Varicocele sport and natural treatment

Is sport compatible with varicocele?

By On 04/11/2020 at 15:51

In Male Infertility

The effect of physical training on the natural history of varicocele has received little attention. Varicocele patients always want to find out if sport is good for varicocele and if there is any natural treatment to cure it. Read till the end to find out the answers to these questions.


  1. Brief explanation of varicocele.

  2. African natural treatment for varicocele.

  3. Can varicocele interfere with sports?

  4. Can I play sports with varicocele?

  5. Sport: What can't you do with varicocele?

  6. Sport after varicocele surgery

  7. How many months after varicocele surgery you cannot exercise?

  8. Summary



Varicocele sport and natural treatment2

A varicocele is an enlargement of the veins within the loose bag of skin that holds your testicles (scrotum). A varicocele is similar to a varicose vein you might see in your leg. 

Varicocele is common. They can be found in 15 percent of the adult male population and around 20 percent of adolescent males. They’re more common in males aged 15 to 25.

Varicocele generally form during puberty and are more commonly found on the left side of your scrotum. The anatomy of the right and left side of your scrotum isn’t the same. Varicocele can exist on both sides, but it’s extremely rare. Not all varicocele affect sperm production.


Natural treatment for varicocele

Varicocele natural treatment and sport

If you want to regain your fertility and get rid of varicocele you have come to the right place. This is the best natural remedy one can choose to treat varicocele effectively. When you have varicocele your scrotum looks like a bag of worms. It mostly manifests on the left side. This is due to a dilation of the veins located at the level of the spermatic cord. Our tisane made of the best plants has special properties that help to tighten the veins and bring them back to the normal size. It can also increase the production and quality of sperm which are lowered when you have varicocele. Our experts will keep in touch with you during the whole treatment and will give you advice on other natural remedies.

To discover our natural remedy to cure varicocele click here!
Or contact our experts via WhatsApp: 62 79 67 67

We deliver worldwide!! Thanks to our partner DHL EXPRESS. Also, the delivery is free and your treatment will be delivered to you within 72 hours. We also have representatives in Cameroon, Senegal, Ivory Coast, Mali, Congo, Central Africa, Niger, Togo and Benin. We give the greatest satisfaction to our patients and support them throughout their treatment period with great health tips.

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Can varicocele interfere with sports?



Many are concerned with whether varicocele and sport are generally compatible. There are different opinions on the network and many of them may seem contradictory. The fact is that, like many other diseases, a varicocele develops gradually and can manifest itself in different ways and, therefore, affect the possibility of physical exertion. Doctors distinguish 4 stages:

1. Zero - no symptoms appear, externally or by palpation, dilated veins are not detected. At this stage, the disease is often discovered literally by accident during a routine examination or the treatment of other complaints in general. The patient can practice sports safely, both amateur and professional, without experiencing any inconvenience;

2. The first - when the patient is standing, it is possible to determine the enlarged vein to the touch. The patient does not feel any pain or discomfort (only if there are no other concomitant diseases). You can play sports without restrictions;

3. The second - dilated veins are easy to feel in any position of the man; slight asymmetry of the testicles appears. Here the patient can start complaining of pain in the scrotum and groin. Typically, these symptoms just occur with strenuous physical exertion. At this stage, it is preferable to reduce or even delete them before the end of treatment;

4. The dilated veins are visible and pronounced. At this stage, the patient often experiences severe pain, which is no longer associated with the activity. Sexual functions are impaired. At this point, the question of sport is generally no longer a question - a man needs surgery to facilitate.

Read also: Varicocele and infertility


Can I play sports with varicocele?



Diseases of the testicular veins - this sounds pretty scary, but in practice, most patients often live for years with this disease and especially do not pay attention to it. Therefore, the answer to the question "Is it possible to play sports with varicocele", of course, is positive. At the zero stage and at the first stage, the disease is not a contraindication to sport, but certain nuances must be taken into account. Doctors agree that certain sports have a positive effect on the course of the disease and can even help cure it. In particular, these are:

• Hiking, jogging. These exercises do not increase the loads in the body, but they act very well on the blood circulation in the pelvis. The pelvic muscles are also strengthened, which helps promote normal blood circulation.

• Football and similar racing games. The benefits are the same as with regular running or walking - muscles are strengthened, blood circulation is accelerated;

• Swimming This sport perfectly affects the cardiovascular system in general accelerates the blood in the body. In addition, the pelvic muscles are strengthened;

• One of the very useful and exotic sports is yoga. During classes, the muscles are strengthened, blood circulation improves. However, during yoga, it is very important to find a competent instructor who will follow the technique of execution. Poorly made Asana can make the situation worse.

Hiking, jogging

Football and similar games



Any load must be moderate and adapted to the human condition.


Sport: What can't you do with varicocele?



For men with varicocele, several sports are extremely undesirable, even in the absence of symptoms of the disease. In particular, these are:

• Cycling, including regular cycling;

• Motorcycles;

Equestrian sport;

• Classes in the gymnasium or any load involving the use of additional weight;

• Press exercises;

• Varicocele and bodybuilding are incompatible, such a heavy load can considerably worsen the course of the disease.

These species can degrade and cause a rapidly evolving disease. Thus, the affected veins simply do not physically resist increased blood flow and expand even more. In general, everything is fairly individual. For one patient, the restrictions will be minimal, for another - more stringent.

There are a number of signs in which all generally intense sport and exercise is prohibited:

1. If pronounced, swollen and inflamed veins suddenly appeared on the testicle;

2. If one of the testicles has started to turn blue or changed its usual color;

3. Any pain, discomfort and simply unpleasant sensations in the groin area;

4. If the varicocele has caused severe pain, the process has already passed to the pathological stage. In this case, it is necessary to stop any load and consult a doctor as soon as possible.


Sport after varicocele surgery



If the patient does not experience severe pain, he may simply be prescribed a maintenance complex. Preparations to improve blood circulation and strengthen the veins, special dressings (suspensorium), and maximum restriction of physical activity. In some cases, these complexes help and the problem is solved almost on its own.

But if we are talking about the second or third step, then there is only one way to get rid of this problem: surgery. Modern medicine offers several types of such interventions, depending on the characteristics of a particular patient, the doctor himself will choose the one that is suitable.

The operation itself is simple and takes place quite quickly - the patient will spend about two days in the hospital. Most often, the intervention is easy and, following all the doctor's recommendations, does not cause relapses. After a few days, the patient feels good.



How many months after varicocele surgery you cannot exercise?



Physical activity after varicocele surgery is usually resolved after about a month. These are of course light and small loads.

A full recovery ends in about six months. If there were no complications and everything went well, from that moment on, you can practice any sport, including professional.

It should be noted that the above recommendations are "hospital average", that is, they may vary depending on the age and individual characteristics of the patient.


To summarize



Remember that varicocele is still a serious problem that can lead to infertility and impaired sexual function. Even if you don't feel pain or discomfort, get regular medical checkups. This will help find and solve the problem in time without irreversible consequences.

If the diagnosis has already been made, do not start any exercise without consulting a doctor. Each patient is individual and the recommendations may vary depending on the specific characteristics.


To discover our natural remedy to cure varicocele click here!
Or contact our experts via WhatsApp: 62 79 67 67


We deliver worldwide!! Thanks to our partner DHL EXPRESS. Also, the delivery is free and your treatment will be delivered to you within 72 hours. We also have representatives in Cameroon, Senegal, Ivory Coast, Mali, Congo, Central Africa, Niger, Togo and Benin. We give the greatest satisfaction to our patients and support them throughout their treatment period with great health tips.

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