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ALL there is to know about Amyloidosis and the best natural cure

stephany By On 05/05/2020 at 17:22


Do you know what is meant by amyloidosis? Yes, it is some kind of disease. In this case, we are talking about an insidious disease that can have very non-specific symptoms, and therefore in many cases, it is very late to be detected. Amyloidosis is relatively rare and its treatment is still relatively difficult today. Its insidiousness lies mainly in the fact that it can punish various bodies, disrupting their function. 


Amyloidosis is a rare disease that occurs when amyloid substances accumulate in the body's organs. Amyloid is an abnormal protein produced in the spinal cord and stored in all tissues or organs in the body.

Amyloidosis that occurs can affect different organs in each person who has it, and there are several types of amyloid in the human body. This disease generally attacks the heart, kidneys, liver, spleen, nervous system, and digestive tract.

When amyloidosis becomes severe, organ failure may occur that can threaten the lives of sufferers. So far, there are no drugs that can treat amyloidosis. However, proper care can help you manage the symptoms that occur and limit the production of amyloid protein that enters the body.



Our treatment is not intended to completely treat the disease but rather to slow its progression and relieve the various symptoms of the disease. Indeed the natural remedy that we offer consists of plants with anti-inflammatory properties. It will also purify your blood and its diuretic properties will be beneficial to you if you have a disease of the kidneys, lymph nodes and spleen. For people suffering from affection to the nervous and cardiovascular system these plants will restore the functioning of these different systems. Our treatment is an all in one for the treatment of amyloidosis.


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How to Treat Lichen amyloidosis in Ayurveda? Herbal Remedies

There are 2 main forms of amyloidosis:

  • systemic (tissues of most organs are affected);
  • local (tissue damage in any one organ: in the kidneys, heart, skin, etc.)

An interesting fact: men suffer from amyloidosis twice as often as women.

Amyloidosis classification

  • Primary (idiopathic) amyloidosis. Its causes are not always known. The study revealed that amyloid fibrils are a consequence of immunoglobulin chains called paramyloidosis. Symptoms of primary amyloidosis can be:
    • myasthenia gravis, which entails muscle atrophy;
    • abdominal pain accompanied by diarrhea and dyspepsia;
    • violation of the genitourinary system and menopause;
    • diseases of the organs of vision (retinitis, periarteritis, etc.)
  • Secondary (general) amyloidosis. It occurs in the midst of other diseases, such as tuberculosis, bronchitis, osteomyelitis, malaria, syphilis, that is, against the background of chronic diseases and infections. General amyloidosis is accompanied by tissue breakdown and organ suppuration. Lesions of the intestines, liver, spleen and kidneys are most common. Secondary amyloidosis goes unnoticed for a long time. Slight weakness and decreased activity occur when the kidneys are affected. Later in the analysis, protein appears in the urine. At the last stage, renal failure develops.
  • Hereditary amyloidosis. It is qualified by genetic mutations of the immune system, which leads to the formation of cells producing amyloid. Hereditary amyloidosis can include fever, familial neuropathic, nephropathic and cardiopathic amyloidosis.
  • Senile cerebral amyloidosis. It is the most dangerous, since in such circumstances the heart muscle, pancreas, lungs and brain are affected. Most commonly found in people with Alzheimer's disease.
  • Amyloidosis in tumors. The disease is manifested by the deposition of amyloid in the tissues of the affected organ, as a result of which the growth of the malignant tumor progresses. The cause of amyloidosis in neoplasms is endocrine cancer and a tumor of its islets.

Symptoms of Amyloidosis

You may not show any symptoms or signs until the condition develops. When symptoms appear, they are generally related to which part of the body is affected. Signs and symptoms of amyloidosis that can occur are:

  • Swelling of the ankle.
  • Severe fatigue and weakness.
  • Hard to breathe.
  • Numbness, tingling, or pain in the hands or feet, especially pain in the wrist.
  • Diarrhea that may be accompanied by blood.
  • Weight loss for no apparent reason.
  • The tongue enlarges.
  • The skin becomes thicker or easily bruised.
  • Irregular heartbeat.


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Amyloidosis: Causes, symptoms, and treatments

What causes amyloidosis?

Amyloid is an abnormal protein produced in the bone marrow. Amyloid can accumulate in other organs, causing a disease called amyloidosis. The specific cause of your condition depends on the type of amyloidosis you have.

Risk factors

What increases your risk for amyloidosis?

There are many factors that increase your risk of amyloidosis, namely:

  • Family history
  • Kidney dialysis
  • Age. People with AL amyloidosis are usually 50 years or older
  • Gender. Men are more prone to having amyloidosis than women
  • Other diseases. Chronic infectious diseases or inflammation can increase the risk of AA amyloidosis.

Amyloidosis Prevention

This terrible disease can be avoided by using special diets and a variety of nutritional supplements. The first step is to:

  • reduce your intake of high protein foods. This mainly concerns dishes of animal origin;
  • increase the consumption of fish dishes, products containing whole grains, as well as vegetables, fruits and nuts;
  • refuse dairy products, sugar and dishes containing caffeine;
  • consume more foods that contain vitamin C. These are citrus fruits, cabbage, tomatoes, apples, gooseberries, baked potatoes and many other foods.

Treatment depends on the type of disease. If amyloidosis is primary, then adhering to an anti-protein diet will lead to a good result. Chemotherapy and the use of colchicine can also give a positive result. Secondary amyloidosis involves the appointment of antibiotics, antiarrhythmic and diuretic drugs that act on a specific organ.

If the drugs do not help, surgery is prescribed. In this way, bone marrow, kidney, or liver transplantation, a heart transplant, and even implantation of a pacemaker can be performed.

Amyloidosis organ damage

  • Damage to the kidneys. Frequent and very dangerous disease. Symptoms of renal amyloidosis have 4 stages: latent, proteinuric, nephrotic, and azotemic.
  • Damage to the liver. The size of the organ increases, which can be determined by probing the abdomen. Amyloid liver damage is manifested by enlarged liver, jaundice, and portal hypertension.
  • Amyloidosis of the heart. Its manifestation is accompanied by arrhythmia, shortness of breath, fainting, and cardiomyopathy. Amyloid deposition may be present both in the muscle of the heart and in its membranes.
  • Amyloidosis of the skin. It contributes to the violation of blood supply in the vessels, which is expressed in dryness and peeling of the skin. A rash may appear in the form of small red acne.
  • Joint disease. With amyloidosis of the joints, the hands and feet are affected first, and then the knees and elbows. Pain in movements, swelling of tissues, and elevated skin temperature in places of inflammation are characteristic.
  • Muscle damage. Amyloidosis of these organs is manifested in their weakness, increase in size and compaction. Accompanied by pain and the appearance of dense nodules. If the disease is started, the muscles are compressed, the blood supply is disturbed, resulting in their death.
  • Disease of the nervous system. Central nervous system amyloidosis is characterized by deposition of amyloid in the brain tissue, a direct consequence of this process is a violation of the patient's mental abilities.
  • Amyloidosis of the gastrointestinal tract. The absorption of nutrients and vitamins changes. This manifests itself in the form of diarrhea, a sharp decrease in weight, fatigue, mental disorders, as well as hair loss and anemia.
  • Enlarged spleen. Amyloidosis of this organ leads to an increase in its size and the development of hypersplenism, which is characterized by anemia and leukopenia.
  • Amyloidosis of the lungs. It occurs with pneumonia, pleurisy, cyst. Most often located on the walls of the vessels of the lungs and bronchi.

Treatment of amyloidosis can only be carried out with an accurate examination of the patient in an inpatient setting.

Amyloidosis Treatment

Amyloidosis Archives - Patient Worthy

Treatments carried out for people with amyloidosis can make a big difference to their survival and quality of life. Treatment for amyloidosis depends on the type that occurs and the possibility of requiring one or more treatments to be done, namely:

  • Chemotherapy : This backbone treatment is one treatment of amyloidosis that can be useful for controlling disease in most people with AL amyloidosis.
  • Peripheral blood stem cell transplantation : This will be done for someone who has AL amyloidosis. New blood stem cells can get you to receive larger doses during chemotherapy.
  • Organ transplant : A person who has amyloidosis can also do an organ transplant to deal with problems that occur, such as a heart, liver or kidney transplant.

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Treatment of amyloidosis with folk remedies can positively affect the state of health, but should be carried out exclusively with the consent of the attending physician.

For many diseases, one must adhere to a diet, and amyloidosis is no exception to this rule. It is necessary to exclude proteins and salt from your diet, as they affect kidney and heart failure. It is advisable to increase the use of products containing starch, ascorbic acid, potassium salts. 

These products include; 

  • baked goods,
  • potatoes,
  • cereals,
  • bell peppers,
  • green vegetables (spinach, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, dill),
  • citrus fruits,
  • garlic,
  • carrots,
  • liver,
  • Turmeric
  • fish and
  • dairy products.

To strengthen the immune system, medicinal plants that have anti-inflammatory properties are used. In folk medicine, the following remedies are popular:

  • Therapeutic infusion of chamomile, birch buds, immortelle, St. John's wort. These plants are mixed, and the mixture is placed in a thermos and filled with boiling water, after which it is allowed to infuse, strain and consume overnight.
  • Nettle broth (aimed at cleansing the blood, also has anti-inflammatory effects).
  • Tea is made from flowers and leaves of nettle, which are boiled before use.
  • Tea from wild strawberry, mint, St. John's wort. It is used as a tonic.

Alcohol tincture of oat grass. It is believed that this drug has a beneficial effect on the functional activity of the heart, blood vessels, and nervous system. When cooking, the grass is ground, poured into a bottle, and filled with alcohol, after which it is put in a dark place (it is recommended to filter it periodically). Before use, dilute the tincture with water.


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