stephany By On 11/04/2020 at 12:02

In Male Infertility

Shock wave therapy of the prostate

In urological practice, prostatitis remains the most frequently diagnosed male disease. The pathological process is manifested by symptoms such as problems with emptying the bladder, pain and discomfort, which reduces the quality of life. The treatment of this disease requires an integrated approach. First of all, it is aimed at removing inflammation that interferes with normal tissue trophism. Shock wave therapy for prostatitis helps to cope with this task.

Method Features

The wave effect positively affects the affected areas through low-frequency pulses, inaudible to the human ear and not delivering unpleasant sensations. Such waves are a natural phenomenon. They are constantly generated by working equipment, seismic activity, etc. In medicine, they are manufactured using high-tech equipment, the principle of which is based on water vibrations or magnetic actions. Waves have a low resistance, so they quickly spread in the intercellular fluid, blood, lymph and soft tissues.

With prostatitis, the walls of the prostate gland begin to condense. Waves directionally affect such pathologically altered structures, easily passing through healthy tissues and without damaging them. The result is:

  • destruction of the dense environment (fibrosis, nodes);
  • improving blood supply to the body;
  • removal of the inflammatory process;
  • normalization of urination function;
  • increased potency;
  • elimination of pain.

Shock wave therapy is an absolutely safe option to combat inflammatory and stagnant phenomena. It significantly accelerates recovery, and when completing the full course ensures the retention of a stable therapeutic result for a long time. These are painless procedures that do not have a negative impact on overall health. On the contrary, they can reduce the drug load or completely refuse to take medications.

The shock-wave method has a positive effect on the psycho-emotional well-being of a man, as it not only improves physical condition, but also allows you to resume healthy sexual activity after just a few sessions. Its effect is especially pronounced in catarrhal prostatitis.


Like any medical procedure, UVT has limitations on its use. It is not prescribed to patients with:

  • acute pelvic infections in the acute stage;
  • malignant tumors in the organs of the genitourinary system (due to the high risk of decay of the neoplasm, internal bleeding);
  • decompensated heart failure;
  • purulent and phlegmonous prostatitis (due to the possibility of rupture of formations with serous contents);
  • recent injuries to the bones and hips;
  • urethra bougienage;
  • osteoporosis.



Patients of the Medical On Group clinic undergo a course of therapy according to an individually designed scheme. The urologist carefully evaluates the history and results of the diagnosis to accurately determine the number of sessions, duration, intensity and depth of exposure.

Shock wave therapy of the prostate is performed in a treatment room equipped with advanced technology. Pulses are sent to pathologically altered tissues using a special sensor of a cylindrical shape. To start the procedure, the patient must take a supine position, keep his legs bent and slightly diluted in the hip joints.

The effectiveness of UVT in the treatment of prostatitis

Acoustic waves penetrate deep into damaged structures, stimulating the natural processes of regeneration. A positive result with inflammation of the prostate gland is proven by world medicine. Exposure to low-frequency pulses allows you to accelerate recovery by:

  • elimination of congestion in the prostate;
  • restoration of normal cellular metabolism;
  • improve lymph and blood flow;
  • the formation and active growth of new capillaries;
  • stimulation of blood circulation in the pelvic organs;
  • resorption of fibrosis, often resulting from inflammation of the prostate.
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