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can keloids be removed using home remedies


11 UNBELIEVABLE ways to remove scars and KELOIDS NATURALLY

By On 02/03/2020

Photo keloids home

Scar tissue occurs when the body tries to repair damaged areas of the skin. The recovery process takes a lot of time and patience. However, you can try to speed up the skin's healing process.

Below are 11 helpful tips for those who want to forget about falling off a bike, careless shaving, or painful operations.

1. Natural remedy for keloids

Keloid natural treatment

If you have keloids, you have two solutions to get rid of them. Either you can reduce them by surgery, or you can opt for a natural treatment. Conventional treatments like surgery have several drawbacks. They are ineffective, expensive, and keloid scars tend to recur even after surgery.

Our natural treatment to remove keloids is composed of 2 elements: a balm and a herbal tea. The anti keloid ointment is a mild natural remedy, but very effective in eliminating keloids. It contains plants that regenerate the skin, which is excellent for the natural treatment of keloids. It reduces the size of the scar. It works by gently removing the top layer of damaged skin and promoting the growth of new cells. This natural remedy also reduces inflammation, calms itching, destroys bacteria, fights infections and moisturizes the skin. As for the herbal tea, it strengthens the action of the ointment. It is a natural solution to eliminate keloids without surgery.

To discover our natural remedy click here!

2. Vaseline


According to studies, compared to expensive creams and serums, petroleum jelly has been shown to be quite effective and reliable. Petroleum jelly helps to keep the skin hydrated, so that the scar skin looks less dry and rough.

How to use :

Apply to damaged skin 3 times a day for 1 to 3 weeks

Suitable for:

- atrophic scars; hypertrophic

- chickenpox and acne scars;

- stretch marks;

- keloids.

3. Aloe Vera gel

Aloe vera

For centuries, aloe vera has been used because of its amazing healing properties. Aloe vera leaves contain a gelly substance that promotes the skin's regeneration process and has anti-inflammatory and antiseptic effects on damaged skin.

How to use:

Apply the pulp of Aloe Vera (just press it from the leaf) directly on the scar, massaging in a circular motion. Leave on for 30 minutes, then rinse. Apply twice a day.

Suitable for:

- Scars after cesarean and other postoperative scars.

- keloids.

4. Silicone


If you have hypertrophic scars and keloids, you can also try bandages and silicone gels. Products containing silicone moisturize the skin and protect the affected areas from bacteria. As a result, the scar tissue appears flatter and softer. You can start using silicone patches 2 weeks after healing.

How to use:

The silicone gel should be applied twice a day until visible results are obtained.

Suitable for:

- hypertrophic scars;

- keloids.

5. Essential oils (sandalwood oil and lavender oil)

Natural pure sandalwood lavender essential oil

Essential oils contribute to the synthesis of collagen and have antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, astringent and healing properties. In particular, essential oils of sandalwood and lavender for regular use promote healing and regeneration of the skin.

How to use:

Rub the essential oil into the scar and note how it gradually becomes less visible.

Suitable for:

All kinds of scars.

6. Massage

Massage scar tissue soon

Another great and affordable way to heal scars on the skin is to massage the affected area with a liquid cream. If you massage the scar for 15 to 30 seconds several times a day, it will help break up the dense layers of collagen.

Suitable for:

- keloid scars;

- Cesarean section and other surgical scars.

7. Sunscreen

The best sunscreen 1097336424

Exposure to aggressive UV rays interferes with the healing of scars on the skin. They slow down the regeneration process and "help" your cells to produce pigments, forming brown spots and discoloration of the skin. Always use your favorite sunscreen with an SPF of 15 or higher.

Suitable for:

All kinds of scars and especially post-acne.

8. Onion extract

Onion extract

Due to its anti-inflammatory, antioxidant and antibacterial properties, gels for external use based on onion extract can soften scar tissue without side effects.

How to use:

Use an onion extract gel for hypertrophic scars 3 times a day at the start of the postoperative period.

Suitable for:

- burns;

- hypertrophic scars after surgical interventions.

- keloid scars

9. Apple cider vinegar + honey

Apple cider and honey

Due to its antimicrobial and antioxidant properties, apple cider vinegar is widely used as a natural disinfectant and astringent. It will not help you get rid of the scars completely, but will undoubtedly reduce them so that they become invisible.

How to use:

To avoid redness and inflammation, mix apple cider vinegar with natural honey and apply to the scars. Rinse off after 10 minutes.

Suitable for:

Acne scars.

10. Oils (olive oil and coconut oil)

Coconut oil vs olive oil

Natural vegetable oils have a wide range of excellent healing effects. For example, coconut oil contains lauric, caprylic and capric acids, which help repair damaged skin by stimulating the production of collagen. Olive oil is rich in vital vitamins that contribute to the healing process of acne scars, keeping the skin hydrated and nourishing.

How to use:

Try massaging the scar with olive or coconut oil for 5-10 minutes several times a day until you get the result you want.

Suitable for:

Acne scars.

11. Vitamin C and E

Vitamin c e

The body needs vitamin C and vitamin E as much, to promote the gradual disappearance of scars. To accelerate the synthesis of collagen, our skin needs vitamin C. It also helps to improve the elasticity of the skin, reduces redness and promotes wound healing. Vitamin, on the other hand, helps regenerate skin tissue cells more quickly and lighten scars, as do stretch marks. We simply apply vitamin E oil directly to the area to be treated, and this regularly to see results after a few weeks.

How to use:

Doctors recommend internal use (drinks) and external use (creams or oil).

Suitable for:

- acne scars;

- minor surgical scars.


Fortunately, many scars pass over time. However, to get rid of old, deep scars, you should consult your doctor, as no scar can be completely removed without serious invasive procedures. But, as they say, prevention is better than cure.

So here's what you can do with damaged skin to avoid scarring:

- Apply a moisturizer on the damaged area ;

- Always cover the wound with adhesive tape ;

- Avoid excessive exposure to the sun and apply sunscreen;

- Do not use any procedure on an open wound;

- Do not peel off the scab from the healing wound;

- Be consistent and patient.


To discover our natural remedy click here!