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best treatment for keloid removal

Get rid of keloid scars naturally

What are keloid scars and how to get rid of them?

By On 14/07/2020

Many people have keloid scars on their skin. They do not pose any danger, but they seem particularly impractical, especially in open areas of the body. Modern methods help to get rid of these ugly forms or at least make them less noticeable. Home treatment is an important aid in drug treatment. There are often situations in life where various injuries cause damage to the skin. Some of them heal quickly and leave almost no traces, but there are also wounds that affect the deeper layers of the skin and leave scars and scars after healing. Scars can also occur on healthy skin.

Keloid is an increase in connective tissue. In appearance, such scars resemble tumor-like forms with a reddish or bluish color.

Quite often, after serious injuries, ugly scars appear on the body, but an early visit to the doctor will help to correct this mistake. The shape of the scars may be different; Above the surface of the skin, you can see stars with sharp borders or long threads. The appearance of such scars is usually accompanied by pain and itching. Need to know. The peculiarity of tongue-shaped scars is their ability to constantly grow, which leads to a wound outside the borders.



What are the methods for treating keloids?

Keloid formation is a common problem because many are interested in how to remove scars, what is the most reliable way for this method? The fact is that keloidarar develops over a long period of time, over several months. Those with skin keloids complain of nose, skin tension, even painful feelings in the area where the scar has occurred. If there are similar symptoms, treatment with keloids is necessary.

Releasing the skin from the whiplash keloids must be done in a timely manner, otherwise, it will increase, the discomfort will increase. To date, therapeutic interventions have many techniques:

  • surgical intervention (extreme case);
  • drug treatment (corticosteroid injection, hyaluronic acid, use of special gels, ointments);
  • traditional medicine.



Peoples remedies

Horns after burning, surgery or biting are sometimes removed by folk procedures:

  • olive oil with propolate or honey, plus sea buckthorn oil, is used to significantly improve microcirculation;
  • such as compresses, lotions use fennel, geranium, chamomile, aloe, St. John's wort, mint (tinctures and tinctures, jams);
  • for therapeutic and prophylactic purposes, camphor oil is used, in which a damp cloth is applied to the sponge in the form of a compress;
  • To smooth the small keloids, you must use equal amounts of climber, St. John's wort, chamomile, nettles and aloe (collect two tablespoons of boiling water, leave to stand for a few hours, wash with a linen cloth)
  • improved skin resorption occurs within 2-3 months when melon seeds, eggshell and sunflower oil are prepared for the arm.




Natural remedy by medicinal plants against keloids

Keloid natural treatment

Our natural treatment to remove keloids is composed of 2 elements: a balm and a herbal tea. The anti keloid balm is a mild natural remedy, but very effective in eliminating keloids. It contains plants that regenerate the skin, which is excellent for the natural removal of keloids. It reduces the size of scars. It works by gently removing the top layer of damaged skin and promoting the growth of new cells. This natural remedy also reduces inflammation, calms itching, kills bacteria, fights infections and moisturizes the skin. As for the herbal tea, it strengthens the action of the balm. It is a natural solution to eliminate keloids without surgery.


After mechanical injuries, there is a risk of developing keloid scars, which have an unsightly appearance. Therefore, people spend a lot of money on expensive treatments to remove scar formations. Instead, you can use a more economical and effective method to combat keloid scars - folk remedies. Treatment of keloid scars at home is carried out as an additional therapy prescribed by a doctor.



What are the reasons for keloids?

Sometimes this happens for no apparent reason. Such formations are called major scars. Such defects appear on the back, neck, décolleté, headphones or chin.

The reasons for their occurrence may be:

  • genetic predisposition;
  • hormonal disorders in the body;
  • chronic diseases (especially common in tuberculosis);
  • previously damaged but not completely healed;
  • during pregnancy

The formation of a colloidal scar is often associated with inappropriate accumulation of wound edges due to infection or significant growth of connective tissue.

It can also be formed by self-healing of the affected areas; as a result of severe acne or an inappropriate suture.

Thus, secondary scarring results from moles (warts) or improper removal of skin disease as a result of mechanical injury, wear or cutting. In most cases, they are formed within a year and after burning for a few months.



What are the causes of keloid scars? 

Burns, insect bites, deep abrasions and cuts after skin healing can leave scars. If the defect is of a significant size or is in a visible place, it is unlikely that the person will like it. The cheloid scar is especially expressive and noticeable in the body.

Why has it evolved, what does it look like, and can it get rid of a harsh scar? This article addresses all the issues.



Methods of treatment and prevention of keloid scars

Vegetable ointment

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Making an ointment to smooth keloid scars at home begins with making a tincture.

You can use plants such as:

Take one or more factories at your discretion. 30 g of raw material is poured into a glass of vodka. The fence was tightly closed for 2 weeks in a cool place.

On day 15, the infusion is filtered and combined with the rendered fat - pork or horseradish. For 100 g of tincture, take 100 g of fat-based substance. The mixture is boiled in a steam bath for another 10 minutes, cooled and rubbed into the compacted tissue 3 times a day. The course is designed for 1 month.

Essential oils

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Think about how to remove keloid scars with essential oils. In equal parts, the mint oil is mixed alternately with neroli and rosemary oil. Another variant of the therapeutic mixture is rosewood oil + tea tree oil + spicy. Scar treatment takes place in the morning and evening.

Pea dough

pea dough | Scott Heimendinger | Flickr

Make a cake from warm milk and pea flour and apply to the scar for 1 hour. Use therapeutic dough every day.


How to Choose and Use Your Cabbage

Use cabbage, a natural source of vitamin E, to restore healed skin.

Several clean leaves are crushed and combined with kitchen honey. The correct amount of composition was applied to the multilayer gauze portion and attached to the scar for 3 hours. Place a layer of plastic between the gauze and the bandage. Manipulation takes place twice a day.

Melon and eggs

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Equal portions in one container mix the eggshell with the melon seeds. The components are diluted with vegetable oil kashytsepodobny mass. The keloid is applied to the finished composition only once a day, but for 2 months.


Sunflower oil (or corn, sea buckthorn, rosehip) is heated and combined with beeswax - 400 ml per 100 g. The preparation is weighed for 15 minutes on low heat, then cooled and smeared twice a day with scars.

Sophora jaapani keel

Sophora fruits need 2 cups.

They are crushed and combined with goose fat. The product is placed in a water bath and kept warm for 1.5 hours. For the next 3 days, the drug is heated for another hour and a half, and on day 4, the composition is allowed to boil. The ointment is then cooled and the healed tissues are processed without success.


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Althea's absorbing, anti-inflammatory and anti-edematous properties help fight keloids. 20 g of dry chopped root of the plant is poured into a glass of cold water and let the components stand in the morning (the composition is prepared in the evening). The finished product is applied to the scar at least 5 times a day. Mint is allowed in Althaea.