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Herbal Supplements To Treat ALGODYSTROPHY

Common vitamins and supplements to treat algodystrophy

Common Vitamins and Supplements To Treat ALGODYSTROPHY

By On 03/09/2020

Dietary supplements for algodystrophy - when it is really necessary to take them?


In this article, you will learn more about taking supplements for algodystrophy to help you heal faster than you expected. But this should be done with patience. Furthermore, you will find within this article our natural treatment to help you by treating some symptoms you experience with this pathology. 

The use of dietary supplements is particularly suitable for those classes of the population who, being in particular physiological conditions, still cannot reach the optimal intake levels recommended for some micronutrients, for example, the practice of taking folic acid in pregnancy is now consolidated.
Several studies, in fact, agree that a lack of folic acid intake in pregnancy as early as the first trimester increases the risk of giving birth to infants with neural tube defects such as spina bifida. Just as it is recommended to take Vitamin B12 and vitamin D to subjects who have an exclusively vegan diet since these vitamin complexes are present almost exclusively in the meats that these subjects exclude from their diet.
At the same time, however, the intake of some food supplements, in specific phases of life, can be harmful. This is the case with the integration of vitamin A in pregnancy which, beyond the normally recommended doses, can cause birth defects.



Asthme - Le remède naturel par les plantes contre l'asthme

Our natural treatment for algodystrophy is an effective, fast and lasting remedy that will allow you to naturally reduce your pain. It is composed of two elements: a balm and a herbal tea. You will feel a marked decrease in pain from the first weeks of use. The herbal tea contains plants whose active ingredients block pain, act on the cartilage to stop it from degrading, and help its regeneration.

It is the perfect solution to fight against algodystrophy, knee and all other forms. This herbal tea provides rapid and dramatic relief. It is both anti-inflammatory, analgesic and antioxidant.

The balm will be used for daily massages on the areas where you feel pain. It’s a natural relaxant. 



Food Supplement

Vitamins, probiotics, mineral salts, proteins, fibers, royal jelly ... all substances contained in food and which have the purpose of improving the functioning of the organism, making up for food deficiencies, promoting the state of well-being of the person and above all preventing some diseases. Taken together, these products make up the great family of food supplements, whose properties have been known since ancient times.

In addition to products characterized by specific nutritional components, such as vitamins and minerals, a series of plant products, "herbs" and derivatives, such as royal jelly and propolis, are also part of the family of dietary supplements, the action of which is subject to the evaluation of an expert group set up at the Consultative Commission for products intended for particular nutritional uses.

This section of Epicentro is dedicated to different food supplements and enriched foods, from vitamins in general to folic acid, from iodine to minerals in general, from amino acids and proteins to probiotic foods and herbs and derivatives.

  • Folic acid
  • Iodine
  • Vitamins
  • Mineral salts
  • Amino acids and proteins
  • Probiotic foods
  • Herbs 

Side Effects and Natural Food Supplements

Many people are led to believe that taking food supplements based on natural products or extracts (for example, medicinal plants) is completely harmless and safe. However, this belief - in addition to being unfounded - could even prove dangerous. In fact, it is very important to specify that "natural" is not synonymous with "safe"; therefore, it is necessary to always exercise the utmost caution also in the consumption of natural food supplements, even more so if you are pregnant, breastfeeding or if you suffer from ailments, problems or diseases of any kind. On the other hand, it is true that the active substances contained in food supplements are present in such quantities that - with proper use and respecting the dosage - they should not cause any harm. Despite this, in the presence of particular conditions - such as, for example, allergies and diseases - even a small amount of a given substance can give rise to serious side effects.

Do not forget to take care of yourself

1) Exercising. 


Taking part in light, gentle exercises is said to be beneficial for those suffering with CRPS. While exercising, your body produces its own type of painkiller, which actually increases your pain threshold and change your perception of pain. Before exercising, however, we would recommend visiting an experienced, qualified physiotherapist who will be able to advise you on the exercises that will benefit you and your affected limb.


2) Nutriments. 


By taking vitamin supplements, you will be able to make sure your body has everything it needs to work to the best of its ability. Fish oil is a great example of a beneficial supplement, as it is renowned for its anti-inflammatory properties. This particular study proved that fish oil has its benefits for CRPS patients; after 75 days on fish oil, more than half of the patients involved in the study reported back to state that they have ended their prescription painkillers.


3) Heat therapy. 

Heat therapy algodystrophy

Heat helps to soothe the affected area and relax the mind. In fact, Lady Gaga, a long-term fibromyalgia sufferer and famous pop star, revealed on Twitter that heat therapy works for her to treat her symptoms. Epsom salt baths, electric heated blankets, and infrared saunas are her preferred treatment methods for reducing her symptoms.

4) Breathing. 

Breathing exercise algodystrophy

Another natural remedy to treat CRPS is deep breathing exercise. Although breathing won’t cure your chronic pain, it is something that could help you make it through the day. Breathing exercises help to relax your mind, reduce stress and tension, and provide your brain with a distraction from pain.


5) Meditation. 

meditation algodystrophy

Similarly to breathing exercises, meditation encourages relaxation and reduces pain by providing you with something else to focus your attention on. In the past, it has been found that meditation has the power to reduce pain in chronic pain sufferers, as well as lower levels of anxiety and depression.


6) Diet. 

Diet for algodystrophy

Although there is no specific diet for every CRPS sufferer to follow, there are specific foods that are said to be anti-inflammatory and beneficial for easing symptoms. According to professionals, successful, healthy diets should be made up of the four F’s, which stand for the following; fresh fruit; fresh vegetables; fish; and fowl. Harmful foods sit under the four C’s; cookies; cakes; chocolate; cocktails; and candy. Click here for further advice on which foods are beneficial to your overall health.



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IF YOU ARE A Victim of Algodystrophy, YOU ARE IN THE RIGHT PLACE !