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natural remedies to treat keloids



By On 03/03/2020


Apitherapy is the medical application of products such as honey produced by bees, as well as pollen, royal jelly or bee venom. These types of practices have existed for over 2000 years and many scientific articles related to this type of practice can be found.

Does Bee Venom Really Have Health Benefits?

Bee venom is a rich source of biogenic enzymes, peptides and amines, and there are at least 18 active components in venom that have pharmaceutical properties as well as the main cellular degranulation proteins.

Many of these components have a strong anti-inflammatory action and mainly produce analgesic effects, while others improve nerve conditions, help heal and heal scar tissue and improve our body's immune system.

What are keloids?

Keloid overgrowth

Keloids are a type of high scar. They appear where the skin has healed after an injury. They can become much larger than the original wound causing the scar.

Any cause of scar can be the cause of a keloid. This includes burning, cutting or severe acne. Keloids can also develop after body piercing or tattooing, or after surgery. Keloids can appear up to three months after a skin lesion. Some continue to growing for years.


Keloid natural treatment

If you have keloids, you have two solutions to get rid of them. Either you can reduce them by surgery, or you can opt for a natural treatment. Conventional treatments like surgery have several drawbacks. They are ineffective, expensive, and keloid scars tend to recur even after surgery.

Our natural treatment to remove keloids is composed of 2 elements: a natural balm and a herbal tea. The anti keloid ointment is a mild natural remedy, but very effective in eliminating keloids. It contains plants that regenerate the skin, which is excellent for the natural treatment of keloids. It reduces the size of the scar. It works by gently removing the top layer of damaged skin and promoting the growth of new cells. This natural remedy also reduces inflammation, calms itching, destroys bacteria, fights infections and moisturizes the skin. As for the herbal tea, it strengthens the action of the balm. It is a natural solution to eliminate keloids without surgery.


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How is bee venom applied in apitherapy treatments?

Traditionally, bee venom was administered with live bees through the stimulation of their stingers to make them sting in the affected area, and is still in practice today. Although in most cases, the doctor directly supplies the venom extracted from bees via a needle directly applied to the affected area, as indicated by the protocols.


For which diseases is the treatment used by apitherapy?

This type of therapy is applied in countless medical situations, although there are four areas in which it is most often applied due to its beneficial effects.

Below we will show you the most effective treatments that can be obtained through apitherapy, as well as how to heal keloid scars, which are scars that occur on the skin due to excessive tissue growth. scar just in the area where there is a skin lesion.

Some of the main causes are:

• Arthritis and systemic inflammations.

• Acute and chronic injuries.

• Neurological diseases

• Scars (which occur during operations, injuries, keloids, etc.)

In order to treat keloid scars by apitherapy, here is a series of steps that detail what you need to do. This type of treatment must always be carried out by experts in the field of apitherapy and, above all, it must be taken into account that the patient is not exposed to any type of allergy caused by bee venom. Once this is proven, you will simply receive the bee venom in the affected area of ​​the keloid scar and the treatment and monitoring of the process will be followed.


Apitherapy for keloid scars

There are many types of treatments for keloid scars, but you don't always get the results you expect and on many occasions you only partially succeed in getting the keloid to grow.

Apitoxin is the poison of bees which applied in keloid scars dissolves the fibrous tissue which forms them and makes it possible to reduce their size or achieve their disappearance.

This fibrous tissue is the one that makes it difficult to resolve this type of scarring, for example corticosteroid injections in the scar itself, are the most suitable treatment for removing them, but in many cases the fibrous tissue prevents to be injected or for the substance to work.

Apitoxin solves this problem because it contains many beneficial substances that act as natural anti-inflammatories, but the most important substance for removing keloid scarring is hyaluronidase, an enzyme that works by catalyzing the hydrolysis of hyaluronic acid and helps dissolve hardened fibers.

Apitoxin succeeds in softening the fibrous tissue of the keloid scars and thus begins to decrease its size.



Apitoxin has, according to studies, several therapeutic actions:

1. Anti-inflammatory

2. Analgesic

3. Anti-arrhythmic

4. Cardiotonic

5. Vasomotor

6. Hypotensive

7. Fibrinolytic

8. Antiplatelet agent

9. Erythropoietic

10. immunoactivating

11. Radio protection

12. Antibiotic

13. Antiviral

14. antitumor


0.4 to 2% of people suffer from a high sensitivity to bee venom, including apitoxin, a single application could develop anaphylactic shock, which can be life-threatening if not is not treated in time with an antidote. Therefore, before starting treatment, the patient should undergo a tolerance test, especially with those who have never been bitten by a bee.

To find out if a patient is allergic to apitoxin, an immunoglobulin test should be done before treatment in the laboratory, the test is called poison-specific IgE. However, during the consultation, two additional tests must be carried out to know the patient's hypersensitivity, on the first day, apply 0.1 ml of apitoxine intradermally to the forearm, on the second day, apply the same dose in the lumbar region. If after that no allergy is detected, start treatment within 24 hours.


Contact our experts, tel / whatsapp: +22990431725



By On 28/02/2020

What are keloids?


Keloids are scar tissue after the appearance of pores, which develops and hardens. This condition can lead to a larger scar than the original wound.

According to the American Academy of Dermatology, not everyone injured will develop keloids. If you have keloid prone skin, anything that causes scarring can cause this condition. This includes scratches, burns, or severe pimples. Some people also experience keloids after piercing their ears or getting a tattoo. It is not uncommon for surgical scars to cause this condition.

In rare cases, this condition occurs in people who have not suffered any injuries. This condition is called "spontaneous keloids".

Scar tissue is most commonly found in the chest, shoulders, ears, and cheeks. However, scars can also attack other parts of the body. Although not too dangerous for your health, keloids can have a huge impact on your appearance. Once they appear, keloids can grow slowly for months or years.



Natural remedy by medicinal plants against keloids

Keloid natural treatment

Our natural treatment to remove keloids is composed of 2 elements: a balm and herbal tea. The anti keloid balm is a mild natural remedy, but very effective in eliminating keloids. It contains plants that regenerate the skin, which is excellent for the natural removal of keloids. It reduces the size of scars. It works by gently removing the top layer of damaged skin and promoting the growth of new cells. This natural remedy also reduces inflammation, calms itching, kills bacteria, fights infections, and moisturizes the skin. As for the herbal tea, it strengthens the action of the balm. It is a natural solution to eliminate keloids without surgery.

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After mechanical injuries, there is a risk of developing keloid scars, which have an unsightly appearance. Therefore, people spend a lot of money on expensive treatments to remove scar formations. Instead, you can use a more economical and effective method to combat keloid scars - folk remedies. Treatment of keloid scars at home is carried out as an additional therapy prescribed by a doctor.



How to remove keloid scars with folk remedies


Over time, several natural recipes have been discovered to help with healing. But they should be used with caution, as these products have a strong effect on the skin. There are several options :


• Onion juice:

How to Use Onion Juice for Hair Growth - BeBeautiful

This juice contains unique enzymes that accelerate the regeneration of the skin. Steam the onions and remove the juice. This juice will be applied to the scars. For the night make compresses based on onions in the oven. Treatment is quite long - several months, but the result will be satisfactory.



• Musk of melon seeds:

musmelon for keloid

it must be applied every day to the scar area to smooth the scar tissue. To prepare this remedy, you need to dry the melon seeds, grind them to a powder state, add eggshells, and olive oil. The resulting mixture is applied to the scar in the form of a compress. The procedure should be carried out for at least one month.



• Honey:

Using NMR to Differentiate Adulterated Honey from Natural Honey

Rub the honey in the damaged area up to three times a day. After a few months, the scars will become pale and smooth.


• Essential oils:

Calendula Essential Oil | Vijay Impex

Some oils have regenerated and healing properties. Among the most common options are lavender, sea buckthorn, or castor oil. St. John's wort oil (Hypericum perforatum) has an analgesic and antiseptic effect. Calendula oil helps smooth out scars.


• Cabbage compresses

Anti-inflammatory Cabbage Compress | First Tunnels Blog

This is another good option for getting rid of scars at home. It is necessary to rinse several leaves, to grind to a pasty state, and to add rose water. Mix everything, put on a towel, apply to the area to be treated and fix with a bandage. This tool has a healing and anti-inflammatory effect.


• Camphor oil:

Camphor Oil 10mls

Moisten a linen towel, apply to the scar, cover with cellophane and fix with adhesive tape. Keep the compress overnight.


• Parsley broth:

Parsley Soup | The Dr. Oz Show

chop the green vegetables, pour boiling water, and let stand for twenty minutes. Let cool, pour into molds, and freeze. Wipe the scars with ice in the morning and in the evening for three consecutive months.



• Lemon juice

The Amazing Health Benefits Of Raw Lemon Juice

Lemon juice also effectively reduces the visibility of the keloid scar. Apple cider vinegar is able to reduce the size of the scar, relieve redness.



Leeching (Hirudotherapy) – TURCare Medical

Many patients claim that hirudotherapy helps fight keloid scars. But of course, this treatment can only be done in specialized centers and practiced by a health expert.

In addition to using effective traditional medicine recipes, you need to eat well. The diet should include enough protein and vitamins. Zinc, which is found in large quantities in pumpkin and sunflower seeds, peanuts, and cheese, helps in the treatment of scars.

NB: Remember that any disease is easier to prevent than to cure. Therefore, the formation of a colloidal scar can also be prevented by taking appropriate measures in advance. The control of concomitant diseases using traditional methods should be in accordance with the recommendations of a specialist. Treatment requires systematic observation by a doctor.


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