stephany By On 26/04/2020 at 18:46

In Male Infertility


Benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) is an enlarged prostate, a common condition among men over 45 years of age. The degree of an enlarged prostate varies from man to man as they age, and could constrict the urethra and cause difficulty in urination. If left untreated, BPH could lead to urinary tract infections, damage to the bladder or kidneys, or incontinence.

However, after years of research, the experts of africandoctor have the best remedy for your prostate disease.

Africandoctor's herbal tea for prostate enlargement

We have plants suitable and ideal for the healing of prostate adenoma, which has been made availabe in a tea form. They are used to slow the growth of the prostate, reducing the "fuel" of the prostate cells: the cells of the enlarged prostate and the prostate work with the same factors and use the same "fuel".

These plants are also effective when the volume of the prostate is visible, above 40 m. Obtaining their relaxation and favoring the opening of the funnel of the bladder neck and the prostatic urethra. They thus improve emptying of the bladder. These plants are the first phytotherapeutic approach to reduce the frequency of urination and improve spraying.

Advantage of this natural remedy :

  • relieves inflammation and pain
  • normalizes urination and erection 
  • fixes the result reliably and for a long time
  • valid at any age and at any stage

 OR CALL/CONTACT Whatsapp: +22990431725


YES, it is. A slower, gentle, healing yoga practice, adapted to each person’s unique needs, is an ideal complementary practice for anyone who wants to optimize prostate health, and is very effective for helping manage prostate issues.

Practicing yoga including eating a healthy and hygiene diet may create prevent prostate cancer problem. When you combine both  Kegel exercises with yoga stretches with pelvic area. Both relaxation and strengthening the pelvic floor muscles men with enlarged prostates benefit from yoga.


1. Cobbler Pose (Baddha Konasana)

The Cobbler Pose is a seated position that can help release pelvic tension. To do this pose, a person should:

  • sit down with their legs extended in front of them
  • bend their knees to the side, placing the soles of the feet together as close to their pelvis as they can
  • hold their hands clasped around the feet
  • try to lower the knees as far to the ground as they can go, releasing any tension in the hips
  • after holding the position for a few minutes, walk their hands forward out in front of them
  • lower their gaze, tuck in their chin, and bend forward toward their hands
  • breathe deeply into the pose
  • relax the pose by walking the hands back toward the body and releasing the legs out in front of them

2. Hero Pose (Virasana)

The Hero Pose is another seated position that can help release pelvic tension around the prostate. To do this pose, an individual should:

  • kneel down and lower their bottom to the floor, so they are sitting between their feet with their knees to the floor and feet pointing to the back of the room
  • rest their hands on the thighs with palms down
  • keep the weight between the hips, trying not to put too much pressure on the knees
  • try to sit as straight upright as possible, so the spine is lengthened
  • hold for up to 5 minutes
  • get out of the pose by rolling to one side to release the legs

If a person finds this pose difficult, they can use a cushion for additional support.

3. Reclining Big Toe Pose (Supta Padangusthasana)

This is a lying-down, leg extension pose that may strengthen the pelvic floor and release tension. To do the Reclining Big Toe Pose, a person should:

  • lie on their back with both legs extended
  • bend their left knee, pulling their thigh to their chest
  • keep their right leg pressed into the floor with the foot flexed, toes pointing upwards
  • hold on to their toes on their left foot or put a strap around the foot if they are less flexible
  • straighten the left leg as far as possible, with sole flexed up towards the ceiling
  • if using a strap, walk their hands as close to the foot as they can
  • breathe deeply into the position
  • using a strap or keeping hold of the toes, let the left leg drop out towards the side at a right angle to the body, keeping the right leg pressed to the ground
  • to get out of the position, bring the left leg back above them and then release both legs
  • repeat on the other side

4. Head-to-Knee Pose (Janusirsasana)

This is a seated forward bend pose that focuses on stretching one leg. As well as reducing pelvic tension, this pose may help improve strength in the core region.

Some yoga practitioners believe this exercise increases blood flow to the prostate and helps detoxify it. However, there is only anecdotal evidence to support this theory.

To do the seated Head-to-Knee Pose, a person should:

  • sit on the floor with both legs extended in front of them
  • bend their right knee to the side, so that the sole of their right foot rests against their inner thigh
  • keep their weight over the left leg and slowly walk their hands out in front of them
  • reach forwards to hold their foot, leaning forward from the hips and looking forward to their toe
  • tuck their chin in and bend their head forward and down to rest on their shin
  • breathe deeply into the position to release tension
  • slowly return to an upright position, releasing both legs
  • repeat on the other side

As with other seated poses, sitting on a cushion can provide added support if a person finds the seated Head-to-Knee Pose difficult.

5. Bow Pose (Dhanurasana)

The Bow Pose involves lying on the front of the body, and reaching the arms back towards the feet. Beginners may not be able to reach the feet with the hands, and they should avoid straining to do so.

This is lying-down back bending pose that may strengthen the abdomen, pelvic floor, and lower back. To do Bow Pose, a person should:

  • lay on their stomach with their arms at either side
  • lift their heels up towards their bottom, bending their knees
  • reaching back with palms facing upwards, grasp hold of each ankle from the inside
  • kick their heels upwards while raising their head, chest, and shoulders, as if trying to get their head and heels to touch
  • keep looking upwards, breathing deeply into the position
  • hold for 30 seconds and release, repeating the pose twice

 OR CALL/CONTACT Whatsapp: +22990431725

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