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best tisane to remove kidney stone



By On 02/03/2020

Kidney failure is a condition in which the kidneys lose the ability to remove waste and balance fluids.

Most common types of renal failure

  • Chronic kidney disease

    Longstanding disease of the kidneys leading to renal failure.

  • Acute renal failure

    A condition in which the kidneys suddenly can't filter waste from the blood.


The natural treatment for curing kidney failure is herbal tea. Herbal tea is a very effective natural remedy for cleaning the kidneys and removing kidney stones. It has already proven its effectiveness with dozens of cases of renal failure cured. This natural remedy is rich in minerals, proteins, vitamins and has diuretic properties, thus helping to promote kidney health and treat your kidney failure. This is very useful for increasing urine production and excretion. Also, our herbal tea has antioxidant and diuretic properties facilitating the regeneration of damaged kidney tissue, this will make your kidneys work better. Finally, our herbal tea is rich in plants that fight diabetes, obesity and high blood pressure. When you know that these are the main causes of kidney failure, it reassures you right away. This natural remedy is the quick fix for curing kidney failure.

Click here to find out more how to cure kidney failure naturally



♦ Take 2 parts of black elderberry bark and 1 part of cornflower and parsley root. Grind everything, mix. Pour 1 tbsp. tablespoon of the mixture with 2 cups of hot water, evaporate to half, strain and take 2 tbsp. tablespoons 3 times a day.

♦ Take 2 tbsp. tablespoons of flowers and leaves of Hypericum perforatum, 4 tbsp. tablespoons of flowers of meadowsweet, pour 4 cups of hot water, boil for 10 minutes. Then insist 2 hours under the lid, strain and take 1 glass 5 times a day.

♦ 5 tbsp. tablespoons of nettle leaves, 3 tbsp. tablespoons marshmallow root, 1 tbsp. mint leaves, 5 tbsp. tablespoons of violet tricolor grass, 4 tbsp. spoons of chamomile flowers, 3 tbsp. tablespoons of juniper fruits, 2 tbsp. tablespoons of flax seeds, 1 liter of water. Collection chop, mix, 2 tbsp. pour the collection spoons with boiling water, boil for 10 minutes, insist in a thermos for 12 hours, strain. Take ⅓ cup warm infusion 3-4 times a day 30 minutes before meals.

♦ Take 1 tbsp. spoonful of yarrow, lingonberry leaves, juniper fruits, St. John's wort grass, 1 liter of water. Collection chop, mix, 2 tbsp. pour the collection spoons with boiling water, boil for 10 minutes, insist in a thermos for 12 hours, strain. Take ⅓ cup warm infusion 3-4 times a day 30 minutes before meals. You can add honey and sugar to your taste.

♦ According to 1 tbsp. spoonful of lingonberry leaves, flax seeds, calendula flowers, tricolor violet grass, 1 liter of water. Collection chop, mix, 2 tbsp. pour collection spoons with boiling water, boil for 10 minutes, insist in a thermos for 12 hours, strain. Take ⅓ cup warm infusion 3-4 times a day 30 minutes before meals.

♦ 7 tbsp. tablespoons of oregano, 2 tbsp. tablespoons of birch buds, 3 tbsp. spoons of St. John's wort grass, 2 tbsp. spoons of mint leaves, 1 tbsp. spoon of eucalyptus leaves, 5 tbsp. tablespoons of knotweed grass, 1 liter of water. Collection chop, mix, 2 tbsp. pour the collection spoons with boiling water, boil for 10 minutes, insist in a thermos for 12 hours, strain. Take ⅓ cup warm infusion 3-4 times a day 30 minutes before meals.

♦ 1 tbsp. mint herb spoon, 6 tbsp. spoons of bearberry leaves, 5 tbsp. tablespoons of knotweed grass, 4 tbsp. tablespoons of St. John's wort, 2 tbsp. spoons of calamus root, dill seeds, 3 tbsp. tablespoons of Kuril tea, 1 liter of water. Collection chop, mix, 2 tbsp. pour collection spoons with boiling water, boil for 10 minutes, insist in a thermos for 12 hours, strain. Take ⅓ cup warm infusion 3-4 times a day 30 minutes before meals.

♦ 4 tbsp. tablespoons of horsetail grass, 3 tbsp. spoons of mint leaves, 1 tbsp. spoon of flax seeds, 5 tbsp. spoons of Veronica grass, St. John's wort grass, Ledum shoots, 1 liter of water. Collection chop, mix, 2 tbsp. pour collection spoons with boiling water, boil for 10 minutes, insist in a thermos for 12 hours, strain. Take ⅓ cup warm infusion 3-4 times a day 30 minutes before meals.

♦ According to 1 tbsp. spoonful of nettle grass, cornflower flowers, angelica roots, pear grass, 1 liter of water. Collection chop, mix, 2 tbsp. pour collection spoons with boiling water, boil for 10 minutes, insist in a thermos for 12 hours, strain. Take ⅓ cup warm infusion 3-4 times a day 30 minutes before meals.

Other treatments

♦ An excellent remedy for complex therapy is steam baths. It can be steamed well with hot water and thirty drops of oil (for example, eucalyptus). Such a folk recipe helps well, but it can not be used if the body temperature is elevated. The steam bath must be kept for about 20 minutes.

♦ Baths with various herbs: with mint or tea tree. This procedure will relax the muscles and improve blood circulation, including in the kidneys.

♦ Baths from birch bark, birch buds and oak bark. Shuffle the components in equal shares. Then pour 1 liter of water, boil for an hour. Pour the broth into the bath with warm water and lie in it for half an hour.

♦ Leeches. The therapeutic effect of the use of leeches is that the leech releases a large amount of biologically active substances into the human blood. One of them is hirudin, which helps to thin the blood, has an analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect, and reduces thrombosis. With kidney diseases, hirudotherapy is prescribed in the complex of treatment of chronic pyelonephritis, renal failure, cystitis. Leeches are placed on the area of ​​the kidneys. The course of treatment is 7-10 sessions. The leeches are carried out by a doctor who determines the number of leeches, the points of setting, the duration and number of sessions.

♦ Massage. With kidney diseases, segmental massage is often used (the back, lower back, and abdomen). The position of the patient lying on his stomach. Massage techniques of stroking, rubbing, easy striking are used. The duration of the massage session is 20-30 minutes, the course of treatment is at least 10 sessions daily or every other day. Massage helps improve blood circulation, has a thermal, analgesic effect. It is prescribed in the recovery period of treatment of renal diseases.