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make sperm thicker and stronger naturally

8 herbs to increase sperm quality and quantity naturally


By On 17/10/2020



Defects in sperm quality and quantity is usually as a result of sperm disorders. It is no news that infertility in men is mostly caused by poor sperm quality and quantity. However,  the practical question is; what leads to poor sperm quality and quantity and how can it be reversed? No doubt you want to find out how you became a victim of this condition and the best natural means to get rid of it. In this article, you will not only discover the causes and 8 herbs to boost your sperm quality and quantity, but also be reminded of why it is necessary. Let's take a look at the causes of poor sperm which includes its quality and quantity.



Sperm count decreased by 50 percent in men compared to 50 years agoWhen your sperm is being described as poor, it shows that its quality and quantity has dropped. And this is bad news!! So what causes this? Before listing the causes, I would like to give a brief explanation on sperm production.

Sperm production is a very complex process, and sperm production requires normal functioning of the testicles as well as the healthy functioning of the hypothalamus and pituitary gland parts of the brain. Diseases, lifestyle and environmental factors can reduce sperm count and quality. Often, it is not possible to determine the main factor that causes poor sperm count and quality, but if we need to generalize, we can list the reasons that decrease sperm count and quality as follows:




1- Varicocele Disease: The most common causes of male infertility and can be cured with correct treatments; It may cause male-induced infertility by decreasing sperm number and quality.

2. Infections: In the epididymis glands or testicles where sperms are stored and mature; If infection occurs as a result of sexually transmitted diseases, sperm production and sperm transfer ducts may be damaged.

3. Ejaculation Problems:The semen that needs to be expelled during ejaculation goes to the bladder is called "back discharge" or "dry discharge". "Retrograde ejaculation" caused by diabetes, spinal cord injuries, use of prostate medications at an early age or the effect of previous prostate operations may be temporary or permanent.

4. Chemotherapy: Chemotherapy methods used for the treatment of malignant tumors can also damage the sperm production process. Sperm freezing should be recommended before the procedure, especially for patients who are planned for treatment in this way.

5. Undescended Testis:If one or both testicles do not descend into the scrotum during the development process in the mother's womb, if the treatment of undescended testis is delayed, the sperm quality and number may decrease significantly in advanced ages.

6. Hormonal Problems: The hypothalamus, pituitary gland and testicles secrete hormones essential for sperm production. Problems in hormone release are among the factors that affect sperm production.

Sperm count and quality may also decrease as a result of medical drugs used by the person, surgical operations, defects in sperm ducts and some hereditary diseases such as Klinefelter Syndrome. See below our natural herb to help boost your sperm production.


Our treatment  to increase sperm production

Free recipes to increase sperm production

Our treatment is a natural solution that has proven to be effective in many cases. Please be assured that we will provide you with the best treatment based on your case (eg if your oligospermia is due to varicocele ). The duration of your treatment will depend on your case, from 3 months to 6 months. 

Oligospermia is a disease characterized by a reduced number of sperm released during ejaculation. This condition is associated with several cases of infertility. Provirals and vitamin E are sometimes prescribed by specialists to treat oligospermia. It may work for some but not for everyone. Our natural treatment is safe and very effective. No longer let your couple be devastated by oligospermia. Our remedy is the solution to help you regain your fertility. It is a herbal treatment that will stimulate spermatogenesis and allow more sperm in the ejaculate.

To access our natural treatment for oligospermia and oligozoospermia click here!
Phone / WhatsApp: +229 62 79 67 67

To get this treatment, you can either pay directly on the site's herbal supplement (PayPal) for sperm production or contact / WhatsApp our experts @ +229 62 79 67 67 for more information.

We ship worldwide !! Thanks to our partner DHL EXPRESS. In addition, delivery is free and your treatment will be delivered to you within 72 hours. We also have representatives in Cameroon, Senegal, Ivory Coast, Mali, Congo, Central Africa, Niger, Togo and Benin. We give the greatest satisfaction to our patients and support them throughout their treatment period with good health advice.

Don't forget to sign in to our newsletter for updates on health tips and herbal treatments for your health concerns. In addition, get a 5% discount on your order.


Our herbs to increase sperm production (quality and quantity)

1. Avocado
Avocado and sperm quality and quantity

Containing vitamin E and B6 and plenty of folic acid, avocados make sperms stronger while penetrating the egg

2. Banana

Bananas sperm quality and quantity
A rare enzyme found in bananas regulates sex hormones. It also supports the body's production of sperm because it contains vitamins B1, A and C.

3.  Asparagus

Asparagus sperm quality and quantity
This little green vegetable contains lots of vitamin C. Vitamin C prevents sperm oxidation and protects the cells in the testicles. In addition, because vitamin C blocks free radicals, your body can focus on sperm production rather than dealing with disease.

4. Red meat

Red meat sperm quality and quantity

Red meat, which contains plenty of zinc, thus increases the stamina of sperm.

5. Dark chocolate sperm quality and quantity

Black chocolate is known to contain an amino acid that doubles the sperm count. It has also been suggested that men who regularly eat a small amount of dark chocolate every day experience stronger orgasms.

6. Garlic

Garlic sperm quality and quantity
Garlic speeds up blood flow. The "allicin" substance in its content also accelerates the blood flow to the sexual organs and increases the quality of the sperm.

7. Ginseng

Ginseng sperm quality and quantity
Ginseng is known to promote libido, sexual performance and blood flow to the testicles. In studies conducted with 45 men with erectile dysfunction, it was observed that the problem of erection decreased in 60% of men as a result of a diet containing ginseng for 16 weeks.

8. Oyster

Oyster is known to have an aphrodisiac effect. This sea creature, which is a zinc storehouse, also increases the sperm count. Oyster is also known to treat damage to sperm while increasing sperm production.


To access our natural treatment for oligospermia and oligozoospermia click here!
Phone / WhatsApp: +229 62 79 67 67

To get this treatment, you can either pay directly on the site's herbal supplement (PayPal) for sperm production or contact / WhatsApp our experts @ +229 62 79 67 67 for more information.

We ship worldwide !! Thanks to our partner DHL EXPRESS. In addition, delivery is free and your treatment will be delivered to you within 72 hours. We also have representatives in Cameroon, Senegal, Ivory Coast, Mali, Congo, Central Africa, Niger, Togo and Benin. We give the greatest satisfaction to our patients and support them throughout their treatment period with good health advice.

Don't forget to sign in to our newsletter for updates on health tips and herbal treatments for your health concerns. In addition, get a 5% discount on your order.