increase sperm production with herb


By On 20/03/2020

Do you know that low sperm count has been linked with factors like zinc deficiency? Lack of vitamins, nutrition, and diet plays a very important role in male fertility. In such a manner, men have to improve the performance of ejaculation analysis, you must have in your diet rich nutritious foods.

Recent research has shown that a healthy lifestyle helps in conception and also helps in increasing the sperm.




Male infertility


According to the World Health Organization, male infertility is "the inability to impregnate after at least 12 months of regular sexual activity and not protected by any contraceptive method, with a normal fertile partner." There are many situations that may cause infertility to a man and our herbal tea can work amazingly on most of the causes. Are you are suffering from no sperm count, low sperm count, low motility, or abnormal shape of spermatozoa? Here is a tisane that will help you regain your fertility so that you experiment the joy to be a father.

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The products for improving the semen must be distinguished by their high content of zinc, selenium, magnesium, as well as vitamins A, B, C and E.

The positive common properties of all useful products that improve semen performance are:

  • improving the quality and quantity of sperm;
  • sperm growth;
  • increased testosterone production;
  • stabilization of the digestive system;
  • improving metabolic processes;
  • normalizing hormone level.






Nuts are very useful for restoring or increasing sperm production in men, as they are characterized by a high content of zinc, magnesium and folic acid. It is shown that a deficiency of zinc and magnesium in the male body lowers testosterone levels and reduces the amount of semen. Folic acid is prescribed to men for diseases such as oligozoospermia and azoospermia. Regular consumption of raw nuts will improve the functioning of the reproductive system in a short time. An increase in sperm activity in a man can be observed after two months. The most beneficial for men are walnuts, such as peanuts, almonds and cashews. It will also be useful to feed a man with nutmeg, walnuts and pine nuts.


The advantage of oysters for sperm is that they contain rare amino acids and dopamine, which increase libido and increase the number of ejaculates. Oyster preservation is the best raw material because it allows you to store many useful ingredients in the product. Due to the high mercury content, the consumption of oysters too often is not recommended. The fish is useful for improving sperm performance. Especially useful for improving sperm performance are fish such as mackerel and tuna. Consumption of tuna contributes not only to increasing the amount of semen, but also to increasing the erection.


To improve the performance of semen, a man should eat fruit daily. Fruit consumption helps to establish the activity of metabolic processes in the body and to increase the possibility of conception. Bananas, avocados and apples are the most useful for men. Vitamins A and B1, contained in bananas, stimulate the production of high quality semen, as well as increase its quantity. Scientists have found that a lack of vitamin A in the male body can lead to infertility. Enough consumption of apples helps to significantly improve sperm quality and quantity. Vitamin E, which is contained in avocado, increases sperm activity and increases sperm concentration in ejaculation.

Among all the vegetables, garlic, tomatoes and asparagus are most useful for men's health.


Among all the vegetables, garlic, tomatoes and asparagus are most useful for men's health. Selenium contained in garlic has a beneficial effect on sperm quality, and vitamin B6 helps to strengthen the immune system and normalize hormone levels. Tomatoes will also help bring ejaculated analysis to normal values, because a large amount of lycopene found in these vegetables has a positive effect on male fertility and helps reduce the possibility of infertility. Asparagus since the turn of the century has been actively used by men for the treatment of inability to conceive. Asparagus has been shown to have a positive effect on the amount of sperm produced. Vegetables such as radishes, onions, cabbage, beets, celery and grapes can have a beneficial effect on the development of spermatogenesis and reproductive function in men in general. Seeds rich in zinc, rich in grains, will help a man to increase the level of testosterone in the blood.

All cereals are considered beneficial for men, but oats have a positive effect on fertility. In addition, arginine in oatmeal helps to normalize blood flow to the genital organs and to normalize high levels of blood sugar.

Delicious recipes

  1. 100 grams of walnuts must pour 300 grams of water. The cleansed mixed ingredients insist in a dark place for 2 hours. Add two tablespoons of honey to the mixture.
  2. More data should be thoroughly washed and cut after removing the bones from them. Then you need to add almonds and some honey to the meetings.
  3. Pumpkin seeds should be dried, chopped and mixed with honey. Healing the mixture is recommended to eat every day, a spoon on an empty stomach.

Ginger tea is very useful for men's health.

Beverages to improve sperm performance

A variety of teas are very useful for men's health. The most popular teas that improve semen performance are:

  • ginger tea;
  • tea tea;
  • Hibiscus;
  • green tea;
  • Chinese tea.

The use of these teas helps to increase the number of motile sperm in ejaculated testosterone production and to improve blood formation. In addition, teas help to cope with stress, often the cause of disorders of the male reproductive system.

Freshly squeezed juices are capable of preventing various disorders of sperm development, for which their effectiveness is often equated with the effectiveness of drugs. But unlike drugs, juices are absolutely harmless to health, which is the main advantage of freshly squeezed drinks.

The most useful are:

  • fruit juice;
  • grape juice;
  • mango juice;
  • zucchini;
  • any juice containing vitamin E.

One of the most useful juices is pomegranate.



  1. A man should eat in a relaxed atmosphere. Fast snacks "on the road" are not allowed.
  2. To avoid overloading the digestive organs, it is necessary to eat 5-6 times a day in small portions. Thus, the food is absorbed by the body much better and the benefits of its use will be maximum.
  3. High quality products should be given priority in the preparation of the diet. In addition, there should be no harmful additives in food. It is recommended to use as many foods as possible with a wide variety of vitamins and trace elements. Also, people's foods should be distinguished by their high protein and fiber content.
  4. Sharp, smoked and salted foods should be excluded from your diet and should be limited to the consumption of sweet and floury products. It will not be for men to reject spices.
  5. Foods to improve sperm performance should not be heavy and fatty. It is shown that infertility is more often diagnosed in men who abuse fatty foods and are obese.
  6. When the problem of inability to design the best products to turn off or steam. With such cooking methods, the loss of beneficial substances will be minimized. Eating is considered less beneficial for fertility. Fried foods to improve sperm performance are not recommended.
  7. Any foods should be consumed in moderation. Overeating and consuming healthy foods in huge proportions will lead to gastrointestinal tract problems.
  8. Drink plenty of fluids daily. The ideal option would be non-carbonated mineral water.
  9. A man should completely give up the use of alcoholic beverages, as alcohol can cause a deviation from the norm's program results in many ways.

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