By On 04/03/2020 at 16:30


Keloid 1


When we talk about keloids, we are referring to those wounds that do not heal as we would like. Some heal abnormally, leaving marks larger than the original lesion and showing a very characteristic color. In addition, many people experience itching and pain.

Whether it is due to surgery, acne or an unfortunate accident, whatever the reason, the scars are not at all beautiful, so we are always looking for a remedy that helps us to reduce them, because surgical procedures can be too expensive or make the situation worse.

One of these natural solutions is honey and when applied topically to the affected area, the carbohydrates that this food has release substances that allow healing of keloids and regeneration of the skin.

For this reason, we present two natural remedies that can help you reduce keloids.


Keloid natural treatment

If you have keloids, you have two solutions to get rid of them. Either you can reduce them by surgery, or you can opt for a natural treatment. Conventional treatments like surgery have several drawbacks. They are ineffective, expensive, and keloid scars tend to recur even after surgery. Our natural treatment to remove keloids is composed of 2 elements: a balm and herbal tea. The anti keloid balm is a mild natural remedy, but very effective in eliminating keloids. It contains plants that regenerate the skin, which is excellent for the natural treatment of keloids. As for the herbal tea, it strengthens the action of the ointment. It is a natural solution to eliminate keloids without surgery.

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Thanks to its healing and hydrating properties, honey has also been elected as one of the most powerful keloids home remedies. And not only that, it also has antifungal properties which are perfect for promoting healing of keloids and bringing the skin back to its normal state.

The treatment

• Apply a little fresh honey to the area.

• Massage the area gently and with circular movements.

• Leave to stand for 20 minutes and finally clean with lukewarm water.

• Repeat the process every day.


1. Honey, aloe and oatmeal

The combination of these three ingredients is ideal for moisturizing, exfoliating and restoring the complexion.


1 stalk of aloe

1 tablespoon of honey

1 tablespoon rolled oats

Method of preparation:

1. Very carefully, open the aloe stalk and extract all its gel.

2. Mix the aloe gel, honey and oatmeal until the ingredients are well integrated.

3. Pour the contents into a container and let sit.

Mode of application:

1. With gentle massages, apply to keloids.

2. Leave to act for two hours and rinse with lukewarm water.

3. Repeat this action every day.


2. Honey and baking soda

Baking soda has many benefits for the skin, and one of them is to soften keloids. For best results, combine with honey.


1 tablespoon baking soda

1 tablespoon of honey

Method of preparation:

1. In a bowl, add a tablespoon of honey and another of baking soda.

2. Mix to form a uniform paste.

Mode of application :

1. Apply to the keloid by performing circular massages.

2. Leave to act for five minutes and rinse with lukewarm water.

Unusual tissue growth under the keloids can be the result of a bacterial infection. Honey is used to reduce inflammation and inhibit bacterial infection. Homemade honey applications are another great treatment for our keloids. Honey is popular as a moisturizer. Studies show that honey is very effective in controlling inflammation


Honey types

Around the world, there are hundreds of types of honey because, logically, everything depends on the type of flower that bees find in their habitat.

-Orange blossom honey: Clear amber, fragrant and sweet on the palate. Lemon, orange, tangerine pollen. Sedative effects, helping to fall asleep. It is also antispasmodic.

-Rosemary honey: very clear and white amber when crystallized. Aromatic and sweet. Hepatic stimulant promoting hepatic decongestion. Indicated for stomach ulcers and dysmenorrhea. Not recommended for hypertensive patients.

-Eucalyptus honey: ocher color. Very aromatic with a characteristic woody flavor. Antiseptic for respiratory and urinary tract, balsamic and anthelmintic effects. Indicated against colds and respiratory conditions of trees.

-Thyme honey: reddish tone and pleasant taste. Indicated for inflammatory respiratory conditions, convulsive cough and asthma. Blood pressure regulator. Very indicated as a tonic in the face of tiredness and fatigue.

-Lavender honey: Amber color and characteristic lavender flavor. For its bactericidal and antiseptic power. Indicated for external use for insect bites, sunburns and wounds. Anti diarrhea Preventive flu, bronchitis, colds. Due to its high iron content, it has the same indications as chestnut honey. Promotes sleep, moderates irritability, aggressiveness and stress.

-Linden honey: from linden flowers. Soft yellow with a fragrant aroma. It crystallizes easily to harden quickly. Useful in acidity, flatulence, gastric or duodenal ulcers. Antibacterial properties Useful in bronchitis, flu and colds. It has very useful sedative properties in anxiety and insomnia.

-Clover honey: from the tender yellow clover flower. It is energizing. Very useful for fatigue or tiredness, the elderly, exam times, postoperative recovery.

-Alfalfa honey: from alfalfa flowers. White amber color, good taste and properties similar to clover honey

Can keloids be crushed?

Crushing keloids is not a good idea, they are not pus formations. Scars should be treated naturally. It is recommended that you always consult your doctor before starting any keloid treatment.

The keloid can cause serious skin damage. It can establish the structure of skin tissue. As a result, you can increase the size of the scars instead of reducing them.

Can those with white skin have keloid scars? The scar is mainly seen in people with dark skin, but people with other skin colors are not excluded.

Is a keloid scar contagious? No, it is not. The imbalance of collagen in the body causes these skin bumps. You are not taking any risks by being close to people who have keloids.

Now you know the best natural remedies to treat keloids.

To discover our natural solution against keloids click here!

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