the best food to fight algodystrophy

Best natural treatment to fight against algodystrophy

Algodystrophy: Symptoms And Natural Treatment

By On 08/07/2020

Complex regional pain syndrome (CRPS) or Sudeck's disease is a disease with many different symptoms. It can vary from patient to patient and the healing process can be very long. Algodystrophy is a painful nutritional disorder (dystrophy) and atrophy (narrowing) of the skin, muscles, and bones of the arms or legs with a course corresponding to a stage.

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The exact causes of the development of algodystrophy have not yet been clearly clarified. The disease usually occurs after an injury or operation to the extremities. In rare cases, algodystrophy is also described following a stroke, a heart attack or nervous disorders, sometimes without triggering cause.

Psychological symptoms such as anxiety, depression, and instability often occur in association with algodystrophy, these symptoms not being the cause but the result of the disease.




Asthme - Le remède naturel par les plantes contre l'asthme

Our natural treatment for algodystrophy is an effective, fast, and lasting remedy that will allow you to naturally reduce your pain. It is composed of two elements: a balm and herbal tea. You will feel a marked decrease in pain from the first weeks of use. The herbal tea contains plants whose active ingredients block pain, act on the cartilage to stop it from degrading, and help its regeneration.

It is the perfect solution to fight against algodystrophy, knee, and all other forms. This herbal tea provides rapid and dramatic relief. It is both anti-inflammatory, analgesic, and antioxidant.

The balm will be used for daily massages on the areas where you feel pain. It’s a natural relaxant. 




Natural remedy by medicinal plants against Algodystrophy

If you are looking for an effective natural treatment to end the pain and burning sensation from pain in your stomach, then this is the perfect natural treatment for you. This natural treatment inhibits pain but also symptoms have no side effect and has a much more lasting action.

Trust us! It is the secret of nature to permanently cure the pain associated with algodystrophy!

Our natural treatment for algodystrophy is an effective, fast, and lasting remedy that will allow you to naturally reduce your pain. It is composed of two elements: a balm and herbal tea. You will feel a marked decrease in pain from the first weeks of use. The herbal tea contains plants whose active ingredients block pain, act on the cartilage to stop it from degrading, and help its regeneration.



Let's Recognize Algodystrophy

Algodystrophy generally affects a joint, preferably the hand or the foot, less often the shoulder, hip, or knee.

In addition to pronounced movement pain, there may be burning pain at rest, tenderness to touch, reduced skin sensation, painful tenderness to touch, poor coordination, and/or restricted movement. Skin changes - such as swelling, redness, overheating or reduced or increased hair growth - as well as shrinking tissue on the skin, subcutaneous tissue, muscle, and nails, are almost always present in late consequence.

In principle, the evolution of the disease into algodystrophy can be divided into 3 stages:

Stage I - stage of acute inflammation
This stage is characterized by increased blood volume with overheating, edematous swelling with overheating and reddish livid, e.g. T. shiny skin.

Stage II - chronic dystrophy (nutritional disorder)
This stage is characterized by swelling, a pale skin, called shiny, with a general shrinking of the soft tissues. During this phase, the pain at rest decreases, the affected joint begins to stiffen.

Stage III - irreversible atrophy (permanent shrinkage of tissue)
This stage is characterized by a decrease in pain with advanced joint stiffening, associated with muscle wasting, and a significant loss of strength. The skin is dry, atrophic, and waxy.



Causes and triggers of algodystrophy

According to the current state of research, the causes of complex regional pain syndrome have not yet been definitively elucidated. It is certain that Sudeck's disease occurs after external influences, for example after operations, fractures, or trauma, and that the healing process of injuries (nerves, soft tissues) is disturbed.

Sudeck's disease occurs on average more often in the upper limbs than in the lower limbs. Women are also more often affected than men and children are more likely to be affected in exceptional cases. A particularly high frequency has been found in a fracture of the radius near the wrist (fracture of the distal radius).

When to see the doctor

When should you go to the doctor? A visit to the doctor should be considered as soon as you notice disturbances or abnormalities in the healing process. Especially when the sensitivity and intensity of pain are still high, although the event is relatively old. Even if those affected are uncertain and suspicious, a clarification visit to the doctor is important. Because of the very long treatment, it is advisable not to leave too much time between the discovery of anomalies and the first visit to the doctor.