stephany By On 01/04/2020 at 19:24



This is an advanced form of epilepsy, in this case, unlike a single seizure epileptic status is a condition in which seizures follow one after another, without a period of recovery of consciousness between them. It is a series of seizures that lasts at least 30 minutes. Also, a single seizure that lasts the same time  will be related to the status epilepticus . According to foreign experts, the duration of an attack or a series of attacks without regaining consciousness is 5 minutes or more sufficient to consider such a condition as an epileptic status.

This advanced form of epilepsy is considered dangerous, thus if you are a victim don’t hesitate to take appropriate treatment.




Many factors can cause epileptic status. Epileptic status may be the first manifestation of epilepsy in a patient or appear against the background of existing seizures. The reasons for the development of this dangerous condition include:

  • acute cerebrovascular accidents (strokes and cerebral hemorrhages);
  • brain tumors;
  • infectious diseases of the nervous system (encephalitis);
  • poisoning with various substances;
  • a sharp decrease in the dose of antiepileptic drugs (barbiturates and benzodiazepines);
  • the transition from the drug of one manufacturer to the drugs of another;
  • inadequate therapy of epilepsy (use of ineffective doses of drugs, use of drugs outside of indications).




status epilepticus may manifest in the following ways:

  • Persistent shaking or jerking of the body lasting for longer than five minutes
  • Falling to the ground and remaining unresponsive
  • Lack of alertness for longer than five minutes
  • Prolonged staring spells
  • Decreased muscle tone for longer than five minutes
  • Repetitive facial movements, sounds, or gestures (generally with a lack of awareness) that last longer than five minutes

Serious Symptoms

Get emergency medical help when:

  • Seizure symptoms last for longer than five minutes
  • Someone loses consciousness and doesn't wake up
  • Someone has repeated seizures without waking up in between




According to research, herbal compounds found in certain plants makes them effective at reducing seizures in children and adults. However, some herbs does the opposite by making seizures worst. Below are the recommended natural treatment for epilepsy, it is safe and effective.



The herbal tea is made of plants whose active ingredients will help you prevent or space out your seizures. First, this natural remedy blocks the electrical impulse in the brain by decreasing the reactions of the neurons which provoke the crises. Second, it has a property on brain receptors that amplifies the action against seizures. Finally, the herbal tea also helps to eliminate anxiety and stress in people with epilepsy. When you know that stress is, in many cases, a trigger for epileptic seizures, it reassures immediately. However, to take this treatment while pregnant, you must first consult your doctor

  • Massage 

Massage is done in the region of the head and on the spine and feet (fingertips). You can use Swedish bitter, Cinderella or Roinita tincture or Sunflower oil. You can simply prepare a massage oil, combining 4 drops of essential oil of Lavender (or Roinita) with 2 teaspoons of sweet almond (or olive) oil. You can also try self-driving in the regions you can table.

  • Magnesium

Magnesium helps maintain electrical stability and regulates the body's energy levels and maintains nerve transmission. Researchers have found that a magnesium deficiency can cause muscle spasms and seizures and that epileptics have lower levels of magnesium in the blood.

✓ Good sources of magnesium: sunflower seeds, almonds, soy, nuts, seaweed, whole wheat flour, millet, spinach, bananas, dark green leafy vegetables, avocado, wheat germs.

  • Calcium

Together with magnesium, calcium helps to regulate the body's energy levels and maintain nerve transmission.

Good sources of calcium: lime, green barley, sesame seeds, soy, almonds, hazelnuts, spinach, walnuts, oatmeal, buckwheat, millet, turnips, gooseberries, brown rice.

  • Vitamin B6 

This plays an important role in the metabolism of the neurotransmitters neurorepinephrine and acetylcholine (which can inhibit certain types of seizures). Vitamin Bs are found in bananas, sunflower seeds, wheat germs, beer yeast and whole grains. Remember that alcohol and oral contraceptives "steal" vitamin B6 from the body.

  • Lecithin 

Lecithin (a fatty acid) is an important natural source of choline. Choline and the neurotransmitter acetylcholine play several roles in the normal functioning of cells, nerves and the brain. Good sources of lecithin are: lentil, soy, brown rice, cauliflower and dandelion.

  • Water of bran 

Water of bran (useful for anemia and nervous diseases). Put 4 tablespoons bran and 3 tablespoons Obligean (rhizome) in one liter of water and leave in the evening until morning, then strain. It is consumed at the discretion, instead of water, being greatly enriched with the vitamins of complex B. It is also recommended for those who want to improve their memory. Older people who have had or have chronic prolonged suffering can use this water permanently. To be tastier and richer in vitamins, lemon juice and honey can be added to the water if you do not have diabetes or blood sugar fluctuations. Obligeana is a tonic of the central nervous system, improving memory and having sedative effects in the treatment of hysteria, dementia, epilepsy.

  • Omega-3 fatty acids 

These have a positive action in treating diseases of the nervous system. The richest vegetable source of omega-3 fatty acids are flax seeds. You can consume 2-3 tablespoons of powder (freshly ground) per day. It is recommended to consume linseed oil daily (1-2 tablespoons; they can be used in greens salads).

  • Brewer's yeast leaves 

These leaves have a strong rejuvenating effect, with tonic effects on the entire nervous system. It is administered for 15-20 days per month, 2-3 tablespoons of nutritional yeast flakes daily.

  • Sprouted wheat cure 

It is recommended to consume 3-4 tablespoons of sprouted wheat per day, in cures of 15-20 days per month.

  • Pollen cure 

One teaspoon is consumed of pollen cure, 2 times a day, before the meal. The cure lasts 30 days. You can do 3 to
4 treatments per year. Pollen can be combined with honey and milkweed (capsules can be used in accordance with the package leaflet). Due to its multiple properties, the associated use of these hive products has an extraordinary effect even in the forms of psycho-motor retardation in children and in cases of incontinence.
It is recommended to prepare bread in the house - small breads, to be well baked, made from whole wheat flour.




No doubt Status epilepticus poses a threat to the patient's life . For this reason, experts attribute it to emergency conditions. All emergency conditions require urgent medical attention.

First of all, assistance is provided that aims to maintain the patient's life. If during the status there was a respiratory failure, then the doctors eliminate this problem. If necessary, the patient will be placed in an intensive care unit (intensive care unit), where he will undergo artificial lung ventilation. To stabilize a person’s condition, antiepileptic drugs will be administered intravenously. This route of administration is preferred because it allows the drug to penetrate the brain most quickly and interrupt status. Typically, drugs of the benzodiazepine and barbiturate group are used to stop the status. They provide a high rate of onset of the effect and its strength. Calculation of the dose of drugs depends on the weight of the patient.

While the patient is in the intensive care unit, the medical staff monitors his heart and blood pressure. Status epilepticus is one of the most severe and life-threatening conditions of a patient that can occur in medical practice 




Unfortunately, one of the possible consequences of status epilepticus may be the death of a person. The risk of death from this manifestation of epilepsy is higher in children and the elderly than in middle-aged people. 
The development of status epilepticus is also associated with an increased risk of repeated statuses and the development of epilepsy, which responds poorly to treatment (resistant epilepsy). In some cases, epileptic status can lead to damage to brain neurons. Currently, the consequences of this damage to the brain are not fully understood.

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