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herbs for hepatitis

July 28 world hepatitis day


By On 24/08/2020

Like every year, July 28, World Hepatitis Day is celebrated, coinciding with the birthdate of Dr. Baruch Samuel Blumberg, an American scientist and Nobel Prize winner who is known to have identified the hepatitis virus. B and the further development of his vaccine.

Here is the best natural remedy to cure hepatitis B and C

Hepatitis remedy

The hepatitis virus is very vicious, it is a tough virus that spreads and duplicates especially in the liver creating disturbances. If you have hepatitis B or C, but find conventional treatments too expensive, ineffective, or worried about the side effects of all of these chemical drugs, this natural treatment is great for you.

Our natural remedy for hepatitis is much more effective than the drugs commonly used to fight hepatitis.


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According to the Taber Encyclopedic Dictionary of Health Sciences, this is "inflammation of the liver usually caused by exposure of the following:

• An infectious agent (for example, a hepatitis virus).

• A toxin (alcohol).

• A drug (such as paracetamol).

The disease can be chronic or acute, mild or fatal. Chronic cases are only detected by finding a high concentration of liver enzymes in the blood; Acute cases, on the other hand, are characterized by jaundice, hepatomegaly and sometimes hemorrhage, altered mental status and multiple failure of the organic systems. "

Basically, and in summary, hepatitis is a "swelling", a kind of "irritation" of the liver that prevents this organ from functioning properly.




Generally, hepatitis is usually associated with a viral infection. But the reality is that the factors that generate it can be other, among which also stand out:

• Liver damage caused by alcoholism or other toxic substances.

• Causes derived from excessive use or overdose of drugs.

In general, we can distinguish two types of hepatitis:

Acute: with proper treatment and the necessary attention, it can go away.

Chronic: its evolution can lead, over time, to liver failure, liver cancer or cirrhosis (destruction of liver cells).


Hepatitis A, B, C, D and E


There are several viruses that can cause acute liver inflammation. Among these viruses, for the moment, five types are known: A, C, D and E, which are of the RNA type, and the virus B, which is the DNA.


Virus A (HAV): it is transmitted by the faecal-oral route by water, food or contaminated food or toilet articles, causing an acute affection which never passes to chronicity. The incubation period is estimated between fifteen and fifty days. It is, by its mode of contagion, a benign water disease, with a particular prevalence in children and adolescents, which in many cases adopts an epidemic connotation.


Virus B (HBV): The transmission of this virus is parenteral through blood and blood products (syringes, needles, tubes, catheters, catheters, etc., contaminated), as well as genital secretions (mainly sperm). The incubation period is estimated between 50 and 160 days, which constitutes a long period as a healthy carrier. There is also vertical transmission from mother to child. Contagion through sexual contact also makes it a venereal disease. The patterns of spread are so similar to those of HIV that at one point it was accused of being a causative agent. Due to its mode of transmission, it has particular relevance at the hospital level (in which there are groups of people at particular risk for their work in specialties such as hemodialysis, laboratory, emergencies, etc.…, which are systematically recommended for vaccination).


Virus C (HCV): The incubation period is two weeks to six months. It is an infection that can remain asymptomatic until the advanced stages, the destruction of the liver occurs slowly and sometimes the symptoms do not appear until 20 years after contamination, so most infected patients do not suspect their infection. Its transmission occurs in blood transfusions (currently rare), injection drug use, inappropriate reuse or sterilization of medical equipment (in particular syringes and needles) in health establishments, biological accidents (in particular by needles used in infected patients)), perform tattoos or piercings if appropriate hygiene measures are not taken, sexually and maternally and fetally.


Virus D (VHD): it is a defective virus which requires HBV for its replication, which therefore causes hepatitis only in the presence of the latter. Both viruses can be contracted simultaneously (co-infection) or there is a HBV carrier condition and be infected with HDV (secondary infection), a condition that causes hepatitis of high severity and easily passes into chronicity. Its transmission is always parenteral.





As has been pointed out, several agents can cause hepatitis. The main warning signs can be summarized in:


• Clear stools

Clear, almost white stools are a symptom that should alert, as this is a common sign of liver disease. The answer to this symptom lies in bilirubin, a substance responsible for the brown coloration of feces. If the liver does not work properly and is inflamed, the result is that the bilirubin that must reach the liver is not metabolized to the faeces, causing this discoloration.


• Cloudy urine

Causes cloudy urine 2

If the urine is detected to be darker than normal, this could be another symptom of hepatitis, due to a buildup of bilirubin in the blood.


• Yellowing of the skin and eyes


Without a doubt, this is the most symptomatic and characteristic effect of hepatitis: that known as jaundice. Again, bilirubin plays a fundamental role in this process. An accumulation of this substance in the blood is the cause of this symptom.


• Abdominal pain

Hepatitis d alodokter

As mentioned above, hepatitis is a swelling of the liver that causes pain in the organs, which is usually in the upper right part of the abdomen, below the ribs. Even under certain circumstances, a simple examination of the abdomen can detect inflammation of the liver.




To the tables described above, other symptoms generally associated with hepatitis should be added, such as the following:

• Weakness and physical exhaustion.

• Loss of appetite and desire to eat.

• Nausea and vomiting

• Onset of low fever.

• And, among other things, weight loss.




HAV is avoided by hygiene measures in food handling and public health measures (disinfection of drinking water). In addition, there is a vaccine against it, the administration of which is recommended for people at high risk (endemic travelers, military countries, etc.).

Serum-transmitted hepatitis (HBV and HCV) can be prevented by the following measures: use condoms during sex and avoid shared use of personal hygiene tools.

Likewise, hepatitis B has a very effective vaccine (approximately 95% of those vaccinated reach adequate antibody levels). Vaccination is done in three doses (at 2, 4 and 12 months) intramuscularly.



To discover our natural solution against hepatitis click here!

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