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Crohn s disease causes symptoms and holistic treatment

Crohn's Disease: Causes, Symptoms and Holistic Cure

stephany By On 26/10/2020 at 17:20

What is Crohn's disease all about? Do you have it?

Crohn's disease is an inflammatory bowel disease which causes inflammation in the digestive tract and can cause abdominal pain, severe diarrhea, weight loss and malnutrition. If you are a victim of this disease you are no stranger to these symptoms. However, with this Holistic Cure to treat Crohn's disease, you will be totally relieved from these symptoms with ease but not cured. This treatment will help you live a normal and happy life..


Africandoctor's holistic cure to treat Crohn's disease

Herbal remedy for crohn s disease

The holistic cure we propose to you for Crohn's disease is made of chamomile, Onion and other special herbs and recipes. This natural treatment will help to relax your inflammatory bowel irritation and swelling. Its healing properties help in restoring intestinal mucosa and controlling excess of loose stools. 

 These natural products are safe to use and produce no adverse effects on the body. 

  • The properties of this treatment manage weakness, fever and fatigue in patients with Crohn's disease.
  • This herbal powder reduces the severity of inflammation of the intestines and also improves digestion and treats the problem of loss of appetite.
  • The stimulating and carminative properties of the herbs treat the symptoms of Crohn's disease permanently.
  • These tablets manage the overall health of the intestines.

Click on this link to find out more about this treatment

To get this treatment, you can either pay directly on the site's through (PayPal) for Crohn's disease or contact / WhatsApp our herbal specialists @ +229 62 79 67 67 for more information.

We ship worldwide !! Thanks to our partner DHL EXPRESS. In addition, delivery is free and your treatment will be delivered to you within 72 hours. We also have representatives in Cameroon, Senegal, Ivory Coast, Mali, Congo, Central Africa, Niger, Togo and Benin. We give the greatest satisfaction to our patients and support them throughout their treatment period with good health advice.

Don't forget to sign in to our newsletter for updates on health tips and herbal treatments for your health concerns. In addition, get a 5% discount on your order


What are the Symptoms of Crohn's Disease

In general, Crohn's disease shows the following symptoms:

  • recurrent diarrhea
  • abdominal pain that gets worse when eating
  • weak or tired easily
  • unwanted weight loss
  • feel there is a lump in the stomach or stomach feels full
  • bleeding and mucus in bowel movements

The symptoms that arise can only occur one or all of them immediately. The levels vary, some have mild symptoms, some are very severe. These symptoms can also last for weeks or months.

There are times when someone with Crohn's disease experiences no symptoms at all or the symptoms they experience can be very mild for a long time. This stage is known as remission. However, remissions may return followed by periods of flare-ups , when symptoms become quite severe and troublesome.

Other symptoms that occur less frequently include:

  • fever (more than 38 degrees Celsius)
  • nausea
  • throw up
  • painful and swollen joints (arthritis)
  • eye irritation and inflammation (uveitis)
  • painful, red, swollen skin usually on the legs
  • sprue
  • stunted body growth in children 

Causes of Crohn's Disease

Until now, the exact cause of Crohn's disease is still unknown. Several studies mention a combination of factors that may contribute to this disease, such as:

  • genetic factors
  • A family history of having this disease will increase your risk of experiencing the same thing in the future.
  • Immune system
  • The inflammation that occurs can be caused by a problematic immune system. So, the body attacks the healthy bacteria in the intestines.
  • previous infection
  • Infections from other diseases that have been experienced can stimulate the immune system.
  • smoke
  • Crohn's disease sufferers who smoke show more severe symptoms than those who don't.
  • Environmental factor
  • This disease is common in western countries like the UK and less frequently in poor countries like Africa. There is a hypothesis that this disease is associated with a germ-free environment, so that the immune system is not fully developed.

Diagnosis of Crohn's Disease

To determine a diagnosis of Crohn's disease , the doctor will perform a physical examination and support. Blood tests that are done can determine the level of inflammation in the body and to determine the presence of infection and anemia (bleeding from the digestive system can cause anemia).

A stool sample will also be checked for mucus, blood, or other infections. Examinations to get a clearer picture can be done through endoscopy and colonoscopy, as well as examinations such as CT scans and MRI.

Over time, the inflammation can get worse. Therefore early diagnosis is very important. Various complications can occur if this disorder is not treated immediately, such as the condition of the intestine that can become narrowed, fistulas forming (the formation of an unusual connection between the intestine and the skin near the anus or vagina), and even life-threatening risks.


Medical Treatment of Crohn's Disease


Until now there is no specific type of treatment to cure Crohn's disease. The goal of drug administration is to stop the inflammatory process, relieve associated symptoms, and avoid surgery.

The first stage of treatment is aimed at relieving symptoms by using steroid drugs to reduce inflammation. If it doesn't help, immunosuppressant will be used. Other symptoms can be treated with anti-diarrhea, antibiotics, and other anti-inflammatory.

In some cases, surgery may be needed to remove the inflamed part of the intestine. When the main symptoms have been resolved (it can be considered to have entered the remission stage), further treatment is still carried out to maintain that stage with immunosuppressant.


Natural treatments for Crohn's disease


Add turmeric to the diet


Turmeric is a spice that is closely related to ginger. Turmeric is found in many curry dishes.

  • Research shows that using turmeric can reduce symptoms and the need for other medications in people with Crohn's disease. [1] With its anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties, turmeric has been used as a herbal remedy for Crohn's disease.
  • The general therapeutic dose of turmeric is 1-2 grams per day. Increasing your intake of foods such as a serving of chicken curry or curry rice is enough to meet your daily turmeric intake.

Young sunflower

Young sunflower heads need to be crushed and filled with alcohol. A glass of raw materials needs one and a half glasses of alcohol. Insist 10 days, and then take a dessert spoonful of tincture twice a day.

Sage Broth

Sage broth will help to quickly get rid of the symptoms of the disease. You need to take 100 g of dry or 200 g of fresh herbs with leaves and flowers, pour 3 glasses of water, simmer for 10-15 minutes. After insisting, the broth must be filtered and taken 3 times a day, 150 ml.


We deliver worldwide, thanks to our partner DHL EXPRESS, the delivery is free. We also have representatives in Cameroon, Senegal, Ivory Coast, Mali, Congo, Central Africa, Niger, Togo and Benin. We give the greatest satisfaction to our patients and support them throughout their treatment period.


IF YOU ARE A Victim of  Crohn's Disease, YOU ARE IN THE RIGHT PLACE !!

To contact our experts, please call or write to us at the following number, tel / WhatsApp: +229 62 79 67 67

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