grow penis naturally



By On 05/11/2020


How to get a bigger penis TODAY: Three easy ways to increase your ...

This may sound impossible but it is possible to grow your small penis naturally. Our experts have discovered some combinations of African medicinal plants that have proven effective in growing the small penis of our patients over the years. These men have had a painful experience with their manhood, from not being able to satisfy their partners in bed to low self-esteem. The list goes on and on. Nonetheless, thanks to the experts of, many have regained their sexual power and can now boldly stand among others as men. In addition, they can reproduce someone like them, a joy that can only be experienced by fathers. Below is a testimony of one of our patients who agreed to share his story, to the benefit of others.


Africandoctor's medicinal plant for small penis

Herbs to enlarge the penis size medicinal herbal tea

The natural treatment that we offer to make your penis bigger has 3 elements that work simultaneously: a herbal tea, a soap, and an ointment. The herbal tea will make your small penis grow in length and thickness very quickly and safely with excellent sexual performance. The active principles of the plants that make up the natural treatment will increase the capacity of the cavernous bodies for greater blood flow to the penis. In addition to enlarging your penis, it will allow you to permanently end premature ejaculation and sexual weakness. Your erection will then become intense and lasting. This natural treatment is extremely effective and has already proven successful in many men. Our natural treatment is the miracle solution for those who want to naturally grow their penis.

To discover the remedy to increase the size of your penis, click here!

We deliver all over the world.

For more information, you can contact our experts on +229 62 79 67 67 direct line or by WhatsApp at the same number.

I tried Africandoctor's Penis Enlargement product. I didn't believe it at first, but it worked for me...

Being married for two years and not able to satisfy my wife neither have I been able to produce an offspring has been a major concern for me. I am most especially grateful to God for giving me such a loving and patient wife.

In search of natural remedies and medicinal plants to enlarge my penis, I came across AFRICANDOCTOR.NET which offered a medicinal plant to grow the penis by 12cm and thickness by 4-6cm in just 2 months. I didn't really believe it, I thought it was unrealistic to have this length in such a short time. But out of curiosity I still decided to give it a go - because whoever tries nothing has nothing.

In my doubts, I contacted the experts and we came to an agreement, hopefully, I received my treatment here in Kenya through DHL express. Below is an image of how small my penis was before I began the treatment. 

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I tried the Africandoctor Penis Enlargement product. I didn't believe it at first but it worked for me.

Today I am 29 years old, since my adolescence I have walked around with a very small penis of barely 6cm in rest and 10cm in erection. I didnt believe I would get married, I thought no woman would want to have me as her man. But I found an angel, and after we got married I decided to do something about it.. I did some research on YouTube, I tried the tips, I bought products; but all these methods did not work. 

At one point I wanted to have surgery to enlarge my penis, and I came across the AFRICANDOCTOR which offered  an alternative solution to surgery ; a definitive solution again! 

I thought to myself I'm going to try one last natural remedy again as I often say - that's okay nothing… not knowing that the risk will be worth it. I didn't really believe it at first due to the scam on the net, but I tried anyway. I placed the order and after 48-72 hours I was delivered by DHL. I started the treatment the next day. 

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I used the product as agreed over a period of 2 months, I already noticed the changes but since I wasn't entirely satisfied I placed another order. An additional month using AFRICANDOCTOR'S penis enlargement product I am now a holder of a long big penis, I have more confidence and more confidence in myself. I am proud of myself. I didn't waste time and money for nothing. I got what I wanted and I am more than satisfied. I can now satisfy my partner, thanks to africandoctor and God almighty for nature's gift. 


Note: this requires patience and care since It takes time.


penis enlargement exercise power stretch-PENIS ENLARGEMENT TIPS ...

Stretching is one of the most popular ways to increase the length of the penis. It will take you just five minutes to do this exercise. 

How to do it: Grasp your penis just behind its head. Don’t hold it too firmly or too loose. Now pull it down towards your knee. You will feel a stretch in the shaft but no significant discomfort or pain. Hold it in that position for 20 to 30 seconds. Bring back the penis to the original position and then pull it up towards your belly button. Hold it there for another 20 to 30 seconds. Then pull it to the right and left direction. Hold the penis in the stretched position for 20 to 30 seconds. Bring it to the original position and relax. 

Rotating stretch

Double Stretch penis length exercise - Penis Enlargement & Male ...

This is similar to the previous exercise with a little twist. This exercise will take you about five minutes.

How to do it: Grasp the penis just below its head and pull it outwards firmly. You will feel a stretch in the shaft but not any pain. Now move your penis in circular motion to maintain the stretch and grip. Use your right hand to rotate it counterclockwise and left for clockwise rotation.  Your one rotation should take around 30 seconds. For each direction, do at least three rotations. 

The Rare Truth About Penis Size 

Are there safe, effective ways to increase penis size? Yes.

Ask any psychologist, and you hear four words: Penis size doesn't matter. But size matters a great deal to many (most?) men. Depending on how small. 

Of course, an extra inch couldn't hurt. If you want to be bigger. However, follow the following tips to avoid harming yourself:

  • Forget enlargement products. They are expensive, cynical frauds, every one of them, and the people who sell them are hucksters who deserve prison. No pill, potion, device, or exercise can permanently enlarge a penis.
  • Forget surgery. The full monty, lengthening, and girth enhancement, is expensive (around $15,000) and problematic. Lengthening surgery cuts the ligament that makes an erection stand up. This adds an inch, but erections no longer salute. They just hang between your legs and must be manually directed into erotic openings. Girth enhancement takes fat from the buttocks and injects it under the penis skin. Sounds good, but quite often, the result is a lumpy, deformed-looking penis.
  • Quit smoking. Flaccid or erect, size depends on the amount of blood in the organ. Less blood means a smaller penis. Smoking narrows the arteries, including those that carry blood into the penis. Smoking limits blood flow into the organ, which makes it smaller.
  • Exercise regularly. Exercise improves arterial health, allowing more blood into the penis. But exercising the penis itself is pointless. The sex media sometimes refer to the penis as the "love muscle," implying that like the biceps, certain exercises can buff it up. But there are different kinds of muscle tissue. The penis contains smooth muscle, not the kind that gets bigger with exercise.
  • Eat less meat and cheese, and more fruits and vegetables. A diet high in animal fat raises cholesterol, which narrows the arteries, including those that carry blood into the penis. Try going a day or two a week without meat or cheese. And eat five to eight daily servings of fruits and vegetables. They contain antioxidants that help keep the arteries open.
  • Lose the potbelly. Exercise, less meat and cheese, and more plant foods help men lose weight, which also helps size. A big belly encroaches on the base of the penis, making the organ look smaller. Lose abdominal fat, and your penis looks larger.
  • Embrace meditative relaxation. The arteries that carry blood into the penis are surrounded by muscle tissue. When men feel anxious (including worrying about penis size), these muscles contract, constricting the arteries and reducing blood flow and size. But as men relax deeply, these muscles also relax, opening the arteries, maximizing blood flow, and boosting size. (Erection drugs work by relaxing these muscles.)

To discover the remedy to increase the size of your penis, click here!

We deliver all over the world.

For more information, you can contact our experts on +229 62 79 67 67 direct line or by WhatsApp at the same number.