herbal tea for hepatits

Hepatitis 538x218

HEPATITIS B: nutrition and NATURAL remedy

By On 05/03/2020

Hep b

Hepatitis B is an infectious disease caused by the HBV virus, which affects the liver either acutely or chronically (the chronic form is more common in people who contract the virus at birth).

About a third of the world's population has been infected with the HBV virus, including 240 to 350 million chronic cases. More than 750,000 people die from hepatitis B each year, including about 300,000 from complications (liver cancer).

The disease is widespread mainly in East Asia and sub-Saharan Africa, where between 5 and 10% of adults reach the chronic form. The incidence rate in Europe and North America is less than 1% and is decreasing due to the adoption of mandatory vaccine prophylaxis.

After infection, in the initial phase, many people do not show symptoms while others develop symptomatology characterized by: vomiting, jaundice, fatigue, dark urine and abdominal pain (for about two weeks - acute liver problems rarely leads to death). In the chronic phase, there are no symptoms but fatal complications such as cirrhosis and liver cancer can develop (15-25% of chronic cases).

African herbal remedy to cure hepatitis B

Hepatitis remedy

Hepatitis B is not to be taken lightly. If some patients recover, others will progress to the chronic form of the disease. The experts at Africandoctor have put together the best plants for you to create an effective remedy for hepatitis B. If you have done your research you will know that the conventional treatment used for hepatitis B is quite expensive with a questionable success rate. On top of that it has its share of side effects like depression, irritability, insomnia and many others. It is with this in mind that our natural, accessible and effective remedy is most suitable for you. Among its many properties, it has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects that will be of great help in the treatment of your disease. Do not allow your disease to progress to cancer or cirrhosis of the liver.

To discover our natural treatment for hepatitis B click here!

Contact our experts, tel / WhatsApp :https://wa.me/22990431725


Nutritional goals


Since the liver performs many different functions (oncotic pressure, synthesis of transport proteins, production of bile, glycemic homeostasis, drug metabolism, etc.), its possible loss of function seriously compromises the balance of the organism in whole.

After a type B viral infection, it is therefore necessary to:

• Decreases the functional demands of the body.

• Reduce the workload of the organs.

• Facilitate remission of the B virus by providing better support for the body.


Diet and Hepatitis B

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The essential dietary rules for restoring the normal state (healing or chronic) can be summarized as follows:

• If present, elimination of ethyl alcohol in the diet. In addition to directly damaging the liver, it compromises the metabolism of vitamin B1, which is the only vitamin the body is unable to store.

• If you are infected, it is not necessary to stop taking drugs and food supplements.

• Exclusion of unhealthy foods and beverages such as: sweet and savory industrial snacks, fries, croquettes, pancakes, burgers and other fast-food, sugary drinks (carbonated and non-carbonated), American sweetened and / or creamed coffee, etc .; these foods, called junk food, are rich in saturated or hydrogenated fats (with chains in trans conformation), refined carbohydrates (sucrose, maltose, granular fructose added), food additives (colors, flavor enhancers, preservatives, sweeteners, etc. .) and toxins typical of excessively intense cooking (acrylamide, formaldehyde, acrolein, aromatic polycyclics, etc.).

• Choose fresh (possibly frozen) or raw foods rather than processed or refined foods. Many processes, such as blanching and removing bran from flour, or mixing meat / fish with other ingredients to create sausages or kibble, use physico-chemical systems that deplete food . In some cases, important nutrients and nutritional components such as fiber, vitamins and minerals are reduced by as much as 80%. Remember that vitamins are essential coenzymatic factors for various cellular processes and that the liver has one of the most specialized tissues in the whole organism. Normally, the liver is also a fairly large store of vitamins, but if compromised it does not perform this function properly; in this case, nutrition must be constantly rich in these nutrients to best meet the needs of the body.

• Do not eat excessively large or nutritious meals. An excess of energy (fats, carbohydrates and proteins) always causes an overload of liver functions (neoglucogenesis, glycogenogenesis, lipogenesis etc.), this is why it is necessary to reduce the volume of meals and increase their number.

• Avoid prolonged fasts (beyond 12-14 hours). The liver is normally responsible for glycemic homeostasis, therefore, if it does not work properly, the glycemic balance may remain compromised. Not only that, in trying to maintain blood sugar through neoglucogenesis (production of glucose from amino acids, etc.), the liver would face an even greater amount of work; in practice, it is not said that, if infected with virus B, the organ is able to perform this function correctly.

• In the case of celiac disease, it is strictly necessary to emphasize food hygiene by meticulously removing traces of gluten. This protein, typical of wheat, spelled, rye, barley, oats and sorghum, is very harmful for those who suffer from specific intolerance. Typically, a disease neglected celiac increases the rate of systemic inflammation and can worsen the clinical picture of hepatitis B.

• Avoid drinking unsafe water and do not take contaminated food or drink. Again, in the case of hepatitis B, the liver loses a percentage of its functionality and would not be able to properly metabolize harmful residues such as chemical traces, drugs, etc.

• Promote the consumption of fruits and vegetables. These foods are rich in nutrients and nutritional elements (vitamins, salts, phenols, etc.) that can help fight inflammation. Fruits and vegetables should be consumed daily in 4-5 total portions of 150-300g each, taking care to position the fruits in secondary meals and / or at breakfast (so as not to excessively increase the glycemic load of the main ones, already rich in cereals, legumes and potatoes).

• Increase the intake of beneficial nutrients for the liver. In addition to the vitamin, salt and phenolic factors mentioned above, certain phytoelements which play a hepatoprotective role, such as cynarin and silymarin from artichoke and milk thistle, are also very useful.

• Insist on the polyunsaturated fraction of fat at the expense of saturated fat; in particular, it would be useful to promote the intake of essential fatty acids from the omega 3 group. They are precursors of anti-inflammatory factors and can help the body reduce general inflammation; on the contrary, it is better not to exceed with omega 6 and in particular with arachidonic acid which could exert a diametrically opposite effect. In practice, the most recommended foods are: blue fish (mackerel, mackerel, bonito, anchovies, sardines etc.), certain oil seeds (almonds, sesame, etc.) and certain cold-pressed vegetable oils (olive oil extra virgin, flax seeds, nuts, etc.).


To discover our natural treatment for hepatitis B click here!

Contact our experts, tel / WhatsApp :https://wa.me/22990431725