eating processed or packaged foods.

-Foods high in fat: These are our favorite foods, but they are not healthy. Our bodies do not receive a good source of nutrition from junk food and, more often than not, these foods are full of all the things to avoid (fats, sugars, empty calories, chemicals, and additives). Our poor livers don’t need this extra stress.

-White flour (unless it is organic and unbleached). When the flour is bleached, many vitamins and minerals are lost during the process; about 78%. When we consume this chemically modified product, our body needs extra vitamins and minerals to be able to process and use it. Instead, try these recipes for gluten-free all-purpose flour or gluten-free whole wheat flour.

-Sweet foods: It is believed that there is a link between hepatitis C and blood sugar levels, which may increase the risk of developing diabetes. The liver helps to regulate blood sugar levels. Sugar-rich foods, such as pastries, desserts, and candies, are high in calories but have little or no nutritional value and can cause blood sugar levels to peak.

Here are the eating habits we recommend you adopt

-Eat four small meals a day. Never eat one big meal at a time.

-Do not eat for five hours before bedtime.

-Try new foods, you can love them by accident.

-Drink plenty of distilled water throughout the day.

-Take a digestive aid with each meal.

-Eat slowly and not in front of the TV.

-Prepare your food in advance, if possible, so that it is ready when you are. You can make soups, beans, chili beans, etc. and freeze them in microwave-safe containers.

-Salt: If you do not have a fluid retention problem and you do not have high blood pressure, a little added salt is enough. You can tell if you are holding liquids by pressing your shinbone. Press and hold for five seconds; if it is withdrawn after releasing the pressure, you are holding liquids and should reduce your salt intake.

-Chew, chew, chew, chew. The digestive process begins in the mouth. Chewing begins with the release of digestive juices. Chew, chew, chew, chew. Have you finished chewing?

-If you feel tired, you may have eaten too much or the wrong foods. Try to go to bed.

-Do not eat when you are angry, frustrated or bored. Why don’t you take a walk and talk to yourself? It’s a great way to relieve your stress.



Testimonials from patients infected with a hepatitis virus


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