CAN KELOIDS BE REMOVED NATURALLY? discover in the article

By On 03/03/2020 at 10:03


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Keloids are formations characterized by the growth of additional scar tissue on a certain type of skin lesion, caused by a surgical incision, traumatic wounds, vaccinations, burns, etc. These growths, which generally have a smooth texture and a pink color, have the ability to extend to the surface, unlike common scars which extend in thickness.

How to remove a keloid without scarring can be somewhat complicated, because being an alteration of the epidermis which pushes beyond the limits of the epidermis, for its elimination, it must be very precise and administered with expert hands.

The keloid, in itself, does not imply a health problem, but it represents an aesthetic alteration for those who suffer from it. Sometimes it is not enough to hide it, although it is the simplest surgical operation, which does not guarantee its complete elimination. It's hard not to leave a scar, but not impossible.


Remove keloids

Silicone 1

Although keloids do not pose a health risk, most people see it as an aesthetic problem that can affect beauty. Fortunately, it is possible to reduce the appearance of keloids with the application of a series of home remedies.

Thanks to the properties of these natural ingredients, we can guarantee the texture and health of the skin. So you don't have to take extreme and expensive measures, so we share the best natural remedies to alleviate keloids.



Keloid natural treatment

If you have keloids, you have two solutions to get rid of them. Either you can reduce them by surgery, or you can opt for a natural treatment. Conventional treatments like surgery have several drawbacks. They are ineffective, expensive, and keloid scars tend to recur even after surgery.

Our natural treatment to remove keloids is composed of 2 elements: a natural balm and a herbal tea. The anti keloid balm is a gentle natural remedy, but very effective in eliminating keloids. It contains plants that regenerate the skin, which is excellent for the natural treatment of keloids. It reduces the size of the scar. It works by gently removing the top layer of damaged skin and promoting the growth of new cells. This natural remedy also reduces inflammation, calms itching, destroys bacteria, fights infections and hydrates the skin. As for the herbal tea, it strengthens the action of the balm. It is a natural solution to eliminate keloids without surgery.

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Honey is one of the most effective natural remedies to heal and hydrate the skin. This ingredient is recommended as a home remedy for those who suffer from keloids, since regular applications can help effectively reduce the size of these lesions.

• Apply organic honey to the scar by performing gentle massages to improve skin circulation and avoid the accumulation of dead cells.

• Repeat the procedure twice a day, for several weeks, until you start to notice effective results.


Baking soda

Baking soda

Another natural and economical home remedy that can help you improve the appearance of keloids is baking soda. This ingredient will help you keep the skin free from dirt and reduce inflammation in the affected area.

• Mix a tablespoon of baking soda with 1 tablespoon of hydrogen peroxid, until it forms a paste. Add a few drops of water if necessary.

• Using a cotton pad, apply the paste directly to the affected areas, leaving to act for 20 minutes.

• To obtain effective results in a few weeks, it is necessary to repeat the procedure three to four times a day.




Garlic is one of the most powerful home remedies we can use to treat keloids. This plant will help prevent the proliferation of fibroblasts, one of the main culprits in the formation of keloids.

• Apply pure garlic oil to the affected area as a topical treatment.

• Leave the product to act for 15 or 20 minutes then rinse with lukewarm water.

• You can replace garlic oil with chopped garlic. In case the application causes a strong burning sensation, rinse immediately with lukewarm water.

• Repeat the procedure two or three times a day, for several weeks.



Rose water and sandalwood

Rose water

Rose water is an effective natural toner that will help restore the original condition of skin tissue. On the other hand, sandalwood is an ancient home remedy used for skin regeneration. The combination of the two ingredients is ideal for the treatment of keloids.

• Prepare a paste with two tablespoons of sandalwood powder and one tablespoon of rose water.

• Before falling asleep, clean the area where the scar is and dry it with absorbent paper.

• Apply the paste on the affected area and leave on overnight. In the morning, rinse off with lukewarm water.

• To reduce the size and improve the appearance of the scar, repeat this procedure daily for one or two months.




Aspirins can be effective treatments when it comes to controlling keloids.

• Grind 5 or 6 aspirins and mix them with a few drops of water until a paste is obtained.

• After cleaning the affected area, apply the paste and allow it to dry completely on the skin.

• Once dry, rinse the surface with lukewarm water and apply a type of essential oil to hydrate the area.

• To reduce the size of keloids, perform this procedure daily.


Aloe vera

Aloe vera

Aloe Vera is an ingredient known for its wonderful properties for the skin. Its therapeutic properties will help keep the skin hydrated at all times and prevent infections.

• Cut some aloe vera leaves by removing the gel inside.

• After cleaning the affected area, apply the gel leaving it to act for 20 minutes. After the time has elapsed, rinse with lukewarm water.

• Repeat the procedure daily to reduce the size and improve the appearance of scars.


Fresh lemon juice

Lemon juice

Thanks to its high content of vitamin C and its powerful antioxidant properties, lemon juice is commonly used in the treatment of skin conditions, such as keloids.

• Squeeze the juice of a lemon and apply it to the affected area.

• Leave the lemon compounds to act for 30 minutes then rinse with lukewarm water.

• Repeat this procedure twice a day for several weeks and in a few weeks, you will begin to notice changes in the texture, color and suppleness of the skin in this area.

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natural remedies to get rid of keloids keloids treatment with natural ingredients home remedies to alleviate keloids natural herbal products to treat keloids garlic to treat keloids aloe vera to treat keloids aspirin to treat keloids

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