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how to use maca to unblock the fallopian tube

Fallopian tube blockage treatment in ayurveda


By On 06/03/2020

In the reproductive system, the fallopian tubes are the place where fertilization occurs. This is where the sperm meets the egg. From here, the fertilized zygote moves into the uterus, where it is implanted and grows into the fetus.

If one fallopian tube is blocked, pregnancy is still possible because the egg can pass through the other side of the body because there are two ovaries. However, if both tubes are completely blocked, you will not naturally be able to get pregnant until one or both are unlocked.

If you are trying to get pregnant and have blocked fallopian tubes, these natural treatments can prove effective.



This herbal tea is a decoction of african medicinal plants. This is the best natural solution very effective in the unblocking the fallopian tube and getting pregnant.
Our tisane helps to kill bacteria like yeast, which are often the cause of infertility. This herbal tea enhances the transportation of spermatozoa and fertilization which will eventually improve fertility. It is also rich in antioxidants, antioxidants are advisable in the treatment of clogged fallopian tubes, while taking this treatment our experts will be with you every step of the way to monitor the progress of the treatment and give advice where needed.

This natural treatment to treat blocked tubes lasts from 1 to 2 months. It is the miracle solution to unblock and clean your tubes with plants. It varies according to the state of permeability of your fallopian tubes and the state of your genitals. It also varies according to your general health.


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  1.  Vitamin C

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Vitamin C is an antioxidant that can reduce inflammation, helping your immune system function better. For this reason, it is believed that it heals scars and can have a positive effect on the fallopian tubes.

According to the Food Additives Administration, it’s best to get all your vitamin C from your diet. However, it can also be taken as a supplement. Vitamin C is not stored in the body, so it must be taken every day.

In large quantities, vitamin C can cause diarrhea and abdominal pain. Otherwise, there are no serious side effects.

Unfortunately, vitamin C has never been tested for its ability to unlock tubes. We just don't know if this is an effective treatment. However, it is important to make sure that you consume enough vitamin C for your overall health.

2. Turmeric

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Turmeric is a natural anti-inflammatory agent. Curcumin, the active ingredient in turmeric, reduces inflammation. You can consume curcumin in the form of supplements, add turmeric to food, or drink turmeric.

There are no known side effects of turmeric when taken in small doses. However, in doses of more than 8 g per day, this can have an adverse effect. Be sure to take the right dose of turmeric or, better yet, add spice to your cooking.

While turmeric has many benefits, there is no research on whether it can help unlock the tubes.

3. Ginger

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A common ingredient with several benefits, ginger is another natural anti-inflammatory. A 2014 paper showed that gingerol, the active ingredient in ginger, is both an antioxidant and anti-inflammatory.

There is no scientific evidence that ginger can unlock the fallopian tubes.

4. Garlic

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Garlic is often offered as a way to increase fertility and unlock tubes. A 2004 study on the benefits of garlic on fertility showed that it can improve fertility. Additional evidence is needed to confirm this.

Other than this outdated study, there is no evidence that garlic can improve fertility. However, a moderate amount of garlic is completely safe, so it might be worth a try, and there are other health benefits from adding garlic to your diet.

5. Lodhra

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Lodhra, a widely used Ayurvedic therapy, is sometimes recommended to increase fertility and unlock the fallopian tubes. However, there is no scientific evidence.

6. Dong Quai

Image result for Dong Quai

A plant often used in Chinese herbal medicine, dong quai is often recommended for blockage of the fallopian tubes. This is one of the most commonly used Chinese herbs for treating reproductive problems.

According to a 2015 meta-analysis, a Chinese herbal medicine can double pregnancy rates for infertility in women. The analysis analyzed 4247 women undergoing treatment for infertility. However, no studies have determined whether the Dun embankment can unlock the fallopian tubes.

7. Ginseng

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Some natural and oriental doctors recommend ginseng to increase fertility. Although ginseng appears to have several potential benefits, there is no evidence that it can improve fertility in women, let alone treat clogged fallopian tubes.

8. Vaginal steaming

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An alternative treatment that has recently gained popularity is vaginal steam, presumably for the treatment of many conditions, from menstrual cramps to infertility. Some also recommend it as a means to unlock the fallopian tubes.

Unfortunately, there is no evidence behind these statements. Apparently, it is anatomically impossible for steam to enter the fallopian tubes through the cervix. In addition, steaming the vagina can lead to burns or infections. This can actually harm your fertility.

9. Fertile massage

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Some alternative medicine practitioners offer fertility massage to unlock the fallopian tubes. They usually include warm oil massage in the abdomen. There is no scientific evidence that this works.

10. Wormwood

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Wormwood is an herb sometimes recommended to increase fertility. It is also recommended for unlocking fallopian tubes. Wormwood has a long history of use for fertility in a number of different crops. It has been used throughout Europe and Asia for centuries. It is often used in Chinese medicine in the form of cauterization, which involves burning wormwood over an acupressure point.

A review of studies conducted in 2010 shows that the only thing that can help cauterize is to turn the gluteal presentation of the fetus upside down into the uterus. Unfortunately, there is no evidence that this affects fertility or blockage of the fallopian tubes.

11. Castor oil

Image result for Castor oil

Castor oil is a popular home remedy for infertility and clogged tubes. It is also widely used to stimulate labor, although a 2009 review shows that it is neither harmful nor useful in this regard.

There is no scientific evidence that castor oil unlocks the fallopian tubes. However, there is no risk associated with topical application of castor oil, so it is worth a try and it can moisturize the skin.

12. Herbal swabs

Image result for Herbal swabs

Herbal swabs, that is, herbs inserted into the vagina, are popular home treatments for infertility. However, there are no studies that test the effectiveness of this treatment.

Keep in mind that these swabs are not sterile and can lead to vaginal infections. Use them with caution. Examine each herb before use and work with a licensed practitioner.

13. Maca

Image result for Maca

Maca is a Peruvian plant with a number of benefits reported. One of these perceived benefits is that it boosts fertility. While a 2016 study review shows that it can improve sperm quality, there is no evidence that it will unlock the fallopian tubes.

14. Exercise

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Exercise is a lifestyle change that is believed to improve fertility and unlock the fallopian tubes. 2012 cohort studyin a study of 3628 women suggested that exercise could increase fertility. But so far, no studies have been conducted on the relationship between exercise and blocked fallopian tubes.

15. Reduce alcohol consumption

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Alcohol use was not directly related to clogging of the fallopian tubes. However, it is worth giving up alcohol if you are trying to conceive a child. This lifestyle change can improve your overall health and fertility.

16. Yoga

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Many people who are trying to conceive practice yoga. Some people even recommend it for treating blocked fallopian tubes.

According to National Center for Complementary and Integral HealthYoga can be an effective way to reduce stress. Stress can reduce fertility, so it might be worth trying stress reduction methods such as yoga if you are trying to conceive a baby. Unfortunately, there is no evidence that yoga unlocks the fallopian tubes.

17. Meditation

Image result for Meditation

Accordingly, it has been scientifically proven that meditation, like yoga, reduces stress. 2014 reviewMeditation can be a useful tool to improve your fertility. However, no studies have been conducted on whether meditation affects the fallopian tubes.

18. Improving Diet

Image result for Improving Diet

While diet is important when it comes to fertility, there is no evidence linking the diet to blocked fallopian tubes. This is still a wise idea: eat a varied diet and stay hydrated so that you have enough nutrients in your body while you are trying to conceive a baby.

You should take prenatal vitamins a year before you start to think that folic acid with a low content of folic acid is a nutrient found in green leafy vegetables associated with vertebral bifida and other similar problems.

How can I find out if my fallopian tubes are blocked?

Your doctor may use hysterosalpingography (GHA), which is a type of x-ray used to diagnose blocked fallopian tubes. Your doctor will add dye to the uterus and fallopian tubes to help identify clogging on the radiograph.

In addition, your doctor may use laparoscopy to diagnose blocked fallopian tubes, but they are more likely to use HSG first. Laparoscopy is an operation, but it is minimally invasive and requires only small incisions.

Side effects of both HSG and laparoscopy are rare.

If none of the above medical or natural methods of treatment work, there are a number of alternative methods for pregnancy. This includes:

  • in vitro fertilization (IVF) using your own eggs
  • IVF using donor eggs
  • surrogate

Talk with your doctor about your birth plan if you have difficulty conceiving. Together, you can find out the cause, possible treatment options and next steps.


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