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oregano and St. John's wort against epilepsy


Phytotherapy to treat epilepsy

By On 03/03/2020

Herbal medicine for epilepsy

Epilepsy is a brain disease characterized by seizures that are accompanied by clinical symptoms. With epilepsy, memory and intelligence suffer, irritability appears, character, viscosity of thought and aggressiveness change. Since epilepsy is a neurological disease, neurologists usually deal with it. But, as a rule, they only prescribe anticonvulsant and sedative drugs that suppress the manifestations of epilepsy - epipressions. However, plants have a lot of potential in the treatment of epilepsy and the prevention of seizures.

Natural herbal tea for epilepsy

herbs roots plants for epilepsy

The experts at Dawasante have used their experience in the field of herbal medicine to find you a natural treatment for epilepsy. The natural treatment to cure epilepsy that we offer allows you to naturally decrease the frequency of epilepsy attacks. The herbal tea is made of plants whose active ingredients will help you prevent or space out your seizures. First, this natural remedy blocks the electrical impulse in the brain by decreasing the reactions of the neurons which provoke the crises. Second, it has a property on brain receptors that amplifies the action against seizures.

Finally, herbal tea also helps to eliminate anxiety and stress in people with epilepsy.
To discover our natural remedy for epilepsy click here!

To contact our experts please call or write to us on the following numbers, tel / WhatsApp: +22990431725

What is epilepsy?

Brain Cell Study Opens Door to New Therapies for Epilepsy

In fact, this disease is not even fully understood, in regional hospitals, more than half of patients with epilepsy can not even say the cause of the disease, and the whole treatment consists of pills which it just slows the brain down, reducing the number of attacks and it doesn't always help everyone.

During this time, the disease is based on 2 factors: predisposition by inheritance, environmental influences, generally organic brain damage. In most cases, epilepsy is not only a self-sufficient process, but also a progressive one, accompanied by a violation of the metabolism of brain tissue, hypoxia (lack of oxygen) and a violation of l blood supply to the brain. An attack, especially a seizure, is stressful for many bodily systems, especially the central nervous system.

Another side effect of immune disorders in epilepsy is CID (disseminated intravascular coagulation) syndrome, which not only causes metabolic disorders in the brain, but also disrupts the transport of antiepileptic drugs to the brain tissue. This syndrome occurs in 100% of patients with epileptic status and in most patients with frequent seizures.

Modern treatment of epilepsy

Modern chemotherapy drugs used to treat epilepsy facilitate, but do not cure, the disease, moreover, disturbs the psyche. Epilepsy can be treated for years, sometimes a lifetime. If during the administration of anticonvulsants there are no crises, these cannot be abruptly abolished, it is possible that the crises may resume with renewed vigor. It is difficult to call this treatment, in fact, it is simply a smothering of symptoms.

Generally, all over the world, specialized centers have been successfully fighting against this disease for a long time, but this is not the case in certain countries or in certain regions! Yes, it seems there are centers with modern equipment that can find the cause of the disease and treat the cause, but it is difficult for the average person to get there. The person therefore remains alone with his diagnosis and traditional methods. This is where herbal medicine comes in. Herbal medicine is very good in treating epilepsy as a support method, but not the main one, although for many, unfortunately, it is the only treatment method . Plants have not yet revealed all their secrets to modern medicine, but some are capable of making a huge difference in the treatment of epilepsy. To discover the natural and popular remedies against epilepsy click here!

The use of herbal medicine in the treatment of epilepsy

The use of herbal medicine, that is, herbal treatment, allows you to influence everything that has to do with the development of epilepsy, starting with the causes. These causes can be tonsillitis, sinusitis, pyelonephritis, inflammation of the genitals, which contribute to increased pressure inside the skull, general deterioration of the condition due to cerebral excitability. On the other hand, long-acting anticonvulsants disrupt the functioning of all internal organs (pancreas, liver, stomach, intestines, kidneys, hematopoietic system), which aggravates the severity of the manifestations of epilepsy. The result is a vicious circle.

Herbal medicine allows you to break this vicious circle. By applying soothing and anticonvulsant herbs, we act on all the links of its development, using the antimicrobial, antiviral, antiparasitic, anti-inflammatory, adaptogenic, anti-allergic, immunostimulant and detoxifying effects of plants.

Herbs normalize the work of the pancreas, kidneys, cardiovascular system, liver, regulate blood pressure, eliminate diarrhea and constipation, dysbiosis, normalize the mental state and functionality of the gastrointestinal tract of patients, eliminate depression and improve sleep.

The inclusion of diuretic herbs can reduce intracranial pressure and there is no need to take potassium preparations, as they are found in many herbs. Antidepressant plants can not only improve mood and relieve anxiety and fears, but also improve the body's adaptation to the environment, reducing the harmful effects of stress, improving general well-being, increasing vitality and reducing the severity and frequency of attacks. The use of herbal medicine leads to the disappearance of the resistance of patients to the action of anticonvulsants, increasing the effectiveness of anticonvulsant therapy, reducing its toxic effects. This eventually allows you to reduce the dose of these drugs and even cancel them completely.

The feasibility of treating epilepsy with herbal remedies

Herbal medicine should not be the main treatment for epilepsy because in view of the complexity of the disease, medical follow-up is necessary. However, it should be noted that there are many examples of herbs for this disease around the world. Herbal medicine should be used as a support method, and professionals should take care of the main treatment, especially in cases where attacks are repeated more than once every six months. And remember, to overcome epilepsy, you need a general health of the body, which is at least achieved by physical education, fresh air and good nutrition.

Epileptic herbs

In fact, there are dozens of herbs from epilepsy, but we will talk about the most popular and often found in the literature.

1- The lobelie


Herbal cyanosis is the main plant in folk medicine with the help of which epilepsy is fought. The flowers are quite unpretentious and can be grown in the garden as a beautiful ornamental plant, and if necessary, cut and used as an anticonvulsant and sedative. Cyanosis is grown from seeds.

2- Common absinthe

Wormwood: Benefits, Dosage, and Side Effects

The common wormwood is also popular and used in soothing and anti-convulsant collections.

3- Oregano and St. John's Wort

Hypericum pyramidatum (Great St. John's Wort) Wildflower Seed

Tea made from a mixture of oregano and St. John's wort can give a good effect in the fight against epilepsy; individually, these plants can also be taken, but their effectiveness will decrease. And another advantage of this tea is that it can be drunk as an everyday drink without getting used to it, and the pleasant taste of these tea leaves will help to drink it not as a medicine, but as a tasty drink and healthy. More information on these herbs can be obtained in our articles: St. John's wort, oregano.

4- Queen of the pres

La Reine-des-Prés, une sorte d'aspirine, propriété, bienfait et ...

Flower tea with meadowsweet flowers is an easy anticonvulsant and a good prophylaxis of the disease if the attacks have not appeared for a long time. Epilepsy being a disease which can disappear and manifest itself in a few years when a person stops taking anticonvulsants, the meadowsweet will be an excellent prevention after stopping treatment. It is very fragrant and tasty, not addictive so the meadowsweet tea can be drunk as every day.

5- Melampyre

Mélampyre des champs, Melampyrum arvense - Fleurs - NatureGate

The herb Marianella, another name for Ivan da Maria, is very popular in folk medicine, although its effectiveness in the treatment of epilepsy has not yet been scientifically proven and this popularity was formed even before the advent of the Internet.

6- Black blueberrie

Port Black and Blueberry – FROZBROZ

The most effective fruits that can affect epilepsy grow in black crowberry, commonly known as this herb by the name of shiksha. Fruits can be taken fresh or frozen, as well as dried.

To contact our experts please call or write to us on the following numbers, tel / WhatsApp: +22990431725