varicocele and natural conception testimony

Treat varicocele naturally

Treat varicocele naturally

By On 05/11/2020

Can varicocele be treated naturally? Find out from this article if varicocele you can treat varicocele naturally. 

Varicocele is an enlarged vein in the scrotum and testes, which is usually on the left side, but possibly also on both sides of the scrotum, and very rarely on the right side. You probably know the varicose veins that occur in the legs. As with varicose veins, when a varicocele is present, the venous valve that helps the blood to flow back to the heart works poorly. This causes an accumulation of blood in the area. This can lead to swelling, shrinking of the testicles, infertility, and sometimes pain.




Read also: 3 natural solutions that increase a woman's chances of getting pregnant and improve your fertility



Varicocele is relatively common and affects up to 15% of men. They are, in fact, the leading cause of male infertility in 40% of men with low sperm. Varicose veins can be treated and as long as no other fertility problem occurs in the male or female partner, pregnancy may be possible without additional growth therapy.



YES, while there likely is no 100% cure for varicocele (surgery is not a cure either), there are many ways to help treat varicocele and varicocele symptoms. Many have suffered from varicocele and have been successful at treating their symptoms naturally.

However, whether varicocele natural treatment has improved pregnancy success rates in all cases remains to be debated, and some studies have shown improved conception rates and others have not. You should talk to both a urologist and a reproductive endocrinologist to find out if the surgery is right for your particular situation.


African plants to treat varicocele naturally

Varicocele natural treatment and sport


If you want to regain your fertility and get rid of varicocele you have come to the right place. This is the best natural remedy one can choose to treat varicocele effectively. When you have varicocele your scrotum looks like a bag of worms. It mostly manifests on the left side. This is due to a dilation of the veins located at the level of the spermatic cord. Our remedy to treat varicocele naturally made of the best plants has special properties that help to tighten the veins and bring them back to the normal size. Our natural treatment to treat varicocele naturally can also increase the production and quality of sperm which are lowered when you have varicocele. Our experts will keep in touch with you during the whole treatment and will give you advice on other natural remedies. 

To discover our natural remedy to cure varicocele click here!
Or contact our experts via WhatsApp: 62 79 67 67

We deliver worldwide!! Thanks to our partner DHL EXPRESS. Also, the delivery is free and your treatment will be delivered to you within 72 hours. We also have representatives in Cameroon, Senegal, Ivory Coast, Mali, Congo, Central Africa, Niger, Togo and Benin. We give the greatest satisfaction to our patients and support them throughout their treatment period with great health tips.

Do not forget to sign in to our newsletter to get update on health tips and herbal treatments for your health challenges. In addition, get a 5% discount on your order.




Lifestyle changes varicocele treatment

So here are some lifestyle risk factors you have to take a look at:

  • Improper Underwear
  • Hip Congestion
  • Nutcracker Syndrome
  • Smoking Cigarettes
  • Drinking Alcohol
  • Coffee and Caffeinated Beverages
  • Overweight / Obese
  • Low-Quality Diet (Including Fast-Food, Canned Food, Under Processed Food, etc.)
  • ​Postural Imbalances
  • Bowel Health
  • Unhealthy Masturbation
  • Exercising
  • The Wrong Foods (Diet)

Hence, with the above risk factors mention here are some lifestyle changes you should be able to make to treat varicocele naturally.


Quit Smoking

Quit smoking to treat varicocele naturally

Smoking and its associated toxins cause a 23% decrease in sperm density (concentration) and 13% decrease in motility (when averages are taken from nine separate studies). To a lesser extent, smoking causes an increased number of sperm with abnormal morphology (shape). Smoking causes toxicity to the seminal plasma (the fluid ejaculated with the sperm): sperm from non-smokers were adversely affected (had significantly decreased viability) when placed in the seminal plasma (hormonal) of smokers.

Smoking affects the hypothalamic-pituitary- gonadotropin axis, most commonly affecting levels of estradiol and estrone (estrogens, which are hormones found in higher concentrations in women). The Leydig Cells, which are in the testes and produce testosterone, may have secretory dysfunction. Most worrisome is that there is evidence that suggests that paternal smoking may also be associated with congenital abnormalities and childhood cancer, though the relative risk in most studies is less than two. Stop Taking Recreational Drugs.



Exercise to treat varicocele naturally

Aerobic and resistance training helps to increase testosterone levels, which leads to increased sperm production. Moderate amounts of exercise can only be helpful. However, long distance runners (men who run greater than 100 miles per week) and distance cyclers (men who ride greater than 50 miles per week) have decreased spermatogenesis. These activities should be moderated when a sub-fertile man is attempting conception. Avoid High Temperatures Environments that increase the overall scrotal temperature can have a negative effect on sperm production. Men should avoid the increased temperatures of saunas and hot tubs.




Take Vitamins (antioxidants)

Take vitamins to treat varicocele naturally

 Molecules called reactive oxygen species (ROS) are normally present in semen. When ROS are present at excessively high levels, their cumulative effects can result in significant damage to sperm. The following vitamins and minerals help to neutralize ROS, thus preventing their harmful effects. Vitamin C is essential for the synthesis, development and maintenance of normal sperm. It also appears to reduce sperm agglutination (clumping of sperm). Vitamin E is believed to reduce free-radical damage by protecting polyunsaturated fatty acids (which are components of cellular membranes) and other oxygen-sensitive substances such as vitamin A and ascorbic acid (vitamin C) from oxidation. Vitamin B9 (folic acid) deficiencies have been linked to low sperm count and low sperm concentration. Zinc is important for the normal function of the prostate, which makes a portion of the seminal fluid.


Stop taking Marijuana (cannabinoid) 

Stop taking marijuana

It often causes a decreased average sperm count, motility, and normal morphology. It affects the hormonal axis (HPG), causing decreased plasma testosterone. It may also have a direct negative effect on the Leydig Cells.


Testimony to treat varicocele naturally


Here is a testimony found on Quora on how someone naturally healed from varicocele and was even able to conceive. Our body is amazing, you just need to give it the right tools to heal.

The Monrovian, Entrepreneur

Updated Aug 14, 2017

«Yes, there is. I've done it.
I was diagnosed with a varicocele on my left testicle when I was 22 years old in university. It was of medium size. This was confirmed by ultrasound. I first noticed it due to dull pain and the presence of a lumpy mass. Prior to diagnosis, I was worried that it might be testicular cancer due to my young age at the time. Fortunately, it wasn't.
The doctor explained that the options were to wait and see or book a surgery. Apparently there was no other solution. He also indicated that it might affect my fertility in the future.


The first thing I did was to ditch my boxers in favor of briefs. Good ones with tight athletic support.
Next, I did a ton of kegel exercises. This went on for about a month.
I did a gentle massage and inspection of the area for the same month. I would gently palpate the engorged veins. Relax and breathe.
I cleaned up my diet and ate lots of vegetables and ruffage.

After a month the pain and discomfort I was experiencing went away. The veins seemed to be less distended but still noticeable.
Over the next year the only change I kept up was the briefs. The condition seemed to lessen substantially. I basically forgot I ever had a problem. No pain, nothing.

I’m 37 now and I do not have a varicocele. Nothing. You can feel all over and there is no difference between my testicles. I have a heathy 2-year-old daughter who was conceived instantly on the first try.

The human body is an amazing machine that wants to heal itself if you give it the chance. Don’t let yourself get bullied by doctors.» 






Flax seed

Flax seed

A recent research study was conducted on a sample of forty-two male laboratory rats in prepubertal stage, where a group of mice is fed 10% of flax seed that contains lignans, and it was observed after a specific period of time that the seeds of the plant Flax works mainly as an antioxidant, so it is able to eliminate the production of various types of reactive oxygen that may cause damage to the spermatozoa inside the cells located in the varicocele, but a doctor or specialist should be consulted to determine the dose and to ensure safety.



Ginseng to treat varicocele naturally

A clinical study was conducted on eighty male infertile patients who also had a varicocele, where a semen analysis was performed and the levels of male hormones were measured twelve weeks after they consumed ginseng. Oxidation, however, there were no noticeable statistical differences in both lutein and testosterone hormone, so there is an urgent need to conduct more studies on whether ginseng is a useful and effective agent for treating male infertility problem also with varicocele, and a doctor should be consulted. And the specialist before used to ensure safety and to determine the appropriate dose.



Masturbation Causes Varicocele? 


Does masturbation cause varicocele? All things considered, no. Yet, it can contribute. In spite of the fact that it depends. 

Masturbation is sound for sexual wellbeing. Yet, that is stroking off 1-3 times each week. That is Not masturbating 2-10 times each and every day. That isn't sitting, watching pornography, and stroking off for a few hours every day. That isn't stroking off and afterward going out and performing extreme focus exercises. 




To discover our natural remedy to cure varicocele click here!
Or contact our experts via WhatsApp: 62 79 67 67

We deliver worldwide!! Thanks to our partner DHL EXPRESS. Also, the delivery is free and your treatment will be delivered to you within 72 hours. We also have representatives in Cameroon, Senegal, Ivory Coast, Mali, Congo, Central Africa, Niger, Togo and Benin. We give the greatest satisfaction to our patients and support them throughout their treatment period with great health tips.

Do not forget to sign in to our newsletter to get update on health tips and herbal treatments for your health challenges. In addition, get a 5% discount on your order.